
第58行: 第58行:

* A vassal company can only be raised by its liege, and at 1/5 the regular hiring cost. There is no upkeep cost.
* 一个封臣骑士团只能被其领主雇佣,且雇佣花费仅原价的1/5 。且不需要花费维护费。
* Holy orders of Pagan religions are allowed to raid, which greatly help their liege in upgrading their holdings. (Requires TOG.)
* 原始宗教的骑士团允许劫掠,这能极大地帮助其领主升级地产。(需要{{icon|ToG}})
* With SoA:
* {{icon|SoA}}激活时:
**Many sons of rulers will become courtiers of the holy order. With the holy order under your control, you can land these characters to either press their claims or [[Expanding your realm#Arranging for vassals to inherit foreign territory|allow them to inherit their parent's title]]. (For the latter, you may need to reload or `recalc_succ` on their parent.)
**Many sons of rulers will become courtiers of the holy order. With the holy order under your control, you can land these characters to either press their claims or [[Expanding your realm#Arranging for vassals to inherit foreign territory|allow them to inherit their parent's title]]. (For the latter, you may need to reload or `recalc_succ` on their parent.)
**You can remove members of other dynasties from the order's line of succession to help a knight of your dynasty become the next grandmaster. This further decreases the hiring cost, and gives monthly prestige and piety to all count+ rulers of your dynasty with the correct religion.
**You can remove members of other dynasties from the order's line of succession to help a knight of your dynasty become the next grandmaster. This further decreases the hiring cost, and gives monthly prestige and piety to all count+ rulers of your dynasty with the correct religion.

2019年3月5日 (二) 22:59的版本

Hiring holy orders outside of a great holy war





  • 与骑士团同宗教
  • 拥有足够虔诚
  • 未曾驱逐过骑士团
  • 骑士团不是另一个统治者的封臣
  • 骑士团当前没有被其他统治者雇佣,也没有在用自己的部队作战



  • 基督教骑士团只会与异端和异教徒作战。举例来说,天主教骑士团不会与东正教或圣像破坏派的拜占庭帝国作战,但是会与清洁派或伊斯兰教统治者作战。
  • 伊斯兰教原始宗教印度宗教的骑士团也会与同一宗教组的其他宗教作战。


Dlc icon sons of abraham.png 亚伯拉罕之裔对骑士团进行了重大改革。



没有伯爵领头衔,且持有少于十个聚居地的骑士团一旦有足够的钱(300Icon wealth.png)就会继续请求建造城堡的权利。这最终会使其持有的直辖领超上限,然后其会把超辖的城堡以委任制继承授予其封臣。如果你是帝国行政体制或伊克塔制政体,你可以收回这些男爵封臣,如此一来骑士团就会建造更多的城堡。这是一种廉价但破坏了平衡的增强领地实力的方式。



没有继承权的未婚儿子或兄弟偶尔会请求加入同宗教的骑士团。如果他们有 Zealous.png 狂热特质的话该几率会更高,且更愿意加入有共同起源或更加本地的骑士团(举例来说,一个日耳曼人比起医院骑士团更愿意加入条顿骑士团)。

一旦领主接受请求,该廷臣就会移动到骑士团并取消所有婚约。如果领主与他宗教相同,就会得到100虔诚。骑士团内的角色既不能结婚也不能继承。除 DLC icon Charlemagne.png 查理曼DLC中的骑士团外(尊日神教和伊巴德派)的骑士团还会让角色获得 Celibate.png 独身主义者特质。



除了通过城堡和被雇佣得到收入外,骑士团还可以得到其他统治者的捐款。通过给骑士团捐赠300 Icon wealth.png 可以得到300虔诚并改善与骑士团的大团长、你的宗教领袖和所有宗教封臣的关系。请注意,你不能给你附庸的骑士团捐款。

你也可以向骑士团借款。任何时候,只要骑士团有至少300 Icon wealth.png,你就能向其借300 Icon wealth.png。然而,在负债期间,大团长会提出各种要求,要么是要求你的儿子或兄弟加入其骑士团,要么是要求在你的直辖领中建造一座城堡。一旦他提出要求,你可以接受(抵消欠款),拒绝(失去1000虔诚并损害你与宗教领袖的关系),或是偿还300 Icon wealth.png 的欠款。(此处接受条件是否能够抵消欠款存疑)



A landed mercenary company or holy order may, like any independent duke-tier ruler, accept diplomatic vassalization if the requester is a same-religion neighbor. As with any vassalization offer, you must be at least two of:

  • Two tiers higher (emperor)
  • Their de jure liege (you may grant one of your de jure duchies to a holy order while at peace)
  • Same culture (having high dynasty prestige ensures that any kinsmen who become knights have a good chance of being elected)

Since rulers will only accept diplomatic vassalization if their would-be liege is significantly stronger than they are, it can be hard to vassalize a powerful holy order. One rather gamey way to appear more powerful than the order is to hire them and then deliberately deplete their troops, such as via futile assaults or having them stand around in high-attrition land. With the order temporarily weakened this way, the ruler will appear stronger.

Alternatively, you may be able to find claimants. Open Elective succession does not generate claims for the second and third in line, but holy order captains may have children, who will inherit weak claims. You may get a chance to press such a claim when the ruler is Incapable.png or bedridden from illness. If the ruler has an intrigue education, plotting against them will usually get them to go In hiding.png, which also forces a regency.

Mercenaries, but not holy orders, can be targeted with the Force Vassalization CB. However, they must have land before you can declare war on them. Independent mercenaries can be given land in two ways:

  • A) Become bankrupt while employing the mercenary band. They might invade a kingdom
  • B) Invite lowborn women and send them to marry heirs to mercenary companies. After a generation, some new mercenary captains will have sons. Invite a mercenary captain's son, give him land, then kill him.


  • 一个封臣骑士团只能被其领主雇佣,且雇佣花费仅原价的1/5。且不需要花费维护费。
  • 原始宗教的骑士团允许劫掠,这能极大地帮助其领主升级地产。(需要Dlc icon the old gods.png
  • Dlc icon sons of abraham.png激活时:
    • Many sons of rulers will become courtiers of the holy order. With the holy order under your control, you can land these characters to either press their claims or allow them to inherit their parent's title. (For the latter, you may need to reload or `recalc_succ` on their parent.)
    • You can remove members of other dynasties from the order's line of succession to help a knight of your dynasty become the next grandmaster. This further decreases the hiring cost, and gives monthly prestige and piety to all count+ rulers of your dynasty with the correct religion.
    • Holy order captains can become incredibly rich from donations and effectively owning 10 castles. By appointing a wroth character as your marshal, you may get a chance to seize their wealth. Without Conclave, appointing a greedy character as your steward works too.
  • With SoA and Imperial Administration or Iqta Government: you can freely retract the castles they erect. You will inherit these castles, as their succession remains Appointment even after retraction. With fewer than 10 castles under their control, the holy order will be able to construct new castles for only 300g each, completing the cycle.

However, to keep the holy order as a vassal, the grandmaster must have a reasonably good opinion of the liege (above -20). Otherwise, the holy order may declare independence and walk away from the vassal contract.


If the vassal company/holy order somehow changes its Succession law to a non Elective law (such as gaining a kingdom), the kingdom's succession law will supersede the "default" succession, forcing the Company/Holy Order to be passed along Dynastic routes. Since there is no Dynastic heir, you will be the Heir by default (inheritance by appointment), enabling you to possibly gain command of the company/Holy Order. Take note however: upon the Grandmaster's death, you inherit his wealth, the kingdom title you gave him, and any holdings he controlled *directly*. The vassalized Order will likely continue with a new elected Grandmaster as your vassal, presumably because it still has baronies that were indirectly controlled; i.e. held by other Knights o/t Order. It is uncertain how this may affect any holdings you may have granted with the Kingdom title. For safety, it is best to give an "empty" kingdom title, such as transferring the Duke of Brittany to another king, then granting the Kingdom of Brittany to the Order with no accompanying lands. If the Order has significant wealth, this may be worthwhile even if it only gains you wealth and a single barony.

It is possible to revoke the holy order title and become grandmaster yourself, though this seems to have little benefit over vassalizing them. The duchy title may deteriorate your vassal relations due to the "-10 Too many held duchies" penalty. You can raise them for free (No initial cost nor maintenance. The Military screen may show an "upkeep" but it does not actually deduct anything). You may be disallowed from arranging marriages while you hold the title.





队徽 名称 宗教 文化 成立条件 构成 ID
D knights templar.png 圣殿骑士团 Catholic.png 天主教 法兰西 十字军已解锁或满足以下条件:
  • 游戏至少进行到1118年
  • 或拜占庭帝国的持有者非基督徒
  • 或以下省份之一的持有者非基督徒:君士坦丁堡, 安居拉, 罗马, 或 (雅典 和 科林斯)。

1119年后剧本是耶路撒冷王国的封臣。可以被耶路撒冷国王以500 Icon wealth.png 的代价使用决议附庸(需要Dlc icon sons of abraham.png亚伯拉罕之裔)。

重步兵 重骑兵 弓箭手
55% 27% 18%
D knights hospitaler.png 医院骑士团 Catholic.png 天主教 奥克 十字军已解锁或满足以下条件:
  • year is at least 1113
  • or Byzantium Empire owner is not Christian
  • or one of the following counties' owner is not Christian: Constantinople, Ancyra, Rome, (Athens and Corinth), Provence, Toulouse, Paris, Cologne or Braunschweig.

Vassal of Jerusalem from 1099. Can be vassalized by decision by King of Jerusalem for 500 gold (requires Sons of Abraham).
Only one holy order can be vassalized by decision.

重步兵 重骑兵 弓箭手 船
54% 27% 18% 1%
D livonian order.png 利沃尼亚骑士团 Catholic.png 天主教 日耳曼 十字军已解锁或满足以下条件:
  • year is at least 1192
  • or one of the following counties' owner is not Christian: Provence, Toulouse, Paris, Cologne or Braunschweig.

Landed from 1204.

重步兵 重骑兵 弓箭手
56% 19% 25%
D teutonic order.png 条顿骑士团 Catholic.png 天主教 日耳曼 十字军已解锁或满足以下条件:
  • year is at least 1192
  • or one of the following counties' owner is not Christian: Provence, Toulouse, Paris, Cologne or Braunschweig.

Landed from 1225.
Can be created earlier by decision by a German ruler who holds Kingdom of Jerusalem.

重步兵 重骑兵 弓箭手
68% 9% 23%
D knights calatrava.png 卡拉特拉瓦骑士团 Catholic.png 天主教 卡斯蒂利亚 Sons of Abraham DLC, Crusades unlocked and either:
  • year is at least 1164
  • or one of the following counties' owner is not Christian: Provence, Toulouse, Paris, Cologne, Braunschweig or Bordeaux.

Vassal of Castile from 1164.

重步兵 轻骑兵 重骑兵 弓箭手
29% 43% 14% 36%
D knights santiago.png 圣地亚哥骑士团 Catholic.png 天主教 卡斯蒂利亚 Sons of Abraham DLC, Crusades unlocked and either:
  • year is at least 1175
  • or one of the following counties' owner is not Christian: Provence, Toulouse, Paris, Cologne, Braunschweig or Bordeaux.

Vassal of Castile from 1171.

重步兵 轻骑兵 重骑兵
57% 29% 14%
D holy sepulchre.png 圣墓兄弟会 Orthodox.png 东正教 希腊
  • Sons of Abraham DLC, created by decision taken by an Orthodox ruler.
  • Ruler publicly practices the Orthodox religion
  • Crusades/Jihads/Great Holy Wars unlocked
  • Ruler is independent, not at war
  • Ruler or any of his vassals controls the County of Jerusalem
  • Ruler is not Excommunicated
  • Ruler has 500 piety and 500 wealth
重步兵 重骑兵 弓箭手
55% 27% 18%
D saint anthony.png 圣安东尼骑士团 Miaphysite.png 基督合性派 埃塞俄比亚
  • Sons of Abraham DLC, created by decision taken by a Miaphysite ruler.
  • Ruler publicly practices the Miaphysite religion
  • Crusades/Jihads/Great Holy Wars unlocked
  • Ruler has 1000 piety and 500 wealth
  • Control one of the Miaphysite holy sites
  • Moral authority of Miaphysite religion at least 50%
重步兵 轻骑兵 重骑兵 弓箭手
45% 18% 9% 27%
D saint addai.png 圣亚戴骑士团 Nestorian.png 聂斯脱里派 波斯
  • Sons of Abraham DLC, created by decision taken by a Nestorian ruler.
  • Ruler publicly practices the Nestorian religion
  • Crusades/Jihads/Great Holy Wars unlocked
  • Ruler has 1000 piety and 500 wealth
  • Control one of the Nestorian holy sites
  • Moral authority of Nestorian religion at least 50%
重步兵 轻骑兵 重骑兵 弓箭手
45% 18% 9% 27%
D hashshashin.png 费达因 Shiite.png 什叶派 波斯
  • Year is at least 1089
  • Playable Shia rulers exist (do Mamluks count??)

Landed from 1090 until 1256.

轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手 弓骑兵
20% 40% 20% 20%
D bektashi.png 拜克塔什教团 Sunni.png 逊尼派 波斯 Sons of Abraham DLC, Jihads are unlocked and either:
  • year is at least 1228
  • or one of the following counties owner is not Muslim: Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Jerusalem or Mecca
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手 弓骑兵
21% 43% 21% 14%
D haruriyyah.png 哈鲁里耶派 Ibadi.png 伊巴德派 贝都因 DLC icon Charlemagne.pngCharlemagne DLC, Jihads are unlocked, there is an Ibadi caliph, and one of the following counties' owner is not Muslim: Hajar, Damascus, Cairo, Jerusalem or Mecca
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手 弓骑兵
21% 43% 21% 14%
D zealots.png 奋锐党 Judaism.png 犹太教 阿什肯纳兹 Sons of Abraham DLC and Jewish high priesthood is restored
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手
36% 45% 18%
D immortals.png 长生军 Zoroastrian.png 祆教 波斯 Sons of Abraham DLC and Zoroastrian priesthood is restored
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手
21% 50% 29%
D army light.png 光明军 Zoroastrian Heresy.png 摩尼教 波斯

Sons of Abraham DLC, created by decision taken by a Manichean ruler.

  • Ruler is male, not imprisoned, at least 16 years old
  • Ruler publicly practices the Manichean religion (doesn't require Manichean being the Mazdan orthodoxy)
  • Crusades/Jihads/Great Holy Wars unlocked
  • Ruler has 1000 piety and 500 wealth
  • Control one of the Manichean holy sites
  • Moral authority of Manichean religion at least 50%

Taking the decision cost the ruler 300 prestige and 300 wealth.

轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手 弓骑兵
20% 47% 20% 13%
D jomsvikings.png 约姆斯维京人 Reformed Norse.png 日耳曼多神教(或改革日耳曼多神教) 诺斯
  • The Old Gods DLC
  • The year is at least 920
  • Either Stettin, Wolgast, Rügen or Werle has a free holding
  • The count holding the chosen county is Germanic or Reformed Germanic
  • The holder accepts the creation
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手
18% 64% 18%
D sky lords.png 天之骄子 Reformed Tengri.png 改革长生天 库曼 Sons of Abraham DLC and Tengri reformation
轻骑兵 重骑兵 弓骑兵
21% 14% 64%
D spirit guardians.png 灵魂卫队 Reformed West African.png 改革非洲泛灵教 曼德 Sons of Abraham DLC and West African reformation
轻步兵 长枪兵 弓箭手
38% 15% 46%
D warriors perun.png 佩伦的勇士 Reformed Slavic.png 改革斯拉夫多神教 罗斯 Sons of Abraham DLC and Slavic reformation
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手
25% 50% 25%
D chosen perkunas.png 佩尔库纳斯精兵 Reformed Romuva.png 改革洛姆瓦教 拉特加莱 Sons of Abraham DLC and Romuva reformation
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手
25% 50% 25%
D sons kaleva.png 卡莱瓦之子 Reformed Suomenusko.png 改革索米多神教 芬兰 Sons of Abraham DLC and Suomenusko reformation
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手
25% 50% 25%
D huitzilopochtli.png 维齐洛波奇特利教派 Reformed Aztec.png 改革阿兹特克多神教 纳瓦 Sons of Abraham DLC and Aztec reformation
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手
20% 67% 13%
D ashokas chosen.png 无忧王精兵 Buddhist.png 佛教 末罗祉 If five of major cities in India (Mahoyadapuram, Cholamandalam, Manyapura, Navasarika, Kataka, Laksmanavati, Magadha, Jaunpur, Manyakheta, Goa, Vijayawada, Mallabhum, Tripuri, Ujjayini, Debul, Ajayameru, Kanyakubja, Lahur, Delhi, Multan) are owned by non-Dharmic rulers, all three holy orders become active.
The major cities of India

Can also be created individually by decision if a ruler has 1000 piety and control of all five of their religion's holy sites. After the year 1100, simply requires 200 piety.

轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手 战象
23% 53% 23% 2%
D followers arjuna.png 阿周那军众 Hindu.png 印度教 印度斯坦
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手 战象
23% 53% 23% 2%
D bulls rishabha.png 勒舍波神牛军 Jain.png 耆那教 迦那陀
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手 战象
23% 53% 23% 2%
D zun warriors.png 太阳骑士 Reformed Zunist.png 改革尊日神教 阿富汗 Charlemagne DLC and Zunist reformation
重步兵 轻骑兵
50% 50%
D myrmidons.png 密耳弥多涅斯 Reformed Hellenic.png 改革希腊多神教 希腊 Holy Fury DLC and Hellenic reformation
轻步兵 重步兵
20% 80%
D dralhas children.png 扎拉神子孙 Reformed Bön.png 改革苯教 吐蕃 Jade Dragon DLC and Bön reformation
轻步兵 重步兵 弓箭手 战象
23% 53% 23% 2%