
第2行: 第2行:

 永生(英文:Immortal),有'''{{iconify|Immortal}}''' 永生 特质的角色不会因衰老和[[disease|疾病]]而死亡。尽管如此,他们仍然有可能被[[execution|处决]]或被[[events|事件]]杀死。

 角色可以在开启{{icon|trd}}[[The Reaper's Due|死神索命DLC]]并[[Game rules#Supernatural Events|开启超自然事件]]时获得永生的特质。
 角色可以在开启{{icon|trd}}[[The Reaper's Due|死神索命DLC]]并[[Game rules#Supernatural Events|开启超自然事件]]时获得永生的特质。
第9行: 第9行:

 当一个角色获得永生特质后,他们的肖像、性吸引力、生育能力和婚姻接受度都将固定在他们获得永生特质时的样子 他们会免疫随着岁数增长而带来的 体弱多病{{iconify|infirm}}特质或 无能{{iconify|incapable}}特质。
 当一个角色获得永生特质后,他们的肖像、性吸引力、生育能力和婚姻接受度都将固定在他们获得永生特质时的样子 。This cannot be changed with the Fountain of Youth feature of the [[Great_works#Magnificent_Gardens|Magnificent Gardens]]. 他们会免疫随着岁数增长而带来的{{iconify|infirm}} 体弱多病 特质或{{iconify|incapable}} 无能 特质。

*杀死任何你的直系子孙都将获得 弑亲禽兽{{iconify|Kinslayer}}特质。在游戏运行了数代人的时间后,由于子孙后代不断繁衍,你将很难辨认谁是你的直系子孙。
*杀死任何你的直系子孙都将获得{{iconify|Kinslayer}} 弑亲禽兽 特质。在游戏运行了数代人的时间后,由于子孙后代不断繁衍,你将很难辨认谁是你的直系子孙。

第20行: 第20行:

 事件触发后,内阁可以召集会议。基于角色的各项能力数值(除了管理能力),角色可以选择让哪一个内阁成员去寻找永生。比如你的外交能力超过12,那么你就可以派出总理大臣去寻找永生。你在此时选择的能力将会对永生事件链的后续部分产生重要影响,因此,最好选择 拥有 最高 相应 能力值(最多22) 的顾问。[wiki上原文说是22的顾问,实际上译者查看代码发现内阁的能力并不影响结果,最终是以from,一般指事件触发人,的能力为主的。][(这是wiki的补充)为了清楚起见,前一句话应该修改一下。从措辞上看,目前还不清楚选择最高的能力是最好的,还是选他们的内阁能力最高的是最好的。] 角色也可以选择(只有当所有属性都在12以下时才可以)让委员会自己做决定,只有35%或15%的几率神秘人出现并且使用一个随机属性。
 事件触发后,内阁可以召集会议。基于角色的各项能力数值(除了管理能力),角色可以选择让哪一个内阁成员去寻找永生。比如你的外交能力超过12,那么你就可以派出总理大臣去寻找永生。你在此时选择的能力将会对永生事件链的后续部分产生重要影响,因此,最好选择 和你的 最高能力值 相应 的顾问。角色也可以选择(只有当所有属性都在12以下时才可以)让委员会自己做决定,只有35%或15%的几率神秘人出现并且使用一个随机属性。


 当内阁成功找到一个神秘人(而不是自己出现的神秘人)时,他会带来一个你所选择的那一项属性很高的女性角色。例如,如果你选择了外交总管执行任务,一个外交很高的挪威女人 “iduun ”就会出现在你的宫廷里。
 当内阁成功找到一个神秘人(而不是自己出现的神秘人)时,他会带来一个你所选择的那一项属性很高的女性角色。例如,如果你选择了外交总管执行任务,一个外交很高的挪威女人 “Idunn ”就会出现在你的宫廷里。


 首先,神秘人有可能是个假冒的,一个假冒的神秘人 (几乎总是) 会让你的探索失败。在你寻求永生的不同阶段成功的可能性不断减小,并且在任务的最后一步极具下降,有超过1000:1的可能性你最后会失败。一个假的神秘人不可能成功永生。你开始选择探索永生时对应的能力值(分10,13,16,19,22几档)越高,神秘人是假的几率就越小。
 首先,神秘人有可能是个假冒的,一个假冒的神秘人(without exaggeration: 999 times out of 1,000)  会让你的探索失败。在你寻求永生的不同阶段成功的可能性不断减小,并且在任务的最后一步极具下降,有超过1000:1的可能性你最后会失败。一个假的神秘人不可能成功永生。你开始选择探索永生时对应的能力值(分10,13,16,19,22几档)越高,神秘人是假的几率就越小。

 在神秘人到来并且你选择相信她时,你的家族成员可能会怀疑她,并且你的家族成员会试图弄清楚她是否可信。这是很重要的一步,因为你可以弄清楚神秘人是否是假的。如果一个家族成员具有 至少 以下一种的特质:狡诈{{iconify|Deceitful}},野心勃勃{{iconify|Ambitious}}或者嫉妒{{iconify|Envious}},那么他几乎总是会欺骗你。如果家族成员具有上述特质,并且神秘人是个假的,那么他会告诉你这是真的。
 在神秘人到来并且你选择相信她时,你的家族成员可能会怀疑她,并且你的家族成员会试图弄清楚她是否可信。这是很重要的一步,因为你可以弄清楚神秘人是否是假的。如果一个家族成员具有以下 任何 一种的特质:狡诈{{iconify|Deceitful}},野心勃勃{{iconify|Ambitious}}或者嫉妒{{iconify|Envious}},那么他几乎总是会欺骗你。如果家族成员具有上述特质,并且神秘人是个假的,那么他会告诉你这是真的。


  所以 到这个时候,你可以选择是否会继续相信她,虽然你知道她是个骗子,但你仍然可以继续寻找。因为任务链可能会给你一个很好的特性,你也可以随时放弃任务链。

====The Actual Quest====
==== 真正的探索====


 如果角色的“选择属性”是军事或学习,在第三步,按照神秘主义者的指示,有失败并且转世的机会,这意味着角色将会死去,同时一个有着相同种族、文化、宗教和一些相同 性格 的孩子出生。
 如果角色的“选择属性”是军事或学习,在第三步,按照神秘主义者的指示,有失败并且转世的机会,这意味着角色将会死去,同时一个有着相同种族、文化、宗教和一些相同特 的孩子出生。

Dragatus分享了关于属性效果的信息,以及如何区分骗子和真正的神秘主义者:[http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/immortal-learning-path.1018931/#post-22763945 immortal-learning-path 2017 May 3rd]
Dragatus分享了关于属性效果的信息,以及如何区分骗子和真正的神秘主义者:[http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/immortal-learning-path.1018931/#post-22763945 immortal-learning-path 2017 May 3rd]

==See also==
'''------ Full Quest Path Including Stat Modifiers'''
First thing to keep in mind before ANYTHING, is that there's about a 90% chance the mystic is a fraud when showing up which makes it 1000% more likely (the actual multiplier in the game files) that you fail the quest on the final trial and causes every single step of the trial to have an almost doubled chance of failure. So from the immediate beginning of the event you should be aware you are almost ensured failure, so pursue immortality at your own risk. Assuming the mystic isn't a fraud and you beat the first trial of luck and have a legitimate Mystic, we move on...
When the council is summoned, whichever councilor you have search for a mystic is the corresponding attribute that is going to be important. Each trial you get a bonus to succeeding the higher your stat is up to having the attribute at 22 (anything higher doesn't increase the bonuses) Thus having:
Marshall finds Mystic that uses Martial;
Councilor finds Mystic that uses Diplomacy;
Spymaster finds Mystic that uses Intrigue;
Court Chaplain/Imam/etc. finds Mystic that uses Learning;
There is no Mystic that uses Stewardship;
Once the requisite mystic is summoned, each trial generally falls under two choices that progress to the next stage, and one that backs out. There's a generally a choice that has a higher chance of success but also comes with a chance of critical failure, which can give you negative traits or immediate death. And there tends to be a choice where you have a lower chance of success but failure tends to have only negative traits given and the mystic leaves.
For a bare-bones breakdown here:
'''Child (Learning Mystic)'''
TRIAL 1:<br>
Option 1 Give Charity<br>
Does NOT Have: If Has AND has one NOT have (20%)<br>
TRIAL 2<br>
Option 1 Cheat Fast<br>
-Increasing percentile of 35 maxing at Learning 22 bonuses start at Learning 13<br>
Option 2 Fast<br>
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Learning 22 bonuses start at Learning 13<br>
-15% Chance of Horrible Failure<br><br>
TRIAL 3<br>
Option 1<br>
-Increasing percentile of 40 maxing at Learning 22 bonuses start at Learning 13<br>
-Failure reincarnates soul into relative, copies your traits<br>
Option 2<br>
-Increasing percentile of 25 maxing at Learning 22 bonuses start at Learning 13<br>
-Failure has you possessed<br>
'''African (Martial Mystic)'''
TRIAL 1<br>
Option 1 Sacrifice Antelope<br>
-Increasing percentile of 60 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
Option 2 Burn Grain<br>
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13<br><br>
TRIAL 2<br>
Option 1 Grab Snake<br>
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
Option 2 Hit Snake<br>
-Increasing percentile of 35 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13<br><br>
TRIAL 3<br>
Option 1 Drink Herbs<br>
-Increasing percentile of 40 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
Option 2 Ascend on your own<br>
-Increasing percentile of 25 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
'''Old Crone (Intrigue Mystic)'''
TRIAL 1<br>
Option 1 Have her teach you<br>
-Increasing percentile of 60 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
Option 2 do it yourself<br>
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13<br><br>
TRIAL 2<br>
Option 1<br>
-Increasing percentile of 35 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
Option 2<br>
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
-15% Chance of Horrible Failure<br><br>
TRIAL 3<br>
Option 1<br>
-Increasing percentile of 40 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
Option 2<br>
-Increasing percentile of 25 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
'''Young Germanic (Diplomacy Mystic)'''
TRIAL 1<br>
Option 1 Hire Adventurers<br>
-Increasing percentile of 60 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
Option 2 Get Local Adventurers<br>
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13<br><br>
TRIAL 2<br>
Option 1 Safe Route Around Rocks<br>
-Increasing percentile of 35 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
Option 2 Go Through Rocks<br>
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
-15% chance of Horrible Failure<br><br>
TRIAL 3<br>
Option 1 Bribe your friend<br>
-Increasing percentile of 40 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
Option 2 Persuade your friend<br>
-Increasing percentile of 20 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13<br>
source : Reddit
== 参见==

*Becoming immortal: [[RIP eternal life events]]
*Becoming immortal: [[RIP eternal life events]]
*Effects of immortality: <code>rg "(immortal = yes)|(\strait = immortal)"</code>
*Effects of immortality: <code>rg "(immortal = yes)|(\strait = immortal)"</code>

2020年5月22日 (五) 14:42的最新版本

永生(英文:Immortal),有Immortal.png 永生特质的角色不会因衰老和疾病而死亡。尽管如此,他们仍然有可能被处决或被事件杀死。

角色可以在开启DLC icon Reaper's Due.png死神索命DLC开启超自然事件时获得永生的特质。


当一个角色获得永生特质后,他们的肖像、性吸引力、生育能力和婚姻接受度都将固定在他们获得永生特质时的样子。This cannot be changed with the Fountain of Youth feature of the Magnificent Gardens.他们会免疫随着岁数增长而带来的Infirm.png 体弱多病特质或Incapable.png 无能特质。 然而,永生也有其消极的一面。

  • 杀死任何你的直系子孙都将获得Kinslayer.png 弑亲禽兽特质。在游戏运行了数代人的时间后,由于子孙后代不断繁衍,你将很难辨认谁是你的直系子孙。
  • 在统治足够长的时间后,获得永生的统治者将得到一项针对封臣的“怀疑永生”的好感度惩罚。此时,决议自杀将被激活,如果统治者选择结束自己的生命,他们将更可能成功。









首先,神秘人有可能是个假冒的,一个假冒的神秘人(without exaggeration: 999 times out of 1,000) 会让你的探索失败。在你寻求永生的不同阶段成功的可能性不断减小,并且在任务的最后一步极具下降,有超过1000:1的可能性你最后会失败。一个假的神秘人不可能成功永生。你开始选择探索永生时对应的能力值(分10,13,16,19,22几档)越高,神秘人是假的几率就越小。








Dragatus分享了关于属性效果的信息,以及如何区分骗子和真正的神秘主义者:immortal-learning-path 2017 May 3rd

------ Full Quest Path Including Stat Modifiers

First thing to keep in mind before ANYTHING, is that there's about a 90% chance the mystic is a fraud when showing up which makes it 1000% more likely (the actual multiplier in the game files) that you fail the quest on the final trial and causes every single step of the trial to have an almost doubled chance of failure. So from the immediate beginning of the event you should be aware you are almost ensured failure, so pursue immortality at your own risk. Assuming the mystic isn't a fraud and you beat the first trial of luck and have a legitimate Mystic, we move on...

When the council is summoned, whichever councilor you have search for a mystic is the corresponding attribute that is going to be important. Each trial you get a bonus to succeeding the higher your stat is up to having the attribute at 22 (anything higher doesn't increase the bonuses) Thus having: Marshall finds Mystic that uses Martial; Councilor finds Mystic that uses Diplomacy; Spymaster finds Mystic that uses Intrigue; Court Chaplain/Imam/etc. finds Mystic that uses Learning; There is no Mystic that uses Stewardship;

Once the requisite mystic is summoned, each trial generally falls under two choices that progress to the next stage, and one that backs out. There's a generally a choice that has a higher chance of success but also comes with a chance of critical failure, which can give you negative traits or immediate death. And there tends to be a choice where you have a lower chance of success but failure tends to have only negative traits given and the mystic leaves.

For a bare-bones breakdown here:

Child (Learning Mystic)

Option 1 Give Charity
Does NOT Have: If Has AND has one NOT have (20%)

Option 1 Cheat Fast
-Increasing percentile of 35 maxing at Learning 22 bonuses start at Learning 13
Option 2 Fast
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Learning 22 bonuses start at Learning 13
-15% Chance of Horrible Failure

Option 1
-Increasing percentile of 40 maxing at Learning 22 bonuses start at Learning 13
-Failure reincarnates soul into relative, copies your traits
Option 2
-Increasing percentile of 25 maxing at Learning 22 bonuses start at Learning 13
-Failure has you possessed

African (Martial Mystic)

Option 1 Sacrifice Antelope
-Increasing percentile of 60 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13
Option 2 Burn Grain
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13

Option 1 Grab Snake
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13
Option 2 Hit Snake
-Increasing percentile of 35 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13

Option 1 Drink Herbs
-Increasing percentile of 40 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13
Option 2 Ascend on your own
-Increasing percentile of 25 maxing at Martial 22 bonuses start at 13

Old Crone (Intrigue Mystic)

Option 1 Have her teach you
-Increasing percentile of 60 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13
Option 2 do it yourself
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13

Option 1
-Increasing percentile of 35 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13
Option 2
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13
-15% Chance of Horrible Failure

Option 1
-Increasing percentile of 40 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13
Option 2
-Increasing percentile of 25 maxing at Intrigue 22 bonuses start at 13

Young Germanic (Diplomacy Mystic)

Option 1 Hire Adventurers
-Increasing percentile of 60 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13
Option 2 Get Local Adventurers
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13

Option 1 Safe Route Around Rocks
-Increasing percentile of 35 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13
Option 2 Go Through Rocks
-Increasing percentile of 50 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13
-15% chance of Horrible Failure

Option 1 Bribe your friend
-Increasing percentile of 40 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13
Option 2 Persuade your friend
-Increasing percentile of 20 maxing at Diplomacy 22 bonuses start at 13

source : Reddit
