CK2中的经济系统反映了中世纪欧洲的 封建制度。游戏拥有一个等级体系,其中的大部分贵族为一位领主效力。
- 主条目:直辖领收入
- 个人和配偶的管理影响你的直辖领上限。
- 你的财政总管 的能力增加你指派他征收赋税的任务省份的收入。
- 国家管理属性对所有直辖领收入提供增益。
- 主条目:领主税
你的封臣向你缴税,基于你的税率和他们的收入,以及他们对你的好感——负好感意味着比通常更少的税。(特殊规则用于天主教神权政体,见下文。)税率是你的直辖领法律的一部分,并且每个政体类型分开指定;拥有 御前会议时,高税率减少领主征召兵上限量,否则除了减少对你的好感没有其他的负面效果。
- 无论税率多少,封建封臣向你提供收入通常都很少,他们更擅长向你提供征召兵。
- 共和政体的封臣,相反地,军事力量薄弱但长于赚钱,正是因为这个原因,封建统治者被限制为<10%的省份能被共和政体控制。商业共和国也仅能缴纳共和政体税率的一半,即使庞大,提供的税收也不比一个富裕城市高多少。
- 神权政体相对富裕且强大。但如果是天主教,仅有比起[[|Pope|教宗]]更喜欢你时,他们将向你缴税,此种情况很少发生。而且,一位附庸教宗或对立教宗仅在对你有正面好感时向你缴税。
沿海或位于重要的丝绸之路省份可以以非常低的建造花费来产生大量的贸易收入。The tax income from cities and the trade income from all trade posts within the associated trade zone is also boosted depending on its size, up to a limit of ~40% for cities and ~80% for trade posts in a ~five-trade-post zone; in Silk Road counties, the city income boost also applies to castles and temples.
游牧统治者完全不能收取领主税,并且他们收取单一的游牧税而不是直辖领税收,基于他们的 和未占用 ,位于游牧制首都的建筑以及国家管理属性。他们照例从丝绸之路贸易中获利,并且如果他们的游牧制首都位于一个重要的丝绸之路省份,他们可以在那里建造一个铸币匠从而提高持有的全部贸易站的价值。
- 扩张你的领地将增大你的潜在税基。不同于征召兵,税收不受任何法理修正的影响。
- 赢得一场禁运战争将使位于你的土地上的所有贸易站获得赔偿。然而,如果这些贸易站形成了一个大贸易区,你的位于此贸易区的城市可能遭受大量的收入损失;考虑仅当另一个商业共和国支付钱款请你这样做时,才进行禁运战争,此设想是其他商业共和国之后将建造贸易站来替代那些被夷平的贸易站。
- 赢得一场解救俘虏战争获得资金。
- 赢得一场逼迫纳贡战争强迫防御方支付收入的40%给你,直到你去世。其他类型的朝贡国提供较少的收入,但能够通过继承保持此种关系。
- 赢得一场防御战争通常能够获得赔款。The defender's computed income may be largest if you avoid occupying their demesne.
- 围攻获得少量金币,并且俘虏贵族将能够勒索赎金。
- 作为天主教徒,进行对抗异教徒的战争也可能从教宗处获得一些资金。然而,因为你首先需要调集征召兵,此种方法不总是划算的(除非你只用你的封臣的征召兵,这会带来一系列问题)。
- 如果省份被围攻或劫掠,你和你的封臣损失税收,并且需要长时间来恢复。
- 拥有 死神索命 DLC,长时间的围攻/占领也降低繁荣度。
对于部落统治者,劫掠富裕但防御薄弱的省份是快速赚钱的最好办法,也是提升急需的威望的好办法。 然而,请提防目标的军队——如果他们与你的劫掠部队交战并且胜利,你将不会获得任何金币,并且五年内将不能再次劫掠目标领地。即使在你劫掠结束后,目标的军队将对你保持敌对状态,持续半年。
- 50 金币(游牧劫掠部落则是获得一些人口) for nomads pillaging tribes) and five technology points per holding and pillaging tick)
- Tribal rulers: Increased income and levies per empty holding slot if there is a tribe holding in the same county
- Nomad rulers: Increased maximum population per empty holding slot, for more potential nomad tax and horde troops
- The land becomes effectively useless for feudal rulers, who will likely make little to no effort to claim it for themselves
Pillaging also raises revolt risk by a massive 30%, so you should keep some armies near counties where pillaging is in progress. The revolt risk does not stack when pillaging multiple holdings in the same county, though.
Imprison without tyranny:
- Battles
- Sieges
- Imprison plotters rather than politely asking them to stop.
- Imprisoning the vassal of a vassal is nearly risk-free. If the imprisonment fails, they will abdicate to their heir and flee.
- Imprison excommunicated characters
- With the Intrigue focus, spy on characters to uncover imprisonment reasons, or simply kidnap them
Turn prisoners into cash:
- Banish prisoners who are also your courtiers, seizing all their cash.
- If they're not your courtier, try inviting their spouse to your court before banishing them.
- Ransom prisoners who have money or are closely related to landowners.
- 对于没有继承人的直属封臣死亡的情况判定:
- 如果直属封臣去世而膝下无有效继承人,则领主头衔回到玩家手中。由玩家您继承头衔,金钱,宝具,近卫军和科研点数。
- 对于富有的廷臣在你的宫廷里死亡而没有继承人的情况下:
- 如果廷臣“没有父母”和“没有活着的后代”在你的宫廷里死亡,玩家就会继承他们的金钱。
- 出身卑贱的宫廷成员往往很富有。 例如前市长/主教或是因圣战失败或被[剥夺头衔]而流离失所的这类人。
These decisions require Sons of Abraham.
- Borrow from holy orders.
- Borrow 300 gold from Jewish moneylenders.
- Expel Jews (if you are independent), cancelling the debt and giving even more gold (based on your yearly income). Be warned that this action will give your ruler the Arbitrary trait.
- After 20 years or a succession, welcome the Jews back (if you are king).
- Expel Jews (if you are independent), cancelling the debt and giving even more gold (based on your yearly income). Be warned that this action will give your ruler the Arbitrary trait.
- Ask the Pope for money
- A Pope or Antipope with many virtues will collect taxes from more bishops
Money can be spent in many ways, including:
- Construction
- Some new buildings generate income and pay for themselves over time
- Patricians of merchant republics can build trade posts to increase their income, as can anyone along the Silk Road
- Construction of new holdings and hospital buildings requires significant wealth
- Some new buildings generate income and pay for themselves over time
- War
- Supporting demesne levies costs money while they are raised
- Hiring mercenaries and reinforcing retinues costs even more
- Relations
- Creating or peacefully usurping titles
As one can imagine, spending your wealth with the aim of further increasing it is a key part of gameplay.
- 战争将变得十分困难:
- 负面修正将会出现在你的直辖省份,形成长期的负面效果。
- 强盗 (即 无能的统治者)增加叛乱风险
- 盗贼工会降低直辖领收入
- 拦路强盗减少征召兵规模和补给上限
- 走私链减慢建筑时间并增加建筑花费,同时增加疾病风险
- 可能出现事件允许你借钱或者向封臣要钱
Through several different methods, you can increase your income, but if you're not careful, you won't get any (or much) use out of it.
- Construct buildings.
- Without Conclave: find a suitable tax level. Balance it between good opinion and high taxes. Remember that you need good opinion for high vassal levies.
- If you get the opportunity (as a Catholic ruler), appoint an antipope.
- Research relevant technology.
- Create vassal republics.
- Take control of the Silk Road for your Demense.