Ramadan events

(重定向自Ramadan event chain

These are events related to observing Ramadan.

ID Name
88500 The Fast Begins
88501 Release prisoners
88502 Charity for the people
88503 Prayers
88504 Ill due to Fast
88505 Infirm due to Fast
88506 Gain Temperate
88507 Gain Charitable
88508 War interrupts Fast
88509 Illness interrupts Fast
88510 Hold Feast
88511 Vassal Invited
88512 Vassal Refuses Invitation
88513 Host is told about Feast
88514 Vassal is told about Feast
88515 Gift for Wife
88516 Gift for Wives
88517 Gluttonous Sin
88518 Lustful/Hedonist Sin
88519 Drunkard Sin
88520 Greedy Sin
88521 Cynical Sin
88522 Ramadan Ends