游牧部族(英文:Hordes)或许是王国风云2中最危险的敌人。他们可以利用部族入侵的 宣战理由,并拥有甚至增益事件部队。游牧部族领袖总是在其军队成型前以无地角色出现,除非你开始游戏前他就已经存在。
马扎尔人与其他游牧部族有点不同,开启逝往神灵扩展包的867年开局中,他们在喀尔巴阡山脉东部拥有大量土地,领主Álmos Árpád与它约8,000人的强大事件生成部队已然登场。他以部族入侵匈牙利的CB从对抗保加利亚国王开始。虽然保加利亚是东正教国家,但匈牙利王国的法理领土仍然是以长生天信仰为主,以及一些天主教的斯洛维亚和克罗地亚地区。
- 所有人都收到匈牙利成立的事件提醒。
- 马扎尔人的领主:
- 成为匈牙利国王。至此,部落制的马扎尔王国谢幕,完成了历史使命。然而,它的法律和历史被复制到了匈牙利。
- 获得称号“伟大者”(除非他已有称号),以及1000金币和1000威望。
- 迁都到佩斯,必要时篡夺它。在按下决议按钮之前,或许你该把先佩斯公国收入囊中。
- 失去其所有宣称。在按下决议按钮之前,先看看你所关心的宣称。
- Three stacks of troops spawn in Pest, the number of which seems to be twice the size of the king's maximum levies. If you wait to conquer the entire de jure Kingdom of Hungary before using this decision, this gives you a huge number of troops. They have 60% of normal attrition.
- All provinces in the realm in the de jure Kingdom of Hungary convert to the king's religion and Hungarian culture.
- In the parts of the realm in the de jure kingdoms of Taurica, Ruthenia, Cumania and Alania:
- 6 random provinces change culture and religion to that of a random non-Hungarian neighbour.
- Any province not owned by a player or the king is usurped by a randomly generated 25 year old male peasant leader of the province's culture and religion. They are easy pickings for anyone who cares to go conquering them.
The Magyars are generally less aggressive than other hordes. The AI forms Hungary as soon as possible, so their event armies are not huge and their expansion is not incredibly fast. Because of the huge number of troops, the Magyars are a common choice for a world conquest.
One of three "adventurer" style hordes, they are unlike other hordes in many ways. First, instead of appearing off the edge of the map with unstoppable death stacks, they instead appear in someone's court, gain prominence, and then go on an adventure.
In the year 965 or soon after, Seljuk will appear in the court of a landed duke+ ruler whose culture is Turkish, Cuman, Uyghur, or Karluk. (If no such rulers exist, Seljuk cannot spawn.) If the game rule "Turkic Conquerors" is set to "Random", Seljuk may appear as soon as 809.
The newly created Seljuk is 18, has Turkish culture and the same religion as his liege, and is the founder of his eponymous dynasty. About 4 years later, he will get an event to begin his adventure. He will decide among three counties around Khorasan – Tus, Merv, Dihistan – whichever is not controlled by his top liege. (Seljuk will not get this event if he is , , a , or a king. This event is limited to Seljuk himself; if Seljuk is dead, his descendants are not eligible.)
Seljuk's adventure will then start. He will gain 500 gold and a ducal-level temporary title (if unlanded). He will gain a large amount of event troops: about 2x his target, with a minimum of 3,000 and a maximum of 60,000. He will declare war on the top liege of the decided target county, using the adventurer CB, even if landed. The event troops will spawn in his liege's capital if Seljuk isn't landed, and in his own capital if he is landed. His old liege will be notified of this. As he did historically, he will convert to Sunni when setting out on his conquests (if he isn't already Muslim).
Upon victory, Seljuk will receive the conquered duchy. He will lose 25 decadence (if he's still Muslim), gain 1000 prestige, and spawn 6 stacks of 5098 troops of the exact composition of the Mongol's troop stacks. Unless he has a player as a liege, he will become independent and gain a titular empire called "Seljuk Empire".
Seljuk and his descendants will then usually conquer as much land as possible, often using the special Manifest Destiny Invasion CB.
Additionally, between 980 and 1100, one of Seljuk's successors may receive reinforcement troops, with a higher chance of happening if he/she has high Martial. If the event fires, he/she will lose 75 decadence and receive 4 stacks of 5098 of the same composition as before. He/She will also receive up to 3 additional stacks if he/she has high Martial. He/She will receive 1 additional stack with a Martial of 9, 2 with 11, and 3 with 13.
- Starting on 1 January 965, frequently search for "Seljuk" in the character finder. By noticing exactly when Seljuk spawns, it is possible to:
- Predict his attack date
- Invite him before he gains a council position, so he doesn't attack you (or even expands your realm for you). He's a Zealous Sunni, so you will need high State Diplomacy to bribe him enough to buy a favor.
- If you control Tus, Merv, or Dihistan, it may be wise to grant those counties independence. Then Seljuk won't target you initially, and more importantly, he won't get as many troops. Alternatively, you can induce these counties to rebel and be ready to enforce demands against them when Seljuk begins his attack.
在965到1010年之间,可能出现一位名叫苏布克特勤(Sabuktigin )的杰出军事家。他只会以公爵或更高等级的身份,在控制着迦布罗王国部分地区(具体来说是伽色尼、博斯特、曼德什几个省份)的伊斯兰势力下登场。如果游戏规则“突厥征服者”设置为“随机”,萨布克特勤最早可能在809年登场。
Between the years of 1000 and 1200, an existing character may set out to found the Sultanate of Rum through a three-step invasion. The character must be an Altaic Muslim man, and his liege must also be Altaic and hold court in the de jure kingdoms of Mesopotamia, Persia, Syria, or Armenia. Characters from the Seljuk dynasty and demon children are especially likely to get this event.
The adventurer first targets a non-Muslim realm for a duchy in the Kingdom of Armenia or the Duchy of Azerbaijan. After 2 years warning, the adventurer gets 1.5 match_mult troops and declares war for the duchy. If successful, he will invade the Kingdom of Armenia with additional event troops, followed by invading Byzantine Empire for the Kingdom of Anatolia.
If the aspiring adventurer is thwarted from even declaring his first war, another may take his place after at least 10 years have passed. However, once the first war is launched, only this specific character can launch the subsequent invasions, and only while independent and at peace. By unlanding him or keeping him locked in war, it is possible to thwart his larger ambitions.
The Mongol Empire, led by Genghis Khan Temujin, starts with all but one province of the kingdoms of Mongolia and Khotan, as well as the duchies of Zhetysu and Samarkand. They start with a Mongol Invasion of the Sultanate of Persia, and about 51,000 event troops in the 1220 "The Mongols" start. They, like the Magyars, are playable in ironman mode without cheats. Their initial holdings are nearly all nomadic, with the exception of the feudal duke of Karashar in the de jure kingdom of Khotan.
Temujin initially appears as the new ruler of the Khaganate of Khangai in 1196 and as the ruler of the newly created Mongol Empire in 1204, covering the kingdom of Mongolia and part of Khotan.
A number of holdings trigger a special event when sacked by the Mongols:
- Barony of 基辅 (County Capital), County of Kiev, Grand Principality of Kiev
- Barony of 斯摩棱斯克 (County Capital), County of Smolensk, Grand Principality of Smolensk
- City of 诺夫哥罗德 (County Capital), Grand City of Novgorod, Most Serene Republic of Novgorod
- Barony of Krakow (County Capital), County of Krakow, Kingdom of Poland
- Bishopric of Esztergom, County of Esztergom, Duchy of Esztergom, Kingdom of Hungary
South-East Europe:
- Barony of 君士坦丁堡 (County Capital), County of Constantinople, 拉丁帝国
- Barony of 雅典 (County Capital), County of Atheniai, 希腊公国
- Barony of Belgrade (County Capital), County of Belgrade, 匈牙利王国
- City of Wien, County of Wien, 奥地利公国, 神圣罗马帝国
- Barony of Prag (County Capital), County of Prag, 波希米亚公国, 波希米亚王国, 神圣罗马帝国
- City of 亚琛, County of Jülich, Prince-Archbishopric of Köln, 神圣罗马帝国
- City of 巴黎, County of Paris, 法兰西王国
- City of 伦敦, County of Middlesex, 英格兰王国
- Barony of Lisboa (County Capital), County of Lisboa, 葡萄牙王国
- Bishopric of 罗马 (County Capital), Prince-Bishopric of Roma, 教廷属邦
- City of Venezia (County Capital), Grand City of Venezia, 威尼斯至尊共和国
- Mosque of 巴格达, Sheikhdom of Baghdad, Emirate of Baghdad (Abbasid)
- Mosque of 大马士革, Sheikhdom of Damashq, Emirate of Damashq, 埃及苏丹国(Ayyubid)
- Mosque of 耶路撒冷, Sheikhdom of Jerusalem, Emirate of Jerusalem, 埃及苏丹国(Ayyubid)
- Mosque of 麦加, Sheikhdom of Mecca, Emirate of Hijaz, 埃及苏丹国(Ayyubid)
- Mosque of Alexandria, Sheikhdom of Alexandria, Emirate of Alexandria, 埃及苏丹国(Ayyubid)
- Wilayah of 开罗 (County Capital), Sheikhdom of Cairo, 埃及苏丹国(Ayyubid)
Only appears with the 日落入侵 DLC active, and there is additionally a rule to turn them off. Between 1250 and 1350 and with increasing likelihood past 1320, a randomly generated Nahuatl/Aztec character appears in one of ten Atlantic provinces with the Aztec Empire title (only the province's owner sees this event). Within 7 days rumors start to spread of people from across the Atlantic attempting to buy land (everyone sees this event).
至少2年后, 12 to 21 regiments of 5,400 troops ( 轻步兵,重步兵和弓兵) spawn in this province and declare a tribal invasion on its liege for the de jure kingdom containing it. If they land in Iceland or the British Isles, they also get ships. Another similarly sized wave spawns in another Atlantic province that it doesn't already own an average of two years later and declares another tribal invasion there. All of these event troops, if they've survived, disband about 50 years after the Aztecs first arrive.
Timur Timurid arrives as a courtier in any duke or higher Mongol realm in the de jure Empire of Persia between 1350-1370. If the game rule "Turkic Conquerors" is set to "Random", Timur may appear between as soon as 1200. Following the same pattern as Seljuk did, he will start his adventure after 9 years, using an adventurer CB against the owner of (in descending order and part of a different realm): Merv, Khorasan, or an equal chance of one of three provinces (Dihistan, Samarkand, Balkh). He starts with roughly two times his target's troops, although no lower than 3000 and no higher than 60,000. Upon success, he creates the Empire-level titular title of the Timurids and will gain new event troops totaling about 40,000, with a 50% chance each of six more armies of 5,098.
From the year 1370, any king or higher independent leader of the Timurid dynasty has a chance at triggering a "revitalization" event, decreasing decadence by 75, and spawning 35,000 new troops, with an addition 10,000 with each level of martial skill at 9, 11, and 13.
- 不要开启 日落入侵 (or alternatively, turn the rule off) 如果阿兹特克人可以灭了你(e.g., 1250 年在爱尔兰岛开局 )
- Expand quickly so you're powerful enough to hold them off, or at least have holdings in multiple de jure kingdoms so you won't be wiped in one war.
- 知道 游牧部族将会于何时何地到达
- For "off-map hordes", you will be notified several years before the armies arrive
- For "courtier hordes", periodically search for the created characters, starting in their earliest creation year.
- Assassinate horde leaders before they launch their attacks or gain heirs
- If you can't beat them, join them
- Convert to their religion, ideally before they gain the ability to revoke your titles through Medium Tribal Organization or Medium Crown Authority.
- Convert to their culture, and use Tribal Invasion yourself!
- Send missionaries to convert the Mongol hordes to your religion
- Especially if your religion is Christian, so they lose their dreaded "Tribal Invasion" CB (inaccurate for last versions!)
- Marry for a non-aggression pact or even an alliance
- Grind them down
- Most hordes get a limited number of reinforcement event troops
- 如果你足够幸运,金帐汗国与伊尔汗国会互相征伐
- 等他们灭亡
- 40 年后, the first two Mongol hordes have a high chance of converting to a province religion
- 1350 年后, the Mongols and Aztecs are susceptible to the usual internal factions
- This makes 1350 a good time to assassinate Horde leaders (if the Hashshashin don't beat you to it)
- After the year 1350, organized religions can send missionaries to Aztecs