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[[File:Levies.jpg|right|frame|The levies screen]]
[[File:Levies.jpg|right|frame| 征召兵界面]]

[[File:Alert levies.png]] {{N|征召兵|Levy}}是在[[战争]]期间可以征召的非专业[[军队]]
[[File:Alert levies.png]] {{N|征召兵|Levy}}是 常常 在[[战争]]期间可以征召 的保卫[[领地]] 的非专业[[军队]]。

 然而,{{icon|hl}}[[游牧制]]领主以[[游牧军]]的形式拥有常备军,同时其他能承担得起维护费的领主可以拥有{{icon|lor}}[[近卫军]]。在特定的情况之下,部落领主可以拥有[[事件部队]]。 部落统治者在集结领地的军队时不会从封臣手中集结征召兵,而是直接召唤其'''直属部落封臣'''作为同盟加入战争。然而,如果这名部落领主又是一名非部落统治者的封臣的话,他所能从部落封臣处收取的仍然是领主税和征召兵,如封建制度一般。
== 地产征召兵==
== 地产征召兵==

  '''地产征召兵''' 是 地产 的征召兵, 并且它决定了 直辖 领和 领主 征召兵
  他们每月的规模取决于[[ 地产]]种类、[[建筑]]以及 直辖领主 的军事[[属性]]

他们每月的规模取决于 [[ 地产]] 种类, [[ 建筑]], 和直接领主的军事[[属性]]。
<math> 地产 征召兵 = ( 建筑 征召兵) * (1 + 征召兵规模修正) * (1 + 部落奖励)</math>

<pre>地产征召兵 = ( 建筑征召兵) x (1 +  征召兵 规模修正) x (1 +  部落 奖励)</pre>
*''' 建筑征召兵'''的量如下:
**'''地产基础 征召兵'''取决于地产类型:[[ 部落]]、[[城堡]]、[[神殿]]或[[城市]]

*'''建筑征召兵''' 的量如下:
**''地产基础征召兵'' 取决于地产类型: [[部落]], [[城堡]], [[神殿]] 或 [[城市]]
**'''军事技能''':5% * (军事技能 - 10)。这对征召兵的数量的影响是显著的。
**''额外征召兵'' 由[[建筑]]产生
**'''建筑奖励''': 一些建筑,例如城堡主楼,可以给予呈百分比形式的加成。
**'''训练部队''': 从元帅处获得的加成, 当元帅在省份执行“训练部队”任务的时候,每一点军事技能增加2.5%的征召兵修正 。只适用于由伯爵、公爵、国王或皇帝直接控制,且向其所在省份指派了元帅执行“训练部队”任务的地产。
*'''征召兵规模修正''' 的量由以下几个因素决定:
**'''宗教奖励''': 一些 [[原始宗教]] 有 +10%, +20%, 或+30% 征召兵加成。
**''军事技能'': 5% * (军事技能 - 10)。这对征召兵的数量的影响是显著的。
**'''部落抵抗''': 为[[部落]]地产准备的惩罚,如果拥有者和省份宗教文化不同
*** -15%错误的[[文化]]或-25%错误的文化组
**''训练部队''从元帅处获得的加成, 当元帅在省份执行“训练部队”任务的时候,每一点军事技能增加2.5%的征召兵修正 。Only applies to holdings directly held by Counts, Dukes, Kings or Emperors who assign their Marshal to train troops on the province the holding is in.
*** -15%错误的[[宗教]]或-25%错误的宗教组
**''宗教奖励''一些 [[原始宗教]] 有 +10%, +20%, 或+30% 征召兵加成。
***如果省份是[[首都]] 每个'''独立'''的公国和王国级 领主 的直辖地产 有+50% 征召兵 的奖励 并且每个 作为 附庸的[[公国]]和[[王国]]的[[首都]] 的直辖地产也 有+25% 征召兵 的奖励。
*** -15%错误的[[文化]]或-25% 错误的文化组
***  在首都所在 的'''法理'''[[公国]]内,包含直 领主[[首都]] 每个'''独立'''领主会收到25%的征召兵加成 并且 附庸[[公国]]和[[王国]]的领主也会收到15%的加成。
*** -15% 错误的[[宗教]]或-25%错误的宗教组
*'''部落地产加成''' 如果省份首府是[[部落]] 则每一个空地产槽给予50%的加成。
***如果省份是 直接领主的 [[首都]], 每个''独立''领主有+50%的奖励 并且每个附庸的[[公国]]和[[王国]]的[[首都]]有+25%的奖励。
***  如果拥有者 地产在'''法理''' [[公国]]内, 包含直 领主[[首都]]每个''独立''领主会收到25%的征召兵加成并且附庸[[公国]]和[[王国]]的领主也会收到15%的加成。
*'''部落地产加成''': 每一个空地产槽给予50的加成( 如果省份首府是 [[部落]]).


 如果省份拥有者以战争的方式发生变更( 由要求宣誓而发生的所有权转变不计入) 一个 ''新近征服'' 修正 将存在,  代价 可能会十分巨大以至于导致几年没有可用的征召兵。熬过那几年后, 征召兵补充 仍将会很慢 在''新近管理'' 期间。 此期间长度取决如下:
 如果省份拥有者以战争的方式发生变更 由要求宣誓而发生的所有权转变不计入 将存在 一个 名为'''新近征服''' 修正 这可能会 付出 十分巨大 的代价 以至于导致几年没有可用的征召兵。熬过那几年后, 征召兵补充在'''新近管理''' 期间 仍将会很慢 。此期间长度取决如下:

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'''直辖领征召兵''' 是来自于你直接控制的[[地产]]的征召兵 (你的 [[直辖领]]), '''直辖领征召兵'''取决于它们的征召兵数量。
'''直辖领征召兵''' 是来自于你直接控制的[[地产]]的征召兵 (你的 [[直辖领]]), '''直辖领征召兵'''取决于它们的征召兵数量。

 无论何时你的''直辖领征召兵'' 被征召该地产的征召兵会被清空并作为一支军队屹立于该地产所在省份并效忠于你。直到你解散他们你必须为此支付维护费( 征召兵: 想让我们白干,没门!) 并且该地产的征召兵每月会缓慢地补充。
 无论何时你的'''直辖领征召兵''' 被征召 该地产的征召兵会被清空并作为一支军队屹立于该地产所在省份并效忠于你。直到你解散他们 你必须为此[[经济| 支付]][[战斗#单位属性统计表| 维护费]]( 征召兵 想让我们白干,没门 !) ,并且该地产的征召兵每月会缓慢地补充。

==[[File:Raise liege levy.png]] 领主征召兵==
==[[File:Raise liege levy.png]] 领主征召兵==

'''领主征召兵''' 是从直辖附庸处召集的征召兵(模拟历史上的封臣对封君的兵役),他们可以被封臣控制的任何省份招募到一个省份并为你效忠(但他们可能来自附庸国的各地,所以这也是''中世纪灵能跃迁''的由来)。选择一个省份按{{key press|Z}}. 可以快速调集征召兵。他们也可以用({{key press|F6}})在封臣的首都被招募。游牧附庸不会为他们的君主提供征召兵。
'''领主征召兵'''是从直辖附庸处召集的征召兵(模拟历史上的封臣对封君的兵役),他们可以被封臣控制的任何省份招募到一个省份并为你效忠(但他们可能来自附庸国的各地,所以这也是'''中世纪灵能跃迁'''的由来)。选择一个省份按{{key press|Z}}可以快速调集征召兵。他们也可以用({{key press|F6}})在封臣的首都被招募。游牧附庸 部族 不会为他们的君主提供征召兵。 部落封臣也不会向他们的部落领主提供征召兵。

The troop count of a vassal's liege levy is based on '''all holdings under the vassal (whether held directly by them or through other vassals), laws, your direct vassals' [[opinion]] of you and the location of their capital relative to yours'''.
# {{red|红色部分(领主自身能调动的兵力)}}:这个部分与我们无关(这里有很强的误导性,新手玩家会认为是该领主拥有兵力越多我们才能招的越多,但这个数字其实与我们最终招兵数量无关)。红色是该领主能调动的兵力(这与其封臣与他的好感,与其首都法理有关系)。
# {{yellow|黄色部分(领主可提供的兵力)}}:取决于两个因素:1、由地产提供的征召兵数量,2、法理修正。
# {{blue|蓝色部分(我们能征召的兵力)}}:由黄色部分打折而来, 取决于两个因素:1、法律(最大与最小征召兵修正),2、好感。

Whenever liege levies are raised, they reinforce more slowly and your vassals pay maintenance cost. Your vassals' opinion of you slowly decreases while their army or ship levies are raised.

First, the number of troops that the vassal "could provide at most" is determined by:
<pre>Troops Vassal Could Provide At Most = 50% × De Jure Modifier × Total Holdings Levy</pre>

Then, the liege levy is determined by:
<pre>Liege Levy = Troops Vassal Could Provide At Most × max((Opinion × Max Levy), Min Levy)</pre>

* '''Total Holdings Levy''': The sum of all levies (red bar) of your direct vassal's demesne holdings and all vassals under them (which thus includes all bonuses listed above under the "Holding Levy" section). Note that this is not computed based on the vassal's demesne levies or liege levies; neither the opinion of sub-vassals towards their top liege nor their opinion towards their immediate liege nor the sub-vassal's ''de jure'' modifier are relevant.

* <span id="De_Jure_Modifier">'''De Jure Modifier'''</span>: Based on the location of the vassal's ''de facto'' [[capital]] relative to the liege's ''de facto'' capital. It was introduced with [[Patch 2.0]] to represent the lower authority of a ruler over vassals located in non [[de jure]] part of the realm. Note that a rebellion leader (such as faction rebellion, or tyranny rebellion) will access 100% of his vassals/allies levy, the number as if they are in his de jure county. This make sure that faction of large number of vassals is strong.
''' 地产供应的总兵力''' :403+360=763
但是这还不够。在CK2中,这些地产所属法理离我们的国家首都越远,我们能征召的兵力就越少。(模拟中央对于偏远的、尚未归化地区的控制力往往不足)。所以我们需要计算''' 法理修正'''
''' 经过法理修正后的可征召兵力''' :763*50%=381.5

:: {| class="wikitable"
:: {| class="wikitable"
! Vassal's ''de facto'' capital in !! De Jure Modifier
! 封臣的'' 实际'' 首都位于 !! 法理修正
! ''De jure'' County containing liege's ''de facto'' capital
! '' 法理'' 伯爵领包含领主的 '' 实际'' 首都
| 100%
| 100%
! ''De jure'' Duchy containing liege's ''de facto'' capital
! '' 法理'' 公国包含领主的 '' 实际'' 首都
| 75%
| 75%
! ''De jure'' Kingdom containing liege's ''de facto'' capital
! '' 法理'' 王国包含领主的 '' 实际'' 首都
| 50%
| 50%
! ''De jure'' Empire containing liege's ''de facto'' capital
! '' 法理'' 帝国包含领主的 '' 实际'' 首都
| 35%
| 35%
! Otherwise
! 其他
| 25%
| 25%
! 叛军(例如派系叛乱或暴政叛乱,无视法理修正,获得强大兵力)
| 100%

* '''Opinion''': The [[opinion modifier]] of the vassal toward their liege, transformed into a percentage.
''' 最终领主可提供的兵力''' :381.5*50%=190.75(四舍五入后为191)

* '''Max Levy''' and '''Min Levy''': They are determined by laws corresponding to the vassal's [[government]] type.

Note that the levy calculation is updated only at the start of the month, so for instance, transfering a vassal results in his levy being immediately impossible to raise since he's no longer a direct vassal, but the levy of the vassal you transfered him to won't increase until the next month.

Also, the military dialog and its tooltips are highly misleading, since they list the number of troops that a vassal "owns", which is completely unrelated to anything else in the tooltip and dialog. That value is the amount of non-ship troops that the vassal could raise from his demesne and vassals if he went to war himself, which is not used in any way to compute the levy you could raise from him, and can be either higher or lower (since the opinion and ''de jure'' modifiers are different).
'''我们能征召的兵力''' = '''领主可提供的兵力'''*max((好感×最大征召兵), 最小征召兵)
* '''全部地产征召兵''':所有你直属封臣的直辖领地产征召兵(红色条状)与所有封臣名下(因而包括所有在上文“地产征召兵”部分列出的奖励)的征召兵之和。注意这并不计算附庸的直辖领征召兵或领主征召兵;也与次级封臣对他们的最高领主的态度或对他们直属领主的态度或次级封臣的'''法理'''修正都不相关。
* '''好感''': 封臣对领主的[[好感]],转换为百分比。
* '''最大征召兵'''与''' 最小征召兵''' :它们取决于对应于封臣[[政体]]类别的法律

第113行: 第143行:
: {| class="wikitable"
: {| class="wikitable"
![[feudal]] 征召兵
![[feudal|封建]] 征召兵
*最 征召兵-40%
*最 征召兵-40%
*+10 好感
*+10 好感
*最 征召兵 -30%
*最 征召兵 -30%
*+5 好感
*+5 好感
|style="background: lightgrey;"|'''正常'''
|style="background: lightgrey;"|'''正常'''
*最 征召兵 -20%
*最 征召兵 -20%
*最 征召兵 -0%
*最 征召兵 -0%
*-5 好感
*-5 好感
![[City]] Levies
![[ 城市]] 征召兵
|''' 最少'''
*Max levy -50%
* 最大征召兵 -50%
*+10 opinion
*+10 好感
|style="background: lightgrey;"|'''Normal'''
|style="background: lightgrey;"|''' 正常'''
*Max levy -35%
* 最大征召兵 -35%
|''' '''
*Max levy -20%
* 最大征召兵 -20%
*-10 opinion
*-10 好感
|''' 最多'''
*Max levy -5%
* 最大征召兵 -5%
*-20 opinion
*-20 好感
![[Temple]] Levies
![[ 神殿]] 征召兵
( 非穆斯林)
|''' 最少'''
*Max levy -50%
* 最大征召兵 -50%
*+10 opinion
*+10 好感
|style="background: lightgrey;"|'''Normal'''
|style="background: lightgrey;"|''' 正常'''
*Max levy -40%
* 最大征召兵 -40%
|''' '''
*Max levy -30%
* 最大征召兵 -30%
*-10 opinion
*-10 好感
|''' 最多'''
*Max levy -20%
* 征召兵 -20%
*-20 opinion
*-20 好感
!Iqta Levies
!Iqta 征召兵
( 穆斯林)
|''' 最少'''
*Max levy -40%
* 最大征召兵 -40%
*+10 opinion
*+10 好感
|''' '''
*Max levy -30%
* 最大征召兵 -30%
*+5 opinion
*+5 好感
|style="background: lightgrey;"|'''Normal'''
|style="background: lightgrey;"|''' 正常'''
*Max levy -20%
* 最大征召兵 -20%
|''' 最多'''
*Max levy -0%
* 最大征召兵 -0%
*-5 opinion
*-5 好感
第187行: 第217行:

==== Laws with Conclave ====
==== 有御前会议DLC的法律====
If you use the [[Conclave]] DLC, both minimum and maximum numbers are determined by [[realm laws]] (under vassal obligations).
If you use the {{icon|con}}[[Conclave]] DLC, both minimum and maximum numbers are determined by [[realm laws]] (under vassal obligations).

==== Navy ====
==== 海军 ====

When requesting ships from a vassal, the percentage is doubled. For example, a vassal who provides 20% of their soldiers as levy will provide 40% of their ships.
When requesting ships from a vassal, the percentage is doubled. For example, a vassal who provides 20% of their soldiers as levy will provide 40% of their ships.

== Applicable to {{icon|jd}}Jade Dragon DLC only ==
== 碧玉之龙{{icon|jd}} DLC 独有==

=== [[File:Rally_point.png|36px]] 集结点 ===
=== [[File:Rally_point.png|36px]] 集结点 ===

'''Rally points''' are provinces, where your raised troops will automatically move to and merge when get there. Units will choose nearest one county defined as rally point.
'''Rally points''' are provinces, where your raised troops will automatically move to and merge when get there. Units will choose nearest one county defined as rally point.

You can define any number of rally points, and put them anywhere in your realm, both for land units and ships. Units will only rally to provinces they can walk to or sail to. Land units will not use transports to get there.
You can define any number of rally points, and put them anywhere in your realm, both for land units and ships. Units will only rally to provinces they can walk to or sail to. Land units will not use transports to get there.

If you set up rally point, your troops will not appear in outliner, but instead the rally point entry will show how many troops are incoming. Disabling the “rally points” section causes the outliner to show individual armies.
If you set up rally point, your troops will not appear in outliner, but instead the rally point entry will show how many troops are incoming. Disabling the “rally points” section causes the outliner to show individual armies.

== 策略==
[[File:Levy.png]] Levies are easy to get plenty of as long as you have a strong demesne and/or your vassals like you. Your priorities should therefore be:
[[File:Levy.png]] Levies are easy to get plenty of as long as you have a strong demesne and/or your vassals like you. Your priorities should therefore be:

===Maximizing Demesne Levies===
=== 最大化直辖领征召兵===
* [[Courtiers#Gathering courtiers|Invite]] the best Marshal you can find and assign him to "Train Troops" at your capital
* [[Courtiers#Gathering courtiers| 邀请]] 你能找到的军事属性最高的角色担任你的军事总管,安排他到你的首都省份“训练军队”。
* '''Hold a large [[demesne]]'''
* ''' 持有一块大的[[ 直辖领]]'''
** To increase your demesne limit: Improve your Stewardship skill, choose a spouse with high Stewardship, increase Centralization Law, consider [[Gavelkind]] succession (+30%), obtain a Kingdom (if a Grand Duke) or another Duchy (if a Duke).
** 要提升你的直辖领地上限: Improve your Stewardship skill, choose a spouse with high Stewardship, increase Centralization Law, consider [[Gavelkind]] succession (+30%), obtain a Kingdom (if a Grand Duke) or another Duchy (if a Duke). 提升你的管理技能,选择一位具有高管理的配偶,提升中央集权法律,考虑[[均分继承法]](+30%),得到一个王国(如果是大公)或另一个公国(如果是公爵)。
* '''Have a large [[capital]] Duchy'''
* ''' 选择属于一个庞大公国的省份作为[[ 首都]]'''
** Each province you control within the same Duchy as your capital receives a bonus to levies (+15% if a vassal, +25% if independent)
** 与你的首都处于同一公国的所有省份都会获得征召兵加成(如果你是封臣+15% ,独立领主则+25% )。
** Change your [[capital]] to, and have your marshal "Train Troops" in, the province with the best buildings
** 迁都到拥有最好建筑的省份,并让你的军事总管在那里训练军队。
* '''Upgrade [[holdings]] in your demesne''', starting with your capital and other provinces in the same Duchy.
* ''' 升级你的直辖领[[ 地产]]''' ,从首都省份开始,然后是与首都处于同一公国的省份。
* '''Consider holding extra Baronies in your capital''', as it will benefit from the Marshal's "Train Troops" action, along with your capital holding. Also, you might get bonuses to levy size based on your status (+50% if independent ruler, +25% for vassal Dukes and Kings)
* ''' 考虑在你的首都省份持有额外的男爵领''' ,以从军事总管的“训练军队”和首都省份的征召兵加成(如果你是独立领主+50% ,公爵或国王级别的封臣则+25% )获益。
* '''Improve your Martial skill''', and consider training your heir likewise
* '''提升你的军事技能''',类似地,考虑教育你的继承人。
* '''Research relevant technology.''' This won't give you more levies, but it will make them stronger.
* '''研究相关科技。''' 这不会直接增加你的征召兵数量,但能使他们更强大,并且允许你建造/升级军事建筑。
* 如果你是 ''' 部落''', 考虑以下:
**确保直辖省份 ''' 是你的宗教和文化''': 如果不是, 他们会减少征召兵 (以及税收).
**''' 空地产增加人力''': 如此, 试图去保持空地产.

===Maximizing Vassal Levies===
=== 最大化封臣征召兵===
* '''[[Distribution of power guide#Keeping your vassals happy|Keep your vassals happy]]''' — especially the ones who can provide the most troops.
* [[ 权力分配指南| 保持你的封臣高好感]]--特别是那些能提供最多部队的封臣
* Once you have factions under control, focus on increasing the opinion of vassals whose opinion is already near or above (min levy / max levy). Increasing opinion up to that point does not increase the levies they provide.
* 提高最小征收比例以上的封臣好感 - 集中精力提高那些意见已经接近或超过(最小征收/ 最大征收)的封臣的意见,因为封臣无论好感多低,最少征收比例也约定了其最小值。所以提升最小值以上的封臣才有意义。
*Consider changing your capital so that it is at least in the same de jure empire as your largest vassals.
* 如果是法建制:你应该关注封臣首都与你是否在同一公国/王国/帝国法理,这影响了征召兵的比例。考虑改变你的首都,使其至少与你最大的封臣国处于同一个法律上的帝国。如果你是一个皇帝,并且控制着你法律上的帝国之外的大片地区,那就试着占领整个王国以同化法理。作为一个国王,则占领整个公国以同化法理。
* If you are an emperor and control large areas outside your de jure empire, try to occupy entire kingdoms so that the kingdoms can [[De_jure#De_jure_drift|de jure drift]] into your empire.
* 如果是部落制:你主要关心的是在你的直接臣民中拥有多高的声望,这决定了征召兵的数量。

The way the levy is calculated means that the vassal structure between your direct vassals and the owner of the holdings '''makes no difference''' to the amount of levies you can raise. For example, a King can raise the same levies from a Duke vassal regardless of whether the Duke has the Barons as direct vassals, or there are Counts in between.

However, the choice of '''actual direct vassal''' is very important, since the "de jure modifier" and opinion will differ, potentially resulting in up to 8 times more levy. Thus, it is beneficial to put as many holdings as possible in indirect control of vassals with a high "de jure modifier" and opinion. For example, the levy of a King would be increased by transferring all Count-rank vassals outside of the ''de jure'' Duchy containing the capital, to the Duke holding that Duchy (assuming that Duke's capital is also within the ''de jure'' Duchy).
然而,选择实际附庸关系确是非常重要的,因为 " 法理修饰 " 和好感会有所不同,可能会导致多达8倍的征召兵数量差距。

The choice of the actual people holding the proper Baronies (cities, temples, castles, and tribes) is also very important, since their Martial score influences the holding's levy and thus your liege levy, possibly resulting in doubling the levy by switching from a low to high Martial holder.
因此,将尽可能多的财产置于 "法理修饰 "较高,和对你好感较高的封臣控制之下是有益的。举个极端的例子,把首都公国以外的所有伯爵转封给首都公国的持有者,那么就可以增加整个王国的可征召兵数量。

===Setting Ideal Levy Laws (Without Conclave active)===
=== 合理设置封臣征召兵比例( 没有御前会议DLC)===
You can increase the levy law to make your vassals be obligated to provide more. However, if their opinion is already low, this will not pay off. Below are the opinion values at which it'll be beneficial to increase or decrease levy laws. In the case of Catholic clergy, it is advisable to set their levy law to Minimum:
You can increase the levy law to make your vassals be obligated to provide more. However, if their opinion is already low, this will not pay off. Below are the opinion values at which it'll be beneficial to increase or decrease levy laws. In the case of Catholic clergy, it is advisable to set their levy law to Minimum:

==== Nobles ====
==== 贵族 ====

* Min -> Small gives more as long as opinion is at 10 or above
* Min -> Small gives more as long as opinion is at 10 or above
第243行: 第281行:
* Small -> Min gives more as long as opinion is below 5
* Small -> Min gives more as long as opinion is below 5

==== Burghers ====
==== 市民阶级 ====

* Min -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is at 18 or above
* Min -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is at 18 or above
第252行: 第290行:
* Normal -> Min gives more as long as opinion is below 8
* Normal -> Min gives more as long as opinion is below 8

==== Clergy ====
==== 神职人员====

* Min -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is at 35 or above
* Min -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is at 35 or above
第261行: 第299行:
* Normal -> Min gives more as long as opinion is below 25
* Normal -> Min gives more as long as opinion is below 25

==== Analysis ====
==== 分析====
If you're in a Catholic realm, be reminded that Catholic clergy are unreliable when it comes to taxes and levies, since they'll withhold levies from you and pay taxes to the Pope if they like the Pope more than you. In this context, it may be prudent to lower your levy law for clergy. The increased opinion will also increase the probability that Catholic clergy will pay taxes to you. Counter-intuitively, upgrading bisphorics which are under your vassals will consistently give you more troops than if you upgrade bisphorics which are your direct vassals.

Raising levy law will only ever help you if your vassals already like you. As such, running high levy laws is not always a good idea. However, at these opinion numbers, you're unlikely to hurt any other aspect of your realm, so, as long as you benefit levy-wise from raising levy law, you probably should. Be aware that due to the last step of Noble and Iqta obligations increasing levies by more than any other step, Max levies are usually the ideal point for maximizing feudal levies.
Raising levy law will only ever help you if your vassals already like you. As such, running high levy laws is not always a good idea. However, at these opinion numbers, you're unlikely to hurt any other aspect of your realm, so, as long as you benefit levy-wise from raising levy law, you probably should. Be aware that due to the last step of Noble and Iqta obligations increasing levies by more than any other step, Max levies are usually the ideal point for maximizing feudal levies.
第272行: 第310行:
Don't forget that if you intend to raise your own levies, increased capacity translates into greater expenses. Plan accordingly. In addition, remember that after constructing buildings to increase your levy capacity, it takes time for your levies to grow, and the wait is not insignificant, especially if your character has a low Martial score.
Don't forget that if you intend to raise your own levies, increased capacity translates into greater expenses. Plan accordingly. In addition, remember that after constructing buildings to increase your levy capacity, it takes time for your levies to grow, and the wait is not insignificant, especially if your character has a low Martial score.

==See also==
== 其他==

*[[Distribution of power guide]]
*[[Distribution of power guide]]

[[Category: 战争]]
[[Category: 地产]]

2024年2月2日 (五) 03:04的最新版本


Alert levies.png 征召兵(英文:Levy)是常常在战争期间可以征召的保卫领地的非专业军队


然而,Horse Lords.png游牧制领主以游牧军的形式拥有常备军,同时其他能承担得起维护费的领主可以拥有Dlc icon legacy of rome.png近卫军。在特定的情况之下,部落领主可以拥有事件部队。部落统治者在集结领地的军队时不会从封臣手中集结征召兵,而是直接召唤其直属部落封臣作为同盟加入战争。然而,如果这名部落领主又是一名非部落统治者的封臣的话,他所能从部落封臣处收取的仍然是领主税和征召兵,如封建制度一般。





[math]\displaystyle{ 地产征召兵 = (建筑征召兵) * (1 + 征召兵规模修正) * (1 + 部落奖励) }[/math]

  • 征召兵规模修正的量由以下几个因素决定:
    • 军事技能:5% * (军事技能 - 10)。这对征召兵的数量的影响是显著的。
    • 建筑奖励:一些建筑,例如城堡主楼,可以给予呈百分比形式的加成。
    • 训练部队:从元帅处获得的加成, 当元帅在省份执行“训练部队”任务的时候,每一点军事技能增加2.5%的征召兵修正。只适用于由伯爵、公爵、国王或皇帝直接控制,且向其所在省份指派了元帅执行“训练部队”任务的地产。
    • 宗教奖励:一些 原始宗教 有 +10%, +20%, 或+30% 征召兵加成。
    • 部落抵抗:为部落地产准备的惩罚,如果拥有者和省份宗教文化不同:
      • -15%错误的文化或-25%错误的文化组
      • -15%错误的宗教或-25%错误的宗教组
    • 首都奖励
      • 如果省份是首都,每个独立的公国和王国级领主的直辖地产有+50%征召兵的奖励,并且每个作为附庸的公国王国首都的直辖地产也有+25%征召兵的奖励。
      • 在首都所在的法理公国内,包含直辖领主首都,每个独立领主会收到25%的征召兵加成,并且被附庸公国王国的领主也会收到15%的加成。
  • 部落地产加成:如果省份首府是部落则每一个空地产槽给予50%的加成。


如果省份拥有者以战争的方式发生变更(由要求宣誓而发生的所有权转变不计入),将存在一个名为新近征服修正,这可能会付出十分巨大的代价以至于导致几年没有可用的征召兵。熬过那几年后, 征召兵补充在新近管理期间仍将会很慢。此期间长度取决如下:

目标宗教/文化 同宗教及文化 异文化 异宗教 异文化组 异宗教组
持续时间 1 年 5 年 7.5 年 10 年 15 年

Raise personal levy.png 直辖领征召兵

直辖领征召兵 是来自于你直接控制的地产的征召兵 (你的 直辖领), 直辖领征召兵取决于它们的征召兵数量。


Raise liege levy.png 领主征召兵




  1. 红色部分(领主自身能调动的兵力):这个部分与我们无关(这里有很强的误导性,新手玩家会认为是该领主拥有兵力越多我们才能招的越多,但这个数字其实与我们最终招兵数量无关)。红色是该领主能调动的兵力(这与其封臣与他的好感,与其首都法理有关系)。
  2. 黄色部分(领主可提供的兵力):取决于两个因素:1、由地产提供的征召兵数量,2、法理修正。
  3. 蓝色部分(我们能征召的兵力):由黄色部分打折而来, 取决于两个因素:1、法律(最大与最小征召兵修正),2、好感。



领主可提供的兵力公式为: 领主可提供的兵力=地产供应的总兵力*法理修正*50%



伯爵Hakon仅拥有着一块伯爵领Varmland。而这块伯爵领内有着省份首都“萨克斯霍尔姆”和城市“阿尔维卡”。 其中“萨克斯霍尔姆”可征召兵力403,而城市“阿尔维卡”可征召兵力360。


但是这还不够。在CK2中,这些地产所属法理离我们的国家首都越远,我们能征召的兵力就越少。(模拟中央对于偏远的、尚未归化地区的控制力往往不足)。所以我们需要计算法理修正。 伯爵领Varmland属于公国贝里斯拉根,而我们的首都在乌普兰并不在同一公国,但却都属于瑞典王国。查下表可知,同属同一王国时,法理修正是50%。


封臣的实际 首都位于 法理修正
法理 伯爵领包含领主的 实际 首都 100%
法理 公国包含领主的 实际 首都 75%
法理 王国包含领主的 实际 首都 50%
法理 帝国包含领主的 实际 首都 35%
其他 25%
叛军(例如派系叛乱或暴政叛乱,无视法理修正,获得强大兵力) 100%





我们能征召的兵力 = 领主可提供的兵力*max((好感×最大征召兵),最小征召兵)


  • 全部地产征召兵:所有你直属封臣的直辖领地产征召兵(红色条状)与所有封臣名下(因而包括所有在上文“地产征召兵”部分列出的奖励)的征召兵之和。注意这并不计算附庸的直辖领征召兵或领主征召兵;也与次级封臣对他们的最高领主的态度或对他们直属领主的态度或次级封臣的法理修正都不相关。

  • 好感: 封臣对领主的好感,转换为百分比。
  • 最大征召兵最小征召兵:它们取决于对应于封臣政体类别的法律



没有御前会议 DLC时, 征召兵数量上限取决于直辖领法律,下限取决于王权法。如果无王权法生效, 则以独立公爵计算, 即没有下限。

封建 征召兵


  • 最大征召兵-40%
  • +10 好感
  • 最大征召兵 -30%
  • +5 好感
  • 最大征召兵 -20%
  • 最大征召兵 -0%
  • -5 好感
城市 征召兵 最少
  • 最大征召兵 -50%
  • +10 好感
  • 最大征召兵 -35%
  • 最大征召兵 -20%
  • -10 好感
  • 最大征召兵 -5%
  • -20 好感
神殿 征召兵


  • 最大征召兵 -50%
  • +10 好感
  • 最大征召兵 -40%
  • 最大征召兵 -30%
  • -10 好感
  • 征召兵 -20%
  • -20 好感
Iqta 征召兵


  • 最大征召兵 -40%
  • +10 好感
  • 最大征召兵 -30%
  • +5 好感
  • 最大征召兵 -20%
  • 最大征召兵 -0%
  • -5 好感
Crown Authority Autonomous Vassals Limited Medium High Absolute
Crown Law Minimums 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%


If you use the DLC icon Conclave.pngConclave DLC, both minimum and maximum numbers are determined by realm laws (under vassal obligations).


When requesting ships from a vassal, the percentage is doubled. For example, a vassal who provides 20% of their soldiers as levy will provide 40% of their ships.

碧玉之龙Jade Dragon.png DLC独有

Rally point.png 集结点

Rally points are provinces, where your raised troops will automatically move to and merge when get there. Units will choose nearest one county defined as rally point.


You can define any number of rally points, and put them anywhere in your realm, both for land units and ships. Units will only rally to provinces they can walk to or sail to. Land units will not use transports to get there.


If you set up rally point, your troops will not appear in outliner, but instead the rally point entry will show how many troops are incoming. Disabling the “rally points” section causes the outliner to show individual armies.


Levy.png Levies are easy to get plenty of as long as you have a strong demesne and/or your vassals like you. Your priorities should therefore be:


  • 邀请 你能找到的军事属性最高的角色担任你的军事总管,安排他到你的首都省份“训练军队”。
  • 持有一块大的直辖领
    • 要提升你的直辖领地上限: Improve your Stewardship skill, choose a spouse with high Stewardship, increase Centralization Law, consider Gavelkind succession (+30%), obtain a Kingdom (if a Grand Duke) or another Duchy (if a Duke).提升你的管理技能,选择一位具有高管理的配偶,提升中央集权法律,考虑均分继承法(+30%),得到一个王国(如果是大公)或另一个公国(如果是公爵)。
  • 选择属于一个庞大公国的省份作为首都
    • 与你的首都处于同一公国的所有省份都会获得征召兵加成(如果你是封臣+15%,独立领主则+25%)。
    • 迁都到拥有最好建筑的省份,并让你的军事总管在那里训练军队。
  • 升级你的直辖领地产,从首都省份开始,然后是与首都处于同一公国的省份。
  • 考虑在你的首都省份持有额外的男爵领,以从军事总管的“训练军队”和首都省份的征召兵加成(如果你是独立领主+50%,公爵或国王级别的封臣则+25%)获益。
  • 提升你的军事技能,类似地,考虑教育你的继承人。
  • 研究相关科技。 这不会直接增加你的征召兵数量,但能使他们更强大,并且允许你建造/升级军事建筑。
  • 如果你是 部落, 考虑以下:
    • 确保直辖省份 是你的宗教和文化: 如果不是, 他们会减少征召兵 (以及税收).
    • 空地产增加人力: 如此,试图去保持空地产.


  • 保持你的封臣高好感--特别是那些能提供最多部队的封臣
  • 提高最小征收比例以上的封臣好感 - 集中精力提高那些意见已经接近或超过(最小征收/最大征收)的封臣的意见,因为封臣无论好感多低,最少征收比例也约定了其最小值。所以提升最小值以上的封臣才有意义。
  • 如果是法建制:你应该关注封臣首都与你是否在同一公国/王国/帝国法理,这影响了征召兵的比例。考虑改变你的首都,使其至少与你最大的封臣国处于同一个法律上的帝国。如果你是一个皇帝,并且控制着你法律上的帝国之外的大片地区,那就试着占领整个王国以同化法理。作为一个国王,则占领整个公国以同化法理。
  • 如果是部落制:你主要关心的是在你的直接臣民中拥有多高的声望,这决定了征召兵的数量。


然而,选择实际附庸关系确是非常重要的,因为 "法理修饰 "和好感会有所不同,可能会导致多达8倍的征召兵数量差距。

因此,将尽可能多的财产置于 "法理修饰 "较高,和对你好感较高的封臣控制之下是有益的。举个极端的例子,把首都公国以外的所有伯爵转封给首都公国的持有者,那么就可以增加整个王国的可征召兵数量。



You can increase the levy law to make your vassals be obligated to provide more. However, if their opinion is already low, this will not pay off. Below are the opinion values at which it'll be beneficial to increase or decrease levy laws. In the case of Catholic clergy, it is advisable to set their levy law to Minimum:


  • Min -> Small gives more as long as opinion is at 10 or above
  • Small -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is at 15 or above
  • Normal -> Max gives more as long as opinion is at -5 or above
  • Max -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is below -10
  • Normal -> Small gives more as long as opinion is below 10
  • Small -> Min gives more as long as opinion is below 5


  • Min -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is at 18 or above
  • Normal -> Large gives more as long as opinion is at 28 or above
  • Large -> Max gives more as long as opinion is at 38 or above
  • Max -> Large gives more as long as opinion is below 28
  • Large -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is below 18
  • Normal -> Min gives more as long as opinion is below 8


  • Min -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is at 35 or above
  • Normal -> Large gives more as long as opinion is at 45 or above
  • Large -> Max gives more as long as opinion is at 55 or above
  • Max -> Large gives more as long as opinion is below 45
  • Large -> Normal gives more as long as opinion is below 35
  • Normal -> Min gives more as long as opinion is below 25



Raising levy law will only ever help you if your vassals already like you. As such, running high levy laws is not always a good idea. However, at these opinion numbers, you're unlikely to hurt any other aspect of your realm, so, as long as you benefit levy-wise from raising levy law, you probably should. Be aware that due to the last step of Noble and Iqta obligations increasing levies by more than any other step, Max levies are usually the ideal point for maximizing feudal levies.

You should also do whatever you can to keep all vassals above 0 opinion. Granting them titles, running tournaments, granting their wishes, making them councilors etc. Each point of opinion will increase the percent they're willing to give by 4/5.

You will only ever benefit levy-wise from Crown Authority if you were already getting below the new minimum percent. For example, if you're getting 25% at Medium Crown Authority, and raise it to high, the minimum will now be 30% and you'll be able to raise more levies. If on the other hand, you were getting 35% before and you raise your Crown Authority, you'll now be getting 5% less.

Don't forget that if you intend to raise your own levies, increased capacity translates into greater expenses. Plan accordingly. In addition, remember that after constructing buildings to increase your levy capacity, it takes time for your levies to grow, and the wait is not insignificant, especially if your character has a low Martial score.


聚居地 城堡城市神殿部落游牧制首都
特殊地产 家族宅邸贸易站堡垒医院
概念 首都/首府经济征召兵叛乱科技文化建筑奇观