Les Trois Tours / The three Towers​

Les Trois Tours / The three Towers​
Logo L3T.png
类型 Events
作者 Arko & Team
版本 Beta - 0.96 (RELIC 2) for CK2 2.8.X
论坛/贴吧 Paradox forum thread

Les Trois Tours / The three Towers​ is a mod for Crusader Kings II made to flesh out the economical side of the game with some new mechanics and to bring some more medieval flavour and immersion for the player. This goal is achieved through various new gameplay mechanics combined with flavour stuff, more details below.

Key milestones

  • November 2012 : Arko released an alpha version of La Couronne des Alpes (Alps Crown in English)
  • November 2012 : Arko released Xylo kit, a flavour mini-mod forest-themed
  • December 2012 : Arko released ReC, a mini-mod that introduced Relics and gigantic Cathedrals to build
  • February 2013 : Arko and Ivan37 released ECO+, an mini-mod about economy
  • May 2013 : Arko released Les Trois Tours, a fusion of the 3 previous mods. It was originally developed to be compatible with Vanilla and La Couronne des Alpes (a small scale map mod)
  • July 2014 : Arko opened a thread in the Paradox forum to present the mod. The name is internationalized as Les Trois Tours / The three Towers​ to keep the original name in French and reflecting the move toward a mod 100% translated in English as a goal. Goal achieved today.
  • August 2014 : Last release of La Couronne des Alpes. Since Les Trois Tours / The three Towers​ was the core mechanics of that mod, L3T/T3T development was made a priority and LCDA is put on hold
  • August 2014 : Beta 7 of Les Trois Tours is released
  • August 2015 : After a period without updates for the mod, Arko and Mouchi restarted it with the help of new tools.
  • December 2015 : Cacao27 translated the mod in English
  • Since then, L3T/T3T received more regular updates.

DLC requirement

The mod has been developed to be run without any DLCs.

Some DLCs are required for minor features.

DLC icon Charlemagne.png Charlemagne is required to see the Chronicles entries related to some mod features.

DLC icon Reaper's Due.png The Reaper's Due is required to see the trade route and center with a 3D model on the map (forumpost:23529828).

Mod compatibility

Mod Compatibility
SWMH Compatible
ARKOpack Recommended
Any mods which doesn't modify buildings, modifiers icons or events Compatible



Resources and economic system

Resource principle

Some time after the beginning of the game, the resources are given to the provinces according to their types.

The following table shows the possible resources according the province type.

The green cells represent high probability resources. For example agriculture are highly probable in plains.

The orange cells represent medium probability resources. For example fish have a medium probable in hills.

The blue cells represent exclusive resources. For example, in a plain province, we can have pastures or forest, not the both. Remark, we can have nothing of them (the sum is not 100%).

Resource/Terrain Plains (1) Hills Forest Mountain Farmlands Desert Steppe Jungle Artic
Agriculture 80% 50% 10% 100% 30%
Pastures 30% 20% 5% 40% 10% 90% 25%
Forest 35% 100% 5% 65% 60%
Stone 5% 70% 10% 25%
Mineral 70% 10% 25% 5% 70% 30% 15%
Fish (2) 35%

(1) In SWMH, it is the same distribution for Marshlands

(2) All coastal provinces can have fish (with 30% probability)

Real distribution for terrestrial provinces

A province has at least one resource. So if no resources are distributed on a province, the distribution is fire again on this province. By taking count of this, the real distribution for terrestrial provinces according geometric law is

Resource/Terrain Plains Hills Forest Mountain Farmlands Desert Steppe Jungle Artic
Agriculture 86% 55% 10% 100% 32%
Pastures 32% 22% 5% 45% 10% 97% 33%
Forest 38% 100% 5% 86% 79%
Stone 5% 78% 10% 32%
Mineral 77% 10% 28% 5% 90% 40% 20%
Fish 38%
Resource number expectancy 1.56 1.92 1.30 1.51 1.30 1.23 1.29 1.26 1.32

The percentages need to be read by column.

For example, a plain and terrestrial province has 86% of probability to get the agriculture resource, 32% for the pastures and 38% for the forest resources.

Real distribution for coastal provinces

For a coastal provinces, the geometric law gives

Resource/Terrain Plains Hills Forest Mountain Farmlands Desert Steppe Jungle Artic
Agriculture 84% 53% 10% 100% 32%
Pastures 32% 21% 5% 43% 10% 95% 30%
Forest 37% 100% 5% 78% 72%
Stone 5% 76% 10% 30%
Mineral 75% 10% 27% 5% 83% 36% 18%
Fish 32% 69% 30% 32% 30% 36% 32% 36% 36%
Resource number expectancy 1.84 2.19 1.60 1.78 1.60 1.48 1.58 1.51 1.56

The attributed resources are in fact the first rank of the resources.

By building resources buildings (in productive settlements mainly), the province get the next resource level.

This new level allow to build new building resources to get the next levels and so on.

The following artwork done by Arko sum up the resource evolution.

L3T resources.png

Mining system

Les Trois Tours features a unique system for iron ore mines that give them a limited stockpile. [1]

This stockpile decreases overtime, at various speeds, depending on various events and efficiency of your installations.

The mine can end collapsing, but you can of course extend its life expectancy, or find another place around to continue your exploitation (prospect decision).

You can also choose to dismantle the mining industry in the province.

Dynamic trade routes

A new trade route system has been designed. It is linked with the city trade specialization.

The cities where there are several ones in a province or the cities hold by a merchant have a priority to be specialized.

If one of their city adopt the Trade specialization the province can become a Major Center of Trade if there is no one near to 2 provinces.

This trade center forbid to the cities within a 2 province distance to get the trading specialization. The exception is cities where there are several ones at game start which always become a trading city and the other manufacturing ones. For example Bruges and Gent are neighbour and both will have a trading city but only one of them will be a Major Center of Trade.

A Major Center of Trade is the start of trade routes. When a trade route appears, all the rulers in a neighbour province receives an event. It alerts them than they should build a route in their province if they want that the trade route goes through their province. After some amount of time, the merchants increase the route size by selecting some neighbour provinces to continue the trade route. Like the trade routes form a graph, when a province is chosen to be a potential route, its neighbour provinces which are also neighboured to the previous route province cannot be any more chosen.

When the trade route increases, the Trade Zone of the Major Center of Trade increases.

If 2 trade routes cross in a province, it becomes a Minor Center of Trade.

Settlement specializations

Summary of castle specialization effects

Each settlement has a specialization according its type (castle, city or temple). Some time after the beginning of the game (to have enough time to distribute resources), the rulers will have events to specialize each settlement.

The specialization impacts the buildings that can be built in the settlement. For example the Administrative Center (ex Feudal City) can have the administrative buildings contrary to a Feudal Manor (ex Feudal Village) which can have production buildings.

The specialization also impacts the characteristics of the settlement. The artwork at the right has been done by Arko to sum up this for the castle specialization.

You can change the specialization with a right click on the settlement to open the settlement decisions. Spe change.png

Administrative specialization

To have an Administrative Center, you need to be at least a Duke.

The Administrative Center can be only built in the capital. If an Administrative Center is not in your capital (because you moved your capital or you conquered an Administrative Center), its effects are disabled : the buildings of this specialization appears in red with the mod ARKOpack Interface.

Like said before, you can convert holdings. So you can convert an obsolete Administrative Center or build one in your new capital.

The buildings available with this specialization give unique modifiers. Like some of them are linked to the owner, the modifiers are given by character modifiers. The following table sum up them.

Building Upgrade from Require Building modifier Character modifier
Seneschal office + 2 Icon wealth.png Demesne income
Chamber of Accounts Seneschal office Treasure Room; Big Hall of Records + 4 Icon wealth.png Demesne income + 1 Stewardship
Treasure Room Seneschal office +0.5 Icon wealth.png Demesne income; +0.2 Fort level.png Fort level; +1% Garrison.png Garrison
Hall of Records Seneschal office +0.25 Icon wealth.png tax modifier + 1 Stewardship
Big Hall of Records Hall of Records Seneschal office; Treasure Room +0.50 Icon wealth.png Demesne income
Court +0.20 Icon prestige.png Prestige by month; + 1 Diplomacy
Chancellery + 1 Stewardship; + 1 Diplomacy
Lordly chapel +0.25 Piety.png Piety by month; + 5 Relations.png Church opinion
Lordly chapel and dynastic reliquary Lordly chapel +0.05 Icon wealth.png Demesne income +0.10 Piety.png Piety by mont; +0.10 Icon prestige.png Prestige by month


This mod includes various items to bring some immersion to the player and bringing a medieval flavour to the game's world.

Forest theme

The mod includes various elements forest based :

  • one can hire a Forester
  • you can specialize the use of your forest lands (economy, hunt etc.)
  • you can expand (and then decrease) your forest demesne (buy, sell, give some forest lands, cut trees etc. )
  • different forest charters levels

Economy and trade theme

The various ressources and buildings bring some flavour events aswell.

  • Meterological events (drough, flood)
  • Good/bad crops, fishing seasons
  • Prosperity events (good or bad of course)
  • All these can be occasionaly related in your dynastic Chronicles for memory
  • republic trade post buildings have been heavily expanded


The mod brings some few more artifacts, mostly related to some other mod's features.

For example a bunch of books -either generic and unique- are added. They are linked to the library buildings and are used with the acquire and study books decisions and events chains.

Ambition events

Les Trois Tours provides a few alternate event chains for the game ambitions to increase competencies

  • an economy based chain to increase stewardship, based on some trading experience
  • an military based chain to increase martial, based on a research and forge a sword, that is materialized as an artifact if succesful
  • an economy/learning based, based on cadastre related stuff
  • all these can bring side effects as nicknames, opinions, chronicle entries, traits etc.

Religion themed

  • Character following a Muslim school or another can build a theological university based on their obedience


  • the mod brings a lot of its own graphics (icons, event pictures)
  • an Easter egg hunt which can bring you some substancial bonus. This involves events chains, artifacts, rumors...


Which are the supported languages ?

The mod was created in French but it now fully supports English. Feel free to point any mistakes in the texts to the team.

Where can I find the latest official version ?

In the Paradox forum thread. You can also find the changelogs of the mod and discuss with the authors.

Can save-games be exported to Europa Universalis IV ?

Yes and no. The mod team has not worked on the EUIV conversion. Consequently, no feature of the mod can be converted to EUIV but the Vanilla game can be converted.

Is the mod compatible with any other mod ?

See #Mod compatibility

I start the game and I have no resources

The resources are not given at the first day. Run the game and after some months, the resources will be fully distributed.

How do I proceed in order to join the team, contribute or test the mod ?

Even without modding experience, it is possible to help with ideas or becoming a tester. Simply send a PM to a member of the team over at the paradox forums and we will discuss it. You need to remember that we all started as simple players.

Dev Diaries

The Dev Diaries of the mod are listed here in the Paradox forum.

Team contributions and credits

  • Arko : design, code and graphics
  • Mouchi : design and code
  • Ivan37 : texts, help and support
  • Caocao : English translations

Thankings to Strategium and Paradox forums for feedback, testing and contributions.
