{{version|3.2}} '''Modding''', 或称为“模组制作”,是修改基本游戏(即原版)的行为, 无论是供个人使用,或者是公开发布给其他玩家,比如发布到[[Steam创意工坊]]。 就所有p社游戏而言,ck2的模组制作有很大开放性,可以很显著的延伸游戏的内容,增强游戏的可玩性。 mod制作者的动机各不相同:更好的翻译成母语,更多的事件及决议,更棒的地图,亦或游戏整体大修改等等。 mod制作非魔术邪说也,人皆可学习相关知识以制作mod,这个指引旨在降低ck2模组制作的门槛。不过,无论学习资料有多么的好,制作mod的过程都会是十分曲折的,并且学习资料无法取代对阅读基础代码,以及不断调试的需要。总之,制作mod不是一天两天的功夫,而是一项宏伟的工程,努力是必须的。 ==指引== *'''为您的修改创建mod''':即使是小的更改也要[[创建模组|创建个人mod]],并且切勿直接修改Steam CKII文件夹中的游戏文件,因为它们可能会在没有警告的情况下被覆盖。 *'''使用优质的文本编辑器''' 来编辑文件并搜索多个文件。请参见[[#文本编辑器|文本编辑器]]。 *'''验证你的mod''' 使用[[The Validator]],它将为您节省许多麻烦和时间,以解决崩溃和错误。 *'''尽量减少对原版文件的覆盖''' 通过添加单独的文件或尽可能地[[#游戏结构|从文件夹加载]],以改善mod兼容性和维护。 *'''使用适当的合并工具''' 以便在[[合并指南|文件夹之间合并]],并将修改后的原版文件更新为新的Vanilla补丁。 *'''备份您的工作''' 以避免丢失一切。如果是一个MOD制作组,请考虑使用诸如GitHub之类的源代码控制系统充当备份并管理协作。 *'''使用ANSI(Windows-1252)编码''' 用于文本文件。 *'''适当缩进''' 以轻松发现未闭合的花括号。原版使用1个制表符来缩进而不是空格。 * '''使用注释''' 以#字符开头,来记住编写棘手内容的原因。 ==文本编辑器== 以下是支持CK2编程语言的文本编辑器: * [http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ Notepad++]: [[forum:745679|CKII 语言文件]] * [https://www.sublimetext.com/ Sublime Text]: [[forum:1084658|Sublime Text 3语法高亮]] * [https://atom.io/ Atom]: [https://atom.io/packages/language-crusader-kings--i-i language-crusader-kings--i-i] ==Mod结构== {{Ambox|type=notice|text=如果你是第一次创作mod,请看引导[[创建模组]].}} mod文件被放置在 ''~\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod'', 里面必须包含: * .mod 文件, 告诉启动器如何加载你的mod * 包含mod数据好的文件夹或者是zip压缩包。mod数据的文件结构必须和本体的[[#游戏结构|游戏结构]]相同,注意文件夹和文件的名称大小写在Mac和Linux上市敏感的,这意味着 Abc 和 abc 会被视为两个mod。 .mod 文件的文件名不能包含任何空格,否则在启动器重启的时候,不会被自动选中。 .mod 文件的内容如下所示: {| class="wikitable" !关键字 !必需? !效果 !例子 |- |name |'''Yes''' |你的mod显示在启动器中的名称 |name = "My Mod" |- |path |'''Yes''' | 定义那个文件夹是你的mod文件夹。 其路径是相对于''~\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\'' . |path = "mod/MyMod" |- |user_dir |No |告诉启动器存储游戏或临时文件到特定的文件夹。 这对能改善mod的兼容性(例如新的标题,旗帜,宗教,文化,建筑之类的),让文件不会混淆在一起。 '''警告''':不要给主mod的子mod设置 user_dir,因为所有激活mod的user_dir会连接在一起。 |user_dir = "MyMod" |- |archive |No |定义一个zip压缩包来代替文件夹。设置它的路径,路径是相对于 ''~\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\'' 的。这是从[[Steam Workshop]]下载的mod使用的格式,但是在将mod上传到Workshop时,必须使用path结构。 |archive = "mod/mymod.zip" |- |replace_path |No |告诉启动器覆盖对应文件夹的所有内容,并且只从mod中的指定路径加载。这是删除原版东西的唯一有效方式,而这经常被完全改动类mod所使用。 Notes: *'''replace_path作为文件夹工作,而不是文件'''.,覆盖一个文件,只需要在mod中创建一个同名文件。 *'''replace_path只对对应文件夹中的文件有效,其子文件夹中的文件无效'''. 例如,覆盖“history”并不会覆盖“history/characters”。 *为了缩小mod体积、增强mod兼容性,尽可能少用replace_path. *在旧版本中,replace_path在被安装到CK2安装目录/mod时通常被忽视,因此必须放入使用者文件。(见[[创建模组#创建CK2的模组目录|CK2模组目录]] *除非你 '''确实'''需要使用replace_path才使用,通常不。 |replace_path = "history" <br/> replace_path = "history/characters" |- |dependencies |No |Tells the launcher that another mod has to be loaded before this one. The other mod will be loaded first, allowing the 2nd mod to override some files (otherwise the 1st mod would win). A dependency is not a hard requirement; you do not need a dependency loaded if the mod has one set. This is simply a way for the mod file to tell the launcher which files should be loaded first.<br/> If the name of the dependency includes space, you have to enclose the name in escaped quotation marks. <code>"\"Mod with space in name\""</code> |dependencies = { "MyMod" "\"Another Mod\"" } |- |picture |No |Image under mod folder to serve as banner for [[Steam Workshop]] (will be displayed as 268px × 268px JPEG) |picture = "MyMod.jpg" |- |tags |No |List of tags for [[Steam Workshop]]. Warning: don't forget quotes for tags that contain spaces. |tags = { "Tag1" "Tag 2" } |- |supported_checksums |No |List of expected checksums for which scripting condition <code>supported_checksums</code> will evaluate to true. This can be used in [[event modding]] to display a warning to the player. |supported_checksums = { ABCD EFGH } |- |} Below are some examples mod files, depending on the category of the mod: ===小型mod=== 小型 mod更常见一些,为了保证和其它小型mod 的兼容性,请不要使用<code>user_dir</code>或者是<code>replace_path</code>。 <pre> name = "Small Mod" path = "mod/SmallMod" picture = "SmallMod.jpg" tags = { "Mods" "Small" } </pre> ===大型mod=== Overhaul mods typically use <code>user_dir</code> as saves wouldn't be loadable outside of the mod anyway. For [[Total_conversion_guide|total conversion]] mods, <code>replace_path</code> can be used to completely ignore vanilla directories that don't make sense in the context of the mod (history, flags, ...) <pre> name = "Big Mod" path = "mod/BigMod" user_dir = "BigMod" replace_path = "history/provinces" picture = "BigMod.jpg" tags = { "Mods" "Big" } </pre> ===子mod=== 主mod 的子mod 通常用 <code>dependencies</code> 来覆盖主mod 的文件。 <pre> name = "Sub Mod" path = "mod/SubMod" dependencies = { "\"Main Mod\"" } picture = "SubMod.jpg" tags = { "Mods" "Main Mod" } </pre> ==游戏数据== * [[控制台指令]],对于调试模组非常有用 * [[定义]],影响一些原版的硬编码行为 * [[作用域]],[[条件]],和 [[指令]] 被用于[[脚本]]编写 * [[修正]], 用于影响游戏所做的计算 * [[地图模组制作|地图数据]] ==游戏结构== The game data is composed of hierarchy of folders, containing game files. A mod follows the same folder structure as the base game, so that when loading the game the engine will combine files from vanilla and mod(s). In most folders, the engine will load all the files within, which allows a mod to add new definitions (titles, religions, ...) without having to copy and modify vanilla files. To make use of this, it is important to understand how the scripts are loaded both at file level and definition level. The behavior when loading a mod is the following: * Engine processes folders and files based on some hardcoded [[Troubleshooting#Loading|load order]]. * If current folder is defined as <code>replace_path</code>, all vanilla files in that folder will be ignored, and only mod files will be loaded (if any). * If the mod folder and vanilla folder both contain files with same names, vanilla files will be ignored and mod version will be used. * Inside a given folder, the order in which files are processed is usually alphanumerical on combined vanilla and mod file names, though some folders may have a different behavior. * When encountering more than once the same definition (title, religion, decision, ...), the duplicate definition may: **be ignored (first definition wins) **fully override the previous definition (last definition wins) **partially override the previous definition (definitions are merged/additive, which only makes sense if there is actually something to merge: hierarchy, list, etc.) **coexist/break both (in which case duplicate IDs must be avoided) Below is a list of CKII game files and folders, with associated modding guide, and loading behavior. For loading behavior, the cell colours highlight whether the behaviour is the <span style="background-color:lightgreen">expected one</span>, <span style="background-color:gold">strange or requiring some attention</span>, or <span style="background-color:salmon">unexpected and to be avoided</span>. {| class = "wikitable" !File/Folder !What it contains !How to mod !Loading behavior |- |.\'''common\''' *achievements.txt *defines.lua *defines.txt *hints.txt *region_colors.txt *static_modifiers.txt *technology.txt |General information *Defines Steam [[Achievements]] *POP, general, diplomatic, economic and military variables *Defines playable start- and end-date *Defines the displayed hints *RGB code for each region *All difficulty, rank and standard modifiers *[[Technology]] data |<br/> [[Defines]]<br/> <br/> <br/> [[Static modifiers]]<br/> [[Technology modding]]<br/> | N/A |- |.\common\'''alternate_start\''' | |[[Alternate start modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''artifact_spawns\''' | |[[Artifact modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. |- |.\common\'''artifacts\''' | Definitions of [[artifact]]s |[[Artifact modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. |- |.\common\'''bloodlines\''' | |[[Bloodline modding]] | |- |.\common\'''bookmarks\''' |[[Bookmarks]] are configured here (scenarios/start dates) |[[Bookmark modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. Bookmarks are listed chronologically in-game, whatever the order in files. |- |.\common\'''buildings\''' |[[Buildings]] folder, all buildings are stored here. |[[Building modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''cb_types\''' |[[Casus Belli]] folder, all Casus-belli are stored here. |[[Casus Belli modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| Merge, but override of casus belli by re-using same name does not work (creates duplicate casus belli) |- |.\common\'''combat_tactics\''' |Combat [[tactics]] definitions. |[[Unit modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''council_positions\''' | Conditions for an A.I. councillor to adopt a certain category of voting behavior. |[[Councillor modding]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\common\'''council_voting\''' | A.I. rules for how councillors from a behavior category will vote |[[Councillor modding]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\common\'''cultures\''' |[[Cultures]] folder, all cultures are stored here. |[[Culture modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. Since [[patch 2.4]] cultures are merged like religions, and a new culture may be added to a vanilla culture_group via a separate file. |- |.\common\'''death\''' |[[Death]] definitions |[[Death modding]] | |- |.\common\'''death_text\''' |Flavor text for succession screen |[[Death modding]] | |- |.\common\'''defines\''' |[[Defines]]. |[[Defines]] |{{sup|?}} Merge. Entries in files override common/defines.lua values. |- |.\common\'''disease\''' |[[Diseases]] definitions. |[[Disease modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''dynasties\''' |[[Dynasties]] folder, all dynasties are stored here. |[[Dynasty modding]]. |style = "background-color:gold"| Merge. Duplicate dynasties loaded before vanilla (i.e., <code>000_</code> prefix) will overwrite dynasty shields. Duplicates loaded after (i.e., <code>z_</code> prefix) will overwrite dynasty names. To overwrite both, use duplicate files, one with a preceding prefix and one with a succeeding prefix. |- |.\common\'''event_modifiers\''' |Event_modifiers folder, all event modifiers are stored here |[[Modifiers]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. |- |.\common\'''execution_methods\''' |[[Execution]] methods |[[Death modding]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\common\'''game_rules\''' |[[Game rules]] definitions |[[Game rules modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. The rules are displayed in UI based on order of files (alphanumerical on file name), then order of rules within the file. |- |.\common\'''government_flavor\''' |[[Government]] naming definitions |[[Government modding]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\common\'''governments\''' |[[Government]] definitions |[[Government modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"|Merge. It is possible to define governments of the same government group in different files. |- |.\common\'''graphicalculturetypes\''' |Graphicalculturetypes folder, all graphical culture types are stored here | |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''heir_text\''' |Flavor text for succession screen |[[Death modding]] | |- |.\common\'''holding_types\''' |Conditions for being allowed to build each holding type. |[[Government modding]] |{{sup|?}}. It is not possible to add new holding types. |- |.\common\'''job_actions\''' |Defines [[councillors]] actions |[[Councillor modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. |- |.\common\'''job_titles\''' |Defines councillors titles |[[Councillor modding]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\common\'''landed_titles\''' |Landed_titles folder, all landed titles are stored here. |[[Title modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. Merging behaviour is "complicated and might not have been designed that way intentionally"<ref>[[Forum:774248/page-14#post-19100145]]</ref> |- |.\common\'''laws\''' | |[[Law modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| Merge. A law with the same name as an existing law will append conditions to the allow section, but not the potential section. |- |.\common\'''mercenaries\''' |[[Mercenaries]] folder, all mercenaries are stored here | |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''minor_titles\''' |Minor titles, including [[honorary titles]] |[[Minor title modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| Cannot be overridden, attempts to do so will result in multiple minor titles with the same tags, like traits |- |.\common\'''modifier_definitions\''' |Defines dynamically defined modifiers, in particular special [[units]] modifiers. |[[Unit modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''nicknames\''' |[[Nicknames]] folder, all nicknames are stored here |[[Nickname modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. |- |.\common\'''objectives\''' |[[Objectives]] folder, all objectives (i.e. ambitions, factions, and plots) are stored here. |[[Objective modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''offmap_powers\''' *policies\ *statuses\ |Defines nations not represented on the map, but with a significant influence over it. |[[Offmap power modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge. Does NOT require [[Jade Dragon]] DLC. |- |.\common\'''on_actions\''' |On_actions folder, all on_actions are stored here |[[Event modding]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. Since [[patch 2.4]] on_actions are merged, with new events being added to the previous list for a particular on_action, instead of replacing the list. |- |.\common\'''opinion_modifiers\''' |[[Opinion]] modifiers folder, all opinion modifiers are stored here |[[Modifiers]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |style = "background-color:lightgrey"|.\common\'''province_setup\''' |style = "background-color:lightgrey"|Deprecated since [[patch 3.0]]. |style = "background-color:lightgrey"| |style = "background-color:lightgrey"| |- |.\common\'''religion_features\''' | |[[Religion modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"|{{sup|?}} Merge, but features with the same key get duplicated |- |.\common\'''religion_modifiers\''' |Religion_modifiers folder, all religion modifiers are stored here. |[[Modifiers]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''religions\''' |Religions folder, all religions are stored here. |[[Religion modding]] <br/> |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Merge. Vanilla religions can be overridden, without needing to duplicate the whole religion group. Restrictions: need to define reformed religion before the non-reformed. |- |.\common\'''religious_titles\''' |Religious_titles folder, all religious titles are stored here | |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''retinue_subunits\''' |[[Retinue]] subunits folder, all retinue subunits are stored here | |style = "background-color:gold"|{{sup|?}} Merge, but retinues with the same key get duplicated |- |.\common\'''save_conversion\''' | |[[Save game compatibility]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\common\'''scripted_effects\''' | |[[Scripted effect]]s |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''scripted_score_value\''' | |[[Scripted score value]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''scripted_triggers\''' | |[[Scripted trigger]]s |style = "background-color:gold"| Merge, but scripted triggers with same name append their conditions rather than replacing the original one. |- |.\common\'''societies\''' | Definition of [[societies]] |[[Society modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| Merge, but override of societies by re-using same name does not work (creates duplicate societies) |- |.\common\'''special_troops\''' |Special [[units]] definitions |[[Unit modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |style = "background-color:lightgrey"|.\common\'''stories\''' |style = "background-color:lightgrey"|Not used. |style = "background-color:lightgrey"| |style = "background-color:lightgrey"|N/A |- |.\common\'''succession_voting\''' |[[Succession voting]] rules and AI behavior |[[Succession modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\common\'''trade_routes\''' |[[Trade route]] definitions. |[[Trade route modding]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\common\'''traits\''' |[[Traits]] folder, all traits are stored here. |[[Trait modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| Merge, but traits with same name will co-exist, and generated characters may get both versions of the trait at the same time. The last definition gets assigned to a character when using commands. |- |.\common\'''tributary_types\''' |[[Tributary]] relationship definitions. |[[Tributary modding]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\common\'''triggered_modifiers\''' |Defines global modifiers that trigger under certain conditions |[[Triggered modifiers]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\'''connectui\''' | Appears to be leftover interface for the discontinued Paradox Connect service (used in older Clausewitz games CK2 is based on). | Unusable | |- |.\'''decisions\''' |[[Decisions]] folder, all decisions are stored here |[[Decision modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| Merge, but override of decision by re-using same name does not work (breaks the decision effect, that does nothing) |- |.\'''dlc\''' |Contains DLC information and zipped content files |[[DLC files]] |N/A |- |.\'''dlc_metadata\''' |? | |? |- |.\'''eu4_converter\''' |[[Europa Universalis 4 Save Converter]] folder, all files related to the EUIV converter are stored here. Note: vanilla files were moved inside ''/dlc/dlc030.zip'' |[[EU4 Converter modding]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\'''events\''' |Events folder, all events are stored here. |[[Event modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| Merge. If redefining an event in a file loaded alphabetically after the original file, the event will be fully overridden. Developers have discouraged this practice, as that engine behavior is not guaranteed to remain in the future (source ?) |- |.\'''gfx\''' *ambitions\ *characters\ *coats_of_arms\ *cursors\ *eurfonts\ *event_pictures\ *flags\ *fonts\ *FX\ *interface\ *loadingscreens\ *mapitems\ *models\ *polishfonts\ *titles\ *traits\ |Graphics folder, all graphics are stored here. |[[Graphics modding]] Graphics are mapped to a logical name (GFX_xxx) inside .\interface\*.gfx files <br/> '''Warning''': a missing flag for a title in flags\ will cause wrong flags to appear for most titles, due to a shift. | |- |.\'''history\''' |Historical data for characters, titles, provinces and wars for the possible start dates. This is a likely the text export of an internal database, which is sometime mentioned in the patch notes.<ref>https://ck2.paradoxwikis.com/Patch_2.0#Database</ref> |[[History modding]] |N/A |- |.\history\'''characters\''' |Historical characters, optionally associated to a dynasty from \common\dynasties\ folder. |[[Character modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| {{sup|?}} Merge. Duplicate character IDs break the character history and must be avoided. |- |style = "background-color:lightgrey"|.\history\'''diplomacy\''' |style = "background-color:lightgrey"|Not used |style = "background-color:lightgrey"|N/A |style = "background-color:lightgrey"|N/A |- |.\history\'''offmap_powers\''' |History of offmap powers (holder, status, ...) |[[Offmap power modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\history\'''provinces\''' |History of provinces (holdings built, change of culture or religion) |[[Province modding]] |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\history\'''technology\''' |Initial technology of provinces, depending on the start date. |[[Technology modding]] |{{sup|?}} |- |.\history\'''titles\''' |History of titles (list of successive holders) |Note: titles that should be deactivated at game start (ex: reformed religion heads) must have an history file that disables the title. |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\history\'''wars\''' |Important on-going wars (attacker, defender, Casus Belli, war score, ...), usually for historical bookmarks. | |{{sup|?}} Merge |- |.\'''interface\''' *generalstuff.gfx *sound.sfx |Interface graphics |[[Interface modding]] *[[Sound modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| * Loading of *.gfx files is in alphanumerical order. Last spriteType definition loaded overrides previous ones with same name, if any (i.e. use zz_ file prefix to override vanilla sprites). * Only '''sound.sfx''' is taken into account, other .sfx files are ignored. |- |.\interface\'''coat_of_arms\''' | |[[Coats of arms modding]] |style = "background-color:gold"| Coat of arms definitions can be split across multiple files. No support for appending existing definitions from a different file. |- |.\interface\'''portrait_offsets\''' | .txt files with external offsets for portrait frames |[[Portrait modding]] | |- |.\interface\'''portrait_properties\''' | Dynamic rules to select portrait properties values |[[Portrait modding]] | {{sup|?}} |- |.\interface\'''portrait\''' | Definitions of spriteType and portraitType elements for portraits. |[[Portrait modding]] | Merge |- |.\'''launcher\''' |Launcher graphics and configuration | |N/A |- |.\'''localisation\''' |All text data for things like country names and event description, has options for other languages |[[Localisation]] |style = "background-color:lightgreen"| Full override. If duplicates are in different files, first file loaded wins (i.e. use 00_ file prefix to override vanilla keys). If in same file, last duplicate in file wins. '''Warning''': files must end with '''.csv''' extension, or they will not be taken into account. |- |.\localisation\'''customizable_localisation\''' | Custom [[Localisation#Commands|localisation commands]] definitions |[[Localisation#Custom commands]] |{{sup|?}} Merge. |- |.\'''map\''' *adjacencies.csv *default.map *definition.csv *geographical_region.txt *positions.txt *provinces.bmp *rivers.bmp *terrain.bmp *topology.bmp *trees.bmp *world_normal_height.bmp |Map settings, province shapes, continents, regions etc. |[[Map modding]] |N/A |- |.\'''map\statics''' |Map external frame size, and positions of fixed 3D map elements (wonders, etc.) |[[Map modding]] | |- |.\'''map\terrain''' | |[[Map modding]] | |- |.\'''mod\''' |Dummy mod folder, do not store mods here, use local mod folder |[[Mod file]] |style = "background-color:salmon"| Breaks mods, as configurations like replace_path are ignored. |- |.\'''music\''' |[[Music]] used by the game |[[Music modding]] |{{sup|?}} All .txt files song elements are loaded. |- |.\'''sound\''' |All sounds except music | |{{sup|?}} |- |.\'''tutorial\''' |Tutorial configuration | |{{sup|?}} |- |} ==具体指南== {{hatnote|Only includes guides not already linked in the "How to mod" column above or otherwise.}} * [[Troubleshooting]] - 在你的mod中debug * [[Save-game editing]] - 如何更改保存游戏 * [[Patch 2.4 mod compatibility guide]] - 如何从 [[patch 2.3.6]] 移植到 [[patch 2.4.X]] * [[Patch 2.5 mod compatibility guide]] - 如何从 [[patch 2.4.5]] 移植到 [[patch 2.5.X]] * [[Patch 2.6 mod compatibility guide]] - 如何从[[patch 2.5.2]] 移植到 [[patch 2.6.X]] * [[Patch 2.7 mod compatibility guide]] - 如何从m [[patch 2.6.3]] 移植到 [[patch 2.7.X]] * [[Patch 2.8 mod compatibility guide]] - 如何从 [[patch 2.7.2]] 移植到 [[patch 2.8.X]] * [[Patch 3.0 mod compatibility guide]] - 如何从 [[patch]] 移植到 [[patch 3.0.X]] * [[Patch 3.1 mod compatibility guide]] - 如何从 [[patch 3.0.X]] 移植到 [[patch 3.1.X]] * [[Merging guide]] - how to merge mod files with a new vanilla patch * [[Total conversion guide]] - Creating a total conversion mod * [[Creating a mod exe installer guide]] - Advanced guide for creating a Windows installer ==工具与实用程序== {{hatnote|这些是modder用的实用工具。 玩家使用的请看[[Mods#Utilities|utilities]].}} * [http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ Notepad++] - 修改文件用的编辑器,比notepad要好。 * [[forum:745679|Notepad++ language file for CKII]] - 对于阅读代码十分友好。 * [[The Validator]] - 文件查错。 * [[EU4:JoroDox mod making tool]] / [[forum:Tool-JoroDox-mod-making-tool.832866|Forum thread]] - 查看mod文件和创建3d模型。 * [[forum:651648|CK2 Cultures Parser]] * [[forum:597290|Coat of Arms Builder]] * [[Portrait Builder]] - 预览人物特征的工具。 * [[forum:686024|Scenario Editor]] * [[Titular Title Generator]] * [http://www.textfixer.com/tools/alphabetize-text-words.php Text Fixer] - 按字母排序你的localisation 文件。(alphabetize your localisation file) * [[forum:984905|Paradox Province Color Picker]] ==高级技巧== *For the bigger mods using a source control management tool (Git, ...), it is handy to create a symbolic link between CKII mod folder and the working directory of the local repository, especially if the mod also has sub-mods. Note that you'll still need to copy the .mod file(s) manually, but they rarely change. Run the following command from the parent directory of main git folder, replacing: ** <mod_path_name> by the value of <code>path</code> attribute from .mod file ** <git_mod_folder> by the name of the sub-folder that contain mod data (folders common, decisions, events, etc...) <pre> mklink /J "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod\<mod_path_name>" ".\<git_mod_folder>" </pre> ===MOD调试=== 毫无疑问,更多隐藏的控制台指令(在控制台输入help也不会显示的内容)对MOD测试会起到巨大的作用。 * observe - 让你进入观察者模式。此时你不再控制任何特定的角色——这会让游戏不受打断地自动运行。同时,所有隐藏特质、秘密信仰等对观察者都是可见的。 * run <filename.txt> - 直接运行特定脚本。脚本将从当前玩家控制角色的作用域开始执行。这个功能有助于测试复杂的脚本——你可以直接打开一个窗口编辑脚本,保存,重新载入,调整——省下重新打开游戏的时间。 * reloadevents - 重新载入和编译每一个事件(可能花费一会时间,取决于你的硬件)。对调试事件很有帮助,同样为你省下重新打开游戏的时间。 * reloadloc - 重新载入本地化文件,有助于确定文本是否显示在正确的位置上。 更多[[控制台指令]]可以在首页找到,用于实现杀掉某人之类的特定功能,这些对MOD测试同样必不可少。 ==外部链接== *[[Forum:589686|Modding - Quick questions]] *[[Forum:847776|User mod Index/Guides/Utilities superthread]] ==更多== *[[Mods]] *[[Modding suggestions]] ==引用== <references /> {{ModdingNavbox}} {{ModdingGuidesNavbox}} [[Category:模组制作|#]] [[en:Modding]]