(→王道征途) |
小 (→波洛茨克公国: 修改错别字) |
(未显示13个用户的113个中间版本) | |||
第1行: | 第1行: | ||
{{Version|Timeless}}{{需要翻译}} | {{Version|Timeless}}{{需要翻译}} | ||
[[File:Important_character.png]] 选择不同的[[开局时间|开始日期]]和角色对游戏难度和目标具有深远影响。 | [[File:Important_character.png]] 选择不同的[[开局时间|开始日期]]和角色对游戏难度和目标具有深远影响。 | ||
第13行: | 第12行: | ||
一些统治者被Paradox本身标记为特别有趣的角色。这些统治者在游戏主界面中被一段关于他们目的或特质的特定描述突出表示,最终会在一段时间之后被值得注意的另一个角色所替代。 | 一些统治者被Paradox本身标记为特别有趣的角色。这些统治者在游戏主界面中被一段关于他们目的或特质的特定描述突出表示,最终会在一段时间之后被值得注意的另一个角色所替代。 | ||
这会在[[Ironman#Bronzeman|铜人]]模式下游玩,与[[Ironman| | 这会在[[Ironman#Bronzeman|铜人]]模式下游玩,与[[Ironman| 铁 人]]模式[[File:Ironman enabled.png|60px]]开始方式相同。 | ||
第38行: | 第37行: | ||
! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 再见了,拜占庭!'''|| 让你的家族成员成为拜占庭 帝国 皇帝!|| - || - || 拥有拜占庭 帝国 皇帝的头衔 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 鲜血、汗水和眼泪'''|| 博埃蒙亲自参加尽可能多次的战争。十字军战争被视为两次战争。 同时进行的战争只算作一场。 || 参与6场战争 || 参与10场战争 || 参与15场战争 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 成为我的封臣!'''|| 拥有 尽可能多 的 家族成员封臣。只要不断扮演这个特色统治者的家族,就会持续计算 分数 。 || 拥有10个自己家族成员封臣 || 拥有20个自己家族成员是封臣 || 拥有30个自己家族成员封臣 | ||
|} | |} | ||
|- | |- | ||
第49行: | 第48行: | ||
! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 强大的阿拉贡!'''|| 让希梅纳家族拥有75个存活的成员。 只要不断扮演这个特色统治者的家族,数字就会持续计算。|| - || - || 拥有75个存活的家族成员。 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 延续阿拉贡!'''|| 拥有尽可能多的国王级头衔。 希梅纳家族每增加一位国王,玩家获得一分。(一位国王同时拥有多个国王级头衔时只算一次。) 只要不断扮演这个特色统治者的家族,数字就会持续计算。|| 希梅纳家族拥有3个国王级头衔和三位国王。|| 希梅纳家族拥有4个国王级头衔和四位国王。|| 希梅纳家族拥有5个国王级头衔和五位国王。 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 阿拉贡到此为止?'''|| 佩德罗尼拉必须为希梅纳王朝生育尽可能多的孩子!只要是生下的孩子就算数,无论死活。但私生子不算数(无论其是不是合法私生子)。成就只能在特色统治者的有生之年完成。|| 生育2个孩子|| 生育4个孩子|| 生育6个孩子 | ||
|} | |} | ||
|- | |- | ||
第60行: | 第59行: | ||
! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 赤龙烈焰'''|| 征服威尔士,并控制这些省份: 安格尔西,罗斯,佩菲德乌兰,波伊斯,锡尔迪金,比尔斯,德维德,高尔半岛,布雷克诺克,格利维希和格温特。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。||- ||- || 控制所有省份 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 威尔士的王子'''|| 在掌握威尔士王国的同时,你必须拥有尽可能多的和你属于同一王朝的封臣。让他们保留公爵或更高的头衔。非合法私生子不算数。你的角色必须是一个独立的统治者。统治者和封臣必须是威尔士人。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。|| 拥有3个同一王朝的封臣|| 拥有6个同一王朝的封臣|| 拥有9个同一王朝的封臣 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 爱匙'''|| 尽可能多地让利韦林的孩子和英格兰人的孩子结婚。算入成就的条件:英格兰人配偶拥有头衔或宣称、利韦林的孩子及其配偶必须在世。成就只能在特色统治者的有生之年完成。|| 你有4个孩子与英格兰人结成夫妇。 | ||
|} | |} | ||
|- | |- | ||
第71行: | 第70行: | ||
! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 大圣衣修士'''|| 塔玛丽必须成为大圣衣修士(圣巴西尔修会的最高级别)。成就只能在特色统治者的有生之年完成。|| - || - || 在修会达到等级IV | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 火辣女王'''|| 利用你王朝的孩子,尽可能多地与外国联姻。子女必须嫁给国王或皇帝级别的统治者或他们的子女。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。|| 有2个孩子嫁给了外国人|| 有4个孩子嫁给了外国人|| 有6个孩子嫁给了外国人 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 黄金女郎'''|| 让你的王朝获得尽可能多的宝物!既然宝库里不能有相同的宝物,那就把多出来的给你的家人(只有活着的王朝成员才算数,非合法的私生子不算数。)炼金术材料不计入此成就。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。|| 拥有10个宝物|| 拥有30个宝物|| 拥有50个宝物 | ||
|} | |} | ||
|- | |- | ||
|[[File:Catholic.png]]||[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuno_Mendes_(count) ''' 努诺(Nuno)'''], ''' 波尔图公爵'''||1066|| 成为一位国王 | |[[File:Catholic.png]]||[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuno_Mendes_(count) ''' 努诺(Nuno)'''], ''' 波尔图公爵'''||1066|| 成为一位国王 …… 只要不要中道崩殂!<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/c6z7ia/new_featured_ruler_duke_nuno_ii_of_portucale/</ref> || | ||
{| class ="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | {| class ="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | ||
! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 葡萄牙国王'''|| 创建葡萄牙,成为国王!王国领土内必须至少有3个公国。成就只能在特色统治者的有生之年完成。|| - || - || 成为葡萄牙国王 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 财富秩序!'''|| 同时拥有尽可能多的繁荣省份。只有直辖的繁荣省份才算入成就。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。|| 拥有2个繁荣省份|| 拥有4个繁荣省份|| 拥有6个繁荣省份 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 天下先'''|| 欧洲的殖民给各大洲带来了新型疾病,导致数百万土著人死亡。虽然历史上的殖民直到几个世纪后才开始,但是你能创造并管理你自己的“殖民地”吗?“殖民地”各省必须是与首都间隔至少400距离的飞地。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。|| 拥有3个“殖民地”|| 拥有7个“殖民地”|| 拥有13个“殖民地” | ||
|} | |} | ||
|- | |- | ||
第93行: | 第92行: | ||
! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 塞尔维亚梦'''|| 确保你不会失去塞尔维亚国王头衔,确保它永远不会落入非塞尔维亚文化的人手中。此外,克罗地亚、匈牙利或波兰至少有一个是由塞尔维亚人统治。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝并且塞尔维亚国王头衔的持有者是塞尔维亚文化,游戏就会继续。|| - || - || 符合条件 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 我能否主宰塞尔维亚的命运?'''|| 拥有尽可能多的塞尔维亚王国的公爵头衔! 只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。|| 拥有8个塞尔维亚的公爵头衔|| 拥有12个塞尔维亚的公爵头衔 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 教皇的支持'''|| 作为塞尔维亚的天主教统治者,确保你与你的天主教主教保持良好关系(好感至少60)。此外,如果教皇喜欢你(好感60+ ),你得2分。你必须是天主教徒才能达成这一成就。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续|| 拥有4个喜欢米哈伊洛的天主教主教|| 拥有6个喜欢米哈伊洛的天主教主教|| 拥有8个喜欢米哈伊洛的天主教主教 | ||
|} | |} | ||
|} | |} | ||
==王道征途== | ==王道征途== | ||
在2019年10月20日, 作为[[patch 3.3|3.3 补丁]]的一部分 ,以之前的"特色挑战者"项目为基础开放王道征途这一机制。 | 在2019年10月20日, 作为[[patch 3.3|3.3 补丁]]的一部分 ,以之前的"特色挑战者"项目为基础开放王道征途这一机制。 | ||
第109行: | 第106行: | ||
挑战必须在[[Bronzeman|铜人模式]] [[File:Bronzeman.png]]或[[Ironman|铁人模式]] [[File:Ironman.png]]下进行。'''铜人模式'''在很大程度上与'''铁人模式'''相似,前者提供了自由存读取档的功能,但无法完成成就。 | 挑战必须在[[Bronzeman|铜人模式]] [[File:Bronzeman.png]]或[[Ironman|铁人模式]] [[File:Ironman.png]]下进行。'''铜人模式'''在很大程度上与'''铁人模式'''相似,前者提供了自由存读取档的功能,但无法完成成就。 | ||
完成这些挑战后,玩家可以在 | 完成这些挑战后,玩家可以在王国风云3<ref>https://twitter.com/CrusaderKings/status/1185874894946480134</ref>中解锁下列饰品: | ||
* [[Image:ck3_reward_beard.png|35px]] 巫师胡, 10 奖励点数 ''精研神秘,无闲剃须'' | * [[Image:ck3_reward_beard.png|35px]] 巫师胡, 10 奖励点数 ''精研神秘,无闲剃须'' | ||
* [[Image:ck3_reward_hair_male.png|35px]] 侍童头, 20 奖励点数 ''全宇宙最强发型'' | * [[Image:ck3_reward_hair_male.png|35px]] 侍童头, 20 奖励点数 ''全宇宙最强发型'' | ||
第127行: | 第124行: | ||
! 宗教 !! 角色 !! 开局年份 !! 描述 !! 挑战 | ! 宗教 !! 角色 !! 开局年份 !! 描述 !! 挑战 | ||
|- | |- | ||
| [[File:Catholic.png]] ||[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conan_II,_Duke_of_Brittany '''孔南Ⅱ<!--孔南二世 德 雷恩--> (Konan II de Rennes)'''],'''布列塔尼小型国王'''|| 1066 || 布列塔尼公爵孔南 II正如履薄冰地的统治着这片土地。 他自幼丧父时就经受着家族内外对他统治的考验。 他的叔叔曾图谋篡位,不过阴谋很快就被粉碎。 在他即位后, 征服者威廉又成为了他最大的威胁。 在1066年入侵安茹战争时,孔南 II被怀疑是误食了手套上残留的毒药而死<ref>https://imgur.com/a/c0wkGzR</ref> || | | [[File:Catholic.png]] ||[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conan_II,_Duke_of_Brittany '''孔南Ⅱ<!--孔南二世 德 雷恩--> (Konan II de Rennes)'''],'''布列塔尼小型国王'''|| 1066 || 布列塔尼公爵孔南 II正如履薄冰地的统治着这片土地。 他自幼丧父时就经受着家族内外对他统治的考验。 他的叔叔曾图谋篡位,不过阴谋很快就被粉碎。 在他即位后, 征服者威廉又成为了他最大的威胁。 在1066年入侵安茹战争时,孔南 II被怀疑是误食了手套上残留的毒药而死 。<ref>https://imgur.com/a/c0wkGzR</ref> || | ||
{| class ="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | {| class ="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | ||
! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|'''时空扭曲'''|| | |'''时空扭曲'''||重建古布立吞请尽你所能地控制如下省份:康沃尔、德文、曼恩、莫尔坦、卡昂、莱昂、科尔内夫(科努瓦耶)、波埃、特雷戈尔、杜姆诺尼亚 (庞蒂埃菲尔), 布洛埃雷克 (瓦讷), 鲁瓦宗 (雷恩), 瑙内特 (南特) 和 雷茨。 只要不停下脚步,特色统治者的王道征途就会不断延伸。||拥有10个目标省份||拥有12个目标省份||拥有全部目标省份 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|'''手套掉了!'''|| | |'''手套掉了!'''||历史上的孔南Ⅱ是死于误食了手套上残留的毒药而死。 请确保孔南Ⅱ有足够多的男性继承人! 私生子不计入计算。 词成就仅限于该特色统治者完成||有2名男嗣||有3名男嗣||有5名男嗣 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|'''一转攻势'''|| | |'''一转攻势'''||孔南Ⅱ和其他的家族成员杀掉尽可能多的威廉·德 诺曼底家族的成员。杀死威廉可算作两人份!只要不停下脚步,特色统治者的王道征途就会不断延伸。||杀掉3个德 诺曼底家族成员||杀掉5个德诺曼底家族成员||杀掉7个德 诺曼底家族成员 | ||
|} | |} | ||
|- | |- | ||
| [[File:Catholic.png]] ||[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llywelyn_the_Great '''利韦林「伟大者」<!--伟大者利韦林-->(Llywelyn the Great)'''], '''圭内思小型国王'''|| 1195 || 利韦林 阿普约尔韦斯,通过与英格兰王、威尔士亲王的的战争和外交行动使得威尔士得以统一。通过他对威尔士边境领主们的远交近攻,威尔士一直享受着和平与繁荣,直到1240年他去世为止。 | | [[File:Catholic.png]] ||[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llywelyn_the_Great '''利韦林「伟大者」<!--伟大者利韦林-->(Llywelyn the Great)'''], '''圭内思小型国王'''|| 1195 || 利韦林 阿普约尔韦斯,通过与英格兰王、威尔士亲王的的战争和外交行动使得威尔士得以统一。通过他对威尔士边境领主们的远交近攻,威尔士一直享受着和平与繁荣,直到1240年他去世为止。<ref>https://imgur.com/a/JR0wSj3</ref> | ||
<ref>https://imgur.com/a/JR0wSj3</ref> || | || | ||
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | ||
! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|'''龙焰'''|| | |'''龙焰'''||征服全威尔士以及如下省份: 安格尔西、罗斯、佩菲杜拉德、波伊斯、凯雷迪吉昂、比尔斯、德维得、高尔、布里黑尼奥格(布雷肯郡)、格柳伊辛(格拉摩根)、格温特。只要不停下脚步,特色统治者的王道征途就会不断延伸。|| || ||拥有全部目标省份(部分完成无效) | ||
|- | |- | ||
|'''威尔士亲王'''|| | |'''威尔士亲王'''||你的角色必须作为一名独立统治者且持有威尔士王国头衔。挑战要求你有尽可能多的有公爵及以上头衔的封臣,私生子不进入计算。你使用的角色和挑战要求的封臣都必须为威尔士文化。只要不停下脚步,特色统治者的王道征途就会不断延伸。(请注意:游戏中虽然没有明确规定,但就算你开启了完整女性地位,女封臣也依旧不计入统计。)||有3个合格的封臣||有6个合格的封臣||有9个合格的封臣 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|'''爱勺多多'''|| | |'''爱勺多多'''||请让利韦林的孩子们与英格兰文化的统治者或者宣称者婚配,达到上述标准且已婚配的孩子和他们的配偶必须活着。该挑战要求仅在游玩利韦林这一角色时完成,请为利韦林+1s。||有2个合格婚配的孩子||有3个合格婚配的孩子||有4个合格婚配的孩子 | ||
|} | |} | ||
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| [[File:Sunni.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sa%27ad_al-Dawla '''萨阿德-莫迪凯 (Saad Mordechai)'''], '''道剌大酋长(巴格达大酋长)''' || 1289 || | | [[File:Sunni.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sa%27ad_al-Dawla '''萨阿德-莫迪凯 (Saad Mordechai)'''], '''道剌大酋长(巴格达大酋长)''' || 1289 || 萨阿德·道拉一生致力于巴格达犹太人的和平与繁荣。作为一名医生,他声名显赫,知识渊博,抓住机遇用食疗治好了大汗阿鲁浑,并以此与大汗建立了一段值得信赖的友谊。大汗允许萨阿德为犹太人提供了避难所。萨阿德位高权重,与阿鲁浑关系密切,成了一些蒙古人和穆斯林的眼中钉,肉中刺。毕竟蒙古官员想要继续贪污腐败,而穆斯林可不喜欢被一个犹太人踩在脚下。|| | ||
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! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
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|''' | |''' 自己人!'''|| 虽然自己不奉行犹太教,但你公开任命犹太人做内阁大臣。他们还必须能够胜任自己的工作,与职位相关的属性至少为10。那些秘密信奉犹太教的人不算在内。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。|| 有2位犹太人内阁成员|| 有3位犹太人内阁成员|| 有4位犹太人内阁成员 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 和平共处!'''|| 与你的异教徒封臣保持良好的关系( 好感60+) 。他们必须是公开崇拜另一种宗教,秘密信仰异教的封臣不算入这一挑战中。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。||5 个异教封臣||8 个异教封臣||12 个异教封臣 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 秘密与我同在'''|| 萨阿德·道拉被异教的敌人谋杀。我们来扭转局势吧!扮演特色统治者,继续秘密信仰犹太教,同时假装自己是逊尼派穆斯林。杀死尽可能多的穆斯林(宗教)和蒙古人(文化):决斗,暗杀,或处决他们。是的,杀死蒙古人穆斯林得两分。使用密谋暗杀的方法杀死目标,可再得1分!如果你改变了宗教信仰,则挑战停止。这一挑战只有在他们的一生中才能完成。|| 杀人得到6分|| 杀人得到10分|| 杀人得到16分 | ||
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|} | |} | ||
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| [[File:Orthodox.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_Angelos '''君士坦丁Ⅱ<!--君士坦丁二世--><!--君士坦丁·安杰洛斯--> (Konstantinos II)'''], '''萨摩斯将军''' || 1108 || | | [[File:Orthodox.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_Angelos '''君士坦丁Ⅱ<!--君士坦丁二世--><!--君士坦丁·安杰洛斯--> (Konstantinos II)'''], '''萨摩斯将军''' || 1108 || 君士坦丁·安杰洛斯玉树临风,勇冠三军。他出身于小贵族家庭。君士坦丁与皇帝阿莱克修斯一世的女儿狄奥多拉·科穆宁结婚,并被授予塞巴托海塔托斯(sebastohypertatos)头衔(拜占庭的尊贵头衔)。他的后人开创了安杰洛斯王朝。安杰洛斯王朝在1185-1204 年灾难性地统治拜占庭帝国,帝国因此瘫痪,最终土崩瓦解。|| | ||
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! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ! 挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
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|''' | |''' 往上爬'''|| 从默默无闻的贵族起家!让你的王朝获得尽可能多的国王级头衔。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。||2 个王国级头衔||3 个王国级头衔||4 个王国级头衔 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 美好的统治!'''|| 改变历史进程,确保安杰洛王朝成为一个伟大的王朝!获得尽可能高的游戏分数。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。||5000 分||10000 分||15000 分 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 小君士坦丁一次,小君士坦丁两次……'''|| 作为君士坦丁,拥有尽可能大的家庭。属于你的王朝的在世孩子才能算入挑战。挑战只能在特色统治者的一生中完成。||3 个孩子||7 个孩子||10 个孩子 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|} | |} | ||
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| [[File:Catholic.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_the_Stammerer '''路易Ⅱ「结巴」<!--结巴路易-->(Louis II the Stammerer)'''], '''阿基坦国王''' || 867 || | | [[File:Catholic.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_the_Stammerer '''路易Ⅱ「结巴」<!--结巴路易-->(Louis II the Stammerer)'''], '''阿基坦国王''' || 867 || 阿基坦的路易II因为身体虚弱而得名和闻名于世。父亲去世后,路易II继承了王位,两次加冕西法兰克王国国王(第二次是由教皇约翰八世加冕)。后来他的三个儿子相继得到了西法兰克的王位,其中幼子被称为查理III(蠢货查理),以率直著称。|| | ||
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!挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | !挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
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|''' | |''' 法国吐司!'''|| 控制法国和阿基坦王国(完全控制其法理行省),建立法兰克帝国。 这项挑战可以由该挑战角色的继承人完成。|| || ||持有'''法兰克帝国'''头衔。该挑战没有铜、银奖励。 | ||
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|''' | |''' 未酬壮志'''|| 尚未完成建立北方十字军的梦想,路易国王就已撒手人寰。 尽可能多的杀死信仰'''日耳曼多神教'''的角色! 杀死 改革日耳曼多神教 的角色 同样算入 挑战 。杀死'''诺斯文化'''且拥有以下特质中一种的角色可得两分:'''维京'''[[File:Viking.png]]、'''劫掠者'''[[File:Ravager.png]]、'''海盗王'''[[File:Sea_King.png]]、'''海盗女王'''[[File:Sea_Queen.png]]、'''狂战士'''[[File:Berserker.png]]、'''盾女'''[[File:Shieldmaiden.png]]。这项挑战只能在该挑战角色生前完成。 || 得4分|| 得7分|| 得10分 | ||
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|''' | |''' 你们为什么不喜欢我?'''|| 让那些封臣喜欢你! 公爵级封臣对你的好感高于65。这项挑战只能在该挑战角色生前完成。 ||4 位封臣喜欢你||6 位封臣喜欢你||8 位封臣喜欢你 | ||
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| [[File:Sunni.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shajar_al-Durr ''' | | [[File:Sunni.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shajar_al-Durr ''' 莎贾尔 杜尔(Shajar al-Durr )'''], '''埃及女王''' || 1250 || 埃及女王莎贾尔 杜尔是穆斯林历史上第二位女君主,她的统治时间很短。她是马穆鲁克苏丹国(1250–1517)的开国君主。因参与谋杀苏丹艾巴克而被捕,后被曼苏尔·阿里的女佣殴打致死,将是她统治时期的残酷结局。|| | ||
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!挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | !挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
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|''' | |''' 象形文字!'''|| 将你的王朝成员扩大到80个,确保你的血脉延续下去。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| || || 你的王朝有80个成员。这个挑战不允许部分完成。 | ||
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|''' | |''' 图坦卡蒙的诅咒!'''|| 杀死尽可能多的其他王朝的角色。这个挑战只有在特色统治者的有生之年才能完成。|| 杀死3人|| 杀死4人|| 杀死5人 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|''' | |''' 势不可挡!'''|| 拥有尽可能多的女王头衔。只要你扮演的是特色统治者王朝的女性角色,进程就会持续。||2 个女王头衔||3 个女王头衔||4 个女王头衔 | ||
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| [[File:Catholic.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_I_%C5%A0ubi%C4%87_of_Bribir '''Paul (Pavao) I Šubić'''], ''' | | [[File:Catholic.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_I_%C5%A0ubi%C4%87_of_Bribir ''' 帕瓦奥 I<!--帕瓦奥一世 苏比克--> (Paul (Pavao) I Šubić)(波斯尼亚文—帕瓦奥Pavao对应英文—保罗Paul)'''], ''' 克罗地亚公爵''' || 1278 || 克罗地亚公爵帕瓦奥,是望族苏比克最出色的成员。帕瓦奥征服了波斯尼亚,自立为波斯尼亚之主。此外他还统治着克罗地亚全境、达尔马提亚全境和塞尔维亚的部分领土。他与威尼斯握手言和。他采取政治行动,帮助查理一世加冕匈牙利国王。|| | ||
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!挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | !挑战 !! 描述 !! 铜 !! 银 !! 金 | ||
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|''' | |''' 来自布里比尔的征服者!'''||作为克罗地亚的总督、波斯尼亚的领主、达尔马提亚的统一者,完成帕瓦奥未竟的事业,征服塞尔维亚!控制塞尔维亚王国、波斯尼亚、克罗地亚和胡姆公国所有的法理省份。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| || ||4个头衔全部由你掌管。挑战不允许部分完成。 | ||
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|'''万世之安'''||帕瓦奥让他的兄弟们和儿子们在国内担任许多要职。延续这一传统,确保你的王朝牢牢掌控着国家。挑战只有在特色统治者的有生之年才能完成。||4位有地王朝成员||6位有地王朝成员||8位有地王朝成员 | |||
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|'''苏比克家族的伟大遗产'''|| 帕瓦奥修建了多座修道院、一座教堂和一座堡垒,并与威尼斯建立了关系。你能留下更伟大的遗产吗?只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。||修建1座奇观||修建2座奇观||修建3座奇观 | |||
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| [[File:Shia.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arwa_al-Sulayhi '''阿尔瓦•萨利赫'''], '''也门苏丹娜''' || 1074 ||阿尔瓦•萨利赫,萨利赫苏丹国的苏丹娜,被称为高贵的女士,是第一个被授予先知头衔的女性——她的一生简直是真主意志的化身。阿尔瓦统治也门68年,改善经济,修建学校和清真寺。|| | |||
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!挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | |||
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|'''女王万岁!'''||在阿尔瓦的统治下,也门繁荣昌盛。控制也门苏丹国,并完全控制其法理省份100年。只要你玩的是特色统治者的王朝,游戏就会继续。|| || || 统治也门100年。这个挑战不允许部分完成。 | |||
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|''' | |''' 完成真主的旨意'''|| 在你的王国里建造尽可能多的清真寺。这个挑战只有在统治者的有生之年才能完成。|| 在王国里建造5座清真寺|| 在王国里建造8座清真寺|| 在王国里建造12座清真寺 | ||
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|''' | |''' 曙光降临'''|| 让尽可能多的印度教徒皈依什叶派。只有通过与特色统治者互动改信的角色才算入挑战!这个挑战只有在特色统治者的有生之年才能完成。||2位印度教徒改信什叶派||4位印度教徒改信什叶派||6位印度教徒改信什叶派 | ||
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| [[File: | | [[File:Catholic.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harald_Hardrada ''' 无情者哈拉尔三世(Harald IV Hårdråde)'''], ''' 挪威国王''' || 1066 || 挪威国王无情者哈拉尔戎马一生,征战四方。1030年,15岁的他首次出战,参加了兄长发起的斯蒂克尔斯塔德战役。战败后哈拉尔流亡到基辅罗斯,成为智者雅罗斯拉夫一世的卫队长。后来,他又来到拜占庭帝国,担任瓦兰吉亚人卫队的指挥官。哈拉尔晚年索取英格兰王位,却在斯坦福桥战役中殒命,标志着维京时代的终结。|| | ||
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!挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | !挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | ||
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|''' | |''' 比铁还硬,比钢还强'''|| 控制挪威王国和英格兰王国,并完全控制它们的法理省份。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| || || 控制挪威王国和英格兰王国。这个挑战不允许部分完成。 | ||
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|''' | |''' 哈罗德,掩饰好你的痛苦……'''|| 尽可能多地杀死英格兰国王哈罗德二世所在的戈德温王朝成员。由你的王朝的其他成员造成的死亡也算数!只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| 杀死5名戈德温王朝成员|| 杀死10名戈德温王朝成员|| 杀死15名戈德温王朝成员 | ||
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|''' | |''' 铁腕'''|| 镇压尽可能多的反抗。镇压那些反抗你统治的人!只要你玩统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| 镇压4次反抗|| 镇压8次反抗|| 镇压12次反抗 | ||
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| [[File: | | [[File:Miaphysite.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hethum_I,_King_of_Armenia ''' 海屯姆'''], ''' 亚美尼亚国王''' || 1226 || 通过与亚美尼亚女王扎贝尔的联姻,在1226年加冕为亚美尼亚国王。他建立了最后一个亚美尼亚本土王朝——海屯王朝。在强大的蒙古帝国迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势扩张之时,海屯姆因不远万里派人向蒙古大汗送礼示好而出名 || | ||
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!挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | !挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | ||
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|''' | |''' “大”亚美尼亚'''|| 长久以来我们的王国被称为小亚美尼亚,如果将国土扩展为原来的两倍大,这一名称就会改变了吧?只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| || || 拥有8个省份。这个挑战不允许部分完成。 | ||
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|''' | |''' 与你的好友保持亲密...'''|| 与蒙古人保持良好关系(60+意见)。只要是蒙古文化,统治者、封臣和廷臣都计入挑战。只要你玩统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。||3个蒙古人对你有60好感||6个蒙古人对你有60好感||9个蒙古人对你有60好感 | ||
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|''' | |''' 我们绝不屈服!'''|| 历史上海屯姆一世担心蒙古的迅速扩张伤及自身,只好决定承认蒙古国为宗主国。你能让亚美尼亚王国保持独立吗?作为一个独立的王国,在不成为附属国的情况下统治尽可能多的时间。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| 维持25年独立 || 维持50年独立 || 维持75年独立 | ||
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| [[File: | | [[File:Catholic.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ban_Kulin ''' 库林 库里尼奇(Ban Kulin)'''], ''' 波斯尼亚公爵''' || 1173 ||库林促成波斯尼亚独立,并带领波斯尼亚走向和平与繁荣。他经常被视为波斯尼亚的英雄。库林的统治非常不简单,他不得不经常在匈牙利、塞尔维亚和教皇的力量之间寻求政治平衡。|| | ||
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!挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | |||
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|'''不太内陆'''||统治独立的波斯尼亚王国!你必须控制波斯尼亚王国、完全控制其所有法理省份并保持独立。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| || ||满足条件。这个挑战不允许部分完成。 | |||
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|'''异端总部'''||让尽可能多的廷臣公开信奉异端。不算囚犯。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。||6个异端廷臣||9个异端廷臣||12个异端廷臣 | |||
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|'''庆祝我们的独立日!'''|| 作为一个独立的国家,尽可能久地保持和平和独立!进程在角色死亡和参战时重置。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。||和平独立达4年||和平独立达8年||和平独立达12年 | |||
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| [[File:Buddhist.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Daozong_of_Liao '''耶律洪基/辽洪基(Liao Hongji)'''], '''大辽可汗''' || 1066 ||腐败会摧毁大辽帝国。然而众所周知,道宗皇帝却对此无动于衷。皇后萧观音上《谏猎疏》劝谏他停止腐败,被他断然否决。耶律洪基身为大辽可汗,却不知自重。他任由大臣愚弄,听信谗言。确信皇后写了私通情诗《十香词》后,他将皇后赐死。之后他又听信耶律乙辛的诬告,处死了皇太子和其他官员。后来耶律洪基意识到自己的错误,但辽国的腐败已是病入膏肓。|| | |||
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | ||
!挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | !挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | ||
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|''' | |''' 挥霍无度'''|| 在你的王国内,让佛教徒管理尽可能多的寺庙。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。||4座由佛教徒管理的寺庙||8座由佛教徒管理的寺庙||12座由佛教徒管理的寺庙 | ||
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|''' | |''' 泱泱大国!'''|| 作为一个游牧部落,在你的王国里拥有尽可能多的省份!只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。||100个省份||150个省份||200个省份 | ||
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|''' | |''' 叮当!'''|| 与其他氏族和睦相处!确保氏族对你的好感超过60。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。||2个喜欢你的氏族||3个喜欢你的氏族||4个喜欢你的氏族 | ||
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| [[File: | | [[File:Orthodox.png]] || [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basarab_I_of_Wallachia ''' 巴萨拉布一世(Basarab I)'''], ''' 瓦拉几亚之王''' || 1310 ||1325年,巴萨拉布一世不再效忠匈牙利国王,成为瓦拉几亚王国的第一个独立统治者。他在1310年建立了巴萨拉布家族,后来家族中的男性成员包括穿刺者弗拉德三世(德古拉伯爵原型)。|| | ||
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!挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | !挑战!! 描述!! 铜!! 银!! 金 | ||
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|''' | |''' 瓦拉几亚总督'''|| 在成为王国的独立统治者之前,巴萨拉布是瓦拉几亚的总督。把瓦拉几亚王国里的公爵头衔授予你的王朝成员,受封者越多越好!私生子合法化之后才能算入这项挑战。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。||3个公爵封臣来自你的王朝||6个公爵封臣来自你的王朝||9个公爵封臣来自你的王朝 | ||
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|''' | |''' 事关重大'''|| 如果你的角色有穿刺者的特质,杀死尽可能多的人!只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| 杀死3人|| 杀死6人|| 杀死10人 | ||
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|''' | |''' 城堡狂热'''|| 在你的王国里有尽可能多的城堡和王宫!王宫的每一阶段值3分。一定要积极建造王宫,完成挑战。只要你玩特色统治者的王朝,进程就会继续。|| 城堡和王宫各4个|| 城堡和王宫各8个|| 城堡和王宫各12个 | ||
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第285行: | 第306行: | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petronilla_of_Aragon 阿拉贡的佩德罗尼拉女王(Queen Petronila of Aragon)],阿拉贡女王,1157.8.16''':她是希梅纳家族在阿拉贡的最后一位统治者,24岁且已婚(和巴塞罗那伯爵),在这个开局有一个新生儿。杀死丈夫或者离婚后,入赘再婚,改变你的继承法(为选举或幼子继承法)。 | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petronilla_of_Aragon 阿拉贡的佩德罗尼拉女王(Queen Petronila of Aragon)],阿拉贡女王,1157.8.16''':她是希梅纳家族在阿拉贡的最后一位统治者,24岁且已婚(和巴塞罗那伯爵),在这个开局有一个新生儿。杀死丈夫或者离婚后,入赘再婚,改变你的继承法(为选举或幼子继承法)。 | ||
==== | ==== 阿尔莱斯王国 ==== | ||
*'''King Rudolf of Arles, 936''' | *'''King Rudolf of Arles, 936''' 作为原来上勃艮第的国王,他将勃艮第的两部分合起来形成了新的阿尔莱斯王国。在西边的意大利人,由industrious Hugues of the Bosonid dynasty 率领,形成了对阿尔莱斯的首都和周边地区的威胁。不仅如此鲁道夫也处于一个合适结盟的位置,尽管他的王国太小了,以至于很容易被其他大国抛弃. | ||
====巴塞罗那公国==== | ====巴塞罗那公国==== | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermengol_IV,_Count_of_Urgell 埃尔蒙古 德 乌尔赫尔(Ermengol d'Urgell)],乌尔赫尔伯爵,1066.9.15''':从西班牙最安全的地方发动收复失地运动——但要谨防针对你的杰哈德。确保在最糟的情况发生前,有足够的力量去应对。 | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermengol_IV,_Count_of_Urgell 埃尔蒙古 德 乌尔赫尔(Ermengol d'Urgell)],乌尔赫尔伯爵,1066.9.15''':从西班牙最安全的地方发动收复失地运动——但要谨防针对你的杰哈德。确保在最糟的情况发生前, 要 有足够的力量去应对。 | ||
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*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilfred_the_Hairy 威尔弗雷多 德 巴塞罗那(Wifredo de Barcelona)],巴塞罗那公爵,878.1.1''':The founder of the House of Barcelona, son of Sunifred, (earlier Count of Barcelona, Urgell, Cerdanya Girona, Osona, Besalú, etc.) he starts as a Baron in Urgell under Duke Bernard Gellones of Barcelona, so you'll have to land him and reload as him. While he's been reduced to a barony, Wifredo has a strong claim on the Duchy of Barcelona, courtesy of his father. He was historically granted the County of Barcelona (the Duchy, in-game) after siding with Charles and his son Louis against a faction of noble rebels, among them the previous Count of Barcelona, Bernard of Gothia (Bernard Gellones in-game). He's the founding father of the independent Catalan counties and maybe the main hero in Catalan medieval folklore. A legend tells that the Arms of the House of Barcelona (which became the Catalan national flag) were created by Emperor Louis, who gave him a golden shield and blotted it with the blood of his wounded vassal. A hard game if you wish to follow in his footsteps and take over the Catalan counties, as you have a quite powerful Frankish liege and the Carolingian mess can be less tumultuous than in real life. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilfred_the_Hairy 威尔弗雷多 德 巴塞罗那(Wifredo de Barcelona)],巴塞罗那公爵,878.1.1''':The founder of the House of Barcelona, son of Sunifred, (earlier Count of Barcelona, Urgell, Cerdanya Girona, Osona, Besalú, etc.) he starts as a Baron in Urgell under Duke Bernard Gellones of Barcelona, so you'll have to land him and reload as him. While he's been reduced to a barony, Wifredo has a strong claim on the Duchy of Barcelona, courtesy of his father. He was historically granted the County of Barcelona (the Duchy, in-game) after siding with Charles and his son Louis against a faction of noble rebels, among them the previous Count of Barcelona, Bernard of Gothia (Bernard Gellones in-game). He's the founding father of the independent Catalan counties and maybe the main hero in Catalan medieval folklore. A legend tells that the Arms of the House of Barcelona (which became the Catalan national flag) were created by Emperor Louis, who gave him a golden shield and blotted it with the blood of his wounded vassal. A hard game if you wish to follow in his footsteps and take over the Catalan counties, as you have a quite powerful Frankish liege and the Carolingian mess can be less tumultuous than in real life. | ||
*Wifredo,巴塞罗那家族的创始人,Sunifred的儿子,早期曾担任巴塞罗那、乌雷吉、塞尔达尼亚-吉罗纳、奥索纳、贝萨卢等的伯爵。他最初在乌雷吉担任男爵,受巴塞罗那的伯纳德·杰洛尼尔斯公爵统治,因此您需要让他登陆并重新加载为他的角色。尽管他被降为男爵,但Wifredo对巴塞罗那公国拥有强大的主张,这要归功于他的父亲。在历史上,他被查理及其子路易授予巴塞罗那伯国(游戏中的公国),因为他支持查理和路易对抗一群贵族叛乱分子,其中包括前巴塞罗那伯爵、哥特人伯纳德(游戏中的伯纳德·杰洛尼尔斯)。他是独立加泰罗尼亚县的创始人,也许是加泰罗尼亚中世纪民间传说中的主要英雄。有传说称,巴塞罗那家族的徽章(后来成为加泰罗尼亚的国旗)是由路易皇帝创造的,他送给Wifredo一个金盾,并用他受伤的封臣的鲜血玷污了它。如果您希望跟随他的脚步并接管加泰罗尼亚县,这将是一场艰难的游戏,因为您有一个相当强大的法兰克封臣,而加洛林王朝的混乱可能比现实中还要动荡。 | |||
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*'''[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramon_Berenguer_III,_Count_of_Barcelona 拉蒙-贝伦格尔三世(Ramon Berenguer III)],巴塞罗那与普罗旺斯伯爵,1113''':Through his marriage with Dolça of Provence, Ramon Berenguer III The Great rules not only as Count of Barcelona (Duchy in-game), but also as Count of Provence (Duchy in-game) and his already born son Ramon Berenguer will inherit the County of Gevaudan, making him one of the most powerful Christian lords in the Western Mediterranean. Historically, despite him reconquering Tarragona permanently and Mallorca temporally, his main political focus was centered in the Occitan lands, policies that were continued by his descendants until 1213 with the death at Muret of King Pere of Aragon during the Cathar crusade. Upon his death, he gave Barcelona to his firstborn son Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint (father of King Alfons of Aragon) and Provence to his second son Berenguer Ramon, despite King Alfons reincorporating it when the county passed to Berenguer Ramon's granddaughter (only to give it upon his death to his brother, also called Ramon Berenguer). | *'''[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramon_Berenguer_III,_Count_of_Barcelona 拉蒙-贝伦格尔三世(Ramon Berenguer III)],巴塞罗那与普罗旺斯伯爵,1113''':Through his marriage with Dolça of Provence, Ramon Berenguer III The Great rules not only as Count of Barcelona (Duchy in-game), but also as Count of Provence (Duchy in-game) and his already born son Ramon Berenguer will inherit the County of Gevaudan, making him one of the most powerful Christian lords in the Western Mediterranean. Historically, despite him reconquering Tarragona permanently and Mallorca temporally, his main political focus was centered in the Occitan lands, policies that were continued by his descendants until 1213 with the death at Muret of King Pere of Aragon during the Cathar crusade. Upon his death, he gave Barcelona to his firstborn son Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint (father of King Alfons of Aragon) and Provence to his second son Berenguer Ramon, despite King Alfons reincorporating it when the county passed to Berenguer Ramon's granddaughter (only to give it upon his death to his brother, also called Ramon Berenguer). | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermengarde,_Viscountess_of_Narbonne 埃尔门嘉妲 德 纳博讷(Ermengarda de Narbonne)],纳博讷女伯爵,1143-1197''' | *通过与普罗旺斯的多尔萨的婚姻,拉蒙·贝伦格三世不仅统治巴塞罗那伯国(游戏中的公国),还统治普罗旺斯伯国(游戏中的公国),他已出生的儿子拉蒙·贝伦格将继承盖瓦多恩县,使他成为地中海西部最强大的基督教领主之一。历史上,尽管他永久地征服了塔拉戈纳和马略卡岛,但他的主要政治重心集中在奥克西坦地区,他的后代继续执行这一政策,直到1213年阿伦国王佩雷在异端十字军中去世。他去世后,将巴塞罗那交给了他的长子拉蒙·贝伦格四世圣人(阿伦国王阿尔方斯的父亲),而普罗旺斯则交给了他的次子贝伦格·拉蒙。然而,当该县传给贝伦格·拉蒙的孙女时,阿尔方斯重新合并了它(只是在他去世后将其交给他的兄弟,也叫拉蒙·贝伦格)。 | ||
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*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermengarde,_Viscountess_of_Narbonne 埃尔门嘉妲 德 纳博讷(Ermengarda de Narbonne)],纳博讷女伯爵,1143-1197''' :她应该在她54年统治的的开始时未婚且没有子女。她是一个很有文化的女人——尤其喜欢吟游诗人。不幸的是,她的婚姻不幸福 | |||
====布列塔尼公国==== | ====布列塔尼公国==== | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conan_II,_Duke_of_Brittany 柯南二世 德 雷恩(Konan II de Rennes)],布列塔尼小型国王,1066.9.15''' | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conan_II,_Duke_of_Brittany 柯南二世 德 雷恩(Konan II de Rennes)],布列塔尼小型国王,1066.9.15''' :1066年,他成了王朝最后一个合法男性继承人。柯南曾威胁道,威廉的军队一过英吉利海峡,他就会进攻诺曼底。年底,柯南戴上有毒的骑马手套,倒地而亡——很可能是中了威廉的计。他的英年早逝意味着雷恩王朝的终结:他的妹妹继承了王位。妹妹死后,王位于是落入妹夫所在家族的怀抱。因此你的首要任务是结婚生子,延续雷恩家族的男性血统。开始伪造对康沃尔、威尔士和爱尔兰的主权,然后开始开疆拓土。在很多方面,1066年的布列塔尼是理想的新手训练营。柯南则是“王道征途”的中心人物。想赢得即将到来的王国风云III的化妆品奖励?你首先得过他这一关。 | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odo,_Count_of_Penthi%C3%A8vre 埃杜瓦尔 德 庞蒂耶夫尔(Edouarzh de Penthièvre)],庞蒂耶夫尔伯爵,1066''' | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odo,_Count_of_Penthi%C3%A8vre 埃杜瓦尔 德 庞蒂耶夫尔(Edouarzh de Penthièvre)],庞蒂耶夫尔伯爵,1066''' :创建了德雷恩家族最年轻的分支作为一名67岁伯爵,前任布列塔尼公爵,你对它有强宣称。如果在好运和身体健康的情况下,你可以收回公爵领,并有一个与你的领主和侄子科南二世相似的良好开端,除了你年纪比他大得多。但这个角色最有趣的是,他不仅有一个女儿,还有13个儿子(半个私生子)和6个孙子(都是合法的),所以这对于学习如何建立一个新的家庭是一个良好的开始,可以与公爵夫人甚至公主结婚以发展家族土地。 | ||
====卡斯蒂利亚王国==== | ====卡斯蒂利亚王国==== | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berengaria_of_Castile 贝伦格拉(Berenguela)],卡斯蒂利亚与托雷多女王,1217.6-8''':This queen had an incredibly short real-life reign; she abdicated in favor of her son Ferdinand III after only two months. Make her reign longer and give Berenguela a chance to prove herself as a ruler. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berengaria_of_Castile 贝伦格拉(Berenguela)],卡斯蒂利亚与托雷多女王,1217.6-8''':This queen had an incredibly short real-life reign; she abdicated in favor of her son Ferdinand III after only two months. Make her reign longer and give Berenguela a chance to prove herself as a ruler. | ||
*这位女王在现实生活中的统治时间非常短暂,仅仅两个月后,她就退位让给了她的儿子费迪南德三世。让她统治的时间更长一些,给贝伦格拉提供证明自己作为统治者的机会。 | |||
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*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sancho_II_of_Castile_and_Le%C3%B3n 桑乔二世 希梅纳(Sancho II Jimena)],卡斯蒂利亚国王,1066.9.15或1066.12.26''':Why play as El Cid when you can play as his liege? Use a young Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar to command your army as you bring Iberia under your control. Your brother is not exactly on good terms with you and the usual Muslim infidels are everywhere. Can you avoid Sancho's historical fate? | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sancho_II_of_Castile_and_Le%C3%B3n 桑乔二世 希梅纳(Sancho II Jimena)],卡斯蒂利亚国王,1066.9.15或1066.12.26''':Why play as El Cid when you can play as his liege? Use a young Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar to command your army as you bring Iberia under your control. Your brother is not exactly on good terms with you and the usual Muslim infidels are everywhere. Can you avoid Sancho's historical fate? | ||
*你为什么选择扮演El Cid,而不是他的领主?使用年轻的罗德里格·迪亚兹·德维瓦来指挥你的军队,将伊比利亚置于你的控制之下。你的兄弟与你关系并不好,穆斯林异教徒无处不在。你能避免桑乔的历史命运吗? | |||
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*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_II_of_Castile 恩里克 德 特拉斯塔马拉(Enrique de Trastámara)],阿斯图里亚斯 德 奥维耶多伯爵,1332.1.14''':The bastard son of Alfonso XI of Castile, he holds a one province minor in the northwest of the country. Historically, he was supported by his father, but after his death, staged many revolts against his brother, Pedro the Cruel. With French and Aragonese support, he overthrew and killed his brother, and went on to become King Henry II. His family would go on to unite Castile and Aragon and lay down the basis for what would become the Kingdom of Spain. Making the move from count to king will be difficult, let alone to become Emperor of all Spain (technically King), especially with only 120 years to do it, but it's a good challenge. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_II_of_Castile 恩里克 德 特拉斯塔马拉(Enrique de Trastámara)],阿斯图里亚斯 德 奥维耶多伯爵,1332.1.14''':The bastard son of Alfonso XI of Castile, he holds a one province minor in the northwest of the country. Historically, he was supported by his father, but after his death, staged many revolts against his brother, Pedro the Cruel. With French and Aragonese support, he overthrew and killed his brother, and went on to become King Henry II. His family would go on to unite Castile and Aragon and lay down the basis for what would become the Kingdom of Spain. Making the move from count to king will be difficult, let alone to become Emperor of all Spain (technically King), especially with only 120 years to do it, but it's a good challenge. | ||
*他是卡斯蒂利亚的阿丰索十一世的私生子,在该国西北部拥有一个省份。历史上,他得到了父亲的庇护,但在父亲去世后,他策划了许多针对其兄弟佩德罗·残忍的叛乱。在法国和阿拉贡的支持下,他推翻了并杀死了他的兄弟,后来成为亨利二世国王。他的家族继续统一卡斯蒂利亚和阿拉贡,为后来成为西班牙王国奠定了基础。从伯爵到国王的转变将非常困难,更不用说成为所有西班牙的皇帝(技术上称为国王)了,尤其是在只有120年的时间里完成这一目标,但这是一个很好的挑战。 | |||
====克罗地亚王国==== | ====克罗地亚王国==== | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demetrius_Zvonimir_of_Croatia 德米塔尔-兹沃尼米尔 特皮米洛维奇(Dmitar-Zvonimir Trpimirovic)],斯拉沃尼亚公爵,1066.9.15 或 克罗地亚国王,1081''':Historically, Croatia passed to the King of Hungary after a bloody succession crisis, due to the machinations of Dmitar's widow, Ilona, who was also the King of Hungary's sister, and entered a union with Hungary that lasted until 1918. Can you prevent the extinction of House of Trpimirović and the union with Hungary (or perhaps, see Hungary and Croatia united under your house)? | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demetrius_Zvonimir_of_Croatia 德米塔尔-兹沃尼米尔 特皮米洛维奇(Dmitar-Zvonimir Trpimirovic)],斯拉沃尼亚公爵,1066.9.15 或 克罗地亚国王,1081''':Historically, Croatia passed to the King of Hungary after a bloody succession crisis, due to the machinations of Dmitar's widow, Ilona, who was also the King of Hungary's sister, and entered a union with Hungary that lasted until 1918. Can you prevent the extinction of House of Trpimirović and the union with Hungary (or perhaps, see Hungary and Croatia united under your house)? | ||
*历史上,由于德米特里的遗孀伊洛娜(也是匈牙利国王的妹妹)的阴谋,克罗地亚在经历了一场血腥的继承危机后,被匈牙利国王所控制,并与匈牙利结成联盟,这一联盟一直持续到1918年。你能阻止特普里米罗维奇家族的灭绝和与匈牙利的联盟吗?(或者,看到你的家族统治下的匈牙利和克罗地亚的联合) | |||
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*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena_of_Hungary,_Queen_of_Croatia 伊洛娜(Ilona)],克罗地亚女王,1090-1091''':Dmitar-Zvonimir's widow, an Arpad princess who starts with the King of Hungary (her brother) as an ally. This start should be somewhat easy since she has such an awesome ally and you can build her family as you wish. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena_of_Hungary,_Queen_of_Croatia 伊洛娜(Ilona)],克罗地亚女王,1090-1091''':Dmitar-Zvonimir's widow, an Arpad princess who starts with the King of Hungary (her brother) as an ally. This start should be somewhat easy since she has such an awesome ally and you can build her family as you wish. | ||
*德米特里-兹沃尼米尔的遗孀是阿尔帕德公主,她一开始与匈牙利国王(她的兄弟)结盟。由于她有如此强大的盟友,这一开局应该相对容易一些,并且你可以按照自己的意愿来建设她的家族。 | |||
====丹麦王国==== | ====丹麦王国==== | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweyn_II_of_Denmark 斯温二世 伊里温(Svend II Estrid)],丹麦国王,1066.9.15-1074''' | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweyn_II_of_Denmark 斯温二世 伊里温(Svend II Estrid)],丹麦国王,1066.9.15-1074''' :在历史上,他与哈德雷德不和且在军事上败多胜少,并且有20个或更多的孩子(这真令人印象深刻),而这一切都有利于达成联盟和继承。在开局,斯文德也有对英格兰的宣称。无论你是试图重新统一北海帝国,创建卡尔马联盟,抑或是恢复丹纳劳,你都有很多选项。你可以尽早开始波罗的海十字军东征,并攻占异教徒的土地。你从一个小而稳定的王国开始,如果你幸运的话,神圣罗马帝国会忽视阻止你在北方的发展,让你有足够的时间成为一个伟大的北方帝国。只要有合理的目标和一点点运气,北方就是你的了!像他一样征服英国也是一项成就。 | ||
====杜克利亚公国==== | ====杜克利亚公国==== | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihailo_I_of_Duklja 米哈伊洛一世 杜克列宁(Mihajlo I Dukljanin)],杜克利亚公爵,1066.9.15''' | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihailo_I_of_Duklja 米哈伊洛一世 杜克列宁(Mihajlo I Dukljanin)],杜克利亚公爵,1066.9.15''' :独立领主开局,只需要再拿下1个省就能创建塞尔维亚王国。是不是so easy?好吧,结果你发现剩下的两个塞尔维亚王国法理省份都在东罗马帝国。一个属于你第9个儿子( 没错哦,第9个) ,另一个属于未来的皇帝迈克尔七世——你可不想得罪他。你能建立塞尔维亚王国继而统一斯拉夫人王国吗? | ||
====埃德萨公国==== | ====埃德萨公国==== | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_II_of_Jerusalem 鲍德温二世 德 勒泰勒(Baudouin II de Rethel)],埃德萨公爵,1100''':Just south of Rum, Edessa formed in 1098 as an independent French Catholic Duchy, surrounded almost completely by Muslim neighbors. The preferred start is 1100 as in 1098 you start as an insignificant member of an established house, while in the 1100 start you get to play as Baudouin, a successful Crusader who inherited Edessa. Historically he ended up as the King of Jerusalem, through unknown relations to King Baudouin I, he surpassed the other claimants and obtained the throne. Install Baudouin II as the King of Jerusalem or simply trying to stay alive as Edessa, your choice. Quite a challenging start probably requires swearing fealty to Jerusalem or the ERE. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_II_of_Jerusalem 鲍德温二世 德 勒泰勒(Baudouin II de Rethel)],埃德萨公爵,1100''':Just south of Rum, Edessa formed in 1098 as an independent French Catholic Duchy, surrounded almost completely by Muslim neighbors. The preferred start is 1100 as in 1098 you start as an insignificant member of an established house, while in the 1100 start you get to play as Baudouin, a successful Crusader who inherited Edessa. Historically he ended up as the King of Jerusalem, through unknown relations to King Baudouin I, he surpassed the other claimants and obtained the throne. Install Baudouin II as the King of Jerusalem or simply trying to stay alive as Edessa, your choice. Quite a challenging start probably requires swearing fealty to Jerusalem or the ERE. | ||
*在鲁姆的南边,埃德萨于1098年作为一个独立的法国天主教公国成立,几乎完全被穆斯林邻国所包围。推荐的开局时间是1100年,因为在1098年你开始时只是一个普通家族的微不足道的成员,而在1100年的开局中,你将扮演布永的鲍德温,一个继承了埃德萨的成功十字军。历史上,他最终成为了耶路撒冷国王,通过与布永的鲍德温一世国王的不明关系,他超越了其他竞争者并获得了王位。安装布永的鲍德温二世为耶路撒冷国王,或者只是努力在埃德萨生存下去,由你选择。这个开局相当具有挑战性,可能需要向耶路撒冷或拜占庭皇帝宣誓效忠。 | |||
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*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raimbaud 莱姆鲍德 德 阿弗兰基(Raimbaud de Afranji)],艾因塔卜伯爵,1072''':Sitting in the county of Aintab is probably one of the most challenging starts in the game. Historically, Raimbaud served Philaretos Brachamios (Vahram Varajnuni) as a mercenary captain in command of 8,000 men. He was given the castle of Afranji ("Franks" in Armenian) and proved quite loyal - he died defending Brachamios' tent during a battle. In-game, it doesn't quite pan out like that for Raimbaud - he has nowhere near 8,000 men under his command; he is a one province Frankish Catholic count, vassal to an Armenian Miaphysite and the next-door neighbour to the mighty Seljuk Turks. Good luck, you'll need it. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raimbaud 莱姆鲍德 德 阿弗兰基(Raimbaud de Afranji)],艾因塔卜伯爵,1072''':Sitting in the county of Aintab is probably one of the most challenging starts in the game. Historically, Raimbaud served Philaretos Brachamios (Vahram Varajnuni) as a mercenary captain in command of 8,000 men. He was given the castle of Afranji ("Franks" in Armenian) and proved quite loyal - he died defending Brachamios' tent during a battle. In-game, it doesn't quite pan out like that for Raimbaud - he has nowhere near 8,000 men under his command; he is a one province Frankish Catholic count, vassal to an Armenian Miaphysite and the next-door neighbour to the mighty Seljuk Turks. Good luck, you'll need it. | ||
*坐在安塔卜县可能是游戏中最具挑战性的开局之一。历史上,雷姆巴德曾为菲拉雷托斯·布拉查米奥斯(瓦拉姆·瓦拉·亚金努尼)担任雇佣军队长,指挥着8000名士兵。他被授予阿夫兰吉城堡(亚美尼亚语中的“弗兰克斯”)并证明相当忠诚 - 在一场战斗中,他死在布拉查米奥斯的帐篷里保护着他。在游戏中,情况并不完全像雷姆巴德那样 - 他手下的兵力远远不到8000人;他是一个只有一省的弗兰克天主教伯爵,是亚美尼亚米亚派教徒的附庸,与强大的塞尔柱土耳其人毗邻。祝你好运,你会需要的。 | |||
====英格兰王国==== | ====英格兰王国==== | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Godwinson 哈罗德 戈德温森(Harold Godwinson)],英格林国王,1066.9.26''':Yes, he's at the Stamford Bridge start as usual, but with the most recent patches his odds went from underdog to David versus Goliath. Start a few days later and Hardrade is out of the war after Godwinson's victory at Stamford, leaving you a decent force to attempt to turn back the Norman tide. Even so, expect William to put up a ferocious fight and never make the mistake of fighting him on open ground - even the mighty huscarls don't fare well against the Norman knights. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Godwinson 哈罗德 戈德温森(Harold Godwinson)],英格林国王,1066.9.26''':Yes, he's at the Stamford Bridge start as usual, but with the most recent patches his odds went from underdog to David versus Goliath. Start a few days later and Hardrade is out of the war after Godwinson's victory at Stamford, leaving you a decent force to attempt to turn back the Norman tide. Even so, expect William to put up a ferocious fight and never make the mistake of fighting him on open ground - even the mighty huscarls don't fare well against the Norman knights. | ||
*哈罗德·戈德温森(Harold Godwinson)是英格林国王,1066年9月26日:是的,他像往常一样从斯坦福桥开始,但最近的补丁导致他的胜算从劣势变成了大卫对歌利亚。晚几天开始,哈德拉德在斯坦福桥的胜利后退出战争,留下了一支不错的部队来试图击退诺曼人的浪潮。尽管如此,预计威廉将进行一场激烈的战斗,永远不要犯在开阔地与他对战的错误 - 即使是强大的“huscarls”也打不过诺曼骑士。【“huscarls”意思是北歐或英格蘭,貴族供養的私人武裝,或者好聽一點說是「親兵」,意義類似於是春秋戰國時期的門客(或稱食客)。他們沒有土地,但也無需務農,全靠主公(可能是國王,也可能是北歐的雅爾或英國的郡長)支付糧餉維持生計,他們受到主公的庇護,同時也保護、捍衛主公的利益。除了是專業軍人,他們也是主公帳下的政務顧問。】 | |||
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*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_I_of_England 亨利一世 德 诺曼底(Henry I de Normandie)], 英格兰国王,1100.8.3''':Last of the de Normandie kings of England. Can you make sure your house doesn't shatter into pieces and honour The Conqueror's legacy? Or is the House of Normandy destined to die out like it did in reality? | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_I_of_England 亨利一世 德 诺曼底(Henry I de Normandie)], 英格兰国王,1100.8.3''':Last of the de Normandie kings of England. Can you make sure your house doesn't shatter into pieces and honour The Conqueror's legacy? Or is the House of Normandy destined to die out like it did in reality? | ||
*亨利一世·德·诺曼底(Henry I de Normandie),英格兰国王,1100年8月3日:英格兰的德·诺曼底国王中的最后一位。你能确保你的家族不会四分五裂,并尊重征服者的遗产吗?或者,诺曼底家族注定要像现实中一样消亡吗? | |||
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*<span id="Henry_II_Plantagenet"></span>'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_II_of_England 亨利二世 金雀花(Henry II Plantagenet)],英格兰国王,1155.1.1''':Start off the Plantagenet dynasty and the Angevin Empire on the right foot and see if the sons you sire end up any better than the ones Henry spawned historically. Alternatively, start as him in 1187; The Lion In Winter, CK2 style. Henry had established himself in both England and the continent but at a high personal cost. He is estranged from his wife and 2 sons and historically died 2 years after his sons rebelled. Although Richard is the Lionheart, let the old lion roar one last time in his twilight, and put his house in order before he departs. | *<span id="Henry_II_Plantagenet"></span>'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_II_of_England 亨利二世 金雀花(Henry II Plantagenet)],英格兰国王,1155.1.1''':Start off the Plantagenet dynasty and the Angevin Empire on the right foot and see if the sons you sire end up any better than the ones Henry spawned historically. Alternatively, start as him in 1187; The Lion In Winter, CK2 style. Henry had established himself in both England and the continent but at a high personal cost. He is estranged from his wife and 2 sons and historically died 2 years after his sons rebelled. Although Richard is the Lionheart, let the old lion roar one last time in his twilight, and put his house in order before he departs. | ||
*<span id="Henry_II_Plantagenet"></span>亨利二世·金雀花(Henry II Plantagenet),英格兰国王,1155年1月1日:从一开始就为金雀花王朝和安茹帝国奠定正确的基础,看看你所生的儿子最终是否比亨利历史上所生的儿子更好。或者,在1187年作为他开始;《冬狮》,CK2风格。亨利已经在英格兰和欧洲大陆建立了自己的地位,但付出了巨大的个人代价。他与妻子和两个儿子疏远了,历史上他死于儿子叛乱后的两年。虽然理查被称为狮心王,但让这位老狮子在他离开之前最后一次咆哮,并整顿他的家。 | |||
*<span id="Henry_II_Plantagenet"></span> | |||
*<span id="Edward_III_Plantagenet"></span>'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_III_of_England 爱德华三世 金雀花(Edward III Plantagenet)],英格兰国王,百年战争开始''':Unfortunately Edward III doesn't have the traits he should, but you do begin with a strong claim on France (via your mother) and a powerful, centralized realm. Your son and heir, the future Black Prince, is a young boy and ready to be tutored to greatness, and France will often be divided and thrown into various civil wars. Forge marriage alliances with Scotland and Brittany, wait for an opportune moment and pounce. | *<span id="Edward_III_Plantagenet"></span>'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_III_of_England 爱德华三世 金雀花(Edward III Plantagenet)],英格兰国王,百年战争开始''':Unfortunately Edward III doesn't have the traits he should, but you do begin with a strong claim on France (via your mother) and a powerful, centralized realm. Your son and heir, the future Black Prince, is a young boy and ready to be tutored to greatness, and France will often be divided and thrown into various civil wars. Forge marriage alliances with Scotland and Brittany, wait for an opportune moment and pounce. | ||
*<span id="Edward_III_Plantagenet"></span>爱德华三世·金雀花(Edward III Plantagenet),英格兰国王,百年战争开始:不幸的是,爱德华三世没有应有的特质,但你确实从法国(通过你的母亲)和强大、集权的王国开始时有强大的权利要求。你的儿子和继承人、未来的黑太子是一个小男孩,准备好接受伟大的教育,而法国将经常分裂并陷入各种内战。与苏格兰和布列塔尼建立婚姻联盟,等待适当的时机并出击。 | |||
*<span id="Edward_III_Plantagenet"></span> | |||
*<span style="color:goldenrod">'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_the_Great 阿尔弗雷德 威塞克斯(Alfred of Wessex)],多塞特伯爵,867'''</span> Yup, that Alfred. Used GOTW: | *<span style="color:goldenrod">'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_the_Great 阿尔弗雷德 威塞克斯(Alfred of Wessex)],多塞特伯爵,867'''</span> Yup, that Alfred. Used GOTW: | ||
**Become King of England | **Become King of England | ||
第336行: | 第381行: | ||
**Stay Catholic and Anglo-Saxon | **Stay Catholic and Anglo-Saxon | ||
**Obtain the title 'the Great' on at least one ruler | **Obtain the title 'the Great' on at least one ruler | ||
*阿尔弗雷德·威塞克斯(Alfred of Wessex),多塞特伯爵,867年:没错,就是那个阿尔弗雷德。使用GOTW: 成为英格兰国王 从英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰的王国中移除所有挪威领土和宗教 保持天主教和盎格鲁-撒克逊人身份 至少在一位统治者身上获得“伟大”的称号 | |||
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*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osulf_II_of_Bamburgh 奥斯武夫 班堡(Oswulf of Bamburgh)],诺森布里亚伯爵, 1066''':A native son of the North, you've had your fill of being lorded over by southerners, who, to add insult to injury, have held the Earldom (in-game Duchy) of Northumbria since the murder of your grandfather, Uhtred, 50 years ago. First, arrange a little "accident" for your cousin, Eadwulf, who holds lands just across the border, preferably before he has children. This should give you a foothold to restore Northumbrian rule to Lothian. Once you have Eadwulf's land, you'll need to turn your attention to the Mercian brothers (hopefully neither of them dies childless and leaves the other with both Mercia and Northumbria), from whom you will want to claim the Duchy of Northumbria and perhaps more. After that, the succession crisis in the south represents a golden opportunity, no matter which route you choose. Restore Northumbria as an independent kingdom, perhaps, and avert a millennium in London's shadow? Provide England with a new royal dynasty to stem the endless succession of pretenders from the mainland and the powerful earls who jostle for the crown through the Witenagemot? Or unite the entire island, no, the entire British Isles, for the first time, and see if you can reproduce the success of a united British Empire? Whatever you choose, surely a gruff, hardworking Northerner, if anyone, is up to the task? | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osulf_II_of_Bamburgh 奥斯武夫 班堡(Oswulf of Bamburgh)],诺森布里亚伯爵, 1066''':A native son of the North, you've had your fill of being lorded over by southerners, who, to add insult to injury, have held the Earldom (in-game Duchy) of Northumbria since the murder of your grandfather, Uhtred, 50 years ago. First, arrange a little "accident" for your cousin, Eadwulf, who holds lands just across the border, preferably before he has children. This should give you a foothold to restore Northumbrian rule to Lothian. Once you have Eadwulf's land, you'll need to turn your attention to the Mercian brothers (hopefully neither of them dies childless and leaves the other with both Mercia and Northumbria), from whom you will want to claim the Duchy of Northumbria and perhaps more. After that, the succession crisis in the south represents a golden opportunity, no matter which route you choose. Restore Northumbria as an independent kingdom, perhaps, and avert a millennium in London's shadow? Provide England with a new royal dynasty to stem the endless succession of pretenders from the mainland and the powerful earls who jostle for the crown through the Witenagemot? Or unite the entire island, no, the entire British Isles, for the first time, and see if you can reproduce the success of a united British Empire? Whatever you choose, surely a gruff, hardworking Northerner, if anyone, is up to the task? | ||
*奥斯武夫·班堡(Oswulf of Bamburgh),诺森布里亚伯爵,1066年:你是北方人,你已经受够了被南方人统治,他们50年前谋杀你的祖父乌特雷德后,一直持有诺森布里亚的伯爵领地(游戏中的公国)。首先,为你的堂兄弟埃德伍尔夫安排一场“意外”,他持有刚好在边界另一边的土地,最好在他有孩子之前。这应该给你一个立足点,让你恢复洛西亚的诺森布里亚统治。一旦你拥有了埃德伍尔夫的土地,你就需要将注意力转向麦西亚兄弟(希望他们都没有孩子死去,留下另一个拥有麦西亚和诺森布里亚的人),你希望从他们那里宣称诺森布里亚的公国,也许还有更多。之后,南方的继承危机代表了一个黄金机会,不管你选择哪条路。恢复诺森布里亚作为一个独立的王国,也许可以避免在伦敦的阴影下度过一千年?为英格兰提供一个新的王室王朝,以阻止来自大陆的伪装者和强大的伯爵通过议会争夺王位?或者首次统一整个岛屿,不,整个不列颠群岛,看看你是否能复制统一的不列颠帝国的成功?无论你选择什么,肯定是一个粗犷、勤奋的北方人,如果有人的话,能够胜任这项任务。 | |||
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*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Clito 威廉一世 德 诺曼底(William I de Normandie)],佛兰德斯公爵,1127.2.3''':As the grandson of William the Conqueror you just have been given your grandmother's land, the wealthy Duchy of Flanders. Now can you take your grandfather's land too, and become the next king of England, instead of your uncle Henry? | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Clito 威廉一世 德 诺曼底(William I de Normandie)],佛兰德斯公爵,1127.2.3''':As the grandson of William the Conqueror you just have been given your grandmother's land, the wealthy Duchy of Flanders. Now can you take your grandfather's land too, and become the next king of England, instead of your uncle Henry? | ||
*威廉一世·德·诺曼底(William I de Normandie),佛兰德斯公爵,1127年2月3日:作为征服者威廉的孙子,你刚刚得到了你祖母的土地,富有的佛兰德斯公国。现在,你能否夺取你祖父的土地,成为下一任英格兰国王,而不是你的叔叔亨利? | |||
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*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadoc_of_Cornwall 卡多克 舍诺(Cadoc Cerneu)],康沃尔伯爵,1066.9.15''':the last Cornish Earl of Cornwall. He's still around in 1066 (both Stamford Bridge and William the Conqueror start) but will disappear in a couple of months, like in history. Descended from the ancient Kings of Dumnonia, he starts with a wife, brother, daughter and some nephews. Apart from Ralph de Gael (Earl of Norfolk), he's the only Breton ruler left in Britain. You can't form the Duchy of Cornwall immediately, and although the King always can, he's far more likely to give it to one of his many kinsmen than you, but with luck and patience, you'll have your chance to usurp it sooner or later. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadoc_of_Cornwall 卡多克 舍诺(Cadoc Cerneu)],康沃尔伯爵,1066.9.15''':the last Cornish Earl of Cornwall. He's still around in 1066 (both Stamford Bridge and William the Conqueror start) but will disappear in a couple of months, like in history. Descended from the ancient Kings of Dumnonia, he starts with a wife, brother, daughter and some nephews. Apart from Ralph de Gael (Earl of Norfolk), he's the only Breton ruler left in Britain. You can't form the Duchy of Cornwall immediately, and although the King always can, he's far more likely to give it to one of his many kinsmen than you, but with luck and patience, you'll have your chance to usurp it sooner or later. | ||
*卡多克·舍诺(Cadoc Cerneu),康沃尔伯爵,1066年9月15日:最后的康沃尔伯爵。他在1066年(斯坦福桥战役和征服者威廉开始)仍然在世,但几个月后就会消失,就像历史上一样。他来自邓诺尼亚古代国王的血统,一开局有妻子、兄弟、女儿和一些侄子。除了拉尔夫·德·盖尔(诺福克伯爵),他是英国唯一的布列塔尼统治者。你不能立即形成康沃尔公国,尽管国王总是可以,但他更有可能把它给他的许多亲戚,而不是你。但只要有运气和耐心,你迟早会有机会篡夺它的。 | |||
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*<span style="color:goldenrod">'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Marshal,_1st_Earl_of_Pembroke 威廉 马歇尔(William Marshal)],德维得伯爵,1204剧本 或 1197后'''</span> The greatest knight who ever lived sits on an earl's throne in Wales. Bring him and his fledgeling dynasty greater glory still. Used in GOTW: | *<span style="color:goldenrod">'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Marshal,_1st_Earl_of_Pembroke 威廉 马歇尔(William Marshal)],德维得伯爵,1204剧本 或 1197后'''</span> The greatest knight who ever lived sits on an earl's throne in Wales. Bring him and his fledgeling dynasty greater glory still. Used in GOTW: | ||
**Acquire the 'True Christian Knight' modifier (with any player character) | **Acquire the 'True Christian Knight' modifier (with any player character) | ||
**Remain a vassal of the king/queen of England. Rebellion is forbidden. | **Remain a vassal of the king/queen of England. Rebellion is forbidden. | ||
**Acquire 5000 prestige with one ruler | **Acquire 5000 prestige with one ruler | ||
**威廉·马歇尔(William Marshal),德维得伯爵,1204剧本或1197年后:有史以来最伟大的骑士坐在威尔士的伯爵宝座上。给他和他的羽翼未丰的王朝带来更大的荣耀。在GOTW中使用: 获得“真正的基督教骑士”修饰符(与任何玩家角色) 仍然是英格兰国王/女王的附庸。禁止叛乱。 与一名统治者获得5000威望 | |||
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*<span id="Simon_de_Montfort"></span>'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_de_Montfort,_6th_Earl_of_Leicester 西蒙 德 孟福尔(Simon de Montfort)],莱斯特伯爵,1225''':Leader during the Barons' War against King Henry III, he became the de facto leader of England for a short time before his death in battle. Starting as a simple earl, making Simon's rise match that of history might be a challenge, but one worth a try. | *<span id="Simon_de_Montfort"></span>'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_de_Montfort,_6th_Earl_of_Leicester 西蒙 德 孟福尔(Simon de Montfort)],莱斯特伯爵,1225''':Leader during the Barons' War against King Henry III, he became the de facto leader of England for a short time before his death in battle. Starting as a simple earl, making Simon's rise match that of history might be a challenge, but one worth a try. | ||
*<span id="Simon_de_Montfort"></span>西蒙·德·孟福尔(Simon de Montfort),莱斯特伯爵,1225年:在对抗亨利三世的贵族战争中担任领袖,他在战场上去世之前成为英格兰的实际领导者。从简单的伯爵开始,让西蒙的崛起与历史相匹配可能是一个挑战,但值得一试。 | |||
*<span id="Simon_de_Montfort"></span> | |||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Rufus 阿兰 德 庞蒂耶夫尔(Alan de Penthièvre)],约克伯爵,1071.1.1''': This is Alan Rufus, one of the richest men in history. Sadly, his wealth is not modelled in-game, but he's still an interesting historical figure. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Rufus 阿兰 德 庞蒂耶夫尔(Alan de Penthièvre)],约克伯爵,1071.1.1''': This is Alan Rufus, one of the richest men in history. Sadly, his wealth is not modelled in-game, but he's still an interesting historical figure. | ||
*阿兰·德·庞蒂耶夫尔(Alan de Penthièvre),约克伯爵,1071年1月1日:这是阿兰·鲁弗斯(Alan Rufus),历史上最富有的人之一。遗憾的是,他的财富并未在游戏中进行模型化,但他仍然是一个有趣的历史人物。 | |||
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*'''King Æthelstan of England, 936''': As the first king of a truly collected England, Æthelstan is very much in the prime of his power. But only a year later, historically speaking, he had to fight the coalition of the Kingdoms of Dublin, Alba and Strathclyde in the Battle of Brunanburh. His victory secured the new frontiers in the north, but if he had lost? Who can say what would have happened with the Isles if that had happened? | *'''King Æthelstan of England, 936''': As the first king of a truly collected England, Æthelstan is very much in the prime of his power. But only a year later, historically speaking, he had to fight the coalition of the Kingdoms of Dublin, Alba and Strathclyde in the Battle of Brunanburh. His victory secured the new frontiers in the north, but if he had lost? Who can say what would have happened with the Isles if that had happened? | ||
*英格兰的阿瑟斯坦国王(King Æthelstan of England),936年:作为真正统一英格兰的第一位国王,阿瑟斯坦正处于他的权力巅峰。但仅仅一年后,历史上他不得不与都柏林王国、阿尔巴王国和斯特拉斯克莱德王国的联盟在布伦安布尔战役中作战。他的胜利确保了北部的新边界,但如果他输了?如果发生了这种情况,谁能说出如果发生了这种情况,岛屿会发生什么? | |||
====法兰西王国==== | ====法兰西王国==== | ||
第358行: | 第418行: | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_I_of_France 腓力一世 卡佩(Philippe I Capet)](小卡佩),法兰西国王,1066''':你年仅14岁,有两个兄弟姐妹,以及一群比你强大的封臣。诺曼底公爵威廉手握1w重(huoxing)兵,正在发动一场夺取英格兰王位的战争。你的叔叔勃艮第公爵攥着国王宣称。你的直属封臣兰斯主教在香槟公爵的法理内。阿基坦公爵兼图卢兹公爵拥兵自重。佛兰德斯公爵想要独立,并且有一个神罗法理内的封臣。你能重现历史,克服一切困难生存下来并让你的家族繁荣吗? | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_I_of_France 腓力一世 卡佩(Philippe I Capet)](小卡佩),法兰西国王,1066''':你年仅14岁,有两个兄弟姐妹,以及一群比你强大的封臣。诺曼底公爵威廉手握1w重(huoxing)兵,正在发动一场夺取英格兰王位的战争。你的叔叔勃艮第公爵攥着国王宣称。你的直属封臣兰斯主教在香槟公爵的法理内。阿基坦公爵兼图卢兹公爵拥兵自重。佛兰德斯公爵想要独立,并且有一个神罗法理内的封臣。你能重现历史,克服一切困难生存下来并让你的家族繁荣吗? | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_I_of_France 让一世 卡佩(Jean I Capet)],法兰西国王,1316.11.15''':Your dynasty is almost as weak as in 1066, but you don't have giga-vassals. However, you are surrounded by Castille, Aragon and the HRE. If you die and your uncle doesn't manage to have children, you have the Hundred Years' War. If not... there are only a few English counties left in southern France and you could have Brittany and Savoy easily. Sadly, the regency preceding his rule has been replaced by him living longer, so by beginning at the above date, you are not a posthumous newborn. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_I_of_France 让一世 卡佩(Jean I Capet)],法兰西国王,1316.11.15''':Your dynasty is almost as weak as in 1066, but you don't have giga-vassals. However, you are surrounded by Castille, Aragon and the HRE. If you die and your uncle doesn't manage to have children, you have the Hundred Years' War. If not... there are only a few English counties left in southern France and you could have Brittany and Savoy easily. Sadly, the regency preceding his rule has been replaced by him living longer, so by beginning at the above date, you are not a posthumous newborn. | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_VIII,_Duke_of_Aquitaine 吉扬八世 德 普瓦图(Guilhem VIII de Poitou)],阿基坦公爵,1066.9.15''' | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_VIII,_Duke_of_Aquitaine 吉扬八世 德 普瓦图(Guilhem VIII de Poitou)],阿基坦公爵,1066.9.15''' :1066年,阿基坦公爵是法王之下最强大的公爵之一。如果你能成功对年轻的菲利普国王(King Philippe )发起战役,并将你的领地从封臣关系中解放出来,阿基坦有望提升为一个强大的王国。在此基础上,通过与法国展开一系列新的战争,夺回富饶的图卢兹公国(Duchy of Toulouse ),以及重新征服曾属于阿基坦的巴塞罗那公国(Duchy of Barcelona ),你将踏上成为欧洲最强大国之一的征途。 | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_IX,_Duke_of_Aquitaine 吉扬九世 德 普瓦图(Guilhem IX de Poitou)],阿基坦公爵,1086.9.25:''' | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_IX,_Duke_of_Aquitaine 吉扬九世 德 普瓦图(Guilhem IX de Poitou)],阿基坦公爵,1086.9.25:''' 你曾扮演过伟大的征服者,从无到有创下伟业……那么,为什么不尝试转向文化成就呢?阿基坦公爵纪尧姆九世(Duke Guilhem IX of Aquitaine ),尽管在历史上有一定的重要性,却因另一个身份更为人所知——他是有记载的首位吟游诗人。他留下了几首关于爱情、性与封建政治的大胆的奥克语诗歌,有些至今仍让人捧腹大笑。 | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odo_II,_Duke_of_Burgundy 厄德二世 德 勃艮第(Eudes II de Bourgogne)],勃艮第公爵,1153''' | 此外,他以风流成性而闻名,曾积极参与法国境内的权力斗争,试图夺取其他公国,同时他时而支持、时而挑战天主教会。更引人注目的是,他曾参加1101年的十字军东征,尽管最终并未成功。他还是阿基坦的埃莉诺(Eleanor of Aquitaine )的祖父。据史书记载,他拒绝杀死一位敌对主教,并幽默地说道:“我还没爱你到想送你上天堂的地步!” | ||
除此之外还能说些什么呢?他作为一位强大的公爵的起点并不算艰难,而你可以将这位风流的诗人公爵的历史书写推向任意方向。或许,这一次可以试着对他的妻子好一些,而不是像他那样令人诟病。 | |||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odo_II,_Duke_of_Burgundy 厄德二世 德 勃艮第(Eudes II de Bourgogne)],勃艮第公爵,1153''' :阿基坦的埃莉诺曾是法国国王路易七世的王后,但她的再婚却让英王继承了整个阿基坦,使英格兰掌控了法国四分之一的领土。如今,法国名义上的半壁江山落入金雀花家族之手,而他们的目光更贪婪地投向了图卢兹。 | |||
作为路易七世这位仁慈但能力平平的君主的忠诚封臣,你的任务是守护法国剩余的疆域,并收复那些理应属于卡佩王室的土地!当然,当法国的王冠与领土重新稳固之后,你完全可以不再充当(或不再假装)忠实的仆人,将王冠戴在自己头上! | |||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_V,_Count_of_Flanders 鲍德韦因五世(Boudewijn V)],佛兰德斯公爵,1066.9.15''':The wealthiest provinces of France with the option to go HRE whenever you wish, one or two counties away from forming Frisia, and some fine relatives to boot. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_V,_Count_of_Flanders 鲍德韦因五世(Boudewijn V)],佛兰德斯公爵,1066.9.15''':The wealthiest provinces of France with the option to go HRE whenever you wish, one or two counties away from forming Frisia, and some fine relatives to boot. | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_IV,_Count_of_Toulouse 吉扬四世 德 图卢兹(Guilhelm IV de Toulouse)],图卢兹公爵,1066.9.15''':A very interesting character that allows for very plausible switches into alternate history. Historically, the counts of Toulouse and the kings of Aragon were very close until the rise of the Montforts and the Albigensian crusade, when Simon de Montfort defeated the combined forces of Aragon and Toulouse at the battle of Muret. With a closely linked Aragon and Toulouse, you could potentially become the king of Aragon, and end up with a disunited Spain. There could be a Hispanic Portugal and Castile in the far west, and an Occitan Aragon that spreads along the Mediterranean coast from Provence in the east to Murcia in the west, and stretches from Sicily in the south to Gap or even Vienne in the north. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_IV,_Count_of_Toulouse 吉扬四世 德 图卢兹(Guilhelm IV de Toulouse)],图卢兹公爵,1066.9.15''':A very interesting character that allows for very plausible switches into alternate history. Historically, the counts of Toulouse and the kings of Aragon were very close until the rise of the Montforts and the Albigensian crusade, when Simon de Montfort defeated the combined forces of Aragon and Toulouse at the battle of Muret. With a closely linked Aragon and Toulouse, you could potentially become the king of Aragon, and end up with a disunited Spain. There could be a Hispanic Portugal and Castile in the far west, and an Occitan Aragon that spreads along the Mediterranean coast from Provence in the east to Murcia in the west, and stretches from Sicily in the south to Gap or even Vienne in the north. | ||
第387行: | 第450行: | ||
====加利西亚王国==== | ====加利西亚王国==== | ||
*<span style="color:goldenrod">'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuno_Mendes_%28count%29 努诺二世 基马良尼斯(Nuno II Vimaranes)],波图斯卡莱公爵,1066.9.15'''</span> | *<span style="color:goldenrod">'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuno_Mendes_%28count%29 努诺二世 基马良尼斯(Nuno II Vimaranes)],波图斯卡莱公爵,1066.9.15'''</span> :抵御来自南方的圣战和吉哈德大圣战,完成收复失地运动,建立葡萄牙王国。以下为每周挑战项目 : | ||
** | ** 保持葡萄牙文化。 | ||
** | ** 在某种程度上保持基督徒的身份。允许皈依东正教或异端。 | ||
** | ** 建立葡萄牙王国,拥有所有法理领土。 | ||
** | ** 将加利西亚王国、莱昂王国和安达卢西亚王国的法理领土并入你的帝国。没有取得这三个王国的头衔亦可。 | ||
** | ** 把一个王朝成员(除了你自己)扶上三个其他王国的王座。这些王国中至少有一个与地中海接壤。 | ||
====加洛韦伯爵领==== | ====加洛韦伯爵领==== | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fergus_of_Galloway 弗格斯 加洛韦(Fergus of Galloway)],加洛韦伯爵,1100''' | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fergus_of_Galloway 弗格斯 加洛韦(Fergus of Galloway)],加洛韦伯爵,1100''' :你从一个苏格兰半岛开始游戏,它的两侧是一个强大的苏格兰和几乎统一的英格兰。在只有两个伯爵领的情况下,作为一个儿童,没有家庭或封臣,只依赖一个有巨大的阴谋的,想要继承你的土地的,非亲非故的摄政王,这真的是一个挑战。不被吞并到苏格兰,甚至在被吞并之后保留一个在其中的头衔,都是一件难事。游戏的难度或许难于登天,但苏格兰相对不稳定的局势可能会给你一个夺取权力的小窗口。 | ||
====神圣罗马帝国==== | ====神圣罗马帝国==== | ||
第403行: | 第466行: | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor 弗里德里希二世 冯 霍亨施陶芬(Friedrich II von Hohenstaufen)],神圣罗马帝国凯撒,1212.7.5-1250.12.12''':One of the most ambitious and powerful of the Holy Roman Emperors, Friedrich best embodies the average CK2 player's drive to rule the world. He represented the pinnacle of House Hohenstaufen and had plots in nearly every corner of the world. He attempted to claim Jerusalem by marriage (and is married to the Queen of Jerusalem in the 1220s), warred against the pope, and very nearly turned the HRE into a proper nation-state. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor 弗里德里希二世 冯 霍亨施陶芬(Friedrich II von Hohenstaufen)],神圣罗马帝国凯撒,1212.7.5-1250.12.12''':One of the most ambitious and powerful of the Holy Roman Emperors, Friedrich best embodies the average CK2 player's drive to rule the world. He represented the pinnacle of House Hohenstaufen and had plots in nearly every corner of the world. He attempted to claim Jerusalem by marriage (and is married to the Queen of Jerusalem in the 1220s), warred against the pope, and very nearly turned the HRE into a proper nation-state. | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard,_1st_Earl_of_Cornwall 理查 金雀花(Richard of Cornwall)],神圣罗马帝国凯撒,1256.1.28-1272.4.2''':He is King (in-game Kaiser) of the Holy Roman Empire. And English...and a Plantagenet! A very special experience and starting point. He is emperor between 28 January 1256 and 2 April 1272. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard,_1st_Earl_of_Cornwall 理查 金雀花(Richard of Cornwall)],神圣罗马帝国凯撒,1256.1.28-1272.4.2''':He is King (in-game Kaiser) of the Holy Roman Empire. And English...and a Plantagenet! A very special experience and starting point. He is emperor between 28 January 1256 and 2 April 1272. | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_of_Bohemia 约翰 德 卢森堡(Johann de Luxembourg)],波希米亚国王,1310''' | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_of_Bohemia 约翰 德 卢森堡(Johann de Luxembourg)],波希米亚国王,1310''' ——注:即盲人约翰(虽然他双目失明是从1337年开始。) | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_of_Nordheim 奥托二世 冯 诺德海姆(Otto II von Nordheim)],巴伐利亚公爵,直到1070''':create the Kingdom of Bavaria and take over eastern Europe. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_of_Nordheim 奥托二世 冯 诺德海姆(Otto II von Nordheim)],巴伐利亚公爵,直到1070''':create the Kingdom of Bavaria and take over eastern Europe. | ||
*<span id="Welf_I_Welf"></span>'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welf_I,_Duke_of_Bavaria 韦尔夫一世 韦尔夫(Welf I Welf)],巴伐利亚公爵,1070.1.1 和 1079''':the bastard son of Duke Alberto II Azzo d'Este of Lombardy, can you resurrect the old and powerful House of Welf (Guelph)? It's a fun game being an illegitimate bastard with a wife that has a claim on neighbouring Swabia. If you can pacify the Bavarian Lords and consolidate, you could potentially become the most powerful man in the Holy Roman Empire. Not to mention the weak claim you will receive when the old man Alberto Azzo II dies, and the impending succession crisis in Lombardy which means you can seize your moment and swallow Milan as well. Bringing glory back to the Welfs should be a fun undertaking. | *<span id="Welf_I_Welf"></span>'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welf_I,_Duke_of_Bavaria 韦尔夫一世 韦尔夫(Welf I Welf)],巴伐利亚公爵,1070.1.1 和 1079''':the bastard son of Duke Alberto II Azzo d'Este of Lombardy, can you resurrect the old and powerful House of Welf (Guelph)? It's a fun game being an illegitimate bastard with a wife that has a claim on neighbouring Swabia. If you can pacify the Bavarian Lords and consolidate, you could potentially become the most powerful man in the Holy Roman Empire. Not to mention the weak claim you will receive when the old man Alberto Azzo II dies, and the impending succession crisis in Lombardy which means you can seize your moment and swallow Milan as well. Bringing glory back to the Welfs should be a fun undertaking. | ||
第420行: | 第483行: | ||
*<span id="Geraud_de_Geneve""></span>'''[http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A9rold_II_de_Gen%C3%A8ve 热罗 德 日内瓦(Geraud de Geneve)],日内瓦伯爵,1066.9.15''' : The score description is almost taunting. Can you do better by ruling more than your single county, or even by sticking to one? Moreover, it is an interesting character. He could have a claim on the kingdom of Burgundy through his great-grandfather Konrad III, king of Burgundy. Indeed, when the last independent king of Burgundy, Rudolf III, died childless in 1032, the title became vacant. The Ottonian dynasty, with Henri II, should have inherited the throne, but they became extinct before the kings of Burgundy. Hence, Eudes, count of Blois and Champagne, should have inherited but was defeated by emperor Conrad II who usurped the throne as the successor of Henri II. As the house of Blois has failed and is now too busy with French affairs, maybe it is time for Geraud to step up as the last local male descendant of King Konrad and reclaim what is his and restore the Burgundian nation from within? | *<span id="Geraud_de_Geneve""></span>'''[http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A9rold_II_de_Gen%C3%A8ve 热罗 德 日内瓦(Geraud de Geneve)],日内瓦伯爵,1066.9.15''' : The score description is almost taunting. Can you do better by ruling more than your single county, or even by sticking to one? Moreover, it is an interesting character. He could have a claim on the kingdom of Burgundy through his great-grandfather Konrad III, king of Burgundy. Indeed, when the last independent king of Burgundy, Rudolf III, died childless in 1032, the title became vacant. The Ottonian dynasty, with Henri II, should have inherited the throne, but they became extinct before the kings of Burgundy. Hence, Eudes, count of Blois and Champagne, should have inherited but was defeated by emperor Conrad II who usurped the throne as the successor of Henri II. As the house of Blois has failed and is now too busy with French affairs, maybe it is time for Geraud to step up as the last local male descendant of King Konrad and reclaim what is his and restore the Burgundian nation from within? | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_I_of_Olomouc 奥塔 “美男子” 普热米斯尔(Ota 'the Handsome' Premyslid)],奥洛穆茨伯爵,1066.9.15''' | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_I_of_Olomouc 奥塔 “美男子” 普热米斯尔(Ota 'the Handsome' Premyslid)],奥洛穆茨伯爵,1066.9.15''' :谁是这个貌比潘安的人? Well, it's Ota, younger brother to the starting Duke of Bohemia. Sure, you start with one province in the corner of the realm, but with some luck, good assassinations and perhaps a small war or two, you can quickly take control of the Duchy, or Kingdom, of Bohemia! Not to mention, you're handsome! | ||
*'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezzelino_III_da_Romano 伊泽立诺三世 达 罗马诺(Ezzelino III da Romano)],维罗纳伯爵,1200初''':Considered one of the most ruthless and cruel feudal rulers in all the Middle Ages. At the time, he was said to be the anti-Christ or the spawn of the devil. A crusade was issued against him. He once sentenced 10,000 citizens of Padua to death in a single day. He also enjoyed the mass use of torture, said to feel pleasure at the screams of people walled in alive, and he would often command kids to be blinded for his enjoyment. He was also a supporter of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II in the war between Guelphs and Ghibellines and married his daughter. | *'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezzelino_III_da_Romano 伊泽立诺三世 达 罗马诺(Ezzelino III da Romano)],维罗纳伯爵,1200初''':Considered one of the most ruthless and cruel feudal rulers in all the Middle Ages. At the time, he was said to be the anti-Christ or the spawn of the devil. A crusade was issued against him. He once sentenced 10,000 citizens of Padua to death in a single day. He also enjoyed the mass use of torture, said to feel pleasure at the screams of people walled in alive, and he would often command kids to be blinded for his enjoyment. He was also a supporter of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II in the war between Guelphs and Ghibellines and married his daughter. | ||
第430行: | 第493行: | ||
*'''[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walaho_IV. 维尔纳 萨利安(Werner Salian)]<sup>Needs to be verified in case he's supposed to be [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_V_%28Salian%29 Werner V]</sup>,沃尔姆斯伯爵,867''':Try to climb insurmountable odds and establish the Salian Dynasty as masters of the Holy Roman Empire. House Salian provided 4 Holy Roman Emperors, an immense task to be sure! | *'''[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walaho_IV. 维尔纳 萨利安(Werner Salian)]<sup>Needs to be verified in case he's supposed to be [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_V_%28Salian%29 Werner V]</sup>,沃尔姆斯伯爵,867''':Try to climb insurmountable odds and establish the Salian Dynasty as masters of the Holy Roman Empire. House Salian provided 4 Holy Roman Emperors, an immense task to be sure! | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest,_Margrave_of_Austria 恩斯特 冯 巴本堡(Ernst von Babenberg)],奥地利公爵,1066''':He is in a weak position with a lot of potential; you can go in any direction. Each of the four counties in your duchy is held by a different house: Bavaria has Passau, Bohemia has Znojmo, Carinthia has Steiermark, and you hold only Österreich, the capital. With one or two carefully chosen alliances, you can beat Bavaria and Carinthia, and then, with most of the duchy under your control, maybe even challenge Bohemia—or expand eastwards into Croatia. For longer-term goals, you can form Bavaria, get elected Kaiser, launch an invasion of Hungary, or take Jerusalem in a crusade. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest,_Margrave_of_Austria 恩斯特 冯 巴本堡(Ernst von Babenberg)],奥地利公爵,1066''':He is in a weak position with a lot of potential; you can go in any direction. Each of the four counties in your duchy is held by a different house: Bavaria has Passau, Bohemia has Znojmo, Carinthia has Steiermark, and you hold only Österreich, the capital. With one or two carefully chosen alliances, you can beat Bavaria and Carinthia, and then, with most of the duchy under your control, maybe even challenge Bohemia—or expand eastwards into Croatia. For longer-term goals, you can form Bavaria, get elected Kaiser, launch an invasion of Hungary, or take Jerusalem in a crusade. | ||
*'''King Otto of Germany, 936''': | *'''King Otto of Germany, 936''': 在很多方面, Otto is the protagonist of the Iron Century bookmark. Having just been crowned King, Otto has quite the task ahead of himself in trying to put together the Holy Roman Empire and beat back the pagan encroaching from the east (Hungarians) and the north (Norse tribes). To the west, the vassal holding the Stem-Duchy of Lotharingia (Lorraine), Duke Giselbert, recently changed his allegiance to the young King Louis Karling of West Francia. Not to mention the tumultuous kingship of Italy, that will be needed to recreate the Holy Roman Empire. | ||
*'''Duke Boleslav (the Cruel) of Bohemia, 936''': The Bohemian rose to the title of Duke through the fratricide of his brother (Good King) Wenceslaus. Though his rise to power was bloody, Boleslav ruled well and was known as an efficient administrator. Early in his rule he ended the tribute to the German king Otto and ended up in conflict with the Germans for the next 15-20 years. Boleslav is a tough start, as he is surrounded by pagans in every direction, be it with the Polish rulers to the north, Hungary to the south or the Kievan Rus to the far east. | *'''Duke Boleslav (the Cruel) of Bohemia, 936''': The Bohemian rose to the title of Duke through the fratricide of his brother (Good King) Wenceslaus. Though his rise to power was bloody, Boleslav ruled well and was known as an efficient administrator. Early in his rule he ended the tribute to the German king Otto and ended up in conflict with the Germans for the next 15-20 years. Boleslav is a tough start, as he is surrounded by pagans in every direction, be it with the Polish rulers to the north, Hungary to the south or the Kievan Rus to the far east. | ||
第443行: | 第506行: | ||
====冰岛公国==== | ====冰岛公国==== | ||
*'''司格分司(Sigfus),西冰岛伯爵,1066.9.15''' | *'''司格分司(Sigfus),西冰岛伯爵,1066.9.15''' :面对现实吧,你所拥有的岛屿并不富裕。冰岛在当时可以说土地贫瘠,这一现象因为老公爵的存在而雪上加霜。他沾沾自喜地坐在欧洲最北端的王座上,并且当世界经过他时,他心满意足。尽管这是斯诺里时代,并且冰岛几乎完成立基督教化,古老的故事依然使年轻人心潮澎湃。尽管他能力有限,尤其是挪威也热衷于保卫自己的土地。也许如果你从司格分司东领主手中夺取了冰岛王位的控制权,你就可以重新点燃维京精神,正是它将你的人民带到这个雾凇覆盖的岛屿上不祥的、参差不齐的海岸。 | ||
====爱尔兰王国==== | ====爱尔兰王国==== | ||
*'''多姆纳尔 乌厄 内尔 尼吉厄拉希(Domnall Ua Neill Naoigallaich),蒂洛辛伯爵,1066.9.15''':the starting earl of Oriel is an O'Neill Naoi-Gallach, descended from the legendary High King of Ireland Niall of the Nine Hostages (and, according to recent DNA studies, the male-line ancestor of around 20% of the population of Ireland today). | *'''多姆纳尔 乌厄 内尔 尼吉厄拉希(Domnall Ua Neill Naoigallaich),蒂洛辛伯爵,1066.9.15''':the starting earl of Oriel is an O'Neill Naoi-Gallach, descended from the legendary High King of Ireland Niall of the Nine Hostages (and, according to recent DNA studies, the male-line ancestor of around 20% of the population of Ireland today). | ||
*'''穆尔哈德 乌厄 布里昂(Murchad Ua Briain),慕穆(芒斯特)小型国王,1066.9.15''' | *'''穆尔哈德 乌厄 布里昂(Murchad Ua Briain),慕穆(芒斯特)小型国王,1066.9.15''' :布赖恩波鲁, 爱尔兰最后一个至高王(注:这并不严谨), 或者说, 是最后一个统治全岛大部分地区超过一年的人. 聆听他葬礼进行曲的同时, 那可以沿着你祖父的道路行进下去 并再一次统一爱尔兰来面对英国和挪威对凯尔特人的威胁 。也许,这可能创造一个统治着英伦三岛和布列塔尼的凯尔特帝国呢? | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_de_Courcy 约翰 德 库西(John de Courcy)],阿尔斯特伯爵,第三次十字军开始''':his capital is the castle of Carrickfergus. He tried for independence from England - going as far as putting his face on coins. The English King put him down; now all that remains of his legacy is a shopping centre in Carrickfergus. John de Courcy was an Anglo-Norman knight who arrived in Ireland in 1176. From then until his expulsion in 1204, he conquered a considerable territory, endowed religious establishments, built abbeys for both the Benedictines and the Cistercians and built strongholds at Dundrum Castle in County Down and Carrickfergus Castle in County Antrim. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_de_Courcy 约翰 德 库西(John de Courcy)],阿尔斯特伯爵,第三次十字军开始''':his capital is the castle of Carrickfergus. He tried for independence from England - going as far as putting his face on coins. The English King put him down; now all that remains of his legacy is a shopping centre in Carrickfergus. John de Courcy was an Anglo-Norman knight who arrived in Ireland in 1176. From then until his expulsion in 1204, he conquered a considerable territory, endowed religious establishments, built abbeys for both the Benedictines and the Cistercians and built strongholds at Dundrum Castle in County Down and Carrickfergus Castle in County Antrim. | ||
====西部群岛公国==== | ====西部群岛公国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godred_Crovan 古德罗德 克洛温(Gudrod Crovan)],南岛(西部群岛)公爵,1066.9.15''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godred_Crovan 古德罗德 克洛温(Gudrod Crovan)],南岛(西部群岛)公爵,1066.9.15''' :[[custom kingdoms|自建王国]] 的出现使你能够创建一个群岛王国。你能做到吗?这些岛屿是有趣的开始,因为你是独立的挪威人,但被凯尔特统治者和省份包围。在你摁下暂停键之前宣誓效忠苏格兰;这将给你在爱尔兰和苏格兰扩张的空间,而不必担心被敌人欺负,否则,苏格兰迟早会因为拥有你的法理宣称而攻击你。或者说,对于那些想要更大挑战的人,尝试在保持独立的同时完成所有这些。 | ||
====意大利王国==== | ====意大利王国==== | ||
第463行: | 第526行: | ||
==== 卡林西亚王国 ==== | ==== 卡林西亚王国 ==== | ||
*'''柳特伯特 冯 巴本堡(Liutbert von Babenberg),弗里萨赫伯爵,867''' | *'''柳特伯特 冯 巴本堡(Liutbert von Babenberg),弗里萨赫伯爵,867''' :也许有人能在500年后扭转这个家庭的命运? | ||
====耶路撒冷王国==== | ====耶路撒冷王国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godfrey_of_Bouillon 戈弗雷 德 布洛涅(Godefroy I de Bouillon)],耶路撒冷王国,1099.7.15-1100.4.1''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godfrey_of_Bouillon 戈弗雷 德 布洛涅(Godefroy I de Bouillon)],耶路撒冷王国,1099.7.15-1100.4.1''' :戈弗雷是耶路撒冷王国的第一任领袖,他拒绝成为国王,因为他相信上帝是耶路撒冷王国的真正国王。然而,他可以被扮演成国王。你应该要避免他的过早死亡,并希望凭借大量的能力和好运建立一个真正持久的王国。 | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_IV_of_Jerusalem 鲍德温四世 “麻风王”德 安茹(Baudouin IV 'the Leper' d'Anjou)],耶路撒冷王国,1177.1.2''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baldwin_IV_of_Jerusalem 鲍德温四世 “麻风王”德 安茹(Baudouin IV 'the Leper' d'Anjou)],耶路撒冷王国,1177.1.2''' :? 你刚满16岁,但身患重疾,能生个儿子将是一个奇迹。更糟糕的是,耶路撒冷王国被它曾经与之斗争过的最强大的穆斯林国家所包围,而拜占庭帝国是唯一强大到可以成为对付萨拉丁的盟友。没有继承人和患有麻风病会导致你的封臣对你的反感(甚至可能导致叛乱),更不用说你不能让你的姐妹嫁到其他家族,因为她们很可能在你之后继承王位。在你的麻风病进入晚期之前,你要尽可能努力发展国家。在现实生活中,鲍德温当了11年国王,活了24年。而你又能活多久?历史上的他不仅活了如此之久,而且赢得了他的臣民和敌人萨拉丁等人的尊重:一位穆斯林说他“这个患有麻风的孩子知道如何让他的权威受到尊重”,他的追随者形容他保持着帝王的气派,即使他在他死了和身形严重畸形之后。你能比得上这个麻疯病人吗? | ||
*'''耶路撒冷女王''':在不同开局有五个可玩德耶路撒冷女王:[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melisende,_Queen_of_Jerusalem 梅莉桑德(Melisende)],[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabella_I_of_Jerusalem 伊莎贝尔一世(Isabella I)] 和[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabella_II_of_Jerusalem 伊莎贝尔二世(Isabella II)],[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sibylla,_Queen_of_Jerusalem 西比拉(Sibylla)],和[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_of_Montferrat 玛丽亚(Maria)]。当心吉哈德! | *'''耶路撒冷女王''':在不同开局有五个可玩德耶路撒冷女王:[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melisende,_Queen_of_Jerusalem 梅莉桑德(Melisende)],[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabella_I_of_Jerusalem 伊莎贝尔一世(Isabella I)] 和[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabella_II_of_Jerusalem 伊莎贝尔二世(Isabella II)],[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sibylla,_Queen_of_Jerusalem 西比拉(Sibylla)],和[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_of_Montferrat 玛丽亚(Maria)]。当心吉哈德! | ||
第481行: | 第544行: | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfonso_VI_of_Le%C3%B3n_and_Castile 阿方索 希梅纳(Alfonso Jimena)],莱昂国王,1066.9.15''':If deception is more your style, this is the Spanish leader you should play as. Alfonso starts with high intrigue and claims on the neighboring Christian kingdoms. If you can have your brother Sancho killed fast enough you'll become King of Leon and Castille and recreate the real Alfonso's rise to power. See [[León walkthrough]]. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfonso_VI_of_Le%C3%B3n_and_Castile 阿方索 希梅纳(Alfonso Jimena)],莱昂国王,1066.9.15''':If deception is more your style, this is the Spanish leader you should play as. Alfonso starts with high intrigue and claims on the neighboring Christian kingdoms. If you can have your brother Sancho killed fast enough you'll become King of Leon and Castille and recreate the real Alfonso's rise to power. See [[León walkthrough]]. | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urraca_of_Zamora 乌拉卡 希梅纳(Urraca Jimena)],萨莫拉女伯爵,1066.9.15''':Is she interesting? Fun? Historically meaningful? No, no, and I have no idea. She is, however, the Kizdean Gix (EQ1) of CK2 - annoying beyond all reason, and is completely disproportionately powerful. If you play as the King of Leon, she's a nuisance you just can't get rid of (she's your sister, and so the sister of all the neighboring Kings, there's no dealing with her). She's what the oubliette was made for. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urraca_of_Zamora 乌拉卡 希梅纳(Urraca Jimena)],萨莫拉女伯爵,1066.9.15''':Is she interesting? Fun? Historically meaningful? No, no, and I have no idea. She is, however, the Kizdean Gix (EQ1) of CK2 - annoying beyond all reason, and is completely disproportionately powerful. If you play as the King of Leon, she's a nuisance you just can't get rid of (she's your sister, and so the sister of all the neighboring Kings, there's no dealing with her). She's what the oubliette was made for. | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urraca_of_Le%C3%B3n_and_Castile 乌拉卡(Urraca)],莱昂与卡斯蒂利亚(与加利西亚)女王,1109-1126''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urraca_of_Le%C3%B3n_and_Castile 乌拉卡(Urraca)],莱昂与卡斯蒂利亚(与加利西亚)女王,1109-1126''' :这位强大的女王在其统治期间声称她是全西班牙的皇后。 | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauregatus_of_Asturias 马乌雷加托(Mauregato)],阿斯托加伯爵,769''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauregatus_of_Asturias 马乌雷加托(Mauregato)],阿斯托加伯爵,769''' :你是阿斯图里亚斯国王的儿子,但也是摩尔农奴的儿子。贵族们看不起你堕落的血统,一直忽视你的继承权。然而历史将会铭记,你是篡位者马乌雷加托。可惜仅仅统治王国五年,你就离开人世。你的遗产被迅速地抛到一边,你的王位重新由一个更高贵的家族继承。你能超越真正的马乌雷加托,作为半摩尔人和私生子,戴上阿斯图里亚斯的王冠,巩固你的王朝,为你的名字带来荣耀吗? | ||
====吕贝克伯爵领==== | ====吕贝克伯爵领==== | ||
第503行: | 第566行: | ||
====挪威王国==== | ====挪威王国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harald_Hardrada 哈拉尔德三世 | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harald_Hardrada “无情者” 哈拉尔德三世 英格林(Harald III 'Hardrada' Yngling)],1066.9.15 September 1066''' :见[[ 挪威 演练]] 。 | ||
*'''King Hakon (the Good) of Norway, 936''': Young Hakon is 16 years old as he lands in Norway. Raised by King Æthelstan of England, he has now returned to his take up overlordship of his country. Not long ago his half-brother Erik Bloodaxe killed two of their other brothers and took control of the land, but he has recently been thrown out by the Norwegian Jarls. Still brooding in the north of Scotland with his army, he can still be seen as a threat to Hakon's rule, but he is not the most immediate one. As a Catholic, Hakon is certain to be in trouble as all his vassals follow the old ways, as does his pagan neighbours to the north and east. | *'''King Hakon (the Good) of Norway, 936''': Young Hakon is 16 years old as he lands in Norway. Raised by King Æthelstan of England, he has now returned to his take up overlordship of his country. Not long ago his half-brother Erik Bloodaxe killed two of their other brothers and took control of the land, but he has recently been thrown out by the Norwegian Jarls. Still brooding in the north of Scotland with his army, he can still be seen as a threat to Hakon's rule, but he is not the most immediate one. As a Catholic, Hakon is certain to be in trouble as all his vassals follow the old ways, as does his pagan neighbours to the north and east. | ||
====诺曼底公国(包括威廉和他的封臣,但没有在诺曼底的其他的法国封臣)==== | ====诺曼底公国(包括威廉和他的封臣,但没有在诺曼底的其他的法国封臣)==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Curthose 罗贝尔 “伟岸者”诺曼底(Robert 'Curthose' de Normandie)e],1066.9.15''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Curthose 罗贝尔 “伟岸者”诺曼底(Robert 'Curthose' de Normandie)e],1066.9.15''' :作为12岁的伯爵、威廉·德·诺曼底的长子和继承人,从斯坦福桥开始。作为一个成年人,你已经有了一系列的负面特征,除了没有糟糕的外交能力,而且——无论诺曼征服带来什么——你都会不断地与你的两个弟弟斗争,争夺继承人之位。通过谨慎的婚姻,你可以与其他家庭结成联盟——但当然,风险在于选择一个小到不会构成威胁,但大到足以在与兄弟的任何争端中提供帮助的人。在现实生活中,他与他的兄弟和父亲(三个国王,没有更少!)可能是结束诺曼底王朝的最重要因素。他与三位最亲近的男性亲戚开战,每次都是因为他糟糕的人际交往技能而失去了王位(而且由于他是一个相当懒惰、有头衔的草包,所以普遍不可靠)。冲动、吝啬、骄傲,但在高潮时,他拥有一个室内锅的所有社交优雅,最终被他的一个兄弟监禁,比他的弟弟(亨利一世国王)早一年去世,永远结束了诺曼底家族的统治。罗伯特是一个前线勇士,更适合于战斗而不是政治,他的命运表明了这一点。 | ||
====教廷属邦==== | ====教廷属邦==== | ||
第516行: | 第579行: | ||
====波兰王国==== | ====波兰王国==== | ||
*<span id="Boleslaw_Piast"></span>'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boles%C5%82aw_II_the_Generous 博莱斯瓦夫 “英勇者”皮雅斯特(Boleslaw 'the Bold' Piast)],波兰国王,1066.9.15''':This start can go various ways. His realm has about 20 de jure provinces, made up of five duchies of varying power. You can expand anywhere you want. | *<span id="Boleslaw_Piast"></span>'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boles%C5%82aw_II_the_Generous 博莱斯瓦夫 “英勇者”皮雅斯特(Boleslaw 'the Bold' Piast)],波兰国王,1066.9.15''':This start can go various ways. His realm has about 20 de jure provinces, made up of five duchies of varying power. You can expand anywhere you want. 这一开局可以有多种方式。他的王国有大约20个法理省份,由五个不同统治者的公爵领地组成。你可以扩展到任何你想要的地方。 | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_III_the_Great 卡齐米日三世 “伟大者”皮雅斯特(Kazimierz III 'the Great' Piast)],波兰国王,1333''':The only Polish king in history to both receive and keep the 'Great' nickname - can you make him worthy of it? Secure the borders to the West against the HRE and some Bohemians with claims, possibly fend off the Golden Horde, take on the Lithuanian pagans, and have the option to plot against the Teutonic Order and start a succession crisis that could land you the other half of the de jure Lithuanian kingdom. (Playing as Kazimierz's father Wladyslaw is also a fun setup; just start on the day of Kazimierz's birth 30 Apr 1310 to make sure you have that little genius.) | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_III_the_Great 卡齐米日三世 “伟大者”皮雅斯特(Kazimierz III 'the Great' Piast)],波兰国王,1333''':The only Polish king in history to both receive and keep the 'Great' nickname - can you make him worthy of it? Secure the borders to the West against the HRE and some Bohemians with claims, possibly fend off the Golden Horde, take on the Lithuanian pagans, and have the option to plot against the Teutonic Order and start a succession crisis that could land you the other half of the de jure Lithuanian kingdom. (Playing as Kazimierz's father Wladyslaw is also a fun setup; just start on the day of Kazimierz's birth 30 Apr 1310 to make sure you have that little genius.) | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leszek_I_the_White 莱谢克“白公爵”皮雅斯特(Leszek 'the White' Piast)],波兰国王,1206.1.1''':Leszek 'the White' became King in this year. You can also play as his brother who is a child duke in 1195. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leszek_I_the_White 莱谢克“白公爵”皮雅斯特(Leszek 'the White' Piast)],波兰国王,1206.1.1''':Leszek 'the White' became King in this year. You can also play as his brother who is a child duke in 1195. | ||
第522行: | 第585行: | ||
====波洛茨克公国==== | ====波洛茨克公国==== | ||
*'''波洛茨克公爵,蒙古剧本''':You start as a Lithuanian Catholic, with claims on the nearby Duchy of Lithuania. Your uncle holds that, and he's Orthodox. You can form Lithuania fairly easily, and then try to drive out the Germans/hold back the Mongols. Alternatively, swear fealty to the Mongols and destroy them from within. | *'''波洛茨克公爵,蒙古剧本''':You start as a Lithuanian Catholic, with claims on the nearby Duchy of Lithuania. Your uncle holds that, and he's Orthodox. You can form Lithuania fairly easily, and then try to drive out the Germans/hold back the Mongols. Alternatively, swear fealty to the Mongols and destroy them from within. 你是一个立陶宛天主教徒,对附近的立陶宛公国拥有宣称。你叔叔统治着这一公国,而且他是东正教徒。你可以很容易地组建立陶宛王国,然后试图赶走德国人/阻止蒙古人的进攻。或者,宣誓效忠蒙古人,并从内部摧毁他们。 | ||
====波美拉尼亚公国==== | ====波美拉尼亚公国==== | ||
第530行: | 第593行: | ||
====普罗旺斯公国==== | ====普罗旺斯公国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_I_of_Naples 查理 德 安茹(Charles d'Anjou)],安茹伯爵,1246''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_I_of_Naples 查理 德 安茹(Charles d'Anjou)],安茹伯爵,1246''' —1266年入侵西西里 | ||
====苏格兰王国==== | ====苏格兰王国==== | ||
第536行: | 第599行: | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_III_of_Scotland 马尔科姆三世 邓凯尔德(Malcolm III Dunkeld)],苏格兰国王,1066.9.15''':Start with just one county (and a Kingdom) and forge the reputation of the great 'Canmore' or 'Longneck' -referring quite personally to his leadership style. He is also considered the progenitor of a branch of the family that ruled Scotland until 1286. His wife was the beatified Saint Margaret so be nice (or not). | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_III_of_Scotland 马尔科姆三世 邓凯尔德(Malcolm III Dunkeld)],苏格兰国王,1066.9.15''':Start with just one county (and a Kingdom) and forge the reputation of the great 'Canmore' or 'Longneck' -referring quite personally to his leadership style. He is also considered the progenitor of a branch of the family that ruled Scotland until 1286. His wife was the beatified Saint Margaret so be nice (or not). | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret,_Maid_of_Norway 玛格丽特 “少女”英格林(Margaret 'the Maid' Yngling)],苏格兰女王,1287-1290:'''an interesting character to play as, this young girl was the only heir to Alexander III, and as she, unfortunately, died at the age of 7 of sea-sickness on the voyage to Scotland from her native Norway, her death led to complete chaos that culminated in King Edward invading Scotland. In-game you can change this young girl's fate, and make her into a Queen worth remembering. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret,_Maid_of_Norway 玛格丽特 “少女”英格林(Margaret 'the Maid' Yngling)],苏格兰女王,1287-1290:'''an interesting character to play as, this young girl was the only heir to Alexander III, and as she, unfortunately, died at the age of 7 of sea-sickness on the voyage to Scotland from her native Norway, her death led to complete chaos that culminated in King Edward invading Scotland. In-game you can change this young girl's fate, and make her into a Queen worth remembering. | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_the_Bruce 罗伯特 德 布鲁斯(Robert de Brus)],苏格兰国王,1296''':Yep, that's him, Robert the Bruce. Can you too take advantage of Edward II to raise Scotland to new heights, and can you, unlike the Bruce, leave an heir who can continue the dynasty and cement Scotland as a power in Europe? | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_the_Bruce 罗伯特 德 布鲁斯(Robert de Brus)],苏格兰国王,1296''':Yep, that's him, Robert the Bruce. Can you too take advantage of Edward II to raise Scotland to new heights, and can you, unlike the Bruce, leave an heir who can continue the dynasty and cement Scotland as a power in Europe? 是的,就是他,罗伯特 德 布鲁斯。你能否利用爱德华二世把苏格兰的实力提升到一个新的高度?你能不能做到他没有做到的事情,留下一个继承人,继续这个王朝,巩固苏格兰在欧洲的地位? | ||
*<span style="color:goldenrod">'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospatric,_Earl_of_Northumbria 戈斯帕特里克 邓巴(Gospatrick Dunbar)],洛锡安公爵,1066.9.15''':</span>Gospatrick is a vassal of King Malcolm III and his realm straddles the Scottish Lowlands. You have numerous options here, such as backing one of the King's relatives as a pretender, attempting to take the throne yourself (quite possible via elective succession or a strong faction), expanding into Northumberland whilst England is in chaos, or simply remaining loyal to the Dunkelds and hoping to be rewarded for your efforts. All in all, a very interesting position. Used in GOTW: | *<span style="color:goldenrod">'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospatric,_Earl_of_Northumbria 戈斯帕特里克 邓巴(Gospatrick Dunbar)],洛锡安公爵,1066.9.15''':</span>Gospatrick is a vassal of King Malcolm III and his realm straddles the Scottish Lowlands. You have numerous options here, such as backing one of the King's relatives as a pretender, attempting to take the throne yourself (quite possible via elective succession or a strong faction), expanding into Northumberland whilst England is in chaos, or simply remaining loyal to the Dunkelds and hoping to be rewarded for your efforts. All in all, a very interesting position. Used in GOTW: | ||
**Attain Kingdom of Scotland | **Attain Kingdom of Scotland | ||
第544行: | 第607行: | ||
**Ensure that Celts rule the British Isles in their entirety. Conquering England to achieve this goal is allowed. | **Ensure that Celts rule the British Isles in their entirety. Conquering England to achieve this goal is allowed. | ||
**Claim 3 of the following De Jure duchies: Normandy, Flanders, Slesvig, Sjaelland, Vestlandet, Ostlandet | **Claim 3 of the following De Jure duchies: Normandy, Flanders, Slesvig, Sjaelland, Vestlandet, Ostlandet | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A1el_Snechtai_of_Moray 马利森坦( | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A1el_Snechtai_of_Moray 马利森坦(Malsnectan a Muirebe)],马里公爵,1066.9.15''' :臭名昭著的麦克白最后的亲属。你能通过谋杀和欺骗重新夺回苏格兰王位吗?你又能,不同于麦克白,守住它吗? | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somerled 索默莱德 索尔肋(Somerled Somhairle)],南岛公爵/阿盖尔公爵,1156.1.1''':A Scottish vassal to a Norwegian Duke, in 1156 Somerled has taken half the Kingdom of the Isles from his brother-in-law and is poised to root the Norwegians out of Western Scotland. The historical Somerled was slain in the Battle of Renfrew in 1164. Some say he died in battle, others through treachery. Lead this ambitious man to an ahistorical and enduring reign in Scotland. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somerled 索默莱德 索尔肋(Somerled Somhairle)],南岛公爵/阿盖尔公爵,1156.1.1''':A Scottish vassal to a Norwegian Duke, in 1156 Somerled has taken half the Kingdom of the Isles from his brother-in-law and is poised to root the Norwegians out of Western Scotland. The historical Somerled was slain in the Battle of Renfrew in 1164. Some say he died in battle, others through treachery. Lead this ambitious man to an ahistorical and enduring reign in Scotland. | ||
第553行: | 第616行: | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Guiscard 罗伯特一世 德 欧特维尔(Robert I d'Hauteville)],阿普利亚公爵,1066''':Not as challenging as many starts, but the family is a popular choice. Croatia offers an expansion opportunity in the north. John Julius Norwich has written a great 2-volume history of the family. See [[Apulia walkthrough]]. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Guiscard 罗伯特一世 德 欧特维尔(Robert I d'Hauteville)],阿普利亚公爵,1066''':Not as challenging as many starts, but the family is a popular choice. Croatia offers an expansion opportunity in the north. John Julius Norwich has written a great 2-volume history of the family. See [[Apulia walkthrough]]. | ||
*'''阿尔比妮娅 德 欧特维尔(Albinia d'Hauteville),莱切与塔兰托女伯爵,1205''':a 16-year-old widow (tough life, I guess, but he died a "natural death" at 41, so it might be a Nelson Rockefeller thing) if you start in 1205. Can you reclaim the Kingdom of Sicily for the family? | *'''阿尔比妮娅 德 欧特维尔(Albinia d'Hauteville),莱切与塔兰托女伯爵,1205''':a 16-year-old widow (tough life, I guess, but he died a "natural death" at 41, so it might be a Nelson Rockefeller thing) if you start in 1205. Can you reclaim the Kingdom of Sicily for the family? | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemond_I_of_Antioch 博埃蒙 德 欧特维尔(Bohemond d'Hauteville)],安条克亲王,1098.6.3与塔兰托伯爵,1090.1.1''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemond_I_of_Antioch 博埃蒙 德 欧特维尔(Bohemond d'Hauteville)],安条克亲王,1098.6.3与塔兰托伯爵,1090.1.1''' :你的家族是诺曼冒险家,他们征服了意大利南部。如果《阿莱克修斯传》所述为实,你自己也是诡计多端、令人胆寒。你有很多扩张的道路可以选择。如果受到威胁,你可以向神圣罗马帝国宣誓效忠,但你为什么要这样做呢?历史上,博希蒙德几乎打败了伟大的阿莱克修斯一世·科穆宁,所以为什么你在游戏里都做不到呢?你可以在较短的时间内把你小小的公国变成一个伟大的帝国,可以效仿祖先——维京人,向北非穆斯林发起无尽而残酷的海军突袭。如果你想改写博希蒙德的败绩,也可以谋取拜占庭帝国。如果你选择发誓效忠神圣罗马帝国,可以通过暗杀或征服统一意大利(托斯卡纳的玛蒂尔达是你和平扩张的绝佳机会)。你有许多结盟和继承土地的机会,因为你有很多合格的孩子,不需要等一代人的时间繁衍出一个大家庭。你甚至可以追随博希蒙德的脚步,建立安条克公国。这个人物还能有什么不好的呢? | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfred,_King_of_Sicily 曼弗雷德 冯 霍亨施陶芬(Manfred von Hohenstaufen)],西西里国王,1258''':The legitimised bastard son of Frederick II, who has inherited the Kingdom of Sicily from him (and the Papal enmity that comes with it). Playable from at least 1258. Will you establish colonies in Albania/Greece or just live the lush life with the hunting hawks? Will you crush the Italian Guelphs at Montaperti? It's up to you. IRL he was killed in Benevento, Campania in 1266, Charles triumphant. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfred,_King_of_Sicily 曼弗雷德 冯 霍亨施陶芬(Manfred von Hohenstaufen)],西西里国王,1258''':The legitimised bastard son of Frederick II, who has inherited the Kingdom of Sicily from him (and the Papal enmity that comes with it). Playable from at least 1258. Will you establish colonies in Albania/Greece or just live the lush life with the hunting hawks? Will you crush the Italian Guelphs at Montaperti? It's up to you. IRL he was killed in Benevento, Campania in 1266, Charles triumphant. | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conradin 科拉迪诺(康拉德二世) 冯 霍亨施陶芬(Corradino (Konrad II) von Hohenstaufen)],西西里国王,1254-1258,施瓦本公爵,1258后''':the rightful king of Sicily (1254-1258) until the usurpation of Manfred and the Guelph party, and later Duke of Swabia. He was something of a teenage superstar in Ghibelline Italy but was taken prisoner by Charles after Tagliacozzo in 1268. Will you content yourself with your German possessions and fight in Imperial politics or will you try to take back your rightful titles in Sicily? Or will your days as the 13th century Justin Bieber end as they did historically, on the receiving end of an executioner's axe in Naples? | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conradin 科拉迪诺(康拉德二世) 冯 霍亨施陶芬(Corradino (Konrad II) von Hohenstaufen)],西西里国王,1254-1258,施瓦本公爵,1258后''':the rightful king of Sicily (1254-1258) until the usurpation of Manfred and the Guelph party, and later Duke of Swabia. He was something of a teenage superstar in Ghibelline Italy but was taken prisoner by Charles after Tagliacozzo in 1268. Will you content yourself with your German possessions and fight in Imperial politics or will you try to take back your rightful titles in Sicily? Or will your days as the 13th century Justin Bieber end as they did historically, on the receiving end of an executioner's axe in Naples? | ||
第593行: | 第656行: | ||
**Convert Constantinople | **Convert Constantinople | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivaylo_of_Bulgaria 伊瓦廖 巴尔多夫卡(Ivajlo Bardokva)],保加利亚国王,1279''':The legendary Ivajlo the Cabbage. He was an illiterate pig-herder who seized the Bulgarian Throne, and, for a brief time at least, held off the Byzantines and the Golden Horde. You start as the sole member of House Bardokva (which roughly translates as 'House Lettuce'). Your stats are poor, and you're surrounded by enemies. But your rank as King opens useful marriage alliances, and you're ideally positioned to capitalize on the woes of a weakening Byzantine Empire. Just make sure you treat your high-born wife a bit better than the real Ivajlo did. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivaylo_of_Bulgaria 伊瓦廖 巴尔多夫卡(Ivajlo Bardokva)],保加利亚国王,1279''':The legendary Ivajlo the Cabbage. He was an illiterate pig-herder who seized the Bulgarian Throne, and, for a brief time at least, held off the Byzantines and the Golden Horde. You start as the sole member of House Bardokva (which roughly translates as 'House Lettuce'). Your stats are poor, and you're surrounded by enemies. But your rank as King opens useful marriage alliances, and you're ideally positioned to capitalize on the woes of a weakening Byzantine Empire. Just make sure you treat your high-born wife a bit better than the real Ivajlo did. | ||
*'''Tsar Peter of the Bulgarian Empire, 936''' | *''' 彼得一世,保加利亚沙皇(Tsar Peter of the Bulgarian Empire), 936''' :身为保加利亚开国沙皇之子,他继承了一笔庞大的遗产。帝国南边和东边与拜占庭帝国接壤,两国长久以来冲突不断,却又相互影响。在北边,匈牙利人已经推进到喀尔巴阡盆地,占领了曾被保加利亚人统治的大片土地。这里需要额外说明的是,936年伊始,保加利亚帝国实际上是一个法理帝国,下辖保加利亚王国和瓦拉几亚王国。 | ||
====拜占庭帝国==== | ====拜占庭帝国==== | ||
第599行: | 第662行: | ||
*<span id="Alexios_Komnenos"></span>'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexios_I_Komnenos 阿莱克修斯 科穆宁(Alexios Komnenos)],拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1081 (阿莱克修斯传剧本)''':Bring the Empire back from its defeat at the hands of the Seljuks - and who could be better suited to the task than the subject of the famed 'Alexiad'? See also: [[Roman Empire walkthrough]]. | *<span id="Alexios_Komnenos"></span>'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexios_I_Komnenos 阿莱克修斯 科穆宁(Alexios Komnenos)],拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1081 (阿莱克修斯传剧本)''':Bring the Empire back from its defeat at the hands of the Seljuks - and who could be better suited to the task than the subject of the famed 'Alexiad'? See also: [[Roman Empire walkthrough]]. | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexios_IV_Angelos 阿莱克修斯四世 安耶洛斯(Alexios IV Angelos)],拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1203.7.18''':The man who destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire and led Constantinople to destruction. After his uncle, Alexios III seized the throne from his father Isaakios II, young Alexios was imprisoned, but later he managed to escape to the Holy Roman Empire. Years later, at the age of 20, he saw his chance - the Fourth Crusade was struggling with financial problems - the crusaders weren't able to pay Venice for ships to transport them to the Holy Land, so they were forced to seize the coastal city of Zara as payment for their debt. Alexios contacted the Doge and the crusaders in 1202 and promised them mountains of gold if they helped him become Emperor. Two years later, the crusaders were encamped near Constantinople's walls and Alexios IV, after completely emptying the treasury, refused to give the Latins any more gold. Deeply unpopular, he was soon deposed and imprisoned but not before that he severely deteriorated relations with the Westerners. In the end, the enraged crusaders looted Constantinople, committing an impressive array of atrocities in the process, and chose their own, Catholic claimant for the mantle of Roman Emperor, and the defeated Byzantine nobility scattered to form their own "Imperial" courts in the Empire's provincial cities. This was a disastrous blow from which the Empire never recovered: will you change the course of history and turn the reign of the worst Emperor Byzantium ever had into a time of peace and prosperity? | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexios_IV_Angelos 阿莱克修斯四世 安耶洛斯(Alexios IV Angelos)],拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1203.7.18''':The man who destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire and led Constantinople to destruction. After his uncle, Alexios III seized the throne from his father Isaakios II, young Alexios was imprisoned, but later he managed to escape to the Holy Roman Empire. Years later, at the age of 20, he saw his chance - the Fourth Crusade was struggling with financial problems - the crusaders weren't able to pay Venice for ships to transport them to the Holy Land, so they were forced to seize the coastal city of Zara as payment for their debt. Alexios contacted the Doge and the crusaders in 1202 and promised them mountains of gold if they helped him become Emperor. Two years later, the crusaders were encamped near Constantinople's walls and Alexios IV, after completely emptying the treasury, refused to give the Latins any more gold. Deeply unpopular, he was soon deposed and imprisoned but not before that he severely deteriorated relations with the Westerners. In the end, the enraged crusaders looted Constantinople, committing an impressive array of atrocities in the process, and chose their own, Catholic claimant for the mantle of Roman Emperor, and the defeated Byzantine nobility scattered to form their own "Imperial" courts in the Empire's provincial cities. This was a disastrous blow from which the Empire never recovered: will you change the course of history and turn the reign of the worst Emperor Byzantium ever had into a time of peace and prosperity? | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andronikos_I_Komnenos 安德罗尼科斯一世 科穆宁(Andronikos I Komnenos)],拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1183-1185''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andronikos_I_Komnenos 安德罗尼科斯一世 科穆宁(Andronikos I Komnenos)],拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1183-1185''' :By all accounts a handsome and popular youth who alternately spent his early adulthood in hedonistic pleasure and military service, Andronikos was a lifelong womaniser, and his real-life exploits before finally ascending to the purple in his 50s were almost as outrageous as your average CK2 player's. This guy took as his mistresses first his niece, Eudokia (and was forced to leave Constantinople when her brothers tried to kill him) and later Theodora, the Queen dowager of Jerusalem and niece of his cousin, Emperor Manuel I. Together, Andronikos and Theodora spent much of the next decade gallivanting around the Middle East, running from Manuel's wrath, until Andronikos was finally forced to submit to Manuel and they were separated. After Manuel died, Andronikos sensed the weakness of the regency for Manuel's son, Alexios II, led by his unpopular Catholic mother, Maria of Antioch, and returned to Constantinople with imperial ambitions. His arrival was occasioned by a massacre of Latins which, depending on who you ask, he either failed to stop or instigated himself. He poisoned Alexios II's older half-sister and her husband, and eventually usurped the regency from Maria. Having neutralised all of Alexios' potential supporters, Andronikos then forced the boy to sign his own mother's death warrant, name him co-emperor, and had him strangled shortly after. His reign was marked by increasing paranoia culminating in the seemingly indiscriminate killing of aristocrats and ended with him being tortured and torn apart by an angry mob in the Hippodrome. Can you take this old rascal and turn his reign into the beginning of the next stage of the Komnenian Restoration, rather than its end? | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_Angelos 君士坦丁 安耶洛斯(Konstantinos Angelos)],萨摩斯将军,1108''':Founder of the infamous Angelos dynasty, whose disastrous rule virtually destroyed the Byzantine Empire. Young commander of the Imperial Fleet from Philadelphia in Asia Minor, Konstantinos was handsome but of lowly origin. He married Theodora Komnenos, daughter of Alexios I Komnenos and had three sons: sebastokrator John, Alexios Angelos, famous for erecting a church in Nerezi, and Andronikos Angelos, whose son Isaakios deposed Andronikos Komnenos in 1185 and was proclaimed the Emperor, thus starting the brief and chaotic rule of the Angelos dynasty. Their calamitous rule between 1185 and 1204 led ultimately to the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade, creation of Latin Empire and disintegration of Byzantium into several weak Greek states like the Despotate of Epirus and Empire of Trebizond. Every emperor of the Angelos dynasty was either deposed or killed and their reign is seen by historians today as the death knell of the Byzantine Empire. Will you change history and secure the prosperity of the Byzantium under the rule of Angelos dynasty? | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_Angelos 君士坦丁 安耶洛斯(Konstantinos Angelos)],萨摩斯将军,1108''':Founder of the infamous Angelos dynasty, whose disastrous rule virtually destroyed the Byzantine Empire. Young commander of the Imperial Fleet from Philadelphia in Asia Minor, Konstantinos was handsome but of lowly origin. He married Theodora Komnenos, daughter of Alexios I Komnenos and had three sons: sebastokrator John, Alexios Angelos, famous for erecting a church in Nerezi, and Andronikos Angelos, whose son Isaakios deposed Andronikos Komnenos in 1185 and was proclaimed the Emperor, thus starting the brief and chaotic rule of the Angelos dynasty. Their calamitous rule between 1185 and 1204 led ultimately to the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade, creation of Latin Empire and disintegration of Byzantium into several weak Greek states like the Despotate of Epirus and Empire of Trebizond. Every emperor of the Angelos dynasty was either deposed or killed and their reign is seen by historians today as the death knell of the Byzantine Empire. Will you change history and secure the prosperity of the Byzantium under the rule of Angelos dynasty? | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alusian_of_Bulgaria 阿卢西安(Alusian)],美索不达米亚将军,1066''':Son of the last ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire, Ivan Vladislav. Alusian rebelled in 1040 against the Byzantines in Bulgaria, together with his cousin Peter Delyan, but in the end, betrayed his kinsman by blinding him and defecting to the Byzantines. In return for his treachery, he was pardoned by the Emperor and rewarded with the title of magistros. He has a strong claim on the Kingdom of Bulgaria, so you can make it an independent country again. If you survive the Seljuk invasion of course. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alusian_of_Bulgaria 阿卢西安(Alusian)],美索不达米亚将军,1066''':Son of the last ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire, Ivan Vladislav. Alusian rebelled in 1040 against the Byzantines in Bulgaria, together with his cousin Peter Delyan, but in the end, betrayed his kinsman by blinding him and defecting to the Byzantines. In return for his treachery, he was pardoned by the Emperor and rewarded with the title of magistros. He has a strong claim on the Kingdom of Bulgaria, so you can make it an independent country again. If you survive the Seljuk invasion of course. | ||
第621行: | 第684行: | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagrat_IV_of_Georgia 巴格拉特四世 巴拉格季奥尼(Bagrat IV Bagrationi)],格鲁吉亚国王,1066.9.15''':Sandwiched between the three major powers of the ERE, Cumans and Seljuk Turks, fight your way out, taking opportunities when civil wars consume the larger states to grab land, then brace yourself for the inevitable Mongol invasion. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagrat_IV_of_Georgia 巴格拉特四世 巴拉格季奥尼(Bagrat IV Bagrationi)],格鲁吉亚国王,1066.9.15''':Sandwiched between the three major powers of the ERE, Cumans and Seljuk Turks, fight your way out, taking opportunities when civil wars consume the larger states to grab land, then brace yourself for the inevitable Mongol invasion. | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_IV_of_Georgia 大卫四世 “建国者” 巴格拉季奥尼(David IV 'the Builder' Bagrationi)],格鲁吉亚国王,1089''':known for developing administration and education in Georgia and fighting back the Seljuk Turks. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_IV_of_Georgia 大卫四世 “建国者” 巴格拉季奥尼(David IV 'the Builder' Bagrationi)],格鲁吉亚国王,1089''':known for developing administration and education in Georgia and fighting back the Seljuk Turks. | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamar_of_Georgia 塔玛丽“伟大者”巴格拉季奥尼(Tamar (Tamari) 'the Great' Bagrationi)],格鲁吉亚女王,1184''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamar_of_Georgia 塔玛丽“伟大者”巴格拉季奥尼(Tamar (Tamari) 'the Great' Bagrationi)],格鲁吉亚女王,1184''' :她开疆拓土,为格鲁吉亚带来了一个黄金时代。她还负责建立了特拉比松帝国。试图超越真实的女王,也许接管…附近的塞尔柱王朝?你也可以在1223年到1245年间扮演她的女儿鲁苏丹。 | ||
====金帐汗国==== | ====金帐汗国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Nevsky 亚历山大一世 留里克(Alexander I Rurikovich)],基辅公爵,1247''':他以亚历山大 涅夫斯基和圣亚历山大之名更为人知。毫无疑问,他是俄罗斯中世纪历史上最重要的君主之一。 涅夫斯基成功地保护了诺夫哥罗德免受瑞典人和条顿骑士团攻击(并在著名的冰上之战中击败了后者)。尽管向蒙古入侵者称臣,但他远见卓识的政策和与撒里答汗不可思议的友谊使他在1252年统治了弗拉基米尔大公国,后来的莫斯科大公国,俄罗斯帝国的基础。 | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Nevsky 亚历山大一世 留里克(Alexander I Rurikovich)],基辅公爵,1247''':他以亚历山大 涅夫斯基和圣亚历山大之名更为人知。毫无疑问,他是俄罗斯中世纪历史上最重要的君主之一。 涅夫斯基成功地保护了诺夫哥罗德免受瑞典人和条顿骑士团攻击(并在著名的冰上之战中击败了后者)。尽管向蒙古入侵者称臣,但他远见卓识的政策和与撒里答汗不可思议的友谊使他在1252年统治了弗拉基米尔大公国,后来的莫斯科大公国,俄罗斯帝国的基础。在游戏里的1247年,他刚刚继承了基辅大公国,并且是金帐汗国的附庸,拥有高达22点的军事能力和自己的一条血脉。强大的金帐汗国看起来不可战胜,但拔都一旦驾崩,独立的机会就来了。是要提前独立,整合留里克家族的领地,还是要留在金帐汗国内部,如历史上那样,维持和蒙古领主的友谊?全由你来决定。你能超过他历史上的功绩吗? | ||
====立陶宛王国==== | ====立陶宛王国==== | ||
第670行: | 第733行: | ||
===[[File:Orthodox Heresy.png]] 东正教异端=== | ===[[File:Orthodox Heresy.png]] 东正教异端=== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matej_Ninoslav 尼诺斯拉夫 库利尼奇(Ninoslav Kulinic)],波斯尼亚公爵,1232''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matej_Ninoslav 尼诺斯拉夫 库利尼奇(Ninoslav Kulinic)],波斯尼亚公爵,1232 :''' 尼诺斯拉夫,波格米勒派信徒。他身为波格米勒派信徒的统治者,却屈尊向匈牙利和克罗地亚的天主教国王称臣。匈牙利和克罗地亚的国王渴望把尼诺斯拉夫和波斯尼亚都纳入统治,却低估了克罗地亚封臣从他手中挣脱出来的愿望。此外,匈牙利和克罗地亚王国是尼诺斯拉夫与咄咄逼人的东正教邻居塞尔维亚和保加利亚之间唯一的障碍。塞尔维亚和保加利亚对终结波格米勒派信徒……以及波斯尼亚的执念,远甚于匈牙利和克罗地亚王国。在真实历史中,尼诺斯拉夫决定站在人民和信仰这一边。这意味着他面临着一场全面的十字军东征。正所谓两害相权取其轻——你会选择对不可靠的天主教君主的忠诚,还是与东正教邻居的激战? | ||
===[[File:Nestorian.png]] 聂斯脱里派=== | ===[[File:Nestorian.png]] 聂斯脱里派=== | ||
====金帐汗国==== | ====金帐汗国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sartaq_Khan 撒里答 孛儿只斤(Sartag Borjigin)],金帐汗国可汗,1255.1.2''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sartaq_Khan 撒里答 孛儿只斤(Sartag Borjigin)],金帐汗国可汗,1255.1.2''' :你是异端、异教和分裂的海洋中唯一真正的信徒,你是战士家族中唯一的学者和神学家,历史上撒里答的统治只持续了一年。祝你好运。 | ||
====伊儿汗国==== | ====伊儿汗国==== | ||
第684行: | 第747行: | ||
====索科特拉埃米尔国==== | ====索科特拉埃米尔国==== | ||
*'''登哈 雅赫卜安拉哈(Denha Yahballaha),索科特拉埃米尔,867''' | *'''登哈 雅赫卜安拉哈(Denha Yahballaha),索科特拉埃米尔,867''' :不幸的是,至少可以说,让聂斯脱里派索科特拉人像真正的索科特拉人一样独立是很困难的。在游戏中,索科特拉本身是萨那公爵领地的一部分,你的公爵领地有名无实,这意味着阿拉伯半岛上的穆斯林有多个理由对你宣战。大陆上的每个人都比你有更大的领地,所以你必须小心选择目标,保持攻势。如果你能在早期生存和发展,索科特拉实际上是CK2东部的十字路口,所以你可以扩展到任何你想去的地方——非洲,阿拉伯,印度,波斯……更不用说聂斯脱里派的异端可能是最有趣的——基督教。 | ||
===[[File:Nestorian_Heresy.png]] 聂斯脱里派异端=== | ===[[File:Nestorian_Heresy.png]] 聂斯脱里派异端=== | ||
第692行: | 第755行: | ||
====达米埃塔公国==== | ====达米埃塔公国==== | ||
*'''帕克洪 巴什穆尔(Pakhom Bashmur),达米埃塔谢赫,769''' | *'''帕克洪 巴什穆尔(Pakhom Bashmur),达米埃塔谢赫,769''' :你控制着埃及唯一一个科普特人基督合性派封臣。虽然你开局只有2个郡,但在你右边,西奈半岛上的谢赫(或者未来受封的埃米尔)一个个费拉不堪,根本不能击退你的军队,所以在前期半岛简直是任君采撷。看起来这个角色简直毫无难度,但问题是,你不仅是阿巴斯帝国治下的基督教角色,也是埃及苏丹国唯一的基督徒封臣,而穆斯林又不会考虑异教徒的提议,因此你在前期几乎没有盟友,也几乎没有互不侵犯条约。另外,苏丹可以在任何时候取消你这个异教徒的头衔而不会受到惩罚,所以你拿到的是地狱难度开局。不过,作为伟大的埃及土著的后代,作为唯一的基督合性派和科普特文化统治者,你的职责实际上是恢复埃及帝国,把你的人民从阿巴斯王朝统治下解放出来。从那里开始,你可以随心所欲,夺回埃及帝国最鼎盛时期所控制的中东和苏丹地区,或者统一所有基督合性派教徒居住的地区:亚美尼亚、努比亚和阿比西尼亚,将基督合性派确立为正统的基督教。加油,这个角色有无限的可能! | ||
====马库里亚公国==== | ====马库里亚公国==== | ||
第729行: | 第792行: | ||
====阿拉伯帝国==== | ====阿拉伯帝国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Mu%27tazz 穆塔兹(Al-Mu'tazz)],阿拔斯(阿拉伯)帝国巴迪沙阿与逊尼派哈里发,867''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Mu%27tazz 穆塔兹(Al-Mu'tazz)],阿拔斯(阿拉伯)帝国巴迪沙阿与逊尼派哈里发,867''' :理论上,穆塔兹应该是伊斯兰世界最有权势的人。他是有史以来最年轻的哈里发,但也是一个放纵的废物,集几个罪恶特质于一身:残忍,愤世嫉俗,专断,色欲和嫉妒。以同父异母的继兄穆瓦法克和穆塔米德为代表的强大封臣,如同虎狼一般,随时准备反叛。历史上,穆塔兹是“萨马拉无政府状态”期间统治的哈里发之一,他以及两位前任哈里发的统治,以哈里发的大权旁落到埃米尔们的手中为标志。你能否扭转哈里发的衰落史?或者,你可以扮演穆塔兹两位继兄中的一个,他们可能比穆塔兹更值得你的帮助。然后尽全力推翻腐败的哈里发,取而代之。注意:可能没有看起来那么简单。 | ||
*'''阿里夫 咄夫哈尔(Aarif Dofharid),佐法尔酋长,867''':You start as an independent tribal chief on the shore of the Indian Ocean, and your neighbours, the tribe of Mahra, are ripe for conquest. That’s enough to form Hadrawmut and put you on a path to become the only merchant republic south of the Sinai, but beware: you’ll have to contend with the Abbasids, the Abyssinians, and potentially even the Pratiharans. | *'''阿里夫 咄夫哈尔(Aarif Dofharid),佐法尔酋长,867''':You start as an independent tribal chief on the shore of the Indian Ocean, and your neighbours, the tribe of Mahra, are ripe for conquest. That’s enough to form Hadrawmut and put you on a path to become the only merchant republic south of the Sinai, but beware: you’ll have to contend with the Abbasids, the Abyssinians, and potentially even the Pratiharans. | ||
*'''Caliph Ar-Radi of the Abbasid Caliphate, 936''': In the two earliest bookmarks, the Abbasid Caliphate is an impenetrable powerhouse, but in 936 they have fallen apart to infighting and lost almost all their importance. As they are barely holding on to their old core lands around Baghdad, they are surrounded by threats who want to take control of the Caliphate and its lands. Ar-Radi is often seen as the last of the real Caliphs, but even his rule was cut short at the age of 31 in the year 940. | *'''Caliph Ar-Radi of the Abbasid Caliphate, 936''': In the two earliest bookmarks, the Abbasid Caliphate is an impenetrable powerhouse, but in 936 they have fallen apart to infighting and lost almost all their importance. As they are barely holding on to their old core lands around Baghdad, they are surrounded by threats who want to take control of the Caliphate and its lands. Ar-Radi is often seen as the last of the real Caliphs, but even his rule was cut short at the age of 31 in the year 940. | ||
第739行: | 第802行: | ||
====埃及苏丹国==== | ====埃及苏丹国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shajar_al-Durr 莎贾尔 杜尔(Shajar al-Durr)](珍珠小枝),埃及苏丹娜,1250.1-1250.5''':游戏里为数不多的女穆斯林统治者,游戏里她是亚美尼亚人。她是最后一位阿尤布苏丹的遗孀,后来嫁给了第一位马穆鲁克苏丹。因为穆斯林不允许入赘婚姻,所以最重要的事情是以某种方式延续你的血脉,皈依其他宗教并在埃及提高女权是最简单的方法 | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shajar_al-Durr 莎贾尔 杜尔(Shajar al-Durr)](珍珠小枝),埃及苏丹娜,1250.1-1250.5''':游戏里为数不多的女穆斯林统治者,游戏里她是亚美尼亚人。她是最后一位阿尤布苏丹的遗孀,后来嫁给了第一位马穆鲁克苏丹。因为穆斯林不允许入赘婚姻,所以最重要的事情是以某种方式延续你的血脉,皈依其他宗教并在埃及提高女权是最简单的方法 。 | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baibars 拜巴尔斯(Baibars)],埃及苏丹,1260.10.24-1277.1.30''':The Turk who became a slave, the slave who became a general, the general who became a Sultan, the Sultan who brought down the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Baibars, thought to be a fair-skinned, blue-eyed Turk in life, was the Mamluk general who won the Battle of Ain Jalut, turning back the Mongol tide and showing, once and for all, that the Khans could be beaten. He then ascended to the Sultanate and continued his conquests against Armenia and the Crusader states, effectively ending the Catholic occupation of the Holy Land. In-game, Egypt is a powerhouse, headed by a strong, ambitious, brilliant strategist in the latter half of the prime of his life. It's an easy game, but a fun romp. And dominating the map as Baibars makes a little more sense than doing so as the Fatimids. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baibars 拜巴尔斯(Baibars)],埃及苏丹,1260.10.24-1277.1.30''':The Turk who became a slave, the slave who became a general, the general who became a Sultan, the Sultan who brought down the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Baibars, thought to be a fair-skinned, blue-eyed Turk in life, was the Mamluk general who won the Battle of Ain Jalut, turning back the Mongol tide and showing, once and for all, that the Khans could be beaten. He then ascended to the Sultanate and continued his conquests against Armenia and the Crusader states, effectively ending the Catholic occupation of the Holy Land. In-game, Egypt is a powerhouse, headed by a strong, ambitious, brilliant strategist in the latter half of the prime of his life. It's an easy game, but a fun romp. And dominating the map as Baibars makes a little more sense than doing so as the Fatimids. | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saladin 萨拉丁(Saladin)],亚历山大苏丹,1169.1.18''':The famed Kurdish general and leader of Egyptian forces during the Third Crusade. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saladin 萨拉丁(Saladin)],亚历山大苏丹,1169.1.18''':The famed Kurdish general and leader of Egyptian forces during the Third Crusade. | ||
第795行: | 第858行: | ||
===[[File:Sunni Heresy.png]] 逊尼派异端=== | ===[[File:Sunni Heresy.png]] 逊尼派异端=== | ||
*'''Sharaf al-Din | * 沙拉夫丁('''Sharaf al-Din''' ),辛贾尔酋长,1254.1.1:你是伊尔汗国唯一一个雅兹迪派封臣。可汗主张宗教宽容,把辛贾尔封给你和你的人民,但你可指望你的同僚也会宽容你。至少你受过严格的军事教育。历史上,你的王朝在1283年结束了对辛贾尔的统治,你的阿塔贝格(Atabeg)封号最后的一位后裔作为一名廷臣死于1289年。你能摆脱胆怯、为雅兹迪派库尔德人在世界上争取一个更稳固的地方吗? | ||
===[[File:Shiite.png]] 什叶派=== | ===[[File:Shiite.png]] 什叶派=== | ||
第914行: | 第977行: | ||
====立陶宛王国==== | ====立陶宛王国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindaugas 明道加斯 格迪米纳斯(Mindaugas Gediminaitis)],立陶宛(公国)大酋长,1241.5.1''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindaugas 明道加斯 格迪米纳斯(Mindaugas Gediminaitis)],立陶宛(公国)大酋长,1241.5.1''' (汉萨同盟兴起剧本)注意: 该角色频繁更改宗教信仰,但是在这个剧本信仰洛姆瓦教。立陶宛王国的第一位国王,最终被亲戚谋杀。强敌环伺,你能生存下去吗? | ||
在游戏中,在立陶宛成为一个王国之前,他很可能是最有权势的洛姆瓦教徒。开局只控制五省并没有什么值得嘲笑的,毕竟你掌握着洛姆瓦勇士军团,还可以收割发展成熟的邻国波美拉尼亚。然而另一方面,神圣罗马帝国是个危险的邻居——可能不久也会与丹麦和波兰接壤。如果你的领土过大,教皇可能会号召十字军。你能存活足够长的时间来整合异教徒,收编他们庞大的勇士军团,建立波美拉尼亚王国(或CK2+ 的文德帝国)并且抵抗北方十字军的征伐吗? | |||
===[[File:Slavic.png]] 斯拉夫多神教=== | ===[[File:Slavic.png]] 斯拉夫多神教=== | ||
第946行: | 第1,009行: | ||
*'''韦奇卡斯 梅舍拉夫(Vechkas Meshcheravid),梅晓拉大酋长,867''':Leader of the dwindling and displaced [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volga_Finns#Meshchera Meshchera] people, your title is actually the High Chiefdom of Ryazan, the traditional homeland of your tribe, but by now they have been completely displaced northwards by Slavic Russians, as the titular High Chiefdom of Pronsk. Your Mordvin neighbors are the Merya and Murom tribes, natural allies, but are they? Otherwise, you are sandwiched between Pronsk and the much larger High Chiefdom of Polotsk, also Slavic and Russian. Your lands are four counties, none of them in your de jure land. One is in de jure Murom, two in de jure Vladimir, and the last is Moscow itself. Typically the game will begin with Pronsk declaring a subjugation war against Murom, who will most definitely lose without assistance (but perhaps it is better them than you?) Pronsk is a tributary of Khazaria, so attacking them directly might cause rampaging hordes to appear on your doorstep. Can you prevent the historical extinction and assimilation of your people? Can you keep Moscow out of Russian hands? | *'''韦奇卡斯 梅舍拉夫(Vechkas Meshcheravid),梅晓拉大酋长,867''':Leader of the dwindling and displaced [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volga_Finns#Meshchera Meshchera] people, your title is actually the High Chiefdom of Ryazan, the traditional homeland of your tribe, but by now they have been completely displaced northwards by Slavic Russians, as the titular High Chiefdom of Pronsk. Your Mordvin neighbors are the Merya and Murom tribes, natural allies, but are they? Otherwise, you are sandwiched between Pronsk and the much larger High Chiefdom of Polotsk, also Slavic and Russian. Your lands are four counties, none of them in your de jure land. One is in de jure Murom, two in de jure Vladimir, and the last is Moscow itself. Typically the game will begin with Pronsk declaring a subjugation war against Murom, who will most definitely lose without assistance (but perhaps it is better them than you?) Pronsk is a tributary of Khazaria, so attacking them directly might cause rampaging hordes to appear on your doorstep. Can you prevent the historical extinction and assimilation of your people? Can you keep Moscow out of Russian hands? | ||
==== Kolguyev, County of ==== | |||
* '''Tatva Kolguyevid, Chief of Kolguyev, 1337:''' The most isolated of the Suomenusko remnants, Tatva's poverty issue is twofold. Firstly, his single holding island is just about the poorest location on the map, making advacement without conquest impossible. Secondly, the island's fleet levy is way bigger than required, the upkeep cost of the fleet far outstripping the loot that can be hauled back. Nevermind that his neighbours are far stronger than he is. But the irascible tribesfolk of Novgorod have a good chance of overthrowing the yoke of their Russian masters, and Tatva has a good chance of taking their newly independent lands from under their war weary feet. | |||
===[[File:Tengri.png]] 长生天=== | ===[[File:Tengri.png]] 长生天=== | ||
第982行: | 第1,049行: | ||
====阿拉伯帝国(阿拔斯哈里发国)==== | ====阿拉伯帝国(阿拔斯哈里发国)==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surkhab_II 索克哈比 巴文德(Sorkhab Bavandid)],陀拔斯单总督,769''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surkhab_II 索克哈比 巴文德(Sorkhab Bavandid)],陀拔斯单总督,769''' :你的家族是万王之王卡瓦德一世[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kavadh_I Kavadh I] 的后裔。达布依王朝[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dabuyid_dynasty Dabuyid dynasty] 战败后,你继承了他们的土地,这是萨珊帝国仅存的最后一块独立领土。你年事已高,因此迅速采取行动至关重要,因为穆斯林哈里发也已时日无多。不久之后,穆斯林们将为争夺领导“信众”的权力而相互争斗。为你的家族确保足够的领地,这样你的继承人很有可能成为沙阿(国王),其成就将超越伟大的法鲁赫汗(Farrakhan the Great )以及达布依王朝诸位统治者。在那之后,便到了萨珊王朝合法继承人收复帝国的时候了。 | ||
==== 德莱木王国 ==== | ==== 德莱木王国 ==== | ||
第1,027行: | 第1,094行: | ||
====巴格达大酋邦==== | ====巴格达大酋邦==== | ||
*'''Saad Mordechai<sup>当前1291.1.1的巴格达大酋长不是此人</sup>, High Chief of Baghdad, 1 Jan. 1291''' | *'''Saad Mordechai<sup>当前1291.1.1的巴格达大酋长不是此人</sup>, High Chief of Baghdad, 1 Jan. 1291''' :伊儿汗国可汗阿鲁浑的宫廷医生和管家。开局秘密信奉犹太教。不管你选择不选择公开信奉犹太教,看看你能走多远。 | ||
==== al-Gassani, Republic of ==== | ==== al-Gassani, Republic of ==== | ||
第1,075行: | 第1,142行: | ||
====蒙古可汗国==== | ====蒙古可汗国==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Daozong_of_Liao 辽洪基(耶律洪基)(Liao Hongji (Yelu Hongji))],辽可汗,1066''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Daozong_of_Liao 辽洪基(耶律洪基)(Liao Hongji (Yelu Hongji))],辽可汗,1066''' :他其实是中国北方契丹的皇帝——辽道宗耶律洪基。自10世纪晚期以来,契丹人无情地向四面八方扩张,从塔里木盆地到朝鲜半岛都是他们的疆域,直到中国化和封建化让其停下了扩张的脚步。几世纪后蒙古游牧部落崭露头角时,残忍强大的契丹人仍然留在斯拉夫人的记忆中,他们称契丹人为Cathy!(中世纪欧洲对中国的称呼,同Khitai即契丹)历史上,契丹的衰落始于耶律洪基不幸却漫长的统治——如对附属部族采取高压政策,以及谋杀受人尊敬的太子耶律浚。当然,最终他还是后悔了,让两岁的孙子耶律延禧继承了皇位,但是,唉,一切都太迟了。耶律延禧缺少像样的教育,又沿用了祖父的政策。于是在其治下女真部族完颜氏不堪压迫愤而起义,终结了辽的统治。往里荣光只能从出逃的喀喇契丹(西辽)中依稀辨别…… | ||
然而,你有能力阻止这一切。经营好和封臣( 特别完颜氏) 的关系,教育好您的继承人,同时征服,征服,再征服!从此之后,不会再有女真人的叛乱,不会再有蒙古人的奴役,也自然不会再需要有什么喀喇契丹延续国祚……你将是契丹唯一的可汗!让大辽的威名真正从爱尔兰到契丹无人不知无人不晓! | |||
====布姆唐伯爵领==== | ====布姆唐伯爵领==== | ||
*'''增基晋美(Zenji Jigme),布姆唐阿波,1066''':You are Zenji Jigme, an almost totally unremarkable person, but you have a great legacy behind you, Bhutan is a realm that has never relinquished its sovereignty (Historians are somewhat split over whether Bhutan was subject to the Tibetan Empire, paradox take the view that they were), 230 years ago, all of Bhutan was under your dynasty, but now, you only hold the eastern half of the country, can you keep Bhutan independent, surrounded by larger neighbours a Buddhist realm with a constant de jure claim on your lands, and a Hindu kingdom, thought with monastic feudalism as a government type, this daunting task is less of a tall order, for a challenge, try converting to Nestorianism by marrying into the family of the count of Charkliq, and establish a Christian outpost in a sea of heretics. | *'''增基晋美(Zenji Jigme),布姆唐阿波,1066''':You are Zenji Jigme, an almost totally unremarkable person, but you have a great legacy behind you, Bhutan is a realm that has never relinquished its sovereignty (Historians are somewhat split over whether Bhutan was subject to the Tibetan Empire, paradox take the view that they were), 230 years ago, all of Bhutan was under your dynasty, but now, you only hold the eastern half of the country, can you keep Bhutan independent, surrounded by larger neighbours a Buddhist realm with a constant de jure claim on your lands, and a Hindu kingdom, thought with monastic feudalism as a government type, this daunting task is less of a tall order, for a challenge, try converting to Nestorianism by marrying into the family of the count of Charkliq, and establish a Christian outpost in a sea of heretics. | ||
==== Transoxiana, Kingdom of ==== | |||
*'''Kuchlug Naiman, Khagan of Transoxiana, 1211''': The last ruler of the Kara-Khitai, Kuchlug was a prince of the Naiman tribe that fled westward after the absorption of the clan by Genghis Khan. Despite finding favour in the court of Yelü Zhilugu, to the extent of converting to Buddhism and marrying his daughter, he conspired with the neighbouring Khwarezmids to usurp the throne. His relationship with the Khwarezmids eventually soured, and by 1218 he was beheaded by the Mongols. | |||
But at this point in history there remains hope to challenge your fate. Sandwiched between the ascendant Mongol Empire and the consolidated Khwarezmids lies an opportunity to play one against the other. Embrace your pragmatism and play the role of the obsequious vassal, or seek other lands and wait out the clash of titans. You are begin as Nomadic but personally hold baronies, which enable settling down as a feudal. Expand with you strong nomadic CBs or settle down and swear fealty to the great powers of Central Asia. | |||
*'''Kara-Khitai Ketuyu, of the Kara-Khitai High Chiefdom, 1211''': Ahistorical son of Yelü-Zhilugu, last Khitan ruler of Kara-Khitai. A member of the Qara Khitai nobility that were given important posts in by the Khwarezmids after their capture, he rose to the position of commander of Isfahan (Kerman). Ketuyu would eventually convert to Islam and be granted the title of Qutlugh Sultan, adopting the name Buraq Hajib. The Khitans would flee and settle in Kerman after the destruction of Kara-Khitai under the usurper Naiman prince at the hands of Genghis Khan, eventually swearing fealty to the Great Khan after his conquest of the Khwarezmids. | |||
Ketuyu is listed ahistorically as the son Yelü Zhilugu, and thus will inherit claims to the defunct Kingdom of Transoxiana. Rather than assimilate as you did historically, stick to your Buddhist traditions and fight to reclaim your birthright from Khagan Kuchlug. Alternatively, start in 1196 and assasinate Kuchlug before his usurpation, or in 1213, after your adoption of Islam and a dynastic change. Ketuyu starts with two non-dynastic sons in 1211, but can easily pass Late Administration and Ultimogeniture to solve the issue. | |||
====西夏==== | ====西夏==== | ||
*'''嵬名谅祚(Weiming Liangzuo),西夏国王, 1066''' | *'''嵬名谅祚(Weiming Liangzuo),西夏国王, 1066''' :在历史上,嵬名谅祚( 毅宗皇帝) 是在亲宋派和主战派朝臣之间的血腥斗争中长大的。1067年嵬名谅祚猝然驾崩,享年21岁。于是西夏皇位传给了年幼的儿子嵬名秉常。作为法理上的西夏国王,游戏开始时你只控制着酒泉公国。酒泉公国非常富有(通过这种方式模拟西夏王国游戏地图之外的收入),但你需要迅速积累威望,以向南推动对党项人公爵领的宣称。卫藏将迅速向北扩张,与古格王朝共同统治西藏。所以你的短期目标应该是用一切必要的手段阻止他们结盟,同时占领足够多的吐蕃领土来阻止其他人建立吐蕃帝国。通过保持王朝稳定(并且有望把敏锐特质传给后代),你的领地繁荣发展,足以入侵宋朝,甚至逆转历史上西夏的覆灭,掐灭蒙古人入侵的苗头。 | ||
===[[File:Jain.png]] 耆那教=== | ===[[File:Jain.png]] 耆那教=== | ||
第1,106行: | 第1,182行: | ||
====维斯比==== | ====维斯比==== | ||
*'''博茨泰因 斯腾屈尔卡(Botstain af Stenkyrka),维斯比大市长,1066''': | *'''博茨泰因 斯腾屈尔卡(Botstain af Stenkyrka),维斯比大市长,1066''': 这个有名无实的共和国位于瑞典海岸以外的哥得兰岛,这可是整个地图上最容易赚得盆盈钵满的宝地。尽管向芬兰扩张可能相对来说毫无意义,富饶的德意志、弗里斯兰、法兰西和英格兰都在向你招手,而离你最近的竞争对手远在热那亚,你是不可能被他们挤垮的吧?不过当心了!如果让“异教徒埃里克”控制了瑞典,那可就有趣了,你会迅速被迫改信,要么就等着灭国。还有,留神那些贵族家庭,他们对这样一个年纪轻轻就被选为大市长走上人生巅峰的人可不那么友好。 | ||
====汉萨同盟==== | ====汉萨同盟==== | ||
从1227年开始,你可以选择这个德国北部的商业同盟进行游戏(译者注:尽管在历史上它正式成立于1282年)。如果神圣罗马帝国保持着对德国北部的控制,你甚至可以在1170年以后的任何时间,在取得皇帝许可的前提下创建同盟。 | |||
====热那亚==== | ====热那亚==== | ||
第1,115行: | 第1,191行: | ||
====比萨==== | ====比萨==== | ||
*<span style="color:goldenrod">'''杰拉尔多 维斯孔蒂(Gerardo I Visconti),比萨尊贵总督,1081'''</span> | *<span style="color:goldenrod">'''杰拉尔多 维斯孔蒂(Gerardo I Visconti),比萨尊贵总督,1081'''</span> :以下为每周挑战项目: | ||
** | ** 消灭地中海地区内除自己外的所有共和国政权。 | ||
** | ** 在马略卡、卡比利亚、突尼斯、的黎波里塔尼亚之中,取得至少两个的完整法理领土。 | ||
** | ** 将以下法理公爵领并入你的国家:西西里、卡拉布利亚、亚该亚和克里特。 | ||
** | ** 建立拉丁帝国。 | ||
** | ** 将土耳其人赶出希腊和安纳托利亚的所有法理王国范围。 | ||
====威尼斯==== | ====威尼斯==== | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_Dandolo 恩里克 丹多洛(Enrico Dandolo)],威尼斯尊贵总督,1192 - 1205''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_Dandolo 恩里克 丹多洛(Enrico Dandolo)],威尼斯尊贵总督,1192 - 1205''' :这位九十多岁、双目失明的总督将第四次十字军东征的目标转移到君士坦丁堡。攻陷君士坦丁堡后,总督拒绝戴上拉丁帝国的皇冠,因为这违反了威尼斯的宪法。你不可能在游戏中做这样的事情,但你仍然可以自由地扮演一个狡猾的、追逐利润的混蛋,同时自豪地展示“十字军战士”特质。当然,没有什么能阻止你建立拉丁共和国。九十多岁的盲人攻陷和劫掠了君士坦丁堡。伤心去吧,瞎子约翰。 | ||
====阿马尔菲==== | ====阿马尔菲==== | ||
这个徒有虚名的共和国由西西里岛的阿马尔菲大市经营。751年它是拜占庭帝国的属国,839年该国独立,1060年该国被毁。阿马尔菲是意大利几个共和国中最容易进入非洲的,然而它也是最脆弱的,因为其唯一拥有的省份是萨莱诺公爵领的法理领土。 | |||
==无领地角色== | ==无领地角色== | ||
要游玩这些角色,你需要以他们的上一级领主进入游戏,授予他们领地,然后保存游戏退出后才能选择他们重新载入游戏。 | |||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Andersson_(game_programmer) 约翰 安德森(Johan Andersson)],耶恩贝拉兰廷臣,1066.9.15''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Andersson_(game_programmer) 约翰 安德森(Johan Andersson)],耶恩贝拉兰廷臣,1066.9.15''' :和其他P社员工一样,在游戏内是一名身处瑞典的无地廷臣,他们都只在原始版本游戏最早的1066开局中可用。他总是拥有[[File:Grey eminence、.png|替代=幕后操控人|无框]]''' 幕后操纵人'''特质,你经常可以在Tjudmund酋长的内阁中找到他。 | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruffudd_ap_Cynan 格里菲德 阿伯弗劳(Gruffydd Aberffraw)],佩菲杜拉德廷臣 | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruffudd_ap_Cynan 格里菲德 阿伯弗劳(Gruffydd Aberffraw)],佩菲杜拉德廷臣,1066.9.15''' :年仅11岁的他是出生在都柏林的流亡王子(译者:他的祖父曾是圭内斯国王,后死于臣属夺权。父亲带他逃到爱尔兰避难,在萨克森人入侵中被杀死)。从伯爵开始建设你的领地,帮助这个孩子夺回在威尔士的宣称,然后继续扮演阿伯弗劳家族(译者:如历史般加冕为威尔士的至高王)。 | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tostig_Godwinson 托斯蒂格 戈德温(Tostig of Godwin)],挪威廷臣,1066.9.15''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tostig_Godwinson 托斯蒂格 戈德温(Tostig of Godwin)],挪威廷臣,1066.9.15''' :他是哈罗德·戈德温森的弟弟,正是他劝说"无情者"在诺曼底的威廉已经开始筹划入侵英格兰时同步展开入侵。传说中,他赢得了无情者哈拉尔的支持,带领着维京战士在斯坦福桥之战中对抗萨克森人并死在那里。为什么连块封地都不给他呢?我听说有个叫法罗群岛的地方每年这个时候都很不错……总之,让戈德温森一族延续下去吧,即便英格兰陷落于英格林家或诺曼底人之手! | ||
*'''谢切赫 托波尔(Sieciech Topor),波兰廷臣,1066-1094''': | *'''谢切赫 托波尔(Sieciech Topor),波兰廷臣,1066-1094''': 在波兰历史上,他曾经权倾朝野,以推翻国王大胆的波罗斯瓦夫二世并将他放逐国外(还毒死了他的儿子梅什科),架空继任者瓦迪斯瓦夫一世·赫尔曼(在游戏中有[[File:Image.png|无框]]'''体弱多病''' )还睡了他的王后而闻名。在他的控制下,波兰军队一度占领了波美拉尼亚,人们都说他是波兰的实际统治者,他也一直在谋求篡夺王位。不过最终他还是在内战中被打败,在1100年被瓦迪斯瓦夫的儿子们弄瞎双眼,剥夺所有头衔后驱逐出境。 | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_the_%C3%86theling 爱德加 威塞克斯(Eadgar of Wessex)],英格兰廷臣,1066.9.15''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_the_%C3%86theling 爱德加 威塞克斯(Eadgar of Wessex)],英格兰廷臣,1066.9.15''' :觉得哈罗德很难玩?那就来试试当一位正统君主吧。这位不幸的少年身为英格兰皇族最后的男裔,要面临多达三名虎视眈眈、实力远超自己的篡位者。而你所有的筹码只有两个未婚的姐妹——她们也拥有英格兰王位的强宣称!你能帮助威塞克斯家族夺回本该属于他们的王座吗?你也可以从1099年拜占廷皇帝的宫廷开始(《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》中有爱德加前往耶路撒冷朝圣后在拜占廷宫廷中短暂停留的记载)。如果你打了HIP MOD,爱德加会在1066开局中担任牛津郡的郡守,这也算是对他在历史上被哈罗德·戈德温森夺走王位的补偿吧。 | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86lfwine_Haroldsson 埃尔夫万 克尼特林(Ælfwine Knytling)],图卢兹廷臣,1066''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86lfwine_Haroldsson 埃尔夫万 克尼特林(Ælfwine Knytling)],图卢兹廷臣,1066''' :曾统治丹麦、挪威和英格兰的克努特大帝仅存的后裔,这对于一个位于法兰西中南部的萨克森人廷臣来说可是了不得的遗产。一开局你就拥有英格兰王位的强宣称,尽管如此你还是得保持耐心,因为并没有任何切实可行的方案去实现它。首先你应该在地盘里选块地封给埃尔夫万,这能帮他的家族重回英格兰王位、甚至重铸祖先的伟大帝国吗? | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_I_of_Portugal 佩德罗 德 勃艮第(Pedro de Bourgogne)],葡萄牙廷臣(王子),百年战争开局(1337)''':You are the heir to the throne of Portugal, but that is not why history will remember you. Pedro fell in love with Inês de Castro, the bastard daughter of the duke of Galicia and hardly a suitable match for the heir of a kingdom. Still, the two could not be kept apart, which forced his father, King Afonso IV, to have the young woman murdered. This action was enough to cause Pedro to declare war on his father and while defeated, the timely death of the king still gave the crown to Pedro, who settled for hunting down the murderers, torturing them to death (which involved Pedro ripping their hearts out with his bare hands) and as a (somewhat legendary) final act of defiance, having the body of his beloved dug up and forcing the whole court to swear fealty to Inês as queen of Portugal. Can you right this historical wrong, unite these two love birds and lead their descendants to even greater glory? | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_I_of_Portugal 佩德罗 德 勃艮第(Pedro de Bourgogne)],葡萄牙廷臣(王子),百年战争开局(1337)''':You are the heir to the throne of Portugal, but that is not why history will remember you. Pedro fell in love with Inês de Castro, the bastard daughter of the duke of Galicia and hardly a suitable match for the heir of a kingdom. Still, the two could not be kept apart, which forced his father, King Afonso IV, to have the young woman murdered. This action was enough to cause Pedro to declare war on his father and while defeated, the timely death of the king still gave the crown to Pedro, who settled for hunting down the murderers, torturing them to death (which involved Pedro ripping their hearts out with his bare hands) and as a (somewhat legendary) final act of defiance, having the body of his beloved dug up and forcing the whole court to swear fealty to Inês as queen of Portugal. Can you right this historical wrong, unite these two love birds and lead their descendants to even greater glory? | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_Khayy%C3%A1m 奥马尔 海亚姆(Omar Khayyam)],塔什库尔干廷臣,1066''' | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omar_Khayy%C3%A1m 奥马尔 海亚姆(Omar Khayyam)],塔什库尔干廷臣,1066''' :他在历史上作为知名数学家留下了无数享乐主义诗集(后由其学生整理为《鲁拜集》),尽管他的数据相当平庸。 | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollo 赫罗尔夫 德 诺曼底(Hrolfr de Normandie)],尼达罗斯廷臣,867''':A famous Viking warrior and the great-great-great-grandfather of William the Conqueror. Historically, he settled in Normandy and founded the dynasty that would one day take the throne of England. The character Rollo in the History Channel television show [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viking_(disambiguation)#Television|Vikings] is based on Hrolfr. Start as Hrörekr of Holland, give Hrolfr some land, play on as him and see if you can re-create history! Alternatively, start as Harald Fairhair in Akershus, Ostlandet and invite him to court (gift necessary) to establish an in-game relationship between Hrolfr and Harald as happened historically. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollo 赫罗尔夫 德 诺曼底(Hrolfr de Normandie)],尼达罗斯廷臣,867''':A famous Viking warrior and the great-great-great-grandfather of William the Conqueror. Historically, he settled in Normandy and founded the dynasty that would one day take the throne of England. The character Rollo in the History Channel television show [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viking_(disambiguation)#Television|Vikings] is based on Hrolfr. Start as Hrörekr of Holland, give Hrolfr some land, play on as him and see if you can re-create history! Alternatively, start as Harald Fairhair in Akershus, Ostlandet and invite him to court (gift necessary) to establish an in-game relationship between Hrolfr and Harald as happened historically. | ||
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uhtred_of_Bebbanburg 乌赫特雷德 巴本堡(Uhtred of Bebbanburg)],西兰廷臣(通常是军事总管或指挥官),867''':Legendary (i.e., semi-fictional) protagonist of the BBC television show [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Kingdom_(TV_series)|The Last Kingdom], adapted from the ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Saxon_Stories|Saxon Stories]'' novel series by [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Cornwell|Bernard Cornwell]. Historically, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uhtred_the_Bold|Uhtred the Bold] was [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_of_Northumbria|ealdorman of all Northumbria] from 1006 to 1016, while this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uhtred_(Derbyshire_ealdorman)|Uhtred] was an ealdorman in Derbyshire (aka Derby in-game) in the 10th century. | *'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uhtred_of_Bebbanburg 乌赫特雷德 巴本堡(Uhtred of Bebbanburg)],西兰廷臣(通常是军事总管或指挥官),867''':Legendary (i.e., semi-fictional) protagonist of the BBC television show [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Kingdom_(TV_series)|The Last Kingdom], adapted from the ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Saxon_Stories|Saxon Stories]'' novel series by [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Cornwell|Bernard Cornwell]. Historically, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uhtred_the_Bold|Uhtred the Bold] was [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl_of_Northumbria|ealdorman of all Northumbria] from 1006 to 1016, while this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uhtred_(Derbyshire_ealdorman)|Uhtred] was an ealdorman in Derbyshire (aka Derby in-game) in the 10th century. | ||
第1,149行: | 第1,225行: | ||
*'''西科 西卡尔(Sico Sicard),769''' | *'''西科 西卡尔(Sico Sicard),769''' | ||
*'''Republic of Wales''': Start from December 1066 as William the Conqueror, play it out and give the mayor of Cornwall the duchy of Cornwall, or otherwise any mayor a duchy, thus republic is made. | *'''Republic of Wales''': Start from December 1066 as William the Conqueror, play it out and give the mayor of Cornwall the duchy of Cornwall, or otherwise any mayor a duchy, thus republic is made. | ||
*'''Ragnar Lodbrok, 769''' | |||
*'''Godgifu, 1066''' | |||
*'''William Wallace, 1286''' | |||
==注释== | ==注释== |
2025年1月26日 (日) 21:30的最新版本
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这个页面列举了一些有趣的角色 ,并将指出这些角色为什么具有挑战性、有趣或简单。一些金色名字角色在每周挑战 (GOTW)[1]登场了。这通常表明这些角色有梗。
宗教 | 角色 | 起始年份 | 描述 | 挑战 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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于格 德 吕西尼昂(Hugues de Lusignan), 吕西尼昂伯爵 | 1066 | 作为吕西尼昂的恶魔加入十字军![2] | 无 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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约翰“瞎子”(Johann 'the Blind'), 波希米亚国王 | 1337 | 成为波希米亚的盲勇士![3] | 无 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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阿尔瓦 萨利赫(Arwa Sulayhid), 也门苏丹娜 | 1074 | 在她的一生中发现真主的旨意![4] | 无 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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立陶宛的明道加斯(Mindaugas of Lithuania), 立陶宛大酋长 | 1236 | 解开这位王者的奥秘![5] | 无 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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查理 德 安茹(Charles de Anjou), 匈牙利国王 | 1307 | 为匈牙利王国带来繁荣![6] | 无 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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阿斯图里亚斯的马乌雷加托(Mauregatus of Asturias), 阿斯托加伯爵 | 769 | 如历史上一般夺取王位并守住它,避免落入其他贵族之手![7] | 无 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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博埃蒙 德 欧特维尔(Bohemond d'Hauteville), 安条克亲王 | 1098 | 机会如同秋雨般落到了这位统治者身上![8] |
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佩德罗尼拉 希梅纳(Petronilla Jimena), 阿拉贡女王 | 1157 | 年轻的统治者,希梅纳王朝最后的希望,她能延续王朝吗?[9] |
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伟大者利韦林(Llywelyn the Great), 圭内斯国王 | 1195 | 建立一个独立的威尔士王国并在未来继续掌控她![10] |
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塔玛丽(Tamari), 格鲁吉亚女王 | 1184 | 重建格鲁吉亚王国的黄金时代![11] |
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努诺(Nuno), 波尔图公爵 | 1066 | 成为一位国王……只要不要中道崩殂![12] |
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米哈伊洛(Mihajlo), 塞尔维亚国王 | 1066 | 团结他的国家,成为斯拉夫人真正的国王![13] |
在2019年10月20日, 作为3.3 补丁的一部分 ,以之前的"特色挑战者"项目为基础开放王道征途这一机制。
挑战必须在铜人模式 或铁人模式
巫师胡, 10 奖励点数 精研神秘,无闲剃须
侍童头, 20 奖励点数 全宇宙最强发型
长兜帽, 30 奖励点数 中世纪最时尚的帽子
小丑帽, 40 奖励点数 为了最大程度笑料的完美设计
锥形的埃宁帽, 55 奖励点数 适合公主的帽子
中世纪鲻鱼头, 70 奖励点数 这种发型永远不会过时
染坊主, 90 奖励点数 这个时代最多彩的头发
圣女贞德, 110 奖励点数 周围最热门的发型
宗教 | 角色 | 开局年份 | 描述 | 挑战 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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孔南Ⅱ (Konan II de Rennes),布列塔尼小型国王 | 1066 | 布列塔尼公爵孔南 II正如履薄冰地的统治着这片土地。 他自幼丧父时就经受着家族内外对他统治的考验。 他的叔叔曾图谋篡位,不过阴谋很快就被粉碎。 在他即位后, 征服者威廉又成为了他最大的威胁。 在1066年入侵安茹战争时,孔南 II被怀疑是误食了手套上残留的毒药而死。[15] |
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利韦林「伟大者」(Llywelyn the Great), 圭内思小型国王 | 1195 | 利韦林 阿普约尔韦斯,通过与英格兰王、威尔士亲王的的战争和外交行动使得威尔士得以统一。通过他对威尔士边境领主们的远交近攻,威尔士一直享受着和平与繁荣,直到1240年他去世为止。[16] |
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萨阿德-莫迪凯 (Saad Mordechai), 道剌大酋长(巴格达大酋长) | 1289 | 萨阿德·道拉一生致力于巴格达犹太人的和平与繁荣。作为一名医生,他声名显赫,知识渊博,抓住机遇用食疗治好了大汗阿鲁浑,并以此与大汗建立了一段值得信赖的友谊。大汗允许萨阿德为犹太人提供了避难所。萨阿德位高权重,与阿鲁浑关系密切,成了一些蒙古人和穆斯林的眼中钉,肉中刺。毕竟蒙古官员想要继续贪污腐败,而穆斯林可不喜欢被一个犹太人踩在脚下。 |
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君士坦丁Ⅱ (Konstantinos II), 萨摩斯将军 | 1108 | 君士坦丁·安杰洛斯玉树临风,勇冠三军。他出身于小贵族家庭。君士坦丁与皇帝阿莱克修斯一世的女儿狄奥多拉·科穆宁结婚,并被授予塞巴托海塔托斯(sebastohypertatos)头衔(拜占庭的尊贵头衔)。他的后人开创了安杰洛斯王朝。安杰洛斯王朝在1185-1204年灾难性地统治拜占庭帝国,帝国因此瘫痪,最终土崩瓦解。 |
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路易Ⅱ「结巴」(Louis II the Stammerer), 阿基坦国王 | 867 | 阿基坦的路易II因为身体虚弱而得名和闻名于世。父亲去世后,路易II继承了王位,两次加冕西法兰克王国国王(第二次是由教皇约翰八世加冕)。后来他的三个儿子相继得到了西法兰克的王位,其中幼子被称为查理III(蠢货查理),以率直著称。 | |||||||||||||||||||||
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莎贾尔 杜尔(Shajar al-Durr), 埃及女王 | 1250 | 埃及女王莎贾尔 杜尔是穆斯林历史上第二位女君主,她的统治时间很短。她是马穆鲁克苏丹国(1250–1517)的开国君主。因参与谋杀苏丹艾巴克而被捕,后被曼苏尔·阿里的女佣殴打致死,将是她统治时期的残酷结局。 |
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帕瓦奥 I (Paul (Pavao) I Šubić)(波斯尼亚文—帕瓦奥Pavao对应英文—保罗Paul), 克罗地亚公爵 | 1278 | 克罗地亚公爵帕瓦奥,是望族苏比克最出色的成员。帕瓦奥征服了波斯尼亚,自立为波斯尼亚之主。此外他还统治着克罗地亚全境、达尔马提亚全境和塞尔维亚的部分领土。他与威尼斯握手言和。他采取政治行动,帮助查理一世加冕匈牙利国王。 |
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阿尔瓦•萨利赫, 也门苏丹娜 | 1074 | 阿尔瓦•萨利赫,萨利赫苏丹国的苏丹娜,被称为高贵的女士,是第一个被授予先知头衔的女性——她的一生简直是真主意志的化身。阿尔瓦统治也门68年,改善经济,修建学校和清真寺。 |
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无情者哈拉尔三世(Harald IV Hårdråde), 挪威国王 | 1066 | 挪威国王无情者哈拉尔戎马一生,征战四方。1030年,15岁的他首次出战,参加了兄长发起的斯蒂克尔斯塔德战役。战败后哈拉尔流亡到基辅罗斯,成为智者雅罗斯拉夫一世的卫队长。后来,他又来到拜占庭帝国,担任瓦兰吉亚人卫队的指挥官。哈拉尔晚年索取英格兰王位,却在斯坦福桥战役中殒命,标志着维京时代的终结。 |
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海屯姆, 亚美尼亚国王 | 1226 | 通过与亚美尼亚女王扎贝尔的联姻,在1226年加冕为亚美尼亚国王。他建立了最后一个亚美尼亚本土王朝——海屯王朝。在强大的蒙古帝国迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势扩张之时,海屯姆因不远万里派人向蒙古大汗送礼示好而出名 |
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库林 库里尼奇(Ban Kulin), 波斯尼亚公爵 | 1173 | 库林促成波斯尼亚独立,并带领波斯尼亚走向和平与繁荣。他经常被视为波斯尼亚的英雄。库林的统治非常不简单,他不得不经常在匈牙利、塞尔维亚和教皇的力量之间寻求政治平衡。 |
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耶律洪基/辽洪基(Liao Hongji), 大辽可汗 | 1066 | 腐败会摧毁大辽帝国。然而众所周知,道宗皇帝却对此无动于衷。皇后萧观音上《谏猎疏》劝谏他停止腐败,被他断然否决。耶律洪基身为大辽可汗,却不知自重。他任由大臣愚弄,听信谗言。确信皇后写了私通情诗《十香词》后,他将皇后赐死。之后他又听信耶律乙辛的诬告,处死了皇太子和其他官员。后来耶律洪基意识到自己的错误,但辽国的腐败已是病入膏肓。 |
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巴萨拉布一世(Basarab I), 瓦拉几亚之王 | 1310 | 1325年,巴萨拉布一世不再效忠匈牙利国王,成为瓦拉几亚王国的第一个独立统治者。他在1310年建立了巴萨拉布家族,后来家族中的男性成员包括穿刺者弗拉德三世(德古拉伯爵原型)。 |
- 玛蒂尔德 德 阿韦讷(Matilda d'Avesnes),亚该亚女亲王(游戏中为女公爵),1316.8.2:她只有23岁,但在你开始游戏的时候,她已经两次丧偶。有趣的事实在于:她来自弗兰德斯。
- 罗素 德 巴约勒(Roussel de Bailleul),哈尔希安公爵,1071.8.26:一位服务于拜占庭军队的诺曼佣兵队长,在曼齐刻尔特之战的灾难后于安纳托利亚建立了一个短命的独立公国。试着去创造一个独立而持续的天主教安纳托利亚王国来改写历史吧。
- 雷诺 德 沙蒂永(Reynald de Châtillon),安条克公爵,1153-1160:在历史上,他是个为领地而结婚、为钱财拷打主教、为利益破坏和约的机会主义者。他是穆斯林和十字军国家之间和平共处的主要绊脚石之一。在哈丁战役中被俘获后,雷诺因他的“恶毒罪行与背信弃义”而遭到斥责,并被萨拉丁亲自斩首。在游戏里,雷诺处于困境之中。雷诺是个外交属性为零点、七宗罪中有四宗的优秀战术家(除此之外还有奸诈属性!)。他控制了安条克公国三块伯爵领中的两块,第三块则归可怕的阿萨辛派掌管。雷诺从未向拜占庭人宣誓效忠,他也被证明是耶路撒冷的一个不安分的附庸。但若你不向某人宣誓效忠,那就等着被圣战至灭亡吧。
- 路易二世“结巴” 加洛林(Louis II 'the Stammerer' Karling),阿基坦国王,867:你开局被北边的西法兰克、东边的洛塔林吉亚、东南的意大利、就在南边山对面的穆斯林以及西南边需要帮助的阿斯图里亚斯所环绕。好像这还不够糟糕似的、你的公爵们并不是你的支持者,而且你在有两个儿子的同时采用均分继承法。仅仅是安定内部且保持独立就将十分困难,但你也可以继承西法兰克王国并最终统一法兰西。在那之后你将会专注于何种目标?驱逐摩尔人?尝试溯源地超越拿破仑?谁知道呢?
- 豪梅 德 巴塞罗那(Jaume de Barcelona),征服者,阿拉贡国王兼巴塞罗那伯爵,1213.9.14-1276:阿拉贡国王佩雷二世的独子。在他的父亲死于抵抗天主教针对清洁派十字军对奥克地区的进攻后,他年幼便继承了一个刚刚失去了主要政治势力范围的王国。在1212年基督教派于纳瓦斯 德 托洛萨取得胜利后,豪梅被迫将注意力集中在一个可实现但曾经没有过的目标上。60多年的执政期间,他和匈牙利的薇奥兰特结婚,征服瓦伦西亚王国和马略卡王国(游戏中是公国),结束了阿拉贡王国的征服,允许他的继承人们将势力范围扩展到地中海西部的其他地区,主要是西西里、那不勒斯和撒丁,也包括希腊。
- 桑乔一世 希梅纳(Sancho I Jimena),阿拉贡国王,1066.9.15:比利牛斯山的一个省份的王国,你对伊比利亚半岛东部所拥有的广泛法理宣称提供了扩展的极好机会,而且不会捅了南边安达卢西亚穆斯林的马蜂窝。不过,你必须小心选择你的战斗;邻近的萨拉戈萨埃米尔国和巴塞罗那公国都比你强大,但希梅纳王国也在看着你的后背。如果你能占领半岛,整个世界都是你的。
- 阿方索二世 德 巴塞罗那(Alfonso II de Barcelona),阿拉贡国王,1174.10.16:最终,内斗争吵的希梅纳家族被遏制到了纳瓦拉剩余地区内,但他们的遗产继续毒害着伊比利亚天主教的团结。葡萄牙,卡斯蒂利亚和阿拉贡甚至分别对抗统一的穆瓦希德哈里发国(游戏中是苏丹国)。巴塞罗那家族被强大势力环绕且朋友寥寥。但你是吟游诗人阿方索。如此华丽的名字需要领地来相配。也许贡德尔也应该对阿拉贡效忠……
- 阿拉贡的佩德罗尼拉女王(Queen Petronila of Aragon),阿拉贡女王,1157.8.16:她是希梅纳家族在阿拉贡的最后一位统治者,24岁且已婚(和巴塞罗那伯爵),在这个开局有一个新生儿。杀死丈夫或者离婚后,入赘再婚,改变你的继承法(为选举或幼子继承法)。
- King Rudolf of Arles, 936 作为原来上勃艮第的国王,他将勃艮第的两部分合起来形成了新的阿尔莱斯王国。在西边的意大利人,由industrious Hugues of the Bosonid dynasty 率领,形成了对阿尔莱斯的首都和周边地区的威胁。不仅如此鲁道夫也处于一个合适结盟的位置,尽管他的王国太小了,以至于很容易被其他大国抛弃.
- 埃尔蒙古 德 乌尔赫尔(Ermengol d'Urgell),乌尔赫尔伯爵,1066.9.15:从西班牙最安全的地方发动收复失地运动——但要谨防针对你的杰哈德。确保在最糟的情况发生前,要有足够的力量去应对。
- 威尔弗雷多 德 巴塞罗那(Wifredo de Barcelona),巴塞罗那公爵,878.1.1:The founder of the House of Barcelona, son of Sunifred, (earlier Count of Barcelona, Urgell, Cerdanya Girona, Osona, Besalú, etc.) he starts as a Baron in Urgell under Duke Bernard Gellones of Barcelona, so you'll have to land him and reload as him. While he's been reduced to a barony, Wifredo has a strong claim on the Duchy of Barcelona, courtesy of his father. He was historically granted the County of Barcelona (the Duchy, in-game) after siding with Charles and his son Louis against a faction of noble rebels, among them the previous Count of Barcelona, Bernard of Gothia (Bernard Gellones in-game). He's the founding father of the independent Catalan counties and maybe the main hero in Catalan medieval folklore. A legend tells that the Arms of the House of Barcelona (which became the Catalan national flag) were created by Emperor Louis, who gave him a golden shield and blotted it with the blood of his wounded vassal. A hard game if you wish to follow in his footsteps and take over the Catalan counties, as you have a quite powerful Frankish liege and the Carolingian mess can be less tumultuous than in real life.
- Wifredo,巴塞罗那家族的创始人,Sunifred的儿子,早期曾担任巴塞罗那、乌雷吉、塞尔达尼亚-吉罗纳、奥索纳、贝萨卢等的伯爵。他最初在乌雷吉担任男爵,受巴塞罗那的伯纳德·杰洛尼尔斯公爵统治,因此您需要让他登陆并重新加载为他的角色。尽管他被降为男爵,但Wifredo对巴塞罗那公国拥有强大的主张,这要归功于他的父亲。在历史上,他被查理及其子路易授予巴塞罗那伯国(游戏中的公国),因为他支持查理和路易对抗一群贵族叛乱分子,其中包括前巴塞罗那伯爵、哥特人伯纳德(游戏中的伯纳德·杰洛尼尔斯)。他是独立加泰罗尼亚县的创始人,也许是加泰罗尼亚中世纪民间传说中的主要英雄。有传说称,巴塞罗那家族的徽章(后来成为加泰罗尼亚的国旗)是由路易皇帝创造的,他送给Wifredo一个金盾,并用他受伤的封臣的鲜血玷污了它。如果您希望跟随他的脚步并接管加泰罗尼亚县,这将是一场艰难的游戏,因为您有一个相当强大的法兰克封臣,而加洛林王朝的混乱可能比现实中还要动荡。
- 拉蒙-贝伦格尔三世(Ramon Berenguer III),巴塞罗那与普罗旺斯伯爵,1113:Through his marriage with Dolça of Provence, Ramon Berenguer III The Great rules not only as Count of Barcelona (Duchy in-game), but also as Count of Provence (Duchy in-game) and his already born son Ramon Berenguer will inherit the County of Gevaudan, making him one of the most powerful Christian lords in the Western Mediterranean. Historically, despite him reconquering Tarragona permanently and Mallorca temporally, his main political focus was centered in the Occitan lands, policies that were continued by his descendants until 1213 with the death at Muret of King Pere of Aragon during the Cathar crusade. Upon his death, he gave Barcelona to his firstborn son Ramon Berenguer IV the Saint (father of King Alfons of Aragon) and Provence to his second son Berenguer Ramon, despite King Alfons reincorporating it when the county passed to Berenguer Ramon's granddaughter (only to give it upon his death to his brother, also called Ramon Berenguer).
- 通过与普罗旺斯的多尔萨的婚姻,拉蒙·贝伦格三世不仅统治巴塞罗那伯国(游戏中的公国),还统治普罗旺斯伯国(游戏中的公国),他已出生的儿子拉蒙·贝伦格将继承盖瓦多恩县,使他成为地中海西部最强大的基督教领主之一。历史上,尽管他永久地征服了塔拉戈纳和马略卡岛,但他的主要政治重心集中在奥克西坦地区,他的后代继续执行这一政策,直到1213年阿伦国王佩雷在异端十字军中去世。他去世后,将巴塞罗那交给了他的长子拉蒙·贝伦格四世圣人(阿伦国王阿尔方斯的父亲),而普罗旺斯则交给了他的次子贝伦格·拉蒙。然而,当该县传给贝伦格·拉蒙的孙女时,阿尔方斯重新合并了它(只是在他去世后将其交给他的兄弟,也叫拉蒙·贝伦格)。
- 埃尔门嘉妲 德 纳博讷(Ermengarda de Narbonne),纳博讷女伯爵,1143-1197:她应该在她54年统治的的开始时未婚且没有子女。她是一个很有文化的女人——尤其喜欢吟游诗人。不幸的是,她的婚姻不幸福
- 柯南二世 德 雷恩(Konan II de Rennes),布列塔尼小型国王,1066.9.15:1066年,他成了王朝最后一个合法男性继承人。柯南曾威胁道,威廉的军队一过英吉利海峡,他就会进攻诺曼底。年底,柯南戴上有毒的骑马手套,倒地而亡——很可能是中了威廉的计。他的英年早逝意味着雷恩王朝的终结:他的妹妹继承了王位。妹妹死后,王位于是落入妹夫所在家族的怀抱。因此你的首要任务是结婚生子,延续雷恩家族的男性血统。开始伪造对康沃尔、威尔士和爱尔兰的主权,然后开始开疆拓土。在很多方面,1066年的布列塔尼是理想的新手训练营。柯南则是“王道征途”的中心人物。想赢得即将到来的王国风云III的化妆品奖励?你首先得过他这一关。
- 埃杜瓦尔 德 庞蒂耶夫尔(Edouarzh de Penthièvre),庞蒂耶夫尔伯爵,1066:创建了德雷恩家族最年轻的分支作为一名67岁伯爵,前任布列塔尼公爵,你对它有强宣称。如果在好运和身体健康的情况下,你可以收回公爵领,并有一个与你的领主和侄子科南二世相似的良好开端,除了你年纪比他大得多。但这个角色最有趣的是,他不仅有一个女儿,还有13个儿子(半个私生子)和6个孙子(都是合法的),所以这对于学习如何建立一个新的家庭是一个良好的开始,可以与公爵夫人甚至公主结婚以发展家族土地。
- 贝伦格拉(Berenguela),卡斯蒂利亚与托雷多女王,1217.6-8:This queen had an incredibly short real-life reign; she abdicated in favor of her son Ferdinand III after only two months. Make her reign longer and give Berenguela a chance to prove herself as a ruler.
- 这位女王在现实生活中的统治时间非常短暂,仅仅两个月后,她就退位让给了她的儿子费迪南德三世。让她统治的时间更长一些,给贝伦格拉提供证明自己作为统治者的机会。
- 桑乔二世 希梅纳(Sancho II Jimena),卡斯蒂利亚国王,1066.9.15或1066.12.26:Why play as El Cid when you can play as his liege? Use a young Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar to command your army as you bring Iberia under your control. Your brother is not exactly on good terms with you and the usual Muslim infidels are everywhere. Can you avoid Sancho's historical fate?
- 你为什么选择扮演El Cid,而不是他的领主?使用年轻的罗德里格·迪亚兹·德维瓦来指挥你的军队,将伊比利亚置于你的控制之下。你的兄弟与你关系并不好,穆斯林异教徒无处不在。你能避免桑乔的历史命运吗?
- 恩里克 德 特拉斯塔马拉(Enrique de Trastámara),阿斯图里亚斯 德 奥维耶多伯爵,1332.1.14:The bastard son of Alfonso XI of Castile, he holds a one province minor in the northwest of the country. Historically, he was supported by his father, but after his death, staged many revolts against his brother, Pedro the Cruel. With French and Aragonese support, he overthrew and killed his brother, and went on to become King Henry II. His family would go on to unite Castile and Aragon and lay down the basis for what would become the Kingdom of Spain. Making the move from count to king will be difficult, let alone to become Emperor of all Spain (technically King), especially with only 120 years to do it, but it's a good challenge.
- 他是卡斯蒂利亚的阿丰索十一世的私生子,在该国西北部拥有一个省份。历史上,他得到了父亲的庇护,但在父亲去世后,他策划了许多针对其兄弟佩德罗·残忍的叛乱。在法国和阿拉贡的支持下,他推翻了并杀死了他的兄弟,后来成为亨利二世国王。他的家族继续统一卡斯蒂利亚和阿拉贡,为后来成为西班牙王国奠定了基础。从伯爵到国王的转变将非常困难,更不用说成为所有西班牙的皇帝(技术上称为国王)了,尤其是在只有120年的时间里完成这一目标,但这是一个很好的挑战。
- 德米塔尔-兹沃尼米尔 特皮米洛维奇(Dmitar-Zvonimir Trpimirovic),斯拉沃尼亚公爵,1066.9.15 或 克罗地亚国王,1081:Historically, Croatia passed to the King of Hungary after a bloody succession crisis, due to the machinations of Dmitar's widow, Ilona, who was also the King of Hungary's sister, and entered a union with Hungary that lasted until 1918. Can you prevent the extinction of House of Trpimirović and the union with Hungary (or perhaps, see Hungary and Croatia united under your house)?
- 历史上,由于德米特里的遗孀伊洛娜(也是匈牙利国王的妹妹)的阴谋,克罗地亚在经历了一场血腥的继承危机后,被匈牙利国王所控制,并与匈牙利结成联盟,这一联盟一直持续到1918年。你能阻止特普里米罗维奇家族的灭绝和与匈牙利的联盟吗?(或者,看到你的家族统治下的匈牙利和克罗地亚的联合)
- 伊洛娜(Ilona),克罗地亚女王,1090-1091:Dmitar-Zvonimir's widow, an Arpad princess who starts with the King of Hungary (her brother) as an ally. This start should be somewhat easy since she has such an awesome ally and you can build her family as you wish.
- 德米特里-兹沃尼米尔的遗孀是阿尔帕德公主,她一开始与匈牙利国王(她的兄弟)结盟。由于她有如此强大的盟友,这一开局应该相对容易一些,并且你可以按照自己的意愿来建设她的家族。
- 斯温二世 伊里温(Svend II Estrid),丹麦国王,1066.9.15-1074:在历史上,他与哈德雷德不和且在军事上败多胜少,并且有20个或更多的孩子(这真令人印象深刻),而这一切都有利于达成联盟和继承。在开局,斯文德也有对英格兰的宣称。无论你是试图重新统一北海帝国,创建卡尔马联盟,抑或是恢复丹纳劳,你都有很多选项。你可以尽早开始波罗的海十字军东征,并攻占异教徒的土地。你从一个小而稳定的王国开始,如果你幸运的话,神圣罗马帝国会忽视阻止你在北方的发展,让你有足够的时间成为一个伟大的北方帝国。只要有合理的目标和一点点运气,北方就是你的了!像他一样征服英国也是一项成就。
- 米哈伊洛一世 杜克列宁(Mihajlo I Dukljanin),杜克利亚公爵,1066.9.15:独立领主开局,只需要再拿下1个省就能创建塞尔维亚王国。是不是so easy?好吧,结果你发现剩下的两个塞尔维亚王国法理省份都在东罗马帝国。一个属于你第9个儿子(没错哦,第9个),另一个属于未来的皇帝迈克尔七世——你可不想得罪他。你能建立塞尔维亚王国继而统一斯拉夫人王国吗?
- 鲍德温二世 德 勒泰勒(Baudouin II de Rethel),埃德萨公爵,1100:Just south of Rum, Edessa formed in 1098 as an independent French Catholic Duchy, surrounded almost completely by Muslim neighbors. The preferred start is 1100 as in 1098 you start as an insignificant member of an established house, while in the 1100 start you get to play as Baudouin, a successful Crusader who inherited Edessa. Historically he ended up as the King of Jerusalem, through unknown relations to King Baudouin I, he surpassed the other claimants and obtained the throne. Install Baudouin II as the King of Jerusalem or simply trying to stay alive as Edessa, your choice. Quite a challenging start probably requires swearing fealty to Jerusalem or the ERE.
- 在鲁姆的南边,埃德萨于1098年作为一个独立的法国天主教公国成立,几乎完全被穆斯林邻国所包围。推荐的开局时间是1100年,因为在1098年你开始时只是一个普通家族的微不足道的成员,而在1100年的开局中,你将扮演布永的鲍德温,一个继承了埃德萨的成功十字军。历史上,他最终成为了耶路撒冷国王,通过与布永的鲍德温一世国王的不明关系,他超越了其他竞争者并获得了王位。安装布永的鲍德温二世为耶路撒冷国王,或者只是努力在埃德萨生存下去,由你选择。这个开局相当具有挑战性,可能需要向耶路撒冷或拜占庭皇帝宣誓效忠。
- 莱姆鲍德 德 阿弗兰基(Raimbaud de Afranji),艾因塔卜伯爵,1072:Sitting in the county of Aintab is probably one of the most challenging starts in the game. Historically, Raimbaud served Philaretos Brachamios (Vahram Varajnuni) as a mercenary captain in command of 8,000 men. He was given the castle of Afranji ("Franks" in Armenian) and proved quite loyal - he died defending Brachamios' tent during a battle. In-game, it doesn't quite pan out like that for Raimbaud - he has nowhere near 8,000 men under his command; he is a one province Frankish Catholic count, vassal to an Armenian Miaphysite and the next-door neighbour to the mighty Seljuk Turks. Good luck, you'll need it.
- 坐在安塔卜县可能是游戏中最具挑战性的开局之一。历史上,雷姆巴德曾为菲拉雷托斯·布拉查米奥斯(瓦拉姆·瓦拉·亚金努尼)担任雇佣军队长,指挥着8000名士兵。他被授予阿夫兰吉城堡(亚美尼亚语中的“弗兰克斯”)并证明相当忠诚 - 在一场战斗中,他死在布拉查米奥斯的帐篷里保护着他。在游戏中,情况并不完全像雷姆巴德那样 - 他手下的兵力远远不到8000人;他是一个只有一省的弗兰克天主教伯爵,是亚美尼亚米亚派教徒的附庸,与强大的塞尔柱土耳其人毗邻。祝你好运,你会需要的。
- 哈罗德 戈德温森(Harold Godwinson),英格林国王,1066.9.26:Yes, he's at the Stamford Bridge start as usual, but with the most recent patches his odds went from underdog to David versus Goliath. Start a few days later and Hardrade is out of the war after Godwinson's victory at Stamford, leaving you a decent force to attempt to turn back the Norman tide. Even so, expect William to put up a ferocious fight and never make the mistake of fighting him on open ground - even the mighty huscarls don't fare well against the Norman knights.
- 哈罗德·戈德温森(Harold Godwinson)是英格林国王,1066年9月26日:是的,他像往常一样从斯坦福桥开始,但最近的补丁导致他的胜算从劣势变成了大卫对歌利亚。晚几天开始,哈德拉德在斯坦福桥的胜利后退出战争,留下了一支不错的部队来试图击退诺曼人的浪潮。尽管如此,预计威廉将进行一场激烈的战斗,永远不要犯在开阔地与他对战的错误 - 即使是强大的“huscarls”也打不过诺曼骑士。【“huscarls”意思是北歐或英格蘭,貴族供養的私人武裝,或者好聽一點說是「親兵」,意義類似於是春秋戰國時期的門客(或稱食客)。他們沒有土地,但也無需務農,全靠主公(可能是國王,也可能是北歐的雅爾或英國的郡長)支付糧餉維持生計,他們受到主公的庇護,同時也保護、捍衛主公的利益。除了是專業軍人,他們也是主公帳下的政務顧問。】
- 亨利一世 德 诺曼底(Henry I de Normandie), 英格兰国王,1100.8.3:Last of the de Normandie kings of England. Can you make sure your house doesn't shatter into pieces and honour The Conqueror's legacy? Or is the House of Normandy destined to die out like it did in reality?
- 亨利一世·德·诺曼底(Henry I de Normandie),英格兰国王,1100年8月3日:英格兰的德·诺曼底国王中的最后一位。你能确保你的家族不会四分五裂,并尊重征服者的遗产吗?或者,诺曼底家族注定要像现实中一样消亡吗?
- 亨利二世 金雀花(Henry II Plantagenet),英格兰国王,1155.1.1:Start off the Plantagenet dynasty and the Angevin Empire on the right foot and see if the sons you sire end up any better than the ones Henry spawned historically. Alternatively, start as him in 1187; The Lion In Winter, CK2 style. Henry had established himself in both England and the continent but at a high personal cost. He is estranged from his wife and 2 sons and historically died 2 years after his sons rebelled. Although Richard is the Lionheart, let the old lion roar one last time in his twilight, and put his house in order before he departs.
- 亨利二世·金雀花(Henry II Plantagenet),英格兰国王,1155年1月1日:从一开始就为金雀花王朝和安茹帝国奠定正确的基础,看看你所生的儿子最终是否比亨利历史上所生的儿子更好。或者,在1187年作为他开始;《冬狮》,CK2风格。亨利已经在英格兰和欧洲大陆建立了自己的地位,但付出了巨大的个人代价。他与妻子和两个儿子疏远了,历史上他死于儿子叛乱后的两年。虽然理查被称为狮心王,但让这位老狮子在他离开之前最后一次咆哮,并整顿他的家。
- 爱德华三世 金雀花(Edward III Plantagenet),英格兰国王,百年战争开始:Unfortunately Edward III doesn't have the traits he should, but you do begin with a strong claim on France (via your mother) and a powerful, centralized realm. Your son and heir, the future Black Prince, is a young boy and ready to be tutored to greatness, and France will often be divided and thrown into various civil wars. Forge marriage alliances with Scotland and Brittany, wait for an opportune moment and pounce.
- 爱德华三世·金雀花(Edward III Plantagenet),英格兰国王,百年战争开始:不幸的是,爱德华三世没有应有的特质,但你确实从法国(通过你的母亲)和强大、集权的王国开始时有强大的权利要求。你的儿子和继承人、未来的黑太子是一个小男孩,准备好接受伟大的教育,而法国将经常分裂并陷入各种内战。与苏格兰和布列塔尼建立婚姻联盟,等待适当的时机并出击。
- 阿尔弗雷德 威塞克斯(Alfred of Wessex),多塞特伯爵,867 Yup, that Alfred. Used GOTW:
- Become King of England
- Remove all Norse territory and religion from the de jure kingdoms of England, Wales and Scotland
- Stay Catholic and Anglo-Saxon
- Obtain the title 'the Great' on at least one ruler
- 阿尔弗雷德·威塞克斯(Alfred of Wessex),多塞特伯爵,867年:没错,就是那个阿尔弗雷德。使用GOTW: 成为英格兰国王 从英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰的王国中移除所有挪威领土和宗教 保持天主教和盎格鲁-撒克逊人身份 至少在一位统治者身上获得“伟大”的称号
- 奥斯武夫 班堡(Oswulf of Bamburgh),诺森布里亚伯爵, 1066:A native son of the North, you've had your fill of being lorded over by southerners, who, to add insult to injury, have held the Earldom (in-game Duchy) of Northumbria since the murder of your grandfather, Uhtred, 50 years ago. First, arrange a little "accident" for your cousin, Eadwulf, who holds lands just across the border, preferably before he has children. This should give you a foothold to restore Northumbrian rule to Lothian. Once you have Eadwulf's land, you'll need to turn your attention to the Mercian brothers (hopefully neither of them dies childless and leaves the other with both Mercia and Northumbria), from whom you will want to claim the Duchy of Northumbria and perhaps more. After that, the succession crisis in the south represents a golden opportunity, no matter which route you choose. Restore Northumbria as an independent kingdom, perhaps, and avert a millennium in London's shadow? Provide England with a new royal dynasty to stem the endless succession of pretenders from the mainland and the powerful earls who jostle for the crown through the Witenagemot? Or unite the entire island, no, the entire British Isles, for the first time, and see if you can reproduce the success of a united British Empire? Whatever you choose, surely a gruff, hardworking Northerner, if anyone, is up to the task?
- 奥斯武夫·班堡(Oswulf of Bamburgh),诺森布里亚伯爵,1066年:你是北方人,你已经受够了被南方人统治,他们50年前谋杀你的祖父乌特雷德后,一直持有诺森布里亚的伯爵领地(游戏中的公国)。首先,为你的堂兄弟埃德伍尔夫安排一场“意外”,他持有刚好在边界另一边的土地,最好在他有孩子之前。这应该给你一个立足点,让你恢复洛西亚的诺森布里亚统治。一旦你拥有了埃德伍尔夫的土地,你就需要将注意力转向麦西亚兄弟(希望他们都没有孩子死去,留下另一个拥有麦西亚和诺森布里亚的人),你希望从他们那里宣称诺森布里亚的公国,也许还有更多。之后,南方的继承危机代表了一个黄金机会,不管你选择哪条路。恢复诺森布里亚作为一个独立的王国,也许可以避免在伦敦的阴影下度过一千年?为英格兰提供一个新的王室王朝,以阻止来自大陆的伪装者和强大的伯爵通过议会争夺王位?或者首次统一整个岛屿,不,整个不列颠群岛,看看你是否能复制统一的不列颠帝国的成功?无论你选择什么,肯定是一个粗犷、勤奋的北方人,如果有人的话,能够胜任这项任务。
- 威廉一世 德 诺曼底(William I de Normandie),佛兰德斯公爵,1127.2.3:As the grandson of William the Conqueror you just have been given your grandmother's land, the wealthy Duchy of Flanders. Now can you take your grandfather's land too, and become the next king of England, instead of your uncle Henry?
- 威廉一世·德·诺曼底(William I de Normandie),佛兰德斯公爵,1127年2月3日:作为征服者威廉的孙子,你刚刚得到了你祖母的土地,富有的佛兰德斯公国。现在,你能否夺取你祖父的土地,成为下一任英格兰国王,而不是你的叔叔亨利?
- 卡多克 舍诺(Cadoc Cerneu),康沃尔伯爵,1066.9.15:the last Cornish Earl of Cornwall. He's still around in 1066 (both Stamford Bridge and William the Conqueror start) but will disappear in a couple of months, like in history. Descended from the ancient Kings of Dumnonia, he starts with a wife, brother, daughter and some nephews. Apart from Ralph de Gael (Earl of Norfolk), he's the only Breton ruler left in Britain. You can't form the Duchy of Cornwall immediately, and although the King always can, he's far more likely to give it to one of his many kinsmen than you, but with luck and patience, you'll have your chance to usurp it sooner or later.
- 卡多克·舍诺(Cadoc Cerneu),康沃尔伯爵,1066年9月15日:最后的康沃尔伯爵。他在1066年(斯坦福桥战役和征服者威廉开始)仍然在世,但几个月后就会消失,就像历史上一样。他来自邓诺尼亚古代国王的血统,一开局有妻子、兄弟、女儿和一些侄子。除了拉尔夫·德·盖尔(诺福克伯爵),他是英国唯一的布列塔尼统治者。你不能立即形成康沃尔公国,尽管国王总是可以,但他更有可能把它给他的许多亲戚,而不是你。但只要有运气和耐心,你迟早会有机会篡夺它的。
- 威廉 马歇尔(William Marshal),德维得伯爵,1204剧本 或 1197后 The greatest knight who ever lived sits on an earl's throne in Wales. Bring him and his fledgeling dynasty greater glory still. Used in GOTW:
- Acquire the 'True Christian Knight' modifier (with any player character)
- Remain a vassal of the king/queen of England. Rebellion is forbidden.
- Acquire 5000 prestige with one ruler
- 威廉·马歇尔(William Marshal),德维得伯爵,1204剧本或1197年后:有史以来最伟大的骑士坐在威尔士的伯爵宝座上。给他和他的羽翼未丰的王朝带来更大的荣耀。在GOTW中使用: 获得“真正的基督教骑士”修饰符(与任何玩家角色) 仍然是英格兰国王/女王的附庸。禁止叛乱。 与一名统治者获得5000威望
- 西蒙 德 孟福尔(Simon de Montfort),莱斯特伯爵,1225:Leader during the Barons' War against King Henry III, he became the de facto leader of England for a short time before his death in battle. Starting as a simple earl, making Simon's rise match that of history might be a challenge, but one worth a try.
- 西蒙·德·孟福尔(Simon de Montfort),莱斯特伯爵,1225年:在对抗亨利三世的贵族战争中担任领袖,他在战场上去世之前成为英格兰的实际领导者。从简单的伯爵开始,让西蒙的崛起与历史相匹配可能是一个挑战,但值得一试。
- 阿兰 德 庞蒂耶夫尔(Alan de Penthièvre),约克伯爵,1071.1.1: This is Alan Rufus, one of the richest men in history. Sadly, his wealth is not modelled in-game, but he's still an interesting historical figure.
- 阿兰·德·庞蒂耶夫尔(Alan de Penthièvre),约克伯爵,1071年1月1日:这是阿兰·鲁弗斯(Alan Rufus),历史上最富有的人之一。遗憾的是,他的财富并未在游戏中进行模型化,但他仍然是一个有趣的历史人物。
- King Æthelstan of England, 936: As the first king of a truly collected England, Æthelstan is very much in the prime of his power. But only a year later, historically speaking, he had to fight the coalition of the Kingdoms of Dublin, Alba and Strathclyde in the Battle of Brunanburh. His victory secured the new frontiers in the north, but if he had lost? Who can say what would have happened with the Isles if that had happened?
- 英格兰的阿瑟斯坦国王(King Æthelstan of England),936年:作为真正统一英格兰的第一位国王,阿瑟斯坦正处于他的权力巅峰。但仅仅一年后,历史上他不得不与都柏林王国、阿尔巴王国和斯特拉斯克莱德王国的联盟在布伦安布尔战役中作战。他的胜利确保了北部的新边界,但如果他输了?如果发生了这种情况,谁能说出如果发生了这种情况,岛屿会发生什么?
- 让娜 卡佩(Jeanne Capet),纳瓦拉女伯爵,1327.1.1 - 百年战争剧本:An unmarried 16-year-old with a strong claim on the Duchy of Champagne and weak claims on the Kingdoms of Navarre and France, you are the second most senior living Capetian - preceded only by your uncle and liege, Charles IV. Denied the throne of France due to her sex and that of Navarre due to her mother's illicit bedchamber adventures, Jeanne's chances of inheriting either are slim. You will have to fight the Prince-Bishop of Reims for Champagne. Historically, after her uncle's death, Jeanne reclaimed Navarre, but never France itself. Play as her immediately after her uncle's death in 1328, and you'll find that she has become Queen of Navarre, and more importantly, remains unmarried. Once you start, there are several ways you can get started reclaiming France itself. One of them is a strategic marriage; several kings would gladly have you as their daughter-in-law, including your Catalan neighbour. If you start any later, you will find yourself with more of a challenge - the Kingdom of Navarre has passed to your husband, once again leaving Jeanne with only the County of Navarre, and depending on how late you start, you'll probably already have children. Whenever you start, be prepared to take advantage of the inevitable Hundred Years' War, one that could be brought on sooner by your masterful intrigue...
- Acquire the titles once held by your paternal grandmother:the Kingdom of Navarre and the Duchy of Champagne.
- Conquer all counties belonging de jure to Navarre and Champagne.
- Stay Frankish.
- Press your claim on your paternal grandfather's realm - France itself!
- 诺弗鲁瓦 金雀花(Geoffrey Plantagenet),安茹公爵,1129.1.2:Play as the founder of the Plantagenet Dynasty and try to claim England from your small duchy! You can marry Matilda, the daughter of the still-living Henry I of England. This will give any children born to you a claim on the kingdom of England. If you play your cards right, Henry will die without a male heir, leaving the kingdom to Matilda, who is your wife. This means that your children will inherit England! You may want to consider starting the game on 24 Aug. 1129, Geoffrey's 16th birthday. The widow Princess Matilda is likely to marry someone else before you have a chance if you start the game months too early. Being a bastard is not an issue as far as marrying a widow princess is concerned.
- 玛丽 德 布卢瓦(Marie de Blois),布洛涅女伯爵,1160:At first glance, the youthful Marie seems like a minor French noblewoman. No, wait, she is Norman... and a princess! The Anarchy has ended leaving Marie's brothers dispossessed of their father Stephen's English crown, and her brothers have since both died childless. Marie is thus left with her father's county of Mortain, her mother's county of Boulogne, and a weak claim on England. She is 24 and childless but married to the son and heir of her liege, the Duke of Flanders, so arranging a quick end to the marriage is necessary. With Marie's second cousin Henry controlling all of England, a large part of France and most of Aquitaine, claiming your heritage will be very challenging. Very.
- 腓力一世 卡佩(Philippe I Capet)(小卡佩),法兰西国王,1066:你年仅14岁,有两个兄弟姐妹,以及一群比你强大的封臣。诺曼底公爵威廉手握1w重(huoxing)兵,正在发动一场夺取英格兰王位的战争。你的叔叔勃艮第公爵攥着国王宣称。你的直属封臣兰斯主教在香槟公爵的法理内。阿基坦公爵兼图卢兹公爵拥兵自重。佛兰德斯公爵想要独立,并且有一个神罗法理内的封臣。你能重现历史,克服一切困难生存下来并让你的家族繁荣吗?
- 让一世 卡佩(Jean I Capet),法兰西国王,1316.11.15:Your dynasty is almost as weak as in 1066, but you don't have giga-vassals. However, you are surrounded by Castille, Aragon and the HRE. If you die and your uncle doesn't manage to have children, you have the Hundred Years' War. If not... there are only a few English counties left in southern France and you could have Brittany and Savoy easily. Sadly, the regency preceding his rule has been replaced by him living longer, so by beginning at the above date, you are not a posthumous newborn.
- 吉扬八世 德 普瓦图(Guilhem VIII de Poitou),阿基坦公爵,1066.9.15:1066年,阿基坦公爵是法王之下最强大的公爵之一。如果你能成功对年轻的菲利普国王(King Philippe)发起战役,并将你的领地从封臣关系中解放出来,阿基坦有望提升为一个强大的王国。在此基础上,通过与法国展开一系列新的战争,夺回富饶的图卢兹公国(Duchy of Toulouse),以及重新征服曾属于阿基坦的巴塞罗那公国(Duchy of Barcelona),你将踏上成为欧洲最强大国之一的征途。
- 吉扬九世 德 普瓦图(Guilhem IX de Poitou),阿基坦公爵,1086.9.25:你曾扮演过伟大的征服者,从无到有创下伟业……那么,为什么不尝试转向文化成就呢?阿基坦公爵纪尧姆九世(Duke Guilhem IX of Aquitaine),尽管在历史上有一定的重要性,却因另一个身份更为人所知——他是有记载的首位吟游诗人。他留下了几首关于爱情、性与封建政治的大胆的奥克语诗歌,有些至今仍让人捧腹大笑。
此外,他以风流成性而闻名,曾积极参与法国境内的权力斗争,试图夺取其他公国,同时他时而支持、时而挑战天主教会。更引人注目的是,他曾参加1101年的十字军东征,尽管最终并未成功。他还是阿基坦的埃莉诺(Eleanor of Aquitaine)的祖父。据史书记载,他拒绝杀死一位敌对主教,并幽默地说道:“我还没爱你到想送你上天堂的地步!” 除此之外还能说些什么呢?他作为一位强大的公爵的起点并不算艰难,而你可以将这位风流的诗人公爵的历史书写推向任意方向。或许,这一次可以试着对他的妻子好一些,而不是像他那样令人诟病。
- 厄德二世 德 勃艮第(Eudes II de Bourgogne),勃艮第公爵,1153:阿基坦的埃莉诺曾是法国国王路易七世的王后,但她的再婚却让英王继承了整个阿基坦,使英格兰掌控了法国四分之一的领土。如今,法国名义上的半壁江山落入金雀花家族之手,而他们的目光更贪婪地投向了图卢兹。
- 鲍德韦因五世(Boudewijn V),佛兰德斯公爵,1066.9.15:The wealthiest provinces of France with the option to go HRE whenever you wish, one or two counties away from forming Frisia, and some fine relatives to boot.
- 吉扬四世 德 图卢兹(Guilhelm IV de Toulouse),图卢兹公爵,1066.9.15:A very interesting character that allows for very plausible switches into alternate history. Historically, the counts of Toulouse and the kings of Aragon were very close until the rise of the Montforts and the Albigensian crusade, when Simon de Montfort defeated the combined forces of Aragon and Toulouse at the battle of Muret. With a closely linked Aragon and Toulouse, you could potentially become the king of Aragon, and end up with a disunited Spain. There could be a Hispanic Portugal and Castile in the far west, and an Occitan Aragon that spreads along the Mediterranean coast from Provence in the east to Murcia in the west, and stretches from Sicily in the south to Gap or even Vienne in the north.
- 雷蒙德五世 德 图卢兹(Raimond V de Toulouse),图卢兹公爵,1094.1.1:With the Cathar heresy at its zenith, you can choose to crush it, or join it.
- 厄德 卡佩(Eudes Capet),沙特尔伯爵,867
- 埃贝尔 加洛林(Herbert Karling),韦芒杜瓦伯爵,1066.9.15:the last living descendant of Charlemagne and a count near Paris. Used in GOTW:
- Reclaim the Holy Roman Empire or Francia, with respective De Jure territory based on the title you claim
- Put at least 3 Karlings on the throne of the Papacy
- Win 2 Papacy-Called Crusades
- Have the following combination of traits on at least one of your rulers:
- Genius, Quick, or Strong
- Brilliant Strategist or Skilled Tactician
- Crusader
- Defender, Unyielding, Organizer, or Experimental Leader
- 3 of the following:Chaste, Temperate, Charitable, Diligent, Patient, Kind, Humble
- 1 or none of the following:Lustful, Gluttonous, Greedy, Slothful, Wroth, Envious, Proud
- Just, Honest, Brave, or Gregarious
- No stat beneath 8
- 于格 德 韦芒杜瓦(Hugues de Vermandois),韦芒杜瓦伯爵,1085.4.1:If the last direct male descendant of Charlemagne doesn't appeal to you, play as the husband of his sister and successor, Adèle. A son of the deceased King Henri of France, Hughes is the founder of the Capetian cadet branch of the House of Vermandois, which puts you in a very interesting position; you may be a mere count in northern France but you are the younger brother of the king, Philippe Capet. This, of course, grants you a strong claim on the kingship. With the Normans downstream from Paris, the Duke of Aquitaine controlling half the kingdom, and the house of Burgundy plotting to usurp the throne, will you stand by your Capetian brethren or aid their enemies and put a new dynasty on the throne of France?
- 阿黛勒(Adelaide/Adele),韦芒杜瓦女伯爵,1080:She may look innocuous, but she happens to be the last surviving Karling. She's married to the heir to France and has a newborn daughter, so this is a difficult start. Restore the Karlings the hard way!
- 埃莉诺 德 普瓦图(Eleanor de Poitou),1140s-1173:Yes, that Eleanor (aka Aliaenor), a masterful political manipulator. You can play her as a minor countess (of Poitiers and Saintonge; you can do this starting in the 1140s). You can also start as her second husband, Henry II of England, in 1155 - give her the Duchy of Aquitaine (which she should have from age 13/15, but doesn't), then reload the world and switch to her. Make sure you annul her regular marriage as soon as you can so your game doesn't end when she dies.
- 查理 卡佩(Charles Capet),拉马什与吕西尼昂伯爵,1314.12:Starting in the very first days of Louis X's reign, play as the youngest son of the glorious Philip IV, the Fair, and see how far you can reach. France? Navarre? Aquitaine(Louis will create this title as soon as he can)? Or just the timid county of Artois, which will be passed to your unfaithful wife at the death of the old Mahaut d'Artois? Can you repeat history, becoming Charles IV, or contradict it, keeping the Capets on the throne?
- 纪尧姆(Guillaume),图卢兹公爵,769:You start as an 18-year-old duke of one of the best de jure duchies in the game, vassal to Karloman, King of Middle Francia. And your dynasty is named the Nibelunging, with three rings for your CoA (like the legendary Ring of the Nibelung). Your father is the Duke of Burgundy, and he is a very powerful man. When he dies you have a claim on the Duchy.
- King Louis IV of West Francia, 936: Louis is among the last kings of the Karling dynasty. He was followed by Lothair, his eldest son, and later his grandson Louis V, which ended up as the final monarch of the dynasty. In our bookmark, King Louis is 15 years old and has recently returned from England to rule his homeland. Under his rule is the strongman Hugues the Great of the Capet dynasty, as well as unruly Occitans in the south and the newly settled Normans to the north. If he can only quell his vassals and their bids for power, West Francia is a strong base for the future of the dynasty.
- 努诺二世 基马良尼斯(Nuno II Vimaranes),波图斯卡莱公爵,1066.9.15:抵御来自南方的圣战和吉哈德大圣战,完成收复失地运动,建立葡萄牙王国。以下为每周挑战项目:
- 保持葡萄牙文化。
- 在某种程度上保持基督徒的身份。允许皈依东正教或异端。
- 建立葡萄牙王国,拥有所有法理领土。
- 将加利西亚王国、莱昂王国和安达卢西亚王国的法理领土并入你的帝国。没有取得这三个王国的头衔亦可。
- 把一个王朝成员(除了你自己)扶上三个其他王国的王座。这些王国中至少有一个与地中海接壤。
- 弗格斯 加洛韦(Fergus of Galloway),加洛韦伯爵,1100:你从一个苏格兰半岛开始游戏,它的两侧是一个强大的苏格兰和几乎统一的英格兰。在只有两个伯爵领的情况下,作为一个儿童,没有家庭或封臣,只依赖一个有巨大的阴谋的,想要继承你的土地的,非亲非故的摄政王,这真的是一个挑战。不被吞并到苏格兰,甚至在被吞并之后保留一个在其中的头衔,都是一件难事。游戏的难度或许难于登天,但苏格兰相对不稳定的局势可能会给你一个夺取权力的小窗口。
- 艾美塞德 德 那慕尔(Ermesinde de Namur),卢森堡女伯爵,1197-1247:The last of her dynasty (at least in-game), Ermesinde was 10 in 1197 when she began her rule as Countess of Luxembourg. She tried twice to press her claim on Namur, but failed both times; this claim is absent in the game, however. It also appears that her husband and ally might not be in the game either, so you can have her marry far above her social station and try to conquer some of the surrounding areas - if not more.
- 弗里德里希二世 冯 霍亨施陶芬(Friedrich II von Hohenstaufen),神圣罗马帝国凯撒,1212.7.5-1250.12.12:One of the most ambitious and powerful of the Holy Roman Emperors, Friedrich best embodies the average CK2 player's drive to rule the world. He represented the pinnacle of House Hohenstaufen and had plots in nearly every corner of the world. He attempted to claim Jerusalem by marriage (and is married to the Queen of Jerusalem in the 1220s), warred against the pope, and very nearly turned the HRE into a proper nation-state.
- 理查 金雀花(Richard of Cornwall),神圣罗马帝国凯撒,1256.1.28-1272.4.2:He is King (in-game Kaiser) of the Holy Roman Empire. And English...and a Plantagenet! A very special experience and starting point. He is emperor between 28 January 1256 and 2 April 1272.
- 约翰 德 卢森堡(Johann de Luxembourg),波希米亚国王,1310 ——注:即盲人约翰(虽然他双目失明是从1337年开始。)
- 奥托二世 冯 诺德海姆(Otto II von Nordheim),巴伐利亚公爵,直到1070:create the Kingdom of Bavaria and take over eastern Europe.
- 韦尔夫一世 韦尔夫(Welf I Welf),巴伐利亚公爵,1070.1.1 和 1079:the bastard son of Duke Alberto II Azzo d'Este of Lombardy, can you resurrect the old and powerful House of Welf (Guelph)? It's a fun game being an illegitimate bastard with a wife that has a claim on neighbouring Swabia. If you can pacify the Bavarian Lords and consolidate, you could potentially become the most powerful man in the Holy Roman Empire. Not to mention the weak claim you will receive when the old man Alberto Azzo II dies, and the impending succession crisis in Lombardy which means you can seize your moment and swallow Milan as well. Bringing glory back to the Welfs should be a fun undertaking.
- 弗拉迪斯拉夫二世 普热米斯尔(Vratislav II Premyslid),波希米亚公爵,1066.9.15:You have a better inheritance law than the other HRE dukes (Seniority's not as good as Elective, but it beats Gavelkind hands down), the County of Prague has more space for upgrade than most places, and you start the game with everything you need (except the gold and piety, obviously) to create the Duchy of Moravia and then the Kingdom of Bohemia. Also, with a little ruthlessness, you can connive for your son Bretislav to inherit the throne (and royal demesne!) of the Kingdom of Hungary; even if he doesn't hold on to the kingdom he has a decent chance of holding on to the duchies. Be warned that if you don't want to adopt German culture you may well need to make more use of the "spawn random aristocrat" buttons than might otherwise be the case.
- 洛塔尔-乌多二世 乌道能(Lothar-Udo II Udonen),勃兰登堡公爵,1066.9.15:You know the drill, obtain the black eagle and start rolling.
- 皮埃尔 德 萨伏依(Pierre de Savoie),萨伏伊公爵,1066.9.15:Reclaim the old Kingdom of Burgundy, destroy the HRE from the inside and then take on France in order to gain the Duchy of Burgundy, your rightful inheritance. Used for CK2 GOTW:
- Form Burgundy with all de jure land
- Reclaim the traditional Duchy of Burgundy, in France
- Defeat French or German opponents in at least 8 wars with you as a primary participant.
- Independence from the Holy Roman Empire
- Add 3 duchies outside of de jure Burgundy to your nation, not counting the Duchy of Burgundy
- 玛蒂尔达 德 卡诺萨(Matilda di Canossa),托斯卡纳女公爵,1066.9.15:A good grip on Italy at the beginning as the duchess of Tuscany, and a vassal of the HRE. It offers many possibilities and allows to learn the game mechanics safely within the HRE while recreating the Kingdom of Italy. Can you make Matilda the mother of an independent Italy, or will the Italian culture be obliterated by the Germans once and for all?
- 格哈德 沙特努瓦(Gerhard Chatenois),上洛林公爵,1066.9.15:Just a duchy title away from being able to create the Kingdom of Lotharingia.
- 维尔纳 冯 哈布斯堡(Werner von Habsburg),巴塞尔伯爵,1066.9.15:rise from one county to rival the historical extent of Emperor Karl V's dominion over Europe.
- 亨德里克 雷吉纳尔(Hendrik Reginar),布拉班特伯爵,1066.9.15:Beginning under a strong duke, it will take your full attention and resources to break away from your ducal liege. Once you're done, you can work towards creating your own Dutch Kingdom within or outside of the Empire.
- 热罗 德 日内瓦(Geraud de Geneve),日内瓦伯爵,1066.9.15 : The score description is almost taunting. Can you do better by ruling more than your single county, or even by sticking to one? Moreover, it is an interesting character. He could have a claim on the kingdom of Burgundy through his great-grandfather Konrad III, king of Burgundy. Indeed, when the last independent king of Burgundy, Rudolf III, died childless in 1032, the title became vacant. The Ottonian dynasty, with Henri II, should have inherited the throne, but they became extinct before the kings of Burgundy. Hence, Eudes, count of Blois and Champagne, should have inherited but was defeated by emperor Conrad II who usurped the throne as the successor of Henri II. As the house of Blois has failed and is now too busy with French affairs, maybe it is time for Geraud to step up as the last local male descendant of King Konrad and reclaim what is his and restore the Burgundian nation from within?
- 奥塔 “美男子” 普热米斯尔(Ota 'the Handsome' Premyslid),奥洛穆茨伯爵,1066.9.15:谁是这个貌比潘安的人? Well, it's Ota, younger brother to the starting Duke of Bohemia. Sure, you start with one province in the corner of the realm, but with some luck, good assassinations and perhaps a small war or two, you can quickly take control of the Duchy, or Kingdom, of Bohemia! Not to mention, you're handsome!
- 伊泽立诺三世 达 罗马诺(Ezzelino III da Romano),维罗纳伯爵,1200初:Considered one of the most ruthless and cruel feudal rulers in all the Middle Ages. At the time, he was said to be the anti-Christ or the spawn of the devil. A crusade was issued against him. He once sentenced 10,000 citizens of Padua to death in a single day. He also enjoyed the mass use of torture, said to feel pleasure at the screams of people walled in alive, and he would often command kids to be blinded for his enjoyment. He was also a supporter of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II in the war between Guelphs and Ghibellines and married his daughter.
- Here's a quote from The Picture of Dorian Gray about him:
- "Ezzelin, whose melancholy could be cured only by the spectacle of death, and who had a passion for red blood, as other men have for red wine--the son of the Fiend, as was reported, and one who had cheated his father at dice when gambling with him for his own soul"
- That's quite a reputation. Can you match it in true Crusader Kings style? Note: he currently starts as a Lord Mayor, so you'll have to make him playable first, one way or another.
- 维尔纳 萨利安(Werner Salian)Needs to be verified in case he's supposed to be Werner V,沃尔姆斯伯爵,867:Try to climb insurmountable odds and establish the Salian Dynasty as masters of the Holy Roman Empire. House Salian provided 4 Holy Roman Emperors, an immense task to be sure!
- 恩斯特 冯 巴本堡(Ernst von Babenberg),奥地利公爵,1066:He is in a weak position with a lot of potential; you can go in any direction. Each of the four counties in your duchy is held by a different house: Bavaria has Passau, Bohemia has Znojmo, Carinthia has Steiermark, and you hold only Österreich, the capital. With one or two carefully chosen alliances, you can beat Bavaria and Carinthia, and then, with most of the duchy under your control, maybe even challenge Bohemia—or expand eastwards into Croatia. For longer-term goals, you can form Bavaria, get elected Kaiser, launch an invasion of Hungary, or take Jerusalem in a crusade.
- King Otto of Germany, 936: 在很多方面, Otto is the protagonist of the Iron Century bookmark. Having just been crowned King, Otto has quite the task ahead of himself in trying to put together the Holy Roman Empire and beat back the pagan encroaching from the east (Hungarians) and the north (Norse tribes). To the west, the vassal holding the Stem-Duchy of Lotharingia (Lorraine), Duke Giselbert, recently changed his allegiance to the young King Louis Karling of West Francia. Not to mention the tumultuous kingship of Italy, that will be needed to recreate the Holy Roman Empire.
- Duke Boleslav (the Cruel) of Bohemia, 936: The Bohemian rose to the title of Duke through the fratricide of his brother (Good King) Wenceslaus. Though his rise to power was bloody, Boleslav ruled well and was known as an efficient administrator. Early in his rule he ended the tribute to the German king Otto and ended up in conflict with the Germans for the next 15-20 years. Boleslav is a tough start, as he is surrounded by pagans in every direction, be it with the Polish rulers to the north, Hungary to the south or the Kievan Rus to the far east.
- 彼得(Péter Orseolo),匈牙利国王,1044-1046:为了扮演他,你将不得不修改defines.txt。你也许会问:不是还有很多其他的阿帕德国王可以直接扮演吗?答案很简单: 彼得不是阿帕德家的!他是Pietro Orseolo,奥多内 奥尔瑟奥罗的儿子,威尼斯的总督,作为斯蒂芬一世的侄子继承了王位。在现实中,威尼斯人彼得(彼得是威尼斯人,尽管游戏里他是匈牙利人)极度不受欢迎,还被推翻过一次(然而游戏里没有他的第一次统治...),多亏了向他宣誓效忠的人,以及神圣罗马帝国的凯撒,他重登王位。最后在他的继任者安德拉什一世的带领下,彼得被抓获并致盲。也许你能带领这位反常的威尼斯人国王走向更有价值的命运?
- 沙拉蒙 阿帕德(Salamon I Árpád),匈牙利国王,1066.9.15:就在一个半世纪以前,马扎尔还是一个游牧部落,在亚洲的草原上向西行进,逃离更强大的邻国。现在,匈牙利王国正准备对佩切涅格反击,同时也有大好的机会在克罗地亚和波兰以及东北部的加西利亚扩张。神罗的公主将成为你的妻子,神罗将成为你坚实的后盾,不过记得提防拜占庭帝国。历史上的阿帕德王朝吞并了克罗地亚,但在之后几乎被蒙古摧毁,在大汗死后才得以幸存。然而大汗的死并没有让匈牙利更好——内战使得阿帕德王朝逐渐衰败,最后在1301年绝嗣。你能带领阿帕德走向更好的明天吗?
- 亚诺什 巴托里(János Báthory),塞凯伊弗尔德伯爵(特瓦兰尼西亚的封臣),1337:拜赖茨克的长子,日后在匈牙利历史上出名的巴托里家族的创始人。巴托里家族出过几位特瓦兰尼西亚公爵,一位波兰国王,和“血伯爵夫人”伊丽莎白 巴托里("Blood Countess",Elizabeth Bathory),以及几位匈牙利的上层贵族。它的后人中也有圣乔治骑士团(龙骑士团)的团员。1337年这个家族还不太显赫,能不能拥有更伟大的命运完全取决于你。如果你喜欢按照历史来,用mod将可选剧本向后推的话会更有趣,因为历史上的巴托里在奥斯曼崛起后才开始大放光彩。
- King Árpád Zoltan of Hungary, 936: Not many years has passed since the Magyars descended from the steppes and into the basin, pushing out the Bulgarians and anyone else who stood in their path. However, now they are one of the few pagans left in the area, surrounded by the Germans to the west, Bohemians to the north and the Bulgarian Empire to the south. Led by the Árpád dynasty, it is time to find their destiny, be it as the raiders and conquerors of Europe, or (as they did historically) become one of the defenders of Christianity.
- 司格分司(Sigfus),西冰岛伯爵,1066.9.15:面对现实吧,你所拥有的岛屿并不富裕。冰岛在当时可以说土地贫瘠,这一现象因为老公爵的存在而雪上加霜。他沾沾自喜地坐在欧洲最北端的王座上,并且当世界经过他时,他心满意足。尽管这是斯诺里时代,并且冰岛几乎完成立基督教化,古老的故事依然使年轻人心潮澎湃。尽管他能力有限,尤其是挪威也热衷于保卫自己的土地。也许如果你从司格分司东领主手中夺取了冰岛王位的控制权,你就可以重新点燃维京精神,正是它将你的人民带到这个雾凇覆盖的岛屿上不祥的、参差不齐的海岸。
- 多姆纳尔 乌厄 内尔 尼吉厄拉希(Domnall Ua Neill Naoigallaich),蒂洛辛伯爵,1066.9.15:the starting earl of Oriel is an O'Neill Naoi-Gallach, descended from the legendary High King of Ireland Niall of the Nine Hostages (and, according to recent DNA studies, the male-line ancestor of around 20% of the population of Ireland today).
- 穆尔哈德 乌厄 布里昂(Murchad Ua Briain),慕穆(芒斯特)小型国王,1066.9.15:布赖恩波鲁, 爱尔兰最后一个至高王(注:这并不严谨), 或者说, 是最后一个统治全岛大部分地区超过一年的人. 聆听他葬礼进行曲的同时, 那可以沿着你祖父的道路行进下去 并再一次统一爱尔兰来面对英国和挪威对凯尔特人的威胁 。也许,这可能创造一个统治着英伦三岛和布列塔尼的凯尔特帝国呢?
- 约翰 德 库西(John de Courcy),阿尔斯特伯爵,第三次十字军开始:his capital is the castle of Carrickfergus. He tried for independence from England - going as far as putting his face on coins. The English King put him down; now all that remains of his legacy is a shopping centre in Carrickfergus. John de Courcy was an Anglo-Norman knight who arrived in Ireland in 1176. From then until his expulsion in 1204, he conquered a considerable territory, endowed religious establishments, built abbeys for both the Benedictines and the Cistercians and built strongholds at Dundrum Castle in County Down and Carrickfergus Castle in County Antrim.
- 古德罗德 克洛温(Gudrod Crovan),南岛(西部群岛)公爵,1066.9.15:自建王国的出现使你能够创建一个群岛王国。你能做到吗?这些岛屿是有趣的开始,因为你是独立的挪威人,但被凯尔特统治者和省份包围。在你摁下暂停键之前宣誓效忠苏格兰;这将给你在爱尔兰和苏格兰扩张的空间,而不必担心被敌人欺负,否则,苏格兰迟早会因为拥有你的法理宣称而攻击你。或者说,对于那些想要更大挑战的人,尝试在保持独立的同时完成所有这些。
- 路易二世 加洛林(Louis II Karling),意大利国王,867:As the eldest son of Lothair of Middle Francia (himself the eldest son of Emperor Louis the Pious), Louis II is the rightful successor to the entire Frankish Empire. At the moment, however, he's only the King of Italy: none of the other crowned heads of Europe are likely to let go of their titles without a fight. As a member of the Karling dynasty, you start as heir to at least one kingdom and highly placed on the succession to a number of others, so a few discreet assassinations and well-timed claim wars can eventually make you ruler of a good chunk of Western Europe, from which you can create either the Empire of Francia or the Holy Roman Empire, depending on what route you take. Or you could focus your ambitions southward to a territory outside your family's control and eventually crown yourself Emperor of Italia.
- 兰贝托 古伊蒂斯奇(Lambert Guideschi),斯波莱托公爵,867:Since the fall of the Roman Empire, Italy has been ruled by a succession of barbarians from the north. Your ancestors may have been among them, but you, at least, have Italianised. You are one of the most powerful of the weak King's vassals, and you have Carolingian blood in your veins, to boot. While the King may be able to call in his powerful family if you rise against him, you can fall back on your Jewish financiers and your colleagues who are just as hostile to their foreign King, including your brother-in-law in Tuscany. Or should you wish to avoid spoiling fair Italy with bloodshed, the King has two daughters almost ready to be wed. Either way, with the right factions at the right time, the king will be toppled easily, and the Lombards to the south will make easy pickings for you. From there, you can expand at your leisure, but you should be ever mindful of the Byzantines. Perhaps you can even demonstrate that the Italian Renaissance needs no input from heretical Greeks.
- 柳特伯特 冯 巴本堡(Liutbert von Babenberg),弗里萨赫伯爵,867:也许有人能在500年后扭转这个家庭的命运?
- 戈弗雷 德 布洛涅(Godefroy I de Bouillon),耶路撒冷王国,1099.7.15-1100.4.1:戈弗雷是耶路撒冷王国的第一任领袖,他拒绝成为国王,因为他相信上帝是耶路撒冷王国的真正国王。然而,他可以被扮演成国王。你应该要避免他的过早死亡,并希望凭借大量的能力和好运建立一个真正持久的王国。
- 鲍德温四世 “麻风王”德 安茹(Baudouin IV 'the Leper' d'Anjou),耶路撒冷王国,1177.1.2:?你刚满16岁,但身患重疾,能生个儿子将是一个奇迹。更糟糕的是,耶路撒冷王国被它曾经与之斗争过的最强大的穆斯林国家所包围,而拜占庭帝国是唯一强大到可以成为对付萨拉丁的盟友。没有继承人和患有麻风病会导致你的封臣对你的反感(甚至可能导致叛乱),更不用说你不能让你的姐妹嫁到其他家族,因为她们很可能在你之后继承王位。在你的麻风病进入晚期之前,你要尽可能努力发展国家。在现实生活中,鲍德温当了11年国王,活了24年。而你又能活多久?历史上的他不仅活了如此之久,而且赢得了他的臣民和敌人萨拉丁等人的尊重:一位穆斯林说他“这个患有麻风的孩子知道如何让他的权威受到尊重”,他的追随者形容他保持着帝王的气派,即使他在他死了和身形严重畸形之后。你能比得上这个麻疯病人吗?
- 耶路撒冷女王:在不同开局有五个可玩德耶路撒冷女王:梅莉桑德(Melisende),伊莎贝尔一世(Isabella I) 和伊莎贝尔二世(Isabella II),西比拉(Sibylla),和玛丽亚(Maria)。当心吉哈德!
- 鲍德温一世 范 佛兰德斯(Baudouin I van Vlaanderen),拉丁帝国皇帝,1205:A pious Catholic given an imperial title, you lord over a land of Orthodox Greeks who are, most likely, none too pleased by your rule, not to mention the Nicene (in-game Byzantine) Emperor Theodore Laskaris is much more powerful than you and has claims to all of your titles. Take this artificially constructed empire and turn it into a real presence on the world stage. You control the Imperial province itself and a good half of the Aegean Islands - oh, and a barony in far-off Belgium. In the real world, Baudouin died in a Bulgarian prison after provoking them to invade. Can you avoid this ignominious fate? As an Emperor, you're unable to swear fealty, so it's not going to be easy...
- 约翰娜 范 佛兰德斯(Johanna van Vlaanderen),佛兰德斯女公爵,1205::A little girl who's controlling a Dutch duchy in France, she starts as a pretender of the Latin Empire, and if you are competent enough, you can control a Dutch empire if your father fails and you claim his title. She's 10 and you can build her traits as you like.
- Theodore Branas, Count of Adrianopolis, 16 May 1204: Historically, Theodoros Branas was a military commander who rose to prominence in the 1190s under the incompetent Angelos dynasty. After Constantinople fell to the Fourth Crusade in May of 1204, he became the most prominent Byzantine noble to serve the Latin Empire. Indeed, in game, he is the only Greek Orthodox vassal of the Latins. The great-nephew of Emperor Manuel Komnenos, he became the lover of Anna (Agnes) Capet, sister of Philip the Great of France, and eventually married her at Latin Emperor Baldwin I's urging. He campaigned extensively against the Bulgarians on the Latin Empire's behalf, eventually disappearing from the historical record in 1219. Although you are not related to the Komnenoi in-game, you are married to Agnes (making Philip the Great your brother-in-law), and you have a strong claim on the duchy of Adrianopolis. You control two counties next to the de jure duchy of Thrace, but since the Nicene Emperor holds all of these titles, you can easily internally expand by gobbling up your single-county neighbors governed by Western impostors. There are more than a few options here: Become independent, swear fealty to the Nicene Empire and help recover the imperial city for the Laskaris dynasty; try to become a vassal of the other Byzantine successor states (Trebizond and Epirus); form your own, indpendent Byzantine successor state (Kingdom of Thrace?); or even try to take control of the Latin Empire from within.
- 阿方索 希梅纳(Alfonso Jimena),莱昂国王,1066.9.15:If deception is more your style, this is the Spanish leader you should play as. Alfonso starts with high intrigue and claims on the neighboring Christian kingdoms. If you can have your brother Sancho killed fast enough you'll become King of Leon and Castille and recreate the real Alfonso's rise to power. See León walkthrough.
- 乌拉卡 希梅纳(Urraca Jimena),萨莫拉女伯爵,1066.9.15:Is she interesting? Fun? Historically meaningful? No, no, and I have no idea. She is, however, the Kizdean Gix (EQ1) of CK2 - annoying beyond all reason, and is completely disproportionately powerful. If you play as the King of Leon, she's a nuisance you just can't get rid of (she's your sister, and so the sister of all the neighboring Kings, there's no dealing with her). She's what the oubliette was made for.
- 乌拉卡(Urraca),莱昂与卡斯蒂利亚(与加利西亚)女王,1109-1126:这位强大的女王在其统治期间声称她是全西班牙的皇后。
- 马乌雷加托(Mauregato),阿斯托加伯爵,769:你是阿斯图里亚斯国王的儿子,但也是摩尔农奴的儿子。贵族们看不起你堕落的血统,一直忽视你的继承权。然而历史将会铭记,你是篡位者马乌雷加托。可惜仅仅统治王国五年,你就离开人世。你的遗产被迅速地抛到一边,你的王位重新由一个更高贵的家族继承。你能超越真正的马乌雷加托,作为半摩尔人和私生子,戴上阿斯图里亚斯的王冠,巩固你的王朝,为你的名字带来荣耀吗?
- 布迪沃伊 纳库内茨(Budivoj Nakonid),吕贝克伯爵,1066.9.15:He is a Pomeranian Christian and the Count of Lübeck. If you play well, you have the chance to create the Kingdom of Pomerania as a Catholic Ruler (note: You still have to convert to a pagan religion to create the kingdom) You can try it as independent Count if you like it hard or you can become part of the Holy Roman Empire or Denmark.
- 亨里克 纳库内茨(Henrik Nakonid),吕贝克伯爵,1073:Your father Guthskalco was a Christian ruler of the Wends (in-game Duke of Mecklenburg), who was defeated and killed by the pagan chieftain Krutoj. Your half-brother Budivoj tried to reclaim your family's honor but was ambushed and murdered by Krutoj. You and your nephew, both children, are all that is left of the House of Nakonid. You're the only Christian Pomeranian ruler in the world, with access to their Light Cavalry retinues. Even many of your courtiers are pagans. Your county is pagan. Your neighbors are Denmark (who have a de jure claim on you from day 1), the HRE (who have a de jure claim on you as soon as the Duke of Saxony saves up the money to form the Duchy of Holstein), and your arch-enemy Krutoj (who, as pagan duke of Mecklenburg, could launch a conquest CB on you as soon as he has the piety). Your only assets? A strong claim on the Duchy of Mecklenburg (good luck pressing it before someone holy wars them to oblivion), a capital with plenty of empty slots but 0-0-0 tech, and whatever you can beg, steal or borrow. Oh, and the motivation to track down Krutoj and say "My name is Henrik Nakonid. You killed my father (also my brother). Prepare to die!"
- Historically, Henrik was able to murder Krutoj with the help of Krutoj's wife, and then established a powerful Christian Wendish state. His sons, in true CK2 style, started fighting each other, and the whole thing fell apart; reverting to paganism and eventually getting hit with the Wendish Crusade. Can you do better?
- 拉米罗 希梅纳(Ramiro Jimena),纳赫拉伯爵,1066.9.15:Nájera starts in a precarious position - the lone County serving King Antso IV in the middle of the boiling pot. You're a Castillian in a Basque province, which gives you interesting options. Firstly, you can ahistorically attempt to cultivate the Basque culture for their unique bonus of Absolute Cognatic succession. This not only allows daughter heirs over sons, useful if your daughters are better stateswomen but also allows you to title female courtiers - and clever use of marriage of influential male vassals with bad stats allows you to draw very, very useful stateswomen to your court. Alternatively, you can just attempt to take over with your Castillian culture - it's certainly much more widespread as you expand. While you don't have the King of Aragon's de jure claims for possible expansion, you do have a strong claim for your entire Kingdom! While this seems minor, Navarra has a de jure claim over Viscaya, and you can gobble up some territory against weak Muslim emirates nearby, and possibly claim a duchy to allow you to eventually take over Barcelona. A fun, difficult start with tons of options.
- 安佐七世 “强大者”(Antso VII 'The Strong'),纳瓦拉国王,1194.6.27:Antso (Sancho) VII was an interesting person historically. Suffering from gigantism, he was a warrior of exceptional repute, being 2.2 meters tall when he passed away. In-game terms, you are merely a "tough soldier" when you start your career. Your realm is small but kingship gives you right of conquest to a large area of Spain. Can you repeat what Antso did historically and help to drive Muslims back to the southern tip of the Iberian peninsula?
- 让娜一世 德 布卢瓦(Jeanne I de Blois),纳瓦拉女王,1274 或 1285末:She began her reign when she was 1 year old in 1274, and she was married (very young) in late 1285. Play as her when she's a child so you can marry as you wish, or play when she's married to the King of France in 1285 (you may have to seek a divorce).
Northumbria, Kingdom of
- Ælla/e, King of Northumbria, 867: There's kicking the hornet's nest, and then there's nuking whatever ungodly breeding pit Ragnarr Lodbrok and his sons crawled out of. Having invited the wrath of the Great Heathen Army on not only yourself but the other kingdoms of England too, it'll take a lot more than a snake pit simply to save yourself from being made into a blood eagle. Can you call the bluff of these glorified bandits and throw them back across the sea, or will the hordes of ravening pagans have their vengeance?
- “无情者” 哈拉尔德三世 英格林(Harald III 'Hardrada' Yngling),1066.9.15 September 1066:见挪威 演练。
- King Hakon (the Good) of Norway, 936: Young Hakon is 16 years old as he lands in Norway. Raised by King Æthelstan of England, he has now returned to his take up overlordship of his country. Not long ago his half-brother Erik Bloodaxe killed two of their other brothers and took control of the land, but he has recently been thrown out by the Norwegian Jarls. Still brooding in the north of Scotland with his army, he can still be seen as a threat to Hakon's rule, but he is not the most immediate one. As a Catholic, Hakon is certain to be in trouble as all his vassals follow the old ways, as does his pagan neighbours to the north and east.
- 罗贝尔 “伟岸者”诺曼底(Robert 'Curthose' de Normandie)e,1066.9.15:作为12岁的伯爵、威廉·德·诺曼底的长子和继承人,从斯坦福桥开始。作为一个成年人,你已经有了一系列的负面特征,除了没有糟糕的外交能力,而且——无论诺曼征服带来什么——你都会不断地与你的两个弟弟斗争,争夺继承人之位。通过谨慎的婚姻,你可以与其他家庭结成联盟——但当然,风险在于选择一个小到不会构成威胁,但大到足以在与兄弟的任何争端中提供帮助的人。在现实生活中,他与他的兄弟和父亲(三个国王,没有更少!)可能是结束诺曼底王朝的最重要因素。他与三位最亲近的男性亲戚开战,每次都是因为他糟糕的人际交往技能而失去了王位(而且由于他是一个相当懒惰、有头衔的草包,所以普遍不可靠)。冲动、吝啬、骄傲,但在高潮时,他拥有一个室内锅的所有社交优雅,最终被他的一个兄弟监禁,比他的弟弟(亨利一世国王)早一年去世,永远结束了诺曼底家族的统治。罗伯特是一个前线勇士,更适合于战斗而不是政治,他的命运表明了这一点。
- 扎克珀 奥尔西尼,奥尔维也托伯爵,1066.9.15:别让你的领主教宗剥夺你的唯一一个伯爵领,打拼出足够的钱用以从教宗处独立并建立你的独立国家
- 博莱斯瓦夫 “英勇者”皮雅斯特(Boleslaw 'the Bold' Piast),波兰国王,1066.9.15:This start can go various ways. His realm has about 20 de jure provinces, made up of five duchies of varying power. You can expand anywhere you want.这一开局可以有多种方式。他的王国有大约20个法理省份,由五个不同统治者的公爵领地组成。你可以扩展到任何你想要的地方。
- 卡齐米日三世 “伟大者”皮雅斯特(Kazimierz III 'the Great' Piast),波兰国王,1333:The only Polish king in history to both receive and keep the 'Great' nickname - can you make him worthy of it? Secure the borders to the West against the HRE and some Bohemians with claims, possibly fend off the Golden Horde, take on the Lithuanian pagans, and have the option to plot against the Teutonic Order and start a succession crisis that could land you the other half of the de jure Lithuanian kingdom. (Playing as Kazimierz's father Wladyslaw is also a fun setup; just start on the day of Kazimierz's birth 30 Apr 1310 to make sure you have that little genius.)
- 莱谢克“白公爵”皮雅斯特(Leszek 'the White' Piast),波兰国王,1206.1.1:Leszek 'the White' became King in this year. You can also play as his brother who is a child duke in 1195.
- 波洛茨克公爵,蒙古剧本:You start as a Lithuanian Catholic, with claims on the nearby Duchy of Lithuania. Your uncle holds that, and he's Orthodox. You can form Lithuania fairly easily, and then try to drive out the Germans/hold back the Mongols. Alternatively, swear fealty to the Mongols and destroy them from within.你是一个立陶宛天主教徒,对附近的立陶宛公国拥有宣称。你叔叔统治着这一公国,而且他是东正教徒。你可以很容易地组建立陶宛王国,然后试图赶走德国人/阻止蒙古人的进攻。或者,宣誓效忠蒙古人,并从内部摧毁他们。
- 波美拉尼亚公爵,1122 或 1136:Two start dates with a Pomeranian, Catholic ruler. You are independent, and the entire Pomeranian coast is still occupied by pagans (except your lands). If you are quick, you can grab the rest of the coast before the Germans/Poles/Scandinavians. Much easier now that the Kaiser doesn't have de jure claims.
- 查理 德 安茹(Charles d'Anjou),安茹伯爵,1246—1266年入侵西西里
- 马尔科姆三世 邓凯尔德(Malcolm III Dunkeld),苏格兰国王,1066.9.15:Start with just one county (and a Kingdom) and forge the reputation of the great 'Canmore' or 'Longneck' -referring quite personally to his leadership style. He is also considered the progenitor of a branch of the family that ruled Scotland until 1286. His wife was the beatified Saint Margaret so be nice (or not).
- 玛格丽特 “少女”英格林(Margaret 'the Maid' Yngling),苏格兰女王,1287-1290:an interesting character to play as, this young girl was the only heir to Alexander III, and as she, unfortunately, died at the age of 7 of sea-sickness on the voyage to Scotland from her native Norway, her death led to complete chaos that culminated in King Edward invading Scotland. In-game you can change this young girl's fate, and make her into a Queen worth remembering.
- 罗伯特 德 布鲁斯(Robert de Brus),苏格兰国王,1296:Yep, that's him, Robert the Bruce. Can you too take advantage of Edward II to raise Scotland to new heights, and can you, unlike the Bruce, leave an heir who can continue the dynasty and cement Scotland as a power in Europe?是的,就是他,罗伯特 德 布鲁斯。你能否利用爱德华二世把苏格兰的实力提升到一个新的高度?你能不能做到他没有做到的事情,留下一个继承人,继续这个王朝,巩固苏格兰在欧洲的地位?
- 戈斯帕特里克 邓巴(Gospatrick Dunbar),洛锡安公爵,1066.9.15:Gospatrick is a vassal of King Malcolm III and his realm straddles the Scottish Lowlands. You have numerous options here, such as backing one of the King's relatives as a pretender, attempting to take the throne yourself (quite possible via elective succession or a strong faction), expanding into Northumberland whilst England is in chaos, or simply remaining loyal to the Dunkelds and hoping to be rewarded for your efforts. All in all, a very interesting position. Used in GOTW:
- Attain Kingdom of Scotland
- Maintain a Celtic (Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Breton) culture.
- Add the De Jure Duchies of Orkney and Northumberland to your realm.
- Add 2 of the three Celtic De Jure kingdoms other than Scotland to your realm. Ireland, Brittany, Wales.
- Ensure that Celts rule the British Isles in their entirety. Conquering England to achieve this goal is allowed.
- Claim 3 of the following De Jure duchies: Normandy, Flanders, Slesvig, Sjaelland, Vestlandet, Ostlandet
- 马利森坦(Malsnectan a Muirebe),马里公爵,1066.9.15:臭名昭著的麦克白最后的亲属。你能通过谋杀和欺骗重新夺回苏格兰王位吗?你又能,不同于麦克白,守住它吗?
- 索默莱德 索尔肋(Somerled Somhairle),南岛公爵/阿盖尔公爵,1156.1.1:A Scottish vassal to a Norwegian Duke, in 1156 Somerled has taken half the Kingdom of the Isles from his brother-in-law and is poised to root the Norwegians out of Western Scotland. The historical Somerled was slain in the Battle of Renfrew in 1164. Some say he died in battle, others through treachery. Lead this ambitious man to an ahistorical and enduring reign in Scotland.
- 兰多四世 迪 阿基诺(Lando IV di Aquino),卡普阿伯爵,1092:Last Lombard prince in Italy. Try to expel the Hautevilles of the Kingdom of Sicily and recover the ancient lands that are under the domain of the Holy Roman Empire.
- 康斯坦丝(Constance),西西里女王,1190s (date?):The last of the old Norman dynasty and mother of Frederick II.
- 罗伯特一世 德 欧特维尔(Robert I d'Hauteville),阿普利亚公爵,1066:Not as challenging as many starts, but the family is a popular choice. Croatia offers an expansion opportunity in the north. John Julius Norwich has written a great 2-volume history of the family. See Apulia walkthrough.
- 阿尔比妮娅 德 欧特维尔(Albinia d'Hauteville),莱切与塔兰托女伯爵,1205:a 16-year-old widow (tough life, I guess, but he died a "natural death" at 41, so it might be a Nelson Rockefeller thing) if you start in 1205. Can you reclaim the Kingdom of Sicily for the family?
- 博埃蒙 德 欧特维尔(Bohemond d'Hauteville),安条克亲王,1098.6.3与塔兰托伯爵,1090.1.1:你的家族是诺曼冒险家,他们征服了意大利南部。如果《阿莱克修斯传》所述为实,你自己也是诡计多端、令人胆寒。你有很多扩张的道路可以选择。如果受到威胁,你可以向神圣罗马帝国宣誓效忠,但你为什么要这样做呢?历史上,博希蒙德几乎打败了伟大的阿莱克修斯一世·科穆宁,所以为什么你在游戏里都做不到呢?你可以在较短的时间内把你小小的公国变成一个伟大的帝国,可以效仿祖先——维京人,向北非穆斯林发起无尽而残酷的海军突袭。如果你想改写博希蒙德的败绩,也可以谋取拜占庭帝国。如果你选择发誓效忠神圣罗马帝国,可以通过暗杀或征服统一意大利(托斯卡纳的玛蒂尔达是你和平扩张的绝佳机会)。你有许多结盟和继承土地的机会,因为你有很多合格的孩子,不需要等一代人的时间繁衍出一个大家庭。你甚至可以追随博希蒙德的脚步,建立安条克公国。这个人物还能有什么不好的呢?
- 曼弗雷德 冯 霍亨施陶芬(Manfred von Hohenstaufen),西西里国王,1258:The legitimised bastard son of Frederick II, who has inherited the Kingdom of Sicily from him (and the Papal enmity that comes with it). Playable from at least 1258. Will you establish colonies in Albania/Greece or just live the lush life with the hunting hawks? Will you crush the Italian Guelphs at Montaperti? It's up to you. IRL he was killed in Benevento, Campania in 1266, Charles triumphant.
- 科拉迪诺(康拉德二世) 冯 霍亨施陶芬(Corradino (Konrad II) von Hohenstaufen),西西里国王,1254-1258,施瓦本公爵,1258后:the rightful king of Sicily (1254-1258) until the usurpation of Manfred and the Guelph party, and later Duke of Swabia. He was something of a teenage superstar in Ghibelline Italy but was taken prisoner by Charles after Tagliacozzo in 1268. Will you content yourself with your German possessions and fight in Imperial politics or will you try to take back your rightful titles in Sicily? Or will your days as the 13th century Justin Bieber end as they did historically, on the receiving end of an executioner's axe in Naples?
- 斯滕希尔 斯滕希林(Stenkil Stenkiling),瑞典国王,1066.9.15:Your northern vassals remain true to the old ways, while you and your southern vassals have adopted Christianity. Your half-brother Erik, commonly known as 'the Heathen' rivals you in power and ambition, and might make a move for the throne. Will you stay true to the One True Faith, or bow once more to Oðinn?
- 比尔格尔 比耶尔博(Birger af Bjälbo (Birger Jarl)),东约特兰公爵,1214.5.16:He's said to have built Stockholm and led the Second Swedish Crusade into Finland.
- 露西娅 德 普瓦图(Lucia de Poitou),的黎波里女公爵,1287.10.19:The last (Christian) ruler of Tripoli and sister of Bohemond VII. She is married to Narjot of Toucy, a rather useless baron. A hard start since the Mamluks are ready to pounce on the remaining Crusader states.
- 罗德里戈 迪亚斯 德 比瓦尔(Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar),瓦伦西亚伯爵,1094.1.1: Yes, that's him, El Cid, Count of Valencia. With his spectacular martial skill, the nearby Muslim minors are easy prey, but the Almohads (and the Castilians) are dangerous neighbors.
- 希梅娜 迪亚斯(Jimena Diaz),1099-1102:She's El Cid's widow.
- 罗德里 “伟大者” 阿伯弗劳(Rhodri 'the Great' Aberffraw),圭内思小型国王,867:Welsh Duke with 6 kids and 1 bastard, 0 prestige and 0 piety. But who knows, maybe you will be able to make him great? Oh. Nope. He already has 'the Great' nickname...maybe you could sire some more kids and place them on the various thrones? Oh. Nope. He's chaste...
- 马雷迪德二世 迪内弗尔(Maredudd II Dinefwr),德赫巴思公爵,1066.9.15:You and the only other member of the Dinefwr dynasty are both over 50 years old, but once you produce an heir, you can instead concentrate on reclaiming your other de jure lands. From there, unite Wales and then the British Isles through conquest, marriage or both. As of 1.09, your task is easier as you now have a junior branch of the family who can continue the Dinefwr quest for glory.
- 布莱丁 马斯拉法尔(Bleddyn Mathrafal),圭内思公爵,1066.9.15:You start with several children, a medium-sized duchy, and the ability to quickly form a kingdom. Unite Wales, defend against the English, and play the marriage game.
- 莱韦林二世 “伟大者” 阿伯弗劳(Llewellyn II 'the Great' Aberffraw),圭内思公爵,1195:Historically, Llewellyn was the most successful of the Welsh princes who attempted to maintain sovereignty despite the Norman occupation. At the height of his power, he managed to control most of Wales and is one of only two Welsh rulers to ever be called 'Great'. Can you succeed where he did not, by forming a truly independent, Welsh Kingdom?
- 莱韦林三世 阿伯弗劳(Llewellyn III 'the Last' Aberffraw),圭内思公爵,1246:An even more difficult start for the Welsh enthusiast is Llewellyn the Last. In 1246, you are a 12-year-old child who has just inherited the Duchy of Gwynedd, surrounded by the English under Henry III. Do you have what it takes to avoid the historical Llewellyn's gruesome fate and embarrassing moniker?
- 君士坦丁 杜克列宁(Constantine Dukljanin),保加利亚国王,1071.8.26:Historically the famous enemy of the ERE, Constantine Bodin, he's a relative of the Serbian and Bulgarian dynasties that reigned over the Balkans before Basil II. You just have two provinces at the start (only one is in your demesne); the rest of your Kingdom is under the control of the ERE which also looks greedily on your lands. The Pechenegs, Hungarians and others will also prove difficult to deal with. In real life, Peter's kingdom survived only for a year before it was disestablished by the ERE. Good luck with uniting the Balkans and raising Bulgaria and Serbia to become world powers!
- 卡洛扬一世 阿森(Kaloyan I Asen),保加利亚国王,拉丁帝国剧本:He was a man with an axe to grind, and he habitually ground it into the Latin Empire and the Byzantines. This is the man who resurrected the Bulgarian Empire, although the game rightfully calls him king (although he requested an imperial title, Pope Innocent III thought King of Bulgaria and Wallachia was enough). If you wait until they are distracted you can press Kaloyan's claims on the Latin Empire's lands early and you have plenty of directions to expand into (if you don't want to limit yourself to slaying Romans). Kaloyan starts with a strange cultural dynamic as well, his Wallachian territory is ruled by a Tengrist Cuman, presumably to represent his Cuman general who eventually assassinated him. Used in CKII GOTW:
- Destroy the Latin and Byzantine Empires
- Unite all South Slavic cultured provinces under your banner
- Convert to an Orthodox Heresy
- Convert all provinces in your kingdom to your religion
- Convert Constantinople
- 伊瓦廖 巴尔多夫卡(Ivajlo Bardokva),保加利亚国王,1279:The legendary Ivajlo the Cabbage. He was an illiterate pig-herder who seized the Bulgarian Throne, and, for a brief time at least, held off the Byzantines and the Golden Horde. You start as the sole member of House Bardokva (which roughly translates as 'House Lettuce'). Your stats are poor, and you're surrounded by enemies. But your rank as King opens useful marriage alliances, and you're ideally positioned to capitalize on the woes of a weakening Byzantine Empire. Just make sure you treat your high-born wife a bit better than the real Ivajlo did.
- 彼得一世,保加利亚沙皇(Tsar Peter of the Bulgarian Empire), 936:身为保加利亚开国沙皇之子,他继承了一笔庞大的遗产。帝国南边和东边与拜占庭帝国接壤,两国长久以来冲突不断,却又相互影响。在北边,匈牙利人已经推进到喀尔巴阡盆地,占领了曾被保加利亚人统治的大片土地。这里需要额外说明的是,936年伊始,保加利亚帝国实际上是一个法理帝国,下辖保加利亚王国和瓦拉几亚王国。
- 阿莱克修斯 科穆宁(Alexios Komnenos),拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1081 (阿莱克修斯传剧本):Bring the Empire back from its defeat at the hands of the Seljuks - and who could be better suited to the task than the subject of the famed 'Alexiad'? See also: Roman Empire walkthrough.
- 阿莱克修斯四世 安耶洛斯(Alexios IV Angelos),拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1203.7.18:The man who destroyed the Eastern Roman Empire and led Constantinople to destruction. After his uncle, Alexios III seized the throne from his father Isaakios II, young Alexios was imprisoned, but later he managed to escape to the Holy Roman Empire. Years later, at the age of 20, he saw his chance - the Fourth Crusade was struggling with financial problems - the crusaders weren't able to pay Venice for ships to transport them to the Holy Land, so they were forced to seize the coastal city of Zara as payment for their debt. Alexios contacted the Doge and the crusaders in 1202 and promised them mountains of gold if they helped him become Emperor. Two years later, the crusaders were encamped near Constantinople's walls and Alexios IV, after completely emptying the treasury, refused to give the Latins any more gold. Deeply unpopular, he was soon deposed and imprisoned but not before that he severely deteriorated relations with the Westerners. In the end, the enraged crusaders looted Constantinople, committing an impressive array of atrocities in the process, and chose their own, Catholic claimant for the mantle of Roman Emperor, and the defeated Byzantine nobility scattered to form their own "Imperial" courts in the Empire's provincial cities. This was a disastrous blow from which the Empire never recovered: will you change the course of history and turn the reign of the worst Emperor Byzantium ever had into a time of peace and prosperity?
- 安德罗尼科斯一世 科穆宁(Andronikos I Komnenos),拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1183-1185:By all accounts a handsome and popular youth who alternately spent his early adulthood in hedonistic pleasure and military service, Andronikos was a lifelong womaniser, and his real-life exploits before finally ascending to the purple in his 50s were almost as outrageous as your average CK2 player's. This guy took as his mistresses first his niece, Eudokia (and was forced to leave Constantinople when her brothers tried to kill him) and later Theodora, the Queen dowager of Jerusalem and niece of his cousin, Emperor Manuel I. Together, Andronikos and Theodora spent much of the next decade gallivanting around the Middle East, running from Manuel's wrath, until Andronikos was finally forced to submit to Manuel and they were separated. After Manuel died, Andronikos sensed the weakness of the regency for Manuel's son, Alexios II, led by his unpopular Catholic mother, Maria of Antioch, and returned to Constantinople with imperial ambitions. His arrival was occasioned by a massacre of Latins which, depending on who you ask, he either failed to stop or instigated himself. He poisoned Alexios II's older half-sister and her husband, and eventually usurped the regency from Maria. Having neutralised all of Alexios' potential supporters, Andronikos then forced the boy to sign his own mother's death warrant, name him co-emperor, and had him strangled shortly after. His reign was marked by increasing paranoia culminating in the seemingly indiscriminate killing of aristocrats and ended with him being tortured and torn apart by an angry mob in the Hippodrome. Can you take this old rascal and turn his reign into the beginning of the next stage of the Komnenian Restoration, rather than its end?
- 君士坦丁 安耶洛斯(Konstantinos Angelos),萨摩斯将军,1108:Founder of the infamous Angelos dynasty, whose disastrous rule virtually destroyed the Byzantine Empire. Young commander of the Imperial Fleet from Philadelphia in Asia Minor, Konstantinos was handsome but of lowly origin. He married Theodora Komnenos, daughter of Alexios I Komnenos and had three sons: sebastokrator John, Alexios Angelos, famous for erecting a church in Nerezi, and Andronikos Angelos, whose son Isaakios deposed Andronikos Komnenos in 1185 and was proclaimed the Emperor, thus starting the brief and chaotic rule of the Angelos dynasty. Their calamitous rule between 1185 and 1204 led ultimately to the sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade, creation of Latin Empire and disintegration of Byzantium into several weak Greek states like the Despotate of Epirus and Empire of Trebizond. Every emperor of the Angelos dynasty was either deposed or killed and their reign is seen by historians today as the death knell of the Byzantine Empire. Will you change history and secure the prosperity of the Byzantium under the rule of Angelos dynasty?
- 阿卢西安(Alusian),美索不达米亚将军,1066:Son of the last ruler of the First Bulgarian Empire, Ivan Vladislav. Alusian rebelled in 1040 against the Byzantines in Bulgaria, together with his cousin Peter Delyan, but in the end, betrayed his kinsman by blinding him and defecting to the Byzantines. In return for his treachery, he was pardoned by the Emperor and rewarded with the title of magistros. He has a strong claim on the Kingdom of Bulgaria, so you can make it an independent country again. If you survive the Seljuk invasion of course.
- 约安尼斯二世 科穆宁(Ioannes II Komnenos),拜占庭帝国巴西琉斯,1118.8.15:Son of the great Alexios Komnenos and the greatest of the Komnenoi. His reign saw a virtually non-stop campaign to reclaim what was lost at Manzikert, and along with his brilliant lieutenant John Axouchos, he succeeded, bringing the Komnenian Restoration to its height. Though overshadowed by his father and son, in no small part due to his jealous sister slamming him in the Alexiad, his 25-year reign was the most successful. Perhaps a player can outdo him?
- 伊萨基奥斯 科穆宁(Isaakios Komnenos),安条克将军,1066:Try to start the Komnenian restoration before Manzikert.
- 尼基弗鲁斯 梅利森诺(Nikephoros Melissenos),希腊将军,1066:Historically, he seized Asia Minor and declared himself emperor before ultimately becoming a loyal servant to Alexios I Komnenos. In-game, he holds the County of Athens, which has some ridiculously high technology.
- 利昂一世 佩贡尼特斯(Leon I Pegonites),塞浦路斯将军,1066.9.15:Starts with the duchy of Cyprus, split into the counties of Famagusta and Limassol. There are two or three single county Muslim leaders in nearby Syria and Jerusalem as targets for expansion, but mostly an opportunistic Strategos will be looking for the correct opportunity to strike against the Fatimid Sultanate, which will conquer many lands. You will often lose land without having any say about the matter as the Fatimids formulate claims to your hard-won counties. Your position as an island gives you good protection from any holy wars, and the protection of the Empire should ensure you last for a century at least (provided you're willing to stay loyal). Probably the most interesting thing about this start is that it is very difficult to quickly amass land. To combat the much more powerful leaders in this part of the world, you are forced to find ways to generate massive amounts of income relative to your stature so that you can afford to hire hosts of mercenaries, whilst building up your castles with the view of increasing your own (limited) levy. Good players will quickly find themselves in possession of 4 or 5 counties as the individual Muslim Sheikhs fall to them, but much of what you do will depend on your Emperor's own ability as a ruler. Weak Emperors will lose land very quickly to the Fatimids, which will leave you waiting for internal factionalism (possibly brought on by assassinations *hint hint*) in the Fatimid Sultanate to target weak sheikhs and emirs.
- 尼基弗鲁斯 巴列奥略(Nikephoros Palaiologos),伊庇鲁斯将军,1066.9.15:First playable ruler of the later famous Palaiologos dynasty that ruled the Byzantine Empire from the reconquest of Constantinople in 1261 up until its demise.
- 贝拉 阿帕德(Béla Árpád),波斯尼亚将军,1165 - Note: Later becomes king of Hungary as Béla III
- 拉米多尔 科米特布洛斯(Radomir Kometopoulos),杜罗斯托鲁姆伯爵,1066.9.15或1081:Another descendant of the last Bulgarian kings. He has a claim on the Duchy of Turnovo, is the heir of his brother - the count of Constantia - who has turned Greek, and is also an ally of the Strategos of Armenia. As a grandson of one of the last Bulgarian kings you start in both 1066 Scenario and 1081 with a claim on Turnovo, and brothers who are rulers in Karvuna. The obvious aim is to lead a rebellion against the Empire, as one of the few remaining Bulgarian characters in the game.
- 加吉克 巴格拉季奥尼(Gagik Bagrationi),吕坎多斯伯爵,1066.9.15:The last Bagrationi king of Armenia, now dethroned and given a "pension" in Armenia Minor to live off for the rest of his days. Historically he and his two sons died because of intrigue and plots, but it is possible to reclaim your ancestral title. Also, your daughter is married to the king of Georgia.
- 彼得罗斯 托耳尼刻斯(Petros Tornikes),托尔托萨伯爵,1066-1068:Other characters are for weaklings who want high stats or easy expansion opportunities. House Tornikes doesn't baby you with such things. It offers you the chance to play as an insignificant count at the utmost extremity of Christianity and the Byzantine Empire. Claw your to greatness with sheer determination for nothing will be given to you. When you finally raise your dynasty to the purple you will know that you earned it, damnit.
- 利昂 第欧根尼(Leon Diogenes),莫奈姆瓦夏伯爵,1086 - Note: Strong claim on Byzantine Empire
- 艾芙多吉娅 迈柯恩保洛斯(Eudokia Makrembolitissa),拜占庭帝国巴塞丽莎,1067.6-12:The widow of Konstantinos X, serving as regent for her inept son, Michael VII. She has non-dynastic heirs, and she's 37 (in-game...she was 46 or so in real life) - get a better heir before it's too late!
- 利昂 福卡斯(Leon Phokas),塞琉西亚伯爵,867:You are the founder of the Phokas Family and great-grandfather of Emperor Nikephoros II, who was a brilliant military leader and known as "the Pale Death of the Saracens". Starting as a count in Cilicia bordering many minor Muslim principalities, you have much more room for expansion than other Strategoi in the empire. Try to slowly build up your power base in Asia Minor and eventually seize the throne, and have a longer reign than Nikephoros II.
- 尼基弗鲁斯 布里恩尼乌斯(Nikephoros Bryennios),基比拉奥特将军,1066:Historically, Nikephoros Bryennios was a prominent general who rebelled against Michael VII Doukas in 1077. He almost succeeded by defeating the army of Alexios Komnenos in Battle of Kalavrye, but the betrayal of Pecheneg mercenaries turned the tide of battle and his ambition was crushed at last. Can you change his fate and establish a new dynasty?
- Basileus Romanos of the Byzantine Empire, 936: Romanos of the Lekapenos dynasty is the co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire, together with Konstantinos of the Makedon dynasty (he holds Nikomedeia and Herakleia), but he is the elder of the two and functionally the one calling the shots. Though the Byzantine Empire has been through a rough ride lately, they have recently come to a peace agreement with their northern neighbours in Bulgaria, and the Muslims are shattering at their southern and eastern fronts. With the rise of the many Shia and Sunni rulers (the Fatimids, the Buyids, the Sallarids, the Jannabids, the Hamdanids, the Ikhshidids, the Al-Thamalis etc) in the vacuum left by the weakened Abbasid Caliphate, the Byzantine Empire are poised to take back some of their ancient lands as their enemies are busy fighting one another.
- 巴格拉特四世 巴拉格季奥尼(Bagrat IV Bagrationi),格鲁吉亚国王,1066.9.15:Sandwiched between the three major powers of the ERE, Cumans and Seljuk Turks, fight your way out, taking opportunities when civil wars consume the larger states to grab land, then brace yourself for the inevitable Mongol invasion.
- 大卫四世 “建国者” 巴格拉季奥尼(David IV 'the Builder' Bagrationi),格鲁吉亚国王,1089:known for developing administration and education in Georgia and fighting back the Seljuk Turks.
- 塔玛丽“伟大者”巴格拉季奥尼(Tamar (Tamari) 'the Great' Bagrationi),格鲁吉亚女王,1184:她开疆拓土,为格鲁吉亚带来了一个黄金时代。她还负责建立了特拉比松帝国。试图超越真实的女王,也许接管…附近的塞尔柱王朝?你也可以在1223年到1245年间扮演她的女儿鲁苏丹。
- 亚历山大一世 留里克(Alexander I Rurikovich),基辅公爵,1247:他以亚历山大 涅夫斯基和圣亚历山大之名更为人知。毫无疑问,他是俄罗斯中世纪历史上最重要的君主之一。 涅夫斯基成功地保护了诺夫哥罗德免受瑞典人和条顿骑士团攻击(并在著名的冰上之战中击败了后者)。尽管向蒙古入侵者称臣,但他远见卓识的政策和与撒里答汗不可思议的友谊使他在1252年统治了弗拉基米尔大公国,后来的莫斯科大公国,俄罗斯帝国的基础。在游戏里的1247年,他刚刚继承了基辅大公国,并且是金帐汗国的附庸,拥有高达22点的军事能力和自己的一条血脉。强大的金帐汗国看起来不可战胜,但拔都一旦驾崩,独立的机会就来了。是要提前独立,整合留里克家族的领地,还是要留在金帐汗国内部,如历史上那样,维持和蒙古领主的友谊?全由你来决定。你能超过他历史上的功绩吗?
- 瓦伊斯维尔卡斯(Vaisvilkas),立陶宛国王,1264:Son of Mindaugas, he truly embraced orthodox faith. Playing a ruler of a pagan realm caught in between the Catholic Teutonic Order and the Tengri Golden Horde, might not wisest of decisions. Would you convert to one of three or would you persist no matter what? In real life, Vaisvilkas couldn't handle the rule, abdicated and went into the monastery, but you can avoid such fate and keep Mindaugas dynasty ruling.
- 什瓦恩纳斯(Svarnas),立陶宛国王,1267:The guy to whom Vaisvilkas has abdicated, and son of Daniil (see below). Not only you are Orthodox king of a pagan realm, but you're also Russian king of Lithuania, and your neighbours are just as scary. However, you, as the son of Daniil, inherited claims on his old domain, and, with a bit of work, can become legitimate king of Ruthenia. Will you free those lands from Mongols ahead of the schedule?
- 夫谢斯拉夫“先知”(Vseslav 'the Seer'),波洛茨克公爵,1066.9.15:Real Vseslav was not eligible to rule Kievan Rus, but that didn't stop him from trying. Can you do better and claim the throne when your duchy is not de jure Ruthenia? Used in CKII GOTW:
- Remain Orthodox or Orthodox heretic
- Form the de jure kingdoms of Lithuania and Ruthenia
- Obtain the rank of Emperor. Any Empire-level title fulfils this requirement.
- Ensure that an Orthodox or Orthodox heretic member of House Rurikovich other than yourself rules in four of the following kingdoms: Poland, Bohemia, Pomerania, Hungary, Wallachia, Bulgaria, Taurica, Serbia. Note: Unlike some previous challenges, the de jure territory is irrelevant. This challenge is asking for the king titles themselves. Also, these kings may be under you as Emperor.
- Add all of the following de jure duchies to your realm: Uppland, Östergötland, Småland, Skåne, Sarkel
- 斯维亚托波尔克 留里克(Sviatopolk Rurikovich),扎奥焦里耶伯爵,1066.9.15:It's tough to be a bastard. Your dad and uncles rule the lands of Kievan Rus, and you are stuck lording over a bunch of pagans in a county that never existed. To add insult to injury, your liege is your brother. Can you climb from the shores of the Onega to the throne of Kiev? Real Sviatopolk could.
- 丹尼尔 留里克(Daniil Rurikovich),加利奇大公(1211)或沃里尼亚大公(1220):While not reflected in the game, Daniil Rurikovich of Galicia-Volhynia was the first ruler to actually create the title of the Kingdom of Ruthenia (usually referred to as the "Kingdom of Rus" or "Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia"), later inherited by the Polish kings and Muscovite grand dukes. Starting his "rule" as a mere child, with his mother as the regent, Daniil and his brother Vasylko were quickly ousted by the scheming lords, while the realm of Galicia-Volhynia that Roman the Great built was lost. Living in exile in Hungary, it took many years for Rurikovich brothers to get back their rightful titles, with Daniil taking over Galich, while Vasylko remained his brother's vassal prince in Volhynia. Daniil swiftly became the most influential ruler in southern Ruthenia, even establishing control over the capital city of Kiev...only for the Mongols to come down on all Ruthenian principalities. Despite all odds under the Mongol yoke, Daniil balanced between the roles of both a vassal and an enemy of Batu Khan, defeating the hordes of Kuremsa and forging an alliance with the northern principalities, the Teutonic Order, the Hungarians and the Pope, which almost resulted in a full-blown crusade against the Golden Horde. Although never casting off the yoke completely, Daniil's realm still prospered, with the construction of new capital cities like Chelm and Lviv, the boost of trade, protected from the Mongol raiders, the expansion of borders on all fronts - all of that made the Kingdom of Ruthenia/Rus a regional powerhouse.
- Remain Orthodox or become Catholic (paradoxically, Daniil embraced both ways of Christianity in his bid for the crown from the Pope, while staying true to the faith of his vassals)
- Take control of the duchies of Galich, Lesser Poland, Ungvar, Volhynia, Grodno, Turov, Kiev and Moldau
- Form the de jure Kingdom of Ruthenia
- Depending on the starting date, either break free from or drive off the Mongols
- Establish your dynasty or otherwise tie into one alliance the Kingdoms of Poland, Hungary, Wallachia and Lithuania
- 尤里(Yuriy),加利奇大公(1323):You are first Piast and the last independent ruler of Galich before it was inherited into Poland due to absence of heirs. With Piast dynasty dying off a couple of years later, can you change the fate and maybe even realize Daniils dreams?
- 斯特凡 内马尼奇(Stefan Nemanjic),塞尔维亚国王,1196: First king of Serbia. There is a really interesting family dynamic. Because your father abdicated, he is still hanging around. You older brother wants to claim your title (historically, Stefan I gave the title to Stefan II rather than going by primogeniture, thus causing some drama). Also, Bulgaria is big, but the Byzantine Empire is falling apart to the south. There are a lot of internal and external vulnerabilities.
- 乌罗什四世 “强大者” 内马尼奇(Uros IV 'the Strong' Nemanjic),塞尔维亚国王,1337:Roflstomp anything in sight (with the weakest Christian Balkan country at game start), create a power-base in Thessaly, Bulgaria and Albania to snatch Croatia from Hungary, conquer Tsargrad and unlike the real Uros, raise a son who can keep your Serbian Empire.
- 格雷戈里俄斯 斯巴达诺斯(Gregorios Spartenos)/塞尔吉奥斯 斯巴达诺斯(Sergios Spartenos),尼亚波利斯伯爵,867/1066.9.15:You are an aging Greek Orthodox one-province count. In 867, you've got Lombards, Franks and Muslims to deal with, most of them more powerful than you, to say nothing of the fact that most of your sons are celibate. In 1066, it's Normans, the Pisans, the Genoese and Muslims. In both starts, the Pope (and Rome) is just two provinces away! But you know what? You can beat them all because THIS IS SPARTENOS! The easy way out, of course, is to swear fealty the ERE or whatever other powerful neighbors you can find, but why should you? There is immense satisfaction in becoming an independent Despot against all the odds.
特拉比松帝国 (Despotate in game)
- 阿莱克修斯 科穆宁(Alexios Komnenos),特拉比松专制公,1205.1.1:He and his brother David survived the coup that killed their grandfather, Emperor Andronikos I, by escaping to the court of Queen Tamari of Georgia, their aunt. Tamari helped them invade the Black Sea coast to create a buffer state for Georgia against the Sultanate of Rum, and for the brothers to use as a springboard to retake the Byzantine throne. Historically, Alexios and David were never able to definitively defeat their rivals.
- Can you change history and make him the Emperor? And maybe start a second "Alexiad"? Or as a third option, you could create a stronger state than the old Byzantine Empire.
- 阿莱克修斯二世 科穆宁(Alexios II Komnenos),特拉比松专制公,1321:Struggling to recreate that feeling of relentless existential dread that EU4 Trebizond provides? Look no further than 1321 Trebizond in CK2! Alexios "The Horribly Doomed" Komnenos has abysmal stats, no allies, resentful children, a capital that borders the Ilkhanate (which is at the height of its power), and 2 other provinces which border the Golden Horde (also near the height of its power); but don't worry, Trebizond is bordered by many hostile minor powers that will probably kill you first. Failure awaits!
- 巴西尔 科穆宁(Basileios Komnenos),特拉比松专制公,1332-1337:You're in a precarious position, to put it mildly. I'm not even talking about all the Muslims surrounding you, although obviously, you're going to want to deal with them, too. Trebizond has seen a lot of dynastic struggles lately, and they don't look likely to end just yet. You've got a bunch of illegitimate children, a resentful spurned wife from Constantinople (who is widely believed to have historically poisoned you in revenge and usurped Trebizond for a time), an uncle with a claim and a cousin to inherit it from him, and your only other legitimate relatives are your unmarried sisters. So many people with claims, your spymaster's going to be busy. And so many possible paths to take just within your lifetime. Will you divorce that jealous Palaiologos viper, marry your true love and legitimise her children? Try and please your wife instead, and father legitimate heirs? Or let your sister Anna inherit, and see if you can do better than this reluctant nun-queen did historically? If Anna does inherit, there's an ideal, if old, husband waiting for her in Montferrat: Demetrios, uncle of the Byzantine Emperor and a claimant in his own right. Something to keep in mind.
- 狄奥多拉 科穆宁(Theodora Komnenos),特拉比松女王,1284.1.1:In history, she usurped the throne from her brother with the help of her uncle, David of Georgia. After a year, her brother once again seized power and locked her up in a monastery. Can you reverse history and place her on the throne of Constantinople that had been lost by her ancestors?
- 尼诺斯拉夫 库利尼奇(Ninoslav Kulinic),波斯尼亚公爵,1232:尼诺斯拉夫,波格米勒派信徒。他身为波格米勒派信徒的统治者,却屈尊向匈牙利和克罗地亚的天主教国王称臣。匈牙利和克罗地亚的国王渴望把尼诺斯拉夫和波斯尼亚都纳入统治,却低估了克罗地亚封臣从他手中挣脱出来的愿望。此外,匈牙利和克罗地亚王国是尼诺斯拉夫与咄咄逼人的东正教邻居塞尔维亚和保加利亚之间唯一的障碍。塞尔维亚和保加利亚对终结波格米勒派信徒……以及波斯尼亚的执念,远甚于匈牙利和克罗地亚王国。在真实历史中,尼诺斯拉夫决定站在人民和信仰这一边。这意味着他面临着一场全面的十字军东征。正所谓两害相权取其轻——你会选择对不可靠的天主教君主的忠诚,还是与东正教邻居的激战?
- 撒里答 孛儿只斤(Sartag Borjigin),金帐汗国可汗,1255.1.2:你是异端、异教和分裂的海洋中唯一真正的信徒,你是战士家族中唯一的学者和神学家,历史上撒里答的统治只持续了一年。祝你好运。
- 阿八哈 孛儿只斤(Abaga Borjigin),伊儿汗国可汗,1279.1.1:Starting in 1279 you can play as a Nestorian Ilkhanate khagan who has a surprising number of Nestorian vassals as well. Familial problems do, however, persist, and your son stays true to the Old Ways. With a large number of pissed off vassals, an ageing ruler, and a son who doesn't follow his religion, it'll make for an interesting playthrough.
- 怯的不花 那颜(Kitbuqa Noyan),阿勒颇大酋长,1260.1.1:You are left in charge of much of Northern Syria by your liege. Now, what path will you follow? Will you stay Nestorian or will you convert to your liege's religion? And then will you finish the Mamluks - or will they finish you?
- 登哈 雅赫卜安拉哈(Denha Yahballaha),索科特拉埃米尔,867:不幸的是,至少可以说,让聂斯脱里派索科特拉人像真正的索科特拉人一样独立是很困难的。在游戏中,索科特拉本身是萨那公爵领地的一部分,你的公爵领地有名无实,这意味着阿拉伯半岛上的穆斯林有多个理由对你宣战。大陆上的每个人都比你有更大的领地,所以你必须小心选择目标,保持攻势。如果你能在早期生存和发展,索科特拉实际上是CK2东部的十字路口,所以你可以扩展到任何你想去的地方——非洲,阿拉伯,印度,波斯……更不用说聂斯脱里派的异端可能是最有趣的——基督教。
- 帕克洪 巴什穆尔(Pakhom Bashmur),达米埃塔谢赫,769:你控制着埃及唯一一个科普特人基督合性派封臣。虽然你开局只有2个郡,但在你右边,西奈半岛上的谢赫(或者未来受封的埃米尔)一个个费拉不堪,根本不能击退你的军队,所以在前期半岛简直是任君采撷。看起来这个角色简直毫无难度,但问题是,你不仅是阿巴斯帝国治下的基督教角色,也是埃及苏丹国唯一的基督徒封臣,而穆斯林又不会考虑异教徒的提议,因此你在前期几乎没有盟友,也几乎没有互不侵犯条约。另外,苏丹可以在任何时候取消你这个异教徒的头衔而不会受到惩罚,所以你拿到的是地狱难度开局。不过,作为伟大的埃及土著的后代,作为唯一的基督合性派和科普特文化统治者,你的职责实际上是恢复埃及帝国,把你的人民从阿巴斯王朝统治下解放出来。从那里开始,你可以随心所欲,夺回埃及帝国最鼎盛时期所控制的中东和苏丹地区,或者统一所有基督合性派教徒居住的地区:亚美尼亚、努比亚和阿比西尼亚,将基督合性派确立为正统的基督教。加油,这个角色有无限的可能!
- 扎卡利亚斯(Zakharias Azim),马库利亚国王,867:You rule what is easily the most powerful realm in Nubia, with lots of small counties and chiefdoms just waiting to be conquered, with good traits and a young son to match. If you can buy the Tulunids off long enough to take some of Nubia's coastal provinces, you might just be able to declare yourself a true king of all Nubia. From there, the world is your oyster. Reestablish Miaphysite power by invading Egypt? Form the Empire of Abyssinia? You can do anything from here. And all it takes is some money, cunning, and a little bit of luck!
- 纳塞赫(Nerseh),杰尔宾特公爵与其子阿尔巴尼亚伯爵斯特帕诺斯(Stepanos),769:Your dynasty are descendants of the Arsacids and Sassanids, mighty dynasties which ruled the great antique empires of Persia. Now you are a vassal of a Bedouin Muslim in the mountains of Armenia. You are much stronger than him, and can gain independence easily, but can you survive when everywhere around you, there are hostile nations?
- 列翁二世 鲁本(Levon II Rubenid),亚美尼亚公爵,第三次十字军开局:You start with good stats, but that's it. You have a four-county duchy with two vassals, which are luckily both Armenian and Miaphysite, and are de jure part of the Byzantine Empire which will attempt to vassalize you. Your other neighbour is an unusually strong Sultanate of Rum which, guess what, desires your land and holds the majority of Armenia's de jure territory, which at this point has been almost completely resettled with Turks. To add insult to injury, the remaining half of Armenia is divided between Saladin and Tamari the Great, both rulers of countries at their apogee. And even if you manage to grow, the Mongols will be at your door soon. Your character is not married and you should remedy this as soon as possible, seeing how your heir is your inept sister and you're already 37. The weak county of Antioch could prove a good starting point for expansion (should the Turks not decide to assimilate you on day one) and you can destroy the Hashshashin before the Mongols come. The objective? Unite all the Armenians, including the ones living in Jerusalem, before 1453.
- 列翁四世 海屯(Levon IV Hetoumi),亚美尼亚国王,百年战争剧本:Continuing what seems to be a proud Armenian tradition (see Duke Levon II), your heir is your mediocre sister. But this time you're 41 years old, married and inept, and you obtained the crown by killing your kin. You directly control all the land in the "kingdom" (a 3-county glorified duchy) and have de jure claims on everything from Anatolia to Azerbaijan...which is mostly occupied by weak Turkish Beyliks, but also by the strong Eretnid dynasty. Can you make a kingdom to rival the Armenian kingdoms of antiquity and replace the Byzantine Empire as the main Christian force in Asia Minor? Or will the Egyptians conquer your lands as in real life? They'll certainly try, as they'll often holy war you immediately, so don't be afraid to call on Catholic Trinacria, a fellow one-duchy kingdom and your only ally.
- 扎贝尔(又称伊莎贝拉)(Zabel (aka Isabella)),亚美尼亚女王,1219-1252:It's probably best to play this one while she's a child to avoid playing through either of her two lousy marriages.
- 瓦拉姆 瓦拉努(Vahram Varajnuni),安条克公爵,1071.8.26:Another one of those fortune-seekers after the battle of Manzikert, known to the Byzantines as Philaretos Brachamios. You are an independent Armenian duke of Antioch. The Seljuks are to your east and north, that makes 3 counts to your south and 2 dukes to your west your only expansion options early on. You can alternatively play him before Manzikert when he is the Strategos of Mesopotamia under the ERE.
- 格里戈尔 巴列维尼(Grigor Pahlavuni),瓦斯普拉坎伯爵,1066:If Byzantium survives the Seljuk invasion successfully (which is luck of the draw and in your position, you can't do much to influence it), the fun starts! Try to expand within the Empire and when you are ready, wait for an opportunity and then break free to establish the independent Kingdom of Armenia under the Miaphysite faith. Try to do so before Armenia is culturally and religiously assimilated into the Greek Orthodox Byzantine Empire! It will not be easy - it is hard to find allies as an Armenian Miaphysite, and if the Emperor doesn't like you, he can start revoking any ducal titles you may have without penalty.
- 塔米姆 齐里(Tamim Zirid),易弗里基叶苏丹,1066:Ifriqiya was the Zirids, the prize of their conversion to Sunni Islam and rebellion against the Fatimids. But it is theirs no longer. The Fatimids have bribed the Banu Hilal Bedouin tribes to invade your lands, and have succeeded in carving your domain into a series of Emirates each larger than the sliver of land that has remained under your rightful rule. To regain your birthright will take wise statesmanship, ruthless strategy, and an indomitable spirit. Succeed, and perhaps an entire continent will bear your name.
- 乌木尔一世(Umur I),艾登苏丹,1336:You start with a single county on the western coast of Anatolia, with other Turkish rulers surrounding you, and the Christians to the west. Attempt to forge your realm in the Aegean Sea with holy wars against stronger Christian realms, to rival the nearby Ottomans in strength.
- 穆塔兹(Al-Mu'tazz),阿拔斯(阿拉伯)帝国巴迪沙阿与逊尼派哈里发,867:理论上,穆塔兹应该是伊斯兰世界最有权势的人。他是有史以来最年轻的哈里发,但也是一个放纵的废物,集几个罪恶特质于一身:残忍,愤世嫉俗,专断,色欲和嫉妒。以同父异母的继兄穆瓦法克和穆塔米德为代表的强大封臣,如同虎狼一般,随时准备反叛。历史上,穆塔兹是“萨马拉无政府状态”期间统治的哈里发之一,他以及两位前任哈里发的统治,以哈里发的大权旁落到埃米尔们的手中为标志。你能否扭转哈里发的衰落史?或者,你可以扮演穆塔兹两位继兄中的一个,他们可能比穆塔兹更值得你的帮助。然后尽全力推翻腐败的哈里发,取而代之。注意:可能没有看起来那么简单。
- 阿里夫 咄夫哈尔(Aarif Dofharid),佐法尔酋长,867:You start as an independent tribal chief on the shore of the Indian Ocean, and your neighbours, the tribe of Mahra, are ripe for conquest. That’s enough to form Hadrawmut and put you on a path to become the only merchant republic south of the Sinai, but beware: you’ll have to contend with the Abbasids, the Abyssinians, and potentially even the Pratiharans.
- Caliph Ar-Radi of the Abbasid Caliphate, 936: In the two earliest bookmarks, the Abbasid Caliphate is an impenetrable powerhouse, but in 936 they have fallen apart to infighting and lost almost all their importance. As they are barely holding on to their old core lands around Baghdad, they are surrounded by threats who want to take control of the Caliphate and its lands. Ar-Radi is often seen as the last of the real Caliphs, but even his rule was cut short at the age of 31 in the year 940.
- 艾哈迈德 哈夫斯(Ahmad Hafsid),克里特埃米尔,936:Crete was conquered by exiles from Andalusia in 826, resulting in the Hafsid Emirate, until its reconquest by the Byzantine Empire in 961. During that time, it was a haven for Barbary pirates throughout the Mediterranean. The emirate mainly controlled the coast and the stronghold of Chandax (present-day Heraklion), so even though the ruling family is Berber and Sunni, the people are still Greek and Orthodox. At this date, you begin with extra event troops and ships to help you start. Can you keep the Byzantines at bay and establish a great pirate kingdom in some of the richest waters on the map?
- 莎贾尔 杜尔(Shajar al-Durr)(珍珠小枝),埃及苏丹娜,1250.1-1250.5:游戏里为数不多的女穆斯林统治者,游戏里她是亚美尼亚人。她是最后一位阿尤布苏丹的遗孀,后来嫁给了第一位马穆鲁克苏丹。因为穆斯林不允许入赘婚姻,所以最重要的事情是以某种方式延续你的血脉,皈依其他宗教并在埃及提高女权是最简单的方法。
- 拜巴尔斯(Baibars),埃及苏丹,1260.10.24-1277.1.30:The Turk who became a slave, the slave who became a general, the general who became a Sultan, the Sultan who brought down the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Baibars, thought to be a fair-skinned, blue-eyed Turk in life, was the Mamluk general who won the Battle of Ain Jalut, turning back the Mongol tide and showing, once and for all, that the Khans could be beaten. He then ascended to the Sultanate and continued his conquests against Armenia and the Crusader states, effectively ending the Catholic occupation of the Holy Land. In-game, Egypt is a powerhouse, headed by a strong, ambitious, brilliant strategist in the latter half of the prime of his life. It's an easy game, but a fun romp. And dominating the map as Baibars makes a little more sense than doing so as the Fatimids.
- 萨拉丁(Saladin),亚历山大苏丹,1169.1.18:The famed Kurdish general and leader of Egyptian forces during the Third Crusade.
- Al-Ikhshid of the Ikhshidid Dynasty, 936: In the Iron Century bookmark, Al-Ikhshid has recently been granted the governorship of Egypt. He is a Sunni Sultan holding Egypt and huge parts of Syria, with tributaries to his north, south-east and south. He is bordering the Fatimids in the west, and the Jannabid Qarmatians to the east. In many ways, Al-Ikhshid and his dynasty is one of the powerhouses in at this start date, and will most likely play an important role. Historically speaking the Ikhshidid dynasty held Egypt for about 35 years, until they were invaded by the Fatimids who made it the capital of their newly founded Caliphate.
- 妈曼 可敦(Mämäm Khätun),埃尔祖鲁姆贝勒巴彦,1191.1.1:Another one of those rare, female Muslim rulers. Can you survive amongst all those men?
- 吉亚斯 古尔(Ghiyath Ghurid),古尔沙阿,1173.1.1:Play the zealous Islamic Shah, Start by taking down the Ghaznavid then you can go for your conquest of India. Can you establish the Sultanate of Delhi?
- 阿努什提金(Anushtigin),乌古斯贝伊勒贝伊,1077.1.1:A founder of Khwarazmian Empire, you are a vassal of mighty Seljuk, starting with 2 de jure claim at north Turkestan. As Historically your power should grow even more powerful than your liege, Sultan of the Great Seljuk.
- 阿拉丁(Ala ad-Din),1172.5.1:Anushtegin's descendants of the Khwarazmian Empire. Khwarazmid is now independent with the declining of the Seljuk Empire.
- 曼萨 穆萨(Mansa Musa),马里曼萨,1312.1.1:Considered by many to be the wealthiest person ever. Before death, Musa amassed an estimated $400 billion from Mali's status as the producer of half of the world's gold and salt. He has nowhere near that sum in-game, but what's to stop you from making up the difference for him?
- 顿卡 西塞(Tunka Cisse),加纳埃米尔,1066:Neither you nor your family has great stats or a great starting position. However, you are easily in the best position to form the kingdom of Mali, and if you can slowly dismantle the Almoravids to the north, you may yet become a presence on the world stage. Not to mention that they are the only neighbor you have, meaning that if you keep good relations, you can build in peace.
- 优素福一世 穆拉比特(Yusuf I Almoravid),马拉喀什埃米尔,1066.9.15:El Cid's Moorish arch-enemy from many Reconquista stories. You start with all the riches of the Almoravid Sultanate in your hands, can easily acquire the crown by plotting, and have claims on all your Maghrebi neighbours. You can then expand North into al-Andalus, as Yusuf did historically. With the Almoravids' resources, completing the conquest of Spain or even breaching into Europe proper isn't much of a challenge, but he is a good choice of a character for less experienced players.
- 奥斯曼苏丹,1299或百年战争剧本:they show up in 1299 in Ankara but the 100 years war bookmark gives them better odds since the Byzantines are in a shambles. Can you conquer Anatolia, Greece, and most importantly the Imperial city before the game ends in 1453?
- 武什姆吉尔 齐雅尔(Vushmgir Ziyarid),陀拔斯单总督,936:your brother was the last Zoroastrian ruler of note in Persia, who was determined to crush the Abbasid Caliphate and restore Sassanid Empire. His successful reign ended when his Turkish slaves murdered him. Now Persia is fractured, with different dynasties competing for the rulership of Eranshar. Will you continue your brothers legacy and attempt to restore Persia to its original faith?
- 拉齐娅 德里(Raziyya Ghulam), 德里(罗阇萨傥那)可敦,1236.11.20:作为唯三的女穆斯林统治者,为什么不试试印度唯一的一位呢?(For the hat-trick of female Muslim rulers, why not try the one and only Muslim woman to rule in India? )现实中的拉齐娅(她坚持要有男子气概,并且穿着打扮也像个男人)是她父亲指定的继承人。为了捍卫她的德里苏丹国头衔,她不得不与她的两位兄弟以及她的儿时玩伴交战。在游戏中,唯一真正的障碍是分发她最初持有的50块直辖领地,以及你多么不愿意让她无能的兄弟继承。但只要你挺过了最初的几年,整个印度都会成为你的盘中餐。
- 埃尔图鲁尔 加齐(Ertugrul Ghazi),安卡拉贝伊,1266: the father of Osman Ghazi (founder of the Ottoman dynasty) lives as a vassal of Rum in 1266, he is the Bey of Ankara.
- 恰卡(Chaka),伊兹密尔(士麦拿)埃米尔,1081-91:one of the quasi-independent (a vassal of Rum in-game) Turkish rulers that gained land in Asia Minor after the battle of Manzikert and the Turkish invasion of Anatolia. He was one of the most interesting Turkish characters during that time. Before 1081 he was raised in Constantinople, after being captured as a war prisoner by the Byzantine emperor Nikephoros III Botaneiates during some Byzantine campaign against the Turks in Asia Minor. He was even granted the title of protonobilissimos and served as one of the soldiers under Byzantine command. When Alexios I Komnenos took the Imperial throne, Chaka was stripped of all of his titles. Then he left the ERE and travelled back to Asia Minor, where he managed to take control of Smyrna, and conquer a sizeable territory, mostly on the west coast of Asia Minor. He was the first Turk to create a navy and engage in naval warfare (building ships in the ports of Smyrna and Ephesos, with the help of the Christians of those cities) and became a threat to Byzantine islands and offshore provinces. For the first time in many years, the Aegean Sea wasn't safe for the Byzantines.
- 凯库巴德一世(Kayqubad I),罗姆苏丹,1220.1.1:Play as Kayqubad the Great, as weakened Seljuk dynasty can you control Anatolia, and hold incoming the Mongol horde?
- 基利杰 阿尔斯兰三世(Kilij Arslan III),罗姆苏丹,1204.5.16:The Byzantine Empire has just shattered into numerous successor-states following the Fourth Crusade. Can you maneuver through the newly emerged political situation to complete the Turkish conquest of Anatolia? Or perhaps, more ambitiously, enact the full Ottoman conquests a good century before the Ottomans?
- 阿卜杜勒-穆明 穆瓦希德(Aba-al-Mu'min Almohad),特莱姆森埃米尔,1145.1.1:Two decades of Almohad revolt, at last, begin to bear fruit. You are the chosen successor of El-Mahdi; destined to a Caliphate but an Emir for now. The Almoravid Sultans in the west continue to cling to power they do not deserve. Take advantage of the divided and weak Emirs to your east or take the fight directly to the murderers of Ibn Tumart, but move quickly. The end is coming.
- 法里布兹 科斯兰(Fariburz Kesranid),希尔凡总督,1066:The Kesranids controlled their small and culturally prosperous Shahdom (Satrapy in-game) in what is now Azerbaijan for the duration of CK2, outliving the Seljuks and only being annexed by the Safavids 100 years into the timeframe of EUIV. They are available as the Yazidids in the Old Gods and Charlemagne bookmarks but are most interesting after 1066, by which time the Bedouin governors of Shirvan have become Persianised and started to glorify the pre-Islamic Persian past, tying it to their dynasty. The immediate goal is to be as much as a survivor as the real Kesranids and cling on against Seljuk and Christian onslaughts, but the long-term ambition is for this originally Arabian dynasty to supplant the Seljuks and create a truly Persian Persian Empire in its place.
- 沙拉夫丁(Sharaf al-Din),辛贾尔酋长,1254.1.1:你是伊尔汗国唯一一个雅兹迪派封臣。可汗主张宗教宽容,把辛贾尔封给你和你的人民,但你可指望你的同僚也会宽容你。至少你受过严格的军事教育。历史上,你的王朝在1283年结束了对辛贾尔的统治,你的阿塔贝格(Atabeg)封号最后的一位后裔作为一名廷臣死于1289年。你能摆脱胆怯、为雅兹迪派库尔德人在世界上争取一个更稳固的地方吗?
Africa, Kingdom of
- Caliph al-Qaim, 936: Only two years have passed since al-Qaim took up the position of Caliph after the death of his father, the legendary al-Mahdi who carved out a nation at the shores of North Africa. With the weak Abbasid Caliphate having been shattered these last decades, the Fatimids are trying to take on their rightful positions as overlords of the Muslim world, but not all their vassals are as fond of them as they might think. Only a few years after our start Abu Yazid would start a revolt that would plunge the newly founded Caliphate into a crisis that almost broke it apart. And in the east, a new threat arises in the form of Al-Ikhshid, the newly appointed governor of Egypt who is ready to support the Abbasids.
- 侯赛因 伊本艾哈迈德 法蒂玛(Hussayn ibn Ahmed Fatimid),大马士革埃米尔,867.1.1:It is not safe being an adherent of the Shi'at Ali (Party of Ali) at this time. You are currently a vassal under the Sunni Caliph Al- Mu'tazz, and also surrounded by other Sunni powers. Hussayn claims direct descent from the Prophet Muhammad himself, through the line of the Prophet's daughter Fatima and Ali ibn Abu Talib. The blood of the great Shia martyr Husayn ibn Ali flows through your veins as distant kin. How long will you let Al-Mu'tazz and the other pretenders usurp the Muslim community? It is time to unite the people once more under the family of the Prophet.
- 赛义夫丁 萨法维(Sayf-ad-Din Safavid),吉兰酋长,1325:Centuries from now, your dynasty is destined to rise as the leaders of a reborn Persia, destined to claim much of its former glory. For now, though, you are the ruler of a small territory under the heavy rule of the Mongol invaders. Can you move carefully enough to build your power under the nose of the Khan and eventually claim your rightful place as the ruler of Persia?
- 兜兜 苏摩罗(Dodo Soomra),苏摩罗摩诃罗阇,1068.1.1:was a ruler of Sindh. He was of Soomro Rajput origin. The Soomra dynasty ruled out the province of Sindh from 1024 to 1351. Their 1st ruler is named Al Khafif.
- 穆罕默德 纳卜哈尼(Muhammed Nabhanid),阿曼埃米尔,1154.1.1:Sixty-four is rather old for a Bedouin rebel. Perhaps it is good that you no longer are one. The Seljuks have at last surrendered all of Oman to you, but with a lone son still not of age you might not be able to make too much of it. Should your line survive the attentions of the equally large Emirates on either side of you, the Sultanate of Arabia is a natural goal. Even then the Sunnis surrounding you should make for a tense and eventful game.
- 卡林 巴文德(Qarin Bavandid),陀拔斯单贝伊,1066.9.15:One of the few landed Persians at the start of the game, and a member of the Bavandid dynasty, a cadet branch of the Sassanids of old. Try to usurp the Shahdom of Persia and convert it to Shia a few centuries early, or go for a long-overdue restoration of Zoroastrianism. His descendants hold Tabaristan until the end of the game, so you can go with any of them.
- 穆罕默德 卡勒卜(Muhammad Kalbid),西西里埃米尔,1066.9.15:You're surrounded by infidels, but if you fend off the Sunni and conquer the Catholics then you can establish your Sultanate of Sicily right on the pope's doorstep.
- 埃米尔 希森 达乌拉 海达尔 优素福(Emir Hisn ad-Dawlah Haydar Yousifid),大马士革埃米尔,1066: used in CKII GOTW
- Maintain Levantine culture
- Become independent from the Caliph
- Form the Kingdom of Syria with all de jure territory
- Form the Kingdom of Jerusalem with all de jure territory
- (This is impossible: only Christians can create the Kingdom of Jerusalem)
- Add 4 of the following de jure (all provinces) duchies to your nation: Sinai, Arabia, Baghdad, Mosul, Edessa, Armenia Minor, Cyprus
- 伊沙克 伊沙克(Ishaq Ishaqid),巴勒贝克谢赫,1066.9.15:The northernmost vassalize of the Fatimid caliphate, and adherent of the Druze heresy (and one of the few rulers that is a Muslim heretic), playing him would be interesting, to say the least...
- 阿布 塔希尔 贾纳比(Abu Tahir Al Jannabi),杨纳卜埃米尔,936.8.7:A new addition in the Iron Century Update, an adherent of the Qarmatian Heresy, (Shiite with Zoroastrian Elements) in Bahrayn (Eastern Arabia), in 930 he notoriously led the sacking of Mecca, desecrating Islam's most sacred sites and stealing the Black Stone. He died a normal death in 944, and his Empire would remain a great power in Arabia until their defeat by the Abbasids in 976. The Qarmatians would last until 1067 when they'd finally collapsed.
- 阿弗拉 鲁斯塔姆(Aflah Rustamid),特莱姆森与阿尔及尔埃米尔,867:You are the Emir of Tlemcen and Alger, a Berber ruling over castles that don't even have a proper wall, let alone buildings, over a people half catholic and half heretic. You are an adherent of a Muslim sect that predates the Shia-Sunni schism, and represent the group of them that fled to North Africa. Your neighbours are the Sunni Aghlabid sultans of Africa to the East, the Shia Idrisid sultans of Mauretania, and to the North just across the sea, the Umayyads and Catholic Aquitaine. All of the above are more powerful than you, and they can all declare Holy War on you...
In the hands of the AI, this is usually the first realm and religion to die. Can you do better? Can you claim Mecca and Medina for your creed and establish your Caliphate?
- Chief Tilankan Massufa, 1066 and 1081. Starting as a ruler of kharijite berberan tribe in Sahara you are the only kharijite ruler in the whole world. In 1066 start, even ibady rulers are absent. Your family possesions are Araouane and Taghaza tribe provinces, and your liege is extremely powerful Almoravid ruler of Maghreb who considers you tribal heretic, and so can take away all your titles without penalties. Funny picture, right? It usually ends the same: loss of titles and game over. But as a player you can change this all!
At the 1066 start you have 2 important boons. Control over trade post in Taghaza will give your tribe extra money and money means mercenaries. Also your sister is wife of Almoravid sultan Abu Bakr, so while she or he are alive you have Non-Aggression pact with your suzerain. But it don't last long, Yusuf Almoravid - your liege's cousin is extremely powerful, and ussualy he take the Maghreban throne. But you have some time to prevent your future problems: you can enter into betrothal with Yusuf's family, and thas prolong your Non-Aggression pact with Almoravid ruler, or you can try to kill Yusuf, and so keep the throne for your sister and her family, and also, you can change your primary title from Araouane to Taghaza. Taghaza is de-jure posession of emirate of Sijilmasa, and soon Almoravid ruler will make you a vassal of more less poverful suzerain, which is really possible to defeat on the battlefield. Suppose that you secure your possessions. Then kharijite leader of Sahara have two main perspectives. You can move on the North, collecting and consolidating your demesne in attempt to overthrow Almoravid rule in Maghreb, and establish a truly righteous kharijite power in the region. Or you can move on the South, there pagan tribes awaiting their conversion to the true faith, and gold mines of Mali are waiting for its real owner. So the capture of the trans-Sahara trade ways and creating powerful kharijite base on the South can also be a solution. Gold mines are able to give extraordinary wealth to its owner and open the way to the broadest conquests. You also can go both of this ways, but be careful. Almoravids will not calmly watch how you push them away from power and resources. And do not forget about the importance of alliances. Conqest of the South by ally forces is pleasant and very convenient. Whichever way you choose, bring the kharijites to triumph and perhaps one day you will be able to lead the Caliphate, as do I in my game.
- 海斯泰因(Hæsteinn),南斯堡(南特)与南茨酋长,867:used in CKII GOTW
- Unite Brittany under the Nordic banner
- Add 3 of the following duchies to your realm: Cornwall, Somerset, Normandy, Anjou, Poitou
- Add any 3 duchies from the de jure Kingdom of Ireland
- Add any two duchies from the de jure Empire of Hispania
- The Norse Faith must be Reformed
- All 5 Norse holy sites must be controlled by the religion
- Amass 25k in Gold
- Alternatively: Convert to Catholicism, become Norman, and invade England. Be Guillaume le Bâtard of this timeline.
- 霍姆格尔 哈默(Holmger Hammer),霍姆格尔(勃艮达霍姆)酋长,867:Note, officially has the best dynasty name in the game
- 加达 斯瓦瓦松(Garðar Svavarsson),东冰岛与北冰岛酋长,867 Note: Can one man (literally) build an empire?
- 奥拉夫 英格林(Olafr Yngling),迪伏林(都柏林)与米斯酋长,867
- 凯蒂尔 弗兰特(Ketill Flatnefr),曼恩(马恩岛)酋长,867
- 底雷 “奇异者”(Dyre 'the Stranger'),科努加德(基辅)小型国王,867:As a Norse petty king, your targets for raiding are limited as you have no ports for your 30 event-spawned ships to head into, however when you do get a port, Crete, Cherson and Cyprus will make easy pickings. You have a son, a wife with high intrigue and you are a genius. But the vast lands of Russia and the Crimea (especially after the Magyars settle) are open for conquest, and there are many paths you could take.
- 赫罗杜尔夫 阿克拉(Hroðulfr Akra),东弗里斯兰伯爵,867:You are the only Pagan vassal in the kingdom of Lotharingia. Your uncle, Hrorekr is, as the Duke of Holland, your liege. Hrorekr has betrayed The Old Gods already and is Catholic. They call you the black sheep of the family. Can you show them what you are worth?
- 留里克,霍姆加德(诺夫哥罗德)小型国王,867:Play the famed Varangian chieftain Rurik, and begin your journey to unite the Slavic lands of Rus under your dynasty. As a grounded Norse, your targets for raiding are hopelessly limited, and your son and heir has fallen sway to the Perun worshippers. But the vast lands of Russia and the Baltic are open for conquest, and there are many paths you could take. Will your dynasty stay true to your Nordic roots and unite your homeland, or will you or your descendants fall sway to the preachings of the Perun worshippers or even the Christ-God of Miklagarðr?
- 埃里克三世 “异教徒” 蒙索(Erik III 'the Heathen' af Munsö),乌普兰公爵,1066.9.15:Starts with a claim on the Swedish throne and about half the kingdom as his vassals, so can usurp the throne with a little luck. Can you reconquer Scandinavia for Odin and Thor, or will you succumb to the Christian tides?
- 里库尔夫 伍尔夫(Rikulfr Ulfing),东哥特兰酋长,867 - Note: Not Beowulf's dynasty, but a member of a dynasty who makes an appearance in the saga. Still, one of the only two Geatish dynasties in the game (along with House Gautske).
- 阿恩法斯特 菲勒(Arnfast Frille),西博滕酋长,1270.1.1:You're a small Germanic Chief ruling over Catholics and flanked by Swedes in the south, and Suomenusko Finns in the North. You also happen to be the last Germanic ruler on the planet, can you restore the old gods to Scandinavia?
- 哈拉尔德 “金发” 英格林(Haraldr 'Fairhair' Yngling),维肯小型国王,867:Play as Harald Fairhair Jarl of Ostlandet, he is considered to be the man who unified the Kingdoms of Norway into one. Take the challenge yourself and see if you can follow the sagas of the Norse king who would not shave his hair until he ruled over Norway.
- 明道加斯 格迪米纳斯(Mindaugas Gediminaitis),立陶宛(公国)大酋长,1241.5.1(汉萨同盟兴起剧本)注意:该角色频繁更改宗教信仰,但是在这个剧本信仰洛姆瓦教。立陶宛王国的第一位国王,最终被亲戚谋杀。强敌环伺,你能生存下去吗?
- 皮雅斯特(Piast),大波兰大酋长,867:The semi-legendary founder of the Polish state. Consolidate the Polish and Pomeranian tribes and then take the battle to the Romuva Balts to the east to form the Wendish Empire. Will you Christianize your people, or unite all the Slavs under a reformed pagan faith?
- 多布拉瓦 图罗夫(Dobrova Turov),基辅女大酋长,769:This character wasn't historical, but she is a pretty hard start, although she can marry matrilineally. Any expansion will probably be tough, as your levies are smaller than virtually all of your neighbors'. As a side note, her chancellor begins as a Strong Beautiful Genius and is unmarried, making him a prime target for marriage even though he is Lowborn.
- 康拓益 威兹拉维(Krutoj Wizlawid),奥博特里蒂亚(梅克伦堡)大酋长,1066:Usurped the throne after the last king (who starts in Lubeck) converted to Christianity. Historically avoided Christianity for his 27-year rule, until he was assassinated, and his state itself went back and forth between Christianity and paganism for nearly a century until being firmly Christianized and vassalized by larger realms. In-game, the ruler of Mecklenburg and Lubeck can form the Hansa and play as a merchant republic, the only Feudal ruler to normally be able to do so.
- 斯维托贝克二世 格里菲塔(Swietopelk II Gryfita),波美拉尼亚大酋长,1106:A ruler who is both a first and a last: the first ruler of the Gryfita dynasty (aka Gryf or the "House of Griffins"), a dynasty in real life that'd rule Pomerania for the rest of the Middle Ages and go on to have the first king of the Kalmar Union. He is also, however, the last Slavic pagan ruler of the Duchy of Pomerania, and in 1106 one of only two playable Slavic pagan rulers left in the world. You have a paltry three counties, and three sons ready to split that realm amongst themselves. To the east are the Lithuanian tribes, to the south a powerful and unified Catholic Poland, the north the Baltic Sea (and more Catholic kingdoms), and to the west you have the only other surviving Slavic ruler (the three-county Chief of Dymin), the now Christian Tribe of Obotrites, and most terrifyingly of all the Holy Roman Empire. Do you follow history and accept Christ, and perhaps seek the HRE's protection against the large, hungry states that surround you? Or do you defy the Christians on the doorstep of their most powerful empire and fan the last smouldering embers of Slavic paganism?
- 那儿卡 马泰基(Mati Maataiki)原文:Nalka Läänemaa,无此人,利沃尼亚大酋长,867:Might be cool. Have a solid plan to consolidate your power or you'll be soon forced to contend with stronger rivals both to the East and South and even to the West across the sea. Will you unite the lands of Finland and become the true King of the North? Or will you find yourself lured into the endless power-struggles of the Norse-ruled East and make a bid for dominance? Will you perhaps subjugate the potentially rich coast of the Baltic and eradicate the false-pagans of Lithuania? Or are you going to carry out the Will of God and save your people from eternal damnation and join the Kaiser and his Schwertbrüder in His noble quest to bring Light to these darkest reaches of the World? Or perhaps the promise of bountiful gold instead of naive ideals will bring you to control the trade of the Western Sea and beyond? As Livonia stands at the crossroads between East and West on the edge of the North, so will you have many paths to walk down and claim your destiny from. Choose wisely and don't forget to bang your attractive genius cousin on the way to glory.
- 埃努 库雷萨鲁(Enu Kuressaaru)原文:Chief Varaka Kask,无此人 ,萨雷玛酋长,1066:A difficult start. You start with no one in your family except you. A great start for those that like to establish their unique dynasty. Your first objective is to seize control of the High Chiefdom of Livonia. From there you can decide between two paths. You can push upwards and conquer your de jure lands that make up the Kingdom of Finland, or you can push south and bend the Romuvans, Russians, and Khans to their knees so that you establish an Estonian Russia. Either way, there are many difficulties you shall face. If you choose Finland, be warned that the Christian Norse Kingdoms shall not be pleased with your expansion. If you decide you wish to stay Suomenusko, you will face many Holy Wars for your land. Stay vigilant and bring House Kask to glory!
- 韦奇卡斯 梅舍拉夫(Vechkas Meshcheravid),梅晓拉大酋长,867:Leader of the dwindling and displaced Meshchera people, your title is actually the High Chiefdom of Ryazan, the traditional homeland of your tribe, but by now they have been completely displaced northwards by Slavic Russians, as the titular High Chiefdom of Pronsk. Your Mordvin neighbors are the Merya and Murom tribes, natural allies, but are they? Otherwise, you are sandwiched between Pronsk and the much larger High Chiefdom of Polotsk, also Slavic and Russian. Your lands are four counties, none of them in your de jure land. One is in de jure Murom, two in de jure Vladimir, and the last is Moscow itself. Typically the game will begin with Pronsk declaring a subjugation war against Murom, who will most definitely lose without assistance (but perhaps it is better them than you?) Pronsk is a tributary of Khazaria, so attacking them directly might cause rampaging hordes to appear on your doorstep. Can you prevent the historical extinction and assimilation of your people? Can you keep Moscow out of Russian hands?
Kolguyev, County of
- Tatva Kolguyevid, Chief of Kolguyev, 1337: The most isolated of the Suomenusko remnants, Tatva's poverty issue is twofold. Firstly, his single holding island is just about the poorest location on the map, making advacement without conquest impossible. Secondly, the island's fleet levy is way bigger than required, the upkeep cost of the fleet far outstripping the loot that can be hauled back. Nevermind that his neighbours are far stronger than he is. But the irascible tribesfolk of Novgorod have a good chance of overthrowing the yoke of their Russian masters, and Tatva has a good chance of taking their newly independent lands from under their war weary feet.
- 巴哈图尔 洪扎哈尔(Baghatur Khunzakhal),佩斯大酋长,867:Your lands are the last remnant of the Avar Khaganate, the most feared power in the region some 200 years earlier. Reduced to a mere vassal of the Christian Bulgars, you can take advantage of the Magyar invasion to secure your independence. Then outrace and outfight the new invaders to dominate the Pannonian Basin and reform the Khaganate.
- 克鲁姆 咄陆(Krum Dulo),卡尔武纳大酋长,769:You are a Tengri vassal of your kinsman, the khan of Bulgaria. It is said that in 811, the Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros I was slain in battle by Krum, who lined his skull with silver and used it as a drinking cup. Nikephoros was succeeded by his son, who was forced to abdicate by Krum after a very short reign. The next emperor, Michael I, was the third Byzantine emperor forced to abdicate or killed by Krum in three years: he invaded Bulgaria but was defeated in a battle. You are in a good position to gain independence from your liege, and you have a good opportunity to expand north, as the high chief of Bolghar is a member of your dynasty. You also have great stats, especially your military score.
- 布里贝第 尊巴兰尼(Buriberdi Zmbalani),阿兰尼亚可汗,769:You are an Alan, a subgroup of Sarmatians, and the last of the Scythians, once the rulers of the vast majority of the Eurasian steppe. Scythians and other Iranian steppe peoples have long been pushed backwards by Turkic and Mongol tribes. You are now one of the smallest tribes on the steppes and a tributary of the Khazars. Will you continue running, or change the tides, and push the Turko-Mongol invaders back into East Asia?
- 成吉思汗(Genghis Khan),大蒙古国可汗,1218.1.1:The greatest conqueror who ever lived. By this point, he's already unified the Mongols and conquered lands not on the map, along with much of Khwarezm and Aktobe. Starts with four attrition-free tumans (40,000 men) and a free invasion CB on everyone. 26 military score and his other stats aren't bad either. Easiest game to expand as, but matching the amazing conquests he and his successors pulled off historically before the horde settles down can be quite a challenge, as is holding such a vast empire together with Ultimogeniture succession. If you truly want to replicate his conquests from the beginning, he begins as a Khan in Mongolia, beginning in 1194.
- 恰卡 孛儿只斤(Chaka Borjigin),保加利亚汗王,1297-8:Only Mongolian ruler of Bulgaria and a descendant of Genghis Khan. Historically he was deposed and murdered in prison. Can you do better?
- 如没拂达 樽比勒(Jimofuta Zunbil),社护罗萨他那总督,769:Wedged in between the Abbasid Blob to the south-west, Abbasid tributaries to the west, just south of nomad hordes, and with Hindu nations on the rise to your east, as the only Zunist realm you just know it's going to be an interesting game! At least there are some weak Buddhist realms you can conquer if they don't call in their holy order.
- 索克哈比 巴文德(Sorkhab Bavandid),陀拔斯单总督,769:你的家族是万王之王卡瓦德一世Kavadh I的后裔。达布依王朝Dabuyid dynasty战败后,你继承了他们的土地,这是萨珊帝国仅存的最后一块独立领土。你年事已高,因此迅速采取行动至关重要,因为穆斯林哈里发也已时日无多。不久之后,穆斯林们将为争夺领导“信众”的权力而相互争斗。为你的家族确保足够的领地,这样你的继承人很有可能成为沙阿(国王),其成就将超越伟大的法鲁赫汗(Farrakhan the Great)以及达布依王朝诸位统治者。在那之后,便到了萨珊王朝合法继承人收复帝国的时候了。
- Vandad Karen, Satrap of Dihistan, 867: Your family claims lineage dating back to the Parthian Empire of old, but those glory days are long gone. Your family has been driven to the fringe of Persia, and the Muslim rulers to the south grow more entrenched with every passing day. However, you possess some powerful tools to turn the tide and rekindle the flames once more. The Karen bloodline occasionally brings Great Warriors to your court, and you start with a few thousand event troops. You'll need every one of those troops too, as you're surrounded by unfriendly Muslim realms who will not hesitate to invade if you look like a soft enough target. Will you stay on the offensive and become the one who bring benefit, or will you be holy warred into oblivion?
- 迦那迦 胡大(Kanakk Khuda),布哈拉马尔佐班,867:Your family has held the glorious town of Bukhara for centuries, resisting Muslim onslaught and keeping the flame of Zoroaster alive. Now you are ruled by Samanids of Khiva who want to seize your lands. Can you avoid your fate and reclaim Transoxania for Zoroaster?
- 罗斯塔姆 巴文德(Rostam Bavandid),陀拔斯单谢赫,867:A Zoroastrian count that starts as a vassal of a Shia ruler in the mountainous region of northern Persia. Rostam starts with two counties in his demesne, which makes him twice as big as the neighboring Justanids, but sadly he is lacking any event army. Even if he can overthrow his liege, he is stuck between the regional Muslim powers. Can you make him rise to power, drive out the Mohammedans and lead the Persian Empire to a new golden age?
- 瓦苏丹 吉斯丹(Wahsudan Justanid),吉兰马尔佐班,867:Starts right next to the Caliphate, so even with his meagre event troops, survival will be a struggle. Still, the weak Alavids are right next door, and you can always try to swear fealty to the Caliphate and destroy it from within. According to legend, it was Wahsudan who built the future Hashshashin stronghold of Alamut.
- 哈希姆 穆盖纳尔(Hashem Muqannid),珂咄罗谢赫,769:Al-Muqanna was a self-declared prophet who created a new religion mixing Zoroastrianism & Islam and then rebelled against the Abbasid caliphate. What's more, he was a chemist who blew half of his face off and thus went around veiled, adding to his mysterious nature. While real Muqanna was defeated and took his own life, perhaps you can fare better against the Muslim armies?
- 凯库斯老 达拉乌特(Keykhosraw Daroot),播密马尔佐班,867:The only independent Khurmazta ruler in the game you have a single province high in the mountains as a tributary of the Samanids which offers you a degree of protection. However, this will not help you against your most immediate threat your fellow Samanid tributary the Banijurid's to whom you are the only available target for expansion. Surviving a war against them will require a lot of luck and good timing, hopefully, you will be in a good enough position to return the favor once you have defended yourself. Once you have done that Kashmir and the world is your oyster, do you push west and restore the Persian Empire or do you stay in the mountains and expand eastward.
- 大卫一世 基甸(Dawit I Gideon),塞米恩公爵,867
- 大卫二世 基甸(Dawit II Gideon),阿克苏姆小型国王,1066
- 以撒 多阿嫩(Isaac Doganin),阿得可汗,1066
- 玛拿西二世 布兰(Manasseh II Bulanid),可萨利亚可汗,867
- Saad Mordechai当前1291.1.1的巴格达大酋长不是此人, High Chief of Baghdad, 1 Jan. 1291:伊儿汗国可汗阿鲁浑的宫廷医生和管家。开局秘密信奉犹太教。不管你选择不选择公开信奉犹太教,看看你能走多远。
al-Gassani, Republic of
- Paltoi Yeshayahu, Patrician, 7 Aug. 936: The only Jewish Merchant Republic start.
- 卡拉 沙希(Kallar Shahi),迦布罗总督,867:Bordered by Muslim nations it could become difficult quickly enough. It’s an interesting character to play Indian, but outside of India. The Shahis are possibly also descendants of the Hephthalites.
- 罗摩笈多 笈多(Ramagupta Gupta),僧摩罗摩城与弥梯罗他俱罗,769:Can you re-establish the Gupta dynasty as the dominant power of India? You have a claim to a kingdom title held by your liege and road is hard but you can do it!
- 诃利诃罗 桑迦摩(Harihara Sangama),德干帝国圣王,1337:The founder of the Vijayanagara Empire, an empire that originated as a direct response to the aggression of the Tughluqs. Only two decades after the foundation of the Empire, he managed to get control over a big part of South India and fend off the Tughluqs until the empire disintegrated after 1388. In-game, you start very small with a big Tughluq Sultanate to the North of you.
- 楼陀罗摩提毗 迦迦底耶(Rudramadevi Kakatiya),1259:Yep, she's playable! But you need to start as her dad, who will die soon afterwards and has no other heirs. This is because, after 1259, Rudrama Devi has a non-dynastic son.
- 牴多(Didda),迦湿弥罗女王,980-1002:You have to edit defines.txt (.lua?) to play as her, but I imagine she's worth it.
- 阇耶比荼 羯拘吒(Jayapida Karkota),五河摩诃罗阇,769:Not long before the 769 start date his ancestors controlled much of northern India but in 769 he's just in control of the northern province of Kasmira and a few much stronger vassals in Punjab. From this position, the historical Jayapida managed to reclaim much of the old empire, including the great prize of the imperial city of Kannauj before it was all lost again.
- 托拉马纳 匈那(Toramana Hunas),慕诃陀婆娑迦他俱罗,769:You are the last remnant of the White Huns also known as the Hephthalite Empire, a nomadic confederation that helped in the collapsing of the Gupta Empire. You hold the southern tip of what was once the Empire's land, under a powerful liege whose culture is foreign to you. Can you grow from your meagre start into a force to be reckoned with and re-establish the old empire?
- 毕哩体微罗阇 招汉(Prithviraj Chauhan),罗阇弗多那摩诃罗阇,1177:An important character in Indian folklore, until this day. He managed to forge a legendary alliance and fended off the Islamic general Ghori in 1191 during the first battle of Tarain. The second battle of Tarain in 1192, however, was lost by Chauhan, which led to his execution.
Note: All historical Khitan and Han characters are written in their better known Han Pin-yin names as opposed to names that appear in Mongolian or other regional sources.
- 尼哈勒 凯坎尼(Nihaal Kaikanite),卡拉特马尔佐班,769: A small and almost lonely afghan Buddhist country, surrounded by Abbasids, Zunists and not-so-weak Sunni states. Against all odds, could you survive and become the Shah? Or maybe the first ruler of united India will be of house Kaikanite?
- 辽洪基(耶律洪基)(Liao Hongji (Yelu Hongji)),辽可汗,1066:他其实是中国北方契丹的皇帝——辽道宗耶律洪基。自10世纪晚期以来,契丹人无情地向四面八方扩张,从塔里木盆地到朝鲜半岛都是他们的疆域,直到中国化和封建化让其停下了扩张的脚步。几世纪后蒙古游牧部落崭露头角时,残忍强大的契丹人仍然留在斯拉夫人的记忆中,他们称契丹人为Cathy!(中世纪欧洲对中国的称呼,同Khitai即契丹)历史上,契丹的衰落始于耶律洪基不幸却漫长的统治——如对附属部族采取高压政策,以及谋杀受人尊敬的太子耶律浚。当然,最终他还是后悔了,让两岁的孙子耶律延禧继承了皇位,但是,唉,一切都太迟了。耶律延禧缺少像样的教育,又沿用了祖父的政策。于是在其治下女真部族完颜氏不堪压迫愤而起义,终结了辽的统治。往里荣光只能从出逃的喀喇契丹(西辽)中依稀辨别……
- 增基晋美(Zenji Jigme),布姆唐阿波,1066:You are Zenji Jigme, an almost totally unremarkable person, but you have a great legacy behind you, Bhutan is a realm that has never relinquished its sovereignty (Historians are somewhat split over whether Bhutan was subject to the Tibetan Empire, paradox take the view that they were), 230 years ago, all of Bhutan was under your dynasty, but now, you only hold the eastern half of the country, can you keep Bhutan independent, surrounded by larger neighbours a Buddhist realm with a constant de jure claim on your lands, and a Hindu kingdom, thought with monastic feudalism as a government type, this daunting task is less of a tall order, for a challenge, try converting to Nestorianism by marrying into the family of the count of Charkliq, and establish a Christian outpost in a sea of heretics.
Transoxiana, Kingdom of
- Kuchlug Naiman, Khagan of Transoxiana, 1211: The last ruler of the Kara-Khitai, Kuchlug was a prince of the Naiman tribe that fled westward after the absorption of the clan by Genghis Khan. Despite finding favour in the court of Yelü Zhilugu, to the extent of converting to Buddhism and marrying his daughter, he conspired with the neighbouring Khwarezmids to usurp the throne. His relationship with the Khwarezmids eventually soured, and by 1218 he was beheaded by the Mongols.
But at this point in history there remains hope to challenge your fate. Sandwiched between the ascendant Mongol Empire and the consolidated Khwarezmids lies an opportunity to play one against the other. Embrace your pragmatism and play the role of the obsequious vassal, or seek other lands and wait out the clash of titans. You are begin as Nomadic but personally hold baronies, which enable settling down as a feudal. Expand with you strong nomadic CBs or settle down and swear fealty to the great powers of Central Asia.
- Kara-Khitai Ketuyu, of the Kara-Khitai High Chiefdom, 1211: Ahistorical son of Yelü-Zhilugu, last Khitan ruler of Kara-Khitai. A member of the Qara Khitai nobility that were given important posts in by the Khwarezmids after their capture, he rose to the position of commander of Isfahan (Kerman). Ketuyu would eventually convert to Islam and be granted the title of Qutlugh Sultan, adopting the name Buraq Hajib. The Khitans would flee and settle in Kerman after the destruction of Kara-Khitai under the usurper Naiman prince at the hands of Genghis Khan, eventually swearing fealty to the Great Khan after his conquest of the Khwarezmids.
Ketuyu is listed ahistorically as the son Yelü Zhilugu, and thus will inherit claims to the defunct Kingdom of Transoxiana. Rather than assimilate as you did historically, stick to your Buddhist traditions and fight to reclaim your birthright from Khagan Kuchlug. Alternatively, start in 1196 and assasinate Kuchlug before his usurpation, or in 1213, after your adoption of Islam and a dynastic change. Ketuyu starts with two non-dynastic sons in 1211, but can easily pass Late Administration and Ultimogeniture to solve the issue.
- 嵬名谅祚(Weiming Liangzuo),西夏国王, 1066:在历史上,嵬名谅祚(毅宗皇帝)是在亲宋派和主战派朝臣之间的血腥斗争中长大的。1067年嵬名谅祚猝然驾崩,享年21岁。于是西夏皇位传给了年幼的儿子嵬名秉常。作为法理上的西夏国王,游戏开始时你只控制着酒泉公国。酒泉公国非常富有(通过这种方式模拟西夏王国游戏地图之外的收入),但你需要迅速积累威望,以向南推动对党项人公爵领的宣称。卫藏将迅速向北扩张,与古格王朝共同统治西藏。所以你的短期目标应该是用一切必要的手段阻止他们结盟,同时占领足够多的吐蕃领土来阻止其他人建立吐蕃帝国。通过保持王朝稳定(并且有望把敏锐特质传给后代),你的领地繁荣发展,足以入侵宋朝,甚至逆转历史上西夏的覆灭,掐灭蒙古人入侵的苗头。
- 阿牟伽伐里沙 罗湿陀罗拘陀(Amoghavarsha Rashtrakuta),罗湿陀罗拘陀摩诃罗阇,867:the 6th and greatest ruler of the Rashtrakuta dynasty, a scholar and a poet who devoted himself to the pacifistic nature of his religion. Already an old man will you continue his legacy as his successors of a cultural powerhouse expanding only through marriage or will you form a lasting Jain empire across all of India by the sword?
- 鸠摩罗波罗 苏楞吉(Kumarapala Solanki),苏楞吉摩诃罗阇,1160:Considered to be the last great royal patron of the Jain religion by later Jain scholars he was a warlike Hindu in his youth who conquered many surrounding realms but by 1160 in-game he has converted to Jainism and given up much of his earlier conquests. Legends have it that the Jain Gods preserved his rule against would-be conquerors who thought they could exploit his pacifism The rest of his family is Hindu but all the provinces of his realm are Jain and most of his subjects will like him enough to convert if asked and bribed with gold. Will you preserve Jain in an age where the subcontinent is increasingly divided between Hinduism and Islam and show would-be invaders that pacifism does not make you weak? He is available from 1143 but does not convert to Jain until January 1 1160, if you want to start as him at the height of his power in 1159 he still controls much of a neighboring Malwa. He rules until his death in 1172.
- 周鼎(Zhou Ding),酒泉/安西伯爵,769:河西走廊的控制权落入吐蕃人之手,这区域切断了中原和西域都护府的联系。这种情况被模拟为大量对吐蕃领土的宣称。然而,卡在两个强权之间的你,重夺失地看起来近乎不可能。
- 张议潮(Zhang Yichao),酒泉公爵,867:张议潮率军重夺河西走廊并使其重归大唐王朝。酒泉公国足够富庶但你的扩张之路被几个强大的领主阻挡。有足够的雄心壮志,你依然可以将整个塔里木重新收入囊中,永远不停地向前扩张中国到达之地。
- 博茨泰因 斯腾屈尔卡(Botstain af Stenkyrka),维斯比大市长,1066: 这个有名无实的共和国位于瑞典海岸以外的哥得兰岛,这可是整个地图上最容易赚得盆盈钵满的宝地。尽管向芬兰扩张可能相对来说毫无意义,富饶的德意志、弗里斯兰、法兰西和英格兰都在向你招手,而离你最近的竞争对手远在热那亚,你是不可能被他们挤垮的吧?不过当心了!如果让“异教徒埃里克”控制了瑞典,那可就有趣了,你会迅速被迫改信,要么就等着灭国。还有,留神那些贵族家庭,他们对这样一个年纪轻轻就被选为大市长走上人生巅峰的人可不那么友好。
- 杰拉尔多 维斯孔蒂(Gerardo I Visconti),比萨尊贵总督,1081:以下为每周挑战项目:
- 消灭地中海地区内除自己外的所有共和国政权。
- 在马略卡、卡比利亚、突尼斯、的黎波里塔尼亚之中,取得至少两个的完整法理领土。
- 将以下法理公爵领并入你的国家:西西里、卡拉布利亚、亚该亚和克里特。
- 建立拉丁帝国。
- 将土耳其人赶出希腊和安纳托利亚的所有法理王国范围。
- 恩里克 丹多洛(Enrico Dandolo),威尼斯尊贵总督,1192 - 1205:这位九十多岁、双目失明的总督将第四次十字军东征的目标转移到君士坦丁堡。攻陷君士坦丁堡后,总督拒绝戴上拉丁帝国的皇冠,因为这违反了威尼斯的宪法。你不可能在游戏中做这样的事情,但你仍然可以自由地扮演一个狡猾的、追逐利润的混蛋,同时自豪地展示“十字军战士”特质。当然,没有什么能阻止你建立拉丁共和国。九十多岁的盲人攻陷和劫掠了君士坦丁堡。伤心去吧,瞎子约翰。
- 约翰 安德森(Johan Andersson),耶恩贝拉兰廷臣,1066.9.15:和其他P社员工一样,在游戏内是一名身处瑞典的无地廷臣,他们都只在原始版本游戏最早的1066开局中可用。他总是拥有
- 格里菲德 阿伯弗劳(Gruffydd Aberffraw),佩菲杜拉德廷臣,1066.9.15:年仅11岁的他是出生在都柏林的流亡王子(译者:他的祖父曾是圭内斯国王,后死于臣属夺权。父亲带他逃到爱尔兰避难,在萨克森人入侵中被杀死)。从伯爵开始建设你的领地,帮助这个孩子夺回在威尔士的宣称,然后继续扮演阿伯弗劳家族(译者:如历史般加冕为威尔士的至高王)。
- 托斯蒂格 戈德温(Tostig of Godwin),挪威廷臣,1066.9.15:他是哈罗德·戈德温森的弟弟,正是他劝说"无情者"在诺曼底的威廉已经开始筹划入侵英格兰时同步展开入侵。传说中,他赢得了无情者哈拉尔的支持,带领着维京战士在斯坦福桥之战中对抗萨克森人并死在那里。为什么连块封地都不给他呢?我听说有个叫法罗群岛的地方每年这个时候都很不错……总之,让戈德温森一族延续下去吧,即便英格兰陷落于英格林家或诺曼底人之手!
- 谢切赫 托波尔(Sieciech Topor),波兰廷臣,1066-1094: 在波兰历史上,他曾经权倾朝野,以推翻国王大胆的波罗斯瓦夫二世并将他放逐国外(还毒死了他的儿子梅什科),架空继任者瓦迪斯瓦夫一世·赫尔曼(在游戏中有
- 爱德加 威塞克斯(Eadgar of Wessex),英格兰廷臣,1066.9.15:觉得哈罗德很难玩?那就来试试当一位正统君主吧。这位不幸的少年身为英格兰皇族最后的男裔,要面临多达三名虎视眈眈、实力远超自己的篡位者。而你所有的筹码只有两个未婚的姐妹——她们也拥有英格兰王位的强宣称!你能帮助威塞克斯家族夺回本该属于他们的王座吗?你也可以从1099年拜占廷皇帝的宫廷开始(《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》中有爱德加前往耶路撒冷朝圣后在拜占廷宫廷中短暂停留的记载)。如果你打了HIP MOD,爱德加会在1066开局中担任牛津郡的郡守,这也算是对他在历史上被哈罗德·戈德温森夺走王位的补偿吧。
- 埃尔夫万 克尼特林(Ælfwine Knytling),图卢兹廷臣,1066:曾统治丹麦、挪威和英格兰的克努特大帝仅存的后裔,这对于一个位于法兰西中南部的萨克森人廷臣来说可是了不得的遗产。一开局你就拥有英格兰王位的强宣称,尽管如此你还是得保持耐心,因为并没有任何切实可行的方案去实现它。首先你应该在地盘里选块地封给埃尔夫万,这能帮他的家族重回英格兰王位、甚至重铸祖先的伟大帝国吗?
- 佩德罗 德 勃艮第(Pedro de Bourgogne),葡萄牙廷臣(王子),百年战争开局(1337):You are the heir to the throne of Portugal, but that is not why history will remember you. Pedro fell in love with Inês de Castro, the bastard daughter of the duke of Galicia and hardly a suitable match for the heir of a kingdom. Still, the two could not be kept apart, which forced his father, King Afonso IV, to have the young woman murdered. This action was enough to cause Pedro to declare war on his father and while defeated, the timely death of the king still gave the crown to Pedro, who settled for hunting down the murderers, torturing them to death (which involved Pedro ripping their hearts out with his bare hands) and as a (somewhat legendary) final act of defiance, having the body of his beloved dug up and forcing the whole court to swear fealty to Inês as queen of Portugal. Can you right this historical wrong, unite these two love birds and lead their descendants to even greater glory?
- 奥马尔 海亚姆(Omar Khayyam),塔什库尔干廷臣,1066:他在历史上作为知名数学家留下了无数享乐主义诗集(后由其学生整理为《鲁拜集》),尽管他的数据相当平庸。
- 赫罗尔夫 德 诺曼底(Hrolfr de Normandie),尼达罗斯廷臣,867:A famous Viking warrior and the great-great-great-grandfather of William the Conqueror. Historically, he settled in Normandy and founded the dynasty that would one day take the throne of England. The character Rollo in the History Channel television show [1] is based on Hrolfr. Start as Hrörekr of Holland, give Hrolfr some land, play on as him and see if you can re-create history! Alternatively, start as Harald Fairhair in Akershus, Ostlandet and invite him to court (gift necessary) to establish an in-game relationship between Hrolfr and Harald as happened historically.
- 乌赫特雷德 巴本堡(Uhtred of Bebbanburg),西兰廷臣(通常是军事总管或指挥官),867:Legendary (i.e., semi-fictional) protagonist of the BBC television show Last Kingdom, adapted from the Stories novel series by Cornwell. Historically, the Bold was of all Northumbria from 1006 to 1016, while this [2] was an ealdorman in Derbyshire (aka Derby in-game) in the 10th century.
- 达德米赫尔 胡尔希德扎德(Dadmihr Khursidzade),769:Appearing in random court in 769, you are descendant of last independent Zoroastrian ruler in Persia and oldest member of Dabuyid dynasty. While you have been educated as Sunni, your sympathies are still with Zoroastrians who suffer under the yoke of Mohammettans. Can you restore your dynasty to glory and as a true heir to Sassanid dynasty, take back that what rightfully belongs to you?
- 提奥德里克 德 墨洛温(Theodoric de Merohingi),769:Appearing in the court of the Count of Rouen, you are the last living Merovingian. After your father Childeric III was deposed by the Caroligians, you've been forced to become a monk an abbey in Normandy. Land him a city or a bishopric to remove its monk trait before landing him a county. Or press his claim on the throne with a powerful Duke, it will remove it as well (and make him king). Will you be able to get rid of those perfidious Karlings and make the Merovingian dynasty last a thousand years?
- 维尔纳 萨利安(Werner Salian),769:Starts in the court of Carcassonne as the son of Lambert Guideshi. Land him early and start the Salian Dynasty hundreds of years before their historic rise to power.
- 锡卡尔 西卡尔(Sicard Sicard),769:Father of of Benevento.
- 西科 西卡尔(Sico Sicard),769
- Republic of Wales: Start from December 1066 as William the Conqueror, play it out and give the mayor of Cornwall the duchy of Cornwall, or otherwise any mayor a duchy, thus republic is made.
- Ragnar Lodbrok, 769
- Godgifu, 1066
- William Wallace, 1286
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