RoI Guru Events


These are events related to Court Gurus.

ID Name
RoI.3000 Start looking for guru
RoI.3001 Guru is found
RoI.3002 Guru bounce event
RoI.3003 Notify player that guru has been found
RoI.3100 Drunkard
RoI.3101 Hedonist
RoI.3102 Impaler
RoI.3103 Lustful
RoI.3104 Gluttonous
RoI.3105 Greedy
RoI.3106 Envious
RoI.3107 Wroth
RoI.3108 Proud
RoI.3109 Arbitrary
RoI.3110 Cynical
RoI.3111 Cruel
RoI.3112 Duelist
RoI.3113 Hunter
RoI.3114 Paranoid
RoI.3150 False guru
RoI.3151 Guru is obviously false - confront him?
RoI.3152 Confront false guru, decide what to do
RoI.3200 Guru helps with Buddhist ambitions
RoI.3201 Guru bounce event
RoI.3202 character event
RoI.3300 Guru criticizes caste system (Basava)
RoI.3301 Guru bounce event
RoI.3302 Guru criticizes
RoI.3400 Guru meditation...
RoI.3401 Guru bounce event
RoI.3402 Meditation helps