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(重定向自Friends and rivals events

This a list of event IDs for event concerning friends and rivals.

ID Event
100000 You've made friends with another child in the court
100001 New rival is notified
100002 New friend is notified
100005 One of the other children in court is very shy and would rather read than play with us
100006 Kick his butt or ignore him?
100007 Borrow FROM's sword?
100008 The bully is beaten back
100009 Gain friend
100010 Gain rival
100012 Gain friend
100015 My guardian was ready to rip me a new one when someone interfered
100016 Gain friend/gain rival
100017 Gain rival
100019 A fellow student lacks even the ability to talk to a girl
100020 character_event
100021 Offered help
100022 Accepted/rejected help
100023 Rejected help
100024 Ladies shun me, I need help
100025 character_event
100026 I was asked to help him with his love woes
100027 Someone wants money to help me with my love woes
100028 Gain friend
100029 Gain rival
100030 Bribed courtier to make him help with you the ladies
100031 He promised to help
100034 character_event
100035 You have found a girl with similar interests!
100036 Courtier is asked become friend
100037 ROOT becomes courtier's rival
100038 Gain friend
100039 Courtier becomes ROOT's rival
100040 Flirtatious girl - new friend or rival?
100041 Courtier: Help FROM overcomes her fears
100042 Gain Rival
100043 Gain friend
100044 Gain Rival
100050 A girl at court is very flirtatious and seems to get away with everything...
100051 Help FROM
100052 ROOT gains a friend
100053 ROOT gains a rival
100054 Courtier gains rival
100060 Someone defeated me in swordplay
100061 Courtier gains a rival
100065 Someone does not like me and keeps picking on me!
100066 Courtier gains a rival
100067 Courtier gets a sweet
100068 Bribed with a sweet
100069 Courtier gains a friend
100070 I can't stand someone!
100071 Courtier gains a rival
100072 Courtier is notified about ROOT's feelings
100073 ROOT gains a rival
100074 ROOT gains a friend?
100075 Courtier friend/rival?
100080 Someone does not believe in God!
100081 ROOT tries to convert a cynic
100082 ROOT gains a rival
100083 ROOT is pious
100084 ROOT gains a friend
100090 My embroidery is not as good as someone elses!
100091 Courtier gains a rival
100092 ROOT destroys Courtier's embroidery
100093 ROOT gains a rival
100094 ROOT gains a friend or rival
100095 ROOT gains a friend
100096 ROOT gains a friend
100100 Someone stole my doll!
100101 Courtier decides what happens to doll
100102 Gave it back
100105 Crusaders becomes friends/rival
100106 Crusader Friend or Foe
100107 Crusader Foes
100108 Crusader Friends
100110 Learn from the best (and take his job)
100111 Courtier is asked to help
100112 Gain friend
100113 Gain rival
100115 Sharing the wonders of childbearing has made you a new friend
100116 Female friend/rival
100117 Female rival
100150 Friend at war - send help?
100151 ROOT joined friend's war
100152 ROOT sent money to friend
100153 I never got your letter
100160 I'm at war and need help
100161 Asked by a friend to join her/his war
100162 Asked by a friend for money
100163 Friend joined war or sent money
100164 Friend did nothing to help
100170 My friend's friend is my friend
100171 ROOT likes my friend
100172 ROOT likes me!
100173 ROOT doesn't want to be my friend
100174 ROOT gets a new friend
100175 ROOT doesn't get a new friend
100180 My friend is a heretic/infidel!
100181 ROOT tries to convert friend
100182 ROOT accepts friends's religion
100183 ROOT becomes interested in friend's religion
100184 ROOT condemns friend's religion and stops being friend with him/her
100185 ROOT
100186 ROOT
100190 My friend is a much better diplomat than me, ask for help?
100191 Friend is asked by ROOT for help
100192 ROOT gets help from friend
100193 ROOT did not get help from friend
100194 ROOT only gets help from friend if friend is paid
100195 Friend is/n't paid by ROOT
100200 My friend has much better martial stats than me, ask for help?
100201 Friend is asked by ROOT for help
100202 ROOT gets help from friend
100203 ROOT did not get help from friend
100204 ROOT only gets help from friend if friend is paid
100205 Friend is/n't paid by ROOT
100210 My friend has much better stewardship stats than me, ask for help?
100211 Friend is asked by ROOT for help
100212 ROOT gets help from friend
100213 ROOT did not get help from friend
100214 ROOT only gets help from friend if friend is paid
100215 Friend is/n't paid by ROOT
100220 My friend has much better intrigue stats than me, ask for help?
100221 Friend is asked by ROOT for help
100222 ROOT gets help from friend
100223 ROOT did not get help from friend
100224 ROOT only gets help from friend if friend is paid
100225 Friend is/nt paid by ROOT
100226 ROOT gets help from friend
100230 My friend has much better learning stats than me, ask for help?
100231 Friend is asked by ROOT for help
100232 ROOT gets help from friend
100233 ROOT did not get help from friend
100234 ROOT only gets help from friend if friend is paid
100235 Friend is/n't paid by ROOT
100240 My friend is celibate
100241 Friend is asked by ROOT about Celibacy
100242 Friend is irritated about ROOT bedraggling his/her lifestyle
100243 ROOT is discouraged by friend
100244 ROOT is told about celibacy by friend
100250 My friend is a hedonist
100251 Friend is asked by ROOT about hedonism
100252 Friend is irritated about ROOT bedraggling his/her lifestyle
100253 ROOT is discouraged by friend
100254 ROOT is told about hedonism by friend
100260 My friend is a scholar
100261 Friend is asked by ROOT about being a scholar
100262 Friend is irritated about ROOT bedraggling his/her lifestyle
100263 ROOT is discouraged by friend
100264 ROOT is told about scholar by friend
100350 I don't recognise my friend anymore, I don't know if we really are friends...
100351 Friend is notified about ROOT's feelings
100352 Friend is notified about ROOT's feelings
100353 ROOT is notified about Friend's feelings
100354 Friend is notified about ROOT's feelings
100400 My friend's rival tried to kill/maim/wound him/her!
100401 Friend's rival is notified
100402 Friend is notified about ROOT doing nothing
100410 I ask permission to challenge my rival into a duel
100411 Liege decides if ROOT is allowed to duel
100412 Liege allows it
100413 Liege disallows it
100414 Liege banish you!
100415 Rival is beaten?
100420 Accuse rival of cheating in tournament
100421 Liege is told about cheating
100422 Cheating rival is confronted
100423 Cheating rival attempts to clear his name
100424 Cheating rival is imprisoned by liege
100425 Cheating rival is banished by liege
100426 Liege banished/imprisoned/did nothing
100427 ROOT is challenged to a duel
100428 Rival is beaten?
100429 Rival is disappointed
100440 Your fierce rival has embraced heretical ways
100441 Head of Religion decides whether or not to excommunicate
100442 Root becomes a heretic!
100443 Head of religion sends letter to excommunicated person
100444 Head of religion sends letter to ROOT
100445 Head of religion sends letter to ROOT telling him/her no can do
100450 Make your liege distrust your rival
100451 Liege listens to you
100452 ROOT gets the message: Liege does/not believe ROOT
100453 Liege does not like ROOT's Rival
100460 My rival is homosexual!
100461 Rival is told about ROOT spreading rumours
100462 No longer rivals
100470 A rival of yours is so much beneath you that it seems a bit silly of you to hold him as an enemy
100471 Rivals are no longer rivals
100472 Rivalry continues
100480 Your rivalry to your liege is straining your commitment to your feudal duties
100481 ROOT and Liege are no longer Rivals
100490 You have been made aware that your fierce rival is planning rebellious acts
100491 Rival is told about ROOT backing the plot
100492 ROOT leaves Rival's plot
100500 Your fierce rival has also become a follower of the new way of Christ
100501 Christian Rival decides if rivalry continues
100502 ROOT learns Christian Rival decided rivalry discontinues
100503 ROOT learns Christian Rival decided rivalry continues
100510 Root tries to wound rival during hunt
100511 Rival is wounded/maimed/killed
100512 The arrow missed its target OR wounded/maimed rival
100513 Rival is killed
100514 Rival's son swears revenge
100520 Poison rival during liege's feast
100521 Nothing happened
100522 Rival is poisoned!
100523 Liege is poisoned
100524 ROOT gets news about success: Rival is ill/infirm or dead
100525 Liege discovers ROOT was behind the poisoning
100526 Rival's son swears revenge
100527 ROOT is imprisoned/banished
100530 Revenge seeker seeks revenge
100531 Rival is slandered
100532 ROOT: Rival got away
100533 Rival is killed/got away
100534 Rival is maimed/wounded
100535 ROOT tried to killed Rival
100536 ROOT tried to wound/maim Rival
100537 ROOT: Rival is slandered
100538 Rival escaped!
100540 Son seeks revenge for his father
100541 Father's Murderer is slandered
100542 ROOT: Father's Murderer got away
100543 Father's Murder is killed/got away
100544 Father's Murderer is maimed/wounded
100545 ROOT: Father's Murderer got away/is killed
100546 ROOT: Father's Murderer got away/is wounded/maimed Father
100547 ROOT: Father's Murderer is slandered
100550 My friend has much better learning stats than me, ask for help? Muslim
100551 Friend is asked by ROOT for help
100552 ROOT get help from friend
100553 ROOT did not get help from friend
100554 ROOT only gets help from friend if friend is paid
100555 Friend is/n't paid by ROOT