
(翻译→‎Culture and religion:​ 部分,强调如果你需要通过教育来改变自己子女的文化与宗教,你除了要找到相应特质的导师,还需要给这些导师分封土地(最少是男爵)。
→‎传授文化与宗教:​ 修正格式
第17行: 第17行:

{{main|Religious conversion#Children's education}}

{{main|Religious conversion#Children's education|宗教皈依#儿童教育}}
*{{iconify|Diligent}} 勤奋之于文化和宗教, 
*{{iconify|Diligent}} 勤奋之于文化和宗教, 
第28行: 第28行:

{{red| 这意味着}}'''粗体文本''',如果你需要通过教育来改变自己子女的文化与宗教,你除了要找到相应特质的导师,还需要给这些导师分封土地(最少是男爵)。
''' 这意味着''',如果你需要通过教育来改变自己子女的文化与宗教,你除了要找到相应特质的导师,还需要给这些导师''' 分封土地''' (最少是男爵)。


2023年11月5日 (日) 16:57的版本

本文所指的是未激活 DLC icon Conclave.png 御前会议DLC的教育体系。需要查询已激活御前会议DLC情况下的教育体系,请查阅词条教育

Alert guardian.png教育是未成年角色获得特质和属性的过程。


  1. 直到6岁,孩子的成长都受到“家长”(教育者)的影响。主要的性格特质取决于孩子的婚姻类型。如果是普通婚姻,则父亲是家长;如果是入赘婚姻,则母亲是家长。
  2. Raised.png 在孩子6岁时,指定的监护人将接管几乎所有的教育事件,直到孩子16岁。
  3. 在16岁时,将根据最终监护人的教育分配特质。






  • Diligent.png 勤奋之于文化和宗教,
  • Zealous.png 狂热之于宗教,
  • Gregarious.png 合群之于文化.

负面特性 Slothful.png懒惰, Cynical.png愤世嫉俗 and Shy.png害羞 将会产生相反的效果.









Education traits

Upon turning 16 and becoming an adult, the character will receive an Education trait.

For each attribute there are four levels, ranging from mediocre to great. The highest level improves that attribute by a large amount, and is thus highly desirable. What education trait a character gets is semi-random, but usually in the same area as their guardian, and often at the same level as well.

The determination of the trait a child receives is hardcoded and not directly visible. Experimentation has shown that it only depends on the education trait of the guardian, which is therefore generally considered a very important factor when choosing a guardian:

  • guardian skills, personality traits or opinion have no influence
  • the length of time the guardian has educated the child has no impact
  • education traits from all attributes behave in the same way.

The probability of getting:

  • the same rank trait as the guardian is roughly 50%
  • a rank one step away from the guardians rank is roughly 15-30%
  • a rank two steps away from the guardians rank is roughly 5%-10%
  • a rank three steps away from the guardians rank is roughly 8%

Some more detailed results from experiments:

Tutor Child
Misguided warrior.png Tough soldier.png Skilled tactician.png Brilliant strategist.png Random other
Misguided warrior.png 53% 26% 8% 1% 8%
Tough soldier.png 23% 48% 13% 5% 8%
Skilled tactician.png 8% 13% 44% 10% 9%
Brilliant strategist.png 5% 7% 30% 51% 7%

Reference: Arumba's Education Trait Outcomes: An experiment

Personality traits

Personality traits are also gained during tutoring and help define the character. AI guardians will generally encourage their wards to have traits similar to their own, while players acting as guardians are mostly free to guide wards in any chosen direction.

Some traits that affect AI guardians are:

  • very good: Diligent.png, Kind.png, and Temperate.png guardians make good choices in many events.
  • good: Just.png guardians make good choices, and Proud.png guardians stay out of the way when the child is doing well naturally.
  • mediocre: Zealous.png guardians are good at making children Zealous, but leave almost everything else up to chance.
  • bad: Gluttonous.png, Arbitrary.png, Cruel.png, Wroth.png, and Craven.png
  • terrible: Slothful.png

For detailed calculations, see Evaluation of guardian traits.

Effects on guardians

Many events have options with effects on guardians:

  • Lose Zealous.png or Cynical.png, by approving of a child gaining the opposite trait
  • Gain 5 piety by choosing religious options such as praying (requires not being Cynical.png)
  • Lose 5 prestige by encouraging a child to have certain traits opposite from your own

Many events allow skilled guardians to improve ward stats, but a handful allow skilled guardians to improve their own stats:

  • When a child naturally gains Honest.png or Kind.png, the guardian can gain 1 diplomacy if already 10+
  • When a child naturally gains Patient.png, the guardian can gain 1 intrigue if already 10+
  • Each event can only fire if the child does not have the trait or its opposite
  • Each event can only fire if the child has fewer than 5 personality traits
  • Each event is 10x more likely to fire for Genius.png children, and 2x more likely to fire for quick or weak children.


Choose guardians based on the stats and traits you want each character to have:

  • Your heir should be a likable ruler with strong stats.
  • Vassals should be Content.png, share your culture, and share positive personality traits with your heir.
  • Claimants on your titles should be managed carefully, lest they become adventurers or gain faction support.
  • Dynastic claimants on foreign realms should be encouraged to become adventurers, so you can join their war and gain an ally.
  • Future cardinals and antipopes should be virtuous, pious, and generally likable.
  • Future council members should be strong in their primary attribute.
    • Future spymasters should also have high ai_honor so they don't help murder your kids, but this tends to conflict with having high intrigue skill...

Educate heir yourself: you have much better control over a child's personality this way than by choosing a guardian. Once the child has 5 personality traits, you can safely send them to another tutor for better stats or education trait. (this is no longer a guarantee, there have been reports of a 6th, or even 7th trait before the age of 16)

Always have two wards: choices in the events can help your character, especially if you don't care about the child's well-being.

Look for guardians with Tier 4 education traits: having such a tutor in the last year gives the child a good chance to pick up the same education, for +9 in one stat and +2 in two others.

If you pick a guardian outside your own court, be careful with guardians of other religions/cultures, unless you actually want to switch religion/culture. If both the guardian and the owner of the court the guardian is in (the same person if the guardian themself is landed) is of a different culture/religion, your child may switch. Note that if you are a child, you can choose to avoid the culture- and religion-changing events, so you can have a different-culture guardian without danger of being unwillingly converted.

Choose an appropriate education for your heir, depending on circumstances:

Type Usefulness
Grey eminence.png Diplomacy
Brilliant strategist.png Martial
  • Large boost to demesne levies
  • Lead armies personally for prestige and control over commander traits, if willing to risk capture or injury
  • Health boost increases likelihood of a long reign, especially if you stay out of combat
Midas touched.png Stewardship
  • Boost to demesne limit, potentially giving you more troops and taxes
  • Improved fertility helps expanding a yet small dynasty.
Elusive shadow.png Intrigue
  • Useful when not independent, to plot your way to the throne.
  • Useful for Patricians to assassinate stronger candidates and stay in power.
  • Goes well with two powerful focuses, Seduction and Intrigue focus, and can be leveled up by those focuses
Mastermind theologian.png Learning

See also

个人属性 属性特质虔诚威望文化宗教家族称号好感
行为 外交决议教育婚姻/生育摄政人情
目标 派系野心阴谋生活重心
恶行 刺杀暴政驱逐处决逮捕剥夺头衔贿赂
其他 内阁廷臣疾病继承同盟