
Dlc icon the old gods.png The Old Gods
The Old Gods banner.jpg
发布日期/ 补丁
2013-05-28 / 1.10
Norse Pagan councillors render picture

Dlc icon the old gods.png 逝往神灵(英文:The Old Gods,缩写:TOG)是王国风云II第四个大型扩展包,在2013年5月28日与1.10版本补丁共同发布。

It allows a new start date of 867 AD, unlocks a new revolt system, and makes non-nomadic Pagans playable while adding new mechanics for them.



  • 现在可以使用非游牧部族的原始宗教以及祆教进行游戏。
  • 添加一个新的剧本“维京时代”,使开局时间上推到867年1月1日。但是由于867年和1066年两剧本之间是没有数据的,因此你不能把开局时间设置在867年-1066年之间。
  • 更危险的叛乱:现在叛军拥有军队领袖了。
  • 想要征服公爵领的冒险家.

Patch features:

  • Base religious moral authority depends on holding holy sites (should make it harder to reach and hold at 100% as it is now)
    • All religions have 5 holy sites.
    • Some heresies have separately scripted holy sites, but most share holy sites with their parent religion.
  • Pagans only have Gavelkind, harsher short reign penalties, cannot demand vassals to convert, and are more susceptible to conversion from monotheistic religions.
  • Pagan temples can have female holders.
  • To reform a pagan religion, you need 3 of 5 holy sites and a lot of piety.
    • Reformed pagans gain a religious head (different for each), all but Norse are church vassals like Patriarchs.
    • Reformed Norse get a Caliph-like religious leader called a Fylkir - a secular and religious head; the title will be granted to the ruler who restored the religion.
    • Reformed pagans gain holy war and Crusade CBs styled as "great holy wars" but lose subjugation CB and defensive attrition.
    • Unreformed pagan religions become heresies upon reformation.
  • You can take female rulers as captive concubine. Any child born to a concubine will have the same rights in succession as other children, but will be viewed poorly by others.
  • If you make a married woman your concubine it will break her marriage.
  • Restore Zoroastrianism to prominence by recreating the Persian Empire, thus retaking the religion's holy sites, and appointing a Moabadan-Moabad, and the possibility of becoming the Saoshyant - the prophesized saviour of Zoroastrianism, which is represented as a nickname and trait. Your descendants will also receive a slightly weaker version of this trait, which they will be able to keep even if they convert to another religion.
  • Zoroastrians accept and encourage incest - an incestuous marriage, particularly with a close family member, will garner an opinion bonus from vassals. See divine marriage.
  • Most of the new mechanics are not hard-coded and can be easily changed through scripts for modders.

Dev diaries

主条目:Developer diaries

All developer diaries about the The Old Gods expansion, patch 1.10 and patch 1.11.

Patch 1.10
No. Title and Link Description Date
1 A Different Europe Covers the new 867 A.D start date. 2013-03-20
2 The Wrath of Odin Covers the the raiding mechanic. 2013-04-03
3 The Heathens Are Coming! Covers the special casus-bellis for pagans. 2013-04-17
4 The Pagan Reformation Covers reforming the pagan faiths. 2013-05-02
5 Events, Decisions and Zoroastrians Discusses new events and decisions for pagans, as well as the introduction of Zoroastrians. 2013-05-08
6 A Rebel and a Traitor Discusses changes to rebels and the introduction of adventurers. 2013-05-15
7 Technology in the Dark Ages Covers the new technology system. 2013-05-22
Patch 1.11
No. Title and Link Description Date
8 Post Mortem Ramblings Discusses The Old Gods post-release. 2013-06-19
9 Patch changes and EU4 Tie-in News on upcoming patch 1.11 as well as the Customization Pack and CK2-to-EU4 Save Converter DLCs. 2013-08-07


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