
第56行: 第56行:

For the vanilla map, de jure capitals are listed at ''[[Duchies]]'', ''[[Kingdoms]]'', and ''[[Empires]]''. You can also confirm a title's de jure capital:
For the vanilla map, de jure capitals are listed at ''[[Duchies]]'', ''[[Kingdoms]]'', and ''[[Empires]]'' 。你也可以确认一个头衔的法理首都,通过:
* by clicking the title crown, and seeing that it centers the map in the same location as clicking the province crown.
* clicking the title crown, and seeing that it centers the map in the same location as clicking the province crown.
* 在相应法理地图模式下,鼠标悬浮在法理首都省份上,右下角提示框中将有提示(“法理王国地图”下将出现“王都”,“法理公国地图”下将出现“省会”)
* 在相应法理地图模式下,鼠标悬浮在法理首都省份上,右下角提示框中将有提示(“法理王国地图”下将出现“王都”,“法理公国地图”下将出现“省会”)

2019年9月23日 (一) 23:31的版本

Icon province capital.png 一位统治者的首都(英文:capital)是他们宫廷所在的直辖领贵人若没有更高级别头衔,和他们的商业共和国共用一个首都。



  • 决定了宫廷的位置和由此而得的距离,在瘟疫疾病肆虐大地或领地被围攻时也很重要。
  • 如果在战争中被占领,它比其他省份值更多战争分数
  • 远离你的首都的封臣更可能寻求独立。(并且毗邻首都公国的封臣不能创建独立派系
  • 决定了两个转换决议:“转变为本地文化”和“皈依本地宗教”。


  • 征召兵
  • 直辖领征召兵
    • 首都省份/地产的部队获得“首都省份”加成。(独立统治者+50%,封臣公爵或国王+25%;仅用于直接持有的地产)
    • 首都公国其他直属省份/地产的部队获得“首都所在公国”加成。(独立统治者+25%,封臣公爵或国王+15%;仅用于直接持有的地产)
    • 首都省份部队不受“直辖地超限”惩罚。
  • 足够近的雇佣兵骑士团能被雇佣(基于他们各自的总部)。
  • 位于首都城堡的文化建筑决定了统治者的 Dlc icon legacy of rome.png 近卫军获得的加成。


  • 文化加成应用于整个国家(关系,法律等)
  • 近卫军规模受军队组织科技影响
  • 对于商业共和国,贸易制度等级,和由此得出的每个家族能够建造的贸易站数量。
  • 当鼠标不悬浮在一个省份上时,科技界面F5显示首都科技等级。
  • 是你花费科技点数作用的地方
  • 是你的间谍总管“学习科技”任务提升科技作用的地方

当你有野心 Become king.png,它决定你希望成为的国王是哪一个,并且反过来:

  • 对于原始宗教,决定了你能够征服的领土。
  • 决定了哪个王国头衔你必须成功获得(+1000 威望)——否则,野心被取消。



通过选择省份再点击 Make capital.png 迁都按钮,你的首都将改变。


  • 至少已过去50年(游牧制政体为10年),或
  • 迁“回”主头衔的法理首都


  • 迁都至主头衔的法理首都
    • 确保你的法理首都不在内陆,因为一位AI总督将迁都到那里,并且取消共和国的“商业性”!
    • 从一座城堡迁至一座城市


  • 在使用 Make capital.png 迁都按钮后或处于战争中时(提示条有误(?)),你不能授予你的首都,但你能够通过此法有效地多次迁都。
  • 新首都将是能够被授予的省份列表的第一个,是持有最久的省份。




For the vanilla map, de jure capitals are listed at Duchies, Kingdoms, and Empires。你也可以确认一个头衔的法理首都,通过:

  • clicking the title crown, and seeing that it centers the map in the same location as clicking the province crown.
  • 在相应法理地图模式下,鼠标悬浮在法理首都省份上,右下角提示框中将有提示(“法理王国地图”下将出现“王都”,“法理公国地图”下将出现“省会”)



  • Playing tall: Extra settlements you hold in your capital benefit from the bonuses provided by your Marshal (train troops) and steward (collect taxes). Even with gavelkind succession, you can easily take back baronies.
  • Playing wide: Vassal barons in your capital provide levies at the highest possible fraction. They provide both levies and taxes reliably (except for Catholic bishops), as they will not be lost to gavelkind succession or faction rebellion.

选择属于一个大公国的省份 to maximize demesne levies, avoid the "too many held duchies" opinion penalty, and minimize potential losses with gavelkind or feudal elective succession.

Prefer coastal duchies to maximize army mobility and city income.

Place the capital in a large kingdom in a large empire to maximize vassal levies.

Place the capital near the centre of the realm to discourage independence factions.

Avoid epidemic disease hotspots such as Italy or Greece. Alternatively, invest heavily in hospitals, or hold multiple top tier titles in order to move your capital whenever disease strikes.

Select a technologically advanced province for short term bonuses and spread of technology.

Upgrade your capital when you have sufficient wealth. Construct new buildings, new settlements, and even new settlement slots (with DLC icon Reaper's Due.pngThe Reaper's Due and sufficient prosperity).

Share a capital:

  • Sharing a capital allows both rulers to add province-level benefits, such as those from a Master Engineer. Landless rulers are always treated as being within diplomatic range of China.
  • Sharing a capital with an occasionally-landed ruler (such the Ecumenical Patriarch) lets them earn tech points while landed and spend tech points while landless.


聚居地 城堡城市神殿部落游牧制首都
特殊地产 家族宅邸贸易站堡垒医院
概念 首都/首府经济征召兵叛乱科技文化建筑奇观