These are events for the tutorial.
ID | Name |
107000 | The first ingame welcome event, explain speed widget |
107001 | Followup to the first ingame welcome event, explain this learning scenario |
107002 | Explain wealth, piety, and score |
107003 | Explain the ui: Alerts |
107004 | Explain the ui: Mapmodes |
107005 | Explain Your character, char view |
107006 | Traits, Attributes, and Ambitions |
107007 | Explain Need for heir, wife, Arrange Marriage view and character browser |
107008 | Wife stats and alliances |
107009 | Diplomacy View |
107100 | After married event |
107101 | Demesne, Holdings and Realm |
107102 | Vassals |
107103 | Opinions |
107104 | Improve opinions |
107200 | Revolt, for TOG |
107201 | Revolt, for non-TOG |
107202 | Raising levies from holdings |
107203 | Moving armies around |
107204 | Merging troops, assigning leaders |
107205 | Rivers and straits |
107250 | You dealt with the revolt nicely! Now to consider expansion. Suggest unraising levies |
107251 | Suggest appropriate OPM overseas |
107252 | Explain CBs |
107253 | Claims |
107254 | Council, Forging claims |
107300 | This is how you declare war |
107301 | Calling in allies |
107302 | Ships |
107303 | Explain Mercs, here is some money |
107304 | Embarking troops |
107305 | Disembarking troops |
107306 | Sieges |
107307 | Assaulting |
107310 | How to make peace |
107311 | Peace treaties |
107320 | War is won, consider disbanding mercenaries |
107325 | What do when over demesne size |
107326 | What do when over vassal limit |
107327 | Demesne Laws |
107328 | Technology |
107329 | Increasing Technology |
107330 | You have a son and heir, explain gavelkind and other succession laws |
107331 | You have a daughter and heir, explain gavelkind and other succession laws |
107332 | Crown laws |
107333 | You have a son, discrediting your daughter from inheritance |
107334 | Educate child |
107340 | Claims and Inheritance |
107341 | Intrigue |
107342 | Adding plot backers |
107343 | First successful intrigue, suggest new target |
107344 | Second successful intrigue, suggest other targets |
107345 | Factions, faction tab |
107350 | You are dead, now keep playing a normal game |
107360 | Removes incapable trait from character |