- 随机事件包括:
- 仅花费400来建造一座城堡的机会(实际成本可能有所不同,甚至有可能会失败,财政总管的财政能力高于5会提高成功率)
- 紧张不安或沮丧消沉
- 其他一些不重要的事件(一个被指控谋杀的农民,两个封臣间的贵族矛盾,一个封臣的农场火灾,领地中发现女巫,酗酒的封臣,城市赞助者)
- 事件成功后,有机会:
- 获得公正,勤奋,或者野心勃勃
- 失去专断,懒惰或者安于现状
- 财政教育特质等级升级
- 发展成管理者(+3财政,+10%移动速度)的生活特质
- 有时候会开启铸币事件链。
- 有时候会开启贸易事件链。
- 建立一条贸易商路,就有机会使财政教育特质等级升级。
- 获得建筑家(+2财政,+1军事,+20%围攻速度)或园丁(+2财政,+1学识)的生活特质
- 紧张不安
- 不能是独身主义者
- 不能是修士
- 不能是修女
- 不能是印度宗教的苦修者
- 解锁勾引行动,来提升关系、滚床单或/和成为情人
- 额外的随机事件,包括妇女越狱
- 事件成功后,有机会:
- 升级密谋教育特质
- 获得欲望或者失去忠贞
- 好得闲修正“宫廷种马”或“宫廷狐狸精”(+1密谋,+10性吸引力)
- 之后升级为“入门的勾引者”,再然后升级为“勾引大师”(进一步提高性吸引力)
- 选择升级方向
- 魅惑大师或者勾引大师(+2密谋,+1外交,+50性吸引力)
- 享乐主义者(+2外交,+1密谋+2,+20%生育能力)
+3密谋 +5%阴谋力量
- 解锁跟踪调查行动,可以发现阴谋或者其他逮捕理由。
- 解锁行动帮助越狱。
- 事件成功后,有机会:
- 升级密谋教育特质
- 获得狡诈或者失去诚实
- 升级为“业余的谋士”,之后升级为“谋士”
- 选择以下一项
- 密谋大师(+3密谋)生活特质
- 拷打爱好者(+2密谋,+1学识,+10%士气打击)生活特质
- 解锁决议举办狩猎。
- 每年都有机会开启史诗级狩猎
- 猎人(+2军事,+1外交,+20%追击速度)生活特质
- 失去或者获得紧张不安
- 获得健壮或者失去脆弱/虚弱
+3军事 +10个人实战能力
- 解锁行动挑战角色来决斗
- 有效目标包括仇敌、敌人、被绝罚的角色和腐化的角色
- 决斗失败可能导致受伤甚至于残废
- 通过随机训练事件或决斗获胜,有机会:
- 获得易怒或者失去耐心
- 获得勇敢或者失去怯懦
- 获得健壮或者失去脆弱/虚弱
- 获得决斗者的生活特质
- 通过赢得随机的战争游戏事件来获得策略家的生活特质
- 随机的升级军事教育特质的机会
- 随机获得领袖特质的机会和/或传授这些给你的你的指挥官的机会
- 在以下两个中选择
- 决斗者(+3军事,+30个人实战能力)生活特质
- 策略家(+2军事,+1财政,+20%防御)生活特质
- 解锁邀请狂欢行动,使你可以举办私人宴会。
- 建立友谊,与客人同睡
- 失去紧张不安沮丧消沉
- 各种各样的增加外交和好感的角色修正
- 在以下三个中选择
- 享乐主义者(+2外交,+1密谋,+20%生育能力)生活特质
- 社交者(+3外交,+10性吸引力)生活特质
- 游戏大师(+2外交,+1军事,+30%狭窄阵线)生活特质
- 提升的关系,也有可能成为恋人:
- 提升关系,也有可能建立友谊:
- 仅提升关系:
- 事件成功后,有机会:
- 升级外交教育特质
- 获得骄傲或者失去谦卑
- 升级成“居家男人/ 女人”, 进而成为“族长/女族长”
- 在以下两个中选择:
- 社交者(+3外交,+10性吸引力)生活特质
- 游戏大师(+2外交,+1军事,+30%狭窄阵线)生活特质
- 科技点事件发生更频繁(例如,间谍总管学习科技)
- 解锁决议建立天文台, 这能带来:
- 狡诈, 勤奋, 紧张不安,+1学识
- 在以下两个中选择:
- “学习星象”:军事科技点数,愤世嫉俗,狂热,勇敢和学者的生活特质(+3学识)
- “怪人”:文化科技点数,多疑的,精神错乱和神秘主义者生活特质(+2学识+1财政)
- 允许基督徒或者印度宗教组使用决议朝圣:
- 朝圣者特质
- 2-3个可以给其他特质的随机事件,大多数都是有好处的
- 一些少见的随机事件:
- 选择成为狂热的(包括一个隐藏选项基于访问一个控制下的圣地)
- 选择成为愤世嫉俗
- 选择获得一个随机的国内异教宗教组的同情者特质
- 选择获得神学家生活特质(+2学识,+1密谋)
- 失去紧张不安或者沮丧消沉
- 进行宗教隐修以成为一个更好的人。可能会失去以下特质:暴食,懒惰,酒鬼,欲望,忠贞(不是基督徒或者印度宗教),梅毒,精神错乱(有可能成为恶魔附身),如果开启超自然事件组,甚至可以消除致盲或者麻风病人。一些选项也会给予虔诚或者获得温和或勤奋。
- 等级:
- “业余管家”(+1财政)
- “管理人” (+2财政)
- 管理者(+3财政)
- 基于成为管理者,同时也能获得:
- “受敬重的统治者”(+10封臣好感),如果财政能力大于等于8
- “传奇智者”(+1每月威望增长),如果财政能力大于等于12
- “大法王”(+2财政),如果信仰耆那教
- 省份修正“采石场”降低建设成本持续80年
- 随机
- 这有利于管理更多的直属封臣,因为一些事件需要:
- 一个酒鬼封臣
- 两个互相憎恨的封臣
- 城市封臣和一个非城市封臣
- 受敬重的统治者”和“传奇智者”在切换重心后依然有效。
- 等级:
- “有志商人”(+1财政)
- “商人” (+2财政)
- 园丁(+2财政,+1学识)
- 建筑师(+2财政, +1军事)
- 塔:
- “高塔”(+1每月威望增长,+5大众好感)
- 省份修正“斜塔”(城市税收修正=0.15)
- 迷宫花园:
- “喷泉”, “奢华的喷泉”(+0.5或者+1每月威望增长)
- “凉亭”(+3大众好感)
- “壮美的迷宫”(+1外交)
- “有志成为园丁”(+1财政)——可以升级成园丁,与等级进展分别计算
- 贸易:
- “商业联络”(+10城镇观点)
- 省份修正“商路”(增加部落、城市和城堡的税收)
- 随机
- 在两年内,在以下的满足条件的事件链中选择一条
- 如果你已经有生活特质了,建立高塔或者迷宫花园的事件链将不可用
- 塔和迷宫的事件链是互斥的,完全一个另一个就不可用
- 游牧或者部落政体的统治者不能选择建塔事件链
- 不能是一个在指挥军队的将领
- Levels:
- Aspiring Seducer (+15 sex appeal)
- Seducer (+30 sex appeal)
- or (+2 intrigue, +1 diplomacy, +50 sex appeal)
- Random
- Bodyguard lover (+1 martial and +10% plot discovery chance)
- Maidservant Lover (+1 intrigue and +10% plot discovery chance)
- On success, e.g. in targeted seduction:
- Court Vixen or Court Tomcat (+1 intrigue, +10 sex appeal)
- For opinion boosts: seduce characters who are lustful and have unattractive genetic traits
- For tumble attempts: seduce characters with a clear kitchen-meeting strategy
- To be safe if you leave a note: don't seduce unlanded spouses of rulers
- Levels:
- Amateur Schemer (+1 intrigue)
- Schemer (+2 intrigue)
- (+3 intrigue)
- Mostly from success in Spy On action
- From Going on a Grand Hunt :
- From epic hunt:
- The white <animal> eludes me... (+1 martial)
- Master hunter (+1 martial, +0.1 monthly prestige)
- (+2 martial, +1 diplomacy)
- From pet dog:
- Pet hunting dog (+1 health, +1 diplomacy)
- Training your dog removes , adds , or adds 1 health
- If on death of dog, allows constructing Pyramid in capital (-5% revolt risk)
- Grand hunt:
- Must be male
- Must be Christian or Pagan
- You can do 2-3 hunts per season.
- Epic hunt:
- Random opportunities
- White [stag, bear, tiger, or lion] depending on location
- Pet dog:
- Random
- Training your dog does not require continued Hunting focus
- You only train the dog once, so if you want the extra health, become diligent first
- Duelist levels:
- Warrior (+1 martial, +10 personal combat skill)
- Great Warrior (+2 martial, +20 personal combat skill)
- (+3 martial, +30 personal combat skill)
- Strategist levels: (can get character modifiers after gain the lifestyle trait)
- Student of Strategy (+1 martial)
- Adept of Strategy (+1 martial, +1 stewardship)
- (+2 martial, +1 stewardship)
- Chance when you win duels and in random events
- Must be at peace to duel
- Can progress toward through war game random event chain
- Carousing levels:
- Carouser (+1 diplomacy)
- Dedicated Carouser (+2 diplomacy)
- (+2 diplomacy, +1 intrigue) or (+3 diplomacy)
- Gaming levels:
- Apprentice Boardgamer (+1 diplomacy)
- (+2 diplomacy, +1 martial).
- You level up in carousing each time you host a party
- To make gaming more likely, invite a as a guest
- Must be at peace to carouse
- Levels: (can get character modifiers after gain the lifestyle trait)
- Family Man/Woman (+10% fertility)
- Family Patriarch/Matriarch (+1 diplomacy, +20% fertility, +5 church opinion)
- (+3 Diplomacy, +10 Sex appeal opinion) or (+2 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +30% battlefield Narrow Flank)
Chance on success in focus events:
- It helps to have a family large enough that you have a valid target (or pair) for each event:
- Sibling; parent; child; spouse; 2 minor children; 2 adult relatives
- helps in many events
- Seduction level helps in spouse event
- Studying the Stars (+1 learning) if you cancel the focus
- Heliocentrist Scholar (+2 learning) or (+3 learning)
- Weird Scholar (+1 learning, +1 stewardship) or (+2 learning, +1 stewardship)
From building an observatory
- Levels:
- Religious Studies (+1 learning)
- Religious Philosopher (+2 learning)
- (+2 learning, +1 intrigue)
- Christians can also collect the special trait
- 优先提升角色短板能力,因为所选野心的事件可以提高你的基础能力值
- 磨练你角色的长处以获得议会席位
- 调整生活重心以提高你的教育水平(例如,外交能力对应家庭和宴会、密谋能力对应勾引和阴谋、财政能力对应统治和商业)
Managing traits
Focuses are a fairly easy way to gain positive traits and lose negative or less desirable ones:
- Lose and gain , and from Rulership
- Gain from Business
- Lose and gain from Seduction
- Lose and gain from Intrigue
- Gain or +1 health and lose and from Hunting
- Gain and from War
- Lose and from Carousing
- Gain , , , or from Scholarship
- Gain from Theology
However, some focuses can also cause characters to gain negative traits; remember that gaining a trait which is "opposite" of one which you currently have will remove the current trait as well.
Choose your lifestyle trait carefully
- or , if you want a very large family. Compared to the level-2 character modifier, it gives +20 sex appeal and a special bedding option.
- , if spying is crucial to your strategy. Compared to the level-2 character modifier, it makes spying significantly faster.
- , if your stewardship is 8 or higher, and you want the +10 vassal opinion
Consider Business before getting a lifestyle trait
The Business focus tower and maze events give great character modifiers, but can only fire if you do not have a lifestyle trait. Note that these event chains can get very expensive if your income is high.
Choose complementary leadership & lifestyle traits
- stacks with .
- stacks with .
- stacks with .
- Most combat specializations go well with (+20% defense) or (+20% pursuit).
Change focus depending on your needs
- Troops: War gets you demesne levies. Seduction helps form NAPs and Carousing helps turn NAPs into alliances. Intrigue gets you faction members.
- Cash: Business lets you invest in potentially lucrative opportunities. War gets you loot. Intrigue gets you ransoms.
- Vassal opinion: Carousing (+100 from friendships), Rulership (+20 from , , respected ruler), Business (+8 from tower and pavilion), War (+10 from , ), Scholarship (+10 from , , and possibly more), Theology (+5 from for Christians). Even Intrigue helps, by giving +3 realm opinion per rank of prisoner released for 30 months, or by letting you replace your vassals.
Use a sequence of focuses to improve your health
- Seduction to improve health in many ways
- Establish affairs with kind/diligent characters: if you are not getting along with your wife, lovers can invite you to a getaway. This gives you +1 health for 1 year, and perhaps more importantly, can remove stressed/depressed. The event will trigger more often if you have many lovers, if your lovers are , and if your lovers are .
- Establish affairs with old/dying characters: can find a Lover's Memento (+0.5 health), if you have The Reaper's Due
- Establish rivalries with jealous husbands, if you plan to duel while using the War focus
- Establish a large family, so your Court Physician can more easily gain the trait and the "received professional praise" opinion modifier
- War or Hunting for chance of trait; Hunting can help lose /
- More chances if you duel, at the risk of or
- Best in or near the Byzantine empire, where there are many blind characters: they are unlikely to win duels.
- Scholarship and/or Rulership risks (additional risk for for Rulership), but can allow you to pick up and other great traits.
- Carousing if you still need to de-stress yourself (or your relatives)
- Hunting at old age (+1 health while focus is active, +1 health for dog's lifespan, +1 health permanently for training dog while diligent)
Avoid peacetime focuses when war is likely
The following focuses are more useful when at peace:
- Carousing focus: "Invite to Carousing" requires peace.
- Theology focus: "Go on a Pilgrimage" (Christian/Dharmic) requires peace.
- Hunting focus: "Hold a Grand Hunt" requires peace. The demesne levy boost is useful before war, but less so during war.
- War focus: "Challenge to Duel" requires peace.
Furthermore, some focuses are less useful if you plan to lead troops:
- Business focus: most events won't fire while leading troops
- Seduction focus: targeted seduction tombola is skipped if leading troops
- War focus: training events (MTTH) won't fire while leading troops
- Family focus: events to improve relations won't fire while leading troops
Consider not only whether you plan to initiate a war, but also whether you are likely to be pulled into one:
- Your factions are likely to rebel
- Your provinces are likely to revolt, especially with dangerous religious or liberation revolts
- Your allies are subject to faction rebellion
- Your allies are likely to go to war and request help. They will request help until combined strength is 1.5 times the enemy's.
See also