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狂歡(英文:Carousing生活重心Carousing focus.png增加+3外交並允許舉辦小型私人宴會



  • 「豪飲者」(+1外交)
  • 「狂歡者」(+2外交)
  • 選擇獲得以下生活特質:
    • Hedonist.png享樂主義者(+2外交,+1密謀,+20%生育能力)
    • Socializer.png社交者(+3外交,+10性吸引力)


  • 「棋盤遊戲學徒」(+1外交)
  • Game master.png遊戲大師(+2外交,+1軍事,+30%狹窄陣線)





  • 同意
    • 非常傾向於同意:你的廷臣,具有Drunkard.png酒鬼特質,具有Hedonist.png享樂主義者特質,具有Decadent.png腐化特質
    • 傾向於同意:你的直屬封臣,具有Lustful.png色慾特質,具有Gregarious.png合群特質,具有Gluttonous.png暴食特質
    • 傾向於不同意:具有Stressed.png緊張不安特質,具有Chaste.png忠貞特質,具有Celibate.png獨身主義者特質,具有Paranoid.png多疑特質
    • 非常傾向於不同意:患有嚴重疾病,具有Depressed.png沮喪消沉的特質,好感度低於-25,具有Temperate.png溫和特質,具有Shy.png害羞特質
    • 絕不會同意:仇敵,沒有Hedonist.png享樂主義者、Decadent.png腐化或者Drunkard.png酒鬼特質的穆斯林
  • 拒絕
  • 「拒絕並譴責墮落」
    • 具有Zealous.png狂熱特質的穆斯林或者印度教的宮廷上師
    • 如果具有Brave.png勇敢特質或者好感低於-50將有5倍可能受到譴責

If someone accepts your invitation, their opinion of you increases by 10 (Carousing) and they will attend your party.

If someone declines your invitation, you lose 3 prestige. If someone declines and condemns decadence, you lose 10 prestige instead. In both cases, for two years you will have -10 opinion of them (Declined Invitation) and cannot invite them again during this time.

Party events

After 3–4 months, the invited guests arrive at your party. The party lasts about a month. It will be cancelled if nobody accepts your invitation or if you go to war.

One random event will happen at your party, affecting the host and one or all guests. By limiting your guest list, you can make some events impossible, thus making desired events more likely.

Description Weight Conditions Effects
Party fling 20 Host and guest are both Lustful.png/Hedonist.png and attracted to each other Host or guest proposes* a fling
If accepted: both characters get Cheery; chance of pregnancy and/or transmitting disease (similar to Seduction#Tumbling)
If declined: opinion decrease; becomes Chaste.png if not Lustful.png; proposer loses 5 prestige
Friendship forms 30 Host and guest are not already friends A friendship forms
Fight breaks out 2 Host or guest is Lunatic.png, Wroth.png, or Paranoid.png One character goes into a rage. The other gets a choice to:
  • Fight. Both are at risk of injury (89% beaten up, 10% wounded, 1% maimed)
  • Talk. Requires 15 diplomacy. 20% chance to increase diplomacy skill. 20% chance to form friendship.
  • Hide. Removes Brave.png or has 30% chance to add Craven.png.
Cannibalism 2 (or 20) Host or guest is Lunatic.png, Possessed.png, or Impaler.png Host eats* guest, or vice versa!

Gains the Cannibal.png trait: +3 martial, +1 personal combat, -10 general opinion, 10x more likely to trigger this event

Lunatic amuses 20 Host or guest is Lunatic.png Lunatic gains Cheery for 2 years. If lunatic is host, so do all guests. If lunatic is guest, so does the host.
Drunkard overdrinks 10 Host or guest is Drunkard.png Drunkard gets the character modifier Epic Hangover for 1 year (-2 diplomacy). Observer opinion of drunkard is changed by -10 for 4 years (Despise drunkard), or +10 for 4 years (Gained Respect) if also drunkard.
Tabletop games 10 (or 30) Always possible; 3x more likely if host or guest is Game master.png
  • Host chooses whether to bet 5 wealth on the outcome of the game
  • Host gains the Apprentice Boardgamer character modifier (+1 diplomacy) if they win
  • Host is very likely to win if Smart

A * indicates that players can decide to override their character's inclination. This may cause their character to gain a bad trait due to cognitive dissonance.



  • 得到 20 威望
  • 30%的機會失去 Stressed.png/Depressed.png
  • Cannot host a party for 200 days
  • A choice of how to level up, if eligible:
    • If focus is Carousing, you can level up to Carouser (+1 diplomacy) and then Dedicated Carouser (+2 diplomacy)
    • If focus is Carousing, and you are already a Dedicated Carouser, you can upgrade to the Hedonist.png lifestyle trait (+2 diplomacy, +1 intrigue)
    • If focus is Carousing, and you are already a Dedicated Carouser, you can upgrade to the Socializer.png lifestyle trait (+3 diplomacy)
    • If Apprentice Boardgamer (+1 diplomacy), and you played games at this party, you can upgrade to the Game master.png lifestyle trait (+2 diplomacy, +1 martial).

Ambition events

If your diplomacy is less than 8, these events can trigger, each with a MTTH of 280 months:

  • The Mirror (once per lifetime)
  • The Suicide (once per lifetime) (not in hiding)
  • Town Crier (not in hiding)
  • Foreign Cultures
  • Old Diplomat (not Indian religion)


Get Apprentice Boardgamer for +1 diplomacy:

  • Likely if you invite a Game master.png.
  • Guaranteed if you only invite characters who are already your friends and cannot trigger special events.

Get Cheery for +10 general opinion:

  • The safe way is to become Lustful.png/Hedonist.png and invite a Lustful.png/Hedonist.png character with the potential for mutual attraction.
  • Guaranteed if you only invite someone eligible who is already your friend and cannot trigger special events.
  • Repeat every 2 years.
  • To become Lustful.png, use the Seduction focus.png first.
  • To become Hedonist.png, throw 3 parties and choose the lifestyle.

Make friends:

  • With powerful vassals.
  • With councilors, so they are likely to pick the Loyalist.png stance and support your actions in council votes.
  • With an eligible skilled character, if you have any skill between 5 and 9.
  • With a celibate character, if you already have 2 kids and don't want more. This requires not having a lifestyle trait, even though celibate is no longer a lifestyle trait.
  • With courtiers of other religions, as there is an event that can fire to convert them to your religion or you to their religion.

Hold large parties for opinion boosts and guest health:

  • Invite all vassals, along with their adult heirs, for +5 opinion from all guests.
  • Invite all family members who are Stressed.png or Depressed.png, and possibly their spouses, in order to increase their health and fertility.
  • Just don't invite someone who might eat you. Similarly, decline invitations from hosts who are likely to eat you as well.