扮演非游牧制犹太教角色需要 亚伯拉罕之裔。
- 犹太教在其宗教组(犹太教)中是一个有组织宗教,有其异端(圣经派和撒玛利亚派)。
- 犹太教统治者有圣战CB。
- 传教士:类似其他有组织宗教,犹太教徒可以派遣传教士前往原始宗教领地。
- 犹太教统治者可以接受阿什肯纳兹或塞法迪廷臣来到他们的领地(见下文)。
- 特有决议:
- 独有特质效果:
- 犹太教AI统治者不会派遣他们的宫廷拉比在省份传教,除非他们有 特质。
- 耶路撒冷:以色列的古都,第一和第二神殿所在地。
- 西奈:上帝向摩西启示十诫的传统地点。
- 大马士革:据说曾被大卫王征服。也是伍麦叶哈里发时期的一个主要学术中心。
- 佐法尔:约伯墓地位于此地。
- 哈马丹(甘吉纳梅):波斯帝国居鲁士大帝的故乡,他将犹太教徒从流放巴比伦中解放出来,被犹太人尊为“弥赛亚”。
- 耶路撒冷和大马士革都是重要的 丝绸之路省份。
逾越节是犹太教的宗教节日。所有信仰犹太教的直属封臣都将被邀请,但他们可能会拒绝邀请。在宴会结束时,你将获得100虔诚和100声望,以及与出席宴会的封臣的好感加成。几年过后,你可以再次庆祝逾越节;这是让封臣高兴的好办法。然而,在节日期间没有特殊事件,使得它非常像原始宗教得节日,例如乌戈节。启用 死神索命,庆祝逾越节的可能会增加繁荣。
- 如果是游牧制,劫掠省份内的所有地产。
- 讽刺的是,作为秘密犹太教徒更容易转变省份信仰,因为“做好准备”互动。
从1066年起,塞米恩变成了阿克苏姆公国,控制着东非的六个省份。阿克苏姆可能是东非最强大的个人领地,尽管这在某种程度上是平衡的,因为周围的所有国家都对你有敌意,可以在圣战中迅速团结起来互相帮助。1136年后,阿克苏姆缩小到三个省(塞米恩),在最后的开局时间,它重回只有两个省的规模。 以下是一些扮演阿克苏姆/塞米恩的技巧:
- 最初通过伪造宣称来扩张,因为圣战会迅速导致你被邻居们击败。
- 使用商业重心,通过铸币和贸易路线事件来获得额外的钱。把这些钱留给雇佣兵。
- AI犹太教不会尝试转变省份信仰,除非他们有 特质(首席大祭司是已知的例外)。在授予廷臣领地时记住这一点。
- 你的宗教权威很低,所以要留意佐法尔,如果它从一个更大的领地内分裂出来,你就可以征服它。否则,你就没有机会使你的省份改信犹太教。
- 尽量避免与埃及接壤,除非你已经控制东非的其余地区。
- 东非各处都是小公国,所以很容易创建一个自定义王国,而不是创建法理阿比西尼亚/努比亚王国(尤其是1066年的阿克苏姆)。
- 亚丁是可以作为首都的好地方,因为丝绸之路和高科技等级。
- 利用女儿的最好办法是把她们嫁给封臣,以获得“联姻”的关系加成和互不侵犯条约。
可萨利亚可汗国,一个位于大草原的庞大的游牧制国家(没有 马上诸王则是部落制),从 867年开始。不幸的是,它被贪婪的原始宗教邻居包围着。幸运的是,可萨利亚与拜占庭/格鲁吉亚接壤,可以劫掠他们,而且丝绸之路的北方支线也穿过他们的领土。这使得可汗可以挣钱来升级领地。作为游牧制领地,可萨利亚拥有所有作为领地的特权。有可能通过入侵征服整个耶路撒冷王国从而定居下来。这使得王国内的省份变为可萨文化和犹太教(取决于你的人口),并使得以色列快速建立。或者,通过劫掠摧毁耶路撒冷的所有地产,也会导致该省份的文化和宗教分别变成可萨文化和犹太教。
936开局,阿尔梅里亚是一个伍麦叶帝国内的商业共和国(加萨尼共和国)。其中一位贵人帕托伊 以赛亚信仰犹太教。
936开局,加什帕尔 考鲍尔是一位拥有两个省份的部落统治者,附庸于匈牙利的尼特拉大酋长。
867开局,游牧民族阿兰人已经定居为一个多宗教的部落联盟。大部分人口都信仰 长生天,统治者是东正教基督徒,他的大部分封臣信仰着不同宗教。其中一位封臣是叶戈尔雷克的犹太教酋长特昂桑。无论你是想要推翻你的君主还是向大草原扩张,这个开局提供了几种可选择的游戏风格。
凭借强大的CB和军事潜力,游牧民族可以很容易地在入侵耶路撒冷王国之前建立权力基础。在 769开局尤其如此;一位长生天游牧民可以轻易地从原始宗教部落手中夺取土地。通过劫掠所有地产,很容易改变耶路撒冷的宗教信仰,由于耶路撒冷是犹太教圣地,游牧统治者可以在公开信仰之前,花费虔诚秘密皈依犹太教。恢复大祭司后,授予大祭司一座神殿将会显著增加宗教权威。
Some Arabic emirates (Emirate of Jerusalem, Emirate of Damascus) have control over holy sites of Judaism (Jerusalem, Damascus). In 867, there are two very good emirates: the Fatimid Emirate of Damascus and the Shaybanid Emirate of Jerusalem. The emirate of Damascus has more provinces, but the emir of Damascus does not hold Jerusalem, which is necessary to create Israel and build the Third Temple. In addition, the emir of Damascus is Shia, and so may have his titles revoked by the Caliph after introduction of "religious title revocation". The Emirate of Jerusalem is the better choice, but the Shaybanid emir is 47 years old, which means he will not be able to convert all provinces using the secret Jewish cult within his lifespan, and convert all children and eventually convert grandchildren, if his children have their own children. (his two children are adults). The best choice is to create new character with Ruler Designer, but he must be young. After the start of the game, select the Theology focus, give a Sadaqa, go to Mecca and observe Ramadan, which will allow the accumulation of 250 piety, which will allow the secret conversion to Judaism with holy site of Judaism in Jerusalem. After conversion and foundation of secret cult, select the Business focus and send steward to collect taxes. Muslim religion (in your case, only official) allows the conquest of single provinces. Conquer the provinces of other lords, because the truce isn't very long. Since there is more than one lord, after the war with one lord, you can declare war on another lord. Prepare grounds in all your provinces. Repeat the conquests, until you have the provinces of the entire kingdom of Jerusalem, induct your children to the Jewish faith, declare independence and eventually create Israel and build the Third Temple.
Jewish courtiers of Ashkenazi/Sephardi culture can appear in courts of Christian, Jewish, Muslim & Zoroastrian rulers as well as any ruler with Khazar culture. It is possible to use them to educate your heir, in case you wish to play as a Jewish ruler without the need for Ruler Designer. In addition, these courtiers may contribute to technology advances if they are in your council.
Alternatively, with the Conclave DLC, you can invite Jewish courtiers by using favors; use the character finder to look for suitable candidates. If your government/religion supports concubinage, you can use Jewish courtiers to educate girls with the Faith childhood focus. Then, by taking Jewish concubines, you can either spend piety or prestige to convert to Judaism.
Adopting either culture as ruler will also cause Israelite culture to appear in provinces, though it should take a few decades. Israelite culture has semi-decent retinue, but bear in mind that this can trigger liberation revolts in your demesne counties.
Jewish rulers who control Silk Road trade posts may borrow 200 gold from Radhanite merchants. Radhanites take no interest but expect repayment within a few years; failure to do so might result in loss of technology points. Additionally, Jewish rulers who have Khazar or Israelite culture may construct a Radhanite compound to their trade post, increasing its trade value and tech increase bonuses even further.
Christian, Muslim & Zoroastrian rulers can borrow 300 gold from Jewish merchants in their realm. This gives -10 relation penalty with temple vassals. To get rid of this penalty, the ruler must pay back 350 gold to the Jews.
Non-Jewish Kings & Emperors can also expel their Jewish population. This removes all non-landed Jews from the realm and gives the ruler significant amount of gold from confiscated property. The downside of this is that the ruler gains (If that ruler has an outstanding loan owed to the Jews) & -2 Diplomacy penalty, loses 100 prestige and national tax income is reduced by -10%. In addition, losing skilled members of the population may contribute to technological stagnation in the form of lost research points. Naturally, rulers cannot borrow money from Jews anymore.
Future rulers can invite Jews back by spending significant amount of gold. This removes penalties, returns the ability to borrow money again and has a 50% chance to give the ruler the "Sympathy for Judaism" trait.