Job steward events


These are events related to the Steward council position.

ID Name
920 The Steward collects a tithe and sends it to his liege
20200 The liege is informed
921 The peasents attempt to kill the Steward (Gets away, is wounded, is killed)
20210 Steward gets away
20211 Steward gets wounded
20212 Inform the Liege about wounding
20213 Inform the Liege about death
20214 Increased revolt risk
20215 Inform province lords
20214 Inform liege
923 Good Master Builder
20230 Liege get a letter
924 Sabotage
20240 Noble sabotages building
20241 Sabotage!
20242 The liege is informed
20243 Spymaster finds out who's behind the sabotage
20244 The liege is informed by his spymaster who is behind the sabotage
925 The Steward has settled the tribe
20206 The Steward is attacked and wounded
20207 The liege is informed
20208 The Steward has managed to raise an eager force of warriors
20209 The liege is informed
20217 The men are displeased and disband
20225 The Steward demands extra funds from the ruler
20226 The Steward demands extra funds from the ruler. Ruler response event
20227 The target accepts to pay extra tribute. Steward notified
20228 The target accepts to pay extra tribute. Liege notified
20229 The target refuses to pay extra tribute. Steward notified
20231 The target refuses to pay extra tribute. Liege notified