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Republic dynastic feuds events


These are events for republican dynastic feuds.

ID Name
REP.100 The Great Ball (AI)
REP.101 The Great Ball (Player)
REP.102 Arriving at the ball...
REP.103 The Even Greater Ball (AI)
REP.104 The Even Greater Ball (Player)
REP.105 The Day of the Ball
REP.109 AI gets Feuding opinion modifier (AI only)
REP.150 The New Flagship (AI)
REP.151 The New Flagship (Player)
REP.152 Marriage of the Sea (Venice Only)
REP.153 The Ship is Launched
REP.154 The Lion of the Sea
REP.155 You are Cordially Invited
REP.160 A Nightly Visit... (Daughter) (AI)
REP.161 A Nightly Visit... (Daughter)
REP.162 A Nightly Visit... (Son) (AI)
REP.163 A Nightly Visit... (Son)
REP.164 Never Was a Story of More Woe... (Daughter)
REP.165 Never Was a Story of More Woe... (Son)
REP.166 Wedding Bells
REP.167 Two Funerals and a Truce (AI)
REP.168 Two Funerals and a Truce (Player)
REP.180 The Smugglers (AI Patrician)
REP.181 The Smugglers (AI Son)
REP.182 The Smugglers
REP.183 Plan is approved (AI Patrician)
REP.184 Plan is approved (AI Son)
REP.185 The Only Good Smuggler...
REP.186 The Ultimate Sacrifice
REP.190 The Right of Way (AI)
REP.191 The Right of Way
REP.192 Battle is Joined!
REP.193 Days of Toil and Hardship (AI)
REP.194 Days of Toil and Hardship
REP.195 The Mutiny
REP.200 Rival Dynasty Rules the Republic
REP.201 Rival Dynasty Rules the Republic
REP.202 Player Dynasty Rules the Republic (AI)
REP.203 Player Dynasty Rules the Republic
REP.205 Riots (AI)
REP.206 Riots
REP.600 Trade Post Razing on Province