Events chains unlocked by playing the Crusader Kings: Chronicles mobile game. As of version 3.0, these event chains are available to everyone, no longer requiring ownership of the mobile game, which is no longer sold.
ID |
GBC.1 |
selecting target relative
GBC.2 |
Gazing at the stars
GBC.3 |
GBC.4 |
Selecting new friend - hidden event
GBC.41 |
New friend - ping event
GBC.5 |
Relative approaches you - they've seen you in mourning, but has been reluctant to talk to you
GBC.6 |
Relative hands you an owl - it used to belong to the dead character
GBC.7 |
Selecting advisor
GBC.71 |
Councillor - ping event
GBC.73 |
Councillor asks about new friend
GBC.81 |
New friend - ping event
GBC.8 |
Relative wants bird back
GBC.9 |
They admit they think they are sick
GBC.10 |
They start to cry, without explanation
GBC.99 |
New friend - ping event
GBC.11 |
They curse you and your ignorance
GBC.98 |
New friend - ping event
GBC.17 |
Hanging out, awkward
GBC.19 |
New_friend succumbs to disease - hidden event
GBC.12 |
They live
GBC.13 |
They die
ID |
GBC.199 |
Sending it to the one who got married
GBC.100 |
Trying to find a lover
GBC.101 |
Lover ping event
GBC.102 |
You notice the person at a party
GBC.103 |
Lover ping event
GBC.104 |
You engage with them or not
GBC.105 |
Lover ping event
GBC.106 |
You dream about the person
GBC.107 |
Lover ping event
GBC.108 |
You find the person in the garden, she virtuously rejects
GBC.109 |
Write them poetry
GBC.110 |
Poem is done, good
GBC.111 |
Poem is done, bad
GBC.112 |
Lover ping event
GBC.113 |
Lover replies after gift
GBC.114 |
After having exchanged letters for a while, get invite
GBC.115 |
Lover ping event
GBC.116 |
You go there and see lover during dinner
GBC.117 |
Rival ping event
GBC.118 |
You don't get a chance to talk to lover, rival discovers
GBC.119 |
Hear a scream
GBC.141 |
She died
GBC.120 |
Lover ping event
GBC.121 |
Save lover, or not
GBC.122 |
Lover ping
GBC.123 |
Outcome after attempting to save (or doing nothing)
GBC.124 |
Few days later
GBC.125 |
Rival ping
GBC.126 |
Spouse discovers
GBC.140 |
Hunt is over
GBC.127 |
Lover ping
GBC.128 |
Lover requests for you to handle spouse
GBC.138 |
What do with the spouse?
GBC.129 |
Rival ping
GBC.142 |
Duel letter
GBC.130 |
Duel success
GBC.131 |
Duel fail
GBC.132 |
Talk success
GBC.133 |
Talk fail
GBC.134 |
Assassination success
GBC.135 |
Assassination failed
GBC.136 |
Lover ping
GBC.137 |
The end (good)
GBC.143 |
The end (bad)