



  1. 从6到11岁, 儿童教育取决于儿童生活重心, 一旦确定后将无法改变. 选择的重心决定了儿童后续可发展的儿童特质
  2. 从12到15岁, 儿童成为青年,同时可以选择一个教育重心, 一旦确定后将无法改变。该重心决定了青年成年后能接受哪一类教育特质。在这一时期儿童特质也将演变为“成人”特质。
  3. 在16岁成年时,根据童年特质和所选的教育重心,以及根据孩子的勤奋、智力修正获得最终教育特质水平。

所有年龄的儿童都有一个监护人/教育者. 如果没有指派监护人, 那么监护人将是孩子的父母 (如果在同一宫廷内), 摄政者 (顶替父母), 囚禁者 (如果前者成为囚犯), 或领主. 玩家也可以任命一个宫廷教师来教育宫廷的每个孩子, 除非为孩纸指定一个监护人.


Base attributes

Dynasty close relative.png With the DLC icon Conclave.png Conclave DLC, children grow their base attributes with genetic influences from their parents. Only the base stats of the parents are considered.


Alert child needs focus.png 设置儿童生活重心可以影响儿童可能获得的儿童特质 ,相应的, 这些儿童特质在青年期 (或是在成年时)演变为成人特质儿童特质也可以帮助或阻碍教育重心中的某些特质,分别在相适应或不适的教育特质中. 因此想要得到高水平的教育特质的话,就需要密切关注角色会影响教育重心的儿童特质.

儿童生活重心可以在孩子12岁前的任何时候选择,但要到角色6岁才开始产生效果。并且一旦分配就无法改变,除非通过特殊互动将孩子的注意力转移到Heritage focus.png (传统)或 Faith focus.png (虔诚).

重心 可能的童年特质 Notes
Etiquette focus.png Etiquette


Playful.png, Indolent.png 要注意! Indolent.png (童年懒惰)可能发展为 Slothful.png(成年懒惰)而阻碍一切教育。
Humility focus.png Humility


Timid.png, Affectionate.png 尽管Timid.png(怯懦)可能发展为Shy.png(害羞)和Craven.png(懦弱)。但对于Diplomacy外交教育重心来说是个可以接受的选择。
Pride focus.png Pride


Haughty.png, Brooding.png 通常不是一个好的选择, 因为 Haughty.png(傲慢) 阻碍了 Brooding.png(沉思) 对于Stewardship管理教育重心的帮助。
Struggle focus.png Struggle


Rowdy.png, Willful.png 是个优秀的选择,但是对于不是选举继承法来说较为冒险,因为Rowdy.png可能发展为Dull.png(迟钝),Willful.png可能发展为Stubborn.png(顽固)。
Duty focus.png Duty


Conscientious.png 通常是一个好的选择,因为Conscientious.png有高概率发展为Diligent.png(勤奋)。(PS:并且没有直接发展为负面特质的可能)
如果希望孩子选择 Stewardship管理教育将是个最好的选择。
Thrift focus.png Thrift


Curious.png, Fussy.png 通常是一个好的选择,因为Curious可能发展为Shrewd.png(精明),Fussy.png可能发展为Patient.png,都可以帮助所有教育重心
如果希望孩子选择 Diplomacy外交Intrigue密谋 教育重心将是一个好选择。 (if both likely childhood traits are attained).
Faith focus.png Faith


Idolizer.png 孩子可以接受监护人的宗教
如果希望孩子选择 Learning学术教育重心将是一个好的选择。
Heritage focus.png Heritage


None 孩子可以接受监护人的文化 和/或 宗教


一个选择 Faith focus.png信仰重心的孩子讲转化为其监护人的宗教,而选择 Heritage focus.png传统重心 (或者被软禁)的孩子可能同时转化为监护人的文化和宗教。孩子最多有三次转化机会:分别在6岁后50%,8岁后66%,10岁后100%。


  • 监护人死亡 (或监护人改变) 将会使孩子错过转化的机会。
  • 游牧制的孩子可以和他的兄弟姐妹一同离开 (except with Faith)
  • 孩子可能成为间接的附庸的统治者,这将阻止你改变他们的重心。
  • 你可能会忘记在孩子9岁时改变其重心。

如果孩子或监护人是一个玩家, 他们可能会反对这种转变.

通过有针对性的外交行动,可以将孩子的重心转移至 Heritage focus.png传统Faith focus.png信仰 。这适用于你的囚犯、直接附庸以及在你的宫廷接受教育的所有非统治者. 孩子必须小于10岁,并且和他们的教育者有不同的文化或宗教。


Childhood Traits Childhood traits evolve semi-randomly into adult traits during adolescence. In most cases, the new traits are personality traits. A childhood trait will never evolve into a personality trait the child already has, nor into a personality trait that's the opposite of one which the child already has.

All natural adult traits have the same chance to occur normally, but for a lot of them, the educator can have an influence to give 50% (relatively) more chance for such outcome. For example, a Proud.png educator can increase Groomed.png outcome by 50%, this is also increased by 50% if the current focus is Pride, or 75% if it is Etiquette or Humility. Female of non-matriarchal religion will also get Groomed 50% more often than male character. Ambitious.png, Robust.png, Honest.png, Charitable.png and Content.png educators promote their respective outcome by 50%. Shy.png educator increases Uncouth.png by 50%. Slow.png or Imbecile.png educator increase the risk of getting Dull.png by 35% or 65% respectively. For Sturdy.png, any of Gluttonous.png, Sturdy.png or Fat.png educator increases its chance by 50%. To increase chance of Shrewd.png, it is best to not educate Curious.png children with different religious group educator, if this prevents sympathy.

Two notable non-personality outcomes are increased intelligence (from becoming Curious.png) or decreased intelligence (from becoming Rowdy.png). These events normally add non-congenital traits (such as Shrewd.png or Dull.png). However, an opposite trait, such as Slow.png, can be reduced or removed, despite being genetic.

Each childhood trait has two to five traits it can mature into naturally. However, educators possessing the matching intervention trait can attempt to guide the child a copy of their trait instead. For example, the intervention trait for Fussy.png is Diligent.png, so Diligent.png educators may cause Fussy.png children to become Diligent.png instead of Patient.png, Greedy.png or even Paranoid.png. Interventions can override the opposite personality trait.

If both the child and the educator are AI, there's a 25% chance of the child getting a copy of the educator's trait instead of one of the natural adult traits. If the player is the educator (or child), the chance is bumped to 50% if the player chooses to intervene (or accept).

Focus Helps Hinders Natural Adult Traits Educator Intervention Trait Notes
Indolent.png Indolent Etiquette Icon stewardship.png Charitable.png, Slothful.png, Gluttonous.png, Sturdy.png, Groomed.png Gregarious.png May be acquired by Imprisoned.png children
Playful.png Playful Etiquette Icon intrigue.png Icon learning.png Gregarious.png, Deceitful.png, Lunatic.png Cruel.png
Affectionate.png Affectionate Humility Icon diplomacy.png Icon intrigue.png Kind.png, Content.png, Trusting.png Charitable.png May be acquired by Imprisoned.png children
Timid.png Timid Humility Icon learning.png Icon martial.png Humble.png, Shy.png, Craven.png Content.png Opposite to Rowdy.png.
May be acquired by Imprisoned.png children
Brooding.png Brooding Pride Icon stewardship.png Icon learning.png Just.png, Wroth.png, Envious.png, Uncouth.png Temperate.png May be acquired by Imprisoned.png children
Haughty.png Haughty Pride Icon stewardship.png Proud.png, Cruel.png, Arbitrary.png, Groomed.png Ambitious.png
Rowdy.png Rowdy Struggle Icon martial.png Icon intrigue.png Brawny.png, Honest.png, Dull.png. Uncouth.png Brave.png May reduce Genius.png to Quick.png or remove Quick.png.
Opposite to Timid.png
Willful.png Willful Struggle Icon martial.png Icon diplomacy.png Ambitious.png, Brave.png, Stubborn.png Proud.png
Conscientious.png Conscientious Duty Icon stewardship.png Diligent.png, Temperate.png Just.png 20% chance child also becomes Stressed.png upon trait evolution (unless a Just.png educator attempts to intervene)
Curious.png Curious Thrift Icon diplomacy.png Cynical.png, Shrewd.png Patient.png May reduce Imbecile.png to Slow.png or remove Slow.png.
May instead evolve into sympathy for guardian's, friend's, sibling's or local religious groups if the child is not already sympathetic or Cynical.png.
Cannot be obtained by children who are Genius.png
Fussy.png Fussy Thrift Icon intrigue.png Icon diplomacy.png Patient.png, Greedy.png, Paranoid.png Diligent.png
Idolizer.png Idolizer Faith Icon learning.png Icon martial.png Zealous.png, Erudite.png, Frail.png Kind.png Cannot be obtained by children who are Genius.png


Alert adolescent needs focus.png At the age of 12, the child becomes an adolescent, loses their childhood focus, and may be assigned a specific attribute on which to focus their education. This gives the child a +1 bonus to that attribute and ensures that the education trait acquired at adulthood is one associated with that attribute.

The likelihood of a high-level education trait is increased by:

  • Compatible childhood traits (including childhood traits that have already evolved)
  • Child is Diligent.png
  • Child is Smart

And decreased by:

  • Incompatible childhood traits
  • Child is Slothful.png
  • Child is Incapable.png, Imbecile.png, or Inbred.png (always level 1)
  • Child became imprisoned during adolescence
Focus Good Childhood Traits Bad Childhood Traits
Focus education diplomatic.png Diplomacy Affectionate.png or Curious.png Willful.png or Fussy.png
Focus education martial.png Martial Rowdy.png or Willful.png Idolizer.png or Timid.png
Focus education stewardship.png Stewardship Brooding.png or Conscientious.png Indolent.png or Haughty.png
Focus education intrigue.png Intrigue Playful.png or Fussy.png Affectionate.png or Rowdy.png
Focus education learning.png Learning Timid.png or Idolizer.png Brooding.png or Playful.png

The following table shows probability of different outcomes depending on number of compatible and incompatible childhood traits. First number shows base chance, second one shows chance while being Diligent.png or Smart , third shows chance while having both Diligent.png and being Smart . It should be noted that chances are rounded to nearest integer and may not add up to 100% (also, 0% actually means "less than 0.5%").

Number of Traits Chance of level 1 Education Chance of level 2 Education Chance of level 3 Education Chance of level 4 Education
0 good, 0 bad 18% / 7% / 2% 36% / 28% / 17% 27% / 31% / 28% 18% / 34% / 53%
0 good, 1 bad 30% / 13% / 5% 40% / 36% / 25% 21% / 28% / 30% 10% / 22% / 40%
0 good, 2 bad 58% / 39% / 21% 35% / 46% / 50% 6% / 13% / 21% 1% / 3% / 8%
1 good, 0 bad 7% / 2% / 1% 27% / 17% / 9% 40% / 38% / 32% 27% / 43% / 58%
1 good, 1 bad 13% / 9% / 3% 34% / 24% / 15% 36% / 38% / 35% 17% / 30% / 47%
1 good, 2 bad 37% / 33% / 16% 44% / 40% / 39% 16% / 22% / 32% 2% / 5% / 12%
2 good, 0 bad 0% / 0% / 0% 9% / 5% / 3% 54% / 45% / 34% 36% / 50% / 63%
2 good, 1 bad 1% / 0% / 0% 14% / 8% / 4% 58% / 51% / 41% 28% / 41% / 54%
2 good, 2 bad 3% / 1% / 0% 36% / 27% / 18% 53% / 59% / 59% 7% / 13% / 22%

Educator skill influence

Educate child.png Skilled educators have an opportunity to guide the child in a way related to their area of expertise. This event always fires when a child is about 14.5 years old. (This is separate from the events to intervene in childhood trait evolution based on educator's traits.)

Each option has a cost that must be paid by the educator, and a effect for the child. Doing nothing is also an option.

AI educators are more likely to choose an influence option if they have a strong interest in the child: If the child is their heir or offspring, or to a lesser extent if the educator is either Kind.png, Charitable.png, or Diligent.png. AI educators are also more likely to choose an influence option that would give the child a trait they share.

Educator Skill Trait for Child Cost Paid by Educator Notes
Icon diplomacy.png 12+ diplomacy only Honest.png Educator: 5 years Too Honest (-10 general opinion) Special requirement: Educator cannot be Trusting.png
Gregarious.png Educator: 5 years Chattermouth (-3 diplomacy, -10 vassal opinion)
Icon martial.png 12+ martial only Brave.png Educator becomes Stressed.png
Wroth.png Educator loses Kind.png or gains Cruel.png
Icon stewardship.png 12+ stewardship only Just.png Educator will owe child a favor
Temperate.png Minor opinion penalty from child
Icon intrigue.png 12+ intrigue only Deceitful.png Educator loses Trusting.png or gains Paranoid.png Paranoid.png may be good for your spymaster; the hit to ai_honor is minor.
Paranoid.png is good for players; just ignore all plot rumors
Cynical.png Educator: 5 years Impious Teachings (-15 church opinion) May be useful for ensuring that Curious.png evolves to Shrewd.png
Icon learning.png 12+ learning only Erudite.png Educator gains Stubborn.png
Chaste.png Minor opinion penalty from child
Two or more 12+ skills Ambitious.png Educator and child become rivals Safe for child if educator is Honest.png, Kind.png, or Just.png (see AI murder plots)
Diligent.png Educator becomes Stressed.png
Patient.png Educator: 5 years Out of Patience (-2 all skills except martial)


Diplo yes.png These are some strategies for stimulating good educational tutoring:

  • Delay picking an education focus until age 15. At that age, the the child's got their full mix of base stats and adult traits; check their childhood traits for compatibility, and do not forget to pick an education before age 16!
  • Prevent bad finisher traits. Be aware of potential adult traits from each childhood trait, especially those which can spawn negative adult traits.

Choosing a childhood focus

  • Choose the Thrift focus.png usually. The Curious.png trait can lead to improved intelligence, while Fussy.png can lead to Patient.png and with the educator's intervention, Diligent.png. Both increase intelligence and Diligent.png improves all stats and increases the chance of a successful education. Furthermore, none of the other potential adult traits are bad, that is, Curious.png gives Cynical.png child, while Fussy.png turns into Greedy.png or Paranoid.png)
    • However, the Thrift focus presents some weaknesses:
      • First, it has little draw for diplomatic training, especially since Fussy.png hinders Icon diplomacy.png diplomacy education. If the child becomes Curious.png first, consider moving them to Heritage focus.png so they are less likely to become Fussy.png.
      • Secondly, Genius.png characters cannot obtain Curious.png; consider picking the Duty focus.png for these characters.
  • Choose Humility focus.png for vassals. Affectionate.png and Timid.png can both lead to Content.png; It should be noted that turning Timid.png into Content.png requires guardian's intervention
  • Avoid Pride focus.png. The potential adult traits from this focus are almost always bad; furthermore, Haughty.png does not help in any education, and hinders Icon stewardship.png stewardship education, which clashes with Brooding.png - the other childhood trait from Pride focus.png
  • Avoid Etiquette focus.png as well. If Indolent.png evolves to Slothful.png, the child's education will be badly affected; Indolent.png also does not help in any education, and hinders Icon stewardship.png stewardship education
  • Conscientious.png is a double-edged sword. The potential adult traits are all desirable, and this trait helps with Icon stewardship.png stewardship education; on the other hand, there is a chance of getting Stressed.png
  • Aim for traits the player can intervene on. Educating directly a child can be very powerful, particularly if the player is able to intervene (or chooses not to) to give them better traits; even the Pride focus.png is a palatable choice if the player character is both Ambitious.png and Temperate.png.

Choosing a guardian

  • Assign guardians who can intervene positively in trait evolution. The following evolutions are almost always better than the natural paths:
    • Child's Trait -> Guardian's Trait (= Teen's Intended Trait):
    • Fussy.png -> Diligent.png
    • Haughty.png -> Ambitious.png
    • Idolizer.png -> Kind.png
    • Indolent.png -> Gregarious.png
    • Rowdy.png -> Brave.png.
    • The following interventions are better in limited situations:
  • Whenever possible, switch guardians for their positive intervention traits. If the guardian does not have all the positive intervention traits which match the ward's childhood traits, the player should look for another guardian if trait intervention does not occur; on the other hand, beware the "Lost ward" penalty opinion
  • Choose skilled guardians. This strategy is important for their influence in late adolescence. As for an heir's education to a large realm, possible choices are probably:
    • Guardian possessing multiple 12+ attribute skills, for there is a 25% chance the adolescent getting either Ambitious.png, Diligent.png, or Patient.png
      • If guardian and ward become rivals to each other, the player should ensure they will not try to murder each other or at least will not succeed.
    • Guardian possessing 12+ martial skill who is also Cruel.png, thus cannot intervene by choosing the inferior Wroth.png option (50% Brave.png).
  • Consider tutoring teenagers. If the player would have a chance to intervene positively:
    • For intervention in trait maturation, you can see the child's natural direction before choosing whether to intervene. For example, if you're Brave.png, educate Rowdy.png children, so you can choose to intervene if a child is becoming Dull.png but not intervene if the child is becoming Brawny.png. This is much better than letting the AI decide.
    • For skill influence, you can choose which trait the child gets, but you must pay the associated cost. Depending on which skill(s) you are 12+, there can be good options available.

Matching childhood focus to education

  • For a character whom the player intends to have Icon martial.png Martial education, choose the Struggle focus.png
  • For a character whom the player intends to have Icon learning.png Learning education, choose the Faith focus.png. This strategy is more important if the player character's religion requires a court chaplain (or equivalent) to have a Icon learning.png Learning education trait.

Harming intentionally a rival guardian

  • Depending on an adult's skills and traits, sending them a few 14-year-old wards may harm them significantly.

Lifelong learning with Way of Life

Upon reaching adulthood, a player character's learning does not stop there! If the DLC icon Way of Life.pngWay of Life DLC is active, the player will be able to focus on areas which their character is lacking in, or attempt to earn traits which cancel the undesirable ones acquired from childhood.

Further reading

个人属性 属性特质虔诚威望文化宗教家族称号好感
行为 外交决议教育婚姻/生育摄政人情
目标 派系野心阴谋生活重心
恶行 刺杀暴政驱逐处决逮捕剥夺头衔贿赂
其他 内阁廷臣疾病继承同盟