Characters with the Intrigue focus get +3 intrigue skill and +5% plot power. They can spy on characters to discover plots, get other imprisonment reasons, or slander people. They can also attempt to free certain prisoners and concubines from captivity.
Success rate improves as a character levels up through Amateur Schemer, then Schemer, and finally the lifestyle trait.
Spy on
The intrigue focus enables a new diplomatic interaction, letting you spy on one character in the same realm. Every 40 days, a tombola event fires:
Effect | Weight | Requirements & modifiers |
No effect | 200* | More or less likely depending on:
Discover plot | 100 | Target is plotting or backing a plot You do not already know about the plot |
Discover adultery | 30* | Only when spying on your spouse, concubine, or lover(?). Chance increases if target has more lovers. Chance decreases with tomcat/vixen modifiers on target or lovers, and with lovers who are skilled at scheming. |
Opportunity to accuse of crime | 10 | Target is not an independent ruler Once per target 3x chance if they are a member of a secret religious society or demon-worshipping society. |
Opportunity to spread vicious rumors | 30* | Target does not already have Vicious Rumors.
Opportunity to murder | 4* | Target does not have higher intrigue skill. Requires "Master Schemer" for full weight. |
Opportunity to abduct | 4* | Target does not have higher intrigue skill. Requires "Master Schemer" for full weight. |
Any outcome other than "no effect" gives you a level up chance, even if you choose not to take the opportunity presented.
Opportunity to accuse of crime
The first available charge is chosen:
Charge | Conditions | Allows actions |
Charge: Secret Cultist | Member of a secret religious society You are not also a member |
Imprison |
Charge: Witch | Member of a devil-worshipping society You are not also a member |
Imprison, revoke, execute |
Charge: Illegitimate | Real father is not known father. Character does not have the or trait. |
Imprison, revoke |
Charge: Heresiarch | Any of the following: | Imprison |
Charge: Infidel | Target and liege have different Pagan religions | Imprison |
Charge: Deviant | Any of the following traits: , , , , , , , , , or Or any of the following character modifiers from affairs: incestuous_adulterer, incestuous_adulteress, adulterer, adulteress, known_sodomite, cradle_robber, adulterous_priest |
Imprison |
Charge: Traitor | 10% chance | Imprison, revoke |
Charge: Slanderer | 90% chance | Imprison |
All charges are valid imprisonment reasons, but only three are revoke reasons. If you hope to revoke a title, knowledge of who might be a demon worshipper or hidden cuckoo bastard can help you select good targets. Otherwise, you can target characters who don't meet the requirements for any of the specific charges, and hope you eventually roll the 10% for Traitor. (If you roll the 90% for Slanderer, you may keep it to yourself in order to not exhaust the "once per target" rule.)
You are informed of the charge and given up to 3 options:
- Inform the liege (if liege is not incapable, inaccessible, a minor, or at war with you)
- Expose and denounce (if you are the liege) -- gives you a valid imprisonment reason and in some cases a revoke reason
- Blackmail to prevent factionalism (if you are the liege)
- Blackmail to join my faction (if you are fellow vassals)
- No action
If you inform the liege, the liege gets a similar set of options:
- Expose and denounce
- Blackmail to prevent factionalism
- No action
Blackmail is more likely to succeed on characters who are Craven (5x), Proud (3x), Content (3x), Trusting (2x), or Patient (2x). It is more likely to be refused by characters who are Brave (3x), Wroth (3x), Ambitious (3x).
Opportunity to spread vicious rumors
You get a chance to slander the target, giving them the character modifier Vicious Rumors, which modifies general opinion by -10 for 5 years.
The target might find out that you were the one to slander them, modifying their opinion of you by -50 for 5 years. The chance is affected by relative intrigue skill and each character's scheming level.
Opportunity to murder
For 5 wealth you can bribe a guard to kill the target. It has a 50% chance of success, unless the target is paranoid, a master schemer, or has specific character modifiers from the Seduction focus (seduced_loyal_bodyguard or seduced_loyal_spy_maid).
There is also a 50% chance of discovery. The usual penalties for being caught murdering (or attempting to murder) someone apply.
Opportunity to abduct
For 5 wealth you can attempt to abduct (imprison) the target. It has a 50% chance of success, unless the target is paranoid, a master schemer, or has specific character modifiers from the Seduction focus (seduced_loyal_bodyguard or seduced_loyal_spy_maid).
- 你的被逮捕的直系附庸(包括廷臣);
- 被綁架為妾的近親。
如果你的間諜總管在策劃陰謀或者支持一個陰謀,you have a chance to become suspicious. The MTTH depends on your schemer level, your relative intrigue skill, and whether you have seduced_loyal_spy_maid.
(如果你具有 誠實特性,你可能會懷疑你的間諜總管即便他們沒有在策劃陰謀,這會導致不同的結果。)
Success: level up event
如果你的密謀技能低於8,下面的事件將可觸發,each with a MTTH of 280 months.
- The Necklace(一生一次)
- Gossip (一生一次)
- Old Spymaster (一生一次)
- Alchemy
- Improved Bodyguard
- Old Assassin
- 間接發現陰謀
- 實施陰謀
- 對低密謀能力的角色更容易實施陰謀
- 對一些擁有一些尷尬特質(包括享樂主義者,酒鬼,拷打愛好者,腐化,私生子,近親缺陷,侏儒,同性戀,暴食,合法私生子)的角色散播謠言更容易成功
- 逮捕你的領主,然後發動一場叛亂,戰爭分數會因為監禁中的敵方戰爭領導人而變為100分,不戰而勝。(存疑,逮捕了目標後無法向其宣戰)
- 如果你的領主不是獨立君主,你可以在叛亂期間監禁他,因為你們都是同一個最上級領地的一部分。
- 邀請富有的角色來宮廷,然後逮捕並驅逐來獲取他的財產。
- 通過監視來獲取理由,逮捕麻煩的封臣,畢竟囚犯是無法參加派系的(但仍可被派系聲索宣稱)。
- 如果你覬覦他的領地,則可以故意逮捕失敗來逼反他,打一場平叛戰爭,戰勝後他將被你囚禁,領地也因為叛徒身份而可隨意剝奪,除他自己外無人反對。注意:派系中的封臣在獨自叛亂時會召喚派系成員,所以如果想利用密謀重心來削藩記得先下手為強。
- 逮捕無繼承人的封臣來繼承其領地、財產、科技點和寶物。
- 通過基於指控的威脅和監禁,可以為你的派系獲得強大的成員(地牢中的囚犯可能要求改善條件,可以以此換取人情,來強迫他們加入你的派系)。
當獲得一個生活方式特質時,不要選擇 拷打愛好者。 它雖然提供密謀能力,卻不是密謀特質中的任何一級,還會阻止你獲得它。
擁有相同重心的封臣們可能是有用的,因為他們可能相互監視並給你提供逮捕理由。但他們也很可能危險,比如傳播你的謠言(或者更糟…)。此外,如果AI角色擁有密謀類教育特質、多疑和狡詐三者之一,則其選擇該重心的可能性會增加。 避免成為監視對象的方法(英文連結)