
第59行: 第59行:
** 独立的
** 独立的
** 是封臣有公爵头衔同时 [[Realm#Realm size|领地规模]]大于等于35
** 是封臣有公爵头衔同时 [[Realm#Realm size|领地规模]]大于等于35
** 是封臣有国王头衔领地规模大于等于55 realm size
** 是封臣有国王头衔[[Realm#Realm size| 领地规模]] 大于等于55
** 是封城有共和国头衔, [[merchant republic|商业共和国]], 或者 [[holy order|神圣骑士团]] 政府
** 是封城有共和国头衔, [[merchant republic|商业共和国]], 或者 [[holy order|神圣骑士团]] 政府

2024年1月9日 (二) 15:45的版本

An event that occurred due to having high prosperity in a province

Prosperity is a mechanism that allows provinces which have not been besieged, raided, or ravaged by disease for a long time to gain certain bonuses, such as extra tax income and faster replenishment of levies. Independent dukes or higher can set one of their demesne provinces to be their Crown Focus for additional yearly increase and events. On the flip side, prolonged diseases or sieges in a province will cause Depopulation, resulting in reduced taxes and slower levy replenishment. Prosperity (and Depopulation) require DLC icon Reaper's Due.png The Reaper's Due DLC.


当地税收修正 征召兵恢复比率 当地叛乱风险 补给上限 当地建筑花费修正 当地建筑时间修正 疾病抵抗
Prosperity 1 Prospering.jpg 兴旺 0.1 0.2 -0.01 -0.1
Prosperity 2 Flourishing.jpg 兴旺 0.2 0.4 -0.015 1 -0.025 -0.025 -0.15
Prosperity 3 Booming.jpg 昌盛 0.3 0.6 -0.02 2 -0.05 -0.05 -0.20



统治重心省份每年得到一个小的隐藏奖励去让他的更繁荣,只要他没有被占领或者正在进行 流行病.

高繁荣度的影响 & 统治重心


  • 当繁荣等级为2时, 花费你1年的收入可以让一个省份可以转变不同的文化. 它也可以转化省份宗教和移除游牧骚动 修正, 如果相关.
  • 当繁荣等级为3时, 一个新的定居 空槽可以被创造,花费250%的一年收入。
  • 当繁荣等级为3时, 不同的省份修正可以被添加到这个省份:
奖励 要求
犹太人定居 +25%城市税 天主教, Zoroastrian 或者 穆斯林;

没有 "驱逐犹太人" 修正:

没有 "少数民族定居" 修正 (在省份中)

少数民族定居 +25%城市税 不能有天主教, Zoroastrian 或者 穆斯林;

没有 "犹太人定居" 修正 (在省份中)

Glorious Monument +0.5 威望
商业共和国港口 +50% 船只 省份在沿海
Scholar Foundation +0.03 军事科技技能点

+0.03 文化科技技能点

+0.03 经济科技技能点

大图书馆 +25% 科技传播速率
礼拜中心 +0.25 虔诚

+25% 教堂税

伐木公司 -15% 建筑花费

-15% 建筑时间

未开发的矿山 +10% 税


Regimental Ground +15% 征召兵

注意 "犹太人定居" 和 "少数人定居" 修正是基本上一样的. 他们分裂成不同的修正只是为了历史/角色扮演的作用。

Increasing prosperity

Each province has a hidden prosperity value that can increase in small increments. When it reaches 100/250/500, the prosperity level increases.

Every province has a chance to gain points yearly. The chance increases with owner stewardship skill, owner prosperity bloodline, "sign of prosperity" from adulthood rites, heavy rain, great works, or a local trade post. The chance decreases with war (especially being the primary attacker), various province maluses, or tribal government. The amount of this passive increase depends on the terrain, with coastal provinces getting a boost if they contain a city.

The ambition to Obj see realm prosper 5.png "See the Realm Prosper":

  • Enables some flavor events that increase prosperity
  • If peace is successfully maintained for 5 years, the ambition succeeds and adds 35 points to every eligible province in the entire realm (not just demesne!)

Councilors can increase prosperity:

  • Certain job actions add 6 points when successful:
    • Marshal: train troops
    • Steward: oversee construction
    • Spymaster: study technology
    • Spiritual: advance cultural technology
  • Passive Job flavour events for council members:
    • Any councilor with 12+ skill and Smart can trigger a "good at job" event
    • Marshal or steward with 15+ skill can offer to improve capital

Many peacetime decisions increase prosperity:

  • Most feasts and festivals add 8 points
  • A completed tournament adds 15 points
  • Dlc icon the old gods.png Ancestor Worship can increase prosperity if you wish for economic assistance
  • Dlc icon the old gods.png For defensive pagans, having certain patron deities may increase prosperity

Other events:

  • A fleet returning with loot adds 12 points in your capital. Limited to once every 5 years (unless you change capital).
  • Several DLC icon Way of Life.png events from Way of Life, with the Business focus
  • Random opportunity to perform charity, if you have a province with a Hospital
  • Random opportunity to invest in provincial apothecaries, if you have a Court Physician
  • When a Jade Dragon.pngMaster Engineer improves your demesne province, prosperity also increases.

Loss of prosperity

Disease, looting, and sieges can wipe the progress toward the next prosperity level, and sometimes even drop an entire level. Occupation of holdings will often reset the province's prosperity level to 0.