
RemixMe讨论 | 贡献2019年3月9日 (六) 13:54的版本 (RemixMe移动页面随机世界与破碎世界另类开局

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Random and Shattered Worlds are a feature available with Holy Fury. Both settings can be selected during new game selection and can be applied to any bookmark. They allow for new variety and a few Achievements to be earned. Both use the same map and provinces as the standard game, but change all rulers and historical data.


Random World is intended to create a start similar to the standard starts, but with changes to any combination of cultural and religious data. The following areas can be changed.

Ruler Settings

Number of Counties - This determines the maximum number of counties that each ruler can be given at the start and can range from 1 to 8.

Number of Dukes/Kings/Emperors - These all determine the relative frequency of the different ruler types in the world and can be set to None, Few, Normal, or Many.

Culture Settings

Culture can be set to the following:

  • Historical - Cultures do not change. They will be found in the same location as normal.
  • Random - Cultures will be grouped randomly around the map.
  • Full Random - Mixing pot cultures will also be included.

Religion Settings

Note: Randomized religions still require the corresponding DLC to play them. New religions are simply the base game religions but possibly given new names, icons, and/or features. If you lack a specific DLC, then you will be unable to play as the randomized religion that overwrote it.

Religion Distribution can be set to the following:

  • Historical - Religions are found in their historical locations.
  • Random - Religions will be grouped randomly around the map. Heresies and minor religions won't appear frequently.
  • Full Random - All religions including heresies will be randomly distributed around the map.

Using Random or Full Random will also randomize the location of each religions corresponding Holy Sites. Holy sites tend to be grouped somewhat nearby where the religion is generated, but some can be relatively far away.

Religious Features can be set to the following:

  • Historical - Religions keep their historical features.
  • Random - Religions are given random features. (This setting unlocks the ability to change the features of religions by clicking on the small green button at the bottom of the screen.)

Naming Settings

Names for religions and cultures can be set to the following:

  • Historical - Religions and Cultures keep their standard names.
  • Random Cultural Names - Culture names are randomized.
  • Random Religion Names - Religion names are randomized.
  • Random Culture and Religion Names - Both Culture and Religion names are randomized.


The following sliders can be changed to effect the make-up of the world. Keep in mind that drastically changing some of these can lead to quick game overs.

  • Female Ruler Percentage - Change how many rulers are female.
  • Marriage Percentage - Change how many rulers are married during world generation.
  • Age Span - Select the minimum and maximum age of rulers. This is a requirement for a specific achievement
  • Number of Children - Select the minimum and maximum number of children for every married ruler.

Holding Slots

The number of holding slots can be set to the following:

  • Historical - Use the historical number of slots.
  • Random - Assign between one to seven slots to each province.
  • Numbers one to seven - Every province is given the same number of slots.

Random Holdings

This can adjusted to change the ratio of holding types to the following:

  • Feudal Heavy - Most holdings will be feudal. World generation will use 4 feudal seeds, 1 tribal seed, and 1 nomadic seed.
  • Balanced - Holding types will be relatively evenly distributed. World generation will use 5 feudal seeds, 3 tribal seeds, and 2 nomadic seeds.
  • Tribal Heavy - Most holdings will be tribal or nomadic. World generation will use 1 feudal seed, 4 tribal seeds, and 3 nomadic seeds.


The initial distribution of technology levels can be set to the following:

  • Historical - Tech levels are distributed historically with higher tech levels primarily around Western Europe and Anatolia.
  • Random - Tech levels will be distributed randomly around the map.
  • Flat - Tech levels are the same level everywhere.

Title Names

The naming convention for De jure Regions can be set to the following:

  • Historical - All De jure Regions use their historical names.
  • Random - De jure Kingdoms and Empires receive random names.
  • Random Duchies - De jure Duchies, Kingdoms, and Empires receive random names.

De jure Regions

The De jure Regions can be set to the following:

  • Historical - De jure Duchies, Kingdoms, and Empires encompass their historical provinces.
  • Random - Kingdoms and Empires encompass random provinces.
  • No Empires - No Empires will be generated, but Kingdoms encompass their historical regions.
  • No Kingdoms - No Kingdoms or Empires will be generated.

De jure Kingdom Size

If Random De jure regions are selected then a slider can be used to adjust the minimum and maximum number of duchies in each kingdom between two and twelve.

De jure Empire Size

If Random De jure regions are selected then a slider can be used to adjust the minimum and maximum number of kingdoms in each empire between two and six.


Shattered World allows for the same decisions to be made as the Random World but with a few additional selections.

Shattered Level

The amount that the world is shattered can be set to the following:

  • Counts - Every province is ruled by any independent count.
  • Dukes - Every duchy is ruled by an independent duke with no vassals.
  • Consolidated Dukes - Every duchy is ruled by a duke with subordinate counts.

Shattered Succession

Default succession types for every ruler can be changed to the following:

  • Default - Use the governments default type.
  • All primogeniture
  • All gavelkind
  • All elective gavelkind
  • All elective - All governments will use an elective form of government. For example, West African Pagans will use Eldership succession.
  • All seniority
  • All ultimogeniture
  • All tanistry

Consolidation Cassus Beli

The Consolidation Cassus Beli which allows for vassalization of any neighbor can be set to off, 25 years, or 100 years.

Great Conquerors

Great Conquerors are characters that are generated and meant to create larger domains to eventually be a challenge. They will be given beneficial traits, a Tier 4 sword, and a bloodline to help them in their endeavors. They will be very aggressive and typically expand quickly. They are set to not spawn too close to the players starting location, but can appear close by if the highest number is selected.

The number of Great Conquerors can be set to 0, 4, 8, or 12.

Holding Types

The type of holdings can be set to the following:

  • Historical - Holdings are the historical type for the selected start date.
  • Feudal - All holdings are feudal.
  • Tribal - All holdings are tribal.
  • Nomadic - All holdings are nomadic.
  • Tribal and Nomadic - All holdings are either tribal or nomadic.

Note: Without the Horse Lords DLC all nomadic holdings will be generated as tribal instead.