
第9行: 第9行:
*主教不受王权法中教宗[[神职叙任权]]的管束 <!-- (kings must pass Free Investiture in the relevant kingdom, while independent dukes are usually okay) -->
*主教不受王权法中教宗[[神职叙任权]]的管束 <!-- (kings must pass Free Investiture in the relevant kingdom, while independent dukes are usually okay) -->

第85行: 第84行:
* Murder an effective cardinal, especially a preferatus.
* Murder an effective cardinal, especially a preferatus.
* Fill the [[College of Cardinals]] with men who would be ineffective popes. Note that bishops in your realm cannot become cardinals once you have an antipope.
* Fill the [[College of Cardinals]] with men who would be ineffective popes. Note that bishops in your realm cannot become cardinals once you have an antipope.
== Ending your antipope ==
You can terminate your antipapacy, if your antipope has the status of a count and is a direct vassal of yours, by putting him under the control of one of your duke ; this is easy to do if you make your antipope in a de jure duchy-viceroyalty.


2020年3月4日 (三) 17:42的版本

Antipope.png An antipope is a rival claimant to the Papacy and to the bishopric of Rome.




  • 统治者独立并且至少公爵级别
  • 统治者未控制正统教宗
  • 统治者能够花费500威望
  • 主教至少伯爵级别
  • 主教不受王权法中教宗神职叙任权的管束
  • 该宗教的宗教权威没有“废黜了对立教宗”修正(修正用于成功进行废黜对立教宗战争并且持续50年)

为了任命一位主教为对立教宗,前往宗教界面(F9)并且点击该主教旁边的帽子按钮 Antipope.png



  • 位于对立教宗控制者国家内的每一位主教将获得对于对立教宗的“宗教领袖”+30好感加成,而不是对真正的教宗。
  • 所有相比正统教宗和他们领主,更喜欢对立教宗的主教将向对立教宗支付税收
  • 对立教宗控制者可以要求绝罚他们国家内的任何人。
  • 教宗不能绝罚教宗控制者或他/她的封臣(相反地,对立教宗不能绝罚忠于教宗或其他对立教宗的角色)。
  • 允许皇帝通过索取对立教宗的宣称来附庸教廷。一旦成功,皇帝将不会遭受敌对的教宗行动,因为附庸教宗不能针对他的领主执行这些行动。
  • 因为讨好对立教宗通常更容易,来自对立教宗的 Holy Fury.png 加冕要求比起罗马教宗的要求通常更易接受。


  • 更喜欢罗马教宗的统治者将有一个针对任何对立教宗控制者的“废黜对立教宗”的宣战理由
    • 罗马教宗通常会加入所有“废黜对立教宗”战争的进攻一方。
    • Holy Fury.png 罗马教宗可能要求其他统治者发起针对你的废黜对立教宗战争(作为加冕要求)
  • 封臣能够成立一个对立君主派系来安排一位针对你主头衔的宣称者,实行教宗神职神职叙任权,并且废黜对立教宗。
  • 每存在一位对立教宗减少30%的天主教教会宗教权威;对于宗教权威的惩罚可能加快异端传播速度并且使得更能转变省份信仰。
  • 一旦有任何一位对立教宗被废黜,50年内其他对立教宗不能被创建。


任命者可以通过战争向教廷索取对立教宗的宣称。自Patch 2.0起,忠于当前教宗的统治者可能会加入战争。


  • 对立教宗成为天主教会的新领袖。前教宗将成为没有继任者的对立教宗,他死后教会的分裂将会弥合。
  • 新教宗获得对于前任命者的+100好感修正。
  • 如果索取宣称的统治者是皇帝,教宗将成为国王级别的封臣。

Technically, being an antipope is equivalent to having a claim on the papacy. Bugs have been known in which children of popes have inherited claims and therefore appeared as antipopes.


你的教宗将批准来自你的大部分请求,只需花费虔诚并且有关系惩罚。你现在可以宣称省份和公国,如果你成功索取你的教宗的宣称,甚至可以是国外的土地。You can also excommunicate someone you want to imprison, plot against, or steal courtiers from (using "invite to court").

An antipope can be a major asset if the current pope doesn't like you, and you have political enemies with high enough piety, and good enough graces with the pope, to get you Excommunicated.png.

Note that while a vassal pope will always agree to your requests, they will still charge double piety and request investiture law change if you're using free investiture, and incur the normal opinion penalties if you overuse his services. Also, at negative opinion, a vassal pope will simply not pay taxes instead of a gradual reduction. (Granted, this is still a tolerable scenario, considering the fact that wealth is not leaving the realm, but remaining in the pope's hands to be used at his discretion.) Remember that even if you do not use a vassal pope's services, you'll be protected from hostile actions (e.g. excommunication) simply by being the pope's liege. With Holy Fury.pngHoly Fury, a vassalized Pope may ask for independence as a request for a coronation. To counter this, set the realm's Investiture Laws to "Free" so that the Pope can request for a law change rather than independence.



  • 高虔诚(每25虔诚 +1好感,上限为500虔诚 +20好感)
    • Zealous.png, Celibate.png, Chaste.png, Humble.png, Content.png
  • 高教会好感
    • Zealous.png, Celibate.png, Chaste.png, Temperate.png, Charitable.png, Crusader.png
  • 正面的“相同特质”好感
    • 满足以上的大部分,加上 Diligent.png, Kind.png, Brave.png, Gregarious.png, 和生活方式特质
  • 高外交
  • 出身低贱,可获得来自大部分主教的 +5“同一家族”好感


If you give your pope prince-bishopric or higher, he can:

  • Have bishops as vassals, for additional piety
  • Have a chancellor, for improved state diplomacy
    • You can help him get a good one by matrilineally marrying a potential chancellor into his court, or giving him one as a vassal.
  • Choose the "Theology" focus, for +20 church opinion
    • Most likely to choose Theology if: Zealous.png, Mystic.png
    • More likely to choose (Theology or Scholarship) if: theology education (any level), Patient.png, Content.png, Craven.png
  • Benefit from "Dynasty controls Catholic" and "Dynasty controls <holy order>" (+1 piety and +2 prestige per month, each)

You can also interfere with the effectiveness of your rival in the Vatican:

  • Murder an effective pope.
  • Murder an effective cardinal, especially a preferatus.
  • Fill the College of Cardinals with men who would be ineffective popes. Note that bishops in your realm cannot become cardinals once you have an antipope.

Ending your antipope

You can terminate your antipapacy, if your antipope has the status of a count and is a direct vassal of yours, by putting him under the control of one of your duke ; this is easy to do if you make your antipope in a de jure duchy-viceroyalty.