
咯咯炀讨论 | 贡献2019年11月22日 (五) 11:21的版本

A large part of your income, especially in a small realm, comes from the personal holdings of your demesne.

Holding Income = (Base Income + Building Income) x (1 + Local Income Modifiers) x (1 + Owner Income Modifiers)

The Base Holding Income is the sum of:

  • the Base Income of the holding: 0.5 for a tribe, 4 for a castle, 8 for a temple, or 12 for a city.
  • the Building Income brought by all buildings constructed in the holding

Local Income Modifiers include province and holding modifiers. They include:

  • Technology boost from "Castle Infrastructure" tech (up to +50%) and "Cities and Temples" tech (up to 40%).
  • Muslim Infidel tax on non-Muslim provinces: +25%
  • Steward's Collect Taxes job, which depends on Steward's stewardship attribute: +2.5% tax/skill point. Note that it only applies to holdings owned by the Steward's liege, so they are best used in counties where the liege owns more than one holding.
  • Wrong government type penalty of -75%, in case the owner's government type does not match the holding type.
  • Looted province penalty, if a province has been raided or hostile armies lived off loot for supply
  • New administration penalty of -30%
  • Recently conquered penalty of -100%
  • Prosperity

Owner Income Modifiers include:

  • State stewardship, +2% per point
  • For Muslims, decadence above 25% decreases demesne income, while decadence below 25% increases it.
  • Modifiers confusingly called "National Tax Modifier", such as:
    • Greedy.png (+10%)
    • Expelled Jews (-10%)
  • A penalty of -25% per holding above the demesne limit, with a maximum of -90%.
Exceeding Demesne limit By 1 By 2 By 3 By 4 and above
Income penalty -25% -50% -75% -90%
聚居地 城堡城市神殿部落游牧制首都
特殊地产 家族宅邸贸易站堡垒医院
概念 首都/首府经济征召兵叛乱科技文化建筑奇观