(重定向自SWMH Map
类型 Map
作者 Active team members: Ruwaard, theKing1988, Woodyman and Aasmul

Retired/on hiatus: Axl Madness, Bertuccio, Elvain and Il Moro

版本 Released
论坛/贴吧 Link

The Some What More Historic or SWMH mod is a major map overhaul project, aimed at replicating the medieval world as contemporary and accurately as possible. Secondly, it includes substantial work on history and cultural related features. All this work has been conducted with a philosophy of keeping as close to the core features as possible, in order to maximise compatibility with other mods. The mod is in continuous development with different areas receiving overhauls in each update.

The team behind the mod: Axl Madness, Bertuccio, Elvain, Il Moro, Ruwaard, theKing1988 and Aasmul.

Map features

  • New map projection featuring: Hand drawn coastlines for: Northern Europe (everything north of Bilbao, excluding Iceland), Atlantic coast of Morocco, northern half of the Mediterranean (Coastline from Provence to Alexandria and all Mediterranean islands), Adriatic, Black sea, Red sea, Persian Gulf, Rann of Kutch etc (basically everything than the southwestern part of the Mediterranean, Iberian peninsula and Iceland).
  • Redrawn mountains, terrain, topology (3D effect) and normal height map (adds the 3D shadows).
  • River and lake overhaul, including a redone navigable river system.
  • An in-depth overhaul of the map, in the process adding more than 500 provinces, 7000 medieval baronies and reworking entities down to the last barony.

Culture features

  • Adds many new cultures, including a breakup of the Italian and German cultures.
  • Adds real cultural retinues, every culture has a retinue based on a for it appropriate IRL military unit.
  • Adds cultural modifiers, every culture is no longer the same as the next one.
  • Adds unique, and culture specific form of address and titles (a sub mod that reverts titles etc. back to English is available).
  • Adds cultural appropriate spelling to all entities (from empires all the way down to baronies), with many styling their contemporary medieval spelling form (For instance Denmark sporting medieval Danish, while Norway featuring west Norse spelling).
  • Adds full dynamic naming to the Iberian peninsula, British isles, ERE and Baltic adjacent areas.

History features

  • Adds a great many new historic dynasties and characters.
  • Adds more playable historical characters.
  • Adds the actual real-life rulers to many entities.


The mod is but one of several modules in the Historical Immersion Project. All the modules in the project are designed to be compatible with each other, as well as having a shared goal of accurate and historical detail and gameplay.

The mod however is not compatible with the Europa Universalis 4 Save Converter.