- Firefox或Safari:按住Shift的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5或Ctrl-R(Mac为⌘-R)
- Google Chrome:按Ctrl-Shift-R(Mac为⌘-Shift-R)
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- Opera:按 Ctrl-F5。
/* https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js */ // <nowiki> /** HotCat V2.43 Ajax-based simple Category manager. Allows adding/removing/changing categories on a page view. Supports multiple category changes, as well as redirect and disambiguation resolution. Also plugs into the upload form. Search engines to use for the suggestion list are configurable, and can be selected interactively. Documentation: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Gadget-HotCat List of main authors: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Gadget-HotCat/Version_history License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0) Choose whichever license of these you like best :-) This code should run on any MediaWiki installation >= MW 1.27. For use with older versions of MediaWiki, use the archived versions below: <=1.26: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js&oldid=211134664 */ /* jshint ignore:start */ //这么多warning我受不了了23333 window.hotcat_translations_from_commons = false; // 禁止从维基共享获取翻译 (function($, mw) { var conf = new Proxy({}, { get: function(_, name) { return mw.config.get(name); } }); if (window.HotCat && !window.HotCat.nodeName || conf.wgAction === "edit") return; var HC = window.HotCat = { messages: { cat_removed: "removed [[Category:$1]]", template_removed: "removed {{[[Category:$1]]}}", cat_added: "added [[Category:$1]]", cat_keychange: 'new key for [[Category:$1]]: "$2"', cat_notFound: 'Category "$1" not found', cat_exists: 'Category "$1" already exists; not added.', cat_resolved: " (redirect [[Category:$1]] resolved)", uncat_removed: "removed {{uncategorized}}", separator: "; ", prefix: "", using: " using [[Help:Gadget-HotCat|HotCat]]", multi_change: "$1 categories", commit: "Save", ok: "OK", cancel: "Cancel", multi_error: "Could not retrieve the page text from the server. Therefore, your category changes " + "cannot be saved. We apologize for the inconvenience.", short_catchange: null }, categories: "Categories", disambig_category: "Disambiguation", redir_category: "Category redirects", links: { change: "(±)", remove: "(−)", add: "(+)", restore: "(×)", undo: "(×)", down: "(↓)", up: "(↑)" }, changeTag: conf.wgUserName ? "HotCat" : "", tooltips: { change: "Modify", remove: "Remove", add: "Add a new category", restore: "Undo changes", undo: "Undo changes", down: "Open for modifying and display subcategories", up: "Open for modifying and display parent categories" }, addmulti: "<span>+<sup>+</sup></span>", multi_tooltip: "Modify several categories", disable: function() { var ns = conf.wgNamespaceNumber; var nsIds = conf.wgNamespaceIds; return ns < 0 || ns === 10 || ns === 828 || ns === 8 || ns === 6 && !conf.wgArticleId || ns === 2 && /\.(js|css)$/.test(conf.wgTitle) || nsIds && (ns === nsIds.creator || ns === nsIds.timedtext || ns === nsIds.institution); }, uncat_regexp: /\{\{\s*[Uu]ncategorized\s*[^}]*\}\}\s*(<!--.*?-->\s*)?/g, existsYes: "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/P_yes.svg/20px-P_yes.svg.png", existsNo: "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/P_no.svg/20px-P_no.svg.png", template_categories: {}, engine_names: { searchindex: "Search index", pagelist: "Page list", combined: "Combined search", subcat: "Subcategories", parentcat: "Parent categories" }, capitalizePageNames: null, upload_disabled: false, blacklist: null, bg_changed: "#FCA", no_autocommit: false, del_needs_diff: false, suggest_delay: 100, editbox_width: 40, suggestions: "combined", fixed_search: false, use_up_down: true, listSize: 5, single_minor: true, dont_add_to_watchlist: false, shortcuts: null, addShortcuts: function(map) { if (!map) return; window.HotCat.shortcuts = window.HotCat.shortcuts || {}; for (var k in map) { if (!map.hasOwnProperty(k) || typeof k !== "string") continue; var v = map[k]; if (typeof v !== "string") continue; k = k.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); v = v.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (!k.length || !v.length) continue; window.HotCat.shortcuts[k] = v; } } }; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_webkit = /applewebkit\/\d+/.test(ua) && ua.indexOf("spoofer") < 0; var cat_prefix = null; var noSuggestions = false; function LoadTrigger(needed) { var self = this; self.queue = []; self.needed = needed; self.register = function(callback) { if (self.needed <= 0) callback(); else self.queue.push(callback); }; self.loaded = function() { self.needed--; if (self.needed === 0) { for (var i = 0; i < self.queue.length; i++) self.queue[i](); self.queue = []; } }; } var loadTrigger = new LoadTrigger(2); function load(uri, callback) { var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = uri; var called = false; s.onload = s.onerror = function() { if (!called && callback) { called = true; callback(); } if (s.parentNode) { s.parentNode.removeChild(s); } }; document.head.appendChild(s); } function loadJS(page, callback) { load(conf.wgServer + conf.wgScript + "?title=" + encodeURIComponent(page) + "&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript", callback); } function loadURI(href, callback) { var url = href; if (url.substring(0, 2) === "//") url = window.location.protocol + url; else if (url.substring(0, 1) === "/") url = conf.wgServer + url; load(url, callback); } loadJS("MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js/local_defaults", loadTrigger.loaded); if (conf.wgUserLanguage !== "en") { if (window.hotcat_translations_from_commons === undefined) window.hotcat_translations_from_commons = true; if (window.hotcat_translations_from_commons && conf.wgServer.indexOf("//commons") < 0) { loadURI("//commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=" + "MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js/" + conf.wgUserLanguage + "&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript", loadTrigger.loaded); } else { loadJS("MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js/" + conf.wgUserLanguage, loadTrigger.loaded); } } else { loadTrigger.loaded(); } var wikiTextBlank = "[\\t _\\xA0\\u1680\\u180E\\u2000-\\u200A\\u2028\\u2029\\u202F\\u205F\\u3000]+"; var wikiTextBlankRE = new RegExp(wikiTextBlank, "g"); var wikiTextBlankOrBidi = "[\\t _\\xA0\\u1680\\u180E\\u2000-\\u200B\\u200E\\u200F\\u2028-\\u202F\\u205F\\u3000]*"; var formattedNamespaces = conf.wgFormattedNamespaces; var namespaceIds = conf.wgNamespaceIds; function autoLocalize(namespaceNumber, fallback) { function createRegexpStr(name) { if (!name || !name.length) return ""; var regex_name = ""; for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { var initial = name.charAt(i), ll = initial.toLowerCase(), ul = initial.toUpperCase(); if (ll === ul) regex_name += initial; else regex_name += "[" + ll + ul + "]"; } return regex_name.replace(/([\\^$.?*+()])/g, "\\$1").replace(wikiTextBlankRE, wikiTextBlank); } fallback = fallback.toLowerCase(); var canonical = formattedNamespaces[String(namespaceNumber)].toLowerCase(); var regexp = createRegexpStr(canonical); if (fallback && canonical !== fallback) regexp += "|" + createRegexpStr(fallback); if (namespaceIds) { for (var cat_name in namespaceIds) { if (typeof cat_name === "string" && cat_name.toLowerCase() !== canonical && cat_name.toLowerCase() !== fallback && namespaceIds[cat_name] === namespaceNumber) { regexp += "|" + createRegexpStr(cat_name); } } } return regexp; } HC.category_canonical = formattedNamespaces["14"]; HC.category_regexp = autoLocalize(14, "category"); if (formattedNamespaces["10"]) HC.template_regexp = autoLocalize(10, "template"); function make(arg, literal) { if (!arg) return null; return literal ? document.createTextNode(arg) : document.createElement(arg); } function param(name, uri) { uri = uri || document.location.href; var re = new RegExp("[&?]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"); var m = re.exec(uri); if (m && m.length > 1) return decodeURIComponent(m[1]); return null; } function title(href) { if (!href) return null; var script = conf.wgScript + "?"; if (href.indexOf(script) === 0 || href.indexOf(conf.wgServer + script) === 0 || conf.wgServer.substring(0, 2) === "//" && href.indexOf(document.location.protocol + conf.wgServer + script) === 0) { return param("title", href); } else { var prefix = conf.wgArticlePath.replace("$1", ""); if (href.indexOf(prefix)) prefix = conf.wgServer + prefix; if (href.indexOf(prefix) && prefix.substring(0, 2) === "//") prefix = document.location.protocol + prefix; if (href.indexOf(prefix) === 0) return decodeURIComponent(href.substring(prefix.length)); } return null; } function hasClass(elem, name) { return (" " + elem.className + " ").indexOf(" " + name + " ") >= 0; } function capitalize(str) { if (!str || !str.length) return str; return str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1); } function wikiPagePath(pageName) { return conf.wgArticlePath.replace("$1", encodeURIComponent(pageName).replace(/%3A/g, ":").replace(/%2F/g, "/")); } function escapeRE(str) { return str.replace(/([\\^$.?*+()[\]])/g, "\\$1"); } function substituteFactory(options) { options = options || {}; var lead = options.indicator || "$"; var indicator = escapeRE(lead); var lbrace = escapeRE(options.lbrace || "{"); var rbrace = escapeRE(options.rbrace || "}"); var re; re = new RegExp("(?:" + indicator + "(" + indicator + "))|" + "(?:" + indicator + "(\\d+))|" + "(?:" + indicator + "(?:" + lbrace + "([^" + lbrace + rbrace + "]+)" + rbrace + "))|" + "(?:" + indicator + "(?!(?:[" + indicator + lbrace + "]|\\d))(\\S+?)\\b)", "g"); return function(str, map) { if (!map) return str; return str.replace(re, function(match, prefix, idx, key, alpha) { if (prefix === lead) return lead; var k = alpha || key || idx; var replacement = typeof map[k] === "function" ? map[k](match, k) : map[k]; return typeof replacement === "string" ? replacement : replacement || match; }); }; } var substitute = substituteFactory(); var replaceShortcuts = function() { var replaceHash = substituteFactory({ indicator: "#", lbrace: "[", rbrace: "]" }); return function(str, map) { var s = replaceHash(str, map); return HC.capitalizePageNames ? capitalize(s) : s; }; }(); var findCatsRE = new RegExp("\\[\\[" + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + "(?:" + HC.category_regexp + ")" + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + ":[^\\]]+\\]\\]", "g"); function replaceByBlanks(match) { return match.replace(/(\s|\S)/g, " "); } function find_category(wikitext, category, once) { var cat_regex = null; if (HC.template_categories[category]) { cat_regex = new RegExp("\\{\\{" + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + "(" + HC.template_regexp + "(?=" + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + ":))?" + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + "(?:" + HC.template_categories[category] + ")" + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + "(\\|.*?)?\\}\\}", "g"); } else { var cat_name = escapeRE(category); var initial = cat_name.substr(0, 1); cat_regex = new RegExp("\\[\\[" + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + "(" + HC.category_regexp + ")" + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + ":" + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + (initial === "\\" || !HC.capitalizePageNames ? initial : "[" + initial.toUpperCase() + initial.toLowerCase() + "]") + cat_name.substring(1).replace(wikiTextBlankRE, wikiTextBlank) + wikiTextBlankOrBidi + "(\\|.*?)?\\]\\]", "g"); } if (once) return cat_regex.exec(wikitext); var copiedtext = wikitext.replace(/<!--(\s|\S)*?-->/g, replaceByBlanks).replace(/<nowiki>(\s|\S)*?<\/nowiki>/g, replaceByBlanks); var result = []; var curr_match = null; while ((curr_match = cat_regex.exec(copiedtext)) !== null) { result.push({ match: curr_match }); } result.re = cat_regex; return result; } var interlanguageRE = null; function change_category(wikitext, toRemove, toAdd, key, is_hidden) { function find_insertionpoint(wikitext) { var copiedtext = wikitext.replace(/<!--(\s|\S)*?-->/g, replaceByBlanks).replace(/<nowiki>(\s|\S)*?<\/nowiki>/g, replaceByBlanks); var index = -1; findCatsRE.lastIndex = 0; while (findCatsRE.exec(copiedtext) !== null) index = findCatsRE.lastIndex; if (index < 0) { var match = null; if (!interlanguageRE) { match = /((^|\n\r?)(\[\[\s*(([a-z]{2,3}(-[a-z]+)*)|simple|tokipona)\s*:[^\]]+\]\]\s*))+$/.exec(copiedtext); } else { match = interlanguageRE.exec(copiedtext); } if (match) index = match.index; return { idx: index, onCat: false }; } return { idx: index, onCat: index >= 0 }; } var summary = [], nameSpace = HC.category_canonical, cat_point = -1, keyChange = toRemove && toAdd && toRemove === toAdd && toAdd.length, matches; if (key) key = "|" + key; if (toRemove && toRemove.length) { matches = find_category(wikitext, toRemove); if (!matches || !matches.length) { return { text: wikitext, summary: summary, error: HC.messages.cat_notFound.replace(/\$1/g, toRemove) }; } else { var before = wikitext.substring(0, matches[0].match.index), after = wikitext.substring(matches[0].match.index + matches[0].match[0].length); if (matches.length > 1) { matches.re.lastIndex = 0; after = after.replace(matches.re, ""); } if (toAdd) { if (key === null) key = matches[0].match[2]; } var i = before.length - 1; while (i >= 0 && before.charAt(i) !== "\n" && before.substr(i, 1).search(/\s/) >= 0) i--; var j = 0; while (j < after.length && after.charAt(j) !== "\n" && after.substr(j, 1).search(/\s/) >= 0) j++; if (i >= 0 && before.charAt(i) === "\n" && (!after.length || j < after.length && after.charAt(j) === "\n")) i--; if (i >= 0) before = before.substring(0, i + 1); else before = ""; if (j < after.length) after = after.substring(j); else after = ""; if (before.length && before.substring(before.length - 1).search(/\S/) >= 0 && after.length && after.substr(0, 1).search(/\S/) >= 0) { before += " "; } cat_point = before.length; if (cat_point === 0 && after.length && after.substr(0, 1) === "\n") after = after.substr(1); wikitext = before + after; if (!keyChange) { if (HC.template_categories[toRemove]) { summary.push(HC.messages.template_removed.replace(/\$1/g, toRemove)); } else { summary.push(HC.messages.cat_removed.replace(/\$1/g, toRemove)); } } } } if (toAdd && toAdd.length) { matches = find_category(wikitext, toAdd); if (matches && matches.length) { return { text: wikitext, summary: summary, error: HC.messages.cat_exists.replace(/\$1/g, toAdd) }; } else { var onCat = false; if (cat_point < 0) { var point = find_insertionpoint(wikitext); cat_point = point.idx; onCat = point.onCat; } else { onCat = true; } var newcatstring = "[[" + nameSpace + ":" + toAdd + (key || "") + "]]"; if (cat_point >= 0) { var suffix = wikitext.substring(cat_point); wikitext = wikitext.substring(0, cat_point) + (cat_point > 0 ? "\n" : "") + newcatstring + (!onCat ? "\n" : ""); if (suffix.length && suffix.substr(0, 1) !== "\n") wikitext += "\n" + suffix; else wikitext += suffix; } else { if (wikitext.length && wikitext.substr(wikitext.length - 1, 1) !== "\n") wikitext += "\n"; wikitext += (wikitext.length ? "\n" : "") + newcatstring; } if (keyChange) { var k = key || ""; if (k.length) k = k.substr(1); summary.push(substitute(HC.messages.cat_keychange, [null, toAdd, k])); } else { summary.push(HC.messages.cat_added.replace(/\$1/g, toAdd)); } if (HC.uncat_regexp && !is_hidden) { var txt = wikitext.replace(HC.uncat_regexp, ""); if (txt.length !== wikitext.length) { wikitext = txt; summary.push(HC.messages.uncat_removed); } } } } return { text: wikitext, summary: summary, error: null }; } function evtKeys(e) { var code = 0; if (e.ctrlKey) { if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) code |= 1; if (e.shiftKey) code |= 2; } return code; } function evtKill(e) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } else { e.cancelBubble = true; } return false; } var catLine = null, onUpload = false, editors = [], commitButton = null, commitForm = null, multiSpan = null, pageText = null, pageTime = null, pageWatched = false, watchCreate = false, watchEdit = false, minorEdits = false, editToken = null, is_rtl = false, serverTime = null, lastRevId = null, pageTextRevId = null, conflictingUser = null, newDOM = false; function CategoryEditor() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } function setPage(json) { var startTime = null; if (json && json.query) { if (json.query.pages) { var page = json.query.pages[!conf.wgArticleId ? "-1" : String(conf.wgArticleId)]; if (page) { if (page.revisions && page.revisions.length) { pageText = page.revisions[0]["*"]; if (page.revisions[0].timestamp) pageTime = page.revisions[0].timestamp.replace(/\D/g, ""); if (page.revisions[0].revid) pageTextRevId = page.revisions[0].revid; if (page.revisions.length > 1) conflictingUser = page.revisions[1].user; } if (page.lastrevid) lastRevId = page.lastrevid; if (page.starttimestamp) startTime = page.starttimestamp.replace(/\D/g, ""); pageWatched = typeof page.watched === "string"; editToken = page.edittoken; if (page.langlinks && (!json["query-continue"] || !json["query-continue"].langlinks)) { var re = ""; for (var i = 0; i < page.langlinks.length; i++) re += (i > 0 ? "|" : "") + page.langlinks[i].lang.replace(/([\\^$.?*+()])/g, "\\$1"); if (re.length) interlanguageRE = new RegExp("((^|\\n\\r?)(\\[\\[\\s*(" + re + ")\\s*:[^\\]]+\\]\\]\\s*))+$"); } } } if (json.query.general) { if (json.query.general.time && !startTime) startTime = json.query.general.time.replace(/\D/g, ""); if (HC.capitalizePageNames === null) { HC.capitalizePageNames = json.query.general["case"] === "first-letter"; } } serverTime = startTime; if (json.query.userinfo && json.query.userinfo.options) { watchCreate = !HC.dont_add_to_watchlist && json.query.userinfo.options.watchcreations === "1"; watchEdit = !HC.dont_add_to_watchlist && json.query.userinfo.options.watchdefault === "1"; minorEdits = json.query.userinfo.options.minordefault === 1; if (minorEdits) HC.single_minor = true; } } } var saveInProgress = false; function initiateEdit(doEdit, failure) { if (saveInProgress) return; saveInProgress = true; var oldButtonState; if (commitButton) { oldButtonState = commitButton.disabled; commitButton.disabled = true; } function fail() { saveInProgress = false; if (commitButton) commitButton.disabled = oldButtonState; failure.apply(this, arguments); } $.getJSON(conf.wgServer + conf.wgScriptPath + "/api.php?" + "format=json&action=query&rawcontinue=&titles=" + encodeURIComponent(conf.wgPageName) + "&prop=info%7Crevisions%7Clanglinks&inprop=watched&intoken=edit&rvprop=content%7Ctimestamp%7Cids%7Cuser&lllimit=500" + "&rvlimit=2&rvdir=newer&rvstartid=" + conf.wgCurRevisionId + "&meta=siteinfo%7Cuserinfo&uiprop=options", function(json) { setPage(json); doEdit(fail); }).fail(function(req) { fail(req.status + " " + req.statusText); }); } function multiChangeMsg(count) { var msg = HC.messages.multi_change; if (typeof msg !== "string" && msg.length) if (mw.language && mw.language.convertPlural) { msg = mw.language.convertPlural(count, msg); } else { msg = msg[msg.length - 1]; } return substitute(msg, [null, String(count)]); } function currentTimestamp() { var now = new Date(); var ts = String(now.getUTCFullYear()); function two(s) { return s.substr(s.length - 2); } ts += two("0" + (now.getUTCMonth() + 1)) + two("0" + now.getUTCDate()) + two("00" + now.getUTCHours()) + two("00" + now.getUTCMinutes()) + two("00" + now.getUTCSeconds()); return ts; } function performChanges(failure, singleEditor) { if (pageText === null) { failure(HC.messages.multi_error); return; } if (HC.messages.cat_keychange.indexOf("$2") < 0) HC.messages.cat_keychange += '"$2"'; if (!HC.messages.short_catchange) HC.messages.short_catchange = "[[" + HC.category_canonical + ":$1]]"; var action; var selfEditConflict = (lastRevId !== null && lastRevId !== conf.wgCurRevisionId || pageTextRevId !== null && pageTextRevId !== conf.wgCurRevisionId) && conflictingUser && conflictingUser === conf.wgUserName; if (singleEditor && !singleEditor.noCommit && !HC.no_autocommit && editToken && !selfEditConflict) { commitForm.wpEditToken.value = editToken; action = commitForm.wpDiff; if (action) action.name = action.value = "wpSave"; } else { action = commitForm.wpSave; if (action) action.name = action.value = "wpDiff"; } var result = { text: pageText }, changed = [], added = [], deleted = [], changes = 0, toEdit = singleEditor ? [singleEditor] : editors, error = null, edit, i; for (i = 0; i < toEdit.length; i++) { edit = toEdit[i]; if (edit.state === CategoryEditor.CHANGED) { result = change_category(result.text, edit.originalCategory, edit.currentCategory, edit.currentKey, edit.currentHidden); if (!result.error) { changes++; if (!edit.originalCategory || !edit.originalCategory.length) { added.push(edit.currentCategory); } else { changed.push({ from: edit.originalCategory, to: edit.currentCategory }); } } else if (error === null) { error = result.error; } } else if (edit.state === CategoryEditor.DELETED && edit.originalCategory && edit.originalCategory.length) { result = change_category(result.text, edit.originalCategory, null, null, false); if (!result.error) { changes++; deleted.push(edit.originalCategory); } else if (error === null) { error = result.error; } } } if (error !== null) { action = commitForm.wpSave; if (action) action.name = action.value = "wpDiff"; } commitForm.wpMinoredit.checked = minorEdits; commitForm.wpWatchthis.checked = !conf.wgArticleId && watchCreate || watchEdit || pageWatched; if (conf.wgArticleId || !!singleEditor) { if (action && action.value === "wpSave") { if (HC.changeTag) { commitForm.wpChangeTags.value = HC.changeTag; HC.messages.using = ""; HC.messages.prefix = ""; } } else { commitForm.wpAutoSummary.value = HC.changeTag; } if (changes === 1) { if (result.summary && result.summary.length) commitForm.wpSummary.value = HC.messages.prefix + result.summary.join(HC.messages.separator) + HC.messages.using; commitForm.wpMinoredit.checked = HC.single_minor || minorEdits; } else if (changes) { var summary = []; var shortSummary = []; for (i = 0; i < deleted.length; i++) summary.push("-" + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, deleted[i]])); if (deleted.length === 1) shortSummary.push("-" + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, deleted[0]])); else if (deleted.length) shortSummary.push("- " + multiChangeMsg(deleted.length)); for (i = 0; i < added.length; i++) summary.push("+" + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, added[i]])); if (added.length === 1) shortSummary.push("+" + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, added[0]])); else if (added.length) shortSummary.push("+ " + multiChangeMsg(added.length)); var arrow = is_rtl ? "←" : "→"; for (i = 0; i < changed.length; i++) { if (changed[i].from !== changed[i].to) { summary.push("±" + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, changed[i].from]) + arrow + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, changed[i].to])); } else { summary.push("±" + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, changed[i].from])); } } if (changed.length === 1) { if (changed[0].from !== changed[0].to) { shortSummary.push("±" + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, changed[0].from]) + arrow + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, changed[0].to])); } else { shortSummary.push("±" + substitute(HC.messages.short_catchange, [null, changed[0].from])); } } else if (changed.length) { shortSummary.push("± " + multiChangeMsg(changed.length)); } if (summary.length) { summary = summary.join(HC.messages.separator); if (summary.length > 200 - HC.messages.prefix.length - HC.messages.using.length) summary = shortSummary.join(HC.messages.separator); commitForm.wpSummary.value = HC.messages.prefix + summary + HC.messages.using; } } } commitForm.wpTextbox1.value = result.text; commitForm.wpStarttime.value = serverTime || currentTimestamp(); commitForm.wpEdittime.value = pageTime || commitForm.wpStarttime.value; if (selfEditConflict) commitForm.oldid.value = String(pageTextRevId || conf.wgCurRevisionId); commitForm.hcCommit.click(); } function resolveOne(page, toResolve) { var cats = page.categories, lks = page.links, is_dab = false, is_redir = typeof page.redirect === "string", is_hidden = page.categoryinfo && typeof page.categoryinfo.hidden === "string", is_missing = typeof page.missing === "string", i; for (i = 0; i < toResolve.length; i++) { if (i && toResolve[i].dabInputCleaned !== page.title.substring(page.title.indexOf(":") + 1)) continue; toResolve[i].currentHidden = is_hidden; toResolve[i].inputExists = !is_missing; toResolve[i].icon.src = is_missing ? HC.existsNo : HC.existsYes; } if (is_missing) return; if (!is_redir && cats && (HC.disambig_category || HC.redir_category)) { for (var c = 0; c < cats.length; c++) { var cat = cats[c].title; if (cat) { cat = cat.substring(cat.indexOf(":") + 1).replace(/_/g, " "); if (cat === HC.disambig_category) { is_dab = true; break; } else if (cat === HC.redir_category) { is_redir = true; break; } } } } if (!is_redir && !is_dab) return; if (!lks || !lks.length) return; var titles = []; for (i = 0; i < lks.length; i++) { if (lks[i].ns === 14 && lks[i].title && lks[i].title.length) { var match = lks[i].title; match = match.substring(match.indexOf(":") + 1); if (!HC.blacklist || !HC.blacklist.test(match)) titles.push(match); } } if (!titles.length) return; for (i = 0; i < toResolve.length; i++) { if (i && toResolve[i].dabInputCleaned !== page.title.substring(page.title.indexOf(":") + 1)) continue; toResolve[i].inputExists = true; toResolve[i].icon.src = HC.existsYes; if (titles.length > 1) { toResolve[i].dab = titles; } else { toResolve[i].text.value = titles[0] + (toResolve[i].currentKey !== null ? "|" + toResolve[i].currentKey : ""); } } } function resolveRedirects(toResolve, params) { if (!params || !params.query || !params.query.pages) return; for (var p in params.query.pages) resolveOne(params.query.pages[p], toResolve); } function resolveMulti(toResolve, callback) { var i; for (i = 0; i < toResolve.length; i++) { toResolve[i].dab = null; toResolve[i].dabInput = toResolve[i].lastInput; } if (noSuggestions) { callback(toResolve); return; } var args = "action=query&prop=info%7Clinks%7Ccategories%7Ccategoryinfo&plnamespace=14" + "&pllimit=" + toResolve.length * 10 + "&cllimit=" + toResolve.length * 10 + "&format=json&titles="; for (i = 0; i < toResolve.length; i++) { var v = toResolve[i].dabInput; v = replaceShortcuts(v, HC.shortcuts); toResolve[i].dabInputCleaned = v; args += encodeURIComponent("Category:" + v); if (i + 1 < toResolve.length) args += "%7C"; } $.getJSON(conf.wgServer + conf.wgScriptPath + "/api.php?" + args, function(json) { resolveRedirects(toResolve, json); callback(toResolve); }).fail(function(req) { if (!req) noSuggestions = true; callback(toResolve); }); } function makeActive(which) { if (which.is_active) return; for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) if (editors[i] !== which) editors[i].inactivate(); which.is_active = true; if (which.dab) { showDab(which); } else { var expectedInput = which.lastRealInput || which.lastInput || ""; var actualValue = which.text.value || ""; if (!expectedInput.length && actualValue.length || expectedInput.length && actualValue.indexOf(expectedInput)) { which.showsList = false; var v = actualValue.split("|"); which.lastRealInput = which.lastInput = v[0]; if (v.length > 1) which.currentKey = v[1]; if (which.lastSelection) { which.lastSelection = { start: v[0].length, end: v[0].length }; } } if (which.showsList) which.displayList(); if (which.lastSelection) { if (is_webkit) { window.setTimeout(function() { which.setSelection(which.lastSelection.start, which.lastSelection.end); }, 1); } else { which.setSelection(which.lastSelection.start, which.lastSelection.end); } } } } function showDab(which) { if (!which.is_active) { makeActive(which); } else { which.showSuggestions(which.dab, false, null, null); which.dab = null; } } function multiSubmit() { var toResolve = []; for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) if (editors[i].state === CategoryEditor.CHANGE_PENDING || editors[i].state === CategoryEditor.OPEN) toResolve.push(editors[i]); if (!toResolve.length) { initiateEdit(function(failure) { performChanges(failure); }, function(msg) { alert(msg); }); return; } resolveMulti(toResolve, function(resolved) { var firstDab = null; var dontChange = false; for (var i = 0; i < resolved.length; i++) { if (resolved[i].lastInput !== resolved[i].dabInput) { dontChange = true; } else { if (resolved[i].dab) { if (!firstDab) firstDab = resolved[i]; } else { if (resolved[i].acceptCheck(true)) resolved[i].commit(); } } } if (firstDab) { showDab(firstDab); } else if (!dontChange) { initiateEdit(function(failure) { performChanges(failure); }, function(msg) { alert(msg); }); } }); } function setMultiInput() { if (commitButton || onUpload) return; commitButton = make("input"); commitButton.type = "button"; commitButton.value = HC.messages.commit; commitButton.onclick = multiSubmit; if (multiSpan) multiSpan.parentNode.replaceChild(commitButton, multiSpan); else catLine.appendChild(commitButton); } function checkMultiInput() { if (!commitButton) return; var hasChanges = false; for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) { if (editors[i].state !== CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED) { hasChanges = true; break; } } commitButton.disabled = !hasChanges; } var suggestionEngines = { opensearch: { uri: "/api.php?format=json&action=opensearch&namespace=14&limit=30&search=Category:$1", handler: function(queryResult, queryKey) { if (queryResult && queryResult.length >= 2) { var key = queryResult[0].substring(queryResult[0].indexOf(":") + 1); var titles = queryResult[1]; var exists = false; if (!cat_prefix) cat_prefix = new RegExp("^(" + HC.category_regexp + "):"); for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { cat_prefix.lastIndex = 0; var m = cat_prefix.exec(titles[i]); if (m && m.length > 1) { titles[i] = titles[i].substring(titles[i].indexOf(":") + 1); if (key === titles[i]) exists = true; } else { titles.splice(i, 1); i--; } } titles.exists = exists; if (queryKey !== key) titles.normalized = key; return titles; } return null; } }, internalsearch: { uri: "/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=allpages&apnamespace=14&aplimit=30&apfrom=$1&apprefix=$1", handler: function(queryResult) { if (queryResult && queryResult.query && queryResult.query.allpages) { var titles = queryResult.query.allpages; for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) titles[i] = titles[i].title.substring(titles[i].title.indexOf(":") + 1); return titles; } return null; } }, exists: { uri: "/api.php?format=json&action=query&prop=info&titles=Category:$1", handler: function(queryResult, queryKey) { if (queryResult && queryResult.query && queryResult.query.pages && !queryResult.query.pages[-1]) { for (var p in queryResult.query.pages) { var title = queryResult.query.pages[p].title; title = title.substring(title.indexOf(":") + 1); var titles = [title]; titles.exists = true; if (queryKey !== title) titles.normalized = title; return titles; } } return null; } }, subcategories: { uri: "/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtype=subcat&cmlimit=max&cmtitle=Category:$1", handler: function(queryResult) { if (queryResult && queryResult.query && queryResult.query.categorymembers) { var titles = queryResult.query.categorymembers; for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) titles[i] = titles[i].title.substring(titles[i].title.indexOf(":") + 1); return titles; } return null; } }, parentcategories: { uri: "/api.php?format=json&action=query&prop=categories&titles=Category:$1&cllimit=max", handler: function(queryResult) { if (queryResult && queryResult.query && queryResult.query.pages) { for (var p in queryResult.query.pages) { if (queryResult.query.pages[p].categories) { var titles = queryResult.query.pages[p].categories; for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) titles[i] = titles[i].title.substring(titles[i].title.indexOf(":") + 1); return titles; } } } return null; } } }; var suggestionConfigs = { searchindex: { name: "Search index", engines: ["opensearch"], cache: {}, show: true, temp: false, noCompletion: false }, pagelist: { name: "Page list", engines: ["internalsearch", "exists"], cache: {}, show: true, temp: false, noCompletion: false }, combined: { name: "Combined search", engines: ["opensearch", "internalsearch"], cache: {}, show: true, temp: false, noCompletion: false }, subcat: { name: "Subcategories", engines: ["subcategories"], cache: {}, show: true, temp: true, noCompletion: true }, parentcat: { name: "Parent categories", engines: ["parentcategories"], cache: {}, show: true, temp: true, noCompletion: true } }; CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED = 0; CategoryEditor.OPEN = 1; CategoryEditor.CHANGE_PENDING = 2; CategoryEditor.CHANGED = 3; CategoryEditor.DELETED = 4; var dummyElement = make(" ", true); function forceRedraw() { if (dummyElement.parentNode) document.body.removeChild(dummyElement); else document.body.appendChild(dummyElement); } var BS = 8, TAB = 9, RET = 13, ESC = 27, SPACE = 32, PGUP = 33, PGDOWN = 34, UP = 38, DOWN = 40, DEL = 46, IME = 229; CategoryEditor.prototype = { initialize: function(line, span, after, key, is_hidden) { if (!span) { this.isAddCategory = true; this.originalCategory = ""; this.originalKey = null; this.originalExists = false; if (!newDOM) { span = make("span"); span.className = "noprint"; if (key) { span.appendChild(make(" | ", true)); if (after) { after.parentNode.insertBefore(span, after.nextSibling); after = after.nextSibling; } else { line.appendChild(span); } } else if (line.firstChild) { span.appendChild(make(" ", true)); line.appendChild(span); } } this.linkSpan = make("span"); this.linkSpan.className = "noprint nopopups hotcatlink"; var lk = make("a"); lk.href = "#catlinks"; lk.onclick = this.open.bind(this); lk.appendChild(make(HC.links.add, true)); lk.title = HC.tooltips.add; this.linkSpan.appendChild(lk); span = make(newDOM ? "li" : "span"); span.className = "noprint"; if (is_rtl) span.dir = "rtl"; span.appendChild(this.linkSpan); if (after) after.parentNode.insertBefore(span, after.nextSibling); else line.appendChild(span); this.normalLinks = null; this.undelLink = null; this.catLink = null; } else { if (is_rtl) span.dir = "rtl"; this.isAddCategory = false; this.catLink = span.firstChild; this.originalCategory = after; this.originalKey = key && key.length > 1 ? key.substr(1) : null; this.originalExists = !hasClass(this.catLink, "new"); this.makeLinkSpan(); if (!this.originalExists && this.upDownLinks) this.upDownLinks.style.display = "none"; span.appendChild(this.linkSpan); } this.originalHidden = is_hidden; this.line = line; this.engine = HC.suggestions; this.span = span; this.currentCategory = this.originalCategory; this.currentExists = this.originalExists; this.currentHidden = this.originalHidden; this.currentKey = this.originalKey; this.state = CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED; this.lastSavedState = CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED; this.lastSavedCategory = this.originalCategory; this.lastSavedKey = this.originalKey; this.lastSavedExists = this.originalExists; this.lastSavedHidden = this.originalHidden; if (this.catLink && this.currentKey) this.catLink.title = this.currentKey; editors[editors.length] = this; }, makeLinkSpan: function() { this.normalLinks = make("span"); var lk = null; if (this.originalCategory && this.originalCategory.length) { lk = make("a"); lk.href = "#catlinks"; lk.onclick = this.remove.bind(this); lk.appendChild(make(HC.links.remove, true)); lk.title = HC.tooltips.remove; this.normalLinks.appendChild(make(" ", true)); this.normalLinks.appendChild(lk); } if (!HC.template_categories[this.originalCategory]) { lk = make("a"); lk.href = "#catlinks"; lk.onclick = this.open.bind(this); lk.appendChild(make(HC.links.change, true)); lk.title = HC.tooltips.change; this.normalLinks.appendChild(make(" ", true)); this.normalLinks.appendChild(lk); if (!noSuggestions && HC.use_up_down) { this.upDownLinks = make("span"); lk = make("a"); lk.href = "#catlinks"; lk.onclick = this.down.bind(this); lk.appendChild(make(HC.links.down, true)); lk.title = HC.tooltips.down; this.upDownLinks.appendChild(make(" ", true)); this.upDownLinks.appendChild(lk); lk = make("a"); lk.href = "#catlinks"; lk.onclick = this.up.bind(this); lk.appendChild(make(HC.links.up, true)); lk.title = HC.tooltips.up; this.upDownLinks.appendChild(make(" ", true)); this.upDownLinks.appendChild(lk); this.normalLinks.appendChild(this.upDownLinks); } } this.linkSpan = make("span"); this.linkSpan.className = "noprint nopopups hotcatlink"; this.linkSpan.appendChild(this.normalLinks); this.undelLink = make("span"); this.undelLink.className = "nopopups hotcatlink"; this.undelLink.style.display = "none"; lk = make("a"); lk.href = "#catlinks"; lk.onclick = this.restore.bind(this); lk.appendChild(make(HC.links.restore, true)); lk.title = HC.tooltips.restore; this.undelLink.appendChild(make(" ", true)); this.undelLink.appendChild(lk); this.linkSpan.appendChild(this.undelLink); }, invokeSuggestions: function(dont_autocomplete) { if (this.engine && suggestionConfigs[this.engine] && suggestionConfigs[this.engine].temp && !dont_autocomplete) this.engine = HC.suggestions; this.state = CategoryEditor.CHANGE_PENDING; var self = this; window.setTimeout(function() { self.textchange(dont_autocomplete); }, HC.suggest_delay); }, makeForm: function() { var form = make("form"); form.method = "POST"; form.onsubmit = this.accept.bind(this); this.form = form; var self = this; var text = make("input"); text.type = "text"; text.size = HC.editbox_width; if (!noSuggestions) { text.onkeyup = function(evt) { var key = evt.keyCode || 0; if (self.ime && self.lastKey === IME && !self.usesComposition && (key === TAB || key === RET || key === ESC || key === SPACE)) self.ime = false; if (self.ime) return true; if (key === UP || key === DOWN || key === PGUP || key === PGDOWN) { if (self.keyCount === 0) return self.processKey(evt); } else { if (key === ESC && self.lastKey !== IME) { if (!self.resetKeySelection()) { self.cancel(); return; } } self.invokeSuggestions(key === BS || key === DEL || key === ESC); } return true; }; text.onkeydown = function(evt) { var key = evt.keyCode || 0; self.lastKey = key; self.keyCount = 0; if (!self.ime && key === IME && !self.usesComposition) { self.ime = true; } else if (self.ime && key !== IME && !(key >= 16 && key <= 20 || key >= 91 && key <= 93 || key === 144)) { self.ime = false; } if (self.ime) return true; if (key === RET) return self.accept(evt); return key === ESC ? evtKill(evt) : true; }; text.onkeypress = function(evt) { self.keyCount++; return self.processKey(evt); }; $(text).on("focus", function() { makeActive(self); }); $(text).on(text.onbeforedeactivate !== undefined && text.createTextRange ? "beforedeactivate" : "blur", this.saveView.bind(this)); try { $(text).on("compositionstart", function() { self.lastKey = IME; self.usesComposition = true; self.ime = true; }); $(text).on("compositionend", function() { self.lastKey = IME; self.usesComposition = true; self.ime = false; }); $(text).on("textInput", function() { self.ime = false; self.invokeSuggestions(false); }); } catch (any) {} $(text).on("blur", function() { self.usesComposition = false; self.ime = false; }); } this.text = text; this.icon = make("img"); var list = null; if (!noSuggestions) { list = make("select"); list.onclick = function() { if (self.highlightSuggestion(0)) self.textchange(false, true); }; list.ondblclick = function(e) { if (self.highlightSuggestion(0)) self.accept(e); }; list.onchange = function() { self.highlightSuggestion(0); self.text.focus(); }; list.onkeyup = function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode === ESC) { self.resetKeySelection(); self.text.focus(); window.setTimeout(function() { self.textchange(true); }, HC.suggest_delay); } else if (evt.keyCode === RET) { self.accept(evt); } }; if (!HC.fixed_search) { var engineSelector = make("select"); for (var key in suggestionConfigs) { if (suggestionConfigs[key].show) { var opt = make("option"); opt.value = key; if (key === this.engine) opt.selected = true; opt.appendChild(make(suggestionConfigs[key].name, true)); engineSelector.appendChild(opt); } } engineSelector.onchange = function() { self.engine = self.engineSelector.options[self.engineSelector.selectedIndex].value; self.text.focus(); self.textchange(true, true); }; this.engineSelector = engineSelector; } } this.list = list; function button_label(id, defaultText) { var label = null; if (onUpload && window.UFUI !== undefined && window.UIElements !== undefined && UFUI.getLabel instanceof Function) { try { label = UFUI.getLabel(id, true); while (label && label.nodeType !== 3) label = label.firstChild; } catch (ex) { label = null; } } if (!label || !label.data) return defaultText; return label.data; } var OK = make("input"); OK.type = "button"; OK.value = button_label("wpOkUploadLbl", HC.messages.ok); OK.onclick = this.accept.bind(this); this.ok = OK; var cancel = make("input"); cancel.type = "button"; cancel.value = button_label("wpCancelUploadLbl", HC.messages.cancel); cancel.onclick = this.cancel.bind(this); this.cancelButton = cancel; var span = make("span"); span.className = "hotcatinput"; span.style.position = "relative"; span.appendChild(text); span.appendChild(make(" ", true)); span.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; if (list) span.appendChild(list); if (this.engineSelector) span.appendChild(this.engineSelector); if (!noSuggestions) span.appendChild(this.icon); span.appendChild(OK); span.appendChild(cancel); form.appendChild(span); form.style.display = "none"; this.span.appendChild(form); }, display: function(evt) { if (this.isAddCategory && !onUpload) { new CategoryEditor(this.line, null, this.span, true); } if (!commitButton && !onUpload) { for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) { if (editors[i].state !== CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED) { setMultiInput(); break; } } } if (!this.form) this.makeForm(); if (this.list) this.list.style.display = "none"; if (this.engineSelector) this.engineSelector.style.display = "none"; this.currentCategory = this.lastSavedCategory; this.currentExists = this.lastSavedExists; this.currentHidden = this.lastSavedHidden; this.currentKey = this.lastSavedKey; this.icon.src = this.currentExists ? HC.existsYes : HC.existsNo; this.text.value = this.currentCategory + (this.currentKey !== null ? "|" + this.currentKey : ""); this.originalState = this.state; this.lastInput = this.currentCategory; this.inputExists = this.currentExists; this.state = this.state === CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED ? CategoryEditor.OPEN : CategoryEditor.CHANGE_PENDING; this.lastSelection = { start: this.currentCategory.length, end: this.currentCategory.length }; this.showsList = false; if (this.catLink) this.catLink.style.display = "none"; this.linkSpan.style.display = "none"; this.form.style.display = "inline"; this.ok.disabled = false; var result = evtKill(evt); this.text.focus(); this.text.readOnly = false; checkMultiInput(); return result; }, show: function(evt, engine, readOnly) { var result = this.display(evt); var v = this.lastSavedCategory; if (!v.length) return result; this.text.readOnly = !!readOnly; this.engine = engine; this.textchange(false, true); forceRedraw(); return result; }, open: function(evt) { return this.show(evt, this.engine && suggestionConfigs[this.engine].temp ? HC.suggestions : this.engine); }, down: function(evt) { return this.show(evt, "subcat", true); }, up: function(evt) { return this.show(evt, "parentcat"); }, cancel: function() { if (this.isAddCategory && !onUpload) { this.removeEditor(); return; } this.inactivate(); this.form.style.display = "none"; if (this.catLink) this.catLink.style.display = ""; this.linkSpan.style.display = ""; this.state = this.originalState; this.currentCategory = this.lastSavedCategory; this.currentKey = this.lastSavedKey; this.currentExists = this.lastSavedExists; this.currentHidden = this.lastSavedHidden; if (this.catLink) if (this.currentKey && this.currentKey.length) { this.catLink.title = this.currentKey; } else { this.catLink.title = ""; } if (this.state === CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED) { if (this.catLink) this.catLink.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; } else { if (!onUpload) { try { this.catLink.style.backgroundColor = HC.bg_changed; } catch (ex) {} } } checkMultiInput(); forceRedraw(); }, removeEditor: function() { if (!newDOM) { var next = this.span.nextSibling; if (next) next.parentNode.removeChild(next); } this.span.parentNode.removeChild(this.span); for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) { if (editors[i] === this) { editors.splice(i, 1); break; } } checkMultiInput(); }, rollback: function(evt) { this.undoLink.parentNode.removeChild(this.undoLink); this.undoLink = null; this.currentCategory = this.originalCategory; this.currentKey = this.originalKey; this.currentExists = this.originalExists; this.currentHidden = this.originalHidden; this.lastSavedCategory = this.originalCategory; this.lastSavedKey = this.originalKey; this.lastSavedExists = this.originalExists; this.lastSavedHidden = this.originalHidden; this.state = CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED; if (!this.currentCategory || !this.currentCategory.length) { this.removeEditor(); } else { this.catLink.removeChild(this.catLink.firstChild); this.catLink.appendChild(make(this.currentCategory, true)); this.catLink.href = wikiPagePath(HC.category_canonical + ":" + this.currentCategory); this.catLink.title = this.currentKey || ""; this.catLink.className = this.currentExists ? "" : "new"; this.catLink.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; if (this.upDownLinks) this.upDownLinks.style.display = this.currentExists ? "" : "none"; checkMultiInput(); } return evtKill(evt); }, inactivate: function() { if (this.list) this.list.style.display = "none"; if (this.engineSelector) this.engineSelector.style.display = "none"; this.is_active = false; }, acceptCheck: function(dontCheck) { this.sanitizeInput(); var value = this.text.value.split("|"); var key = null; if (value.length > 1) key = value[1]; var v = value[0].replace(/_/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (HC.capitalizePageNames) v = capitalize(v); this.lastInput = v; v = replaceShortcuts(v, HC.shortcuts); if (!v.length) { this.cancel(); return false; } if (!dontCheck && (conf.wgNamespaceNumber === 14 && v === conf.wgTitle || HC.blacklist && HC.blacklist.test(v))) { this.cancel(); return false; } this.currentCategory = v; this.currentKey = key; this.currentExists = this.inputExists; return true; }, accept: function(evt) { this.noCommit = (evtKeys(evt) & 1) !== 0; var result = evtKill(evt); if (this.acceptCheck()) { var toResolve = [this]; var original = this.currentCategory; resolveMulti(toResolve, function(resolved) { if (resolved[0].dab) { showDab(resolved[0]); } else { if (resolved[0].acceptCheck(true)) { resolved[0].commit(resolved[0].currentCategory !== original ? HC.messages.cat_resolved.replace(/\$1/g, original) : null); } } }); } return result; }, close: function() { if (!this.catLink) { this.catLink = make("a"); this.catLink.appendChild(make("foo", true)); this.catLink.style.display = "none"; this.span.insertBefore(this.catLink, this.span.firstChild.nextSibling); } this.catLink.removeChild(this.catLink.firstChild); this.catLink.appendChild(make(this.currentCategory, true)); this.catLink.href = wikiPagePath(HC.category_canonical + ":" + this.currentCategory); this.catLink.className = this.currentExists ? "" : "new"; this.lastSavedCategory = this.currentCategory; this.lastSavedKey = this.currentKey; this.lastSavedExists = this.currentExists; this.lastSavedHidden = this.currentHidden; this.inactivate(); this.form.style.display = "none"; this.catLink.title = this.currentKey || ""; this.catLink.style.display = ""; if (this.isAddCategory) { if (onUpload) { new CategoryEditor(this.line, null, this.span, true); } this.isAddCategory = false; this.linkSpan.parentNode.removeChild(this.linkSpan); this.makeLinkSpan(); this.span.appendChild(this.linkSpan); } if (!this.undoLink) { var span = make("span"); var lk = make("a"); lk.href = "#catlinks"; lk.onclick = this.rollback.bind(this); lk.appendChild(make(HC.links.undo, true)); lk.title = HC.tooltips.undo; span.appendChild(make(" ", true)); span.appendChild(lk); this.normalLinks.appendChild(span); this.undoLink = span; if (!onUpload) { try { this.catLink.style.backgroundColor = HC.bg_changed; } catch (ex) {} } } if (this.upDownLinks) this.upDownLinks.style.display = this.lastSavedExists ? "" : "none"; this.linkSpan.style.display = ""; this.state = CategoryEditor.CHANGED; checkMultiInput(); forceRedraw(); }, commit: function() { if (this.currentCategory === this.originalCategory && (this.currentKey === this.originalKey || this.currentKey === null && !this.originalKey.length) || conf.wgNamespaceNumber === 14 && this.currentCategory === conf.wgTitle || HC.blacklist && HC.blacklist.test(this.currentCategory)) { this.cancel(); return; } this.close(); if (!commitButton && !onUpload) { var self = this; initiateEdit(function(failure) { performChanges(failure, self); }, function(msg) { alert(msg); }); } }, remove: function(evt) { this.doRemove(evtKeys(evt) & 1); return evtKill(evt); }, doRemove: function(noCommit) { if (this.isAddCategory) { this.cancel(); return; } if (!commitButton && !onUpload) { for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) { if (editors[i].state !== CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED) { setMultiInput(); break; } } } if (commitButton) { this.catLink.title = ""; this.catLink.style.cssText += "; text-decoration : line-through !important;"; try { this.catLink.style.backgroundColor = HC.bg_changed; } catch (ex) {} this.originalState = this.state; this.state = CategoryEditor.DELETED; this.normalLinks.style.display = "none"; this.undelLink.style.display = ""; checkMultiInput(); } else { if (onUpload) { this.removeEditor(); } else { this.originalState = this.state; this.state = CategoryEditor.DELETED; this.noCommit = noCommit || HC.del_needs_diff; var self = this; initiateEdit(function(failure) { performChanges(failure, self); }, function(msg) { self.state = self.originalState; alert(msg); }); } } }, restore: function(evt) { this.catLink.title = this.currentKey || ""; this.catLink.style.textDecoration = ""; this.state = this.originalState; if (this.state === CategoryEditor.UNCHANGED) { this.catLink.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; } else { try { this.catLink.style.backgroundColor = HC.bg_changed; } catch (ex) {} } this.normalLinks.style.display = ""; this.undelLink.style.display = "none"; checkMultiInput(); return evtKill(evt); }, selectEngine: function(engineName) { if (!this.engineSelector) return; for (var i = 0; i < this.engineSelector.options.length; i++) this.engineSelector.options[i].selected = this.engineSelector.options[i].value === engineName; }, sanitizeInput: function() { var v = this.text.value || ""; v = v.replace(/^(\s|_)+/, ""); var re = new RegExp("^(" + HC.category_regexp + "):"); if (re.test(v)) v = v.substring(v.indexOf(":") + 1).replace(/^(\s|_)+/, ""); if (HC.capitalizePageNames) v = capitalize(v); if (this.text.value !== null && this.text.value !== v) this.text.value = v; }, makeCall: function(url, callbackObj, engine, queryKey, cleanKey) { var cb = callbackObj, e = engine, v = queryKey, z = cleanKey, thisObj = this; function done() { cb.callsMade++; if (cb.callsMade === cb.nofCalls) { if (cb.exists) cb.allTitles.exists = true; if (cb.normalized) cb.allTitles.normalized = cb.normalized; if (!cb.dontCache && !suggestionConfigs[cb.engineName].cache[z]) suggestionConfigs[cb.engineName].cache[z] = cb.allTitles; thisObj.text.readOnly = false; if (!cb.cancelled) thisObj.showSuggestions(cb.allTitles, cb.noCompletion, v, cb.engineName); if (cb === thisObj.callbackObj) thisObj.callbackObj = null; cb = undefined; } } $.getJSON(url, function(json) { var titles = e.handler(json, z); if (titles && titles.length) { if (cb.allTitles === null) cb.allTitles = titles; else cb.allTitles = cb.allTitles.concat(titles); if (titles.exists) cb.exists = true; if (titles.normalized) cb.normalized = titles.normalized; } done(); }).fail(function(req) { if (!req) noSuggestions = true; cb.dontCache = true; done(); }); }, callbackObj: null, textchange: function(dont_autocomplete, force) { makeActive(this); this.sanitizeInput(); var v = this.text.value; var pipe = v.indexOf("|"); if (pipe >= 0) { this.currentKey = v.substring(pipe + 1); v = v.substring(0, pipe); } else { this.currentKey = null; } if (this.lastInput === v && !force) return; if (this.lastInput !== v) checkMultiInput(); this.lastInput = v; this.lastRealInput = v; this.ok.disabled = v.length && HC.blacklist && HC.blacklist.test(v); if (noSuggestions) { if (this.list) this.list.style.display = "none"; if (this.engineSelector) this.engineSelector.style.display = "none"; if (this.icon) this.icon.style.display = "none"; return; } if (!v.length) { this.showSuggestions([]); return; } var cleanKey = v.replace(/[\u200E\u200F\u202A-\u202E]/g, "").replace(wikiTextBlankRE, " "); cleanKey = replaceShortcuts(cleanKey, HC.shortcuts); cleanKey = cleanKey.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (!cleanKey.length) { this.showSuggestions([]); return; } if (this.callbackObj) this.callbackObj.cancelled = true; var engineName = suggestionConfigs[this.engine] ? this.engine : "combined"; dont_autocomplete = dont_autocomplete || suggestionConfigs[engineName].noCompletion; if (suggestionConfigs[engineName].cache[cleanKey]) { this.showSuggestions(suggestionConfigs[engineName].cache[cleanKey], dont_autocomplete, v, engineName); return; } var engines = suggestionConfigs[engineName].engines; this.callbackObj = { allTitles: null, callsMade: 0, nofCalls: engines.length, noCompletion: dont_autocomplete, engineName: engineName }; this.makeCalls(engines, this.callbackObj, v, cleanKey); }, makeCalls: function(engines, cb, v, cleanKey) { for (var j = 0; j < engines.length; j++) { var engine = suggestionEngines[engines[j]]; var url = conf.wgServer + conf.wgScriptPath + engine.uri.replace(/\$1/g, encodeURIComponent(cleanKey)); this.makeCall(url, cb, engine, v, cleanKey); } }, showSuggestions: function(titles, dontAutocomplete, queryKey, engineName) { this.text.readOnly = false; this.dab = null; this.showsList = false; if (!this.list) return; if (noSuggestions) { if (this.list) this.list.style.display = "none"; if (this.engineSelector) this.engineSelector.style.display = "none"; if (this.icon) this.icon.style.display = "none"; this.inputExists = true; return; } this.engineName = engineName; if (engineName) { if (!this.engineSelector) this.engineName = null; } else { if (this.engineSelector) this.engineSelector.style.display = "none"; } if (queryKey) { if (this.lastInput.indexOf(queryKey)) return; if (this.lastQuery && this.lastInput.indexOf(this.lastQuery) === 0 && this.lastQuery.length > queryKey.length) return; } this.lastQuery = queryKey; var v = this.text.value.split("|"); var key = v.length > 1 ? "|" + v[1] : ""; v = HC.capitalizePageNames ? capitalize(v[0]) : v[0]; var vNormalized = v; var knownToExist = titles && titles.exists; var i; if (titles) { if (titles.normalized && v.indexOf(queryKey) === 0) { vNormalized = titles.normalized + v.substring(queryKey.length); } var vLow = vNormalized.toLowerCase(); if (HC.blacklist) { for (i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { if (HC.blacklist.test(titles[i])) { titles.splice(i, 1); i--; } } } titles.sort(function(a, b) { if (a === b) return 0; if (a.indexOf(b) === 0) return 1; if (b.indexOf(a) === 0) return -1; var prefixMatchA = a.indexOf(vNormalized) === 0 ? 1 : 0; var prefixMatchB = b.indexOf(vNormalized) === 0 ? 1 : 0; if (prefixMatchA !== prefixMatchB) return prefixMatchB - prefixMatchA; var aLow = a.toLowerCase(), bLow = b.toLowerCase(); prefixMatchA = aLow.indexOf(vLow) === 0 ? 1 : 0; prefixMatchB = bLow.indexOf(vLow) === 0 ? 1 : 0; if (prefixMatchA !== prefixMatchB) return prefixMatchB - prefixMatchA; if (a < b) return -1; if (b < a) return 1; return 0; }); for (i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { if (i + 1 < titles.length && titles[i] === titles[i + 1] || conf.wgNamespaceNumber === 14 && titles[i] === conf.wgTitle) { titles.splice(i, 1); i--; } } } if (!titles || !titles.length) { if (this.list) this.list.style.display = "none"; if (this.engineSelector) this.engineSelector.style.display = "none"; if (engineName && suggestionConfigs[engineName] && !suggestionConfigs[engineName].temp) { if (this.icon) this.icon.src = HC.existsNo; this.inputExists = false; } return; } var firstTitle = titles[0]; var completed = this.autoComplete(firstTitle, v, vNormalized, key, dontAutocomplete); var existing = completed || knownToExist || firstTitle === replaceShortcuts(v, HC.shortcuts); if (engineName && suggestionConfigs[engineName] && !suggestionConfigs[engineName].temp) { this.icon.src = existing ? HC.existsYes : HC.existsNo; this.inputExists = existing; } if (completed) { this.lastInput = firstTitle; if (titles.length === 1) { this.list.style.display = "none"; if (this.engineSelector) this.engineSelector.style.display = "none"; return; } } while (this.list.firstChild) this.list.removeChild(this.list.firstChild); for (i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { var opt = make("option"); opt.appendChild(make(titles[i], true)); opt.selected = completed && i === 0; this.list.appendChild(opt); } this.displayList(); }, displayList: function() { this.showsList = true; if (!this.is_active) { this.list.style.display = "none"; if (this.engineSelector) this.engineSelector.style.display = "none"; return; } var nofItems = this.list.options.length > HC.listSize ? HC.listSize : this.list.options.length; if (nofItems <= 1) nofItems = 2; this.list.size = nofItems; this.list.style.align = is_rtl ? "right" : "left"; this.list.style.zIndex = 5; this.list.style.position = "absolute"; var anchor = is_rtl ? "right" : "left"; var listh = 0; if (this.list.style.display === "none") { this.list.style.top = this.text.offsetTop + "px"; this.list.style[anchor] = "-10000px"; this.list.style.display = ""; listh = this.list.offsetHeight; this.list.style.display = "none"; } else { listh = this.list.offsetHeight; } var maxListHeight = listh; if (nofItems < HC.listSize) maxListHeight = listh / nofItems * HC.listSize; function viewport(what) { if (is_webkit && !document.evaluate) { return window["inner" + what]; } var s = "client" + what; if (window.opera) return document.body[s]; return (document.documentElement ? document.documentElement[s] : 0) || document.body[s] || 0; } function scroll_offset(what) { var s = "scroll" + what; var result = (document.documentElement ? document.documentElement[s] : 0) || document.body[s] || 0; if (is_rtl && what === "Left") { if (result < 0) result = -result; if (!is_webkit) result = scroll_offset("Width") - viewport("Width") - result; } return result; } function position(node) { if (node.getBoundingClientRect) { var box = node.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: Math.round(box.left + scroll_offset("Left")), y: Math.round(box.top + scroll_offset("Top")) }; } var t = 0, l = 0; do { t += node.offsetTop || 0; l += node.offsetLeft || 0; node = node.offsetParent; } while (node); return { x: l, y: t }; } var textPos = position(this.text), nl = 0, nt = 0, offset = 0, textBoxWidth = this.text.offsetWidth || this.text.clientWidth; if (this.engineName) { this.engineSelector.style.zIndex = 5; this.engineSelector.style.position = "absolute"; this.engineSelector.style.width = textBoxWidth + "px"; if (this.engineSelector.style.display === "none") { this.engineSelector.style[anchor] = "-10000px"; this.engineSelector.style.top = "0"; this.engineSelector.style.display = ""; offset = this.engineSelector.offsetHeight; this.engineSelector.style.display = "none"; } else { offset = this.engineSelector.offsetHeight; } this.engineSelector.style[anchor] = nl + "px"; } if (textPos.y < maxListHeight + offset + 1) { nt = this.text.offsetHeight + offset + 1; if (this.engineName) this.engineSelector.style.top = this.text.offsetHeight + "px"; } else { nt = -listh - offset - 1; if (this.engineName) this.engineSelector.style.top = -(offset + 1) + "px"; } this.list.style.top = nt + "px"; this.list.style.width = ""; this.list.style[anchor] = nl + "px"; if (this.engineName) { this.selectEngine(this.engineName); this.engineSelector.style.display = ""; } this.list.style.display = "block"; if (this.list.offsetWidth < textBoxWidth) { this.list.style.width = textBoxWidth + "px"; return; } var scroll = scroll_offset("Left"); var view_w = viewport("Width"); var w = this.list.offsetWidth; var l_pos = position(this.list); var left = l_pos.x; var right = left + w; if (left < scroll || right > scroll + view_w) { if (w > view_w) { w = view_w; this.list.style.width = w + "px"; if (is_rtl) left = right - w; else right = left + w; } var relative_offset = 0; if (left < scroll) relative_offset = scroll - left; else if (right > scroll + view_w) relative_offset = -(right - scroll - view_w); if (is_rtl) relative_offset = -relative_offset; if (relative_offset) this.list.style[anchor] = nl + relative_offset + "px"; } }, autoComplete: function(newVal, actVal, normalizedActVal, key, dontModify) { if (newVal === actVal) return true; if (dontModify || this.ime || !this.canSelect()) return false; if (newVal.indexOf(actVal)) { if (normalizedActVal && newVal.indexOf(normalizedActVal) === 0) { if (this.lastRealInput === actVal) this.lastRealInput = normalizedActVal; actVal = normalizedActVal; } else { return false; } } this.text.focus(); this.text.value = newVal + key; this.setSelection(actVal.length, newVal.length); return true; }, canSelect: function() { return this.text.setSelectionRange || this.text.createTextRange || this.text.selectionStart !== undefined && this.text.selectionEnd !== undefined; }, setSelection: function(from, to) { if (!this.text.value) return; if (this.text.setSelectionRange) { this.text.setSelectionRange(from, to); } else if (this.text.selectionStart !== undefined) { if (from > this.text.selectionStart) { this.text.selectionEnd = to; this.text.selectionStart = from; } else { this.text.selectionStart = from; this.text.selectionEnd = to; } } else if (this.text.createTextRange) { var new_selection = this.text.createTextRange(); new_selection.move("character", from); new_selection.moveEnd("character", to - from); new_selection.select(); } }, getSelection: function() { var from = 0, to = 0; if (!this.text.value) {} else if (this.text.selectionStart !== undefined) { from = this.text.selectionStart; to = this.text.selectionEnd; } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { var rng = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); if (rng.parentElement() === this.text) { try { var textRng = this.text.createTextRange(); textRng.move("character", 0); textRng.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", rng); to = textRng.text.length; textRng.setEndPoint("EndToStart", rng); from = textRng.text.length; } catch (notFocused) { from = this.text.value.length; to = from; } } } return { start: from, end: to }; }, saveView: function() { this.lastSelection = this.getSelection(); }, processKey: function(evt) { var dir = 0; switch (this.lastKey) { case UP: dir = -1; break; case DOWN: dir = 1; break; case PGUP: dir = -HC.listSize; break; case PGDOWN: dir = HC.listSize; break; case ESC: return evtKill(evt); } if (dir) { if (this.list.style.display !== "none") { this.highlightSuggestion(dir); return evtKill(evt); } else if (this.keyCount <= 1 && (!this.callbackObj || this.callbackObj.callsMade === this.callbackObj.nofCalls)) { this.textchange(); } } return true; }, highlightSuggestion: function(dir) { if (noSuggestions || !this.list || this.list.style.display === "none") return false; var curr = this.list.selectedIndex; var tgt = -1; if (dir === 0) { if (curr < 0 || curr >= this.list.options.length) return false; tgt = curr; } else { tgt = curr < 0 ? 0 : curr + dir; tgt = tgt < 0 ? 0 : tgt; if (tgt >= this.list.options.length) tgt = this.list.options.length - 1; } if (tgt !== curr || dir === 0) { if (curr >= 0 && curr < this.list.options.length && dir !== 0) this.list.options[curr].selected = false; this.list.options[tgt].selected = true; var v = this.text.value.split("|"); var key = v.length > 1 ? "|" + v[1] : ""; var completed = this.autoComplete(this.list.options[tgt].text, this.lastRealInput, null, key, false); if (!completed || this.list.options[tgt].text === this.lastRealInput) { this.text.value = this.list.options[tgt].text + key; if (this.canSelect()) this.setSelection(this.list.options[tgt].text.length, this.list.options[tgt].text.length); } this.lastInput = this.list.options[tgt].text; this.inputExists = true; if (this.icon) this.icon.src = HC.existsYes; this.state = CategoryEditor.CHANGE_PENDING; } return true; }, resetKeySelection: function() { if (noSuggestions || !this.list || this.list.style.display === "none") return false; var curr = this.list.selectedIndex; if (curr >= 0 && curr < this.list.options.length) { this.list.options[curr].selected = false; var v = this.text.value.split("|"); var key = v.length > 1 ? "|" + v[1] : ""; var result = v[0] !== this.lastInput; if (v[0] !== this.lastRealInput) { this.text.value = this.lastRealInput + key; result = true; } this.lastInput = this.lastRealInput; return result; } return false; } }; function initialize() { var config = window.JSconfig !== undefined && JSconfig.keys ? 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editors[0].span : null; var i; for (i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) { if (!cats[i].length) continue; var cat = cats[i].split("|"); var key = cat.length > 1 ? cat[1] : null; cat = cat[0]; var lk = make("a"); lk.href = wikiPagePath(HC.category_canonical + ":" + cat); lk.appendChild(make(cat, true)); lk.title = cat; var span = make("span"); span.appendChild(lk); if (!i) catLine.insertBefore(make(" ", true), before); catLine.insertBefore(span, before); if (before && i + 1 < cats.length) parent.insertBefore(make(" | ", true), before); newSpans.push({ element: span, title: cat, key: key }); } if (before) before.parentNode.insertBefore(make(" | ", true), before); for (i = 0; i < newSpans.length; i++) { new CategoryEditor(catLine, newSpans[i].element, newSpans[i].title, newSpans[i].key); } } return null; } function getState() { var result = null; for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) { var text = editors[i].currentCategory; var key = editors[i].currentKey; if (text && text.length) { if (key !== null) text += "|" + key; if (result === null) result = text; else result += "\n" + text; } } return result; } function really_run() { initialize(); if (!HC.upload_disabled && conf.wgNamespaceNumber === -1 && conf.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName === "Upload" && conf.wgUserName) { setup_upload(); setup(function() { if (window.UploadForm && UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state) UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state = setState(UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state); }); } else { if (!conf.wgIsArticle || conf.wgAction !== "view" || param("diff") !== null || param("oldid") !== null || !can_edit() || HC.disable()) return; getPage(); } } function run() { if (HC.started) return; HC.started = true; loadTrigger.register(really_run); } window.hotcat_get_state = function() { return getState(); }; window.hotcat_set_state = function(state) { return setState(state); }; window.hotcat_close_form = function() { closeForm(); }; HC.runWhenReady = function(callback) { mw.hook("hotcat.ready").add(callback); }; mw.config.set("disableAJAXCategories", true); if (conf.wgCanonicalSpecialPageName !== "Upload") { mw.hook("postEdit").add(function() { catLine = null; editors = []; initialized = false; HC.started = false; run(); }); } $.when(mw.loader.using("user"), $.ready).always(run); })(jQuery, mediaWiki);