
第14行: 第14行:
*50% 以在未控制所有圣地的情况下进行[[Pagans#Pagan reformations|原始宗教改革]]
*50% 以在未控制所有圣地的情况下进行[[Pagans#Pagan reformations|原始宗教改革]]

== 修正==

Moral authority is primarily affected by control of holy sites and success or failure in religious wars. The personal qualities of the [[religious head]] (if there is one) also matter. Below is a a full list of factors that affect moral authority:
宗教权威主要被圣地的控制权和圣战的胜负所左右,[[ 宗教领袖]] ( 如果存在) 的个人品质也对宗教权威有所影响。以下是列有影响宗教权威因素的详细表格:

{| class="wikitable sortable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Effect !! Moral Authority !! Duration
! 影响 !! 宗教权威 !! 期限
| Base for organized religion (i.e. not unreformed pagan) || 20% || Permanent
| 有组织宗教(即非未改革原始宗教)的基础权威 || 20% || 永久
| Full control of holy site || +10% || Permanent
对一圣地的完全控制  || +10% || 永久
| Partial control of holy site (bishop has religion but liege does not, or vice versa) || +5% || Permanent
| 对一圣地的部分控制(主教或领主有一不是该宗教)|| +5% || 永久
| Full control of unsettled holy site (no temple holding in province) || +5% || Permanent
| 对一未定居圣地的完全控制(省份没有神殿地产) || +5% || 永久
| Partial control of unsettled holy site (no temple holding, top liege's religion and county holder's religion differ) || +2.5% || Permanent
| 对一未定居圣地的部分控制( 省份没有神殿地产,最高领主和省份拥有者有一不是该宗教) || +2.5% || 永久
| Diplomacy of [[religious head]] || +0.5%/point || Permanent
| [[ 宗教领袖]] 的外交技能 || +0.5%/ || 永久
| Piety of religious head. Max 25%, which is reached at 1250 piety. Note that negative piety ''reduces'' moral authority, with no lower limit.|| +0.02%/point || Permanent
| 宗教领袖的虔诚值(或等价物)。上限25%, 即1250虔诚权威加成封顶。注意负虔诚将 '' 降低'' 宗教权威, 并且没有下限。|| +0.02%/ || 永久
| Religious head controls [[holy site]] || +5% || Permanent (does not stack)
| 宗教领袖持有 [[ 圣地]] || +5% || 永久 ( 不叠加)
| [[Antipope]] exists (Catholic only) || -30%/antipope || Permanent
| [[ 对立教宗]] 存在( 天主教限定) || -30%/ 对立教宗 || 永久
| [[Traits#Bad priests|Immoral]] [[File:Bad_priest_christian.png]] religious head || -10% || Permanent
| 宗教领袖为[[Traits#Bad priests| 邪恶神职人员]] [[File:Bad_priest_christian.png]] || -10% || 永久
| Looted infidel temple while [[raiding]] || +1% || 20 years
| [[ 劫掠]] 异教神殿地产 || +1% || 20
| Temple looted || -1% || 20 years
| 神殿地产被劫掠 || -1% || 20
| Built [[temple]] || +1% || 20 years
| 建造[[ 神殿]] 地产 || +1% || 20
| Neglectful head of religion || -1% || 10 years
| 马虎的宗教领袖 || -1% || 10
| Won/lost holy war || +3%/-3% || 20 years
| 圣战胜利/ 失败 || +3%/-3% || 20
| Won/lost county conquest || +1%/-1% || 20 years
| 伯爵领征服胜利/ 失败 || +1%/-1% || 20
| Won/lost [[great holy war|crusade, jihad or great holy war]] || +10%/-10% || 30 years
| [[great holy war| 十字军,吉哈德或大圣战]] 胜利/失败 || +10%/-10% || 30
| Won/lost [[Casus Belli#Prepared Invasion|prepared invasion]] || +5%/-5% || 20 years
| [[Casus Belli#Prepared Invasion| 准备入侵]] 胜利/失败 || +5%/-5% || 20
| Won/lost religious/heretic revolt || +1%/-5% || 20 years
| 宗教/ 异端叛乱胜利/ 失败 || +1%/-5% || 20
| Successful/failed inquisition || +2%/-2% || 20 years
| 成功的/ 失败的宗教裁判 || +2%/-2% || 20
| Successful/failed heretic dialogue || +1%/-1% || 20 years
| 成功的/ 失败的神学辩论 || +1%/-1% || 20
| Ruler [[religious conversion|converted]] to/from religion (only for conversion by decision or event, not "Demand Conversion" interaction) || +3%/-3%|| 20 years
| 统治者[[religious conversion| 改宗]] / 至本宗教(限定于通过决议或事件的宗教转化,没有" 要求改宗" 的介入) || +3%/-3%|| 20
| Ruler achieved "Paragon of Virtue" [[ambition]] || +1% || 20 years
| 统治者达成" 成为美德典范"[[ 野心]] || +1% || 20
| Ruler achieved "Paragon of Enlightenment" ambition || +1% || 20 years
| 统治者达成" 成为开悟典范" 野心 || +1% || 20
| Ruler achieved [[Ambition#obj_strengthen_religion|"Strengthen Religion"]] ambition || +2% || 50 years
| 统治者达成[[Ambition#obj_strengthen_religion|" 强化信仰"]] 野心 || +2% || 50
| Yielded to/defied Pope || +2%/-2%|| 10 years
| 屈服于/ 蔑视教宗 || +2%/-2%|| 10
| Yielded to/defied Patriarch || +1%/-1% || 10 years
| 屈服于/ 蔑视牧首 || +1%/-1% || 10
| 'Rise of the Shia Caliphate' event || +30% || 50 years
| "什叶派哈里发崛起"事件 || +30% || 50
| [[Holy Order]] formed || +5% || 10 years
| [[ 骑士团]] 组建 || +5% || 10
| [[Holy Order]] expelled || -5% || 20 years
| [[ 骑士团]] 遭驱逐 || -5% || 20
| Deposed {{iconify|antipope}} (from a successful Antiking [[faction]] or [[Casus_Belli#Depose_Antipope|Depose Antipope]] war; prevents installing new antipopes) || +5% || 50 years
| 罢黜对立教宗{{iconify|antipope}} ( 通过一个成功的反王[[ 派系]] 或一场[[Casus_Belli#Depose_Antipope| 罢黜对立教宗]] 战争; 阻止任命新的对立教宗) || +5% || 50
| Papacy instituted || +10% || 20 years
| 创建教宗宗座 || +10% || 20
| Patriarchy instituted || +10% || 20 years
| 创建牧首教座 || +10% || 20
| Irminsul Destroyed ({{icon|cm}}CM invasion of Saxony) || -10% || 10 years
| 大立柱被摧毁({{icon|cm}}CM invasion of Saxony) || -10% || 10
| We sacrificed the Head of a false Religion! || +3% || 20 years
| 献祭异教领袖 || +3% || 20
| Our Religious Head was sacrificed to Heathen Gods. || -3% || 20 years
| 宗教领袖被献祭 || -3% || 20
| Temple desecrated (by {{icon|mnm}}[[Societies#Demon_Worshippers|demon worshippers]]) || -1% || 30 years
| 神殿被亵渎(by {{icon|mnm}}[[Societies#Demon_Worshippers|demon worshippers]]) || -1% || 30
| Decadent clergy (demon worshipper event) || -1% || 5 years
| 腐化的神职人员(demon worshipper event) || -1% || 5

2019年8月14日 (三) 11:26的版本

Moral authority and religious head

Moral authority is an abstraction of a religion's strength, unity, and respect. Moral authority levels are visible in the Ledger or by hovering the religion icon on any character sheet. Your own religion's moral authority is also visible in the Religion tab, along with its causes.





宗教权威主要被圣地的控制权和圣战的胜负所左右,宗教领袖 (如果存在)的个人品质也对宗教权威有所影响。以下是列有影响宗教权威因素的详细表格:

影响 宗教权威 期限
有组织宗教(即非未改革原始宗教)的基础权威 20% 永久
对一圣地的完全控制   +10% 永久
对一圣地的部分控制(主教或领主有一不是该宗教) +5% 永久
对一未定居圣地的完全控制(省份没有神殿地产) +5% 永久
对一未定居圣地的部分控制(省份没有神殿地产,最高领主和省份拥有者有一不是该宗教) +2.5% 永久
宗教领袖的外交技能 +0.5%/点 永久
宗教领袖的虔诚值(或等价物)。上限25%,即1250虔诚权威加成封顶。注意负虔诚将 降低 宗教权威,并且没有下限。 +0.02%/点 永久
宗教领袖持有 圣地 +5% 永久 (不叠加)
对立教宗存在(天主教限定) -30%/对立教宗 永久
宗教领袖为邪恶神职人员 Bad priest christian.png -10% 永久
劫掠异教神殿地产 +1% 20年
神殿地产被劫掠 -1% 20年
建造神殿地产 +1% 20年
马虎的宗教领袖 -1% 10年
圣战胜利/失败 +3%/-3% 20年
伯爵领征服胜利/失败 +1%/-1% 20年
十字军,吉哈德或大圣战胜利/失败 +10%/-10% 30年
准备入侵胜利/失败 +5%/-5% 20年
宗教/异端叛乱胜利/失败 +1%/-5% 20年
成功的/失败的宗教裁判 +2%/-2% 20年
成功的/失败的神学辩论 +1%/-1% 20年
统治者改宗 自/至本宗教(限定于通过决议或事件的宗教转化,没有"要求改宗"的介入) +3%/-3% 20年
统治者达成"成为美德典范"野心 +1% 20年
统治者达成"成为开悟典范"野心 +1% 20年
统治者达成"强化信仰"野心 +2% 50年
屈服于/蔑视教宗 +2%/-2% 10年
屈服于/蔑视牧首 +1%/-1% 10年
"什叶派哈里发崛起"事件 +30% 50年
骑士团组建 +5% 10年
骑士团遭驱逐 -5% 20年
罢黜对立教宗Antipope.png (通过一个成功的反王派系或一场罢黜对立教宗战争; 阻止任命新的对立教宗) +5% 50年
创建教宗宗座 +10% 20年
创建牧首教座 +10% 20年
大立柱被摧毁(DLC icon Charlemagne.pngCM invasion of Saxony) -10% 10年
献祭异教领袖 +3% 20年
宗教领袖被献祭 -3% 20年
神殿被亵渎(by DLC icon Monks and Mystics.pngdemon worshippers) -1% 30年
腐化的神职人员(demon worshipper event) -1% 5年


  • The easiest ways for pagans to increase their moral authority are to raid infidel temples and conquer infidel counties.
  • Unreformed pagans may find it helpful to have multiple independent tribal duke+ rulers, who can each use the "Build Great Pillar" and "Hold Great Tribal Festival" decisions.
  • Ensure that your religion controls as many holy sites as possible.
    • Give a holy site to the religious head (or hold it yourself if you're the Caliph or Holy Fury.pngyour reformed pagan religion has Temporal leadership). Catholics and Orthodox normally have the religious head controlling a holy site from the start, but other religions don't. Note that non-Iqta and non-Monastic-Feudal characters incur penalties to the temple's tax and levies.
    • Take care if your holy site is another religion's canary province (e.g. Jerusalem for Muslim Jihads, Christian Braunschweig for Christian Crusades).