This character event can potentially occur on the yearly childhood pulse.
Every day, the cook chases me out of the kitchen, but not before I've stuffed myself and my pockets full of biscuits.
- Mmm, sweets!
- Character becomes gluttonous
- Character's guardian receives the event "Fosterling gains trait Gluttonous"
Pre-Trigger Requirements
- Character is at least 6 years old
- Character is less than 16 years old
- Conclave is not active
Trigger Requirements
- Character has less than 5 personality traits
- Character is not temperate
- Character is not gluttonous
- Character has a guardian
- Character is not a prisoner
Chance Modifiers
- +200%: Character is slothful
- +5%: Character is clubfooted
- +10%: Character is harelipped
- +50%: Character is hunchbacked
- +5%: Character has a lisp
- +5%: Character has a stutter
- -5%: Character is fair
- +10%: Character is ugly
- +20%: Character is a dwarf
- -5%: Character is a genius
- -5%: Character is quick
or shrewd
- +20%: Character is slow
or dull
- +50%: Character is an imbecile
- +50%: Character is inbred
- -95%: Character is strong
- +500%: Character is weak