人情是一种关系或者说是一种两个角色之间的货币,一名角色由于过去的行为而欠了另一名角色一笔(人情)债。该机制需要 御前会议DLC.
角色 | 原因 | 要求 |
任何人 | 购买人情 | 足够的财富和足够高的好感。 |
领主 | 战争金库捐款 | 领主有野心。你可以采取提供200金币捐款的决议。他们接受捐款(仅随机地基于他们的特质)。 |
领主 | 破产 | 领主财富为负,并且随机地向你要钱。 |
领主 | 财政总管创造额外收入 | 👑 财政总管有15+管理能力,并且是 。领主之前没有触发过该事件。领主必须拥有一个不是首都并且可以被分封的省份:财政总管希望被奖励这个省份但被给予一个人情替代。 |
领主 | 外交总管教授语言 | 👑 外交总管是 或 (12+外交和 )。 |
领主 | 训练指挥官 | 👑 拥有一个指挥官特质的封臣提出训练三个指挥官获得此特质。 封臣必须有12军事能力,可玩等级,并且一个指挥官特质(不包括 或中国特质)。 领主至少有3个军事能力为6,room for another leadership trait, and no traits that are eligible for teaching的指挥官。 |
领主 / Fellow councilor |
要求内阁支持 | 他们寻求你在内阁投票中的支持,提供一个未来的而不是现成的人情。 |
内阁成员 | 发现盗窃 | 你的一个内阁成员对你的好感少于35,是 , 或者是 并且不是 。他们偷窃金钱并且你抓住了他们。 |
囚犯 | 抱怨地牢 | 你选择释放他们,而不是把他们扔进该去的密牢。 |
封臣 | 从领主处要求省份 | 获得头衔野心 |
封臣 | 要求转封封臣 | 👑 请求转封他们的法理封臣。领主和低级别封臣必须都处于和平。 |
封臣 | 要求其他封臣投降 | 如果你干涉一场封臣战争通过要求防守方投降,之后进攻者欠你一个人情。 |
👑 当扮演一个领主时,确认这些事可以触发可能是值得的。
Use of favor | Requirements | Notes |
Make a council member vote like you on the council |
Start a law vote for your liege |
Prevent or force a realm peace from your liege | ||
Ask your liege to press one of your claims in a war |
You can request that your liege press your personal claim or declare a de jure war on your behalf. To request, right-click on the target (not on your liege). As liege, you have the option to refuse such a request. If you refuse:
Force acceptance of a Arrange Marriage or Arrange Betrothal proposal |
Force acceptance of an Educate Child proposal |
| |
Force acceptance of an End Plot or Stop Backing Plot request | ||
Force acceptance of an Invite to Court proposal |
Force acceptance of a Call to Arms | ||
Force acceptance of an Ask to Embargo proposal | ||
Force someone to join factions you lead |
Force your liege to give you a Council position |
| |
Ask for Pardon | Liege has one of 20 specific opinion modifiers (ones that allows imprisonment?) | |
Force decadent kinsman to to straighten up | They initially refused to straighten up | Option may be hidden if four other options are available, which occurs when the head of dynasty has high enough Diplomacy, Intrigue and Learning at the same time. (?) |
Force acceptance of Demand peace | The Reaper's Due | |
Force acceptance of Demand gavelkind | The Reaper's Due | |
Call in Succession Support |
Will vote as you do for 10 years |
It is often possible to mitigate the risk of letting another character hold a favor on you:
- Councilors often spend favors to suggest law changes. Lieges without absolutism (or with regents) may wish to fire any council member who gains a favor on them.
- Vassals often spend favors to gain council positions. A liege can preempt this by transferring them under another vassal of higher rank, or reduce the damage by swapping the new councilor into a harmless Advisor slot.
- Rulers sometimes spend favors to force marriages. If a courtier is above 12 but isn't ready to marry, set up a fake betrothal so other rulers can't nab them.
- If your income is substantial, consider redeeming the favor using wealth.
- 扮演封臣的玩家可能会注意到,在玩家和领主的关系不好的时候,内阁中的同事可能会接近玩家的角色并请求支持他以换取一个人情,this comes after the player used the Intrigue focus to inform their liege of the council voter's misbehaviour. .这个方法对于帮助完成"Shadow Prince"成就很有帮助。
- Players who were playing as vassals have noted that a fellow council voter may approach the player's character and request for council support in exchange for a favor, if relations with their liege are bad; This can help a lot for the "Shadow Prince" achievement.