Warcraft: Guardians of Azeroth

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Warcraft: Guardians of Azeroth
File:WGOA logo.png
类型 Fantasy
作者 Warcraft: Guardians of Azeroth Team
版本 Patch 1.7.0 for CK2 3.2.1
论坛/贴吧 Paradox forum

File:Logo.png Warcraft: Guardians of Azeroth is a mod for CKII. It is based on the Warcraft universe and specifically the events preceding World of Warcraft Classic that are developed and written by Blizzard Entertainment. This mod is created and supported by an international team from all around the world working to recreate the world of Azeroth and all of its glory within the CKII engine.

This mod is in constant development ever since its release on December 25th, 2018. The full release editions of this mod are available on ModDB, Steam workshop, and the Paradox forum. Beta versions of the mod are available through the mod's GitHub repository.

This mod requires the following DLCs for full functionality: Horse Lords.png Horse Lords, DLC icon Monks and Mystics.png Monks and Mystics, and DLC icon Reaper's Due.png The Reaper's Due. For full available features, it is recommended to also have Jade Dragon.png Jade Dragon.

Historical Bookmarks

The mod allows players to choose from two different bookmarks, reflected from Warcraft 1 & 3:

  • Opening of the Dark Portal (583) (Warcraft: Orcs & Humans) - Due to the intervention of Guardian Medivh, possessed by Sargeras, and the orcish warlocks led by Gul'dan, the Old Horde has invaded Azeroth under the influence of the terrible Burning Legion. The orcish horde has poured through the portal in the Black Morass, and the human kingdom of Stormwind is the first to feel their wrath. Should they fall, who in the Eastern Kingdoms will stand against the orcs' might?
  • Reign of Chaos (603) (Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos) - Mysterious cultists are brewing up a magical plague, originally wrought by the Burning Legion to weaken Azeroth. Plague will strike the human Kingdom of Lordaeron soon, and many heart-wrenching decisions will have to be made to help the people who will be affected by the plague, and world-changing decisions are certain to be made by a human prince destined for greatness...
  • Ascension of the Lich King (605) (Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne) - Azeroth is still reeling from the devastation caused by the horrors of the Third War. The kingdoms of northern Azeroth lie in ruins, consumed by the relentless march of the undead Scourge. The forests of Kalimdor bear the horrible taint of the demonic Burning Legion, despite their spectacular defeat at the summit of Mount Hyjal. Nevertheless, new developments occur as the orcs finally begin to settle the red sands of Durotar and the fractured Alliance deals with threats on every front, including domestic ones. The undead Scourge is also in dire straits, as the Illidari return to Azeroth in order to finish the job they started in Dalaran, while the undead forces in Lordaeron are on the brink of civil war...


The mod introduces several features that are based off of Warcraft events and lore:

  • Every nation found on the three continents of Azeroth are available for playing. You can play as nearly anyone, from the smallest murloc chief to the twin princes of Ahn'Qiraj.
  • Ability to recreate many historical, and sometimes ancient, empires and kingdoms of old such as the great troll Empire of Zul or the dark Black Empire.
  • Relive historical events throughout Warcraft history, such as the invasion of the fel-fueled orcs from Draenor, the Plague of Lordaeron, or the rise of the Scarlet Crusade.
  • Join societies or create governments and nations dedicated to the service of Azeroth's great enemies. Serve the Undead Scourge, Burning Legion, or even the Old Gods in pursuit of your own personal glory.
  • Utilize a class system (based off of the MMORPG) allowing your character to interact with others in ways pertaining to your class, such as blessing provinces and driving others to insanity.
  • Enjoy a highly detailed map of Azeroth where everyone can find many, if not all, locations form the game (let us forget Vash'jir ever happened). The mod includes many regions from which you still cannot find in the MMORPG, such as Plunder Isle, Tel Abim, and more.
  • Sort through a large number of many new traits allowing you to make your Warcraft character truly original.
  • Have the possibility to decide the fate of your favorite characters and even Azeroth itself as you see fit.

Unique Mechanics Guide

Class System

Players can learn any of several classes, and below are all of the classes currently available and the requirements needed to be able to train that class. Players can also right-click the portraits of other characters with levels in a desired class and select the interaction, "Ask to be your Mentor". In order to take someone as a mentor, ensure you have fulfilled the class requirements and have 10+ opinion with the potential mentor. They must be at least level 5 in the class, and you must be below level 5 in the class. All classes progress from level 1 to 10.

Class Breakdown

Requires Icon learning.png 12 - Follow File:Kaldorei.png Druidic Group, File:Loa.png Loa Group, or File:Earth mother worship.png Earth Mother Worship

Increases Icon learning.png Learning and Icon diplomacy.png Diplomacy, while increasing your supply limit, Combat modifier.png combat rating, and the Diplo yes.png opinion of other druids.

  • (1) Heal Wounds on characters to remove Wounded.png Wounded or Recently maimed.png Severely Injured
  • (1) Shapeshift into several druid forms
  • (1) Enter the Emerald Dream
  • (3) Bless Earth on holdings to increase reinforce rate, supply limit, and tax income, while decreasing revolt risk
  • (9) Plant the seed of a World Tree in one of your provinces
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Requires Icon martial.png 12

Increases Icon martial.png Martial, Icon diplomacy.png Diplomacy, and Icon intrigue.png Intrigue, while increasing your supply limit, Combat modifier.png combat rating, levy reinforcement rate, with a great increase in Love positive modifier.png health. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Requires Icon learning.png 12- Follow File:Loa.png Loa Group

Greatly increases Icon learning.png Learning, while increasing your Piety.png monthly piety gain, Combat modifier.png combat rating, and the Diplo yes.png opinion of other Loa followers, with a great increase in Love positive modifier.png health.

  • (1) Heal Wounds on characters to remove Wounded.png Wounded or Recently maimed.png Severely Injured
  • (1) Cast Bad Voodoo on characters to potentially give them negative traits such as Depressed.png Depressed, Weak.png Weak or Stutter.png Stutter
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Requires Icon learning.png 15

Greatly increases Icon learning.png Learning, while increasing your siege speed, and Combat modifier.png combat rating, with a significant increase in Love positive modifier.png health.

  • (1) Study Magical Secrets in order to delve into the potentially dangerous schools of magic to receive teleportation, telekinetic, or food conjuring bonuses. Potentially go down the path of a File:Class warlock.png Warlock, File:Class necromancer.png Necromancer, or File:Class shadow priest.png Shadow Priest
  • (1) Cast Sharp Mind on characters to temporarily increase their primary stats
  • (5) Cast Conjure Food to increase your Icon prestige.png monthly prestige gain
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Requires Icon learning.png 12 and Icon intrigue.png 8

Increases Icon learning.png Learning and Icon intrigue.png Intrigue, while increasing your Combat modifier.png combat rating, Intrigue positive modifier.png plot power, and the Diplo yes.png opinion of other necromantic followers, with a significant increase in Love positive modifier.png health. Using the powers of necromancy may cause corruption of the soul.

  • (1) Attempt to Control the Mind of other characters and increase their opinion of you
  • (1) Execute prisoners and raise them as undead servants (more undead forms become available as you level)
  • (5) Execute prisoners and turn them into powerful abominations
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Requires Icon martial.png 12 and Icon learning.png 8 - Follow File:Holy light.png Light Group

Increases Icon learning.png Learning and Icon martial.png Martial, while increasing your Combat modifier.png combat rating, Piety.png monthly piety gain, and the Diplo yes.png opinion of followers of your religion, with a significant increase in Love positive modifier.png health.

  • (1) Heal Wounds on characters to remove Wounded.png Wounded or Recently maimed.png Severely Injured
  • (1) Write a Libram to gain an artifact that can increase Icon martial.png Martial, Icon learning.png Learning, Combat modifier.png combat rating, or Love positive modifier.png health
  • (3) Place a Mark of Light on characters to increase their fertility, health, and combat rating. Using this on evil characters will have the opposite effect.
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Requires Icon learning.png 15 - Follow File:Kaldorei.png Kaldorei, File:Holy light.png Light Group, File:Sunwell cult.png Cult of Sunwell, or File:Arakkoa.png Arakkoa Group

Increases Icon learning.png Learning and Icon diplomacy.png Diplomacy, while increasing your Combat modifier.png combat rating, Piety.png monthly piety gain, levy reinforcement rate, and the Diplo yes.png opinion of followers of your religion, with a significant increase in Love positive modifier.png health.

  • (1) Heal Wounds on characters to remove Wounded.png Wounded or Recently maimed.png Severely Injured
  • (3) Place a Mark of Light on characters to increase their fertility, health, and combat rating. Using this on evil characters will have the opposite effect.
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Requires Icon intrigue.png 12 and Icon martial.png 8

Greatly increases Icon intrigue.png Intrigue, while increasing your Combat modifier.png combat rating, Intrigue positive modifier.png murder plot power, Intrigue positive modifier.png general plot power, and Imprisoned.png arrest chance, with a significant increase in Love positive modifier.png health.

  • (1) Target rivals with Poison Gas to reduce their Icon martial.png Martial, Icon intrigue.png Intrigue, Icon stewardship.png Stewardship, Combat modifier.png combat rating, and Love positive modifier.png health.


Requires Icon learning.png 12 and Icon intrigue.png 8

Increases Icon intrigue.png Intrigue and Icon learning.png Learning, while increasing your Combat modifier.png combat rating, Intrigue positive modifier.png murder plot power, and the Diplo yes.png opinion of Void followers, with a significant increase in Love positive modifier.png health. Using the powers of shadow magic may cause corruption of the soul.

  • (1) Attempt to Control the Mind of other characters and increase their opinion of you
  • (1) Attempt to drive another character mad potentially inflicting negative traits such as Depressed.png Depressed, Stressed.png Stressed, or even Lunatic.png Lunatic. The chances of Lunatic.png Lunatic increase with level.
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Requires Icon learning.png 12 - Follow File:Firelord worship.png Elemental Group, File:Primitive.png Primitive Group, File:Shamanic.png Shamanism Group, File:Vrykul worship.png Vrykul Group, or File:Loa.png Loa Group

Increases Icon diplomacy.png Diplomacy and Icon learning.png Learning, while increasing your Combat modifier.png combat rating, levy reinforcement rate, and the Diplo yes.png opinion of other Shamans, with a significant increase in Love positive modifier.png health.

  • (1) Heal Wounds on characters to remove Wounded.png Wounded or Recently maimed.png Severely Injured
  • (3) Bless Earth on holdings to increase reinforce rate, supply limit, and tax income, while decreasing revolt risk
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Requires Icon learning.png 12 and Icon intrigue.png 8

Increases Icon intrigue.png Intrigue and Icon learning.png Learning, while increasing your Combat modifier.png combat rating and the Diplo yes.png opinion of other Fel worshippers, with a significant increase in Love positive modifier.png health. Using the powers of fel magic may cause corruption of the soul.

  • (1) Drain the Soul of a prisoner to gain a soul shard, fuel for other File:Class warlock.png Warlock abilities
  • (1) Use soul shards to regenerate your mana
  • (1) Use soul shards to corrupt your soul and become a demon more quickly
  • (3) Use soul shards to summon demons including Imps, Succubi (Need to publicly follow the Fel religion group), Felhunters, and Felguards
  • (5) Attempt to Control the Mind of other characters and increase their opinion of you
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Requires Icon martial.png 12

Greatly increases Icon martial.png Martial and reduces Icon diplomacy.png Diplomacy, while greatly increasing your Combat modifier.png combat rating and the morale of your armies, with a great increase in Love positive modifier.png health. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Requires using the File:Class necromancer.png Necromancer decision Create Undead or by catching the Undead Plague

Increases Icon martial.png Martial and Icon learning.png Learning, while increasing your Combat modifier.png combat rating, Piety.png monthly piety gain, and the Diplo yes.png opinion of other necromantic followers, with a great increase in Love positive modifier.png health.

  • (1) Forge a Runeblade to receive an artifact that increases Combat modifier.png combat rating, Icon martial.png Martial, and certain command modifiers
  • (1) Attempt to Control the Mind of other characters and increase their opinion of you
  • (1) Execute prisoners and raise them as undead servants (more undead forms become available as you level)
  • (9) Gain Immortal.png Immortality passively


Note: All of the abilities described are available at level 10 of the class. Certain abilities may be unavailable at lower levels. Levels required for a certain ability are displayed in parenthesis. Passive increases in stats and modifiers occur over level increases.

Factors of Leveling

The mod takes into account several different factors when determining the speed at which your character levels up in a class, such as your character's focus, or his/her traits. The factors that either slow down or speed up your leveling are listed below.
Faster Leveling
  • Having the Diligent.png Diligent trait
  • Having the Ambitious.png Ambitious trait
  • Physical classes are sped up with Icon martial.png high martial, traits like Strong.png Strong and Brawny.png Brawny, and focuses like War focus.png War and Hunting focus.png Hunting
  • Magical classes are sped up with Icon learning.png high learning, traits like Quick.png Quick, Genius.png Genius, and Shrewd.png Shrewd, and focuses like Scholarship focus.png Scholarship and Theology focus.png Theology
  • Having Icon intrigue.png high intrigue or the Intrigue focus.png Intrigue focus helps you level up all classes
  • The point at which your stats help you level caps at 30
Slower Leveling
  • Immortal.png Immortality, from either your race or trait
  • Having the Slothful.png Slothful trait
  • Having the Content.png Content trait
  • Having a mental disorder (Stressed.png Stressed, Depressed.png Depressed, Lunatic.png Lunatic, Possessed.png Possessed, or Drunkard.png Drunkard)
  • Having a Ill.png disease
  • Having the Is fat.png Fat or Is malnourished.png Malnourished traits
  • Being dumb (Dull.png Dull, Imbecile.png Imbecile, Slow.png Slow) slows down magical classes
  • Being weak (Weak.png Weak, Frail.png Frail) slows down physical classes
  • Slows down after the 7 level

Note: Hybrid classes like File:Class paladin.png Paladin or File:Class death knight.png Death Knight are affected by both physical and magical conditions, but the speed of level up should end up the same.


Becoming Undead

Players can turn themselves into one of several possible undead forms. This can be achieved by selecting the decision Turn Yourself Undead in the intrigue tab. In order to use this decision, you must:


The following individuals have worked on this mod at some point since mod development began.

  • Arithon
  • Aruzan
  • Cait-eriona
  • Constellar
  • DukeJeans
  • ElMariuso
  • Gnomebuster
  • KaldrsKregg
  • MarcusAga
  • Matija
  • MemeWizard
  • Nayf
  • Ornithorink
  • Owen
  • Pondzy
  • Santiago/Sveri
  • Sejtalk
  • Slagar
  • Spalmaer
  • Tamamo-no-Bae
  • Thingolus
  • Titus
  • Tyrelas
  • UncleChristiof
  • Vandos
  • Varegue
  • Virtual_Ghost
  • Wolfremio
  • XD
  • Zetril
  • Zumbak
  • Гравелл

A special thanks to Blizzard Entertainment!

--DJeans (talk) 15:50, 31 July 2019 (UTC)