Legends events


These are events related to Medieval legends.

Robin Hood

ID Name
10000 Robin Hood
10001 Noble woman "complains" about merry men
10002 Noble man complains about merry men
10003 It's a trap!
10010 Archery Contest
10011 The leader of the Merry Men
10012 An old man wins
10013 That didn't work
10020 Devil in Disguise
10021 Disguise revealed
10022 Stumbles upon Merry Men
10023 Meets/Fights Little John
10024 Wins
10025 Loses
10026 Is Exposed
10030 Meet the Merry Men
10031 S.F.T.R.G.T.T.P (Steeling From The Rich and Giving To The Poor)
10032 Adventure!
10033 This was fun!
10040 What to do?
10041 Ambush!
10042 Marion gets her Robin


ID Name
10100 Gates of Hell - A strange gap has opened
10101 Flames and fiery stones!
10102 Wailings, screams, and cries for help seems to emit from the burning gap
10103 Close the gap
10104 By using exorcism
10105 By feeding it cattle
10106 By rolling down stones into it
10107 By sacrificing what the city held to be most dear - child dies
10108 It worked!
10109 It did not work!