{{version|2.7}}{{需要翻译}} [[File:Open_inventory_button.png|32px]] '''宝物''' 是指圣遗物和其他特殊物品。 大部分宝物为其拥有者提供一定加成;为了得到这些加成,你必须满足它的''生效条件''(例如信仰基督教以获取圣人遗骸带来的助益)或在特定的栏位''装备''相应物品。 玩家可以[[Diplomatic actions#Give artifact|赠送宝物]]给其他角色,以改善好感。部分宝物对受赠对象有限制(多与激活条件相同)。头骨战利品、炼金学会巨著,以及死灵书无法赠予他人。 一般而言,未装备的宝物在继承时有5%的可能性丢失;濒死的角色应注意将未装备的物品给他们的[[继承人]]。如一个角色无嗣而亡(普通共和国除外),由其领主进行继承,则宝物的丢失风险大幅增加(50%,无论是否装备)。 == 获取宝物 == *在[[角色查找器]]检索宝物的名字。你可以邀请廷臣,或者除尽封臣的继承世系。 *如有{{icon|mnm}}''[[修道士与秘契者]]'': **进入宗教修会后可从其领袖处窃取宝物。 **枢密院成员可以寻找宝物。见[https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/68xfnz/best_candidate_for_artifact_hunting/ Selecting councilors for artifact-hunting abilities]。 *如有''修道士与秘契者''或{{icon|jd}}''[[碧玉之龙]]'',选择“[[Decisions#Artifact|寻找铁匠]]”的决议。御宝的选项要求未拥有任何锻造的御宝(即便所拥有的不构成完整套装,如得自继承或劫掠;伦巴底铁冠等非制造的冠冕则不在此列),因此请考虑在点选决议前将多余的宝物赠予他人;武器的选项要求未拥有任何锻造的武器,或中国的戟、蛇矛、诸葛弩(它们都有combat_weapon的标记,而中国的剑则不会造成阻碍);盔甲的选项则要求未拥有任何锻造的盔甲(炼金学会盔甲不计在内)。 *如有''碧玉之龙'',选择“写一本书”的决议。 *有''修道士与秘契者''或''神圣之怒'': **宝物可通过攻破首都窃取。<!-- MNM.9900 is fired from on_siege_over_winner and applies to both occupation sieges and raid sieges. Easier to steal lower-quality artifacts and easier to steal from rulers who have more artifacts. Warrior lodge rank and certain bloodlines help. Technically this applies to the capital holding of the capital province, rather than the actual realm capital holding. Can steal from both the ruler and non-prisoner characters at their court, but in both cases, the victim must be at the location. --> *在天主教[[十字军]]中作出[[War_contribution|贡献]]以获取一定份额的十字军战争基金。 ===搜寻宝物=== 如果你不是{{icon|Zunist}},你的内阁成员[[File:Obj_become_chancellor.png]]可能会听到关于宝物的传闻。你可以指派他,或者选择另一位成员进行搜寻。传闻分为初级、中等、重要三级,分别需要8、14、20个进程点以寻得宝物。你只能在未拥有某一等级的全部宝物的情况下,才能听到相应的传闻。举例而言,如果你是基督徒且已经得到了圣彼得遗骨、摩西之杖以及大卫的竖琴,那么你将不会再听到重要的传闻。 内阁成员会随机选择一项属性以推进搜寻工作。他更可能使用和内阁职位相对应的属性进行搜寻(5x可能性),但并非必然;其他至少为10的属性也在优先使用之列(3x)。他会每80日向你报告一次,直到寻得宝物,死亡,或是彻底失去线索。 每次报告所呈报的结果可能不同,其中之一即为被动地获取1进程点。其可能性可由使用与内阁职位对应的属性(x1.5),或是使用高于18的属性(x3.95)进行搜寻而提高。 *当通过外交搜寻时,一个正向的人格将有所助益(x1.5),即拥有([[File:Honest.png|诚实|link=]][[File:Gregarious.png|合群|link=]][[File:Trusting.png|轻信|link=]][[File:Socializer.png|社交家|link=]][[File:Charitable.png|慷慨|link=]][[File:Patient.png|耐心|link=]][[File:Kind.png|和蔼|link=]])中的任意一项且'''没有'''任何“负面特质”([[File:Deceitful.png|狡诈|link=]][[File:Shy.png|害羞|link=]][[File:Paranoid.png|多疑|link=]][[File:Cruel.png|残忍|link=]][[File:Stubborn.png|固执|link=]][[File:Impaler.png|拷打爱好者|link=]][[File:Greedy.png|贪婪|link=]][[File:Wroth.png|愤怒|link=]][[File:Envious.png|嫉妒|link=]])。 *当通过军事搜寻时,有两项因素可以为被动获取进程点带来增益(使其成为在拥有合适人选情况下的最优选):其一是拥有[[File:Brave.png|勇敢|link=]]特质(x1.4),其二是其个人实战能力至少为2(x1.4)。 *当通过管理搜寻时,搜寻者若拥有至少3的[[File:Icon wealth.png]]月收入,则更加可能被动获取进程点(x1.4)。 *当通过密谋搜寻时,搜寻者拥有的负面人格将起作用(x1.4),即拥有上文外交部分所述的“令人不快的特质”且无“正面特质”。 *当通过学识搜寻时,相应领域的特质会有所助益(x1.4):[[File:Erudite.png|博学|link=]][[File:Scholar.png|学者|link=]][[File:Scholarly_theologian.png|渊博的神学家|link=]][[File:Mastermind theologian.png|神学的大师|link=]][[File:Court physician.png]][[File:Faqih.png]]. 内阁成员可能会吁请帮助。当他的每一项属性都至少为8(x1.4),或正用内阁职位对应的属性搜索(x1.5)时,此类情况更易出现。提供帮助将增加多达5个进程点,拒绝则将扣除1个进程点。提供帮助将基于某项属性,带来相应为期5年的损益修正;此期间内你不能再次在该属性上提供帮助。 *外交为-15大众好感; *军事为-25%全局征召部队; *管理为-5%城市税金、-20市长好感、+25%建造时间; *密谋为-50%阴谋力量、-50%阴谋发现率; *学识为-25%科技传播速率。 这些损益修正将在寻得宝物或放弃任务时被移除。 遭遇挫败的可能性同样存在(少见,基本权重为1/32)。当听到的传闻为中等或重要时,挫败也更易出现(中等x1.25,重要x1.5)。未使用内阁职务所对应的属性进行搜寻会升高该可能性(x1.5)。有小于8的属性将显著提升风险(x2.5)。拥有迟钝特质[[File:Dull.png]][[File:Slow.png]][[File:Imbecile.png]]则会提升1.5倍。 人类玩家(AI并不会以此等方式失去内阁成员)的内阁成员可能会在搜寻过程中被杀死(少见,基本权重为1/32)。未使用内阁职务所对应的属性进行搜寻,或某一属性小于8,会提升该可能性(均为x1.5)。 内阁成员可能会得到不符合其属性的其他结果。他可能会请求金钱援助(年收入的50%,至少30金钱);当他是你的敌人,或者有贪婪、狡诈、懒惰特质时,该可能性翻倍。这将有8/9的可能性提供3进程点,但另外1/9(如是敌人,或有贪婪,狡诈的特质,则x1.5)则是内阁成员贪污该笔资金。这是一项可执行监禁的犯罪。内阁成员可能把事情搞得一团糟,损失3进程点;若其[[File:Dull.png]][[File:Slow.png]][[File:Imbecile.png]]将提高这种可能,[[File:Shrewd.png]][[File:Quick.png]][[File:Genius.png]]则反之。幸运的是,他在10年内不会再搞砸第二次。他也可能在80天内无所建树。此外还有将传闻升级到更高一档的可能性:这将清除此前获得的一半进程点,并有20%可能得到[[File:Stressed.png|精神紧张|link=]]。 请注意,如果内阁成员死亡,被监禁,或是离开内阁/遭到解职,他将无法继续搜索,此前获取的进程点将清零。 因此,最好的宝物猎人应当是拥有18点对应其内阁职务的属性,且没有迟钝特质的内阁成员;或者,选择一位拥有敏锐特质且每项属性都至少有8的角色。 == 修道士与密契者之前的宝物 == {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" | 作用 ! class="unsortable" | 获取 |- | [[File:Plus2 axe.png|70px]] |“+2”斧 | loot_axe | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | {{green|+2}}军事 | ''[[逝往神灵]]'',劫掠一块地产。<br> 不能已拥有“+2”斧(如将一把“+2”斧赠予他人,很快能再抢到一把)。<br> AI角色不会在劫掠中得到该物品。<br> 可以赠予AI角色,并由其他AI角色所继承。 |- | [[File:Strange chest.png|70px]] |奇怪的箱子 | strange_chest | | style="text-align: center;" | | 继续劫掠以获得钥匙(或者,一位家族成员也可能寻得钥匙)。<br> 获得钥匙将摧毁箱子,带来200金钱/10金钱/空无一物。 | ''[[逝往神灵]]'',劫掠一块地产。不适用于AI。<br> 不能已拥有奇怪的箱子。 |- | [[File:Book sinister.png|70px]] | 死灵书 | necronomicon | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | {{red|-1}}外交<br>{{green|+5}}学识<br>{{red|-2}}每月虔诚<br><br>受诅咒,不能转赠 | [[Scholarship#Build an observatory|建造天文台]]并研究奇怪的星辰 |- | [[File:Gem diamond.png|70px]] | 被诅咒的钻石 | cursed_diamond | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | {{green|+10%}}全国税收修正<br>{{green|+1}}每月威望 | rowspan=2 | ''[[印度罗阇]]'',首都位于印度,非AI,每次游戏一次<br><br>当首次发现时,开启“诅咒”事件链。<br><br>不能摧毁,转赠或继承 |- | [[File:Cursed diamond crown.png|70px]] | 被诅咒的钻石冠 | cursed_diamond_crown | 冠冕 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | {{green|+3}}管理<br>{{green|+1}}每月威望 |- | [[File:Saints skull.png|70px]] | 头骨战利品 | rival_skull | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | {{green|+0.05}}每月威望 | ''[[死神索命]]'',洗劫仇敌的坟墓 |- | [[File:Magnificent painting.png|70px]] | 华丽的画作 | magnificent_painting | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | {{green|+0.25}}每月威望 | rowspan=2 |稀有事件;多见于[[Societies#Secret Cult|cultists]] |- | [[File:Magnificent painting improved.png|70px]] | 先锋派绘画 | avant_garde_painting | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | {{red|-1}}外交<br>{{green|+0.5}}每月威望 |- | [[File:Saints bone finger.png|70px]] | 圣约翰的手指 | finger_of_st_john | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | 仅对基督教宗教组有效<br><br> {{green|+1}}学识<br> {{green|+0.1}}每月威望<br> {{green|+0.5}}每月虔诚<br> 加速省份转化<!-- 0.75x MTTH, job_lord_spiritual.txt --><br> 可以治愈[[File:Ill.png]]<br> 可以降低叛乱风险<br> | ''[[亚伯拉罕之裔]]'',成年基督教统治者 稀有事件,多见于战时或领军时;在花费10金钱获得该宝物和[[File:Cynical.png|愤世嫉俗|link=]]中进行选择。 |} == 义肢 == 如有{{icon|trd}}''[[死神索命]]'',则有机会获得义手或义足。其效果不可叠加,亦无法赠予他人或继承。 {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" | 效果 ! class="unsortable" | 激活条件 |- | [[File:Prosthetic hand gold.png|70px]] | 金手 | prosthetic_hand_gold | 被动 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +5 性吸引力<br>+0.1 每月威望 | [[File:One-handed.png|独臂|link=]] |- | [[File:Prosthetic hand metal.png|70px]] | 铁手 | prosthetic_hand_metal | 被动 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +15 个人实战能力 | [[File:One-handed.png|独臂|link=]]<br>不能拥有金手 |- | [[File:Prosthetic leg.png|70px]] | 假腿 | prosthetic_leg_artifact | 被动 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +10 性吸引力<br>+25 个人实战能力 | [[File:One-legged.png|独腿|link=]] |- |} == 宝物:修道士与密契者 == 许多宝物属于''[[修道士与密契者]]''拓展包的内容。 {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 |- | [[File:Saintly Skull.png|70px]] | [This.GetArtifactSourceCap]的手 | famous_head | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.05 每月威望 |- | [[File:Saintly Tongue.png|70px]] | [This.GetArtifactSourceCap]的舌头 | famous_tongue | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.05 每月威望 |- | [[File:Saintly Tongue.png|70px]] | 异教徒的舌头 | infamous_tongue | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.05 每月威望 |- | [[File:Saints bone finger.png|70px]] | [This.GetArtifactSourceCap]的手 | famous_hand | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.05 每月威望<br>+5 个人实战能力 |- | [[File:Saints bone femur.png|70px]] | [This.GetArtifactSourceCap] 的手臂 | famous_arm | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.05 每月威望 |- | [[File:Saints bone femur.png|70px]] | [This.GetArtifactSourceCap]的脚 | famous_foot | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.05 每月威望<br>+5% 行军速度 |- | [[File:Sword rusty.png|70px]] | 古老的生锈武器 | famous_ancient_weapon | 仪仗武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.05 每月威望 |} === 宗教宝物 === ==== 基督教 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 ! class="unsortable" | 开局生成于 |- | [[File:iron_crown_of_lombardy.png|70px]] | 伦巴第铁王冠 | iron_crown_of_lombardy | 冠冕 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +1 每月威望<br>+0.5 每月虔诚<br>-5 短暂统治年数<br>+10 封臣好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 100% 几率<br>1066年以前: 意大利王国<br>1066之后: 神圣罗马帝国 |- | [[File:shroud_of_jesus.png|70px]] | 耶稣裹尸布 | shroud_of_jesus | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+0.5 每月虔诚<br>+5 同宗教好感<br>+5% 国家征召兵规模 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | |- | [[File:spear_of_destiny.png|70px]] | 朗基努斯之枪 | spear_of_destiny | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望<br>+0.5 每月虔诚<br>+5 同宗教好感<br>+16 个人实战能力<br>+20% 士气打击<br>+20% 士气防御 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 在十字军期间围攻并占领耶路撒冷男爵领<br>只能出现一次 |- | [[File:cup_holy_grail.png|70px]] | 圣杯 | holy_grail | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5 每月威望<br>+4 健康<br>+5 同宗教好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 在十字军期间围攻并占领凯撒利亚男爵领同时启用超自然事件<br>只能出现一次 |- | [[File:cup_fancy.png|70px]] | 圣杯 | holy_chalice | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +2 每月威望<br>+0.5 每月虔诚<br>+1 健康<br>+10 同宗教好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 在十字军期间围攻并占领凯撒利亚男爵领同时关闭超自然事件<br>只能出现一次 |- | [[File:saints_bone_femur.png|70px]] | 圣伯多禄遗骨 | bones_of_st_peter | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望<br>+0.5 每月虔诚<br>+10 同宗教好感<br>-10% 建造花费<br>-10% 建造时间 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 100% 几率<br>教宗国 |- | [[File:crown_of_thorns.png|70px]] | 荆棘冠冕 | crown_of_thorns | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望<br>+1 每月虔诚<br>+5 同宗教好感<br>-3% 国家叛乱风险 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 100% 几率<br>1066之前: 耶路撒冷伯爵领<br>1238之前: 拜占庭帝国<br>1238之后: 法兰西王国<br>在任何时间点,只要尚不存在,可以通过社团事件随机获取 |- | [[File:seamless_robe_of_jesus.png|70px]] | 耶稣的无缝长袍 | seamless_robe_of_jesus | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+0.5 每月虔诚<br>+5 同宗教好感<br>+10% 国家税收修正 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 100% 几率<br>特里尔伯爵领 |- | [[File:nail_of_the_true_cross.png|70px]] | 圣钉 | fragment_of_true_cross | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望<br>+0.5 每月虔诚 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 100% 几率<br>拜占庭帝国 |- | [[File:pouch.png|70px]] | 圣包皮 | holy_foreskin | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望<br>+15% 生育能力<br>+0.5 健康 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 可同时存在2个<br>75% 几率<br>任一有地的基督教领主 |- | [[File:saints_bone_finger.png|70px]] | 圣指骨 | fingerbone_of_saint | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.25 每月威望<br>+0.25 每月虔诚 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 可同时存在10个<br>100% 几率<br>任一有地的基督教领主 |- | [[File:relic_box_simple.png|70px]] | 圣伯多禄之链 | chains_of_st_peter | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.1 每月威望 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 50% 几率<br>任一有地的基督教领主 |- | [[File:saints_bone_finger.png|70px]] | 圣德米特里的右手 | right_hand_st_demetrius | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | 50% chance<br>County of Thessalonike |- | [[File:veil_of_veronica.png|70px]] | 维罗妮卡的面纱 | veil_of_veronica | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望<br>+0.5 每月虔诚<br>-1% 国家叛乱风险 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | |- | [[File:Image_of_edessa.png|70px]] | 埃德萨圣像 | image_of_edessa | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望<br>+0.5 每月虔诚<br>+0.25 健康<br>+5% 国家税收修正 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]]<br>并非公开信仰圣像破坏派 | |- | [[File:relic_box_simple.png|70px]] | 圣凯斯亚努斯的遗骨 | remains_of_st_cessianus | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望<br>+5 同宗教好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]] | |- | [[File:weeping_statue.png|70px]] | 哭泣的雕像 | weeping_statue | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 每月威望<br>+5% 国家税收修正 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]]<br>并非公开信仰圣像破坏派 | 可同时存在10个<br>75% 几率<br>任一有地的基督教领主 |} ==== 犹太教 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Active ! class="unsortable" | Spawn |- |[[File:Royal scepter.png|70px]] | Staff of Moses | staff_of_moses | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety<br>+5 Same Religion<br>+16 Personal Combat Skill<br>+10% Morale Damage<br>+10% Morale Defence | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]]<br>[[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]][[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]][[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]]<br>[[File:Judaism.png|Jewish]] | |- |[[File:King Davids Harp.png|70px]] | King David's Harp | davids_harp | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety<br>+5 Same Religion | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]]<br>[[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]][[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]][[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]]<br>[[File:Judaism.png|Jewish]] | |- | [[File:Ark of the covenant.png|70px]] | Ark of the Covenant | ark_of_the_covenant | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+1 Monthly Piety<br>+10 Same Religion<br>+10% Morale Damage<br>+10% Morale Defence | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]]<br>[[File:Judaism.png|Jewish]] | 100% chance<br>County of Aksum |- |[[File:Seal_of_solomon.png|70px]] | Seal of Solomon | seal_of_solomon | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety<br>免疫[[File:Possessed.png|恶魔附身|link=]] | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]]<br>[[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]][[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]][[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]]<br>[[File:Judaism.png|Jewish]]<br>[[File:Mystic.png]] | |- |[[File:Relicbox iron.png|70px]] | The Tabernacle | tabernacle | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety<br>-2% National Revolt Risk | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]]<br>[[File:Judaism.png|Jewish]] | |- |[[File:Davids Sling.png|70px]] | King David's Sling | davids_sling | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5 Monthly Prestige<br>+2 Vassal Opinion<br>+10 Personal Combat Skill | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Catholic.png|Catholic]][[File:Orthodox.png|Orthodox]][[File:Nestorian.png|Nestorian]][[File:Miaphysite.png|Miaphysite]]<br>[[File:Judaism.png|Jewish]] | |} ==== 伊斯兰教 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Active ! class="unsortable" | Spawn |- |[[File:Seal of Mohammad.png|70px]] | Seal of Mohammad | seal_of_mohammad | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5 Monthly Prestige<br>-5 Short Reign Years<br>+10 Same Religion | style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | 20% chance<br>Arabian Empire |- |[[File:Holy Banner of Mohammad.png|70px]] | Holy Banner of Mohammad | holy_banner_of_mohammad | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+5 Same Religion<br>+15% Morale Damage<br>+15% Morale Defence<br>-2% National Revolt Risk | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | 20% chance<br>Arabian Empire<br>any landed Muslim ruler |- | [[File:Blessed mantle.png|70px]] | Blessed Mantle | blessed_mantle | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety<br>+5 Same Religion<br>+10% National Tax Modifier<br>Can create an additional artifact,Water of the Blessed Mantle | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | 20% chance<br>Arabian Empire<br>any landed Muslim ruler |- |[[File:Sword of Mohammad.png|70px]] | Sword of Mohammad | sword_of_mohammad | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety<br>+16 Personal Combat Skill | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] <br>Adult | 5 can exist<br>75% chance<br>Arabian Empire<br>any landed Muslim ruler |- | [[File:Relic box.png|70px]] | Blessed Sandals | blessed_sandals | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety<br>+1 Health | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | |- | [[File:Relic box.png|70px]] | Letter of Mohammad | letter_of_mohammad | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | 20% chance<br>any landed Muslim ruler |- | [[File:Cloak of Mohammad.png|70px]] | Cloak of Mohammad | cloak_of_mohammad | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety<br>-2% National Revolt Risk | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | 100% chance<br>County of Bukhara |- | [[File:Relic box.png|70px]] | Mohammad's Bowl | mohammads_bowl | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+5 Same Religion<br>-1% National Revolt Risk | style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | |- | [[File:Pouch.png|70px]] | Hair from the Beard of Mohammad | mohammads_beard | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.25 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.25 Monthly Piety | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | 100% chance<br>any landed Muslim ruler |- | [[File:Cup holy grail.png|70px]] | Water of the Blessed Mantle | water_of_blessed_mantle | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.25 Monthly Piety<br>+0.25 Health | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | |- | [[File:Pouch.png|70px]] | Tooth of Mohammad | tooth_of_mohammad | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5 Monthly Prestige<br>+10% Leading the Center | style="text-align: center;" |[[File:Sunni.png|Sunni]]<br>[[File:Shiite.png|Shiite]]<br>[[File:Ibadi.png|Ibadi]] | |} ==== 祆教 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Active |- |[[File:Cup holy grail.png|70px]] | Cup of Jamshid | cup_of_jamshid | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+1 Health<br>+5 Same Religion | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian]] |- |[[File:Leopard skin cloak.png|70px]] | Babr-e-Bayan | babr_e_bayan | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+1 Health<br>+16 Personal Combat Skill<br>+1% National Levy Size<br>+5 Zoroastrian Opinion | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian]]<br>Iranian Culture Group |- |[[File:Heroic banner derafsh.png|70px]] | Derafsh Kaviani | derafsh_kaviani | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +1 Monthly Prestige<br>+10 Vassal Opinion<br>+20% Morale Damage<br>+20% Morale Defence | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian]]<br>Iranian Culture Group<br>Holder of Empire of Persia<br>Holder of Kingdom of Persia |- |[[File:Relic_box.png|70px]] | Cyrus Cylinder | cyrus_cylinder | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>-10% Build Cost Modifier<br>-10% Build Time Modifier | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian]]<br>Iranian Culture Group |- |[[File:Haoma_sapling.png|70px]] | Haoma Sapling | haoma_sapling | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.25 Monthly Piety<br>+5 Same Religion<br>+10% Fertility<br>+0.25 Health | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian]] |- |[[File:Branch of the cypress of keshmar.png|70px]] | Branch of the Keshmar Cypress | keshmar_cypress_branch | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Zoroastrian.png|Zoroastrian]] |} ==== 原始宗教 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- | [[File:Mjölnir.png|70px]] | 雷神之锤 | mjolnir | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5每月威望<br>+20个人实战能力<br>+20%率领重步兵<br>+5同宗教好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Norse.png|Germanic]][[File:Reformed_Norse.png|Reformed Germanic]]<br>成年 |- | [[File:Bracelet_jeweled_gold.png|70px]] | 吸金指环 | andvaranaut | 手腕 | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5每月威望<br>+20%全国税收修正<br>+5同宗教好感<br>-1健康<br><br>受诅咒,无法摧毁或赠与中国皇帝 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Norse.png|Germanic]][[File:Reformed_Norse.png|Reformed Germanic]] |- | [[File:Gjallarhorn.png|70px]] | 加拉尔角 | gjallarhorn | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1每月威望<br>+20%士气伤害<br>+20%士气防御 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Norse.png|Germanic]][[File:Reformed_Norse.png|Reformed Germanic]] |- | [[File:Branch of the cypress of keshmar.png|70px]] | 灵魂偶像 | fetish_of_souls | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1每月威望<br>+0.5每月虔诚<br>+10同宗教好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:West African.png|West African]][[File:Reformed West African.png|Reformed West African]] |- | [[File:Sampo.png|70px]] | 三宝磨 | sampo | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5每月威望<br>+0.5每月虔诚<br>+20%全国税收修正<br>+5同宗教好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Suomenusko.png|Suomenusko]][[File:Reformed Suomenusko.png|Reformed Suomenusko]] |- | [[File:Axe of perun.png|70px]] | 佩伦之斧 | axe_of_perun | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5每月威望<br>+18个人实战技能<br>+20%率领轻步兵<br>+5同宗教好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Slavic.png|Slavic]][[File:Reformed Slavic.png|Reformed Slavic]]<br>成年 |- | [[File:Axe of perkunas.png|70px]] | 佩尔孔纳之斧 | axe_of_perkunas | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5每月威望<br>+16个人实战技能<br>+5同宗教好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Romuva.png|Romuva]][[File:Reformed Romuva.png|Reformed Romuva]]<br>成年 |- | [[File:Yada Tashy.png|70px]] | 雨石 | yada_tashy | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +1每月威望<br>+10%全国税收修正<br>+10同宗教好感 | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Tengri.png|Tengri]][[File:Reformed Tengri.png|Reformed Tengri]] |} ==== 印度宗教 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 激活条件 |- |[[File:pouch.png|70px]] | The Tooth of Buddha | buddhas_tooth | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+1 Monthly Piety<br>-5 Short Reign Years<br>+10 Same Religion | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Hindu.png|Hinduism]][[File:Buddhist.png|Buddhism]][[File:Jain.png|Jainism]] |- |[[File:Gem diamond.png|70px]] | The Mountain of Light | mountain_of_light_diamond | | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +1 Monthly Prestige<br>+5 Same Religion<br>-10% Build Cost Modifier<br>-10% Build Time Modifier<br>-1 Health | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Hindu.png|Hinduism]][[File:Buddhist.png|Buddhism]][[File:Jain.png|Jainism]] |- |[[File:royal_scepter.png|70px]] | Jewelled Danda | elaborate_danda | scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.5 Monthly Prestige<br>+10% National Tax Modifier | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Hindu.png|Hinduism]][[File:Buddhist.png|Buddhism]][[File:Jain.png|Jainism]] |- |[[File:Gem sapphire.png|70px]] | Sarira | sarira | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety<br>+5 Same Religion | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Hindu.png|Hinduism]][[File:Buddhist.png|Buddhism]][[File:Jain.png|Jainism]] |- |[[File:saints_bone_femur.png|70px]] | Sariraka Bone | sariraka_actual_body_part | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.25 Monthly Piety | style="text-align: center;" | [[File:Hindu.png|Hinduism]][[File:Buddhist.png|Buddhism]][[File:Jain.png|Jainism]] |} === 赫尔墨斯学会 === 以下宝物可以由[[Hermetic society]]的成员创造。 ==== Magnum Opus ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Active |- |[[File:book_red.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Ritualistic Theurgy | magnum_opus_theurgy_ritual_1 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | | Learning at least 12 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_red.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Ritualistic Theurgy | magnum_opus_theurgy_ritual_2 | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 Monthly Piety | Learning at least 16 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_red.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Ritualistic Theurgy | magnum_opus_theurgy_ritual_3 | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 Monthly Piety | Learning at least 20 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_red_glow.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Ritualistic Theurgy | magnum_opus_theurgy_ritual_4 | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 Monthly Piety | Learning at least 25 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_red.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Contemplative Theurgy | magnum_opus_theurgy_contemplation_1 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | | Learning at least 12 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_red.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Contemplative Theurgy | magnum_opus_theurgy_contemplation_2 | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 Monthly Piety | Learning at least 16 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_red.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Contemplative Theurgy | magnum_opus_theurgy_contemplation_3 | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.5 Monthly Piety | Learning at least 20 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_red_glow.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Contemplative Theurgy | magnum_opus_theurgy_contemplation_4 | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.5 Monthly Piety | Learning at least 25 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_blue.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Stellar Astrology | magnum_opus_astrology_stars_1 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | | Learning at least 12 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_blue.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Stellar Astrology | magnum_opus_astrology_stars_2 | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | Learning at least 16 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_blue.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Stellar Astrology | magnum_opus_astrology_stars_3 | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | Learning at least 20 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_blue_glow.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Stellar Astrology | magnum_opus_astrology_stars_4 | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | Learning at least 25 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_blue.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Planetary Astrology | magnum_opus_astrology_planets_1 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | | Learning at least 12 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_blue.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Planetary Astrology | magnum_opus_astrology_planets_2 | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | Learning at least 16 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_blue.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Planetary Astrology | magnum_opus_astrology_planets_3 | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | Learning at least 20 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_blue_glow.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Planetary Astrology | magnum_opus_astrology_planets_4 | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | Learning at least 25 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_green.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Universal Panacea | magnum_opus_alchemy_panacea_1 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | | Learning at least 12 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_green.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Universal Panacea | magnum_opus_alchemy_panacea_2 | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | | Learning at least 16 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_green.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Universal Panacea | magnum_opus_alchemy_panacea_3 | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.5 Health | Learning at least 20 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_green_glow.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Universal Panacea | magnum_opus_alchemy_panacea_4 | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1 Health | Learning at least 25 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_green.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Transmutative Alchemy | magnum_opus_alchemy_transmutation_1 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | | Learning at least 12 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_green.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Transmutative Alchemy | magnum_opus_alchemy_transmutation_2 | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | | Learning at least 16 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_green.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Transmutative Alchemy | magnum_opus_alchemy_transmutation_3 | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | | Learning at least 20 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |- |[[File:book_green_glow.png|70px]] | Magnum Opus on Transmutative Alchemy | magnum_opus_alchemy_transmutation_4 | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | | Learning at least 25 or <br>Member of the Hermetic Society |} ==== 发明 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 激活条件 |- |[[File:Handgun.png|70px]] | 手铳 | hermetic_handgun | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +1 每月威望<br>+25 个人实战能力<br>+20% 士气打击 | 学识大于等于20 或者<br>是赫尔墨斯学会成员 |- |[[File:Compass.png|70px]] | 磁罗盘 | hermetic_compass | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.5 每月威望 | 学识大于20 或者<br>是赫尔墨斯学会成员 |- |[[File:Relic box simple.png|70px]] | 直角照准仪 | radius_astronomicus | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+5% 科技传播率 | 学识大于20 或者<br>是赫尔墨斯学会成员 |- |[[File:Relicbox iron.png|70px]] | 密码盘 | hermetic_cypher_machine | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +10% Plot Power | 学识大于20 或者<br>是赫尔墨斯学会成员 |- |[[File:Suit of armor gold.png|70px]] | 板甲 | hermetic_plate_armor | 胴体 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.25 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+5% 士气打击 | 学识大于12 或者<br>是赫尔墨斯学会成员 |- |[[File:Relic box simple.png|70px]] | 眼镜 | hermetic_glasses | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.25 每月威望 | 年龄大于40 |} ==== 文献 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon diplomacy.png|link=Attributes#Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon stewardship.png|link=Attributes#Stewardship|Stewardship]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon intrigue.png|link=Attributes#Intrigue|Intrigue]] ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon learning.png|link=Attributes#Learning|Learning]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 激活条件 |- |[[File:Emerald tablet.png|70px]] | 翠玉录 | emerald_tablet | | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +5% 科技传播率 | 学识大于20 或者 <br>是赫尔墨斯学会的成员并且社团位阶大于等于3级 |} ==== Ingredients ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Effect ! Quality |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Hibiscus | ingredient_herb1 | Healthy (+1 to Potion of Eudaimonia Quality), Antipyretic (currently does nothing) | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Ginger Root | ingredient_herb2 | Healthy, Antipyretic | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Mandrake | ingredient_herb3 | Unhealthy (-1 to Potion of Eudaimonia), Sleep Inducing (Used for Lab Infiltration) | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Lemon Grass | ingredient_herb4 | Healthy, Antipyretic | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Nettles | ingredient_herb5 | Healthy, Antipyretic | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Wormwood | ingredient_herb6 | Healthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Valerian | ingredient_herb7 | Healthy, Sleep Inducing | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Violet | ingredient_herb8 | Healthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Yarrow | ingredient_herb9 | Healthy, Sleep Inducing | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Gall Bladder | ingredient_animal1 | Unhealthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Kidney | ingredient_animal2 | Healthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Eyeballs | ingredient_animal3 | Unhealthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Cloven hooves | ingredient_animal4 | Unhealthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Antlers | ingredient_animal5 | Unhealthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Snout | ingredient_animal6 | Unhealthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Heart | ingredient_animal7 | Healthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Liver | ingredient_animal8 | Healthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Intestines | ingredient_animal9 | Healthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Silver | ingredient_metal_exotic1 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Mercury | ingredient_metal_exotic2 | Healthy, Unhealthy (it has both properties) | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Aqua Regia | ingredient_metal_exotic3 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Aqua Fortis | ingredient_metal_exotic4 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Sulphur | ingredient_metal_exotic5 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Gold | ingredient_metal_exotic6 | Healthy, Antipyretic | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Copper | ingredient_metal_exotic7 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Iron | ingredient_metal_exotic8 | Healthy, Unhealthy | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pouch of ingredients.png|70px]] | Ingredient: Tin | ingredient_metal_exotic9 | | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |} == 锻造的宝物 == 当拥有''[[修道士与秘契者]]''或''[[碧玉之龙]]''时,选取“[[Decisions#Artifact|寻找一位铁匠]]”决议。 *欲锻造等级3的武器或盔甲,需要持有皇帝等级的头衔,耗费3.5倍年[[income|收入]](至少300,至多3000). *欲锻造等级2的武器或盔甲,需要持有国王等级的头衔,耗费2.0倍年收入(至少150,至多500)。 *预锻造等级1的武器或盔甲,需要耗费1.0倍年收入(至少50,至多100)。 锻造御宝套装的耗费与其大致等同,但并不完全一致。 当锻造等级3的宝物时,可能会出现铁匠请求拨付1000金钱,用以进口能将宝物提升至等级4的特殊材料。该事件只有在铁匠'''有'''smith_fail标记时才会发生。当铁匠拥有较高的管理属性(大于10)时,或具备贪婪、勤奋、耐心、天才、敏捷或精明特质时,smith_fail的可能性随之降低。此外,拥有野心勃勃、嫉妒或狡诈特质的铁匠更倾向于盗窃宝物。<ref>[[https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/a5yu08/testing_on_how_to_get_tier_4_weapons/ Reddit user /u/Aruemar on getting 4th tier smithed artifacts]]</ref> === Crown Jewels === ==== Christian/Jewish sets ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Feudal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | Tribal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | City Vassal<br>Opinion |- |[[File:Crown gold fancy.png|70px]] | The Crown of Majesty (lv 4) | crown_of_majesty_2 | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Scepter emerald.png|70px]] | Emerald Scepter (lv 4) | emerald_scepter_2 | scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.4 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Sword of heroes.png|70px]] | Sword of Heroes (lv 4) | sword_of_heroes_2 | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.4 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 7 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Crown gold fancy.png|70px]] | The Crown of Majesty | crown_of_majesty | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.4 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Scepter emerald.png|70px]] | Emerald Scepter | emerald_scepter | scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Sword of heroes.png|70px]] | Sword of Heroes | sword_of_heroes | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 6 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Crown of pearls.png|70px]] | Crown of Pearls | crown_of_pearls | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.2 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Sceptre ruby.png|70px]] | Ruby Scepter | ruby_scepter | scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.2 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Sword golden.png|70px]] | Golden Sword | golden_sword | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.2 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Crown of lilies.png|70px]] | Crown of Lilies | the_lily_crown | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Royal scepter.png|70px]] | Noble Scepter | noble_scepter | scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.05 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Sword engraved.png|70px]] | Engraved Sword | engraved_sword | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.05 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |} ==== Muslim/West African sets ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Feudal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | Tribal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | City Vassal<br>Opinion |- |[[File:Inscriped dagger.png|70px]] | Dagger of Glory (lv 4) | dagger_of_glory_2 | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.7 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 7 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Bracelet_jeweled_gold.png|70px]] | Ruby Bracelets (lv 4) | ruby_bracelets_2 | wrist | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.7 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Inscriped dagger.png|70px]] | Dagger of Glory | dagger_of_glory | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 6 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Bracelet_jeweled_gold.png|70px]] | Ruby Bracelets | ruby_bracelets | wrist | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Indian dagger.png|70px]] | Bejeweled Dagger | bejeweled_dagger | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Bracelet gold.png|70px]] | Golden Bracelets | golden_bracelets | wrist | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Simple dagger.png|70px]] | Engraved Dagger | engraved_dagger | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Bracelet silver.png|70px]] | Silver Bracelets | silver_bracelets | wrist | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |} ==== Indian sets ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Feudal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | Tribal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | City Vassal<br>Opinion |- |[[File:Inscriped dagger.png|70px]] | Dagger of Glory (lv 4) | dagger_of_glory_2 | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.7 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 7 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Indian necklace.png|70px]] | Celestial Necklace (lv 4) | celestial_necklace_2 | neck | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.7 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Inscriped dagger.png|70px]] | Dagger of Glory | dagger_of_glory | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 6 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Indian necklace.png|70px]] | Celestial Necklace | celestial_necklace | neck | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Indian dagger.png|70px]] | Bejeweled Dagger | bejeweled_dagger | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Necklace of radiance.png|70px]] | Necklace of Radiance | necklace_of_radiance | neck | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Simple dagger.png|70px]] | Engraved Dagger | engraved_dagger | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Pearl necklace.png|70px]] | Collar of Pearls | collar_of_pearls | neck | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |} ==== Zoroastrian/Zun sets ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Feudal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | Tribal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | City Vassal<br>Opinion |- |[[File:Bracelet jeweled silver.png|70px]] | Heavenly Circlet (lv 4) | circlet_of_the_heavens_2 | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.7 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Sceptre ruby.png|70px]] | Staff of Majesty (lv 4) | staff_of_majesty_2 | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.7 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Bracelet jeweled silver.png|70px]] | Heavenly Circlet | circlet_of_the_heavens | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Sceptre ruby.png|70px]] | Staff of Majesty | staff_of_majesty | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Bracelet jeweled gold.png|70px]] | Circlet of the Sun | circlet_of_the_sun | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Royal scepter.png|70px]] | Golden Staff | golden_staff | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Bracelet silver.png|70px]] | Circlet of Twilight | circlet_of_twilight | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Royal scepter.png|70px]] | Silver Staff | silver_staff | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |} ==== Norse sets ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Feudal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | Tribal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | City Vassal<br>Opinion |- |[[File:Sword of heroes.png|70px]] | Sword of Heroes (lv 4) | sword_of_heroes_2 | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.4 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 7 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Crown gold.png|70px]] | Crown of Crows (lv 4) | crown_of_crows_2 | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.9 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Sword of heroes.png|70px]] | Sword of Heroes | sword_of_heroes | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 6 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Crown gold.png|70px]] | Crown of Crows | crown_of_crows | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.7 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Sword golden.png|70px]] | Golden Sword | golden_sword | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.2 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Crown silver.png|70px]] | Crown of the Sea | crown_of_the_sea | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.4 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Sword engraved.png|70px]] | Engraved Sword | engraved_sword | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.05 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Crown silver.png|70px]] | Iron Crown | iron_crown | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.15 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |} ==== Sets for other religions ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Other ! class="unsortable" | Feudal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | Tribal Vassal<br>Opinion ! class="unsortable" | City Vassal<br>Opinion |- |[[File:Crown gold fancy.png|70px]] | Hero's Crown (lv 4) | heros_crown_2 | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.7 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Viking axe.png|70px]] | Axe of the Ancestors (lv 4) | axe_of_the_ancestors_2 | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +0.7 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 7 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 |- |[[File:Crown gold fancy.png|70px]] | Hero's Crown | heros_crown | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Viking axe.png|70px]] | Axe of the Ancestors | axe_of_the_ancestors | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +0.5 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 6 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Crown gold.png|70px]] | Amber Crown | amber_crown | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Viking axe.png|70px]] | Obsidian Axe | obsidian_axe | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.3 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 |- |[[File:Crown silver.png|70px]] | Engraved Crown | engraved_crown | crown | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |- |[[File:Viking axe.png|70px]] | Ceremonial Axe | ceremonial_axe | ceremonial_weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 |} === 锻造的武器 === ==== 剑 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- |[[File:Sword.png|70px]] | Arming Sword | sword_tier_1_new | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.25 每月威望<br>+5 个人实战能力<br>+5% 实际率领轻步兵<!-- 暂译,原文为实际率领轻步兵,下同 --> | 成年 |- |[[File:Sword T2.png|70px]] | Longsword | sword_tier_2_new | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+7 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领重步兵<br>+10% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Sword T3 glow purple.png|70px]] | Heartseeker | sword_tier_3_heartseeker | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领重步兵<br>+15% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Sword T3 glow green.png|70px]] | Vengeance | sword_tier_3_vengeance | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领重步兵<br>+15% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Sword T3 glow red.png|70px]] | Fury | sword_tier_3_fury | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领重步兵<br>+15% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Sword T3 glow purple.png|70px]] | Dragonseeker | sword_tier_4_heartseeker | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领重步兵<br>+20% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Sword T3 glow green.png|70px]] | Heaven's Vengeance | sword_tier_4_vengeance | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领重步兵<br>+20% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Sword T3 glow red.png|70px]] | God's Fury | sword_tier_4_fury | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领重步兵<br>+20% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |} ==== 弯刀 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- |[[File:Scimitar T1.png|70px]] | Scimitar | scimitar_tier_1_new | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.25 每月威望<br>+5 个人实战能力<br>+5% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Scimitar T2.png|70px]] | Fine Scimitar | scimitar_tier_2_new | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+7 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领重步兵<br>+10% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:The golden scimitar.png|70px]] | The Golden Scimitar | scimitar_tier_3_golden | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领重步兵<br>+15% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Scimitar T3.png|70px]] | Scimitar of Fortune | scimitar_tier_3_fortune | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领重步兵<br>+15% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Sword muslim.png|70px]] | Scimitar of Conquest | scimitar_tier_3_conquest | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领重步兵<br>+15% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:The golden scimitar.png|70px]] | Golden Vengeance | scimitar_tier_4_golden | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领重步兵<br>+20% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Scimitar T3.png|70px]] | Scimitar of the Night | scimitar_tier_4_fortune | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领重步兵<br>+20% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Sword muslim.png|70px]] | Scimitar of Death | scimitar_tier_4_conquest | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领重步兵<br>+20% 实际率领轻步兵 | 成年 |} ==== 枪 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- |[[File:Lance.png|70px]] | Lance | lance_tier_1_new | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.25 每月威望<br>+5 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领长枪兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:Twohanded lance.png|70px]] | Twohanded Lance | lance_tier_2_new | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+7 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领骑兵<br>+10% 率领长枪兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:The impaler.png|70px]] | The Impaler | lance_tier_3_impaler | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领骑兵<br>+15% 率领长枪兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:The trident.png|70px]] | The Trident | lance_tier_3_trident | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领骑兵<br>+15% 率领长枪兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:The piercer.png|70px]] | The Piercer | lance_tier_3_piercer | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领骑兵<br>+15% 率领长枪兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:The trident.png|70px]] | Bleeding Lance | lance_tier_4_trident | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领骑兵<br>+20% 率领长枪兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:The piercer.png|70px]] | Death Strike | lance_tier_4_piercer | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领骑兵<br>+20% 率领长枪兵 | 成年 |- |[[File:The impaler.png|70px]] | Ascalon | lance_tier_4_impaler | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领骑兵<br>+20% 率领长枪兵 | 成年 |} ==== 斧 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- | [[File:Axe tier 1.png|70px]] | Throwing Axe | axe_tier_1_new | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.25 每月威望<br>+5 个人实战能力<br>+5% 实际率领重步兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:Viking axe.png|70px]] | Battle Axe | axe_tier_2_new | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+7 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领轻步兵<br>+10% 实际率领重步兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:Cleaver.png|70px]] | Cleaver | axe_tier_3_cleaver | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领轻步兵<br>+15% 实际率领重步兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:Ravager Axe.png|70px]] | Ravager | axe_tier_3_ravager | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领轻步兵<br>+15% 实际率领重步兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:Marauder.png|70px]] | Marauder | axe_tier_3_marauder | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领轻步兵<br>+15% 实际率领重步兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:Marauder.png|70px]] | Darkbringer | axe_tier_4_marauder | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领轻步兵<br>+20% 实际率领重步兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:Ravager Axe.png|70px]] | Heaven's Devastator | axe_tier_4_ravager | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领轻步兵<br>+20% 实际率领重步兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:Cleaver.png|70px]] | The Dragon Cleaver | axe_tier_4_cleaver | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领轻步兵<br>+20% 实际率领重步兵 | 成年 |} ==== 钉锤 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- | [[File:Mace tier 1.png|70px]] | Mace | mace_tier_1_new | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.25 每月威望<br>+5 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领轻骑兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:Mace.png|70px]] | Iron Mace | mace_tier_2_new | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+7 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领重步兵<br>+10% 率领轻骑兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:The foe hammer.png|70px]] | The Foe Hammer | mace_tier_3_foe_hammer | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领重步兵<br>+15% 率领轻骑兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:The bone breaker.png|70px]] | The Bone Breaker | mace_tier_3_bone_breaker | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领重步兵<br>+15% 率领轻骑兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:The shatterer.png|70px]] | The Shatterer | mace_tier_3_shatterer | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领重步兵<br>+15% 率领轻骑兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:The bone breaker.png|70px]] | The Skullcrusher | mace_tier_4_foe_hammer | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领重步兵<br>+20% 率领轻骑兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:The foe hammer.png|70px]] | The Twilight Hammer | mace_tier_4_bone_breaker | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领重步兵<br>+20% 率领轻骑兵 | 成年 |- | [[File:The shatterer.png|70px]] | The Giant Shatterer | mace_tier_4_shatterer | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领重步兵<br>+20% 率领轻骑兵 | 成年 |} ==== 弓 ==== 弓是为[[游牧制|游牧民]]所钟爱的武器:它们相较于其他类型的铸造武器提供更多威望,并对统率骑兵部队有所助益。 {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- | [[File:Self bow t1.png|70px]] | Self Bow | bow_tier_1_new | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +1 每月威望<br>+5 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领骑兵<br>+10% 率领弓箭手 | 成年 |- | [[File:Recurve bow.png|70px]] | Composite Bow | bow_tier_2_new | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +1 每月威望<br>+7 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领骑兵<br>+10% 率领弓箭手 | 成年 |- | [[File:Silent wind.png|70px]] | Silent Wind | bow_tier_3_silent_wind | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领骑兵<br>+15% 率领弓箭手 | 成年 |- | [[File:Lightning.png|70px]] | Lightning | bow_tier_3_lightning | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领骑兵<br>+15% 率领弓箭手 | 成年 |- | [[File:Eagle.png|70px]] | Eagle | bow_tier_3_eagle | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领骑兵<br>+15% 率领弓箭手 | 成年 |- | [[File:Silent wind.png|70px]] | Death Wind | bow_tier_4_silent_wind | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领骑兵<br>+20% 率领弓箭手 | 成年 |- | [[File:Lightning.png|70px]] | Lightning Strike | bow_tier_4_lightning | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领骑兵<br>+20% 率领弓箭手 | 成年 |- | [[File:Eagle.png|70px]] | Ice Eagle | bow_tier_4_eagle | 武器 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 率领骑兵<br>+20% 率领弓箭手 | 成年 |} === 锻造的盔甲 === ==== 盔甲 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! Quality ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- | [[File:Chain mail.png|70px]] | Chain Mail | armor_tier_1 | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.25 每月威望<br>+5 个人实战能力 | 成年 |- | [[File:Splint mail.png|70px]] | Splint Mail | armor_tier_2 | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+7 个人实战能力<br>+5% 进攻士气<!--暂译,原文为Offensive Morale --> | 成年 |- | [[File:Guardian armor.png|70px]] | Guardian | armor_tier_3_guardian | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 进攻士气 | 成年 |- | [[File:Champion armor.png|70px]] | Champion | armor_tier_3_champion | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 进攻士气 | 成年 |- | [[File:Warden armor.png|70px]] | Warden | armor_tier_3_warden | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 进攻士气 | 成年 |- | [[File:Guardian armor.png|70px]] | Angelic Guardian | armor_tier_4_guardian | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 进攻士气 | 成年 |- | [[File:Champion armor.png|70px]] | Green Armor | armor_tier_4_champion | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 进攻士气 | 成年 |- | [[File:Warden armor.png|70px]] | Immortal | armor_tier_4_warden | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1.00 每月威望<br>+15 个人实战能力<br>+15% 进攻士气 | 成年 |} ==== 马盔甲==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 栏位 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" style="width: 1px;" | [[File:Icon martial.png|link=Attributes#Martial|Martial]] ! class="unsortable" | 其他 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- | [[File:Horse armor T1.png|70px]] | Mail Horse Armor | horse_armor_tier_1 | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.25 每月威望<br>+5 个人实战能力 | 马 |- | [[File:Horse armor T2.png|70px]] | Heavy Mail Horse Armor | horse_armor_tier_2 | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.5 每月威望<br>+7 个人实战能力<br>+5% 率领骑兵 | 马 |- | [[File:Horse armor T3 glow blue.png|70px]] | Golden Stallion Armor | horse_armor_tier_3_golden_stallion | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领骑兵 | 雄性马 |- | [[File:Horse armor T3 glow green.png|70px]] | Gilded Mare Armor | horse_armor_tier_3_gilded_mare | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领骑兵 | 雌性马 |- | [[File:Horse armor T3 glow red.png|70px]] | Ornate Steed Armor | horse_armor_tier_3_ornate_steed | 躯干 | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.75 每月威望<br>+10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 率领骑兵 | 马 |} == 宝物:碧玉之龙 == ===中国宝物=== 许多高级中国宝物只能通过诸如外交访问这样的事件获取。龙形挂坠可由从中国流亡而来的廷臣赠予,前提是你愿意收容他。在访问中国期间,你也可以购买武器。初级宝物(等级3或以下)可通过花费[[Grace|皇恩]]向中国索取。 {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! Name for dynamically<br> renamed Artifacts ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- | [[File:Jade dragon.png|70px]] | Jade Dragon | | jade_dragon | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | +2 Diplomacy<br>+10% Tax Modifier<br>+1 Monthly Prestige | Always |- | [[File:Dragon amulet.png|70px]] | Dragon Amulet | | chinese_dragon_amulet | Neck | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +1 Stewardship<br>+5 Vassal Opinion<br>+0.75 Monthly Prestige<br> -10% Build Cost | Always |- | [[File:Chinese artwork.png|70px]] | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Artwork | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Artwork | chinese_artwork | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.75 Monthly Prestige<br> +0.1 Monthly Piety | Always |- | [[File:Chinese calligraphy.png|70px]] | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Calligraphy | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Calligraphy | chinese_calligraphy | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +2 town_opinion<br> +0.35 Monthly Prestige | Always |- | [[File:Chinese sculpture.png|70px]] | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Sculpture | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Sculpture | chinese_sculpture | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | -5% Build Time<br> +0.35 Monthly Prestige | Always |- | [[File:Chinese robe.png|70px]] | Ceremonial Robes | | chinese_ceremonial_robes | Ceremonial Gown | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +1 Diplomacy<br> +0.5 Monthly Prestige | Adult |- | [[File:Silk shroud.png|70px]] | Silk Shroud | | silk_shroud | Ceremonial Gown | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +2 Intrigue<br> +0.6 Monthly Prestige | Adult |- | [[File:Water clock.png|70px]] | Water Clock | | water_clock | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +2 Learning<br> +0.5 Monthly Piety | Always |- | [[File:Jian sword.png|70px]] | Jian | | jian_sword | Weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +2 Martial<br> +1 Monthly Prestige<br> +12 Personal Combat Skill<br>+10% Heavy Infantry<br>+12.5% Light Cavalry<br>+12.5% Actual Light Infantry | Adult |- | [[File:Small chinese figurine.png|70px]] | Small Figurine | Figurine of [offmap_china.PrevRuler.GetFullName] | chinese_prev_emperor_sculpture | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.15 Monthly Prestige | Always |- | [[File:Chinese arm protector.png|70px]] | Chinese Arm Protector | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Arm Protector | chinese_arm_protector | wrist | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +0.4 Monthly Prestige<br> +10 Sex Appeal | Always |- | [[File:Serpent spear.png|70px]] | Serpent Spear | | chinese_serpent_spear | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +1 Martial<br> +0.4 Monthly Prestige<br> +7 Personal Combat Skill<br> +5% Cavalry<br> +3.5% Heavy Infantry (inc Pikemen?)<br> +3.5% Pikemen | Adult |- | [[File:Ji.png|70px]] | Ji | | chinese_ji | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +2 Martial<br> +0.65 Monthly Prestige<br> +8 Personal Combat Skill<br> +10% Cavalry<br> +7.5% Heavy Infantry<br> +7.5% Pikemen | Adult |- | [[File:Relic box simple.png|70px]] | Zhuge Crossbow | | chinese_crossbow | weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +2 Martial<br> +0.25 Monthly Prestige<br> +8 Personal Combat Skill<br> +15% Defensive Plot Power<br> +10% Light Infantry | Adult |- | [[File:Chinese bronze statue.png|70px]] | Bronze Sculpture | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Bronze Sculpture | chinese_bronze_sculpture | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +1 Stewardship<br> +0.1 Monthly Prestige | Always |- | [[File:Painting of shanguang ti.png|70px]] | Painting of Shanguang Tí | | chinese_painting_of_glitterhoof | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Piety<br> +0.1 Monthly Prestige | Always |- | [[File:Chinese tapestry.png|70px]] | Tapestry Depicting Trade | Tapestry of [tapestry_target.GetName] | chinese_tapestry | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | -2% Build Cost<br> +0.1 Monthly Prestige | Always |- | [[File:Chinese tapestry.png|70px]] | Chinese Tapestry | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Tapestry | chinese_tapestry_grand | Passive | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | -2 Short Reign Length<br> +0.3 Monthly Prestige | Always |} ===来自中国的书籍=== 除史书外,其余书籍的效果不可叠加。 {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! Name for dynamically<br> renamed Artifacts ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- | [[File:Art of war.png|70px]] | The Art of War | | art_of_war | 5 | +5 martial<br>+1 monthly prestige | Always |- |[[File:Classic of poetry.png|70px]] | Classic of Poetry | | classic_of_poetry | 5 | +3 learning<br>+0.5 monthly piety | Always |- |[[File:Chinese compendium of medicine.png|70px]] | Chinese Compendium of Medicine | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Compendium of Medicine | chinese_book_health | 3 | +0.5 health<br>+15% fertility | 6 learning |- |[[File:Chinese treatise on law.png|70px]] | Chinese Treatise on Law | [offmap_china.GetShortName] Treatise on Law | chinese_book_law | 3 | +5 vassal opinion | 6 learning |- |[[File:Chinese history book.png|70px]] | Chinese History Book | History of [offmap_china.GetShortName] | chinese_book_history | 1 | +0.1 monthly prestige<br>+5% fertility | 6 learning<br>(can stack) |- |[[File:Chinese economic chronicle.png|70px]] | Chinese Economic Chronicle | [offmap_china.Governor.GetFirstName]'s Chronicle of Economic Principle | chinese_book_economy | 3 | +1 stewardship<br>+1 monthly wealth | 6 learning |- |[[File:Book chinese diary.png|70px]] | Chinese Journal | The Journal of [Root.GetFirstName] | chinese_journal | 3 | +0.5 health | (Depressed [[File:Depressed.png]] or<br>Stressed [[File:Stressed.png]]) and not Cynical [[File:Cynical.png]] |} ===写一本书=== 从决议中的“[[Decisions#Artifact|写一本书]]”开始,你可以基于教育特质,或至少为10的属性进行写作;你也可以进入[[Societies#Monastic_Order|修会]]以撰写关于宗教的书籍。关于家族的题材总是可选的。 书籍''可能的''品质由你的特质、教育特质,以及相应属性所决定: {|class="wikitable" ! Quality initially possible ! 总是 ! 基于某一<nowiki>特质</nowiki>写作 ! 以家族为题材写作 |- | Q1 || [[File:Dull.png|Dull|link=]][[File:Slow.png|Slow|link=]][[File:Imbecile.png|Imbecile|link=]]或任意等级1教育特质 || 任意低于5的属性 || 三项低于8的属性 |- | Q2 || 任意等级2-3教育特质 || 至少为7或8的属性 || 三项至少为12的属性 |- | Q3 || [[File:Shrewd.png|Shrewd|link=]][[File:Quick.png|Quick|link=]][[File:Genius.png|Genius|link=]] || 属性为15,或相应领域等级4教育特质 || 三项至少为20的属性,或任意等级4教育特质 |} 写作过程中会出现相关事件,作出的选择将影响成书的品质。其中之一是当拥有某一属性比你高至少3点(以家族为题材写作时,则需4点)的内阁成员时,他将向你作出建议。 写作完成时,书籍的品质等级如存在多种可能,则由下列因素进一步决定: {|class="wikitable" ! 题材 ! 可用条件(10+属性或相应的教育特质) ! Q3的附加因素 |- ! 战争 | 军事 | * 军事教育特质 ''和等级'' * 军事属性 (10, 15, 20) * 军事生活方式特质 * 军事生活重心(战争、狩猎) * 拥有2项[[Traits#Leadership|指挥特质]] * 个人实战能力 |- ! 管理 | 管理 | * 管理教育特质 * 管理属性(10, 15, 20) * 管理生活方式特质 * 管理生活重心(统治、商业) |- ! 宗教 | 学识或[[Societies#Monastic_Order|修会]]成员 | * 学识教育特质 * 学识属性 (10, 15, 20) * 学识生活方式特质 * 学识生活重心(神学、学术) * 修会成员 |- ! 关系 | 外交或密谋 | * 外交或密谋教育特质 * 外交或密谋生活方式特质 * 外交或密谋属性(低者小于10;高者至少10,15,20) * 特殊的生活重心:密谋或家庭 |- ! 家族 | 总是可用 | 无决定最终品质的因素 |} 写成的书效果可叠加;但是在已拥有某些书的情况下,无法再撰写一本相同的。 ==== 关于战争的书 ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | 图像 ! 名称 ! 动态名称 ! class="unsortable" | 指令 ! 品质 ! class="unsortable" | 效果 ! class="unsortable" | 生效条件 |- |[[File:Book martial a1.png|70px]] | How To Hold a Sword | | how_to_hold_a_sword | 1 | +4 个人实战能力 | |- |[[File:Book martial a2.png|70px]] | A Soldier's Life | | a_soldiers_life | 2 | +1 个人实战能力<br>+5% 士气防御<br>+2.5% Land Organization | |- |[[File:Book martial b2.png|70px]] | A History of Armor | | a_history_of_armor | 2 | +2.5% 围城防御<br>+15% 士气防御 | |- |[[File:Book martial a2.png|70px]] | The Life of [Root.GetBestName] | | the_life_of_root | 2 | +15% 士气防御<br>+2.5% 军队士气 | |- |[[File:Book martial a3.png|70px]] | Military Strategy, according to [Root.GetBestName] | | military_strategy_guide | 3 | +10% 征召兵回复速率<br>+2.5% 围城速度<br>+5% 士气打击 | |- |[[File:Book martial a4.png|70px]] | The Fechtbuch | [Root.GetFirstName]'s Fechtbuch | my_fechtbuch | 3 | +6 个人实战能力<br>+10% 狭窄阵线 | |- |[[File:Book martial a5.png|70px]] | Codex [Root.GetOnlyDynastyName] | | codex_dynasty_name | 3 | +2 个人实战能力<br>+10% 狭窄阵线 | |- |[[File:Book martial b5.png|70px]] | The Sword and Buckler Manual | | the_sword_and_buckler | 3 | +6 个人实战能力<br>+0.25 每月威望 | 军事生活方式特质[[File:Duelist.png|link=]][[File:Hunter.png|link=]][[File:Strategist.png|link=]]<br>或军事教育特质[[File:Tough soldier.png|link=]] |- |[[File:Book martial b1.png|70px]] | Lessons Inspired By My Enemy | | lessons_taught_to_me_by_rival_1 | 1 | +1 军事 | |- |[[File:Book martial b2.png|70px]] | Lessons Taught Me By My Enemy | | lessons_taught_to_me_by_rival_2 | 2 | +1 军事<br>+4 个人实战能力 | |- |[[File:Book martial b3.png|70px]] | Lessons Taught Me By My Enemy, by [Root.GetTitledFirstName] | | lessons_taught_to_me_by_rival_3 | 3 | +1 军事<br>+1 密谋<br>+6 个人实战能力 | |- |[[File:Book martial a2.png|70px]] | The Wisdom of the Heavens | | the_wisdom_of_the_heavens | 2 | +3 封臣好感<br>+6 个人实战能力 | |- |[[File:Book martial a3.png|70px]] | Ordinary Beasts and How to Avoid Them | | ordinary_beasts | 3 | +6 个人实战能力<br>+10% 阴谋防御力量 | |- |[[File:Book martial b4.png|70px]] | The White [Root.GetRegionalBigAnimalCap] | The White [Root.GetRegionalBigAnimalCap] | the_white_animal | 3 | +3 封臣好感<br>+5 性吸引力 | |- |[[File:Book martial b5.png|70px]] | The Bestiary | | the_bestiary | 4 | +5 封臣好感<br>+10 性吸引力 | |- |[[File:Book martial a4.png|70px]] | The Book of Shadows | | the_book_of_shadows | 3 | +10 个人实战能力<br>+10% 谋杀阴谋力量 | |- |[[File:Book martial b3.png|70px]] | On [Root.Government.GetName] Warfare | On [Root.Government.GetName] Warfare | on_government_type_warfare | 3 | +1 Martial<br>+10% 士气打击<br>+10% 士气防御 | 与作者政体一致 |} ==== Books about administration ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! Name for dynamically<br> renamed Artifacts ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- |[[File:Book cutlery 01.png|70px]] | A Culinary Diary, by [Root.GetFirstName] | | culinary_diary | 1 | +5 City Vassal Opinion<br>-5 Temple Vassal Opinion | |- |[[File:Book cook blank 00.png|70px]] | Yes, I Ate That | | yes_I_ate_that | 1 | +5% Plot Power Defense<br>-5 Sex Appeal | |- |[[File:Book chef 01.png|70px]] | The Well-Dressed Chef | | the_well_dressed_chef | 1 | +5 Sex Appeal | |- |[[File:Book cook blank 01.png|70px]] | The Big Book of Meat | | big_book_of_meat | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige<br>+0.1 Monthly Wealth | Not publically Jain [[File:Jain.png]] |- |[[File:Book radish.png|70px]] | A Book of Vegetables | | a_book_of_vegetables | 1 | +5 City Vassal Opinion | |- |[[File:Book apple.png|70px]] | Fruits - The Book | | fruits_the_book | 1 | +2 City Vassal Opinion<br>+0.1 Monthly Wealth | |- |[[File:Book rat.png|70px]] | Shoddy Recipe Collection, by [Root.GetTitledFirstName] | | shoddy_recipes | 1 | +0.2 Monthly Prestige | |- |[[File:Book cutlery 02.png|70px]] | Decent Cookbook | | decent_cookbook | 2 | +0.5 Monthly Wealth | |- |[[File:Book cook blank 02.png|70px]] | Honest Recipes | | honest_recipes | 2 | +1% National Tax Modifier | |- |[[File:Book cook blank 03.png|70px]] | Gastronomic Tonics | | gastronomic_tonics | 2 | +5% Plot Power Increase | |- |[[File:Book chef 02.png|70px]] | The Omnivore | | the_omnivore | 2 | +3 Stewardship<br>+2 Intrigue<br>-10 General Opinion | Cannibal [[File:Cannibal.png]] |- |[[File:Book chef 03.png|70px]] | The [Root.GetOnlyDynastyName] Cookbook, by [Root.GetFirstName] | | the_dynasty_cookbook | 3 | +1 Stewardship<br>+5 Dynasty Opinion | |- |[[File:Book cook blank 04.png|70px]] | Modest Measures | | modest_measures | 3 | +1 Stewardship<br>+1 Monthly Wealth | |- |[[File:Book cutlery 03.png|70px]] | Feeding a Realm | | good_cookbook | 3 | +3 Monthly Wealth | |- |[[File:Book cook roman.png|70px]] | Apicius | | cookbook_3_roman | 3 | +2 Stewardship<br>+0.25 Monthly Prestige | Latin culture group |- |[[File:Book cook arabic.png|70px]] | Kitab al-Tabikh | | cookbook_3_arabic | 3 | +2 Stewardship<br>+1 Learning | Arabic culture group |- |[[File:Book cook china.png|70px]] | Yinshan Zhengyao | | cookbook_3_chinese_group | 3 | +1 Stewardship<br>+0.5 Health | Chinese culture group |- |[[File:Book cook german.png|70px]] | Das Buch von guter Speise | | cookbook_3_central_german | 3 | +1 Stewardship<br>+5 Vassal Opinion | Central Germanic culture group |- |[[File:Book fish 01.png|70px]] | Fishing with [Root.GetFirstName] | | bad_fishing_book | 1 | +1 General Opinion | |- |[[File:Book architect 01.png|70px]] | On [Root.Culture] Architecture | | on_culture_architecture | 3 | -10% Build Cost | |- |[[File:Book architect 02.png|70px]] | How to Build A Well | | how_to_build_a_well | 3 | -20% Build Time | |- |[[File:Book bigflower.png|70px]] | Gardens of the Moon | Gardens of [Root.GetRandomPlanetName] | gardens_of_planet | 3 | +1 Stewardship<br>+1% National Tax Modifier | |- |[[File:Book fish 02.png|70px]] | A Treatise of Fishing with an Angle | | treatise_on_fishing | 4 | +1 Diplomacy<br>+1 Stewardship<br>+5 General Opinion | |} ==== Books about religion ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! Name for dynamically<br> renamed Artifacts ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- |[[File:Book point 01.png|70px]] | In Honor of [Root.Religion.HighGod] | | in_honor_of_highgod | 1 | +1 Monthly Piety | |- |[[File:Book learnblank 01.png|70px]] | Faith Eternal | | faith_eternal | 1 | +5 Temple Vassal Opinion | |- |[[File:Book learnblank 02.png|70px]] | What Do Monks Wear | | what_do_monks_wear | 2 | +2 Same Religion Opinion<br>+0.25 Monthly Piety | |- |[[File:Book point 02.png|70px]] | Hymns to [Root.Religion.HighGod] | | hymns_to_highgod | 2 | +10 Temple Vassal Opinion | |- |[[File:Book learnblank 03.png|70px]] | Choice Passages, by [Root.GetTitledFirstName] | | choice_passages | 2 | +5 Church Opinion<br>+0.1 Monthly Piety | |- |[[File:Book learnblank 04.png|70px]] | A History of Temples | | a_history_of_churches | 3 | +1 Stewardship<br>+3 Same Religion Opinion<br>+5 Temple Vassal Opinion | |- |[[File:Book eye 01.png|70px]] | How to Worship [Root.Religion.HighGod] | | how_to_worship | 3 | +10 Church Opinion<br>+0.5 Monthly Piety | |- |[[File:Book eye 02.png|70px]] | [Root.Religion.ScriptureName] Improved | | the_not_actual_holy_book | 3 | +3 Intrigue<br>+5% Plot Power Defense<br>-5 Same Religion Opinion<br>-10 Temple Vassal Opinion | |- |[[File:Book eye 03.png|70px]] | The Spirits Among Us | | the_spirits | 3 | +1 Learning<br>+0.75 Monthly Piety | Pagan religion group |- |[[File:Book lang 01.png|70px]] | The [Root.Culture] Language, Volume I | | learning_languages_1 | 1 | +0.1 Monthly Prestige | |- |[[File:Book lang 02.png|70px]] | The [Root.Culture] Language, Volume II | | learning_languages_2 | 2 | +2 General Opinion<br>+0.1 Monthly Prestige | |- |[[File:Book lang 03.png|70px]] | The [Root.Culture] Language, Volume III | | learning_languages_3 | 3 | +5 General Opinion<br>+0.25 Monthly Prestige | |- |[[File:Book lang 04.png|70px]] | The [Root.Culture] Language, Volume IV | | learning_languages_4 | 4 | +1 Diplomacy<br>+5 General Opinion<br>+0.5 Monthly Prestige | |- |[[File:Book republic.png|70px]] | The [Root.Government.GetName] Realm | The [Root.Government.GetName] Realm | the_republic | 3 | +2 Diplomacy<br>-1% National Revolt Risk | Has matching government type as author |- |[[File:Book learnflower 01.png|70px]] | Unnatural History | | unnatural_history | 2 | +1 Learning<br>-5 Temple Vassal Opinion<br>+5 Sex Appeal | |- |[[File:Book learnflower 02.png|70px]] | The Confessions of [Root.GetDynName] | | the_confessions_of_root | 3 | +2 Learning<br>-20% Fertility | |- |[[File:Book health 03.png|70px]] | Kitab al-Shifa | | the_book_of_healing | 4 | +1 Intrigue<br>+1 Learning<br>+0.25 Health | |- |[[File:Book health 02.png|70px]] | Human Anatomy | | human_anatomy | 2 | +0.1 Health<br>+5% Fertility | |- |[[File:Book health 01.png|70px]] | Common Maladies and their Remedies | | maladies_and_remedies | 2 | +1 Health | Malaise [[File:Malaise.png]] or<br>Fatigue [[File:Fatigue.png]] or<br>Abdominal Pain [[File:Abdominal_pain.png]] or<br>Headache [[File:Headache.png]] or<br>Rash [[File:Rash.png]] or<br>Cramps [[File:Cramps.png]] or<br>Chest Pain [[File:Chest_pain.png]] or<br>Vomiting [[File:Vomiting.png]] or<br>Diarrhea [[File:Diarrhea.png]] or<br>Fever [[File:Fever.png]] or<br>Cough [[File:Cough.png]] or<br>Ill [[File:Ill.png]] or<br>Lover's Pox [[File:Lovers_pox.png]] or<br>Flu [[File:Flu.png]] |- |[[File:Book poetry.png|70px]] | The Comforting Boulder | | comforting_poetry | 3 | +0.5 Health | Depressed [[File:Depressed.png]] or<br>Stressed [[File:Stressed.png]] |- |[[File:Book.png|70px]] | Equine Maxims | Equine Maxims, in honor of [dedication_target.GetFirstName] | equine_maxims | 2 | +3 City Vassal Opinion<br>+15 Horse Opinion | |- |[[File:Book green.png|70px]] | Equine Sequins | | equine_sequins | 3 | +1 Learning<br>-5% Build Time<br>+15 Horse Opinion | |} ==== Books about relationships ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! Name for dynamically<br> renamed Artifacts ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- |[[File:Book etiquette 1.png|70px]] | Court Etiquette - Volume 1 | | court_etiquette_1 | 1 | +10 Liege Opinion | |- |[[File:Book etiquette 2.png|70px]] | Court Etiquette - Volume 2 | | court_etiquette_2 | 2 | +10 Plot Discovery Chance | |- |[[File:Book etiquette 3.png|70px]] | Court Etiquette - Volume 3 | | court_etiquette_3 | 3 | +5 Vassal Opinion<br>+10% Plot Discovery Chance | |- |[[File:Book write letter.png|70px]] | How To Compose A Letter | | how_to_write_a_letter | 2 | +2 General Opinion | |- |[[File:Book diplo simple.png|70px]] | Notes From A Kitchen | | notes_from_a_kitchen | 2 | +10% Fertility<br>+5 Sex Appeal | |- |[[File:Book fifty shade.png|70px]] | Fifty Nuances of [Root.GetOnlyDynastyName] | | fifty_shades_of_root | 2 | +25% Fertility<br>-0.1 Monthly Prestige | |- |[[File:Book kamasutra.png|70px]] | Kama Sutra | | kama_sutra | 3 | +20 Sex Appeal<br>+25% Fertility<br>+0.25 Monthly Prestige | Indo-Aryan culture group |- |[[File:Book honor root 1.png|70px]] | In Honor of My Beloved | My Beloved [dedication_target.GetFirstName] | in_honor_of_roots_beloved_1 | 1 | +5 Sex Appeal | |- |[[File:Book honor root 2.png|70px]] | To My Beautiful Love | To the Beautiful [dedication_target.GetFirstName] | in_honor_of_roots_beloved_2 | 2 | +0.15 Monthly Prestige<br>+7 Sex Appeal | |- |[[File:Book honor root 3.png|70px]] | A [Root.Culture] Tale | A [Root.Culture.GetName] Tale, or '[Root.GetFirstName] and [dedication_target.GetFirstName]' | in_honor_of_roots_beloved_3 | 3 | +1 Diplomacy<br>+10 Sex Appeal | |- |[[File:Book make allies.png|70px]] | How to Make Allies and Influence Vassals | | how_to_make_allies | 2 | +5 Vassal Opinion | |- |[[File:Book art love.png|70px]] | The Art of Love | | the_art_of_love | 3 | +1 Diplomacy<br>+15% Fertility<br>+5 Sex Appeal | |- |[[File:Book hunchback.png|70px]] | The Hunchback | The Hunchback of [Root.Capital.Capital.GetName] | the_hunchback_of_capital | 3 | +1 Diplomacy<br>+10 General Opinion | Hunchback [[File:Hunchback.png]] or<br>Dwarf [[File:Dwarf.png]] or<br>Scholar [[File:Scholar.png]] |- |[[File:Book illiad.png|70px]] | The [Root.GetFirstName]iad | | the_illiad | 3 | +1 Diplomacy<br>+1 Martial | |- |[[File:Book odyssey.png|70px]] | The [Root.GetFirstName]ey | | the_odyssey | 4 | +2 Diplomacy<br>+3 Martial | |- |[[File:Book contracts roman.png|70px]] | Contracts of the [Root.Culture] | | contracts_of_the_romans | 3 | +1 Stewardship<br>-2.5% Build Cost | |- |[[File:Book speculum regale.png|70px]] | Speculum Regale | | speculum_regale | 4 | +1 Diplomacy<br>+20 Child Opinion<br>+5 Vassal Opinion | |- |[[File:Book rhcc.png|70px]] | Book on Courtesy | [Root.RelHead.Culture.GetName] Courtesy | religious_head_culture_courtesy | 4 | +1 Diplomacy<br>+1 Learning<br>+15 Church Opinion | Has matching religion as author |- |[[File:Book govt court.png|70px]] | Keeping A Court | Keeping [Root.Government.GetName] Court | keeping_government_court | 4 | +15 Liege Opinion<br>+5 Vassal Opinion<br>+1 Stewardship<br>+1 Intrigue | Has matching government type as author |} ==== Books about dynasty ==== {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- |[[File:Book roots crown 01.png|70px]] | To My Descendants, by [Root.GetDynName] | to_my_descendants | 1 | +5 Dynasty Opinion | Same dynasty as author |- |[[File:Book roots crown 02.png|70px]] | Records of the [Root.GetOnlyDynastyName] | records_of_roots_dynasty | 2 | +5 Dynasty Opinion<br>+0.1 Monthly Piety | Same dynasty as author |- |[[File:Book roots tree 01.png|70px]] | The [Root.GetOnlyDynastyName] Records | the_legend_of_roots_ancestors_1 | 1 | +2 Dynasty Opinion<br>+0.1 Monthly Prestige | Same dynasty as author |- |[[File:Book roots tree 02.png|70px]] | Legends of the [Root.GetOnlyDynastyName] | the_legend_of_roots_ancestors_2 | 2 | +5 Dynasty Opinion<br>+0.2 Monthly Prestige | Same dynasty as author |- |[[File:Book roots tree 03.png|70px]] | The Legendary [Root.GetOnlyDynastyName] | the_legend_of_roots_ancestors_3 | 3 | +10 Dynasty Opinion<br>+5 Child Opinion<br>+0.25 Monthly Prestige | Same dynasty as author |- |[[File:Book roots tree 04.png|70px]] | The Annals of [Root.GetOnlyDynastyName] | the_annals_of_roots_dynasty | 4 | +1 Diplomacy<br>+15 Dynasty Opinion<br>+0.2 Monthly Prestige | Same dynasty as author |- | [[File:Book roots tree 04.png|70px]] | The Legendary [From.OriginalOwner.GetOnlyDynastyName] [From.OriginalOwner.GetWarriorRoleCap]<br>''or''<br>The Legendary [warrior_relative.GetOnlyDynastyName] [warrior_relative.GetWarriorRoleCap] | the_legendary_dynasty_warrior | 4 | +5 Brave Opinion<br>+15 Dynasty Opinion<br>+0.2 Monthly Prestige | Same dynasty as author |- | [[File:Book cook blank 03.png|70px]] | The Virtues of [saintly_relative.GetFirstName] | the_saintly_relative | 4 | +5 Zealous Opinion<br>+5 Dynasty Opinion<br>+5 Christian Opinion<br>+0.2 Monthly Piety | Same dynasty as author |- |[[File:Book roots crown 03.png|70px]] | A Story About My Aunt | a_story_about_my_aunt | 3 | +5 Dynasty Opinion<br>+15 Female Dynasty Opinion | Same dynasty as author |- |[[File:Book roots crown 04.png|70px]] | The Secret History of the [Root.Culture] | the_secret_history_of_culture | 4 | +10 Dynasty Opinion<br>+10 Vassal Opinion<br>+1 Monthly Prestige | Same dynasty as author |} == 宝物:神圣之怒 == === Crown Jewels === {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! Name for dynamically<br> renamed Artifacts ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- id=crown_hre | [[File:Crown hre.png|70px]] | Reichskrone | | crown_hre | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | +1 Monthly Prestige<br/>+1 Monthly Piety<br>+4 Diplomacy<br>+10 Temple Vassal Opinion | Government is Feudal<br/>Publicly follows Catholic or Fraticelli<br/>Has been Crowned |- | [[File:Crown byzantine.png|70px]] | Imperial Diadem | | crown_byzantine | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | +1.5 Monthly Prestige<br/>+1.4 Monthly Piety<br>+4 Stewardship | Government is Feudal<br/>Is Basileus of Byzantine Empire |- | [[File:Crown pahlavi.png|70px]] | Karen Crown |[pahlavi_creator.GetOnlyDynastyName] Crown | crown_pahlavi | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 5 | +1 Monthly Prestige<br/>+1 Monthly Piety<br>+2 Diplomacy<br>+2 Stewardship<br>+10 Vassal Opinion | Government is Feudal<br/>Is Emperor of the Persian Empire |- | [[File:Crown crusader king.png|70px]] | Sacred War Crown | | crown_crusader_king | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +15% Damage Against Religious Enemies<br/>+.05 Monthly Piety<br>+1 Martial<br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/>Publicly follows Christian Religion |- | [[File:Crown winged helmet.png|70px]] | Winged Helmet | | crown_winged_helmet | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +5% Damage Against Religious Enemies<br/>+.01 Monthly Piety<br>+1 Martial<br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/>Publicly follows Christian Religion<br/>Has Martial Education |- | [[File:Crown wrapped helmet.png|70px]] | Shrouded Helmet | | crown_wrapped_helmet | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +5% Damage Against Religious Enemies<br/>+.01 Monthly Piety<br>+1 Martial<br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/>Publicly follows Christian Religion<br/>Has Martial Education |} === 非洲战士小屋偶像 === 当西非[[Societies#Warrior_Lodge|战士小屋]]的等级达到4后,通过'''建立偶像'''决议获取。 {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- | [[File:Crown african mask 1.png|70px]] | Spirit-Mask of Bravery | crown_african_mask_1 | Mask | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +20% Morale Defence <br/>+5% Leading the Center <br>+.25 Monthly Piety <br/>+3 Martial <br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion <br>+10 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Crown african mask 2.png|70px]] | Spirit-Mask of Terror | crown_african_mask_2 | Mask | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +5% Pursuit <br/>+20% Morale Damage <br>+.50 Monthly Prestige <br/>+3 Martial <br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion <br>+10 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Crown african mask 3.png|70px]] | Spirit-Mask of Determination | crown_african_mask_3 | Mask | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +10% Defence <br/>+5% Siege <br>+.25 Monthly Prestige <br/>+1 Martial <br/>+5 Tribal Vassal Opinion <br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Crown african mask 4.png|70px]] | Spirit-Mask of Ruthlessness | crown_african_mask_4 | Mask | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +10% Morale Damage <br/>+5% Flanking <br>+.25 Monthly Prestige <br/>+1 Martial <br/>+5 Tribal Vassal Opinion <br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Crown african mask 5.png|70px]] | Spirit-Mask of Trickery | crown_african_mask_5 | Mask | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +10% Experimentality <br/>+5% Retreat <br>+.25 Monthly Prestige <br/>+1 Martial <br/>+5 Tribal Vassal Opinion <br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Crown african mask 6.png|70px]] | Spirit-Mask of Anger | crown_african_mask_6 | Mask | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +5% Movement Speed <br/>+5% Damage <br>+.05 Monthly Prestige <br/>+1 Martial <br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Crown african mask 7.png|70px]] | Spirit-Mask of Staunchness | crown_african_mask_7 | Mask | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +5% Morale Defence <br/>+5% Leading the Center <br>+.05 Monthly Prestige <br/>+1 Martial <br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Crown african mask 8.png|70px]] | Spirit-Mask of Flight | crown_african_mask_8 | Mask | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +5% Movement Speed <br/>+5% Retreat <br>+.05 Monthly Prestige <br/>+1 Martial <br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Scepter african 1.png|70px]] | Carved Totem | scepter_african_1 | Scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +10% Movement Speed <br/>+10% Experimentality <br>+.15 Monthly Prestige <br/>+3 Intrigue <br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Scepter african 2.png|70px]] | Ivory Idol | scepter_african_2 | Scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +10% Damage Against Religious Enemies <br/>+10% Narrow Flank <br>+.10 Monthly Prestige <br/>+3 Martial <br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- | [[File:Scepter african 3.png|70px]] | Rainstick | scepter_african_3 | Scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +.5 Monthly Prestige <br/>+1 Stewardship <br>+5 Personal Combat Skill <br/> +20 Days of Supply | Is an Adult<br/> Publicly follows West African or Reformed West African Religion |- |} === 圣遗物 === 一位[[File:Cynical.png|愤世嫉俗|link=]],[[File:Greedy.png|贪婪|link=]],或[[File:Arbitrary.png|独断|link=]]的基督教角色可在率军攻占拥有“圣人之墓”修正(历史上存在或游戏中封圣者均可)的省份时获取。 {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- | [[File:Saints bone finger.png|70px]] | Finger of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | saintly_finger | Finger of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | style="text-align: center;" | 1 | +.03 Monthly Piety | Is Christian |- | [[File:Saints bone femur.png|70px]] | Bone of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | saintly_bone | Bone of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | style="text-align: center;" | 2 | +.05 Monthly Piety <br> +1 Same Religion Opinion | Is Christian |- | [[File:Saintly Skull.png|70px]] | Skull of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | saintly_skull_tier_1 | Skull of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +.08 Monthly Piety <br> +2 Same Religion Opinion | Is Christian |- | [[File:Saintly Skull.png|70px]] | Skull of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | saintly_skull_tier_2 | Skull of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.10 Monthly Piety <br> +3 Same Religion Opinion | Is Christian |- | [[File:Saintly Tongue.png|70px]] | Tongue of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | saintly_tongue | Tongue of [found_saint.GetTitledName] | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.15 Monthly Piety <br> +4 Same Religion Opinion | Is Christian |} === 原始宗教改革=== 只有选择了[[Pagans#Leadership|世俗领袖]]的信条的原始宗教在[[Pagans#Reformation|改革]](包括无神圣之怒拓展包的日耳曼多神教)时能够获取。这些宝物不可摧毁与转赠。 {| class="wikitable sortable" ! class="unsortable" | Image ! Name ! Religion ! class="unsortable" | Command ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- | [[File:Crown fylkir.png|70px]] | Fylkirian Crown | [[File:Reformed Norse.png|center]] | crown_fylkir | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Martial<br/>+2 Stewardship<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is Fylkir of [[File:D norse pagan reformed.png|30px]] The Fylkirate |- | [[File:Crown tengri fylkir.png|70px]] | Tengrikutan Crown | [[File:Reformed Tengri.png|center]] | crown_tengri_fylkir | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Martial<br/>+2 Diplomacy<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is Tengrikut of [[File:D tengri pagan reformed.png|30px]] The Sky-Temple |- | [[File:Crown finnish fylkir.png|70px]] | Tietajan Crown | [[File:Reformed Suomenusko.png|center]] | crown_finnish_fylkir | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Intrigue<br/>+2 Stewardship<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is Tietaja of [[File:D finnish pagan reformed.png|30px]] The Sacred Woods |- | [[File:Crown west african fylkir.png|70px]] | Whispering Crown | [[File:Reformed West African.png|center]] | crown_west_african_fylkir | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Intrigue<br/>+2 Stewardship<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is Grand Saltigue of [[File:D west african pagan reformed.png|30px]] The African Congregation |- | [[File:Crown_zun_fylkir.png|70px]] | Solar Crown | [[File:Reformed Zunist.png|center]] | crown_zun_fylkir | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Intrigue<br/>+2 Stewardship<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is Dastur of [[File:D zun pagan reformed.png|30px]] The Church of Zun |- | [[File:Crown_slavic_fylkir.png|70px]] | Ancient Crown | [[File:Reformed Slavic.png|center]] | crown_slavic_fylkir | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Stewardship<br/>+2 Learning<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is Chernoban of [[File:D slavic pagan reformed.png|30px]] The Slavic Church |- | [[File:Crown_slavic_fylkir.png|70px]] | Mystic Crown | [[File:Reformed Romuva.png|center]] | crown_romuva_fylkir | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Intrigue<br/>+2 Stewardship<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is First Vaidila of [[File:D baltic pagan reformed.png|30px]] The Romuvan Congregation |- | [[File:Crown_aztec_fylkir.png|70px]] | Tlatoanic Crown | [[File:Reformed Aztec.png|center]] | crown_aztec_fylkir | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Martial<br/>+2 Intrigue<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is Tlatoani of [[File:D aztec reformed.png|30px]] The Aztec Church |- | [[File:Scepter_bon_fylkir.png|70px]] | Scepter of Tranquility | [[File:Reformed Bon.png|center]] | scepter_bon_fylkir | Scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Stewardship<br/>+2 Learning<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is Dalai Lama of [[File:D bon reformed.png|30px]] The Sacred Bön Hierarchy |- | [[File:Scepter_hellenic_fylkir.png|70px]] | Pontifical Scepter | [[File:Reformed Hellenic.png|center]] | scepter_hellenic_fylkir | Scepter | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +.4 Monthly Prestige<br/>+.7 Monthly Piety<br/>+2 Diplomacy<br/>+2 Learning<br/>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion | Is Pontifex Maximus of [[File:K hellenic pagan.png|30px]] The Collegium Pontificum |} === Random World Artifacts === Spawned on world generation of an [[Alternate_Start|Alternate Start]] campaign. Depending on game settings selected,they may be more or less likely to spawn (i.e. artifacts are restricted to spawning on duke rank and higher rulers, at 200 distance from each other - depending on the frequency of titles selected in the Alternate Start settings, this may lead to fewer spawned artifacts).<ref>Described in detail at {{path|common/scripted_effects/02_scripted_effects_alternate_start.txt }} with the <code>spawn_one_artifact_effect</code> trigger.</ref> Some of these artifacts have multiple different names, descriptions, and pictures which they can be generated with, but their abilities will remain constant. It will also be visible as to their internal name by searching their command name within the [[Character_finder|Character Finder]] or via the <code>debug_mode</code> console command. {| class="wikitable sortable" ! Command ! class="unsortable" | Dynamic Potential Names<ref> From {{path|localisation/HolyFury.csv}}.</ref> ! class="unsortable" | Dynamic Potential Images ! Slot ! Quality ! class="unsortable" | Effects ! class="unsortable" | Active |- | sword_great_conqueror | Sword of [great_conqueror.GetFullName] | [[File:Sword_T3_glow_red.png|70px]] | Weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +10% Morale Damage <br/> +10% Morale Defence <br/> +0.75 Monthly Prestige <br>+3 Martial<br>+15 Personal Combat Skill <br/> <br/> Indestructible <br> <br> Spawned with the great conqueror (with a [[Bloodline#Alternate_Start_bloodlines|bloodline]] to match) when a Shattered Invasion Alternate Start is generated. | Is an Adult |- | crown_unicorn_helmet | Unicorn Flair | [[File:Crown_unicorn_helmet.png|70px]] | Crown | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +5% Damage Against Religious Enemies <br/> +0.01 Monthly Prestige <br>+15 Personal Combat Skill <br/> <br/> Indestructible <br> <br> Spawned with a Horse character bloodline in an Alternate Start. | Is an Adult <br> <br> Is an Horse |- | random_world_sword | Sword of [GetRandomPlanetName] <br><br> Sword of [random_world_artifact_holder.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName] <br><br> Sword of [random_world_artifact_holder.Religion.GetHighGodName] <br><br> Sword of [random_world_artifact_holder.Capital.GetName] <br><br> Sword of the Lost [random_world_artifact_holder.Religion.GetPriestTitle] <br><br> Sword of the [random_world_artifact_holder.Religion.GetName] Faith | [[File:Sword_golden.png|70px]] <br><br> [[File:Sword_of_heroes.png|70px]] <br><br> [[File:Sword_engraved.png|70px]] <br><br> [[File:Sword_T3_glow_green.png|70px]] <br><br> [[File:Sword_T3_glow_purple.png|70px]] <br><br> [[File:Sword_T3_glow_red.png|70px]] | Weapon | style="text-align: center;" | 4 | +10% Morale Damage <br/> +10% Morale Defence <br/> +0.75 Monthly Prestige <br>+3 Martial<br>+15 Personal Combat Skill <br/> <br/> Indestructible | Is an Adult |- | random_world_armor | Armor of [GetRandomPlanetName] <br><br> Armor of [random_world_artifact_holder.Religion.GetRandomEvilGodName] <br><br> Armor of [random_world_artifact_holder.Religion.GetHighGodName] <br><br> Legendary [random_world_artifact_holder.Culture.GetName] Armor <br><br> Armor of the [random_world_artifact_holder.GetRegionalBigAnimalCap] | [[File:Guardian_armor.png|70px]] <br><br> [[File:Warden_armor.png|70px]] <br><br> [[File:Champion_armor.png|70px]] | Torso | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +10% Morale Damage <br/> +0.75 Monthly Prestige <br>+3 Martial<br>+10 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult |- | random_world_mythological_heart_1 | Heart of a [GetRandomMythologicalCreature] <br> | [[File:Mythological_beast_heart.png|70px]] | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +1 Monthly Prestige <br>+1 Learning<br>+1 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult |- | random_world_mythological_blood | Blood of a [GetRandomMythologicalCreature] | [[File:Mythological_beast_blood.png|70px]] | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +1 Monthly Prestige <br>+4 Learning<br>+0.5 Health | Is an Adult |- | random_world_mythological_eye | Eye of a [GetRandomMythologicalCreature] | [[File:Fake_eye.png|70px]] | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +1 Monthly Prestige <br>+10 Tribal Vassal Opinion<br>+5 Personal Combat Skill | Is an Adult |- | random_world_book_of_dev | Book of Daniel <br><br> Book of Alexander <br><br> Book of Milla <br><br> Book of Arthur <br><br> Book of Linda <br><br> Book of Magne <br><br> Book of Flavio <br><br> Book of Joachim <br><br> Book of Joel <br><br> Book of Bjarne <br><br> Book of Matthew <br><br> Book of Henrik <br><br> Book of Gustav <br><br> Book of Björn | [[File:Book_red_glow.png|70px]] | | style="text-align: center;" | 3 | +1 Monthly Wealth <br>+1 Stewardship | Learning at least 3 |- |} ==References== <references /> *[https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/68xfnz/best_candidate_for_artifact_hunting/ Artifact Hunting, outdated, but mechanically still useful] == See also == * [[Artifact modding]] * [[MNM artifacts events]] [[Category:Lists]]
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