
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2019年9月24日 (二) 20:58的版本

当农民和平民起义反抗他们的法定领主并且开始袭击省份的地产时,一场 叛乱(英文:revolt) 发生了。

同拥有者不同宗教文化的省份,叛乱风险(英文:Revolt risk)增加。如果它们不仅不同文化而且是不同文化组(同样地,不仅不同宗教而且不同宗教组),则叛乱风险增加更多。


下文描述的是没有 Dlc icon the old gods.png 逝往神灵DLC的旧系统。




Dlc icon the old gods.png 逝往神灵激活,叛军有四种类型:农民叛乱,宗教叛乱,异端叛乱和解放叛乱。叛军有一位临时头衔为公爵级的领袖,他向此国宣战,但同时也对所有其他独立统治者怀有敌意。


叛乱和其他任何战争的效果一样(例如打断盛宴和其他要求你处于和平的事件链,并且组织任何人篡夺你的头衔)。一个例外是叛乱不打断 DLC icon Reaper's Due.pngSee the Realm Prosper 见证领地范围野心。它们会打断 Holy Fury.pngForge Bloodline 塑造血脉野心的和平年份计数。



一次农民叛乱由一位随机产生的出身低贱,和省份同宗教文化,拥有 Peasant Leader.png 特质的角色领导。头衔和CB被称为“[省份名称]农民叛乱”(如,“康沃尔农民叛乱”)。一旦成功,仅目标省份被篡夺。
类似于宗教叛乱,当省份宗教是最高领主宗教的异端时,可能触发。由一位拥有 Heresiarch.png 特质的角色领导。


Each province has a revolt risk that determines the chance of a revolt breaking out.

Due to differences between the province population and the local ruler (or regent):

  • +1%: Different culture (of same culture group)
  • +2%: Different culture group
  • +1%: Different religion (of same religion group)
  • +2%: Different religion group
  • +3%: Heresy

Due to other circumstances:

  • +4%: Isolated County (not the holder's capital, and not adjacent to another demesne province)
  • +4%: Nomad agitation in provinces taken from Horse Lords.pngnomadic realms

Due to temporary province modifiers, triggered by events and shown as red icons:

  • +5%: Incompetent ruler (caused by a ruler being in debt)
  • +5%: High taxes (caused by Collect Taxes mission)
  • +5%: Triple Taxation! (caused by Extort Peasants with the Build War Chest ambition)
  • +10%: Cultural unrest
  • +10%: Religious tension (can be triggered during Proselytize mission, or by low moral authority in Indian religions)
  • +50%: Religious unrest
  • +50%: Heretic stronghold (province where a heresy appeared spontaneously)
  • Various crises during epidemics, with DLC icon Reaper's Due.pngThe Reaper's Due

When a province provides a reinforcement to an ongoing revolt such as religious revolt, the province gets recent uprising which lowers the revolt risk by 100% for 5 years.


  • Lower revolt risk:
    • Spread your culture, or keep vassals of the same culture as their province
    • Spread your religion, or keep vassals of the same religion as their province
    • Keep moral authority high to avoid having heretic strongholds appear.
      • Convert counties quickly, especially if the religion of the counties have a low MA
  • Crush religious revolts quickly, lest additional troops join the ongoing revolt.
  • On the other hand, it might be useful to let revolt gain strength, if you have a lot of rebellious provinces. Any province which joins an ongoing revolt won't rebel again for 5 years.
  • Offer white peace to rebel leaders once you have destroyed approximately half of their army. You still get to imprison the leader. Only go for full victory if you need the additional prestige or piety.
  • While you cannot call allies to help you with revolts, you can call them to join you in another war, and use their attached armies against the rebels.
  • If you cannot spare the soldiers to defeat an independence or peasant revolt in your de jure territory, an alternative solution is to surrender before too much damage is done. You will take a prestige hit, but if you can afford it you will immediately gain a variety of claims on the errant territory, allowing you to quickly reconquer it with your allies' support. This also severely weakens the enemy, especially in the case of peasant rebellions: they will suffer new administration penalties to levies and taxes, and much of the active army will have immediately dispersed upon their earlier "victory". In addition, as you were the defender during the preceding war, the relevant truce only binds the rebel leader as the aggressor.
聚居地 城堡城市神殿部落游牧制首都
特殊地产 家族宅邸贸易站堡垒医院
概念 首都/首府经济征召兵叛乱科技文化建筑奇观