Dragatus's Workshop:修订间差异

第36行: 第36行:
Additionally each government type has a fallback default education in case the child doesn't have any traits, but normally the fallback should be chosen less than 10% of the time. Martial education is the fallback for feudal, tribal, and nomadic type governments, Stewardship education is the fallback for republican type governments, and Learning education is the fallback for theocratic type governments.
Additionally each government type has a fallback default education in case the child doesn't have any traits, but normally the fallback should be chosen less than 10% of the time. Martial education is the fallback for feudal, tribal, and nomadic type governments, Stewardship education is the fallback for republican type governments, and Learning education is the fallback for theocratic type governments.

=[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1757227395 Prisoner Marriage]=
*Dragatus的[https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025073007/myworkshopfiles/?appid=203770 创意工坊]
*Dragatus的[https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025073007/myworkshopfiles/?appid=203770 创意工坊]


2020年8月1日 (六) 00:09的最新版本

Less Random Deadly Duels/更少的随机致命决斗




《Better AI RPG人物焦点》



这个mod只是将AI使用的所有基于个性的修饰符更改为10或0.1。因此,之前同样公正和勤奋的角色现在将在109次中选择统治焦点 100次,或者说92%的可能性。


《Better AI RPG教育焦点》




  1. 骄傲:用于统治者、继承人和统治者的近亲。儿童统治者或继承人几乎总是会得到这个。较少用于父系领域的女孩和母系领域的男孩。
  2. 谦逊:用于出身低微的孩子和私生子。
  3. 礼仪:用于封建、共和和神权宫廷中高贵家族的子女。在父系领域,它更多地用于女孩,而较少用于男孩。在母系领域则相反。
  4. 责任:可用于封建制或共和制下的任何儿童。
  5. 节俭:用于共和国和由学者君主(博学或学者特质)统治下儿童。
  6. 竞争:用于游牧民族、部落、私生子和下等人。
  7. 信仰:用在异教徒的孩子身上,或者用在政教合一的地方。
  8. 传统:用于教育与领主有不同文化或宗教的儿童。

When you put all that together a typical feudal ruler will give his heir the Pride focus. Other sons will have an even chance to get Duty or Pride, while daughters will most commonly get Etiquette. Children of courtiers will tend to get Duty (if male) or Etiquette (if female) and lowborn children will have an even chance to get Duty, Humility, or Struggle.

Once the child turns 12 the AI will pick an education focus that gets a bonus from whatever traits the child developed. Each positive trait increases the chance an education will be selected, each negative trait decreases it, and the child must have at least one positive trait in order to be able to get a given education focus.

For example, if a child has Brooding (good for Stewardship), Willful (good for Martial), and Rowdy (good for Martial) the AI could give it either Stewardship or Martial education, but Martial education would be much more likely because it has two associated traits (will be chosen about 91% of the time).

Additionally each government type has a fallback default education in case the child doesn't have any traits, but normally the fallback should be chosen less than 10% of the time. Martial education is the fallback for feudal, tribal, and nomadic type governments, Stewardship education is the fallback for republican type governments, and Learning education is the fallback for theocratic type governments.

Prisoner Marriage

