Old Gods Ancestor Worship Events


These are events for the Ancestor Worship decision.

ID Name
TOG.7000 Make a request
TOG.7001 Make a Sacrifice
TOG.7002 End of Sacrifice
TOG.7010 Get healed or blessing of health?
TOG.7014 Blessing of health
TOG.7015 Blessing of health healing illness
TOG.7016 Healing illness
TOG.7011 Robust
TOG.7012 Small health bonus
TOG.7013 Illness
TOG.7020 Lover
TOG.7021 Friend
TOG.7022 Small diplomacy bonus
TOG.7023 Rival
TOG.7024 Good with people
TOG.7025 Get a cat
TOG.7030 Brilliant commander appears
TOG.7032 Random leadership trait
TOG.7033 Maimed while practicing swordfighting
TOG.7034 War tech
TOG.7035 Levy reinforcement
TOG.7040 Increase prosperity level of capital
TOG.7041 Give economy tech
TOG.7042 Small stewardship bonus
TOG.7043 Bad tax modifier
TOG.7044 Decrease depopulation
TOG.7050 Shrewd
TOG.7051 Wise woman joins court
TOG.7052 Small learning bonus
TOG.7053 Dull
TOG.7054 Get an owl