Misc Old Gods events


These are events from he Old Gods DLC.

62300 Called from on_action: on_prepared_invasion_aborts
62310 Called from on_action: on_prepared_invasion_expires
62320 Troops flock to your banner
62321 A hero and his retinue appear in your court
62322 A smaller force arrives for the invasion
62800 Notification from decision 'convert_to_attacker_religion'
62900 Special event for Bagsecg of Jylland to invade Mercia with "Great Summer Army"
62901 letter_event
62910 Special event for the Magyars to form Hungary
62911 Informed about the Creation of Hungary
62920 Special event for Asturias to create Leon
62921 Informed about the Creation of Leon
62922 character_event
62923 Informed about the Creation of Castille
62924 character_event
62925 Informed about the Creation of Portugal
62926 character_event
62927 Informed about the Creation of Aragon
62930 Special event for West Francia to be renamed to France
62931 Special event for East Francia to be renamed to Germany
62932 Special event for Middle Francia to be renamed to Austrasia - Lothair doesn't exist to name it Lotharingia
62950 Event where the sons of Lodbrok exact their revenge on Aella
62951 character_event
62952 character_event