This character event can potentially occur on the yearly childhood pulse.
I had better eat with moderation, or I'll end up looking like my fat nanny...
- Fat people are ugly
- Character becomes temperate
- Character's guardian receives the event "Fosterling is Temperate"
Trigger Requirements
- Character has less than 5 personality traits
- Character is not temperate
- Character is not gluttonous
- Character has a guardian
Chance Modifiers
- +100%: Character is diligent
- -20%: Character is clubfooted
- -10%: Character is harelipped
- -30%: Character is hunchbacked
- -5%: Character has a lisp
- -5%: Character has a stutter
- -20%: Character is attractive
- +25%: Character is ugly
- -10%: Character is a dwarf
- +5%: Character is a genius
- +5%: Character is quick
- +5%: Character is shrewd
- -5%: Character is slow
- -5%: Character is dull
- -50%: Character is an imbecile
- -95%: Character is inbred
- +500%: Character is strong
- -95%: Character is weak