
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2019年6月7日 (五) 16:03的版本 →‎获得人情

Favor.png 人情是一种关系或者说是一种两个角色之间的货币,一名角色由于过去的行为而欠了另一名角色一笔(人情)债。该机制需要 DLC icon Conclave.png御前会议DLC.




角色 原因 要求
任何人 购买人情 足够的财富和足够高的好感。
领主 战争金库捐款 领主有Build a war chest.png野心。你可以采取提供200金币捐款的决议。他们接受捐款(仅随机地基于他们的特质)。
领主 破产 领主财富为负,并且随机地向你要钱。
领主 财政总管创造额外收入 👑 财政总管有15+管理能力,并且是 Ambitious.png。领主之前没有触发过该事件。领主必须拥有一个不是首都并且可以被分封的省份:财政总管希望被奖励这个省份但被给予一个人情替代。
领主 外交总管教授语言 👑 外交总管是 Diligent.png 或 (12+外交和 Gregarious.png)。
领主 训练指挥官 👑 拥有一个指挥官特质的封臣提出训练三个指挥官获得此特质。
封臣必须有12军事能力,可玩等级,并且一个指挥官特质(不包括 Holy warrior.png 或中国特质)。
领主至少有3个军事能力为6,room for another leadership trait, and no traits that are eligible for teaching的指挥官。
领主 /
Fellow councilor
要求内阁支持 他们寻求你在内阁投票中的支持,提供一个未来的而不是现成的人情。
内阁成员 发现盗窃 你的一个内阁成员对你的好感少于35,是 Arbitrary.png, 或者是 Greedy.png 并且不是 Just.png。他们偷窃金钱并且你抓住了他们。
囚犯 抱怨地牢 你选择释放他们,而不是把他们扔进该去的密牢。
封臣 从领主处要求省份 获得头衔野心
封臣 要求转封封臣 👑 请求转封他们的法理封臣。领主和低级别封臣必须都处于和平。
封臣 要求其他封臣投降 如果你干涉一场封臣战争通过要求防守方投降,之后进攻者欠你一个人情。

👑 当扮演一个领主时,确认这些事可以触发可能是值得的。



Use of favor Requirements Notes
Make a council member vote like you on the council
  • They are on the same council (and not your liege)
  • They are not already influenced by a favor (e.g. from another councilor)
  • Lasts 3 years.
  • You cannot buy another favor from this character while this favor is active, even for an unrelated purpose.
Start a law vote for your liege
  • Council must be empowered to vote on laws
  • Currently a free voter ("not under a favor")
  • Open the laws screen (F4) and select your liege's title from the top strip.
  • Can start votes on laws in the following categories: council voting powers, vassal obligations, out-of-realm inheritance, and vassal wars.
  • Liege will be forced to vote against the proposed law.
  • Liege will be unable to initiate a law change for a while.
Prevent or force a realm peace from your liege
Ask your liege to press one of your claims in a war
  • Liege's council must be empowered to vote on war declaration
  • Liege's council must agree
  • Liege must not have a truce with target
  • Liege must be at peace
  • Liege must be able to declare the war (no raised levies)
  • Liege must not have recently refused to press our claims
  • Target must be a valid war target for liege
  • Target must not hold a temporary title

You can request that your liege press your personal claim or declare a de jure war on your behalf. To request, right-click on the target (not on your liege).

As liege, you have the option to refuse such a request. If you refuse:

  • The favor is not spent
  • The requester's opinion decreases (-5 "Refused to press claim" for 1 year)
  • The council becomes discontent for 2 years (but no tyranny is incurred)
Force acceptance of a Arrange Marriage or Arrange Betrothal proposal
  • Your candidate is dynastic
  • Their candidate is not the ruler or heir
  • Marriage is patrilineal or your candidate is the groom
  • Can be used across religion groups!
  • Immediate!
  • Betrothals arranged using favors cannot be broken, but the marriage can be delayed indefinitely
Force acceptance of an Educate Child proposal
  • Can be used across religion groups!
  • Immediate!
  • Guardianship contracts can always be broken (a bug?)
Force acceptance of an End Plot or Stop Backing Plot request
Force acceptance of an Invite to Court proposal
  • Not married
  • Not a councilor
  • Not close relative of current liege
  • Can be used across religion groups!
  • Useful for setting up matrilineal marriages if target's liege is not agreeable to such a marriage.
  • Useful for inviting unmarried adventurers to your court for assassination or granting of barony
Force acceptance of a Call to Arms
Force acceptance of an Ask to Embargo proposal
Force someone to join factions you lead
  • You must lead a faction they can join
  • They immediately join your current factions (that they can join)
  • They will join most of your other factions for 10 years ("-5 Coerced into Joining Faction")
  • Council influence for 3 years
Force your liege to give you a Council position
  • Right-click liege, select "Demand Council Position", and select the position you want
  • Liege cannot fire councilor for 5 years ("-5 Was forced to give a Council Position")
  • Players may respond with Change council position
Ask for Pardon Liege has one of 20 specific opinion modifiers (ones that allows imprisonment?)
Force decadent kinsman to to straighten up They initially refused to straighten up Option may be hidden if four other options are available, which occurs when the head of dynasty has high enough Diplomacy, Intrigue and Learning at the same time. (?)
Force acceptance of Demand peace DLC icon Reaper's Due.png The Reaper's Due
Force acceptance of Demand gavelkind DLC icon Reaper's Due.png The Reaper's Due
Call in Succession Support
  • Both characters needs to be electors of at least one title in common
  • Target character is not the current holder of the elected title
Will vote as you do for 10 years


It is often possible to mitigate the risk of letting another character hold a favor on you:

  • Councilors often spend favors to suggest law changes. Lieges without absolutism (or with regents) may wish to fire any council member who gains a favor on them.
  • Vassals often spend favors to gain council positions. A liege can preempt this by transferring them under another vassal of higher rank, or reduce the damage by swapping the new councilor into a harmless Advisor slot.
  • Rulers sometimes spend favors to force marriages. If a courtier is above 12 but isn't ready to marry, set up a fake betrothal so other rulers can't nab them.
  • If your income is substantial, consider redeeming the favor using wealth.


  • 扮演封臣的玩家可能会注意到,在玩家和领主的关系不好的时候,内阁中的同事可能会接近玩家的角色并请求支持他以换取一个人情,this comes after the player used the Intrigue focus to inform their liege of the council voter's misbehaviour. .这个方法对于帮助完成"Shadow Prince"成就很有帮助。

  • Players who were playing as vassals have noted that a fellow council voter may approach the player's character and request for council support in exchange for a favor, if relations with their liege are bad; This can help a lot for the "Shadow Prince" achievement.
个人属性 属性特质虔诚威望文化宗教家族称号好感
行为 外交决议教育婚姻/生育摄政人情
目标 派系野心阴谋生活重心
恶行 刺杀暴政驱逐处决逮捕剥夺头衔贿赂
其他 内阁廷臣疾病继承同盟