
第133行: 第133行:
: {{main|文化建筑}}
: {{main|文化建筑}}

[[文化建筑]]可以给来自此[[地产]]的单位提供一个'''文化加成'''。所有的文化建筑有4个等级,每一级都会向特定单位提供同等水平的加成。这个加成仅应用与从此 男爵领 训练的军队,如果该 男爵领 是[[首都]]也会将此加成应用于常备军。
[[文化建筑]]可以给来自此[[地产]]的单位提供一个'''文化加成'''。所有的文化建筑有4个等级,每一级都会向特定单位提供同等水平的加成。这个加成仅应用与从此 地产 训练的军队,如果该 地产 是[[首都]]也会将此加成应用于常备军。

===Combat Tactics===
===Combat Tactics===

2019年2月28日 (四) 13:35的版本

A 3 vs 3 flanks battle

Combat.png 战斗发生在当两支敌对的军队到达同一省份时。这是战争十分重要的一个组成部分。

参考: Combat mechanics thread



  • 左翼
  • 中军
  • 右翼





  1. Skirmish.png 接触阶段: 所有的战斗都将开始于接触阶段。此阶段是弓箭手和轻骑兵(骆驼)及骑射手所擅长的阶段,但其中将只有一种兵种产生主要输出。
  2. Melee.png 近战阶段: 经过若干天后,战斗将会转换为近战阶段,也就是重步兵和长枪兵及重骑兵擅长的阶段。需要注意的是各路军队的战斗阶段不是必须统一的,各路军队通常进入近战阶段的时间略有不同。
  3. Pursue.png 追击阶段: 当一路军队的士气降低到25%时,此路军队将会撤退,并且战斗将会转换到追击阶段,这也是轻骑兵非常擅长的阶段,同时重骑兵在这一阶段也有不错的表现。

Retreat.png 撤退: 经过5天后,撤退的一路军队将会脱离战斗。



(基础单位属性) * (1 + 科技加成 + 地形加成 + 文化加成 + 战术加成) * (1 + 指挥官特性加成 + 战术克制加成)



攻击 防御
士气 占用人力 接触阶段 近战阶段 追击阶段 接触阶段 近战阶段 追击阶段
Light infantry.png 轻步兵 (LI) 2 0.7 1 1 2 2 1 2.5
Heavy infantry.png 重步兵 (HI) 4 3 0.25 6 1 3 4 4
Pikemen.png 长枪兵 (P) 6 2.5 0.1 4.5 0.2 4 4.5 2
Light cavalry.png 轻骑兵 (LC) 4 3 2 3 6 4.5 3 4.5
Heavy cavalry.png 重骑兵 (HC) 10 6 0.5 10 4 4 5 7.5
Archers.png 弓箭手 (A) 1 2 2 1 2 1.5 1.5 2.25
Horse archers.png 骑射手 (ST) 3 4 4 3 7 4 4 4.5
War elephants.png 战象 (ST) 15 20 0.25 25 0.25 5 15 2
Camel cavalry.png 骆驼骑兵 (ST) 5 3 4 7 2 4.5 3 2.5
Ships.png 船只 - 300 - - - - - -

ST = 特殊士兵 (取决于宗教/文化)



科技加成 取决于军事科技级别: +0%/+10%/+15%/+20%/+25%/+30%,取决于现有的科技等级。

  • 对于征召兵来说,即为该该征召兵隶属的伯爵领的科技等级。
  • 对于征召封臣部队来说,即为附庸的平均科技等级。
  • 对于常备军来说,即为首都的科技水平。



A map showing each type of terrain in Crusader Kings II.


  • 丘陵
  • 山地
  • 丛林


  • 河流:要查看两个省之间是否有河流(或海峡),请选择其中一个省并查找图标RiversStraitsIcon.png.
  • 主要河流:提供双倍跨河惩罚。
  • 海峡
  • 两栖登陆:几乎和海峡穿越一样。注:如果你控制一个伯爵领中的至少一个地产,你可以让你的船进入该伯爵领的港口。你的士兵将在没有两栖登陆惩罚的情况下将被卸载并与敌人战斗(但在战斗开始时只有上限50%的士气值)。

还有一些其他的地形类型不会给战斗的任何一方额外的奖励或惩罚,尽管它们会对补给限制产生负面影响(尤其是沙漠) - 损耗 打赢了很多战争.

Mountain defense.png 丘陵防御 Mountain defense.png 山地防御 River crossing.png 跨河 Strait crossing.png 跨海峡 Amphibious landing.png 两栖登陆
攻击 防御 攻击 防御 攻击 防御 攻击 防御 攻击 防御
Light infantry.png 轻步兵 +10% -10% -10% -15% -15% -15% -15%
Heavy infantry.png 重步兵 +10% -15% -15% -20% -20% -20% -20%
Pikemen.png 长枪兵 +10% +5% +20% +10% -15% -15% -20% -20% -20% -20%
Light cavalry.png 轻骑兵 -12.5% -12.5% -17.2% -17.2% -17.5% -17.5%
Heavy cavalry.png 重骑兵 -15% -15% -20% -20% -20% -20%
Archers.png 弓箭手 +20% +15% +30% +20% -10% -5% -15% -10% -10% -15%
Horse archers.png 骑射手 +15% +10% +25% +15% -12.5% -7.5% -17.2% -12.5% -12.5% -17.5%



发生这种情况的机会取决于主要省份的地形,在山区和丛林的几率最大。指挥官如果拥有高超的技能,战场地形大师Narrow flank leader.png特质或者游戏大师Game Master.png lifestyle trait特质也更有可能找到地形瓶颈。

当你在常规战斗中试图用数量压倒你的敌人时,这种技能的作用是有限的,当你使用Pikemen.png常备军来阻挡敌人时,这种技能的冷酷效果就会显现出来。对同时具有重步兵领袖Heavy infantry leader.png和战场大师Narrow flank leader.png特质的指挥官来说,如果能锁定在近战与有限的侧翼修正之中,这样的军队将能够给敌人造成可怕的损失,甚至可能赢得一场绝望的战斗。




Combat Tactics

主条目:Combat tactics

Tactic bonus ranges from -150% to +420%. Note that these are so huge, they often swamp technology-based and terrain-based modifiers. Tactical affinity bonus ranges from -120% to +300%.



You should assign a skilled commander to lead each flank (left, center, or right) that contains troops. You may assign yourself, your marshal, and direct subjects holding the minor title of "Commander". Hiring mercenaries or holy orders temporarily adds their leader and commanders to your pool.

Regiment commanders

You may also assign leaders to regiments, the sub-units within each flank:

  • By clicking the regiment, if it belongs to you personally (e.g. demesne levies or retinues)
  • By merging two armies
  • By raising troops from a vassal whose marshal is idle (e.g. the Ecumenical Patriarch or a vassalized holy order with no counties)

Regiment leaders contribute to the battle alongside flank leaders, though the exact mechanics are unclear. Perhaps more importantly, if their flank's commander is killed during battle, a regiment leader can immediately take over and avoid leaving the flank in disarray.

Green commanders can be assigned to regiments in order to gain valuable combat experience without compromising the effectiveness of the army.

Battlefield Duels

Battlefield duels are personal battles between two commanders in which both participants’ stats are weighed against each other to determine the outcome, usually injury or death.


Every day, each soldier from a flank will make an attack on the enemy, causing damage based on its attack value. All damages for the flank are added together and sent to the flank that's being attacked. The defense of the receiving units is computed, and RIP.png casualties are inflicted as:

TROOP_KILL_FACTOR * (damage received / unit defense).
TROOP_KILL_FACTOR is defined in defines.lua as 0.015.

In addition, each soldier who dies does 3 morale damage to the survivors (MORALELOSS_FACTOR).

The survivors have morale points equal to the sum of their morale values, so if they take 60 morale damage but the survivors have 6000 morale points, morale will then be down by 1%. This means that RIP.png deaths are a double penalty, both reducing the number of morale points a flank has, and reducing the number of soldiers.

Note that the calculations happen simultaneously every day for every flank involved in the battle, so all values will be calculated based on the number of troops present before anyone dies. Do note that in the Pursue phase, the fleeing flank will not make any attacks.

Combat ends once all flanks on one side are either dead or have fled. Flanks attempt to flee once their morale hits 20% or they're manually withdrawn from combat. Flight takes four days.

Prestige and piety

Each battle results in 1 prestige for every 100 losses of the losing army. A portion of this prestige goes to the characters involved:

  • 50% goes to the owners of the units (divided among them)
  • 25% goes to the main Commander of the centre
  • 12.5% goes to each flank Commander

In addition, for every 1 prestige gained, characters will gain 1.5 piety if fighting religious enemies.


See Combat mechanics thread and The Art of War, Playing in Europe for detailed insight on possible strategies.

Upgrade and specialize your holdings: combat tactics will, during combat, temporarily make some units incredibly powerful and others basically useless. For example, an army doing Swarm will temporarily have quadruple horse-archer damage and no damage from archers and light cavalry. So specialization is the name of the game.

Make it all your unique retinue unit: by using retinues alone in a flank, certain combat tactics that are particularly beneficial can be more easily selected as there are just one or two unit types in the whole flank; they also will benefit from the cultural unit bonus. Nomadic horde troops also benefit from this.

Flank composition: the Rule of Two: In order to maximize combat tactics efficiency, a flank should contain no more than two of the three major skirmish units (Horse Archers, Archers, Light Cavalry), and no more than two of the three major melee units (heavy infantry, pikes, and knights).

Bait enemies into attacking fortified positions: Ideally, your army is on a mountain, and across a major river from the attacker.

Avoid attacking across rivers and into hills: you'll get a moderate combat penalty, which could make a major difference. These penalties don't matter much if you outnumber the enemy by a lot, though.

Order early retreats when losing a battle. Simply order your army to move to another province, and it will begin retreating regardless of morale.

Scout and match. Send a tiny army to determine the strengths of your opponent's flanks. Then rearrange your main army to have two "holding" flanks, evenly matched against the opponent, and one "breakthrough" flank, with extra troops and your best offensive commander.

Single column concentrated attack: Light Infantry Army such as Tribal Army, and even Nomad Horde Troops may enjoy better morale preservation if they are concentrated in a single-flank. Once a flank is routed, it will not be able to deal damages. Thus, having all the army in a single flank ensure they stay in the fight until they break while the enemy army is broken piece by piece. This can help to fight against enemy in superior number (beware of Narrow flank, though enemy is more prone to attack you directly if they're superior in number). This can be concerted with scout battle to determine enemy weaker flank. Stack your corresponding flank and defeat that flank in priority, leaving them only two flanks left. Be careful however, as the two flanks left unattacked will gain a +25% flanking bonus that will boost their damage.
