
第68行: 第68行:


===={{iconify|Germanic}} 日耳曼多神教====
===={{iconify|Germanic}} 日耳曼多神教====
第99行: 第100行:
;[[特质#日耳曼多神教|其他特质]]:统治者可以任命某位女性为 {{iconify|Shieldmaiden}},允许她们担任军事总管或指挥官。北日耳曼文化的日耳曼多神教徒可以在战斗中成为 {{iconify|Berserker}} 。
;[[特质#日耳曼多神教|其他特质]]:统治者可以任命某位女性为 {{iconify|Shieldmaiden}},允许她们担任军事总管或指挥官。北日耳曼文化的日耳曼多神教徒可以在战斗中成为 {{iconify|Berserker}} 。

;通婚:日耳曼多神教可以和 改革日耳曼多神教, 斯拉夫多神教及洛姆瓦教通婚。

第116行: 第117行:
*'''瑙马达尔''': 祭祀北欧诸神的最重要的宗教仪式场所之一。
*'''瑙马达尔''': 祭祀北欧诸神的最重要的宗教仪式场所之一。

===={{iconify|Tengri}} 长生天====
===={{iconify|Tengri}} 长生天====
第133行: 第135行:

;通婚:长生天 统治者 可以和佛教以及祆教宗教组内所有宗教通婚。


*'''阿得''': 以可萨利亚的首都为名,邻近萨莱巴图(撒哈辛)——金帐汗国首都。
*'''阿得''': 以可萨利亚的首都为名,邻近萨莱巴图(撒哈辛)——金帐汗国首都。
**阿得 是重要的 {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}} [[丝绸之路]]省份。.
**阿得是重要的 {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}} [[丝绸之路]]省份。
*'''托博尔''': 失必儿汗国的中心
*'''托博尔''': 失必儿汗国的中心
*'''锡尔河''': 乌古斯突厥的草原帝国的首都
*'''锡尔河''': 乌古斯突厥的草原帝国的首都
第144行: 第146行:
*'''于都斤''': 突厥神话和长生天中的传说之都。
*'''于都斤''': 突厥神话和长生天中的传说之都。

===={{Iconify|Aztec}} 阿兹特克多神教====
===={{Iconify|Aztec}} 阿兹特克多神教====
第165行: 第168行:

*'''罗马'''(和[[基督教# 天主教| 天主教]]共有)
第186行: 第189行:

;召集虔诚战士:该决议适用于防御型原始宗教部落,无论是否改革({{icon|lor}} 罗马遗产DLC没有激活)。如果你被不同信仰的统治者攻击,你可以花费200虔诚来召唤一群战士保卫你的领土,类似“召集部落军队”决议。该决议将获得一支2000人的强大军队,这意味着对一位防御型原始宗教部落统治者来说每点虔诚相当于10个士兵。
;召集虔诚战士:该决议适用于防御型原始宗教部落,无论是否改革({{icon|lor}} 罗马遗产DLC没有激活)。如果你被不同信仰的统治者攻击,你可以花费200虔诚来召唤一群战士保卫你的领土,类似“召集部落军队”决议。该决议将获得一支2000人的强大军队,这意味着对一位防御型原始宗教部落统治者来说每点虔诚相当于10个士兵。

===={{iconify|Romuva}} 洛姆瓦教====
===={{iconify|Romuva}} 洛姆瓦教====
第205行: 第209行:

;[[长老选举制]]继承:洛姆瓦教部落统治者可以使用[[长老选举制]]继承法 {{icon|HF}}。改革洛姆瓦教也可以通过教义选择是否保留该继承法。
;[[长老选举制]]继承:洛姆瓦教部落统治者可以使用[[长老选举制]]继承法 {{icon|HF}}。改革洛姆瓦教也可以通过教义选择是否保留该继承法。

第230行: 第234行:


第247行: 第251行:
*Rurik Rurikid, Petty King of Holmgarðr in 867, is the historical founder of the Russian Empire. He is a culturally Norse Germanic pagan but has a Slavic son. You can use the Germanic faith's powerful CBs and shipbuilding buffs for expansion and raiding, then be succeeded by a Slavic ruler and reform.
*Rurik Rurikid, Petty King of Holmgarðr in 867, is the historical founder of the Russian Empire. He is a culturally Norse Germanic pagan but has a Slavic son. You can use the Germanic faith's powerful CBs and shipbuilding buffs for expansion and raiding, then be succeeded by a Slavic ruler and reform.

===={{iconify|Suomenusko}} 索米多神教====
===={{iconify|Suomenusko}} 索米多神教====
第265行: 第270行:

第272行: 第277行:

===={{iconify|African}} 非洲泛灵教====
===={{iconify|African}} 非洲泛灵教====
第301行: 第307行:

==={{iconify|Zunist}} 尊日神教===
==={{iconify|Zunist}} 尊日神教===
The Faith of Zun is a sun-worshiping pagan religion introduced in the {{icon|cm}}''[[Charlemagne]]'' expansion. The only realm following this faith is the [[Wikipedia:Zunbils|Zunbil Satrapy]] in western Afghanistan. They are only playable in the 769 bookmark unless [[Ruler Designer]] is used. By 867, the entire dynasty has converted to Hindu/Sunni, and merely a single courtier of this religion remains in the world, living in exile within the Shanshabani realm. However, the {{icon|soa}}''[[Sons of Abraham]]'' demon child event chain will create Zunist "witches", who can be married matrilineally or assigned as guardians to children with the Faith or Heritage focus. Rulers with Zunist holy sites in their demesne may also secretly convert to the faith.
尊日神教是 {{icon|cm}} ''[[ 查理曼]]'' 扩展引入的崇拜太阳的原始宗教。唯一信仰该教的国家是阿富汗西部的[[Wikipedia:Zunbils| 樽比勒王朝]] 。除非使用[[ 角色设计器]] ,仅在769年剧本可玩。到了867年,整个家族已经改信印度教/ 逊尼派,and merely a single courtier of this religion remains in the world, living in exile within the Shanshabani realm. 然而,{{icon|soa}} ''[[ 亚伯拉罕之裔]]'' 恶魔之子事件链将产生尊日神教" 女巫" ,她们可以被安排入赘婚姻或者担任选择信仰或传统儿童生活重心的儿童的监护人。持有尊日神教圣地的统治者也可以秘密地皈依该教。

Zunist mechanics are a hybrid of defensive/offensive pagans and organized religions. They start as feudal, are unable to raid, have lesser chance to convert county religion, do not suffer from increased short reign penalties and may use ultimogeniture succession law instead of gavelkind. Zun can also be reformed like other pagan faiths. With {{icon|mnm}}''[[Monks and Mystics]]'', Zunists characters may join the [[Societies#Hermetic Society|Hermetic Society]]. With {{icon|hf}}''Holy Fury'', Zunists can raid after reformation, as long as the reformed faith does not have the ''Peaceful'' nature.
尊日神教的机制是防御型/ 进攻型原始宗教和有组织的宗教的混合。他们开始时是封建制,不能劫掠,转变省份信仰的几率低,不受增加的短期统治惩罚,可以使用幼子继承法代替均分继承法。尊日神教也可以像其他原始宗教一样改革。拥有 {{icon|mnm}} ''[[ 修道士与密契者]]'' ,尊日神教角色可以加入[[ 社团# 赫耳墨斯学会| 赫耳墨斯学会]] 。拥有 {{icon|hf}} '' 神圣之怒'' ,尊日神教信徒可以在改革后劫掠,只要改革后的宗教没有'' 和平'' 特性。

;通婚:Zunists are able to intermarry with members of the Mazdan and Eastern religion groups. The strongest of these are Hindu, who will reject marriage arrangements due to your lack of caste. However, Hindu rulers will allow you to take concubines, who you can then decide to marry.
;通婚: 尊日神教可以和祆教宗教组及东方宗教组的宗教通婚。其中最强大的是印度教徒,他们会因为你没有种姓而拒绝安排婚姻。然而,印度教统治者允许你纳妾,然后你可以决定和谁结婚。

;太阳节:Like other pagan feasts, this gives ruler piety and prestige. However, it also has the event "Walking under the Sun" which has a chance of giving traits to your ruler.
;太阳节: 类似其他原始宗教的盛宴,统治者获得虔诚和威望。然而,它还有事件“日下行走”有机会使统治者获得特质。

;被大尊审判:In addition to usual choices of execute/ransom/release prisoner, Zunist can leave prisoners to a desert to be "judged by the sun". This usually kills said prisoner but a few other outcomes are also possible.
;被大尊审判: 除了通常的处决/ 赎回/ 释放囚犯的选择外,尊日神教信徒还可以将囚犯留在沙漠中“被大尊审判”。这一般会杀死囚犯,但也有可能出现其他结果。

;守备部队/部队加成:Zunists receive increased levies (+30%) & defensive attrition in Zunist provinces and better combat power (+20% defensive/offensive) for heavy infantry units. Unlike defensive pagans, they do not receive 80% defensive bonus in home provinces.
;守备部队/部队加成: 尊日神教征召兵规模+30% ,重步兵攻击/防御+20% ,尊日神教省份有防御损耗。不同于防御型原始宗教,他们在本土没有80% 防御加成。

;Empire of the Sun:This [[achievements|achievement]] is earned by ruling an empire-level title as reformed Zun ruler in an [[Ironman]] game.
;Empire of the Sun:This [[achievements|achievement]] is earned by ruling an empire-level title as reformed Zun ruler in an [[Ironman]] game.

;父权:Zunism does not permit female temple holders.
;父权: 尊日神教不允许女性持有神庙地产。

'' 圣地:'' '''Nishapur, Bost, Cairo, Kabul,''' and '''Multan'''. Cairo is distant and usually controlled by major Muslim powers. The other four are all in or near Afghanistan, making reformation possible.
; 圣地:
*''' 内沙布尔'''
*Cairo, Kabul and Multan are important {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}}[[Silk Road]] counties
*''' 博斯特'''
* 开罗,迦布罗和木尔坦是重要的 {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}} [[ 丝绸之路]] 省份

第329行: 第341行:
*'''Serving the Caliph''': Swearing fealty leaves you relatively free to pursue expansion, while your liege deters attackers and crushes revolts. It also lets you claim the holy site of Baghdad. It is recommended to have a kingdom-level title, as your Iqta liege can freely revoke duchies. Note that it is possible to reform the faith even while being a vassal, although you'll only get half the moral authority from each holy site. This strategy is easier with [[patch 2.7]], as you can falsely convert to Sunni Islam to shield you from religious revocation while developing a network of like-minded {{iconify|Secretly Zun Pagan}} rulers.
*'''Serving the Caliph''': Swearing fealty leaves you relatively free to pursue expansion, while your liege deters attackers and crushes revolts. It also lets you claim the holy site of Baghdad. It is recommended to have a kingdom-level title, as your Iqta liege can freely revoke duchies. Note that it is possible to reform the faith even while being a vassal, although you'll only get half the moral authority from each holy site. This strategy is easier with [[patch 2.7]], as you can falsely convert to Sunni Islam to shield you from religious revocation while developing a network of like-minded {{iconify|Secretly Zun Pagan}} rulers.

[[File:Hsbon.png|thumb|right|Bön holy sites.]]
==={{icon|Bön}} 苯教===
[[File:Hsbon.png|thumb|right| 苯教的圣地]]
Bön (Bon) is an indigenous religion of the Tibetan plateau, added in [[patch 2.8]]. It combines mechanics from Dharmic religions and defensive paganism and offers quite a unique gaming experience. Bön rulers are playable with either {{icon|jd}}''[[Jade Dragon]]'', ''[[The Old Gods]]'', or {{icon|hf}}''[[Holy Fury]]''.
Bön (Bon) is an indigenous religion of the Tibetan plateau, added in [[patch 2.8]]. It combines mechanics from Dharmic religions and defensive paganism and offers quite a unique gaming experience. Bön rulers are playable with either {{icon|jd}}''[[Jade Dragon]]'', ''[[The Old Gods]]'', or {{icon|hf}}''[[Holy Fury]]''.

第337行: 第350行:

*''当钦'' (+2 martial, -1 diplomacy, +1 personal combat skill)
*''当钦'' +2 军事, -1 外交, +1 个人实战能力)
*''辛拉哦噶'' (+2 diplomacy, -1 martial, +0.25 monthly karma)
*''辛拉哦噶'' +2 外交, -1 军事, +0.25 每月善业)
*''阎罗'' (+3 intrigue, -1 stewardship)
*''阎罗'' +3 密谋, -1 管理)
*''库拉揭哩'' (+2 martial, -1 learning, +5 vassal opinion)
*''库拉揭哩'' +2 军事, -1 学识, +5 封臣好感)
*''朗母拉'' (+2 learning, -1 intrigue, +0.50 monthly prestige)
*''朗母拉'' +2 学识, -1 密谋, +0.50 每月威望)
*''桑波奔赤'' (-1 martial, +1 health)
*''桑波奔赤'' -1 军事, +1 健康)

;防御型:Bön receive +40% to garrison size. They also receive Defensive Pagan bonuses and their enemies suffer attrition in provinces with Bön religion.
;防御型:Bön receive +40% to garrison size. They also receive Defensive Pagan bonuses and their enemies suffer attrition in provinces with Bön religion.
第348行: 第361行:
;通婚:Bön may intermarry with members of the [[Zoroastrians|Mazdan]] and [[Eastern religions]] group and  with [[Christianity#Nestorian|Nestorians]].
;通婚:Bön may intermarry with members of the [[Zoroastrians|Mazdan]] and [[Eastern religions]] group and  with [[Christianity#Nestorian|Nestorians]].

;No extra short reign penalty:Rulers of Bön faith do not suffer from extra [[Opinion#Short%20Reign|Short Reign]] penalty.
; 无短暂统治惩罚: 苯教没有额外的[[ 好感# 可变化的好感修正| 短暂统治]] 惩罚。

;纳妾:Female rulers may take up to three male consorts.
;纳妾: 女性统治者可以纳三个男妾。

;Priests cannot inherit:Characters may be [[Succession#Disqualification|disqualified from succession]] by granting them temples.
; 喇嘛不可继承头衔:Characters may be [[Succession#Disqualification|disqualified from succession]] by granting them temples.

;Resistance to conversion:AI Bön characters and Bön provinces have increased resistance to conversion from organized religions.
; 抵制转化:AI 苯教统治者和省份难以被有组织的宗教改信。

;[[Decisions#Search_for_a_Guru|寻找一位上师]]:Shared with Dharmic religions; lets you hire a skilled courtier as [[Honorary_titles#Court_Guru|Court Guru]].
;[[ 决议#Search_for_a_Guru|寻找一位上师]]:Shared with Dharmic religions; lets you hire a skilled courtier as [[Honorary_titles#Court_Guru|Court Guru]].

;天葬:Shared with Mazdan religions.
;天葬: 和祆教共有。

;与东方宗教融合:This decision allow a Bön ruler to gain the [[File:Sympathy_indian.png]] [[Traits#Sympathy_for_other_religious_groups|Sympathy for Eastern religions]] trait for a cost of 50 karma, reducing penalties involved in situations where you rule over non-Bön people.
;与东方宗教融合:This decision allow a Bön ruler to gain the [[File:Sympathy_indian.png]] [[Traits#Sympathy_for_other_religious_groups|Sympathy for Eastern religions]] trait for a cost of 50 karma, reducing penalties involved in situations where you rule over non-Bön people.

'' 圣地'': '''Balkh, Gilgit, Lhasa, Purang''' and '''Khotan'''.
*''' 逻些'''
*''' 布让'''
*''' 于阗'''

*Lhasa, Khotan and Purang are important {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}}[[Silk Road]] counties
* 逻些, 布让和于阗是重要的 {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}} [[ 丝绸之路]] 省份


第428行: 第447行:


2019年10月11日 (五) 18:09的版本

Pagan.png 原始宗教(英文:Pagans)遵循着古老的多神教传统,摒弃亚伯拉罕和印度宗教关于物质与精神领域相互隔离的观点,而是支持多神论的自然神灵。

非游牧制原始宗教通常要求 Dlc icon the old gods.png 逝往神灵Holy Fury.png 神圣之怒 DLC才可玩。苯教通过 Jade Dragon.png 碧玉之龙解锁,同时 Horse Lords.png 马上诸王允许扮演原始宗教游牧制统治者。


游戏中,所有原始宗教可以分为两大类,除了一些例外——进攻型的日耳曼多神教 ,长生天和 Dlc icon sunset invasion.png 阿兹特克多神教,以及防御型的洛姆瓦教(波罗的),斯拉夫多神教,索米多神教(芬兰),非洲泛灵教和苯教(西藏)。尊日神教的独特之处是它是进攻型和防御型的混合体需要确认;通用原始宗教没有加成。



  • 强大的原始宗教宣战理由允许原始宗教迅速扩张。然而,因为选举均分继承法(如果是部落制),难以转变角色和省份信仰,独立派系有更高优先级以及大量的短暂统治好感惩罚,巨大的国家并不稳定。
  • 劫掠的能力使一些原始宗教在游戏早期非常富有。特别是日耳曼多神教,因为他们有免费船只,船队能够在大河上航行,并且接近主要劫掠目标。但之后,封建国家能更快地增加收入,相反,劫掠因为目标加固而变得不易进行。临河的封建统治者最终将增加他们的要塞等级,以至于日耳曼多神教信徒再也无法航行于这些河流中。
  • 防御损耗在游戏早期是强大的威慑。但是,这只适用于原始宗教本土,并且原始宗教因为低宗教权威而难以转变省份宗教。一旦进攻者军事组织达到4级,防御损耗完全消失。
  • 原始宗教信徒发现很难从部落制转变,除非他们开局就是封建制(巴尔干国家,尊日神教国家,西藏)。部落地产能够快速升级,但完全定居省份能够升级更多(拥有足够财富和科技)。中等大小部落国家可以通过拥有巨大的直辖领来召集异常庞大的军队,并通过召唤部落封臣而不是调集领主征召兵来发动战争。因为封臣的封臣不能被召唤,大型部落国家不会受益更多。
  • 原始宗教地区通常在科技上远远落后于其他文化地区,例外是867年开局时日耳曼多神教在造船术上有巨大的领先优势,在769开局一段时间后也获得上述加成。讽刺的是,低科技在采用封建制后是一个更大的问题,因为封建国家需要更高科技来建造建筑。此外,随着科技的进步,敌对的封建国家可以利用建设更好的建筑来获得更大的经济和军事力量。
  • 随着部落统治者决定准备封建化,外国传教士变得更有效率

然而希望仍在:如果原始宗教信仰被改革,这种信仰的生存几乎是板上钉钉的。你用你的一些进攻/防御能力换取稳定,更快的宗教转变,以及大圣战来对抗十字军和吉哈德。拥有 Holy Fury.png ,改革者可以决定被改革信仰的教义。


  • 他们可以通过掠夺省份的所有地产来轻易地转变省份宗教。由此产生的空地产格进一步加强了游牧部落。
  • 游牧部族有他们独特的游牧继承法,不像选举均分继承法那样分裂国家。
  • 只要汗王不断增加控制的空地产格数量,大型游牧国家的力量就会持续增长。




  • 强大的原始宗教征服CB可用于其他原始宗教,每位统治者一生可使用一次,或者,如果统治者有 Become king.png 野心,可无限制使用直到目标王国被创建。征服战争可以征服或附庸一个法理王国内的所有领地。
  • 伯爵领征服CB也可用于非同宗教的任何邻近省份,并且其带来的停战协议仅持续5年。在800年维京时代开始后,日耳曼多神教还可以用于任何沿海省份。



原始宗教徒很难把大的王国维系在一起。原始宗教有三倍的短暂统治好感修正。因为部落机制,原始宗教徒不能将部落组织度增加到非常高,否则将有来自部落未改革原始宗教封臣的严重好感惩罚(-30 好感)。他们也不能改革为封建制或商业共和国制,除非他们改革或转变为非原始宗教信仰。原始宗教封臣更可能寻求独立,相比其他独立战争中的人能更快获得战争分数。




拥有 Holy Fury.png 神圣之怒,每种原始宗教信仰(除了阿兹特克多神教)都有相关的战士公会——一个专注战斗的社团。除此之外,所有原始宗教信仰可以被改革。










Germanic.png 日耳曼多神教

Germanic holy sites.



由于日耳曼多神教与西欧天主教的长期斗争关系,两者之间有大量独特的事件。特别是,如果帕德伯恩被日耳曼多神教统治者持有,而一位基督教统治者占领了伊尔明苏尔神庙,(此情况经常在 DLC icon Charlemagne.png 查理曼 DLC剧情西法兰克国王卡尔(查理曼)入侵萨克森中发生),所有天主教和日耳曼多神教统治者受到一个弹出窗口提示圣树伊尔明苏尔被天主教徒烧毁,导致日耳曼多神教信仰损失10%宗教权威,持续10年。

日耳曼多神教有一个可以献祭任何囚犯给神灵的祭典。(对某些人来说,这可能是一件有趣的事情,尤其是当你刚入侵过法国,现在你的地牢里有73名天主教主教,或者你刚刚镇压了第七次天主教叛乱,地牢里有半打异教首领。)This is the only feast where piety and prestige gain are not set, and with sufficient sacrifices, can be quite significant. When you call any vassals who are not of your religion must pay 20 gold not to attend, or just refuse. Even a few vassals paying easily recoups the cost to call the blot, and with many vassals you can get hundreds of gold per blot. The Blot itself begins like any feast, but after it begins, there are successive events in which you hang prisoners in your dungeons to honor the gods. There are 7 kinds of flavor text: 1 for Muslims, 1 for Christians, and five for Pagans. For each Muslim or Christian sacrificed, you gain 50 prestige and 25 piety, and pagans give you 25 prestige and 10 piety. You may spare a prisoner for a cost of 25 piety if you so choose. There is a limit to 4 prisoners per blot. After the sacrifices, flavor events are the same as a standard feast. Blots have an additional "cooldown time" of 9 years. It is possible to use Blot to earn the Holy Smoke achievement.
树立符文石纪念父亲/母亲根据去世原因获得不同威望和虔诚。在战斗中阵亡获得300 Icon prestige.png,决斗中被杀获得250 Icon prestige.png,自然死亡、被处决、被刺杀、意外身亡、死于狱中、被献祭及其他原因获得200 Icon prestige.png和100 Icon piety.png,自杀以及被树立符文石者(该角色自己)杀死获得100 Icon prestige.png
树立符文石纪念你自己的记忆,将基于你自己的特质提供选择和相应的描述。基于特定特质而树立符文石会获得更多威望。(Fair.pngGenius.pngStrong.pngProud.pngBrave.png获得300 Icon prestige.pngLunatic.pngPossessed.pngImbecile.png 给予100 Icon prestige.png,其他全部特质给予200 Icon prestige.png和 100 Icon piety.png,但有不同描述。)
如果 Dlc icon the old gods.png 激活或者改革原始宗教有独特教义“诸神黄昏之子”,统治者可以通过洗劫地产来获得 Viking.png 特质。维京特质及其升级可以增加军事属性以及日耳曼多神教徒对你的好感。
统治者可以任命某位女性为 Shieldmaiden.png,允许她们担任军事总管或指挥官。北日耳曼文化的日耳曼多神教徒可以在战斗中成为 Berserker.png
  • 至少920年
  • 斯德丁,沃尔加斯特,吕根或韦尔勒有空地产格
  • 持有被选择省份的伯爵信仰日耳曼多神教或改革日耳曼多神教,并且同意创建
  • 泽兰:日耳曼多神教护佑旅者的女神Nehalennia的圣地。
  • 帕德博恩: 伊尔明苏尔所在地,它是与世界树尤格德拉希尔有关的圣树。
  • 乌普兰: 以拥有世界上最密集的符文石而闻名,也是阿萨神族的主神庙所在地。
  • 西兰: 据传是鹿厅——史诗《贝奥武夫》中的蜜酒大厅——的所在地。
  • 瑙马达尔: 祭祀北欧诸神的最重要的宗教仪式场所之一。

Tengri.png 长生天



  • 阿得: 以可萨利亚的首都为名,邻近萨莱巴图(撒哈辛)——金帐汗国首都。
  • 托博尔: 失必儿汗国的中心
  • 锡尔河: 乌古斯突厥的草原帝国的首都
  • 克里米亚: 克里米亚汗国的首都
  • 于都斤: 突厥神话和长生天中的传说之都。

Aztec.png 阿兹特克多神教


仅有 Dlc icon sunset invasion.png 日落入侵DLC激活时,阿兹特克多神教才在游戏中出现。阿兹特克多神教没有特殊机制,只有进攻型原始宗教的通用机制。


阿兹特克多神教可以献祭控制省份的非阿兹克特多神教角色给诸神。使用阿兹特克多神教人祭可能达成成就the Holy Smoke。
  • 罗马(和天主教共有)
  • 科尔多瓦(和逊尼派共有)
  • 巴黎
  • 马拉喀什
  • 米德尔塞克斯




然而,原始宗教家乡损耗惩罚对其他未改革的原始宗教不起作用。这允许一些原始宗教(特别是长生天和日耳曼多神教)通过伯爵领征服和原始宗教征服宣战理由能轻易地入侵其他原始宗教。The homeland attrition penalty does apply to reformed pagans of another faith, but the "old faith" heresies have no such protection against the reformed churches of their specific branch of paganism.

所有防御型原始宗教能够敬拜祖先和选择守护神。另外,那些防御型原始宗教部落可以召集虔诚战士(无 Dlc icon legacy of rome.png)。

该决议适用于防御型原始宗教部落,无论是否改革(Dlc icon legacy of rome.png 罗马遗产DLC没有激活)。如果你被不同信仰的统治者攻击,你可以花费200虔诚来召唤一群战士保卫你的领土,类似“召集部落军队”决议。该决议将获得一支2000人的强大军队,这意味着对一位防御型原始宗教部落统治者来说每点虔诚相当于10个士兵。

Romuva.png 洛姆瓦教



  • 季耶瓦斯(+2 外交, -1 密谋)
  • 韦尔尼亚斯(+2 密谋, -1 外交)
  • 佩尔库纳斯(+2 军事, -1 学识)
  • 泽米娜(+2 管理, -1 军事)
洛姆瓦教部落统治者可以使用长老选举制继承法 Holy Fury.png。改革洛姆瓦教也可以通过教义选择是否保留该继承法。
  • 吕根(和斯拉夫多神教共有):12世纪,这个重要的原始宗教中心被基督教攻陷,为十字军开辟了一条直通波罗的海其余地区的道路。
  • 海乌姆诺:在海乌姆诺多次被古普鲁士人洗劫之后,波兰的马佐维亚公爵康拉德将海乌姆诺及其周边地区交给了条顿骑士团,而条顿骑士团则利用海乌姆诺作为入侵普鲁士的中心。
  • 里加: 里加是一个极其重要的德国城镇,基督教就是从这里传播到更广阔的波罗的海地区。
  • 波德拉谢:居住有好战的Yotvingia部落,也称作Sudovians。他们频繁劫掠波兰,直到被条顿骑士团征服。
  • 布良斯克:立陶宛大公国控制的最东部地区之一。

Slavic.png 斯拉夫多神教


斯拉夫多神教,如名所示,是欧洲的斯拉夫人民信仰的宗教。这种信仰在早期开局分布广泛,一些国家,比如克罗地亚,已经是封建国家而不是部落了。然而,该宗教的圣地十分分散,改革非常困难。斯拉夫人多神教在1066年开局时几乎已经消失了,到1200年就完全从世界上消失了。最后一位可玩斯拉夫多神教统治者是Chief Testislaw of Dyrmin。

  • 佩伦(+2 军事, -1 密谋)
  • 韦莱斯(+2 密谋, -1 军事)
  • 亚里洛(+2 管理, -1 军事)
  • 莫拉娜(+2 军事, -1 管理)
  • 诺夫哥罗德(和索米多神教共有)
  • 基辅
  • 普沃茨克
  • 伯尔拉德
  • 吕根(和洛姆瓦教共有)


  • Ilmen in 769 already holds Novgorod as its capital, is a decently strong start, and has the advantage of being able to flip to Russian culture once the faith is reformed, allowing the acquisition of the "Russkaya Pravda" achievement. Ilmen is also surrounded primarily by weak Suomenusko and Romuva pagans and is shielded by an ocean from the Norse until the Viking Age event triggers, giving plenty of time to solidify power.
  • Kiev in 769 is notably a start whose default ruler, Dobrava Turov, is a woman. Playing from this start is more difficult, as Kiev is bordered to the south by the Tengri Khaganate of Magyars.
  • Rurik Rurikid, Petty King of Holmgarðr in 867, is the historical founder of the Russian Empire. He is a culturally Norse Germanic pagan but has a Slavic son. You can use the Germanic faith's powerful CBs and shipbuilding buffs for expansion and raiding, then be succeeded by a Slavic ruler and reform.

Suomenusko.png 索米多神教




这是与猎熊有关的可以触发特殊事件,它为统治者提供了一种花钱获得声望或者花费声望获得财富(如果 Greedy.png)的方法。
  • 乌戈(+2 管理, -1 密谋)
  • 阿卡(+2 外交, -1 军事)
  • 塔皮奥米耶利基(+2 军事, -1 学识)
  • 伦波(+2 密谋, -1 军事)
  • 彼尔姆
  • 梁赞
  • 诺夫哥罗德(和斯拉夫多神教共有)
  • 萨拉玛
  • 科克斯霍姆

African.png 非洲泛灵教



如果有临近君主信仰亚伯拉罕宗教, 你可以花费虔诚获得他们宗教组的"同情" 特质。
非洲泛灵教部落统治者可以采取长老选举制 Holy Fury.png。改革非洲泛灵教也可以通过教义选择是否保留该继承法。
  • 阿南西(+20% 阴谋力量提升, -15% 阴谋力量防御)
  • 阿尤尔(+2 外交, -1 密谋)
  • 碧答(+2 管理, -1 学识)
  • (+2 学识, -1 军事)
  • 冬戈(+10 个人实战能力, -1 外交)
  • 尊布尔布拉(+10 家族好感, -15% 阴谋力量防御)
  • 吉米
  • 德拉
  • 加奥
  • 卡诺
  • 瓦加杜

Zunist.png 尊日神教


尊日神教是 DLC icon Charlemagne.png 查理曼扩展引入的崇拜太阳的原始宗教。唯一信仰该教的国家是阿富汗西部的樽比勒王朝。除非使用角色设计器,仅在769年剧本可玩。到了867年,整个家族已经改信印度教/逊尼派,and merely a single courtier of this religion remains in the world, living in exile within the Shanshabani realm. 然而,Dlc icon sons of abraham.png 亚伯拉罕之裔 恶魔之子事件链将产生尊日神教"女巫",她们可以被安排入赘婚姻或者担任选择信仰或传统儿童生活重心的儿童的监护人。持有尊日神教圣地的统治者也可以秘密地皈依该教。

尊日神教的机制是防御型/进攻型原始宗教和有组织的宗教的混合。他们开始时是封建制,不能劫掠,转变省份信仰的几率低,不受增加的短期统治惩罚,可以使用幼子继承法代替均分继承法。尊日神教也可以像其他原始宗教一样改革。拥有 DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png 修道士与密契者,尊日神教角色可以加入赫耳墨斯学会。拥有 Holy Fury.png 神圣之怒,尊日神教信徒可以在改革后劫掠,只要改革后的宗教没有和平特性。

Empire of the Sun
This achievement is earned by ruling an empire-level title as reformed Zun ruler in an Ironman game.
  • 内沙布尔
  • 博斯特
  • 开罗
  • 迦布罗
  • 木尔坦
  • 开罗距离遥远,通常由伊斯兰教大国控制。其他四个都在阿富汗境内或附近,使改革成为可能。
  • 开罗,迦布罗和木尔坦是重要的 Horse Lords.pngJade Dragon.png 丝绸之路省份
  • Changing culture: Raiding temples can help you gain the moral authority needed for reformation with only four holy sites nearby. Unlike other Pagans, feudal Zunists are unable to raid, but there are several cultures which allow raiding. Altaic culture group is the obvious choice due to the number of nomadic realms north of Afghanistan. Altaic group allows Tribal Invasions if independent, which will permanently allow kingdom-level wars, a must-have for conquest. Norse is potentially desirable, because its cultural buildings and cultural retinues benefit from the Zun faith's +20% offense/defense to heavy infantry. The Varangian Guard, if the Byzantine Emperor forms it, can supply Norse educators.
  • Serving the Caliph: Swearing fealty leaves you relatively free to pursue expansion, while your liege deters attackers and crushes revolts. It also lets you claim the holy site of Baghdad. It is recommended to have a kingdom-level title, as your Iqta liege can freely revoke duchies. Note that it is possible to reform the faith even while being a vassal, although you'll only get half the moral authority from each holy site. This strategy is easier with patch 2.7, as you can falsely convert to Sunni Islam to shield you from religious revocation while developing a network of like-minded Secretly Zun Pagan.png rulers.

Bön.png 苯教


Bön (Bon) is an indigenous religion of the Tibetan plateau, added in patch 2.8. It combines mechanics from Dharmic religions and defensive paganism and offers quite a unique gaming experience. Bön rulers are playable with either Jade Dragon.pngJade Dragon, The Old Gods, or Holy Fury.pngHoly Fury.

There are provinces with Bön faith in Tibet throughout the game but last playable rulers vanish in 1251, leaving Buddhists ruling Tibet. The strongest position for the faith is at the 867 bookmark, where the Tibetan Empire has fractured and Bön kings of Guge & Ü-Tsang hold large areas of the Tibetan plateau under their control.

  • 当钦(+2 军事, -1 外交, +1 个人实战能力)
  • 辛拉哦噶(+2 外交, -1 军事, +0.25 每月善业)
  • 阎罗(+3 密谋, -1 管理)
  • 库拉揭哩(+2 军事, -1 学识, +5 封臣好感)
  • 朗母拉(+2 学识, -1 密谋, +0.50 每月威望)
  • 桑波奔赤(-1 军事, +1 健康)
Bön receive +40% to garrison size. They also receive Defensive Pagan bonuses and their enemies suffer attrition in provinces with Bön religion.
Bön may intermarry with members of the Mazdan and Eastern religions group and with Nestorians.
Characters may be disqualified from succession by granting them temples.
Shared with Dharmic religions; lets you hire a skilled courtier as Court Guru.
This decision allow a Bön ruler to gain the Sympathy indian.png Sympathy for Eastern religions trait for a cost of 50 karma, reducing penalties involved in situations where you rule over non-Bön people.
  • 缚喝
  • 吉尔吉特
  • 逻些
  • 布让
  • 于阗


希腊多神教是古罗马时期基督教崛起之前的地中海重要信仰。没有任何人在任何开局时间信仰该教, 但希腊多神教可以通过这些途径复活:

  • 使用角色设计器来创造一个希腊神教角色。
  • 找到几个希腊多神教角色之一(虽然开局时间没有人信仰它,但后期可能会出现由于特殊事件改信希腊多神教的角色),然后让他们教育你的孩子或授予他们头衔:
    • DLC icon Charlemagne.png 在769开局, 莫奈姆瓦夏省份信仰希腊多神教, 所以那里产生的一些廷臣可能信仰该教
    • DLC icon Reaper's Due.png 永生马事件
  • Holy Fury.png Dlc icon legacy of rome.png 重建罗马帝国的希腊,罗马和意大利文化的基督教皇帝可以重建希腊多神教体系
  • Holy Fury.png 如果你是希腊,意大利,撒丁或罗马文化,信仰非异端基督教, 首都在南欧,完全控制一个希腊多神教圣地, 并且有学者生活重心或有 Lunatic.pngPossessed.pngMystic.pngScholar.png 特质, 你可以通过以下决议: 研究经典,当它被选择时, 该决议允许你通过特殊短事件链秘密改教希腊多神教。
  • 直接上控制台干脆利落
即使是未改革的希腊多神教,也有有组织宗教的一些特点: 它不限制王权法和继承法,它还没有防御损耗,但是,它必须被改革才有宗教领袖和骑士团,未改革希腊多神教也不能要求角色改信。
有伯爵领征服CB, 但没有圣战和原始宗教征服CB。
Holy Fury.png 神圣之怒时,希腊多神教信徒可以通过头衔互动将一座直属神庙奉献给12神。奉献一座神庙需要250金币和200虔诚(这钱真好骗), 会给世俗领主一个为期10年的修正, 且永久性的在该神殿增加一个圣地或一个特殊建筑。你只能向一个神殿寻求一次暗示。(太黑以至于没回头客辣⊙▽⊙)
God Temporary Character Modifier Shrine Modifier
Jupiter Monthly prestige +0.05, diplomacy +1, fertility +10% Prestige to liege +0.15
Neptune Build cost -5%, build time -5%, intrigue +2 Local build time modifier -10%, local build cost modifier -10%
Pluto National tax modifier +2%, stewardship +2 Tax income +3
Minerva Martial +2 Military technology points +0.05
Mars Martial +1, personal combat skill +5 Levy reinforce rate +5%
Vulcan Military technology spread rate +2% Fort level +0.40, technology spread rate +15%
Vesta Dynasty opinion +10 Morale of armies +5%
Ceres National revolt risk -5%, disease resistance +5% Economic technology points +0.05
Venus Fertility +5%, sex appeal +5 Local revolt risk -10%
Mercury Plot power +5%, plot defense +5% Trade value +15
Apollo Monthly prestige +0.03, learning +1, personal combat skill +5 Cultural technology points +0.05
Diana Monthly prestige +0.02, intrigue +1 Piety to liege +0.10

Holy sites:

  • Syrakusa: The birth place of famous philosopher and physicus Archimedes. It is located on Sicily.
  • Thessalonica: Thessalonica was the capital of all the Greek provinces of the Roman Empire. In this province also lies Edessa (Vodena), the first capital of ancient Macedon.
  • Athens: One of the world's oldest cities, Athens is the location of the Parthenon.
  • Rome: Location of the Pantheon, the "temple of all the gods".
  • Alexandria: Alexandria was the intellectual and cultural center of the Hellenistic world.




Generic pagan holy sites.



  • 罗马: The Religio Romana (literally, the "Roman Religion") constituted the major religion of the city in antiquity, before being supplanted by Christianity
  • Västergötland 维斯特加特兰: The "Thing of all Geats (Goths)" was the Thing (general assembly) which was held from pre-historic times to the Middle Ages in Skara, Västergötland, before the province became a centre from which Christianity spread to the rest of Sweden.
  • 麦加: Even long before the rise of Islam it was revered as a sacred sanctuary and was a site of pilgrimage. The Kaaba was thought to be at the center of the world, with the Gate of Heaven directly above it; the embedded Black Stone was a further symbol of this as a meteorite that had fallen from the sky and linked heaven and earth.
  • 耶路撒冷: Before becoming the Holy City of the world's three largest monotheist religions, Jerusalem was a Canaan city dedicated to Shalim, the god of dusk.
  • 加纳: Koumbi Saleh was an important Muslim city and the royal capital of the Ghana Empire which displaced all previous pagan religions.


缺乏正式的宗教传统意味着原始宗教更难在其他土地 传播信仰。 Seers (court chaplains) have a significant penalty to the chance to convert provinces on top of their likely-lower moral authority, and vassals cannot be demanded to convert.

Inversely, it is much easier for organized religions to convert pagans. Foreign rulers will sometimes send missionaries. If allowed to spread their religion, they will in time ask the ruler to convert. Pagans being attacked in a holy war by Christians or Muslims may choose to save their realms and end the war by accepting the faith of the invaders. Lastly, pagans may, by decision, convert to the religion of a spouse or concubine of a different faith.


Reforming a pagan faith establishes a formal religious hierarchy and scripture - adapting elements of the Abrahamic faiths in order to more effectively oppose them. In game terms, reformed pagans no longer face the restrictions on crown authority, succession, independence wars and conversion that other pagans do.

The religion now has a formal head, who gives the faith a permanent +20% to moral authority, and who may, after the Crusades and Jihads are unlocked, call Great Holy Wars. The Germanic reformer becomes the Fylkir, a ducal-level secular leader similar to an Islamic Caliph. The other pagan faiths have a duke-level religious leader who becomes a vassal of the reforming ruler, similar to the Orthodox religion's patriarch. With the exception of the reformed Germanic religion, the faith will also immediately gain a holy order.

When the religion is reformed, rulers of the faith may choose to accept or reject the new order of things. Those who stick with the old ways are considered Pagan Heresy.png heretics by the reformed faith, and may be targeted by holy wars.

Note that reformed pagans may not send missionaries, the only organized religion group with this distinction.


Reforming a faith costs 750 piety. It requires either control of three holy sites and 50% moral authority, or control of all five holy sites. If the last two holy sites are difficult to reach, the best way to obtain the necessary moral authority is through county conquests and raids. Each temple looted in a raid gives +1% to moral authority.

Note that Germanic pagans have as a holy site the county of Braunschweig, and taking that county will trigger the Catholic crusades (as well as the formation of every Catholic Holy Order but the Knights Templar) at the time that you take Braunschweig, so long as the year is 900 and the province is Christian. If you need Braunschweig to reform the Germanic faith it is best to conquer it in 769, while the Saxons still control it.


Reformed pagans will gain a sudden bonus to their conversion rates. In fact, if they have high moral authority, and have damaged rival religions' moral authority with their conquests and stolen holy sites, or control unreformed pagan lands, they will soon be flooded with notices of conversions of territories that are held by their vassals, who will put forth serious effort to convert their lands to their new faith.

Reformed religions gain access to holy wars, usable on any target of a different faith (including other pagans). They also gain access to Great Holy Wars if the Catholics have unlocked Crusades or the Muslims have unlocked Jihads. GHWs are especially useful for Germanic Fylkirs, who can select the target and timing of the attack.

To help in the struggle against unbelievers, each reformed faith gets a single holy order. (There is one exception. Germanic pagans do not have to reform to create the Jomsvikings; instead, they must control Stettin, Wolgast, Rügen or Werle.)

For tribal pagans, reforming makes it easier to raise tribal organization. Tribal vassals who follow in reformation will no longer have opinion penalties for higher levels of tribal organization, no longer faction to lower tribal organization, and will usually vote in favor of increasing tribal organization.

For feudal pagans, reforming makes it possible to raise crown authority to any level. Reforming also provides access to the full set of feudal succession laws.

Reformed offensive pagans no longer lose prestige when at peace.

The Short Reign penalty is reduced to merely double the normal amount for Germanic pagans among the same Germanic faith, but Old Germanic pagans will have the full -45 penalty in addition to the heretic penalty. Other pagan faiths have different modifiers.


Reformed pagans no longer get a defense attrition bonus, and will incur attrition in the territory of unreformed pagans, except those who follow the old form of their own religion. Germanic rulers lose their retinue size bonus and now get penalties for raised levies like other rulers.

Reformed religions lose access to subjugation wars, one of the fastest ways for pagans to expand. They keep access to county conquests and raids.

Reforming the religion will cause a schism in the pagan faith. The reformer's courtiers at home, dynasty members, and vassals will always follow in the reformation if they are below playable tier. However, other rules will have a choice. (AI rulers are likely to accept the reformed religion if cynical, same dynasty as the reformer, or under control of a reformed ruler.) Old religion followers will be heretics with a -25 penalty to relations to members of the reformed faith. If a king of a faith stays true to the old ways, and many vassals convert to the new religion, this can cause tremendous upheaval in a nation, and lead to multiple, simultaneous and devastating deep revolts. Expect frequent raids and wars between realms that accept the new faith and those that reject it.


Reformation tends to grant benefits of stability and the capacity to declare wars on larger-scale targets that smaller pagan nations couldn't attack, but lose many of the benefits that would help a small pagan nation expand more readily or defend itself from larger targets. As such, it is best used when the player is ready for their nation to "mature" from aggressive expansion against small targets to needing to maintain an empire.

Because of this, it is usually strategically advisable to hold off on reforming your religion until your realm is at a multiple-kingdom level, and to make sure to exploit any subjugation or county conquest CBs against nearby easy target pagans before reforming your religion.

Now that you have no fast way to expand through pagan lands, you may wish to convert to a culture that allows use of the Tribal Invasion CB, so you can quickly expand through infidel lands instead.


With the Holy Fury.png Holy Fury expansion, requirements for reformation remain unchanged, but the player may select four "traits" for religion, which affects the set of available mechanics for the religion and provides various bonuses. With Holy Fury, the Hellenic and Bön faiths can be reformed.

Traits inherited from unreformed religion

Pagan religions retain some features when reformed, regardless of the features chosen during reformation. However, a religion can only have one "unit modifier", so offensive pagans will lose levy size and other bonuses if they select a reformation feature that adds a competing "unit modifier".

Religion Unit modifier Features always retained
Germanic.png Germanic +30% Levy size Viking traits. Coastal county conquest.
Tengri.png Tengri +30% Levy size
+30% Light cavalry attack
+30% Light cavalry defence
No female temple holders. Sky Burials. Ancestor Worship. Intermarry Buddhist, Zoroastrian group.
Aztec.png Aztec +30% Levy size No female temple holders. Sacrifice action (unless Peaceful). Bloodthirsty Gods effects. Aztec Pyramid construction.
Romuva.png Romuva Patron Deities, Ancestor Worship
Slavic.png Slavic Patron Deities, Ancestor Worship
Suomenusko.png Suomenusko Patron Deities, Ancestor Worship
West African.png African Patron Deities, Ancestor Worship. Women can take up to 3 consorts. Animistic effects.
Zunist.png Zunist No female temple holders. Access to Hermetic society. Intermarry Eastern group, Zoroastrian group.
Bon.png Bön Women can take up to 3 consorts. Access to monastic feudal government with Tibeto-Burman culture group. Patron Deities. Gurus. Sky Burials. Priests cannot inherit.
Hellenic.png Hellenic Concubines not allowed. Access to Hermetic society. Haruspicy and Astrology effects. Priests cannot marry and cannot inherit.


Religion can have only one nature.

Nature Modifier Requirement Religions with similar or same mechanic
Peaceful.jpg 和平(Peaceful)
+3 Demesne limit.
+15 vassal opinion.
+1 piety per month while at peace.

AI rulers are less likely to start wars, plots and factions.
Raiding unavailable if culture doesn't allow raiding.
Hunting focus is unavailable.
Holy wars and great holy wars are unavailable, but county conquest CB is available.
Dueling comes with a Piety cost.
Cannot create warrior lodge if it does not already exist.
AI rulers will not convert provinces.

Incompatible with Bloodthirsty Gods, Sea-Bound, Unrelenting doctrines. Jainism
Warmongering.jpg 好战(Warmongering)
Ruler do not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies.

AI rulers are more aggressive.
AI rulers only convert same-group provinces and only when zealous

Rulers lose prestige when at peace for too long.

None Unreformed offensive paganism
Unyielding.jpg 不屈(Unyielding)
+20% levy size. +30% garrison size.
+80% Defense and +80% morale for all units if fighting at county of this religion.
+40% garrison size at county of this religion.
Religion is resistant to proselytizing.

AI rulers only try to convert provinces if zealous
If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, it is lost.

Incompatible with Unrelenting doctrine Unreformed defensive paganism
Proselytizing.jpg 传教(Proselytizing)
Bonus to mission.
AI rulers will try to convert their provinces.

Lose piety when at war against faithful.

Incompatible with Bloodthirsty Gods doctrine Christianity
Dogmatic.jpg 教条(Dogmatic)
Bonus to moral authority.

AI rulers will only convert same-group provinces
Interfaith marriage is unavailable.
Lose piety when at war against faithful.
Penalty to Spymaster steal technology

Incompatible with Syncretism doctrine and Autonomous leadership Islam
Cosmopolitan.jpg 普世(Cosmopolitan)
Interfaith marriage is available.

Penalty to moral authority and to mission.
Religious Control Mandate law is unavailable.
AI rulers will not convert provinces.

Eastern religions


Reformer picks two doctrines. Each pagan faith has one unique doctrine, which has features of two or more generic traits.

These doctrines can be picked no matter the reformer's religion.

Doctrine Modifier Requirement Religions with similar or same mechanic
Astrology.jpg 占星术(Astrology)

可以加入赫耳墨斯学会 (but Hermetics still suffer -10 temple opinion)

Redundant with Hellenic Hellenic
Haruspicy.jpg 内脏占卜(Haruspicy)
占卜师在战前通过解读预兆来提升部队士气 Redundant with Hellenic Hellenic
Bloodthirsty Gods.jpg 嗜血神灵(Bloodthirsty Gods)


Incompatible with Peaceful and Proselytizing natures.

Incompatible with Invaders doctrine.

Unreformed Aztec
Divine Marriage.jpg

圣婚(Divine Marriage)


Incompatible with Dawnbreakers and Harmonious doctrines Zoroastrianism, Messalianism
Polygamy.jpg 一夫多妻制(Polygamy)

Possibility for a woman to take consorts is disallowed even if other traits should unlock it.

Incompatible with Enatic Clans, Dawnbreakers and Eternal Riders doctrines Islam
Meritocracy.jpg 任人唯贤(Meritocracy)
允许指定继承人 (if at least one of Rajas of India.pngRajas of India or Jade Dragon.pngJade Dragon is enabled). Incompatible with Harmonious, Civilized, Agnatic Clans and Enatic Clans doctrines Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism
Equality.jpg 平等
Absolute cognatic succession is enforced.

Full status of woman law is enforced. Women can take up to 3 consorts.

Government is not Merchant Republic.

Incompatible with Harmonious, Agnatic Clans and Enatic Clans doctrines

Stability.jpg 稳定
Short Reign penalty is disabled.

Ruler can spend piety to increase courtier or own attribute.

Incompatible with Children of Perun and Survivor of Ukko doctrines Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism
Unrelenting.jpg 无情
Ignore defensive attrition.

+10% Attack for all units. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion or morale bonus from Animistic doctrine in first doctrine slot, it is lost.

Incompatible with Unyielding and Peaceful natures.

Incompatible with Eternal Riders and Invaders doctrines

Unreformed Tengri
Animistic.jpg 泛灵论
+5% Morale of armies. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, levy & garrison bonus from Unyielding nature or offensive bonus of Unrelenting doctrine in first doctrine slot, it is lost.

Characters get a Rite of Passage when reaching adulthood.

Redundant with African African
Sea-Bound.jpg 航海
Fleet can navigate through major rivers.

Ship maintenance reduced to 10%. AI looter prefer coastal counties.

Incompatible with Peaceful nature.

Incompatible with Sons Of Ragnarok and Invaders doctrines.

Partially redundant with Children of Perun doctrine.

Unreformed Germanic
Enatic Clans.jpg 女性氏族
Enatic law & open succession law are enforced.

Enatic-cognatic law is available. Agnatic, agnatic-cognatic, cognatic laws are restricted. No penalty for female ruler. No male in the council. Women can take up to 3 consorts.

Government is not Merchant Republic.

Incompatible with Agnatic Clans, Harmonious, Equality, Polygamy and Meritocracy doctrines

Islam (open succession)
Agnatic Clans.jpg 男性氏族
Agnatic law & open succession law are enforced.

No females in the council. Matrilineal marriages are disabled.

Incompatible with Enatic Clans, Harmonious, Equality and Meritocracy doctrines Islam (open succession)
Ancestor Veneration.jpg 祖先崇拜
The religious head can decide upon death to venerate a given ancestor, in a process similar to sainthood.

Eldership succession law is allowed. Ancestor Worship decision available.

Incompatible with Autonomous leadership Christianity (Saints/Veneration), Unreformed African and Romuva (Eldership succession)
Monasticism.jpg 修行
Ruler can order subject to "Take the Vows", disqualifying them from succession. Priests cannot marry and cannot inherit.

+2 Learning to any follower of the religion.

Incompatible with Totem-Guardians doctrine Buddhism, Christianity
Religious Tax.jpg 宗教税
Tax on subjects of different religious group is allowed. Incompatible with Syncretism and Totem-Guardians doctrines Islam
Syncretism.jpg 宗教融合
Rulers can choose to gain sympathy with another faith by decisions. Incompatible with Dogmatic nature.

Incompatible with Religious Tax and Civilized doctrines

Unreformed African and Bön
Daring.jpg 勇敢
Prepared invasions are available. Incompatible with Peaceful nature.

Incompatible with Sons of Ragnarok doctrine

Unreformed Germanic
Pyramid Creation.jpg 创造金字塔(Pyramid Creation)
此宗教的独立领主可以建造金字塔 Not Aztec Unreformed Aztec

These doctrines are tied to the reformer's religion. Some of them are stronger than the regular doctrines.

Doctrine Modifier Requirement
Survivor of Ukko.jpg Reformed Suomenusko.png 乌戈的遗族
Religion is resistant to proselytizing + Stability Incompatible with Stability doctrine
Children of Perun.jpg Reformed Slavic.png 佩伦之子
Fleet can navigate through major rivers, but maintenance cost remains full + Stability Incompatible with Stability doctrine

Partially redundant with Sea-Bound doctrine

Eternal Riders.jpg Reformed Tengri.png 永恒骑兵
Unrelenting + Polygamy

Levy size & attack bonus from unreformed Tengri faith will be lost.

Incompatible with Unrelenting and Polygamy doctrine.

Compatible with Peaceful nature.

Defenders of Dievas.jpg Reformed Romuva.png 季耶瓦斯卫士
Religion is resistant to proselytizing. Eldership Succession law is available
Sons of Ragnarok.jpg Reformed Germanic.png 诸神黄昏之子
Daring + Sea-Bound Incompatible with Daring and Sea-Bound doctrines.

Compatible with Peaceful natures.

Totem-Guardians.jpg Reformed West African.png 图腾守卫
Ruler can order subject to "Take the Vows". Priests cannot marry and cannot inherit.

Eldership Succession law is available

Religious Tax

Incompatible with Monasticism and Religious Tax doctrines
Dawnbreakers.jpg Reformed Zunist.png 破晓
Divine Marriage + Polygamy Incompatible with Polygamy and Divine Marriage doctrines
Harmonious.jpg Reformed Bon.png 和谐
Meritocracy + Equality + Disallow avunculate marriage and cousin marriage Incompatible with Divine Marriage, Agnatic Clans, Enatic Clans, Meritocracy and Equality doctrines
Invaders.jpg Reformed Aztec.png 侵略者
Bloodthirsty Gods + Seabound + Unrelenting

Levy size bonus from unreformed Aztec faith will be lost.

Incompatible with Bloodthirsty Gods, Sea-Bound, Unrelenting doctrines
Civilized.jpg Reformed Hellenic.png 文明开化
Rulers do not receive opinion penalties for raised vassal levies + Syncretism + Meritocracy Incompatible with Syncretism and Meritocracy doctrine


The selection of Leadership style determines the type of religious head.

Leadership Modifier Requirement Religions with similar or same mechanic
Temporal.jpg 世俗(Temporal)
Religion has secular leader.

Reformer gets a powerful artifact.
Player can select GHW timing.
Immediate Prestige and piety bonus for ruler's dynasty.

None Islam
Hierocratic.jpg 教士统治(Hierocratic)
Duke-tier religious head common for all realms.

Request claims

None Catholicism, Fraticellism
Autocephalous.jpg Autocephalous
Each realm has own religious head. None Eastern Orthodoxy, Miaphysite Christianity
Autonomous.jpg 地方自治(Autonomous)
No religious head.

Attribute bonus.
Four branches.

Incompatible with Dogmatic nature and Ancestor Veneration doctrine Dharmic religions

Autonomous leadership

Despite similarities between autonomous reformed paganism and Dharmic religions (followers of both has religious branch trait), the former still needs to deal with heresy (old pagan religion), while the latter has no heresies. Autonomous leadership bonus for an attribute depends on original pagan religion.

Attribute Religion
+2 Diplomacy Romuva, Slavic
+2 Martial Germanic, Tengri
+2 Stewardship African, Zunist
+2 Intrigue Suomenusko
+2 Learning Hellenic, Bön
None Aztec

Autonomous leadership also enables four branches:


With the new reformation system, some synergies occur which present new abilities or opportunities to characters of this specific reformed religion. [1] These are not immediately obvious before reformation, or even immediately upon reformation.

Religion Nature Doctrine(s) Leadership Synergy Feature
Reformed Aztec Any Nature except Peaceful Access to the Flower War Casus Belli
Reformed Aztec Daring
Sea-Bound or Invaders
Allows sacrifice of thralls captured in raids
Reformed Aztec Haruspicy Allows sacrifice of courtiers to read entrails
Reformed Hellenic Bloodthirsty Gods Allows sacrifice of courtiers to read entrails
Any Nature except Peaceful Bloodthirsty Gods Access to the Flower Wars Casus Belli
Dogmatic Divine Marriage or Dawnbreakers Temporal Reformer becomes a High God
Warmongering Agnatic Clans Access to the Patriarchal Deposition War Casus Belli
Warmongering Enatic Clans Access to the Matriarchal Deposition War Casus Belli
Once per decade interpretation of stars by religious head or court chaplain if none exists
Stability or Children of Perun or Survivor of Ukko
Reading the stars an heir is born under
Bloodthirsty Gods
Allows sacrifice of courtiers to read entrails
Pirate traits and events (but the traits' opinion bonuses only apply to Germanic pagans)
Stability or Children of Perun or Survivor of Ukko
Agnatic Clans or Enatic Clans or Meritocracy
Education improvement synergy and Meliorism improvement synergy


The new reformation system allows players to build their religion for their preferred play-style and to combine incompatible characteristics.

For example, players who seek to reduce internal conflicts in their country, but still want to expand their boundaries, could use the following culture/religion/doctrine combination: Altaic culture, Tengri, Peaceful, Stability, Equality, Autonomous. Raiding culture allows the use of armies to raid while fabricating claims, and still get piety for remaining at peace. Generic Tengri paganism allows for more levies. Equality allows the player to not only land females, but also to get even higher scores since female dynasts could have consorts, who as concubines provides prestige. This shows another bonus from raiding culture; with the combination of Equality and concubinage, kidnapping male princes also allows for strong claims for heirs on raided lands, and the prestige of having noble male consorts for female rulers.

If consorts are available and the Peaceful religion nature and Tribalist traits from Autonomous leadership outweigh the Short Reign penalty (and the player ensures that most vassals are of the player's dynasty), it makes sense to pick Divine Marriage instead of Stability, to get an even higher score from Divine marriages, in situations where inbreeding is already likely.

Another approach is to try new mechanics (to pick Haruspicy, Animism, Veneration) or to add useful abilities to existing faiths (e.g. choosing Polygamy for Hellenism, which has no access to concubinage or choosing the Children of Perun doctrine to make use of major Russian rivers to transport armies). If you have tribal government, it is recommended to choose either Agnatic Clans or Enatic Clans doctrine to avoid Gavelkind succession law. Enatic Clans doctrine is extra powerful because one can easily 'breed in' several bloodlines by simply doing matrilineal marriages over a few generations. If gender flexibility is desired, Ancestor Veneration can be chosen for Eldership succession.

If fighting unreformed pagans is a priority after reformation, the Unrelenting doctrine or the Tengri equivalent (Eternal Riders) is recommended.

Depending on the spread of the faith before reformation, heresy may or may not become a major issue. It is important to quickly convert vassals who still follow the old faith due to the large opinion penalty. If tribal, remember that demesne counties which are still following the old faith will give less tax and levies.
