Template:Negative genetic traits

Pokewiz讨论 | 贡献2019年2月28日 (四) 13:09的版本 (创建页面,内容为“{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 95em" |- ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | ! style="width: 8em" | Name ! ! class="unsortable" style="width: 5em"…”)
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Name Command ID Diplomacy Martial Stewardship Intrigue Learning Health Birth % Inherit % Opinions Other modifiers Miscellaneous Cost
Clubfooted Clubfooted clubfooted 48 -1 0.5% 15% -10 Attraction
+5 Same Trait
-5 Personal Combat Skill -4
Dwarf Dwarf dwarf 55 -1 0.25% 25% -30 Attraction
+5 Same Trait
-15 Personal Combat Skill Inherit chance increases to 50% if both parents have the Dwarf.png trait. Opposite of Giant.png -14
Harelip Harelip harelip 49 -1 0.5% 15% -10 Attraction
+5 Same Trait
Hunchback Hunchback hunchback 50 -1 0.5% 15% -30 Attraction
+5 Same Trait
-5 Vassal
Imbecile Imbecile imbecile 59 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 0.5% 15% -30 Attraction
-10 Vassal
-30 Personal Combat Skill
-30 Rationality
Opposite of Slow.png, Quick.png, and Genius.png -65
Inbred Inbred inbred 60 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -1.5 25% -30 Attraction
-10 Vassal
-30% Fertility
-20 Personal Combat Skill
-20 Rationality
Inherit chance increases to 50% if both parents have the Inbred.png trait -71
Lisp Lisp lisp 51 -1 0.5% 15%
+5 Same Trait
Enables the Confused Orders combat tactic -1
Slow Slow slow 58 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 1% 15% -5 Personal Combat Skill
-15 Rationality
Opposite of Imbecile.png, Quick.png, and Genius.png -15
Stutter Stutter stutter 52 -1 0.5% 15% +5 Same Trait Enables the Confused Orders combat tactic -4
Ugly Ugly ugly 54 -1 1% 10% -20 Attraction Opposite of Attractive.png -11
Weak Weak weak 62 -1 -1 1% 15% -10 Attraction
-5 Vassal
-10 Tribal
-5% Fertility
-10 Personal Combat Skill
Opposite of Strong.png -22
Giant Giant giant 327 -0.5 0.5% 5% +5 Vassal
+10 Tribal
-5 Attraction
-20% Fertility
+10 Personal Combat Skill
Opposite of Dwarf.png
Left-Handed Left-Handed lefthanded 337 0.75% 25% +5 Same Trait
-10 Christian Church
-10 Muslim
+15 Personal Combat Skill