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2020年12月25日 (五) 23:59的最新版本

Dialog ledger.png The ledger is several tables that can be opened from the bottom right corner of the screen or with the shortcut ,.

The and keys can be used to quickly flip through the pages. Each table can be sorted by any of its columns.

Page Columns Tooltip
1 Demesne (holdings) Name, Tax, Fort level, Levy, Currently building (or number of possible new buildings given current tech)
2 Realm (counties) Name, Paid To Me, Total Tax, Fort level, List of settlements, Max settlements
3 Your Realm Levies (all realm holdings) Name, Light Infantry, ..., Total troops
4 Religions Name, Religious head, Moral authority, Size Hover to see religion features
5 Characters (all rulers) Name, Opinion, Gold, Prestige, Piety, Religion, Culture, Demesne Size, Realm Size
6 Your dynasty Name, Opinion, Gold, Prestige, Piety, Religion, Culture, Demesne Size, Realm Size
7 Your direct vassals Name, Opinion, Gold, Prestige, Piety, Religion, Culture, Demesne Size, Realm Size
8 All vassals in realm Name, Opinion, Gold, Prestige, Piety, Religion, Culture, Demesne Size, Realm Size
9 Your court Presence, Name, Opinion, Gold, Prestige, Piety, Religion, Culture
10 Independent states Name (primary title), Gold, Prestige, Piety, Score, Realm Size, Army
11 Wars Name (war), Warscore, Start Date, Attacker, Defender
12 Possible inheritances Name (title), Current Holder, Our Position, Heir
13 Our titles Name (title), Number of claimants
14 Our claimants (on foreign titles) Name, Foreign Claims
15 Kill List (chars with 5+ kills) Name, Number of kills Hover for terse kill list
16 Bloodlines Name (founder), Living Descendants Hover for bloodline features