

宫廷医师(Court physician) 的职责是 在他们领主的宫廷治疗疾病. 这是最重要之一的一个 荣誉头衔. 招聘 or 任命 一个宫廷医师要求DLC icon Reaper's Due.png The Reaper's Due DLC.

在看病前,宫廷医生如果有高技能点和对你的 好感有很高的评价,则更有可能成功的治疗疾病,如果聪明的话给他们一些礼物和额外的荣誉头衔. 很难去确保他们会喜欢你的家人, but 他会帮助,如果他们有着相同的 文化/宗教/王朝.宫廷医师也有机会治愈新生儿的特征 Sickly.png,或给婴儿一些健康去增加存活几率。



最好的特征治愈恢复2健康状况和2个每点属性. 治疗疗程不能提升你的能力超过疾病的负面惩罚,但工具提示并没有明确的说明这一点,

疗程照顾的更好与宫廷医师的技能点 (学识渊博, 著名医师Renowned Physician.png特质)和和有强壮Strong.png或健壮Brawny.png. 在这个阶段上好感不会影响.

宫廷医师不能治愈感染Infection.png, 使负伤Wounded.png变得更有风险.感染取代了重伤File:Injured.png,没有净生命下降



疗程选项 分支 好结果 坏结果 要求
实验性疗法 有规律的治疗 +3 -3 结果. 没有特质脆弱Craven.png.拥有特质Brave.png 或者最近发生过治疗.
彻底的 (高花费) 治愈 0
神秘主义 一些情况 (见下文) 60%概率治愈, 40%概率+1 50%概率-1, 额外的几率50%概率-2,如果你有特质魔鬼缠身Possessed.png,特质精神失常Lunatic.png,特质紧张不安Stressed.png 或者特质沮丧Depressed.png 结果. 医生拥有特质神秘主义Mystic.png . 超自然事件发生.
百试百灵疗法 +2 -1
谨慎疗法 +1 0 没有勇敢特质勇敢Brave.png. 没有特质孩子File:Child.png, 没有特质脆弱Craven.png, 没有特质偏执Paranoid.png
顺其自然 0 0

好的治疗效果会持续2年(癌症、痛风、梅毒是5年).坏结果会持续1年. 顺其自然处理, 如图所示为“0”, 仅仅避免短时间再次出现治疗界面.



  • 1.44x 病人是强壮Strong.png或者健壮Brawny.png
  • 1.44x 医生的学习能力: 10, 15, 20, 25
  • 1.2x 医生有特质著名医师Renowned Physician.png
  • 1.2x 医生_好的特质_引起:
    • 在犹太宗教组中 Israelite religion group ,
    • 或者有以下特质著名医师(Renowned Physician.png, 学者Scholar.png, 博学Erudite.png,法基赫Faqih.png,渊博的神学家 Scholarly theologian.png,神学的大师Mastermind theologian.png)
  • 1.2x 对你的好感: -75, -50, -25, 0 (twice), 25, 50, 75


  • 1.44x 病人是虚弱Weak.png或者Frail.png
  • 1.2 医师_负面特质_引起:
    • 有任一一种精神方面的特质精神错乱(Lunatic.png, 恶魔附身Possessed.png, 紧张不安的Stressed.png,沮丧消沉Depressed.png,酒鬼Drunkard.png),
    • 或者有严重残疾的特质(近亲缺陷Inbred.png,无能Incapable.png,体弱多病Infirm.png,致盲 Blinded.png,血肉模糊Mangled.png,残废 Maimed.png)



如果患者选择实验治疗,除此之外额外检查医生是否有企图 "极端"(drastic) 治疗. 一个极端治疗的意思是会支付一个高成本为了显著性的改善健康几率. 成本的意思是随机选择从:阉人Eunuch.png, 精神错乱Lunatic.png, 毁容Disfigured.png, 独眼One-eyed.png, 独手One-handed.png, 独腿One-legged.png. 除了前两个之外, 他们也会带来特质 身受重伤Severely Injured.png 特质会持续100-400天, 会有70%的几率恢复和30%的几率得到 传染Infection.png.

Normally there's a 20% chance of the treatment being drastic, but it's bumped to 50% if the physician has any of the following: physician_good_trigger, learning at least 25 or below 15, Wroth.png, Arbitrary.png, Brave.png, or Ambitious.png.

Experimental+drastic treatment is recommended for deadly diseases such as Rabies.png. It is not recommended if becoming an eunuch would end your game. However, once you start aiming for drastic treatments, you might as well continue until cured, because Severely Injured.png does not stack.

Mystic treatment

The mystic treatment option has a large number of different outcomes. Aside from varying in terms of effectiveness, it will have some other impact - usually granting the patient some trait, although sometimes the physician or one of the patient's children might be killed instead. These outcomes are almost always negative. Mystic treatments are thus generally not recommended, aside from possibly in the case of severe diseases when experimental treatments are not an option (such as if the patient is craven).

Name Conditions Outcome
Mirrors and candles Never happens if treatment is terrible (-2) Replaces Paranoid.png with Trusting.png, Content.png with Ambitious.png, Humble.png with Proud.png, Shy.png with Gregarious.png, Temperate.png with Gluttonous.png, Charitable.png with Greedy.png, Diligent.png with Slothful.png and Envious.png with Kind.png and vice versa.
Sacrificed animals, rubbed in ashes Never happens if both Paranoid.png and Possessed.png Gain Paranoid.png. 25% chance to gain Possessed.png.
Conjuring, burnt fingers Doesn't happen if One-handed.png Gain One-handed.png. Lose Patient.png or gain Wroth.png.
Improv greatest poem Doesn't happen if Poet.png Gain Poet.png.
Bloodbath Doesn't happen if Cruel.png Gain Cruel.png.
"Special brew" Doesn't happen if Drunkard.png. Half as likely as others. Gain Drunkard.png.
Walk on fire Doesn't happen if Brave.png Gain Brave.png and Zealous.png
Physician tries to drown you Physician must be Zealous.png or Cruel.png. Gain Paranoid.png. Hate physician (imprison reason?)
Physician sacrifices your child Physician must be Zealous.png, Cruel.png, Arbitrary.png or Impaler.png. Patient must have healthy non-Inbred.png child who is not abroad. Half as likely as the others. Healthy child of patient dies. Hate physician (imprison reason)
Am I the beast? Must not be Possessed.png or Lunatic.png. Gain Possessed.png. 25% change to gain Lunatic.png.
The rat will carry your burden Can always happen Lose Ambitious.png or gain Content.png. Lose Envious.png or gain Kind.png. Lose Deceitful.png or gain Honest.png. Lose Wroth.png or gain Patient.png. Lose Proud.png or gain Humble.png. Lose Greedy.png or gain Charitable.png. Lose Gluttonous.png or gain Temperate.png.
Physician suicide Can always happen Physician dies. 25% chance to gain Lunatic.png.

【轩主大人 译】




  • 使用了 Seduction focus.png生活重心去获得大量的家人.
  • 考虑派遣不重要的家庭成员去患有疾病的省份.


  • 要求直辖省份有医院,且医院里有图书馆, 药理实验室, 或者 医学院. 这些中能够第一个启用的是图书馆, 需要 科技 建筑 III.
  • 聪敏Smart 和野心勃勃 Ambitious.png 医生最有可能获得好结果,最好拥有特质著名医师Renowned Physician.png
  • 勤奋Diligent.png 和 博学Erudite.png 也可能会做的很好.

写一本好书 (RIP.4030)

  • 医生要求你投资20%每年收入(最小 20 财富)
  • 医生拥有聪明Smart ,有高技能点, 匹配 医生有好特质_引起最容易成功.

See also