{{version|2.8}} [[File:Plot succ gavelkind.png]] {{N|均分继承法|Gavelkind}}是将土地分给统治者子女的[[继承]]法。 年龄最大者继承[[主头衔]]并且成为新的玩家角色。已故统治者的其他头衔以大致平等的方式分配给所有符合条件的孩子。年龄较小的继承人成为封臣(或者独立统治者,如果他们继承了同等级头衔)。 均分继承法可能是最难掌控的继承法。它需要一些知识才能从其优势中受益,同时又不会因为兄弟姐妹之间继承战争的风险增加而遭受太多痛苦,因为兄弟姐妹们现在既有宣称又有军队。 ==可得性== 均分继承法是大多数封建国家的初始继承类型。它最容易采用,没有[[王权]]/行政体制/科技要求。均分继承法也是派系最爱;软弱的统治者将常常被封臣强迫采用均分继承法。 对于[[部落制|部落]]统治者或未改革[[原始宗教]],均分继承法是可采用的几种继承类型之一。他们唯一的其他选择通常是[[选举均分继承法]],这被广泛认为是更差的。(既是部落也是未改革原始宗教徒的统治者进一步受限制,''只''能采用选举均分继承法。) 但是,{{icon|soi}} 伊斯兰教部落统治者可以采用[[土耳其继承法]];凯尔特文化(或者角色拥有允许采用[[凯尔特选任法]] {{icon|hf}} [[血脉]]) 可以采用凯尔特选任法;同时非洲泛灵教/洛姆瓦教部落统治者可以采用 {{icon|hf}}[[长老选举制]]。拥有 {{icon|con}} 御前会议,大部分封建国家将能够采用[[选举君主制]],一旦他们通过“内阁权力”法,以锁定选举君主制作为唯一继承类型为代价换取完全内阁权力。 ==优点== 均分继承法通过几种方式减少派系叛乱风险: * 统治者可以持有额外30%[[直辖领]],使他们相比封臣可能更强大。 * 同家族或不同家族的封臣都对统治者+5好感([[凯尔特选任法]]也有此优点)。 * 出现要求改变继承法的[[派系]]的可能性减小([[选举君主制]]也有此优点)。 <!-- Factions for feudal elective can be popular, but are only allowed in realms where the crown has already been fully stripped of power: min crown authority / all 7 of the main [[council laws]] are in favor of council votes. Furthermore, even when vassals can join factions for feudal elective, the faction has a 0.7x priority factor if the current law is gavelkind. --> 在均分继承法下,你不会因无地的成年儿子而受[[威望]]惩罚。 ==缺点== 均分继承法为继承危机创造了完美条件。主要继承人可能失去他们大部分的直辖领,甚至可能缩减至一个省份。同时,新统治者的兄弟姐妹既有宣称又继承了土地,允许他们创建派系来要求他们自己的安置。 均分继承法使统治者消极采取可能有利的行动,例如拥有许多子女或持有许多头衔;这意味着创建一个均分继承法下的帝国需要角色同时积累金币和威望来创建第二个王国头衔和帝国头衔。 均分继承法有几条限制来防止你把一切给长子女: * 受均分继承法''管制'',你不能[[头衔行为#销毁|销毁]]头衔(除了[[名誉头衔]])。 * 你不能授予你的主要继承人多于一个省份。也就是说,你不能授予他们一个公爵头衔或第二个省份。(但是,你可以通过授予额外的[[城堡]]或部落来加强他们)。 ** 此外,你只能授予你的主要继承人一个他们预期继承的省份。 * 基督教信徒不能通过使继承人成为主教来剥夺''任何''继承人的继承权<sup>{{red|?}}</sup>。 ==详细说明== ===选择继承人=== 符合条件的子女由[[继承#性别法|性别法]]绝地。男性优先均分继承法采用一种强烈的偏向男性的形式:当同时有儿子和女儿时,仅儿子将会继承。 拥有均分继承法,死去角色不会如同[[长子继承法]]一样“占据位置”。如果你的长子(女)去世,你可以指望你的次子继承而不是还没准备好的孙子继承。 [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/6i82xz/primogeniture_and_gavelkind_in_ck2_explained/ 这个Reddit帖子]给予更多细节。 ===产生宣称=== 和所有继承法一样,已故统治者的所有子女都对所有最高等级头衔有[[宣称]]。 当较年幼的继承人成为封臣,意味着他们对领主有宣称,允许他们创建宣称派系。领主''没有''获得对他们封臣的宣称。(这很好,因为这样的宣称只能被用来不公平地[[剥夺头衔|剥夺]]封臣头衔)。 当有多个继承人各自独立(由于已故统治者有多个最高级头衔),他们相互有宣称。一方将使用该宣称或者全部CB来向另一方宣战,尝试重新统一全部头衔(至少在下一次继承前)。 ===Title division=== 平等分配土地是有缺陷的,因为一位[[封臣]]在游戏中只有一位领主。所以因为中间的公爵/国王头衔,导致头衔和土地都是不平等的。 具体算法未知,但是: *每位[[继承|符合条件的子女]]按照出生顺序获得一个头衔,直到所有子女都有头衔,此时又从最年长者开始重新轮流分配。 *如果一个头衔级别高于其他头衔(仅一个公国,多个省份),则较年幼的子女成为主要继承人的封臣。 *继承前授予的头衔将被算入在内。一个已经拥有3个头衔的孩子已参与了3次轮流分配。 *在2.3.4版本,只继承一个帝国,王国或公国头衔但没有继承省份头衔的子女自动获得最高级别头衔的法理首都省份,以确保他们能够继承。此外,为了让子女有资格继承,任何不是省份首府的男爵领现在都将被分配。 *头衔按照其等级加权。游戏尝试尽可能平等地分配帝国,王国和公国。 *游戏倾向于使头衔分配合乎政治逻辑。如果已继承了多个公国和一个公国的多个省份,游戏会尽量避免分配公国或更高头衔。 *在其他因素相同的情况下,游戏倾向于给予最年长子女最强大(在征召兵力量方面)的头衔。独立国家的首都省份有+50%征召兵加成,这使它最有可能属于最年长者。 *同等级贵族不能成为彼此的封臣。 **如果已故统治者的头衔是同一等级,而且是一个更高等级统治者的封臣,他们显然成为封臣;例如,多个公国分配给多位继承人,这些继承人都将成为同一国王的封臣。 **如果已故统治者的头衔同等级,而且他独立,他的国家分裂成属于各继承人的独立国家。 *封臣追随他们附庸的头衔。这通常意味着省份追随他们的公国,但主要公国会继承来自未完全控制的公国的封臣。 *所有金币和近卫军归主要继承人所有,使其在统一战争中有优势。 *[[forum:693978|这个论坛帖子]]声称更详细地破解了头衔分配的算法。 一个例子,如果一位公爵有3个公爵级别头衔,但实际只有2个省份,有一位长女和三位更年轻的儿子,在男性优先均分继承法下只有两位最年长的儿子会继承头衔。年龄较大的儿子获得两个公国和一个省份;年龄较小的儿子获得一个公国和一个省份;第三个儿子不能继承,因为没有至少一个省份来使其继承更高级别头衔;女儿不能继承因为她有兄弟。如果两个省份位于不同公国,年龄较大的儿子继承征召兵最多的省份和所属公国,年龄较小的儿子继承另一个省份。年龄较小的儿子不是他哥哥的封臣因为他们有同级别头衔。最年幼的儿子以及女儿成为他们年龄较大的兄弟的廷臣,如果他们之前也是廷臣。 ===好感=== 位于均分继承法下的统治者面临以下好感修正: {| class="wikitable" style = "width: 75%" |- ! 角色 ! scope="column" align="center" | 好感修正 ! 原因 |- | 是主要继承人的子女 ! -5 | 他们可能更喜欢[[长子继承法]]! |- | 其他所有可继承的子女 ! +15 | 几乎可以肯定会从继承中得到些什么。 |- | 其他所有家族成员 ! +5 | |- | 所有封臣 ! +5 | 一个分裂的国家利于他们自己家族的未来前景。封臣一般喜欢权利分散而且软弱的国家。 |} == 历史依据 == 分封继承是早期封建国家的普遍做法。它有多种形式,包括几种被称为“均分继承”的形式。[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavelkind 均分继承]作为历史上的一种继承方式被发现于肯特,爱尔兰,威尔士和英格兰的某些地区。 其效果可以在多个[[开局时间]]看到: * 在 {{icon|cm}} 769开局,we see the brothers Charles and Carloman vie to reunite Francia. History was [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne#Ambiguous_high_office slightly more ambiguous]: their father hoped they would rule as "joint kings" rather than each ruling a fully independent half-kingdom. * In {{icon|tog}}867, we see the legacy of Charles' success. What was briefly his "Holy Roman Empire" is now six independent kingdoms, each ruled by a different descendant: West Francia, Lotharingia, East Francia, Aquitaine, Italy, and Bavaria; his empire had fractured after the death of his son, Louis the Pious. * In 1066, we see the descendants of Rurik (Rurikid dynasty) holding many independent duchies in Rus and Ruthenia (although actual Russians did not use gavelkind; they had the so-called "rota collateral" succession system, which is closer to [[seniority]] in many aspects. Indeed, the succession of the kingdom of Kievan Rus in-game is Seniority in 1066. After the Council of Liubech in 1097, rota was abandoned and replaced with ''appanage'', which is basically gavelkind). ==Strategies== ===Arranging to have a single heir=== '''[[Succession#Disqualification|Disqualify]] younger siblings from inheritance:''' * [[Diplomatic actions#Order to take the vows|Send them to a monastery]] ** While they are not heirs to any title, e.g. while your demesne only has 1 county ** Or while you have them imprisoned, perhaps after [[excommunication]]. * Send sons to a holy order * Unless you're pagan (Muslims do not use gavelkind), granting them a theocratic title will disinherit them. You are not allowed to disinherit your primary heir in this manner, although you can do it to your heir's heir. If Catholic, they may have the opportunity to become [[Pope]], increasing dynasty prestige. In case your heir dies unexpectedly, you can [[title revocation|revoke]] the church title of one of your other sons to put him back in the line of succession. **Give them a newly constructed church holding **Give them a church freed from infidels via holy war **With [[Investiture|free investiture]], nominate them as successor to an old or [[Assassination|accident-prone]] bishop. '''Allow your titles to pass between branches of your dynasty''' by not having any children, but allowing other dynasts to breed. Dynasts having multiple eligible heirs will not split the titles. Educate dynasts' children in your court. *This strategy works best if your dynasty has several branches which are landed so that breeding can proceed without inhibition. *Ensure that your dynastic heir doesn't have children of their own before inheritance. Consider monitoring other members in the line of succession as they can become heir due to untimely deaths. '''Kill unwanted heirs:''' * Imprison and execute (generally results in [[tyranny]] and {{iconify|kinslayer}}) **If you're in the Byzantine culture group, you can castrate them instead, avoiding Kinslayer and tyranny at the cost of a large opinion penalty. Eunuchs can't be given or inherit landed titles. Do this before they have children, otherwise they will inherit instead. (needs verifying) * Send your sons to lead the troops, and try to get them killed in battle or by disease. '''Consider trying to have fewer children:''' * If you are male, marry an older or less fertile woman. ** If pagan, Zoroastrian, or following the Eastern religions, don't take concubines. * [[Imprisonment|Imprison]] your spouse once you have an heir. * If you feel like you have enough children, there are ways for your character to become less likely to have children. Events can make your character castrated ({{iconify|Eunuch}}), or less fertile ({{iconify|Chaste}}). There are also societies that at a certain rank allow you to choose to become {{iconify|celibate}}. '''Sire bastard children:''' * If {{icon|wol}}[[Way of Life]] DLC is activated, select the [[seduction]] focus. * Select people with good genetic traits that are close to you. ** Use the "Find Characters" menu to find them. ** {{iconify|Lustful}} characters are usually swooned with more success. * Repeat one-night stands by choosing to "love and leave". ** Wait three months and check if you or your target have been successfully impregnated, if not then seduce them again. * Do this with as many people as you like. ** Usually three is sufficient. * Have many children to increase the odds of having babies with good genetic traits. ** Don't forget to actually acknowledge them as your bastard. * Legitimize the best one. * This strategy can be used as backup in case your dynasts fail to produce a desirable heir. * Optional: Choose not to marry in order to avoid "Unfaithful Lecher" -100 opinion maluses with your spouse. Marry after you have selected a heir. ===Organizing the division=== Titles given out before succession will still be taken into account for the calculation. For instance, giving out duchy titles of some smaller/further duchies to other sons can ensure that your heir will inherit that big center capital duchy in addition to the kingdom. This is best suited for an aggressive expansion play-style, where conquered lands can be given out without lowering your own demesne. Don't use the decision to have your chancellor hand out titles; do it yourself instead, even if you have hundreds of surplus titles. This decision has a habit of distributing them to your sons in a way that leaves your primary heir with nothing but your primary title and a single county, making a succession war all but inevitable. ===Keeping a single primary title=== : ''This subsection is out of date: some of these situations no longer prevent the land in question from going along with the kingdom grant'' Avoid creating additional kingdoms until you are ready to form an empire. (Keep in mind the gold and piety cost, particularly the gold cost as it costs more gold to create the empire title after paying the 200 piety to form the second kingdom.) If you find yourself with a second kingdom, try to "destroy" the extra kingdom by giving it to a count who will receive few duchies with the kingdom because: * The duchies are not formed * The duchies are held by you * The duchies are held as secondary duchies * The dukes are direct vassals of a king who is your vassal * The dukes are at war (e.g. with each other, or in a crusade) Alternatively, ensure your primary kingdom is the strongest, and push your claims against your siblings after succession. ===Preventing succession crisis=== Because your siblings inherit land and have a claim on your primary title, they are likely to create claimant [[factions]]. You (the primary heir) most likely have low prestige, a shrunken demesne, and (especially if you're unreformed pagan) a "short reign" penalty with most or all of your vassals. Between your siblings' power and your lack of power, bloody civil wars are likely. Some possible strategies: *'''Many weak heirs''': it may be easier to deal with many weak heirs that may fight against each other, rather than one strong brother that can challenge your power all by himself. *'''Strong capital''': A primary heir is likely to get the capital county, so researching [[technology]], constructing holdings and [[buildings]] can ensure said heir an advantage over their siblings. Due to de jure preference, the primary heir will also likely keep the duchy and even kingdom that contains the capital, if in a kingdom or empire. *'''Inheritance of gold''': the wealth of a ruler is not divided on gavelkind succession, which can be used by the heir to smooth the transition (bribes, mercenaries, ...) *'''Retinues and outlying vassals''': Retinues are not divided up but all go to the primary heir; and the only direct vassals your siblings get are the de jure ones. A large multi-duchy kingdom can conquer many duchies outside its de jure borders, and the vassals there will be compelled to send troops to your reunification war. (Just be sure that such vassals are still within the empire which your kingdom belong to ''de jure''.) A large retinue on the border can strike opposing armies before they can organize, if fighting a reunification war is necessary. *'''Prepare opinion boosts''' for your heir to use as soon as he takes the throne. ** Leave some duchies uncreated, so your heir can get prestige and "granted a duchy" opinion bonuses. (This may not be possible if you're close to your vassal limit.) ** Leave some counts as direct vassals, so your heir can transfer them to dukes. ** Keep [[raiding|loot]] aboard ships for the prestige bonus. *'''Consider a mix of counties and baronies within your capital duchy as your demesne''': Besides holding onto only one title of each tier (from duchy to empire, if applicable), consider a mix of counties and baronies within your capital duchy (or even capital county) as your demesne. The secondary heirs are more likely to inherit baronies rather than counties, making them much easier to control. The land, being inside your capital duchy, will be useful as well. === Appointing temporary vassals === Grant your extra counties and duchies to men who do not (and will not) have heirs. Their titles will not count as part of your demesne to be divided by gavelkind, but will eventually return to your primary heir—along with any unspent wealth and tech points. The temporary vassal should be kinless, old, and less fertile: {{iconify|homosexual}}, {{iconify|infirm}}, {{iconify|incapable}}, {{iconify|inbred}}, {{iconify|leper}}, {{iconify|mangled}}, or {{iconify|celibate}}. [[Marriage#Betrothal|Betroth]] him to an infant girl, making it difficult for him to have children, especially if his religion does not allow [[polygamy]] or concubinage. If you are Greek and control your religious head, you could even [[excommunication|excommunicate]] him, and ''after'' giving him the title, [[imprisonment|imprison]] and [[Decisions#Vassal decisions|castrate]] [[File:Eunuch.png]] him. ===Combining succession types=== If you hold multiple titles for which you can change the succession law, for example an [[empire]] and a [[kingdom]], you can set the highest title to gavelkind and all other titles to [[primogeniture]]. This grants the benefits of gavelkind succession (+30% demesne, no prestige penalty for unlanded sons) without causing title splits (provided that all titles lower than the rank of king are located within the [[de jure]] kingdoms that you set to primogeniture). The flaw in this method is if you have multiple potential heirs and your firstborn has a similarly eligible child and then dies. Gavelkind gives priority to younger siblings, and primogeniture prioritizes grandchildren of older children, so the empire and kingdoms will split. Using [[feudal elective]] instead of primogeniture can work around this issue, especially if you use a small kingdom as your personal demesne. [[Category:Succession laws]] {{SuccessionNavbox}}