This page is intended to assist with editing the CKII Save File. Before editing save files, it is highly recommended that you create a copy of the files in question. Simple mistakes made while editing can make a save file unplayable. Save-game editing is IMPOSSIBLE on ironman.
File locations
- Mac:
~/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/save games/
- Linux:
~/.paradoxinteractive/Crusader Kings II/save games/
- Windows:
C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\save games
Save files will be compressed (ZIP format) unless you uncheck the box when saving. Autosaves and quick saves are not compressed. The encoding of the save file is Windows-1252.
Editing Characters
Any character in the game can be edited very easily. Any aspect of a character including stats, traits and prestige/piety can be changed. You can open save files in Notepad, but they will take several minutes to load. A more advanced text editor such as Notepad++ is therefore recommended.
In order to edit a character you must first locate them within the file. The Character ID of the player character can be found at the very top of the save file. Other Character IDs can be found in a non-ironman game by using the charinfo console command. When you have the character ID, search the document using Ctrl+F and type in the Character ID followed by =.
(EXAMPLE: 31443=)
If you do not know this number, then simply run a search for the name of the character and cross reference information like birth dates, parent names, or traits (this requires knowing the trait codes). This becomes a lot easier if the character has an uncommon name.
(EXAMPLE: bn="charactername")
The section below, Save File Contents, can help you identify if you are in the right spot.
Once you find the character you are looking for, you can edit any of their features. Numerical values such as health, base stats and fertility are very easy to alter. Traits must be added using their numerical ID as opposed to actual name.
If your character has moved capitals already and you wish to allow them to do it again, change the "moved_capital" variable to "yes" instead of "no", then choose your new capital from within the game. This is very helpful if your landed son inherits from you, as the inheritance causes them to change capitals. Given that rulers normally suffer a prestige penalty for having unlanded sons, most players opt to give them land, only to discover they're stuck with their current capital when the father dies.
In order to create a marriage you need both Character IDs. You must search for each character and add the line:
spouse = ID
where the ID is the other characters ID. This will marry the two characters in game. For a free divorce from a non-matrilineal marriage, simply remove this section. In order to divorce a matrilineal marriage, you will also need to remove the section outlined below.
Matrilineal marriage
If you want a matrilineal marriage you will need to add to the relation={} section of the save file. As an example, let's take 1500 as the husband's ID, and 2800 as the wife's ID. Add this to the relation section:
relation= { ... diplo_1500= { 2800= { succession=yes } } ...
If you wish to turn a matrilineal marriage into a normal one, simply find and delete those lines.
Save File Contents
This is the order of content within the Save File. This can help the user navigate the areas of the file that they are trying to access.
Player Info
Dynasties [Section begins with dynasties=]
ID# Name Culture Coat of Arms Data (layout, patternfile, emblem1, slot1, color1 (starts at 0), color2, color3, repeat (starting from patternfile) for extra slots depending on layout; consult ruler designer to see this in action) Religion Decadence
Characters (by ID#) [Section begins with character=]
Basic Info (e.g. name, gender, birth/death, liege) Attributes Health & Fertility Traits Personal info (e.g. piety/prestige, religion/culture, dynasty etc.) Properties – meaning unknown claims Demesne Title Ledger Flags Modifier Ai additionals
Delayed Events
Opinion Modifiers? (Purpose Unknown)
rel_ID# / diplo_ID# Relationships and Diplomacy?
Active Ambitions / Active Plots
Scope Parent scope Backers (if applicable)
Authority value (scale of 0.001 - 0.999) Crusade dates Parent religion (if applicable)
Provinces (listed by Province ID #)
Name Culture (This is where you hack info) Religion (This is where you hack info) Settlement info Holdings Type Date Buildings Levy Trade posts Owner Buildings Levy Title Technology Level progress
Counties Name Liege Holder Laws Coat of Arms Data – meaning unknown Religion Usurp Dates – Usurp and last change History Kingdoms? Name Dynasty Settlement? Buildings Levy Liege (title) Holder ID Laws Coat of arms Data – meaning unknown Religion Special rules History Active – meaning unknown Listing Order Counties
Subordinate Baronies?
Duchies Kingdoms Baronies?
Siege Combat?
Landed title (edit this to change the spoils of the war)
历史 | 角色 • 家族 • 省份 • 头衔 • 剧本 |
脚本 | 指令 • 条件 • 作用域 • 修正 • 事件 • 决议 |
常规 | 定义 • 游戏规则 • 另类开局 • 宗教 • 文化 • 政体 • 特质 • 血脉 • 科技 • 法律 • 建筑 • 宣战理由 • 朝贡国 • 单位 • 目标 • 疾病 • 死亡 • 荣誉头衔 • 社团 • 宝物 • 地图外政权 • 内阁成员 • 贸易路线 • 继承 • 奇观 • 称号 |
图像/音效/本地化 | 地图 • 图形 • 盾徽 • 肖像 • 界面 • 小地图 • 音乐 • 本地化 |
其他 | 故障排除 • 验证器 • 控制台指令 • 编辑游戏存档 • Steam创意工坊 • EU4转档器模组制作 |