{{version|3.0}} '''基督教'''是''[[File:Base icon CK2.png]]王国风云2''中六大[[religion|宗教组]]之一,并且是唯一一个不需要[[expansion|DLC]]就可以扮演的宗教组(尽管它的机制在{{icon|soa}}''[[Sons of Abraham|亚伯拉罕之裔]]''中被丰富)。 作为亚伯拉罕宗教系中的第二个,基督教起源于拿撒勒的耶稣的教义。耶稣(Yeshua)是一个犹太人木匠以通常被以他的希腊化名字Jesus称呼,基督徒们相信他是上帝的儿子。尽管大约公元30年耶稣在犹太大祭司的要求下,被犹太人的罗马统治者庞蒂乌斯·彼拉多命令被钉十字架,但是他创建的信仰在公元313年由君士坦丁一世合法化后取代[[Pagans#Hellenic|希腊多神教]]作为罗马帝国的官方信仰。在王国风云2时间段内,基督教是西欧、中欧以及拜占庭帝国和东非的主流宗教,并且由于西亚异教徒皈依和西班牙再征服运动,他的影响范围在后来的[[start date|开局日期]]中扩大。 在王国风云2中基督教分为四个宗教:天主教、东正教、基督合性派、聂斯脱里派 == Common features == For all Christian religions: * 和[[Judaism|犹太教]]一样,[[Marriage|婚姻]]一般是一夫一妻制。 基督教通常不具有任何形式的[[polygamy|一夫多妻制]],尽管基督教[[tribal|部落]]领主可以[[concubine|纳妾]]。 * [[Temples|寺庙]]被称作“教堂”,拥有者被称为“主教”。 * [[Succession#Disqualification|Disinherit]] a character by granting a temple (similar to [[Indian religions]]) or [[Diplomatic actions#Order to take the vows|ordering to take the vows]] * Improved spread rate compared to other faiths, reflecting Christian evangelism. * Unique decisions: ** [[Decisions#Hold a Summer Fair|Hold a Summer Fair]] ** [[Decisions#Go on Pilgrimage|Go on a Pilgrimage]] (requires ''[[Sons of Abraham]]'' DLC; if ''[[Way of Life]]'' DLC active, the Theology focus) ** [[Decisions#Restore Roman Empire|Restore the Roman Empire]] (requires ''[[Legacy of Rome]]'' DLC) * Unique [[trait]] effects: ** {{iconify|Chaste}} and {{iconify|Celibate}}: +5 [[opinion]] from Christian churchmen ** {{iconify|Hedonist}} and {{iconify|Lustful}}: -5 opinion from Christian churchmen *Pious characters have a chance to be beatified or attain [[sainthood]]. (requires ''[[Holy Fury]]'' DLC) Most Christian religions feature a [[religious head]] with the following interactions: * [[Excommunication|Excommunicate]] a character (100 piety), making them disliked and vulnerable to the [[Casus Belli#Excommunicated Ruler|Excommunicated Ruler]] CB * Grant divorce (100 piety) * [[Casus Belli#Sanctioned Invasion|Sanctioned Invasion]] CB, grantable against any stronger ruler or any ruler whose title you have a claim on, should the Pope not like him (1000 piety) The concept of a character's religious head is especially important for Christians as many characters may not have the same religious head even though they follow identical religions, due to (potential) antipopes and autocephaly. == {{icon|Catholic}} 天主教== [[File:Hscatholic.png|thumb|right|Map of Catholic holy sites.]] '''Catholicism''' is the major religion of Western Europe. After each start date, it has a tendency to progress further east, and is almost always one of the most successful religions in the game. Catholicism is one of the major instigators of the Great Schism. The Great Schism was a separation of the original Nicene Church after a prolonged rivalry between the Roman Pope and the Constantinopolan Ecumenical Patriarch, culminating in them excommunicating each other shortly before the "Stamford Bridge" game start (in 1054). The religious head for Catholicism is the [[Pope]], but it is not uncommon for one or more [[Antipopes]] to form throughout the game. * Bishops who like the Pope (or Antipope) more than their secular liege will shirk their [[Opinion#Effects on vassal duties|duties as vassals]]. They will pay taxes to the Pope (or Antipope) and provide levies to nobody. * [[College of Cardinals]], a special mechanism that determines how Popes are replaced * [[Investiture]], a special crown law that determines how bishops are replaced ** Papal Investiture halves the piety cost of religious head interactions, at the cost of not being able to appoint successors to bishoprics ** Free Investiture improves vassal opinion, harms pope opinion, and allows appointing an [[antipope]], as well as successors to bishoprics * Numerous [[Religious head#Papal favors|papal favors]] that rulers can request * The only Christian denomination where [[Crusades, jihads and great holy wars|crusades]] can be called against heretics and infidels. The Fraticelli [[heresy]] also features crusades if its religious head is created. * Catholicism and its heresies become heresies of Orthodoxy when an Orthodox character mends the Great Schism. If this happens, crusades are disabled, even if Catholicism (or Fraticellism) becomes the mainstream. *With {{icon|hf}} ''Holy Fury'', Catholic kings and emperors are highly encouraged to hold a [[Coronation]] ceremony to legitimize their rule. Once the Crusades are unlocked, Catholicism gains more [[holy order]]s than any other religion in the game (up to five if their formation conditions are met). With {{icon|mnm}} ''[[Monks and Mystics]]'', Catholicism gains two [[Society|monastic orders]], the Benedictines and the Dominicans. Catholicism's holy sites are: * '''Rome''': The seat of the Pope and historical capital of the Western Roman Empire. * '''Santiago''': The site of the tomb of St. James the Great, one of the Twelve Apostles of Christ. * '''Köln''': The site of the Shrine of the Three Kings, a reliquary said to contain the bones of the three wise men from the East who visited the young Christ in the Gospels. * '''Jerusalem''': Holy to all Abrahamic faiths, Jerusalem is the historical seat of the Jewish faith and the site where Christ was executed and rose from the dead. * '''Kent''': The Archbishopric of Canterbury is of great importance in British Christianity from antiquity into the Renaissance. Among other things, it was the see of St. Thomas Becket, who was murdered by followers of King Henry II Plantagenet in 1170 AD (the infamous "turbulent priest" incident, emblematic of the tension between secular and clerical rulers in Catholicism). Santiago and Jerusalem are under Muslim control in the early start dates, which makes Catholicism's [[moral authority]] rather vulnerable. In a 769 game in particular, due to the fact that Karl of West Francia often dies before forming Francia or the Holy Roman Empire, it's not uncommon to see Rome be captured by a Viking [[adventurer]]. This causes MA to plummet (-10 for losing the holy site and -5 for the Pope not controlling it). This in turn tends to result in heresy outbreaks across Western Europe, tearing its already relatively weak realms apart and making them easy prey for the Umayyads. ===[[File:Catholic Heresy.png]] Heresies=== * '''{{w|Fraticelli}}sm''' has identical mechanics to Catholicism, but the Fraticelli Pope (if created by a Fraticelli ruler who controls the county of Rome) is a duke-rank title. This means he may be [[vassal]]ized by a mere king instead of only by an emperor as is the case with the Catholic Pope. * '''{{w|Catharism}}''' does not have a religious head or crusades, but allows female bishops and absolute cognatic [[succession law]] and has no penalties for female rulers or heirs. Bishoprics are filled by absolute cognatic [[open elective]]. * '''{{w|Lollardy}}''' and '''{{w|Waldensianism}}''' lack a religious head and crusades. Bishoprics are filled by agnatic open elective. == {{icon|Orthodox}} 东正教 == [[File:Hsorthodox.png|thumb|right|Map of Orthodox holy sites.]] '''Eastern Orthodoxy''' is the religion of the Byzantine Empire and several of its neighbors. In 1066, it is also the religion of the Rurikid rulers (Rus-Ruthenia region). The Byzantine Empire is by far the most powerful Orthodox ruler in most start dates. However, its rule is often challenged by heresy (notably Iconoclasty in 769) and powerful Muslim rulers. The religious head of Eastern Orthodoxy is the Ecumenical Patriarch, usually residing in Constantinople. However, he only has jurisdiction over characters and provinces not already under pentarchs and [[autocephaly|autocephalous]] patriarchs. Most of the time, the Ecumenical Patriarch is also the Pentarch of Constantinople, and a vassal of the Byzantine Empire. * At game start, the only [[autocephaly|autocephalous]] religion with multiple kings * The only religion with a dangerous heresy at any start date (Iconoclasm in [[Start date#Early Middle Ages .28769.29|769]]) * [[Decisions#Mend the Great Schism|Mend the Great Schism]] to re-unite the Catholic and Orthodox religions if an Orthodox ruler owns Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Alexandria as well as having the Ecumenical Patriarch as a vassal * If the Byzantine Empire does not exist, it can only be created by Orthodox rulers * The commander of the Varangian Guard will only convert to Orthodoxy (and not an Orthodox heresy) The Orthodox faith gains a holy order, the {{w|Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre}}, if Antioch and Jerusalem are majority Orthodox and controlled by Orthodox characters. In ''[[Monks and Mystics]]'' they also have a [[Society|monastic order]], the Community of St. Basil. Orthodoxy's holy sites are: * '''Constantinople''': The historical seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Emperor Constantine's capital. Constantine is venerated as a saint by Orthodoxy and by Byzantine Catholics. * '''Jerusalem''' * '''Antioch''': Referred to as the "Cradle of Christianity" and the place where the word "Christian" first emerged. * '''Ephesus''': An important center of early Christianity. * '''Mount Athos''': The heart of Eastern monasticism. ===[[File:Orthodox Heresy.png]] 异端=== *'''{{w|Byzantine Iconoclasm|Iconoclasm}}''' is functionally identical to mainstream Orthodoxy, though an Iconoclast Byzantine Emperor cannot request that the commander of the Varangian Guard convert to it. In the 769 bookmark, the emperor follows this heresy and the Iconoclast Patriarch rules in place of the Ecumenical Patriarch. The Iconoclast Patriarchate does not exist in other starts. *'''{{w|Bogomilism}}''' has no religious head nor autocephaly. It permits female bishops and has no penalties for female rulers or heirs, though not absolute cognatic succession law. Other heresies follow the same mechanics as mainstream Orthodoxy, but have their own always-existent patriarchs. == {{icon|Miaphysite}} 基督合性派 == [[File:Hsmiaphysite.png|thumb|right|Map of Miaphysite holy sites.]] '''{{w|Miaphysitism|Miaphysite Christianity}}''', sometimes known as '''Oriental Orthodoxy''' or '''Coptic Christianity''', is a religion that arose in opposition of the {{w|Council of Chalcedon}}'s decision of Christ being "of two natures". Once spreading across the Byzantine Empire's non-Greek land as well as the Kingdoms of Armenia, Nubia, and Abyssinia, its spread has been significantly hampered by the Islamic expansion and is in danger of being wiped out. The religious head of Miaphysitism is the {{w|Coptic Pope}}. However, like the Ecumenical Patriarch, he only has jurisdiction over a relatively small amount of characters and land. More info [[Autocephaly|here]]. The Coptic Pope is often also the Bishop of Alexandria, if it is controlled by Miaphysite lords. *[[Autocephaly]] *Relative minority religion, with most characters of the religion being independent counts and dukes in Eastern Africa, as well as some rulers in or near Armenia Miaphysitism gains a holy order, the {{w|Order of Saint Anthony (Ethiopia)|Order of Saint Anthony}}, if Alexandria, Makuria, and Axum are Miaphysite and owned by Miaphysite characters. With ''Monks and Mystics'' it also has a monastic order, the Community of Saint Anthony. Miaphysitism's holy sites are: * '''Alexandria''': Historical seat of the Coptic Papacy. Pope Dioscorus I of Alexandria, who was deposed by the Council of Chalcedon, is recognized as the first Patriarch of the Coptic Church. * '''Aksum''': Location of the {{w|Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion}} where the Ark of the Covenant is kept. * '''Antioch''': {{w|Severus of Antioch}} was the last Monophysite Patriarch of Antioch and is venerated as a saint in Miaphysitism. * '''Jerusalem''' * '''Dwin''': Location of the Cathedral of Saint Grigor, the largest Christian church in Armenia at the time it was built. **Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem are important {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}}[[Silk Road]] counties. Miaphysitism's heresy '''{{w|Monophysitism}}''' [[File:Miaphysite Heresy.png]] is mechanically identical to the mainstream religion. == {{icon|Nestorian}} 聂斯脱里派== [[File:Hsnestorian.png|thumb|right|Map of Nestorian holy sites.]] '''{{w|Nestorianism}}''' is a minority religion that arose in opposition of the {{w|Council of Ephesus}} and {{w|Council of Chalcedon}}'s decision of Christ being "of two natures". The religion is in isolated areas near Baghdad and on Socotra in early starts in 1066. Nestorianism once was a significant influence in the Eastern world, with many adherents in Central Asia, including many Mongols, and spreading as far as China and India. However, it almost completely collapsed in the 14th century due to the destruction of Timur's conquests and Islamic and Ming dynasty persecution. There are few Nestorian starts and they will, as is somewhat historical, most likely be wiped out by expansionist Muslims or Mongols. There are also two horde Khagans that follow this faith themselves, those of the Golden Horde and Ilkhanate in 1255 and 1260 respectively; historically, this was most likely the basis for the myth of Prester John. *Has a religious head: the Patriarch of the East *Minority religion; has 23 provinces following the religion in 769 start date. *Can intermarry Taoist, Bön, Buddhist, and all religions in the Zoroastrian group. *Prior to 2.8 patch, the Nestorians used to have [[Autocephaly]] head system like the other non-Catholic Christian branches before reworked to have their own religious head system which is very similar to [[Papacy]] but without [[Papal succession]] mechanic. A Nestorian ruler can form a holy order if he controls at least one holy site and Nestorianism has at least 50% Moral Authority. With ''Monks and Mystics'' it has a monastic order, the Community of Saint Abraham. Nestorianism's holy sites are: * '''Edessa''': Location of the School of Edessa and birthplace of Nestorianism. * '''Baghdad''': Seat of the Nestorian Patriarch from 775 to ~1310. * '''Merv''': Important metropolitan site between the 5th and 11th centuries. Merv's Christian community started from Christians deported from Roman territory at the beginning of the 5th century. * '''Jerusalem''' * '''Mahoyadapuram''': Burial site of Thomas the Apostle. Saint Thomas is traditionally believed to have sailed to India in AD 50. A large Nestorian community grew around his tomb. ** Almost all Nestorian holy sites are important {{icon|hl}}{{icon|jd}}[[Silk Road]] counties, except Edessa. Due to the typical lack of moral authority it is relatively easy and harmless to convert from Nestorianism to its heresy. ===[[File:Nestorian Heresy.png]] 异端=== *'''{{w|Euchites|Messalianism}}''' has the [[Divine marriage]] feature, permitting and encouraging marriages to one's own siblings, parents, or children. It lacks a religious head, and allows absolute cognatic succession and has no penalties for female rulers or heirs. [[Category:Religion]] {{ReligionNavbox}}